Straight Talk, May 2006

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Words of 98.6 FM Mega Sunday 3:30 pm

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91.3 FM Capital Radio Sunday 8:00 pm

Straight Talk Radio Show

96.1 FM Rhino FM Sunday 7:30 pm
101 FM Voice of Toro Sunday 11:30am
88.4 FM Voice of Teso Friday 7:30 pm
87.8 FM Radio Paidha Saturday 7:30 pm
Young people, enjoy your 89.4 FM Nile B/casting Sunday 7:30 pm
96.9 FM Radio Rukungiri Saturday 8:30 pm
youth. Be happy while you
103.2 FM Open Gate Friday 8:30 pm
are still young. Do what 106.8 FM Rock Mambo Saturday 6:30 pm
you want to do, and follow 88.6 FM Radio Hoima Friday 7:30 pm
your heart’s desire. 97.4 FM Freedom II Sunday 6:30 pm
But remember that God is 92.9 FM Apac Sunday 7:30 pm
going to judge you for 97.5 FM Messiah Saturday 6:15 pm
whatever you do. 94.1 FM Nile FM Sunday 6:30 pm
Ecclesiastes 11:9 ENGLISH PROGRAMMES

13 No. 5 May 2
pregnant. She will only start bleeding They can get pregnant anytime they have
(menstruation) after delivering that first sex. Boys can also make a girl pregnant
baby, if she survives delivery. Pregnancy anytime they have sex. Besides, there are

can get
at 14, the age most girls start their no safe days from HIV/STD infection.
periods is very risky.
Washing after sex
During menstruation Is it true that when you have sex and wash

My friends say if a girl is in menstruation with one litre of coca-cola you do not get
she can become pregnant and other say if pregnant? Nabakooza S, S1, Lubiri SS,
she has sex three days after her period she Kampala
cannot become pregnant. Which is which? This is a myth. When you have sex,
millions of sperm cells are released. If the
Tumusiime FD, Standard HS, sex is unprotected, there is nothing that

Ntungamo can stop them from reaching the egg.
Some women and girls ovulate while in
menstruation. This means that a girl can
get pregnant even while menstruating. Withdrawing
Can you make a girl pregnant if you

you have
Safe days withdraw before releasing sperms? Boy
17, Kabarole
Are there safe days for girls? Akurut I, Yes, you can. There are fluids that come
S3, Sir Samuel Baker SS out of the penis even before a male
No. There are no safe days for girls. releases semen (ejaculates). These pre-
Adolescent girls are still undergoing ejaculate fluids also contain sperm cells

body changes and their cycles are and you can make a girl pregnant even
irregular. though you withdraw before finishing.

Journalists for a day

"I know of a student
Early sex and myths who dropped out of
about pregnancy school due to early
have led many young sex." Read more
people into trouble. about what other
'journalists' had to
The first time say on page 2
Are you likely to get pregnant the
first time you have sex? E Auma,
Busia SS
Yes. A girl can get pregnant the
first time she has sex. A boy can
also make a girl pregnant the first
time he has sex. Pregnancy is not
determined by the number of
times one has had sex, but
whether the girl is ovulating.
Ovulation is when a female’s
ovaries release an egg to the and Acklines
fallopian tubes in preparation for
fertilization. Namaanya
Before the first period of Premier HS,
Is it true that if you have sex with a
girl who has not started
Bushenyi interview
menstruation, she will not get
pregnant? Okello E each other
No. She can get pregnant.
Before a girl menstruates for the
first time, an egg is released from
the ovaries. Your sperm cell can
fertilise that egg before it gets out
of the body, making her
2 Straight Talk, May 2006

Stories of
early sex
Straight Talk traveled to Sheema Premier School in Bushenyi, where ST club
members worked and had fun as journalists for a day. Students interviewed
We are proud to be
associated with
Straight Talk. ST
Bwuzibwera SS,
each other on stories of early sex.

Deceived by money he would

A girl who comes from a poor family was deceived by a boy. He told her
pregna nt. She was sent from
pay her school fees. He asked for sex and she became
home. She is now selling pancak es in
school and her parents also chased her from
advise her to apologi se to her parents and
town with her baby on the back. I would
intervie wed by Mugum e Barbar a, 17, S4
go back home. Kituntu Kenneth,
I know a girl who got pregnant while looking for school fees from a sugar-d
n her parents
She was chased from school. She tried to abort, but after the abortio
, 16,
refused to take her back to school. She is now a housegirl. Tumwine Asaph
S3, Interviewed by Nabaasa Edson
I know a girl who was in S2. She lacked basic needs like pads. She got a man
having sex with him. She became pregna nt and
promised to meet her needs after
early sex
dropped out of school. She now works in a bar. I advise teenagers to avoid
by small
and engage in income generating activities. Girls should not be tempted
things. Nabaasa Edson 21, S4 interviewed by Tumwiine Asaph

Deceived by mar riage promise o promised to

P6. She had a boyfriend
My sister got pregnant in arara where they spent a
year. She
k he r to Mb
marry he r. He too when she was
ing to schoo l. Th ey returned to Kabohwe
was no t go nt to Ishaka
gnan t. Our da d chase d her from home. She we father later
by caesarian section. Our
slums and she gave birth . Girl interviewed by Naamanya
allowed her to return ho

Acquired HIV
We were in S1 when my friend was getting money from cyclists in
town. She was 15. I warned her against it but she continued. She
became pregnant. She was operated but the baby died at delivery.
She later discovered she was HIV positive. She is down with AIDS.
N Agnes, S4

Died while aborting

A friend was made pregnant by a fellow student. When she
discovered she was pregnant, she ran away from school. She died
while carrying out an abortion. The boy was taken to prison and
ST club of Premier HS who participated in Straight
page. forced to pay sh. 500,000 before he was released. Teenagers should
on this
'Journalist for a day'. They wrote all the stories learn to make good decisions, avoid bad pressure and pass their
leisure time in productive activities. They should also listen to
'Straight Talk Radio Show.' Katsigaire Pastori
Chased from
My cousin was chased Made to pay for gifts The
from home when she got My friend who was in S2 used to receive gifts from an old man.
sex. She becam e pregn ant and was expell ed
pregnant. The boy man demanded for
responsible disappeared from school. The man denied the pregnancy. She disappeared
to Kampala. She is now from home and worked in Kampala as a housegirl.
moving up and down
looking for where she can When she was about to deliver, she returned home but was
with her grand mothe r until she
get help. She made a away by her father. She went to live
birth and she was also about to die.
wrong decision. Peace gave birth. Her baby died at
Kemigisha 18, S4 She is now a beggar in Mbarara town. I would advise her to
she can live a norma l life. Naam anya Phion a
counseling so that
interviewed by Naamanya Ackline
I have a friend who got He
pregnant at an early age. A girl called Irene got a sugar daddy who used to give her gifts.
demanded for sex in return. She becam e pregn ant. She is now
I advise fellow students to
to delay sex. Namiiro selling local brew. I advise her to ask her parents for some land
grow vegetables and get some mone y to go back to schoo l.
Hanifah 16, S2, Northroad
College School, Kampala Artamanya Kenneth, S4
3 Straight Talk, May 2006

Pregnancy doesn't mean marriage

Everyone makes mistakes. • Needs to go back to school
However, one mistake after delivering.
should not lead into
another. When you make a •You can get a school nearby
mistake, learn from it. home where you can easily go
back and breastfeed your child.
Getting pregnant does not mean
getting married. Many girls drop •If you are not supported by
out of school because of your family, you should find
pregnancy. They never go back some work and earn some
to school. Many times they are money for your school needs.
forced to marry. This is not right.
Beatrice Bainomugisha, a • Revisit your goals in life and
counsellor says one mistake start afresh.
should not lead into another.
When a girl gets pregnant she:
We have formed a Straight Talk
•Should not abort Club: Members of the newly formed
St. John's SS club, Ikumba, Kabale
• Needs to seek counselling and
guidance, first from school and
other trusted elders.
You can have a second chance to revisit your
future goals, when you are pregnant.

Begin with the However, remember, by the time you get

pregnant, or make a girl pregnant, you may

End in Mind
also have acquired diseases like HIV/STDs.
Some of these are incurable.

Avoid unwanted pregnancy, HIV/STDs by

delaying sex or using condoms correctly
When you decide to do anything in every time you have sex.
life, you need to first think about
it critically.
For everything we do, there is a result or
an outcome. Some people set out to do
those things without looking at the
outcome and end up regretting what
they did.
QUIZ ïDo you have
young brothers/
A teenager with a vision in life has
to have missions and goals. Set ïWhat do you
your goals in life at the earliest
time possible. If you have not yet
think is your role
set them, you can do it now. as a big brother/
Take time to visualise what you
want to become in future and ïWhat kind of role
start working towards it.
model are you to
You need the 'end in mind'
1- You are young
2- You are free I love Straight Talk for
the educative Write to The Editor, Straight Talk, P O
This means you have a whole information that Box 22366, Kampala. Look out for the
they give us.
life ahead of you. What you
Swaiburiy Najib
winning letters in the ST issue of
want to do with your life is
Waidha 18, S5, August 2006.
entirely into your hands.
Kigulu HS,
Before you think of having sex Iganga
think of the result and whether it
will enhance your future.
Rock Point 256 is a radio drama: enjoy and learn
4 Straight Talk, May 2006
Big breasts understand very well.
I am only 16 but have big What can I do? TL, 18,
breasts. When I see my S4, Rutaka SS Kisoro
friends with small breasts Don’t give up. Some
I feel out of place. I feel people take long to
like reducing my breast. understand some issues.
What can I do? C O, However, if they read
Comprehensive the information more
College, times and consult others
Kitelika,Wakiso who have understood it
better, they eventually
You should not feel understand and learn.
ashamed of your breasts. Asking your teachers to
The size and shape of go over the subject more
breasts are determined slowly and explaining to
by genes, inherited from you what you have not
parents. Your breasts understood will help.
may also change with Also forming discussion
weight gain or loss. groups with other
However, the size of students who know the
your breasts has no subject better will assist
effect on whether you you learn from them
will be able to breast We advise fellow youths to stay safe, respect what you didn’t

feed or not, which is the elders and be God loving people, St club, understand.
primary function of Standard HS, Lira
breasts. Appreciate Unprotected sex
month. If not taken as If this fails, seek medical


○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
yourself. You are I have a girl I really trust.

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
required you will get care. We have ever had sex
pregnant. For a condom to get stuck using a condom but the
in the vagina shows that it
Abortion and 3666
2236 last time we had
O.Bo Condom use was not used well. Read
infertility P.P.O. unprotected sex. Should I
Suppose I am having the instructions on the continue with unprotected
If a girl carries out an
sex and the condom slips pack before using sex with her or not?
abortion, can she have
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

off and remains in the condoms. Using them

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

babies in future or is it the health unit and seek the Okonkwo, 16, S4,
girl’s vagina, what can I wrongly will expose you Uring SS, Nebbi
end of her reproductive health workers’ care and do? Tumusiime J, S2, St to unwanted pregnancy You are still very young to
life? Janan Luwum SS, advice about the pain you Paul SS, Bukida, Kabale and STDs like HIV. be engaging in sex and
Kampala are having. The girl should insert two worst of all unprotected
Carrying out abortions
fingers into the vagina Learning
in Uganda is criminal. Menstruation sex. You are at risk of
and pull out the condom. I read hard but can not
So those who do it My friend told me that once impregnating the girl and
normally carry it out I skip my periods, I am ending up with an
under unsafe pregnant, yet I have not unwanted pregnancy.
conditions and by had sex. Does this mean I Both of you are also at
unqualified people. This am barren? Kabalisa I, risk of getting STDs.
exposes one to infection, Kinyara SS, Masindi Concentrate on your
severe bleeding and You can only become studies, abstain and
sometimes damage to pregnant if you have sex. leave sex for a time when
the genital tract and Many adolescent girls you are older, married to
reproductive organs. If may miss their periods a partner with whom you
you are lucky not to die from time to time due to have tested for the HIV.
from these stress and changes in
complications, you may environment. Irregular Masturbation
in future fail to produce. periods may occur with and virginity
infections that cause My friend says whenever
Pain fevers, weight loss, he desires to have sex, he
I am 18 and a virgin. I changes in environment, masturbates. He says he
have pain around my or increased physical or fears STDs and pregnancy.
testicles and the waist. I athletic activity. However, Is he still a virgin when he
have always been you should seek medical is doing this?
advised by my friends to attention if you miss your Bithaghalere G, 17, S3
get a partner and have periods for more than Royal ranges SS,
sex, four months. Kilembe, Kasese
saying it is as a result of As long as your friend
excess sperms. Pregnancy has not yet had
Balyejususa M, S3, prevention penetrative sex with
Green Fields HS, Is it true that when you take anyone he is still a virgin.
Iganga four tablets after sex you do One losses their virginity
It is not true that not not get pregnant? Abstinence is our if they are engaged into
Abstinence is is our
having sex causes Agwicho A, 20, S4 penetrative sex with
backache and pain key. Members of of
key. Members ST another person.
Olomet SS ST Club,
club, TororoTororo
around the testicles. Kaberamaido Counsellor: Dr Edrine
Community SSSS
What your friends are The only tablets that can
advising you to do is prevent one becoming
wrong and is known as
peer influence. Having
pregnant are
contraceptives. These
45 Bukoto St., Kamwokya, P. O. Box 22366, Tel: 0312-262030, 0312-262031 041-
sex at your age will only should be prescribed by a 530088 Kampala (U), Fax: 041-534858, E-mail: [email protected], strtalk@straight-
expose you to sexually health worker after, Web: Communications Director: Cathy Watson,,
transmitted diseases, HIV examination and are Programme Director: Anne Akia Fiedler, Editors: Teopista Agutu, Betty
inclusive. It is important taken on a regular Kagoro, Edith Kimuli, Gilbert Awekofua. Designers: MeBK, G.bM, Funded by
that you visit the nearest basis throughout the DANIDA, DFID, Ireland Aid, and SIDA Printer: Vision Printing

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