Futsal Body Final
Futsal Body Final
Futsal Body Final
The origin of Futsal (Five-a-Side Soccer) can be traced back to Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1930 when Juan Carlos Ceriani devised a five-a-side version of soccer for youth completion in YMCAs. The game is played on basketball-sized courts, both indoors and out without the use of sidewalls. The term FUTSAL is the international term used for the game. It is derived from the Spanish or Portuguese word for "soccer"-- FUTbol or FUTebol, and the French or Spanish word for "indoor" -- SALon or SALa. The game is frequently referred to as Five-A-Side or Mini-soccer. Once Ceriani got the ball rolling, Futsal gained rapid popularity throughout South America, particularly in Brazil. The skill developed in this game is visible in the world-famous style the Brazilians display outdoors on the full-sized field. Pele, Zico, Socrates, Bebeto and other Brazilian superstars developed their skill playing Futsal. While Brazil continues to be the Futsal hub of the world, the game is now played, under the auspices of FIFA, all over the world, from Europe to North and Central America and the Caribbean, South America, Africa, and Asia and Oceania. The first international competition took place in 1965, when Paraguay won the first South American Cup. Six more South American Cups were held through 1979, with Brazil winning all of them. Brazil continued its dominance with a victory in the first Pan American Cup in 1980 and won it again the next time it was played in 1984. A U.S. team took part in the 1984 cup, but finished out of the running. The first Futsal World Championship conducted under the auspices of FIFUSA (before its members integrated into FIFA in 1989) was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1982, with Brazil finishing in first place. The Brazilians repeated as champions at the second World Championship in 1985 in Spain, but lost in the third World Championship in 1988 in Australia to Paraguay. FIFA took over direct sponsorship of the event in 1989 in Holland and 1992 in Hong Kong. Brazil won both times. The U.S. Futsal (Indoor Team), finished third in 1989 and second in 1992 at the FIFA Five-a-Side World Championship. The highest showing by any team from the United States in a FIFA tournament until the U.S. Womens team won the gold medal in China for outdoor soccer. The Third FIFA World Championship was held November 24 through December 11, 1996, in Spain and for the first time FIFA names it the FIFA Futsal World Championship. The Fourth FIFA Futsal World
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Championship was held in Guatemala between November 18 to December 4th, 2000. The fifth Futsal World Championship was held in Taipei in December 2004. Facilities and Equipment
The Field The pitch is made up of wood or artificial material, or similar surface, although any flat, smooth and non-abrasive material may be used. The length of the pitch is in the range of 3842 m (4246 yd), and the width is in the range of 2025 m (22-27 yd) in international matches. For other matches, it can be 2542 m (2746 yd) in length, while the width can be 1625 m (17-27 yd), as long as the length of the longer boundary lines (touchlines) are greater than the shorter boundaries where the goals are placed (goal lines). The "standard" size court for an international is 40 m 20 m (44 yd 22 yd). The ceiling must be at least 4 m (4 yd) high. A rectangular goal is positioned at the middle of each goal line. The inner edges of the vertical goal posts must be 3 m (3 yd) apart, and the lower edge of the horizontal crossbar supported by the goal posts must be 2 m (2.2 yd) above the ground. Nets made of hemp, jute or nylon is attached to the back of the goalposts and crossbar. The lower part of the nets is attached to curved tubing or another suitable means of support. The depth of the goal is 80 cm (31 in) at the top and 1 m (3.3 ft) at the bottom.
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The ball Size #4 Circumference: 62-64 cm Weight: 390-430 grams Bounce: 55-65 cm on first bounce Material: Leather or other suitable material (i.e., not dangerous)
Players Equipment: A jersey or shirt Shorts if thermal under shorts are worn, they are the same main color of the shorts Socks Shin-guards are covered entirely by the socks and are made of a suitable material. Footwear the only type of footwear permitted are canvas or soft-leather training or gymnastic shoes with soles of rubber or a similar material. The user of footwear is compulsory Numbers on jersey and shorts will be shown in contrasting colors Goalkeepers are permitted to wear long trousers and should have goalkeeper gloves
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Terminologies Defender An outfield player whose primary role is to prevent the opposition from scoring Goalkeeper/Flying goalkeeper The most specialized position in football. A goalkeeper's job is mainly defensive: to guard the team's goal from being breached (to not let the other team score). Goalkeepers are the only players allowed to touch the ball with their hands and arms; however they are restricted to doing so only within their penalty area. Pivot The most advanced player on the pitch (similar to the Centre Forward in association football). Kick-in A kick-in is INDIRECT. It will be awarded when the ENTIRE ball crosses the line Will be taken at place where the ball crossed the line, by the opponent who last touched the ball The ball must remain stationary The ball can be kicked back in any direction Defending players must be at least 3m from where the kick-in is taken There are 4 seconds to take the kick-in (The player taking the kick-in cannot touch the ball twice, if done an indirect free will be awarded.) Universal Player/Undefined This is a player that can play anywhere in the field. Winger/Wing/Flank Players in constantly moving in the pitch, between defense and attack and supports the pivot. 5th foul/6th foul Once a team has accumulated 5 fouls during a half (those accumulated in the second half continue to accumulate into extra time), from the 6th foul: That team shall not be allowed a defensive wall. All free kicks shall be direct (no indirect free kicks). Infringements committed within 12 meters of the goal line shall be punished with a direct free taken from the point of infringement or from the second penalty spot; infringements committed from12 meters or
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further from the goal line shall be punished with a direct free kick from the Second Penalty Spot. Team Composition Players A match shall be played by two teams, each consisting of no more than five players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. Minimum number of players to start the match: 5, one of whom shall be a goalkeeper. Minimum number of players to finish the match: 3, one of whom shall be a goalkeeper. Skills Blocking It happens when an attack player shoots the block on target but an opposite team player blocks it. Carrying It happens when one player runs off with the ball. Heading When one player clears the shot away with his head Offside It happens when one passed the ball on to an attacker who is the closest to the opposing team's goalkeeper which mean he's the last player of his team against the other teams goal Tackle When a player takes the ball from another player of the opposing team by good trick Trapping When two defenders trap an opposing attacker Dribbling It is a tricky move that the player makes with any part of his body. Example: Dribbling the ball with his shoulder. Kicking When any player kicks the ball to any part of the field
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Passing Shooting Receiving Rules and Regulations of the Game THE FIELD The pitch shall be rectangular. The length of the touch line shall be greater than the length of the goal line. Length: minimum 25m maximum 42m Width: minimum 15m maximum 25m
THE BALL Qualities and measurements The ball shall be spherical made of leather or another suitable material of a circumference of not less than 62 cm and not more than 64 cm not less than 400 grams or more than 440 grams in weight at the start of the match of a pressure equal to 0.4-0.6 atmospheres (400600g/cm2) at sea level. Replacement of a defective ball If the ball bursts or becomes damaged during the course of a match: play shall be stopped the match shall be restarted by dropping the replacement ball at the place where the first ball became damaged* If the ball bursts or is damaged while not in play (at a kick-off, goal kick, corner kick, free kick, penalty kick or kick-in): play shall be restarted in accordance with the Laws
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The ball may not be changed during the match without the referees permission. NUMBER OF PLAYERS Players A match shall be played by two teams, each consisting of no more than five players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. Substitution procedure Substitutes may be used in any match that is part of an official competition organized by FIFA, a confederation or a member association. The maximum number of substitutes permitted is seven. The number of substitutions that may be made during a match is unlimited. A player who has been replaced may return to the pitch as a substitute for another player. A substitution may be made at any time, regardless of whether the ball is in play or not, provided that the following conditions are observed: The player leaving the pitch does so via his own teams substitution zone. The player entering the pitch does so via his own teams substitution zone but not until the player leaving the pitch has completely crossed the touch line A substitute is subject to the authority and jurisdiction of the referees, whether he is called upon to play in a match or not The substitution is completed when the substitute enters the pitch, at which moment he becomes an active player and the player whom he is replacing ceases to be an active player A goalkeeper may change places with any other player. Infringements/Sanctions If, while a substitution is being made, a substitute enters the pitch before the player being replaced has completely left it: Play shall be stopped The player being replaced shall be instructed to leave the pitch The substitute shall be cautioned, shown the yellow card and ordered to leave the pitch to complete the substitution procedure Play shall be restarted with an indirect free kick to the opposing team from the place where the ball was situated when the game was stopped* If, while a substitution is being made, a substitute enters the pitch or a player being substituted leaves the pitch from anywhere other than his own teams substitution zone: Play shall be stopped The offending player shall be shown the yellow card and ordered to leave the pitch to complete the substitution procedure
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Play shall be restarted with an indirect free kick to the opposing team from the place where the ball was situated when the game was stopped*
PLAYERS EQUIPMENT Safety A player shall not use equipment or wear anything (including any kind of jewellery) that could be dangerous to himself or another player. Basic equipment The basic compulsory equipment of a player comprises the following separate articles: a jersey or shirt shorts - if thermal undershorts are worn, these shall be of the same main colour as the shorts socks shinguards footwear - the only types of footwear permitted are canvas or soft-leather training or gymnastic shoes with soles of rubber or a similar material Shinguards shall be entirely covered by the socks shall be made of a suitable material (rubber, plastic or similar substances) shall provide a reasonable degree of protection Goalkeepers the goalkeeper is permitted to wear long trousers each goalkeeper shall wear colours that easily distinguish him from the other players and the referees if an outfield player replaces a goalkeeper, he shall wear a goalkeepers jersey with his number marked on the back MAIN REFEREE Duties: Enforce the laws, apply the advantage rule, keep a record of all incidents before, during and after game, stop game when deemed necessary, caution or expel players guilty of misconduct, violent conduct or other ungentlemanly behavior, allow no others to enter the pitch, stop game to have injured players removed, signal for game to be restarted after every stoppage, decide that the ball meets with the stipulated requirements. Position: The side opposite to the player benches. Power Unique to Main Referee: Can overrule Assistant Referee's calls. SECOND REFEREE
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Duties: Same as Main Referee, with the addition of keeping a check on the 2-minute punishment period after a player has been sent off, ensuring that substitutions are carried out properly, and keeping a check on the 1-minute time-out. Position: The same side as the player benches
TIMEKEEPER Duties: Start game clock after kick-off, stop it when the ball is out of play, and restart it after all restarts; keep a check on 2-minute punishment for sending off; indicate end of first half and match with some sort of sound; record time-outs and fouls (and indicate when a team has exceeded the 5-foul limit); record game stoppages, scorers, players cautioned and sent off, and other information relevant to the game. Position: Outside halfway line on the same side as the substitution zone (i.e., the players' bench side) DURATION OF THE GAME
Periods of play The match shall last two equal periods of 20 minutes. The timekeeping shall be carried out by a timekeeper, whose duties are defined in Law 7. The duration of either half may be prolonged to enable a penalty kick to be taken, or for a direct free kick to be taken against a team that have committed more than five accumulated fouls. Time-out The teams are entitled to a one-minute time-out in each half. The following conditions apply to a time-out: the team officials are authorised to request the timekeeper for a oneminute time-out a one-minute time-out may be requested at any time but is permitted only when the team requesting the time-out is in possession of the ball
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the timekeeper indicates permission for a time-out when the ball is out of play using a whistle or another acoustic signal distinct from the ones used by the referees when a time-out is granted, the substitutes shall stay off the pitch
Players may only be substituted at the end of a time-out. The official issuing the instructions may not enter the pitch a team that does not request a time-out in the first half of the match shall only be entitled to one time-out during the second half Half-time interval The half-time interval shall not exceed 15 minutes. THE START OF PLAY Introduction A coin is tossed and the team that wins the toss shall decide which goal it will attack in the first half of the match. The other team shall take the kickoff to start the match. The team that wins the toss shall take the kick-off to start the second half of the match. At the start of the second half of the match, the teams shall change ends and attack in the opposite direction. Kick-off A kick-off is a way of starting or restarting play: at the start of the match after a goal has been scored at the start of the second half of the match at the start of each period of extra time A goal may be scored directly from the kick-off. Procedure After all players shall be in their own half of the field the opponents of the team taking the kick-off must be at least 3 m from the ball until it is in play the ball shall be stationary on the centre mark the referee shall give a signal the ball shall be deemed in play from the moment it is kicked and moves forward the kicker may not touch the ball for a second time before it has been touched by another player a team scores a goal, the kick-off shall be taken by the other team.
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If the kicker touches the ball a second time before it has touched another player: an indirect free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred* In the event of any other infringement of the kick-off procedure, the kickoff shall be retaken. Dropped ball
A dropped ball is a way of restarting the match after a temporary stoppage for any reason not mentioned in the Laws of the Game, provided that prior to the stoppage the ball was in play and had not crossed either the touch lines or goal lines. Procedure One of the referees shall drop the ball at the place where it was situated when play was stopped*. Infringements/Sanctions The ball shall be dropped again: if it is touched by a player before it makes contact with the ground if the ball leaves the pitch after it makes contact with the ground, without a player touching it Special circumstances A free kick awarded to the defending team in its own penalty area may be taken from any point inside that penalty area. An indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team in the penalty area of the opposing team shall be taken from the penalty area line at the point nearest to where the offence was committed. A dropped ball to restart play after it has been temporarily stopped inside the penalty area shall be taken from the penalty area line at the point nearest to the position of the ball when play was stopped. BALL IN AND OUT OF PLAY
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Ball out of play: When it has wholly crossed the goal line or touchline; when the game has been stopped by a referee; when the ball hits the ceiling (restart: dropped ball beneath that point). Lines: Touchlines and goal lines are considered inside the playing area.
METHOD OF SCORING Goal scored A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line between the goalposts and under the crossbar, unless a member of the attacking team, including the goalkeeper, has deliberately carried, thrown or struck the ball with his hands or arms, and provided that the scoring team has not previously infringed the Laws of the Game. Winning team The team that scores the greater number of goals during a match shall be the winner. If both teams score an equal number of goals or if no goals are scored, the match shall end in a draw. Competition regulations If the competition regulations state that a match shall end with a winning team or if a play-off match ends in a draw, only the following procedures shall be taken into account: the number of goals scored away from home extra time kicks taken from the penalty mark FOULS AND MISCONDUCT Fouls and misconduct shall be penalized as follows: Direct free kick A direct free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following six infringements in a manner considered by the referees to be careless, reckless or excessively forceful: kicking or attempting to kick an opponent tripping or attempting to trip an opponent, either by sliding or by bending down in front of or behind an opponent, jumping on an opponent charging an opponent striking or attempting to strike an opponent
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pushing an opponent
A direct free kick shall also be awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following five infringements: holding an opponent spitting at an opponent sliding in an attempt to play the ball while an opponent is playing it or is about to play it (sliding tackle), except for the goalkeeper in his own penalty area, provided that he does not endanger the safety of an opponent touching the opponent before the ball when attempting to win possession carrying, striking or throwing the ball with ones hands or arms, except for the goalkeeper in his own penalty area The direct free kick shall be taken from the place where the infringement occurred, unless the free kick has been awarded to the defending team in its own penalty area, in which case the free kick may be taken from any point inside the penalty area. The above-mentioned infringements are accumulated fouls. Penalty kick A penalty kick shall be awarded if a player commits any of the aforementioned infringements inside his own penalty area, irrespective of the position of the ball but provided that it is in play. Indirect free kick An indirect free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team if a goalkeeper commits any of the following offences: after clearing the ball, he touches it again with his hands before it has been played or touched by an opponent he touches or controls the ball with his hands after it has been deliberately kicked to him by a team-mate he touches or controls the ball with his hands after he has received it directly from a kick-in taken by a teammate he touches or controls the ball with his hands or feet in his own half for more than four seconds
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An indirect free kick shall also be awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred, if, in the opinion of the referee, a player: plays in a dangerous manner deliberately obstructs an opponent prevents the goalkeeper from throwing the ball with his hands commits any other infringement not previously mentioned in Law 12 for which play is stopped to caution or dismiss a player The indirect free kick shall be taken from the place where the infringement occurred*. Disciplinary sanctions Yellow and red cards may only be shown to players or substitutes. The referees are authorized to take disciplinary action from the moment players enter the pitch until the moment they leave it after the final whistle. Cautionable offences A player or a substitute shall be cautioned and shown the yellow card if he commits any of the following infringements: unsporting behavior dissent by word or action persistent infringement of the Laws of the Game delaying the restart of play failure to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a corner kick, kick-in, free kick or goal clearance entering or re-entering the pitch without the referees permission or infringement of the substitution procedure deliberately leaving the pitch without the referees permission Sending-off offences A player or a substitute shall be sent off and shown the red card if he commits any of the following offences: serious foul play violent conduct spitting at an opponent or any other person denying the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (with the exception of a goalkeeper inside his own penalty area) denying an opponent moving towards the players goal an obvious goal scoring opportunity by committing an offence punishable by a free kick or a penalty kick using offensive, insulting or abusive language or gestures receiving a second caution in the same match
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FREEKICKS Types of free kick Free kicks are either direct or indirect. For both direct and indirect free kicks, the ball shall be stationary when the kick is taken and the kicker may not touch the ball a second time until it has touched another player. The direct free kick If a direct free kick directly enters the opponents goal, a goal shall be awarded. The indirect free kick A goal shall only be awarded if the ball touches another player before it enters the goal. Position of free kick All opponents shall be situated at least 5 m from the ball until it is in play. The ball shall be deemed in play after it has been touched or played. When a defending team is taking a free kick from inside its own penalty area, all opponents shall remain outside said area. The ball shall be deemed in play immediately after it has left the penalty area. Infringements/Sanctions If, when a free kick is taken, an opponent does not observe the regulation distance: the kick shall be retaken If, after the ball is in play, the kicker touches the ball a second time before it has been touched by another player: an indirect free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred* If the team taking the free kick takes more than 4 seconds: the referees shall award an indirect free kick to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred* Signals Direct free kick: one of the referees shall indicate the direct free kick by keeping one arm horizontal and pointing in the direction in which the kick is to be taken. The referee shall point to the ground with the index finger of the other hand to make it plain to the third referee (or any other referee at the table) that it is an accumulated foul Indirect free kick:
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the referees shall indicate an indirect free kick by raising one arm above their heads, maintaining the arm in that position until the kick has been taken and the ball has touched another player or goes out of play
ACCUMULATED FOULS Accumulated fouls refer only to all the fouls mentioned in Law XII (a through k (1 to 11). Once a team has accumulated 5 fouls during a half (those accumulated in the second half continue to accumulate into extra time), from the 6th foul: that team shall not be allowed a defensive wall all free kicks shall be direct (no indirect free kicks) infringements committed within 12 meters of the goal line shall be punished with a direct free kick from the point of infringement; infringements committed from 12 meters or further from the goal line shall be punished with a direct free kick from the Second Penalty Spot Procedure: Until the ball is kicked into play, all players other than the goalkeeper and kicker shall remain behind an imaginary line that is in line with the ball and parallel to the goal line. The goalkeeper shall remain in his penalty area at least 5 m away from the ball. The kicker must aim at the goal, with the intention of scoring. No other player may touch the ball until it has been touched by the pitch, rebounded from the goal post or crossbar, or has left the pitch. If the infringement took place in penalty area (and does not merit a penalty kick), the free kick is to be taken from the 6-m-line on the spot nearest to where the infringement occurred. PENALTY KICK To be taken from the penalty mark on the mid-point of the 6-m-line. The kicker is to aim at goal, with the intention of scoring. All players must be out of the penalty area, and the players of the opposing team must also be at least 5 m from the penalty spot. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player. KICK-IN To be taken in place of the throw-in. The ball is placed on the touch line before kicking. The kicker's foot not kicking the ball must be outside or at least on the touchline; if it crosses the touchline all of the way, into the pitch, the kick-in is given to the opposing team. The kick-in must be taken within 4 seconds; if it is not, the kick-in is given to the opposing team.
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The kicker cannot play the ball a second time until it has been played by another player; infringement of this rule entail an indirect free kick to the opposing from the point of infringement. Players on opposing team must be at least 5 m away from point of kickin. Cannot score directly from a kick-in.
GOAL CLEARANCE To be taken in place of goal kick. From inside the penalty area, the goalkeeper throws the ball into play. The ball is not in play until it has passed outside of the penalty area. If the goal clearance is received inside of the penalty area, the goal clearance shall be taken over. CORNER KICK Ball placed on the corner (no corner-kick arc). If ball is misplaced, the corner kick is taken over. Must be taken within 4 seconds; failure to do so entails indirect free kick to the opposing team from the corner mark. The kicker cannot play the ball a second time until it has been played by another player; infringement of this rule entail an indirect free kick to the opposing from the point of infringement. References: http://www.futsal.org/index.php?view=article&catid=48&id=210&option=com_c ontent&Itemid=170 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futsal http://www.upward.org/Site-Upwardorg/rules.aspx?id=2147484335 http://www.sportsunlimitedinc.com/soccer.html http://www.the-afc.com/en/va-elements-overview/va-elements-futsal http://www.futsal.net84.net/history.html http://futsal4kids.com/futsal-rules/ http://www.fifa.com/mm/document/affederation/federation/futsal_lotg_06_en _21839.pdf http://www.thefullwiki.org/Futsal_positions#Defender http://futsalforlife.com.au/rules.html http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:NXhZ7kVKTosJ:www.f utsal.com/index.php/futsal-rules-of-the-gamesummary+futsal+5th+foul+/+6th+foul&cd=1&hl=fil&ct=clnk&gl=ph
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