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Name: Marcellano C.

Ayad Rizal M-Th 1:30-3:45 pm Reaction Paper on Jose Rizal The Movie Birth and Childhood Experience

Date: May 2, 2013 Mr. Torres

Rizal's existence in this earth became a vision for his parents that someday he will do great things for his country. As he grow, he showed great things that a normal child cannot do at a very young age. He manifested eager learning and critical reasoning on many things not only academically but also real life happenings. He is truly a mothers boy that signifies a child that seeks a mother's love that any child needs. When I saw his reaction that he will be sent to Binan to study there, it was a child experience that i could relate. Schooling from young age to adulthood The Mercado family enjoyed relative wealth as landowners who rented the land of their hacienda to the Dominican friars in Laguna. Hence, education was a priority for the Mercado family and young Jose Protacio was sent to learn from Justiniano Aquino Cruz, a tutor from nearby Binan, Laguna. But the education of a small town and a tutor did not sufficiently quench the young mans thirst for knowledge and soon, the family began to make preparations for his admission to the Ateneo Municipal de Manila, in the capital of the Philippines. The school was run by the Jesuit Order and was one of the most prominent and academic institutions in the country which catered to the rich, the powerful and most intelligent students that country had, certainly a place for a young man like Jose Protacio Mercado. Prior to his enrollment in this prominent learning institution, his older brother Paciano Rizal Mercado, insisted that Jose drop the surname Mercado, to ensure that the younger Mercado would be disassociated with the outspoken and borderline subversive reputation of his older brother. As such, the young man known as Jose Protacio Rizal enrolled at the Ateneo Municipal de Manila. Being the child of a family of wealthy landowners, Jose Rizal decided to study for a degree in Land Surveying and Assessment at the Ateneo de Municipal de Manila where he graduated on March 14, 1877, with honors or sobresaliente. He took and passed the licensure exam for land surveying and assessment in 1878 but was not given a license until 1881 when he turned 21. In 1878, after his completion of his degree from Ateneo Municipal de Manila, he pursued, his passion for the arts as he enrolled at the Faculty of Arts and Letters for a degree in Philosophy at the University of Santo Tomas. Although he excelled at philosophy, the news of his mothers impending blindness convinced him to study Medicine, and in 1878 he enrolled in the Faculty of Medical Sciences at University of Santo Tomas to specialize in ophthalmology. Citing discrimination against Filipino students by the Dominican professors in Medicine, Rizal left the medical program in 1882. Believing that education in the country was limited, he boarded a ship to Spain with the support of his older brother Paciano but without informing his parents. The ten years he would spend on the European continent would leave an indelible mark on his personality and open his eyes to the world, develop his natural talents and strengthen his devotion to his motherland. In Spain, he continued the studies that were stalled in the Philippines and enrolled at the Universidad Central de Madrid where he graduated in 1884 with a degree in Medicine, and a year later with a degree in Philosophy and letters from the same institution. Even after the completion of these two degrees, he still was not satisfied and traveled to France and studied at the University of Paris. In his pursuit to further increase his knowledge in his chosen field of specialization ophthalmology he studied at the University of Heidelberg under the distinguished eye specialist, Professor Otto Becker. Born a few centuries too late, Rizal could have been an ideal Renaissance Man, he was a polymath who excelled at anything he put his considerable mind and talents to. The study of land assessment, medicine, and literature are just a few of his known accomplishments but he also excellent in arts such as sculpting, painting, architecture; physical activities such as martial arts, fencing, pistol shooting were also where he demonstrated his prowess; he was well read could discuss agriculture, economics, sociology, anthropology and history at will. Rizal was also a member of the Freemasons. It is therefore no surprise that wherever he went, people were drawn to his charm, wit, intelligence and personality. He made friends and lovers wherever he went and left an impression and reputation that would outlive him. Love life Loving and sincere, this are the two words that I could describe Rizal as he showed his love to his numerous girlfriend I read and learned. Despite of many relationship that he had, it didn't changed my mind from him being a playboy but an ordinary man that loved and showed admiration to ladies that he met. I was shocked that he had a relationship to a woman in the movie that is his cousin. i think that was a mistake that he had done on his love life.

Philosophies in Life If Rizal is still lives in our generation, he will sure that all Filipino has an inspiration like him by being learning knowledge is everything that all of Filipino was educated even in they are poor he will also not teach but to understand what is being a Nationalism and loving our own language. Rizal is the hero that are brave fight in everything even for his life and work, in the film I watch he said that we do not need to blood to be shed, we can fight them with our knowledge and showing that we are equal to them. I think if he is now here in our generation maybe we Filipino are not like this even in our problem what we experience today. This are the words that I truly admire, He who does not love his own language is worse than an animal and smelly fish -Jose Rizal - This quotes means if we use our own language to communicate with the same Filipino we will understand what we talk and to share. But we use other language to communicate to other countries to share ideas and talk to them. "While a people preserves its language; it preserves the marks of liberty." -Jose Rizal -As we preserves our own nationalism we also preserves our dignity being a Filipino in a pure heart. Death and Martyrdom and becoming National Hero What made Jose Rizal worthy of becoming the Philippines national hero was not merely his intelligence, personality, literary acumen, or his pacifist ideals. Rather, it was his patriotism, optimism, undying love for his country and his belief in his countrymen which set him apart. He believed not merely in freedom but in the potential of the Filipino people to surpass what they were under the Spanish colonial government, and all he wished was for them to be given the chance to tap that potential. And for that, he has earned his right place as a symbol of what a Filipino can do in one short lifetime.

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