12 Senses
12 Senses
12 Senses
A resource for teachers and parents who want to provide a path to healthy development through age-appropriate movement activities... inspired by Waldorf Education
A helpful lens on human development was provided by Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the Waldorf education movement which now numbers some 1000 schools worldwide. We work with the picture that we have much more than the five traditional senses in fact, twelve! If youre like most people, you might initially have a mystified or puzzled reaction to hearing someone say humans have twelve sensesnot just the five that science usually describes. However, the twelve senses approach first described by Rudolf Steiner 90 years ago is similar in many ways to the Multiple Intelligences education theory popularized by Harvard professor Howard Gardner in the 1990s. In any event, the idea of the 12 senses isnt meant to be analyzed in a literal or scientific way, but rather to be carried as a picture that might shine new light on how parents and teachers can contribute to the healthy growth of children. The particular definitions for the capacities to be described as the spectrum of 12 interrelated senses, can be quickly grasped by placing them in the light of common sense everyday expressions.
1. The Touch Sense is the inner sense of where I end and the outer world begins. Its development starts with the birth event itself. Touching any outer object changes ones inner state. 2. The Life Sense is the inner sense of ones own health and inner condition, and also of outer life. Examples: the heightened perception of ones inner state during running and then cooling down; sensing the nutritional difference between lightly steamed fresh vegetables and microwaved frozen vegetables. 3. The Movement Sense refers to the inner sense of ones own movement; proprioception. This sense begins even before birth, as the mother moves around, reclines, etc. 4. The Balance Sense (the fourth of the lower or inner senses) begins before birth and develops through the critical activities of rolling, crawling and struggling to learn to walk. 5. The Smell Sense one of the normal five senses, it is called a middle sense because its at the boundary between inner and outer. 6. The Taste Sense ditto.
copyright 2011 jeff tunkey
guage, speaking and reading, etc. Language represents the most amazing of all human achievements and is all the more astounding in that it develops in the first few years of life. 11. The Concept or Thought Sense is the ability to perceive thoughts. 12. The Ego Sense is the ability to sense another persons ego or presence (not as the development of ones own ego). Example: sensing when another person has entered a room (perhaps a teacher with good classroom presence). It affects the ability to wait for a parent or teacher to explain an activity, the ability to work in a group. continued on next page
7. The Vision Sense ditto. 8. The Warmth Sense distinct from Touch, takes place at a wide margin between inner and outer (example: placing a very cold hand under lukewarm water). 9. The Hearing Sense one of the normal five senses. 10. Sense of Language or Word, encompasses all that it is to sense and be in a language: hearing/perceiving the lan12senses.pdf revised 12/20/2011
Taking up the picture of twelve human senses can give us fresh insights into the task of nurturing healthy childhood development. One insight is that, for each of four lower sensessenses that appear in the first day of life and grow throughout childhoodthere is a companion higher sense that appears later and represents a transformation or flowering of the lower sense. Another way of saying this is that the Lower Senses develop the Higher Senses. Expressed in a positive way, this means that any activity that helps one of the four lower senses will also be vital to the development of its companion higher sense. Expressed in the opposite way, so-called learning difficultiessuch as inabilities to pay attention or stay with the class, struggles to form or remember thoughts, hindrances with language or listening skillsfall into the four higher sense categories. Therefore, if a child has a learning difficulty, you can look at this as a problem of incomplete Natural Companions in the Lower & Higher Senses Touch & Ego Developing touch helps to develop the ability to connect to other human beings, pay attention Common expressions: hand-shake; a figurative pat on the back; how each child relates in a different way to others presence. It is worth wondering whether ADD is just that a deficit of loving physical attention which has lead to in inability to sense anyone elses ego or to stay within a group activity. Games in this category: Drawing on backs; Hand clapping games; London Bridge with rocking; Simon Says; Wrestling/roughhouse games; and all throwing and catching, especially with a partner Life & Thought Developing health and appreciation for nature helps to develop thinking ability Common expressions: a good idea; a lame idea; Thats sick!; Deadly!; Math class put me to sleep. Every young child needs to be told often You look strong/healthy/well rested/ (etc.) today or, when ill, You are strong and will be well soon.
Common expressions like Im not following you or I cant grasp it point to the shift of difference between our constructs for the Life/Thought senses and the Movement/ Language senses. In speech difficulties, careful observation of how the mouth is moving can provide clues for remedial movement activities. Games in this category: Tumbling Crawling games Jump rope (all kinds) String games (cats cradle) Blindfold games Ball bouncing games Jacks
Common expressions: Children who spin themselves around the classroom. Children who fall off their chairs.
Games in this category: Any quiet individual activity - free play, running, nature walks, water color painting. Most of the work of helping to develop a healthy life sense must take place at home. Rhythm in daily, weekly, monthly and annual life is the key.
Games in this category: Recreational Gymnastics, and ANY activity that rotates the inner ear in space (e.g. rolling down a hill) or depends on balance (e.g. blindfold games) will provide a terrific benefit.