Wind Tunnel Correction

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Experimental Aerodynamics

Lecture 3: Wind Tunnel Corrections G. Dimitriadis

Experimental Aerodynamics

Wind tunnel corrections

! Wind tunnels cannot recreate flowfields identical to the original. ! Wind tunnel flows are different to the original due to several factors. ! These differences necessitate corrections to be applied to measurements obtained in wind tunnels. ! The type and number of corrections depends on whether the simulated flow is 2D or 3D.
Experimental Aerodynamics

2D Wind tunnel corrections

! In 2D experiments, the model is constrained between flat plates or walls to force the flowfield to be nearly 2D. ! There are several sources of inaccuracy for 2D experiments in wind tunnels. ! The most important are:
! Buoyancy ! Solid blockage ! Wake blockage ! Streamline curvature

Experimental Aerodynamics

! Wind tunnel buoyancy is caused by the fact that the boundary layer grows on the walls of the working section. ! Boundary layer growth is equivalent to a contraction of the working section area. ! The flow is accelerated, causing a drop in static pressure. ! Therefore, models with a big frontal area are pushed backwards. ! Buoyancy artificially increases the drag
Experimental Aerodynamics

Longitudinal pressure gradient

! The longitudinal pressure drop is nearly linear. ! The longitudinal pressure gradient is given by: dp "V 2 = !k dl 2h ! Where k=0.016-0.040 is a factor that must be measured for a given wind tunnel. ! h is the height of the working section.
Experimental Aerodynamics

Buoyancy correction
! The buoyancy correction depends on the longitudinal pressure gradient and the volume of the body, i.e. ! Where !DB is the correction to be applied to the measured drag force and VB the body volume. ! More accurate corrections have been estimated for airfoils, Rankine ovals, ellipses and other simple shapes.
Experimental Aerodynamics

dp !DB = VB dl

Solid blockage
! The presence of a model in the working section reduces the area through which the air can flow. ! The air velocity is increased over the model. ! This effect is called solid blockage. ! The effect can be corrected by increasing the effective wind tunnel airspeed.
Experimental Aerodynamics

Solid blockage correction

! The correction to the airspeed for a circular cylinder is given by: !V = "sbVu ! Where Vu is the uncorrected airspeed and !sb is given by: " 2 R2 !sb = 3 h2 ! For a more general shape, K1VB !sb = 3 / 2 S ! Where K1=0.74 for a horizontal model and 0.52 for a vertical model. S is the working section area.
Experimental Aerodynamics

Wake blockage
Velocity > V V Velocity < V Velocity < V h

The airspeed in the wake must be lower than V. In a closed duct this means that the airspeed outside the wake must be larger than V for a constant mass flow rate. The wake blockage effect can also be corrected using an increment in the effective airspeed.
Experimental Aerodynamics

Wake blockage correction

! The airspeed correction is given by ! Where !wb is given by:
! wb
!V = "wbVu

! Where c is the models length (or wing chord) and cdu is the uncorrected 2D drag coefficient.
Experimental Aerodynamics

c = cdu 2h

Streamline curvature
! The wind tunnel ceiling and floor artificially straighten the curvature of the flow streamlines around the model. ! The model appears to have more camber than it really has, i.e. it has too much lift. ! This effect requires corrections to angle of attack, lift coefficient and moment coefficient
Experimental Aerodynamics

! The angle of attack becomes: ! The lift coefficient becomes:

c l = c lu (1 ! " ! 2#)

Streamline curvature corrections

57.3" ! = !u + c lu + 4 c m1/ 2 u ) ( 2#

! The moment coefficient around the half chord becomes: ! Where !=!sb+!wb and
Experimental Aerodynamics

c m1/ 2 = c m1/ 2 u (1 ! 2") +

2 "2 #c& != % ( 48 $ h '

#c l 4

Total corrections
! The total corrected airspeed is: ! The total corrected dynamic pressure:
q = qu (1 + 2!) V = Vu (1 + !)

! The total corrected Reynolds number:

Re = Re u (1 + !)

! The total corrected drag (zero-lift):

c d 0 = c d 0 u (1 ! 3"sb ! 2"wb )
Experimental Aerodynamics

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