Kinduz Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Kinduz Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Kinduz Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Enabling Sustained Business Excellence
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-40-65243634, Website:
Address: 302, Archana Arcade, 10-3-190, St. Johns Road, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, 500025
“No matter which level of Six Sigma training the respondents "GE produces annual benefits of over $2.5 billion across the
completed, their average salaries are higher than the respondents organization from Six Sigma." -
who didn't complete any Six Sigma training.”
"The savings as a percentage of revenue for a company can
– Salary Survey, conducted by International Society for Quality
vary from 1.2% to 4.5%." - Charles Waxer
"During the past 10 years Six Sigma has become one of the “Lean Six Sigma techniques implemented throughout the
most widely practiced process improvement methodologies in Army continue to prove successful, and leaders anticipate
both service and manufacturing industries." - reaching a $2 billion-savings mark this year.” - U.S. Army
Professionals in For Profit Organizations, Non-Profit Organizations, Government Organizations,
WORKSHOP FOR Educational Institutes, Hospitals and Societies.
DURATION Offered as a 1 Day Intensive ‘Yellow Belt Certification Course’ starting from 09.30 A.M. to 06.30 P.M.
According to International Labor The Yellow Belt Certification Course provides The Online Knowledge Base will
organization more than 5 million a holistic overview of the Lean Six Sigma contain the following documentation:
jobs will be lost in 2009. Right skills Framework, its tools and techniques.
would still be sought after by 1. Templates of:
companies even in these recessionary a. SIPOC
* Introduction
times. b. Team Charter
* Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy
c. Measurement Plan
Hence it is essential to keep oneself * Lean Management d. SWOT Analysis
differentiated from others through * Define Phase e. Cause and Effect Matrix
value adding skills like Lean and * Measure Phase f. FMEA Worksheet
Six Sigma. * Analyze Phase g. Change Acceleration Process
* Improve Phase Worksheet
Lean and Six Sigma are some of the * Control Phase h. Action Plan Template
few recognized and valued skills still * Design for Six Sigma i. Process Control Chart,ect.
being sought after by the companies.
Adding Six Sigma over and above one's 2. Samples of all the above Templates
functional skills increases one's ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY
chances of being promoted, recruited The workshop ends with a unique two-step 3. Checklists for:
or retained by companies. Assessment Methodology that not only checks the a. Define Phase Checklist
theoretical learning immediately after the workshop , b. Measure Phase Checklist
KNOWLEDGE BASE PROVIDED but also the experiential knowledge gained over a c. Analyze Phase Checklist
period of time: d. Improve Phase Checklist
Hard copies of training material
Ø e. Control Phase checklist
for reference The timelines of the assessments are:
Each trainee will be provided
Ø At the end of the workshop to check the 4. Video Presentations
life-time access to an Online immediate understanding
Knowledge Base by KINDUZ that 30 days after the workshop to check the
5. Websites for reference
experiential learning
will include access to key
documents, templates and Special Certificate for Project Completion
checklists Assessments will be conducted online at
For CSI Members Rs. 4,000/- For Non CSI Members Rs. 5,000/- CSI Membership for one year costs Rs. 600/-
COST Payment Options: Cash Cheque or Demand Draft in the name of Download forms from
“Computer Society of India”- Payable at Hyderabad
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-40-40165594