Samsung Guideline
Samsung Guideline
Samsung Guideline
Devised as a result of developing the Samsung Line, this presents Samsungs identity in graphic design and its efficient Image Variation according to characteristics of media, products, and regions. The departments of the Samsung or its affiliates are to use this manual for maintaining the identity of Samsung Communication Design.
OverseasSalesPromotion (Catalogue/Leaflet,POP): OverseasDesignDepartment/DigitalMediaNetwork Nak-WoonKim(ParadiseKim) (tel:82-2-751-6975) Eun-JungPark(tel:82-2-751-6974) DomesticSalesPromotion (Catalogue/Leaflet,POP): MarketingCommunicationGroup/ Domestic(Korean)SalesBusiness Kong-DongSon(tel:82-2-317-8340) BrandAd.(PrintAd.): BrandStrategyTeam/GlobalMarketingOperations Do-KyoonKim(tel:82-2-751-6028) Kyung-WookSuh(tel:82-2-751-6398) Ki-SunKim(Suleyman) (tel:82-2-751-6908) Package/TotalCommunicationDesign: DesignIdentityGroup/CorporateDesignCenter Yu-SinSoung(tel:82-2-750-9263) In-SilHan(tel:82-2-750-9284)
-Color -Format -ColorStandard -IncorrectUses
b .SamsungLine
-PrimaryUsage -SecondaryUsage
a.ImageApplication b .Catalog/Leaflet
-TheDrawingMethod ofOvalCurve -BasicLayout -Format
-TheDrawingMethod ofOvalCurve -BasicLayout -Format
-TheDrawingMethod ofOvalCurve -BasicLayout
-TheDrawingMethod ofOvalCurve -BasicLayout -Format
- Color Standard : Samsung Blue. In case of inevitable circumstances, a positive or a negative image can be used. - The color value of background / Use 50% of color value as a standard.
Black & White Media - equal to less than 50% value black : positive image(Black) - equal to more than 50% value black : negative image(White)
Color Media - equal to less than 50% value black : positive image(Black) - equal to more than 50% value black : negative image(White)
Do not use the different color for wordmark logotype and the background color. These colors should be the same.
Do not use a wordmark color of similar value and hue as the background color. The lack of contrast impairs visibility.
Do not use a black wordmark on a colored background. Black is exclusively for use on white background.
Do not use a blue wordmark on a dark background. The lack of contrast impairs visibility.
(Donotprintthewordmark insecondarySamsungcolors.)
Do not use colors for wordmarks other than the approved options.
(Donotchangetheshape ofthewordmark.)
Do not change the angle of the oval. Do not change the shape of the oval. Do not change the typeface of the logotype inside the wordmark.
Do not reverse the color of the oval and logotype. (e.g. do not use Samsung Blue on the logotype)
(Donotusethewordmarkin asentenceorphrase.)
Criteriafor usingtheline
As the main characteristics of the Oval, the red portion of the line illustrated below should always be presented even when the oval curve is expressed in various forms.
Center Point
Oval Curve Main Part Samsung Wordmark 47 Rotate angle Oval Curve Main Part
The SAMSUNG Line presents the associational effect of the brand logo to consumers as SAMSUNGs unique visual motive by applying the curve of the wordmark, which symbolizes SAMSUNG, on each medium. In global market, the oval is the only visual property, presented as a consistent form of Samsung, with exception of its brand name (Samsung). This is the reason why we should actively apply the Oval image to our graphic media design. Samsungs visual identity is provided to consumers by applying the Curve of the Samsung Wordmark. When applying an image inside the Curve, it is essential to consider the characteristics of each product or region in order to create the most efficient variation of design.
Why Oval
CriteriaforApplying theOvalCurve
The most important factor is the visual distinction, resulted from the different tone between inside and outside of the Oval Curve. - The sub factors (narrow lines or band) can be expressed on the curve to enhance the design, as long as they observe the rules shown above.
Colorinside theovalcurve
Coloroutside theovalcurve
(Examplesofincorrect ovalcurveuse)
Thisexampleshowsacomplicated designcausedbyexcessiveuseof subfactors.(narrowband)
Excessiveuseof subfactors
Donotapply singlecolor
Donotapply contrastingcolor
(Exampleofincorrect ovalcurveuse)
Inthisexample,theshapeofthe ovalcurveistoocomplicateand indistinguishableduetotoo manysubfactors.(narrowline)
National LetterUsage
Color System
Brand Logo Color
C30, Y100
C30, Y100
M50, Y100
M60, Y100
C70, Y70
C100, M50
C100, M50
C100, M50
Note) The given color system offers a standard for individual business unit. (When another color use is necessary for a product or a region, you are required to consult with the Design HQ staff in advance.)