Open Loop Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using SVM
Open Loop Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using SVM
Open Loop Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using SVM
Magnitude of reference voltage vector can be found by using
expression (3)
( ) ( )
2 2
+ =
Angle of rotation of the reference vector measured fromV1
state in counter clockwise direction in radians is given by (4)
Sector in which V
is placed at any instant is identified
from angle of rotation . The modulation index (MI) of
SVPWM is given by (5)
MI 3
Dwelling time can be calculated as (7) (8) and (9)
( ) ( ) ) 7 ( sin
. . cos cos
. . sin *
k T MI T
z a
( ) ( ) ( ) ) 8 ( cos
1 sin sin
1 cos *
k T MI T
z b
b a z
T T T T =
Hence Vref at any instant can be constructed by (10)
0 0
b b a a ref z
+ + = (10)
Where, (1/T
) is known as switching frequency and k
denotes sector number that varies from 1 to 6. Ta is the
dwelling time required for voltage stay in state V
, Tb is the
dwelling time required for voltage state V
and T
is the
dwelling time for voltage state V
and V
as indicated in Fig 4.
Fig. 4.Symmetrical switching pulses at 1 KHz
A symmetrical switching sequence is used to generate the
switching pulses for the inverter legs. Symmetrical pulses to
the upper legs of inverter are shown in Fig.4. Depending upon
the sector number suffix a and b varies from1-6. Switching
pulses to the lower switches are complementary of pulses
shown in fig.4.T
state can be switched by turning off either
all the upper leg switches or all lower leg switches and it is
recommended that to turn off both upper leg switches and
lower leg switches in each switching cycle to ensure even heat
dissipation for all inverter switches. Dwelling times varies for
every new value of reference vector and the total number of
switching cycle in each sector determines the resolution of
inverter output voltage.
A three phase inverter is designed consisting of control
isolation, driver and power circuit. Fig.5 shows hardware set
up for three phase inverter. SVPWM logic is realized with a
dsPIC33FJ128MC802 microcontroller. It has dedicated motor
control PWM module which makes SVPWM pulse generation
easier. Isolation between control and power circuit is provided
with an opto-coupler TLP250 and the driver circuit is designed
with IR2110 IC. Power circuits consist of 6 MOSFET
(IRFP150N) capable of handling 40 A current at a maximum
voltage of 100V. A single 15V DC power supply is used for
TLP250 and IR2110 driver circuit and microcontroller
supplied from another 3.3 V DC supply. The inverter is
capable of controlling motor up to 3 KW with additional heat
sinks. Switching frequency is selected as 1 KHz and a dead
time of 4 microseconds is introduced between complementary
pulses. Switching frequency and dead time are configured in
microcontroller programming.
Fig. 5 Three phase inverter
Fig.6 shows a PMSM used for the experiment. It is an outer
rotor PMSM used for e bikes and electric scooters. In which
permanent magnets are arranged on the periphery of the rotor
frame and three phase stator winding is wound inside the
frame. Holes are provided in the rotor frame to dissipate heat
generated in the stator winding to ambient. The 1 KW motor
has 16 poles, rated DC voltage of 48 V, rated current of 28 A
and maximumspeed of 2800 rpm.
Fig. 6 Outer rotor PMSM
The inverter initially tested with three phase resistive load up
to 10 A at voltage of 48 V before feeding to PMSM.
A. SVPWM three phase inverter
Fig 7 shows the symmetrical pulses for upper legs switches
when the reference vector is in sector 5.
dsPIC microcontroller
Isolation and driver circuit
Power circuit
Fig. 7 Symmetrical switching pulse at 1 KHz
Fig 8 shows the inverter phase voltage measured across star
connected resistive load. Phase voltages are measured between
load neutral and inverter output terminals. It has states of
+(2/3) V
, +(1/3) V
, 0, -(2/3) V
and - (1/3) V
and a
phase shift of 120 degree between each phase is obtained.
Fig.8. Inverter Phase voltage
B. Interfacing of PMSM with three phase inverter
PMSM is started by giving variable frequency supply with
three phase inverter. Frequency of the inverter is gradually
varied from 0.15 Hz to maximumof 50 Hz to achieve the
coupling between stator and rotor magnetic field. Fig.9 shows
the increase in inverter phase voltage frequency with respect
to time. The motor is accelerated to its desired speed by
increasing frequency ramp in the microcontroller program.
The modulation index of the inverter is kept at 0.8 with a V
of magnitude 48 V.
Fig. 9 Frequency variation in phase voltage during starting
Motor is operated in different speeds by varying the
inverter output frequency. Speed is measured with non contact
optical tachometer and it matches with the calculated
synchronous speed as indicated in Table.1
Table. I
Synchronous speed
0.15 1.125 1
6.95 56 52.125
18.4 138 139.8
45.5 340 340
50.5 378 379
Starting current is reduced by controlling DC voltage
at starting. When the motor achieves speed current drawn
from the DC supply also reduces. Starting is achieved without
using any position sensors. Fig.10 shows the motor phase
current measured at a speed of 139 rpm and 18 Hz. The
current waveform is sinusoidal in shape as expected. The
frequency which is required to run PMSM its maximumspeed
is 373 Hz which is beyond the range of the current SVPWM
logic implemented in microcontroller.
Fig. 10 Motor Phase current
The motor behavior is unstable when suddenly loaded, it
fall out of synchronism and comes to standstill. During
acceleration, when the time for frequency ramp in phase
voltage is reduced time required for reaching desired speed also
reduces. Motor is tested with by changing frequency ramp for
quick starting and it is found that beyond a certain limit the
motor looses its synchronism and fails to start. When the
supply is withdrawn motor comes to standstill very quickly due
the presence of permanent magnet which provides braking
Open loop performance of PMSM is studied. A three phase
inverter is designed and implemented to control 1 KW outer
rotor PMSM. Sinusoidal currents are generated by space
vector logic and realized with a 16 bit microcontroller. Motor
is started by giving low frequency supply initially and
gradually increased to corresponding operating frequency to
get starting torque. PMSM is operated at different speeds by
varying the inverter output frequency without any position
sensor. It is found that motor is running in synchronous speed
determined by the supply frequency. This paper provides
platformfor implementing other control technique of PMSM.
Currently open loop control of PMSM is implemented
without using any position sensor. From the experimental
results it is found that PMSM is unstable in open loop mode
for high dynamic application where sudden load variation
occurs. This open loop control scheme can be implemented
with sensor less control in which initial rotor position difficult
to obtain as the back emf is proportional to speed. As the
motor picks the speed in open loop rotor position can be
estimated fromback-emf.
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