Hajj Committe India

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(Constituted under the Act of Parliament No.35 of 2002)

Deputation Posts Vacant.

1) 2) The post of Chief Executive Officer, Haj Committee of India is falling vacant soon. The posts of Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Accounts) and Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Operation) are vacant. Applications are invited for the above posts from eligible Muslim Officers on deputation basis, through proper channel on or before 31.03.2013 to the Ministry of External Affairs (in case of Chief Executive Officer) and to Haj Committee of India (in case of Dy. Chief Executive Officer (Accounts) & Dy. Chief Executive Officer (Operation)). The Office Memorandum, format of the application and other information is available on Haj Committee of India website www.hajcommittee.com

Chief Executive Officer, Haj Committee of India, Haj House, 7-A, M.R.A. Marg (Palton Road), Mumbai-400 001.


(Constituted Under the Act of Parliament No.32 of 2002) Haj House, 7-A, M.R.A. Marg, (Palton Road), Mumbai 400 001. Dated :17th February, 2013

Sub: Appointment of Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Operation), Haj Committee of India, Mumbai.
The undersigned is directed to state that one post of Deputy Chief Executive Officer(Operation) in the Haj Committee of India, Mumbai, a statutory body functioning under the Administrative Control of Ministry of External Affairs, is vacant. Its office is located in Mumbai. Haj Committee of India, Mumbai, invites applications from Indian Muslim Officers from Central Government Ministries / Central Government Departments/Central Public Sector under taking / State Governments Departments / State Public Sector under taking / Local Governments / Nationalized Banks to fill up this post. Applications should be submitted through proper channel. Applications received directly will not be entertained. The period of deputation is three years initially. The eligibility criteria for the post are as under:QUALIFICATION:A. B.A/B.Com or equivalent from any recognized University. B. The candidate should have proficiency in English, Urdu and Hindi languages. C. Knowledge of other Indian languages and Arabic is desirable. D. Knowledge of Haj and Ziarat to Muslim holy places in India and abroad shall be an added qualification. E. At least 10 years experience in handling administration related activities. 2


3. 4.


A. Officers holding posts in the Pay Band Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs.6600/- (PB-3), in the Central Government or equivalent rank are eligible for the post.
B. The

candidate should knowledge of accounts. and administration.





C. The candidate should preferably have experience of public relations D. Knowledge of computer operations. III. AGE. The applicant should be between 40-55 years. Relaxation in age may be considered on suitably experienced officers. IV. SCALE OF PAY :A. The scale of pay for the post will depend on the pay-scale of the person selected for the post. B. DA, CCA, HRA etc. shall be as admissible to Central Government Officers of equivalent rank stationed in Mumbai. C. The officer on deputation is entitled to draw deputation allowance as per rules applicable. V. JOB DESCRIPTION :To assist the Chief Executive Officer, who functions as Ex-Officio Secretary to the Committee in the following areas :A. To execute the decisions of the Committee and carry out its directions relating to implementation of such decisions in the day-to-day performance of his duties. B. Issuing the notices of the meetings of the Committee to its members and recording the minutes of the meetings. C. Making satisfactory, logistic & supporting arrangements for Haj pilgrimage from India to Saudi Arabia. D. Any other work assigned by Chief Executive Officer, Haj Committee of India, time to time. E. Co-ordination with the Ministries, State Haj Committees, Consul General of India, Non-Governmental Organization for various purpose. 3


A. Nomination of suitable officers may be forwarded along with character rolls for the last five years latest by 31.03.2013 to following address:The Chief Executive Officer, Haj Committee of India, Haj House, 7-A (Palton Road), M.R.A. Marg, Mumbai-400 001. B. The envelope should be superscripted in bold letters as follows:APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (OPERATION), HAJ COMMITTEE OF INDIA, MUMBAI. C. D. E. A certificate may be furnished about the integrity of the officer by the Cadre Controlling Authority. Qualifications and experience may be certified by the Cadre Controlling Authority. Ministry of External Affairs / Haj Committee of India reserves the right to select any candidate.

Sd/Chief Executive Officer, Haj Committee of India, Haj House, 7-A (Palton Road), M.R.A. Marg, Mumbai-400 001.


(Constituted Under the Act of Parliament No.32 of 2002) Haj House, 7-A, M.R.A. Marg, (Palton Road), Mumbai 400 001.

Application for the post of Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Operation), Haj Committee of India, Mumbai on deputation basis
(To be submitted through proper channel only) Passport Size Photograph

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Name of the Candidate Fathers Name Date of Birth Age as on 1.1.2013 Designation
(Present post held & official address)

__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Date of joining Govt. Service Present Pay Scale Present Grade Pay Professional Qualifications Experience in Operation / Administration matters Languages Known Mother tongue

__________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 2

-(2)13. Permanent address __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 14. Address for correspondence __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 15. Contact Particulars Office Tel. Residence Tel. Mobile No. E-mail address 16. ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Any other particulars relevant to this application________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


I hereby certify that the information given above is complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date _____________________ ___________________________ Place _____________________

(Signature of the Applicant)

Remarks / Recommendation of the forwarding authority: Certified that the entries made in the above application have been verified from the service records of the officer. Certified that the candidate shall be relieved immediately, in case he is selected for the deputation to Haj Committee of India, Mumbai. Signature __________________________ (Designation/Seal of the forwarding authority) Encl: 1. Caution: Character rolls for the last five years. Any information suppressed or falsely given will render the applicant liable to disciplinary action besides summary rejection of his application.

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