TI-84Plus C Guidebook en
TI-84Plus C Guidebook en
TI-84Plus C Guidebook en
This guidebook applies to software version 4.0. To obtain the latest version of the documentation,
go to education.ti.com/go/download.
Important Information
Except as otherwise expressly stated in the License that accompanies a program, Texas Instruments
makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and
makes such materials available solely on an "as-is" basis. In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to
anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of
the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and exclusive liability of Texas Instruments,
regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed the amount set forth in the license for the program.
Moreover, Texas Instruments shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of
these materials by any other party.
FCC Statement
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the users authority to operate
the equipment under FCC rules.
2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Vernier EasyData, Vernier LabPro, and Vernier Go!Motion are trademarks of their respective owners.
Important Information .................................................................................................................... ii
Chapter 1:
Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition ............................................... 1
Documentation Conventions .......................................................................................................... 1
Using the TI-84 Plus C in the Classroom ......................................................................................... 1
Using Color on the TI-84 Plus C ....................................................................................................... 1
TI-84 Plus C Keyboard ...................................................................................................................... 3
Turning On and Turning Off the TI-84 Plus C ................................................................................. 5
Setting the Display Brightness ........................................................................................................ 6
The Home Screen ............................................................................................................................. 6
Setting Modes ................................................................................................................................ 11
Using the Clock .............................................................................................................................. 16
Equation Operating System (EOS) ............................................................................................. 16
Entering Expressions and Instructions .......................................................................................... 18
Pictures and Backgrounds ............................................................................................................. 21
Using Variable Names .................................................................................................................... 21
Storing Variable Values ................................................................................................................. 22
Recalling Variable Values .............................................................................................................. 23
QuickPlot and Fit Equation ........................................................................................................... 24
ENTRY (Last Entry) Storage Area .................................................................................................. 24
Menus ............................................................................................................................................. 25
VARS Menus ................................................................................................................................... 28
Grouping files ................................................................................................................................ 29
Special Features of the TI-84 Plus C .............................................................................................. 30
Other TI-84 Plus C Features ........................................................................................................... 30
Interchangeable Faceplates .......................................................................................................... 31
Battery Information ....................................................................................................................... 32
Replacing TI Rechargeable Batteries ............................................................................................ 33
TI-84 Plus C Charging Station ........................................................................................................ 35
Transferring the OS from calculator to calculator ....................................................................... 37
Error Conditions ............................................................................................................................. 37
Linking Compatibility .................................................................................................................... 38
Chapter 2:
Math, Angle, and Test Operations ......................................................................... 40
Getting Started: Coin Flip ............................................................................................................. 40
Keyboard Math Operations .......................................................................................................... 40
MATH Operations .......................................................................................................................... 43
Using the Equation Solver ............................................................................................................. 47
MATH NUM (Number) Operations ................................................................................................ 51
Entering and Using Complex Numbers ........................................................................................ 57
MATH CMPLX (Complex) Operations ........................................................................................... 61
MATH PROB (Probability) Operations .......................................................................................... 64
ANGLE Operations ......................................................................................................................... 67
TEST (Relational) Operations ........................................................................................................ 69
TEST LOGIC (Boolean) Operations ................................................................................................ 70
Chapter 3:
Function Graphing .................................................................................................. 72
Getting Started: Graphing a Circle ............................................................................................... 72
Defining Graphs ............................................................................................................................. 73
Setting the Graph Modes .............................................................................................................. 74
Defining Functions ........................................................................................................................ 74
Selecting and Deselecting Functions ............................................................................................ 76
Setting Graph Styles for Functions ............................................................................................... 77
Setting the Viewing Window Variables ....................................................................................... 79
Setting the Graph Format ............................................................................................................. 81
Displaying Graphs .......................................................................................................................... 82
Exploring Graphs with the Free-Moving Cursor .......................................................................... 84
Exploring Graphs with TRACE ....................................................................................................... 84
Exploring Graphs with the ZOOM Instructions ............................................................................ 86
Using ZOOM MEMORY .................................................................................................................. 90
Using the CALC (Calculate) Operations ........................................................................................ 91
Chapter 4:
Parametric Graphing .............................................................................................. 95
Getting Started: Path of a Ball ...................................................................................................... 95
Defining and Displaying Parametric Graphs ................................................................................ 97
Exploring Parametric Graphs ........................................................................................................ 99
Chapter 5:
Polar Graphing ...................................................................................................... 101
Getting Started: Polar Rose ......................................................................................................... 101
Defining and Displaying Polar Graphs ....................................................................................... 102
Exploring Polar Graphs ................................................................................................................ 104
Chapter 6:
Sequence Graphing ............................................................................................... 106
Getting Started: Forest and Trees ............................................................................................... 106
Defining and Displaying Sequence Graphs ................................................................................ 107
Selecting Axes Combinations ...................................................................................................... 111
Exploring Sequence Graphs ........................................................................................................ 111
Graphing Web Plots ..................................................................................................................... 113
Using Web Plots to Illustrate Convergence ................................................................................ 113
Graphing Phase Plots ................................................................................................................... 115
Chapter 7:
Tables ..................................................................................................................... 117
Getting Started: Roots of a Function .......................................................................................... 117
Setting Up the Table .................................................................................................................... 117
Defining the Dependent Variables ............................................................................................. 118
Displaying the Table .................................................................................................................... 119
Chapter 8:
Draw Instructions ................................................................................................. 123
Getting Started: Drawing a Tangent Line .................................................................................. 123
Using the DRAW Menu ............................................................................................................... 124
Clearing Drawings ....................................................................................................................... 125
Drawing Line Segments .............................................................................................................. 126
Drawing Horizontal and Vertical Lines ...................................................................................... 127
Drawing Tangent Lines ................................................................................................................ 128
Drawing Functions and Inverses ................................................................................................. 129
Shading Areas on a Graph .......................................................................................................... 130
Drawing Circles ............................................................................................................................ 132
Placing Text on a Graph .............................................................................................................. 133
Using Pen to Draw on a Graph ................................................................................................... 134
Drawing Points on a Graph ......................................................................................................... 134
Drawing Pixels ............................................................................................................................. 136
Storing Graph Pictures (Pic) ......................................................................................................... 137
Recalling Graph Pictures (Pic) ...................................................................................................... 137
Storing Graph Databases (GDB) .................................................................................................. 138
Recalling Graph Databases (GDB) ............................................................................................... 139
Background Menu and Image Vars ............................................................................................ 139
Chapter 9:
Split Screen ........................................................................................................... 140
Getting Started: Exploring the Unit Circle ................................................................................. 140
Using Split Screen ........................................................................................................................ 141
Horizontal Split Screen ................................................................................................................ 142
Graph-Table Split Screen ............................................................................................................. 143
TI-84 Plus C Pixels in Horizontal and Graph-Table Modes ......................................................... 144
Chapter 10:
Matrices ................................................................................................................. 145
Getting Started: Using the MTRX Shortcut Menu ..................................................................... 145
Getting Started: Systems of Linear Equations ............................................................................ 147
Defining a Matrix ........................................................................................................................ 148
Viewing and Editing Matrix Elements ........................................................................................ 148
Using Matrices with Expressions ................................................................................................. 151
Displaying and Copying Matrices ............................................................................................... 152
Using Math Functions with Matrices .......................................................................................... 153
Using the MATRX MATH Operations .......................................................................................... 157
Chapter 11:
Lists ........................................................................................................................ 164
Getting Started: Generating a Sequence ................................................................................... 164
Naming Lists ................................................................................................................................. 165
Storing and Displaying Lists ........................................................................................................ 167
Entering List Names ..................................................................................................................... 168
Attaching Formulas to List Names .............................................................................................. 169
Using Lists in Expressions ............................................................................................................ 171
LIST OPS Menu ............................................................................................................................. 173
LIST MATH Menu ......................................................................................................................... 180
Chapter 12:
Statistics ................................................................................................................ 183
Getting Started: Pendulum Lengths and Periods ...................................................................... 183
Setting Up Statistical Analyses .................................................................................................... 190
Using the Stat List Editor ............................................................................................................. 191
Attaching Formulas to List Names .............................................................................................. 194
Detaching Formulas from List Names ......................................................................................... 196
Switching Stat List Editor Contexts ............................................................................................. 196
Stat List Editor Contexts .............................................................................................................. 198
STAT EDIT Menu ........................................................................................................................... 200
Regression Model Features ......................................................................................................... 201
STAT CALC Menu .......................................................................................................................... 204
Statistical Variables ...................................................................................................................... 215
Statistical Analysis in a Program ................................................................................................. 216
Statistical Plotting ........................................................................................................................ 216
Statistical Plotting in a Program ................................................................................................. 220
Chapter 13:
Inferential Statistics and Distributions ............................................................... 222
Getting Started: Mean Height of a Population ......................................................................... 222
Inferential Stat Editors ................................................................................................................ 225
STAT TESTS Menu ......................................................................................................................... 227
Inferential Statistics Input Descriptions ...................................................................................... 244
Test and Interval Output Variables ............................................................................................. 245
Distribution Functions ................................................................................................................. 246
Distribution Shading ................................................................................................................... 252
Chapter 14:
Applications .......................................................................................................... 255
The Applications Menu ............................................................................................................... 255
Getting Started: Financing a Car ................................................................................................ 255
Getting Started: Computing Compound Interest ...................................................................... 256
Using the TVM Solver ................................................................................................................. 257
Using the Financial Functions ..................................................................................................... 258
Calculating Time Value of Money (TVM) ................................................................................... 258
Calculating Cash Flows ................................................................................................................ 260
Calculating Amortization ............................................................................................................ 261
Calculating Interest Conversion .................................................................................................. 264
Finding Days between Dates/Defining Payment Method ......................................................... 264
Using the TVM Variables ............................................................................................................. 265
The EasyData Application ........................................................................................................ 265
Chapter 15:
CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic Functions ............................................................. 268
Browsing the TI-84 Plus C Catalog Help ..................................................................................... 268
Using Catalog Help ...................................................................................................................... 269
Entering and Using Strings ......................................................................................................... 270
Storing Strings to String Variables .............................................................................................. 271
String Functions and Instructions in the CATALOG ................................................................... 272
Hyperbolic Functions in the CATALOG ....................................................................................... 275
Chapter 16:
Programming ........................................................................................................ 276
Getting Started: Volume of a Cylinder ....................................................................................... 276
Creating and Deleting Programs ................................................................................................ 277
Entering Command Lines and Executing Programs ................................................................... 279
Editing Programs ......................................................................................................................... 280
Copying and Renaming Programs .............................................................................................. 280
PRGM CTL (Control) Instructions ................................................................................................. 281
PRGM I/O (Input/Output) Instructions ........................................................................................ 287
Calling Other Programs as Subroutines ...................................................................................... 292
Running an Assembly Language Program ................................................................................. 292
Chapter 17:
Activities ............................................................................................................... 294
The Quadratic Formula ............................................................................................................... 294
Box with Lid ................................................................................................................................. 297
Comparing Test Results Using Box Plots ..................................................................................... 305
Graphing Piecewise Functions .................................................................................................... 306
Graphing Inequalities .................................................................................................................. 308
Solving a System of Nonlinear Equations ................................................................................... 309
Using a Program to Create the Sierpinski Triangle .................................................................... 310
Graphing Cobweb Attractors ...................................................................................................... 311
Using a Program to Guess the Coefficients ................................................................................ 312
Graphing the Unit Circle and Trigonometric Curves ................................................................. 313
Finding the Area between Curves .............................................................................................. 314
Using Parametric Equations: Ferris Wheel Problem .................................................................. 315
Demonstrating the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus ............................................................ 317
Computing Areas of Regular N-Sided Polygons ........................................................................ 319
Computing and Graphing Mortgage Payments ........................................................................ 322
Chapter 18:
Memory and Variable Management .................................................................... 325
Checking Available Memory ....................................................................................................... 325
Deleting Items from Memory ..................................................................................................... 327
Clearing Entries (Home Screen) and List Editor Elements ......................................................... 327
Archiving and UnArchiving Variables ......................................................................................... 328
Resetting the TI-84 Plus C ............................................................................................................ 331
Grouping and Ungrouping Variables ......................................................................................... 333
Garbage Collection ...................................................................................................................... 336
ERROR:ARCHIVE FULL Message .................................................................................................. 338
Chapter 19:
Communication Link ............................................................................................. 339
Getting Started: Sending Variables ............................................................................................ 339
TI-84 Plus C LINK .......................................................................................................................... 341
Selecting Items to Send ............................................................................................................... 343
Receiving Items ............................................................................................................................ 345
Backing Up RAM Memory ........................................................................................................... 346
Error Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 346
Appendix A:
Functions and Instructions ................................................................................... 348
Appendix B:
Reference Information ......................................................................................... 378
Variables ....................................................................................................................................... 378
Statistics Formulas ....................................................................................................................... 378
Financial Formulas ....................................................................................................................... 381
Important Things You Need to Know About Your TI-84 Plus C ................................................ 384
Error Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 388
Accuracy Information .................................................................................................................. 392
Texas Instruments Support and Service ...................................................................................... 395
Service and Warranty Information ............................................................................................. 395
Chapter 1: Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition 1
Chapter 1:
Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition
Documentation Conventions
In the body of this guidebook, TI-84 Plus refers to the TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, and TI-84 Plus
C Silver Edition. The names of the calculators may be used interchangeably. If any of the instructions,
examples, and functions in this guidebook differ for each calculator, those differences are pointed out.
Some screen shots were taken using the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, and some were taken using the TI-84
Plus C Silver Edition. Some of your screens may not look exactly like the examples.
Many examples highlight features that are not available in early OS versions. If your calculator does not
have the latest OS, features may not be available and your screens may look different. You can
download the latest OS from education.ti.com/go/download.
Using the TI-84 Plus C in the Classroom
The TI-84 Plus C shares many features with the TI-84 Plus. However, some features you may be
accustomed to using in the classroom may differ. Some of these differences are listed here.
TI-Navigator software supports the TI-84, TI-84 Plus, and TI-84 Plus SE. TI-Navigator software
does not support the TI-84 Plus C.
TI-84 Plus C does not work with TI-Presenter video adapter or ViewScreen overhead panel, but
the TI-84 Plus C view option in the TI-SmartView software allows you to project the graphing
calculator emulator to the classroom.
Some files and variables are compatible between the TI-84 Plus C and the TI-84 Plus family of
graphing calculators. For more information on file compatibility, see Linking Compatibility later in
this chapter.
The TI-84 Plus C graphing calculator comes equipped with a Li-ion rechargeable battery. To ensure
battery life, store the graphing calculators in the TI-84 Plus C Charging Station, or connect
individual graphing calculators to a wall charger.
Warning: RAM memory will be lost if the battery charge is lost. You should back up or archive your
variables if your battery power gets low.
For more information on the batteries and the charging station, see Battery Information and TI-84
Plus C Charging Station later in this chapter.
Using Color on the TI-84 Plus C
The TI-84 Plus C graphing calculator has many color options and a high resolution display that allows
more information to be shown on the screen. The TI-84 Plus C uses color in the following ways:
Y= editor for line color.
DRAW commands for line color, such as vertical lines, circles, and text on the graph screen.
The graph format screen for grid, axes, or border color, and applying a background image or color.
Statistical Plots.
The color options are selected using a spinner, which can contain various options depending on the
feature. Press _ and _ to scroll through the color options to set a color.
Note: Take care to choose appropriate color combinations for the graph areas so that all features are
You can reset the calculator to its default settings, including color settings, by pressing
_}7 2 2.
Chapter 1: Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition 2
Using Color on the Graph Screen
The examples below show how to set line color on the Y= editor using the spinner, and how to set a
Background Image for a graph.
Enter an equation in the Y=
1. Press _.
2. Press _ _ _ 6.
To set the line color in the Y=
3. Press _ _ _ _ to select
the color/line box to the left
of Y=, and then press _.
The spinner dialog box
becomes active.
4. Press _ _ _ to select
5. Press .
Note: The thick line style is
the default. It can be
changed by pressing _ or
6. Press to highlight OK and
then press _.
Chapter 1: Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition 3
TI-84 Plus C Keyboard
Generally, the keyboard is divided into these zones: graphing keys, editing keys, advanced function
keys, and scientific calculator keys.
Keyboard Zones
GraphingGraphing keys access the interactive graphing features. The third function of these keys
(_ )-)) displays the shortcut menus, which include templates for fractions, n/d, quick matrix
entry, and some of the functions found on the MATH and VARS menus. When some features are active,
you may also see a shortcut menu in the _ ) location for special shortcuts available in that
particular feature.
EditingEditing keys allow you to edit expressions and values.
AdvancedAdvanced function keys display menus that access the advanced functions.
ScientificScientific calculator keys access the capabilities of a standard scientific calculator.
To set a Background Image:
7. Press _ .
Set grid color, axes, and
border color as desired.
8. Press _ or as necessary to
highlight Background.
The spinner dialog box
becomes active.
9. Press _ as necessary to select
the desired Background
Image or color.
Note: Your pre-loaded
Image Var may be different
than the one displayed.
Note: To create Background
Image Vars, use the free
TI Connect software to
convert and send images to
your TI-84 Plus C graphing
10. Press _ to see the graph
and trace points.
Note: You can manipulate the
graph to fit an object in the
Background Image Var. You can
also use QuickPlot and Fit
Equation to fit an equation to a
shape. (See QuickPlot later in
this chapter.)
Chapter 1: Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition 4
TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition
Using the Color.Coded Keyboard
The keys on the TI-84 Plus C are color-coded to help you easily locate the key you need.
The light colored keys are the number keys. The keys along the right side of the keyboard are the common
math functions. The keys across the top set up and display graphs. The key provides access to
applications such as Polynomial Root Finder and Simultaneous Equation Solver, Inequality Graphing, and
Note: Catalog Help is an application on the TI-84 Plus, but is built into the TI-84 Plus C operating
system. The Catalog Help contains syntax information for most menu items, and most of the functions
in the catalog. To use Catalog Help on the TI-Plus C, select a menu item and then press _.
The primary function of each key is printed on the keys. For example, when you press _, the MATH
menu is displayed.
Using the _ and Keys
The secondary function of each key is printed above the key in the same color as the _ key. When you
press the _ key, the character, abbreviation, or word printed above the other keys becomes active for
the next keystroke. For example, when you press _ and then _, the TEST menu is displayed. This
guidebook describes this keystroke combination as _.
The flashing cursor changes to 0 when you press _. The 0 may show in the cursor location, or in the
status bar on the top of the screen.
2nd key indicator on the status bar
TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition
Graphing Keys
Editing Keys
Function Keys
Calculator Keys
Chapter 1: Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition 5
Many keys also have a third function. These functions are printed above the keys in the same color as
the key. The third functions enter alphabetic characters and special symbols, as well as access
SOLVE and shortcut menus. For example, when you press and then _, the letter A is entered.
This guidebook describes this keystroke combination as [A].
If you want to enter several alphabetic characters in a row, you can press _ to lock the alpha
key in the On position and avoid having to press multiple times. Press a second time to
unlock it.
The flashing cursor changes to D when you press , even if you are accessing a function or a menu.
The D may show in the cursor location, or in the status bar on the top of the screen.
Turning On and Turning Off the TI-84 Plus C
Turning On the Graphing Calculator
To turn on the TI-84 Plus C, press _. An information screen displays reminding you that you can press
_ ) - ) to display the shortcut menus, and press _ for Catalog Help. This message also displays
when you reset RAM. When some features are active, you may also see a shortcut menu in the _ )
location for special shortcuts available in that particular feature.
To continue but not see this information screen again, press 1.
To continue and see this information screen again the next time you turn on the TI-84 Plus C, press
If you previously had turned off the graphing calculator by pressing _, the TI-84 Plus C
displays the home screen as it was when you last used it and clears any error. (The information
screen displays first, unless you chose not to see it again.) If the home screen is blank, press _ to
scroll through the history of previous calculations.
Alpha key indicator on the status bar
TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition
Accesses the
second function
printed above
each key.
Accesses the
third function
printed above
each key.
) - )
Access shortcut
menus for
including templates
for fractions, n/d,
and other functions.
Chapter 1: Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition 6
If Automatic Power Down (APD) had previously turned off the graphing calculator, the
TI-84 Plus C will return exactly as you left it, including the display, cursor, and any error.
If the TI-84 Plus C is turned off and connected to another graphing calculator or personal computer,
any communication activity will wake up the TI-84 Plus C.
To prolong the life of the battery, APD turns off the TI-84 Plus C automatically after about five minutes
without any activity.
Turning Off the Graphing Calculator
To turn off the TI-84 Plus C manually, press _.
All settings and memory contents are retained by the Constant Memory function.
Any error condition is cleared.
Setting the Display Brightness
Adjusting the Display Brightness
You can adjust the display brightness to suit your viewing angle and lighting conditions.
To adjust the contrast, follow these steps.
Press _ to darken the screen one level at a time.
Press _ _ to lighten the screen one level at a time.
The TI-84 Plus C retains the brightness setting in memory when it is turned off.
Automatic Dimming
The TI-84 Plus C has an automatic dimming feature. To help prolong battery life, the screen dims after
90 seconds of no activity. Press _ to return the screen to the preset brightness setting. Pressing _
does not affect any calculations, cursors, or error messages.
The Home Screen
The home screen is the primary screen of the TI-84 Plus C. On this screen, enter instructions to execute
and expressions to evaluate. The answers are displayed on the same screen. Most calculations are stored
in the history on the home screen. You can press _ and to scroll through the history of entries on the
home screen and you can paste the entries or answers to the current entry line.
Press _ from any screen to go to the home screen.
Chapter 1: Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition 7
Displaying Entries and Answers
When text is displayed, the TI-84 Plus C screen can display a maximum of 10 lines with a maximum
of 26 characters per line in Classic mode. In MathPrint mode, fewer lines and fewer characters per
line may be displayed, depending on the MathPrint template used.
A dotted line separates each set of entries and answers.
If an expression on the home screen, the Y= editor (Chapter 3 in the guidebook), or the program
editor (Chapter 16 in the guidebook) is longer than one line, it wraps to the beginning of the next
line in Classic mode. In MathPrint mode, an expression on the home screen or Y= editor that is
longer than one line scrolls off the screen to the right. An arrow on the right side of the screen
indicates that you can scroll right to see more of the expression. In numeric editors such as the
window screen (Chapter 3), a long expression scrolls to the right and left in both Classic and
MathPrint modes.
Tip: Press _ _ to move the cursor to the end of the line. Press _ _ to move the cursor to the
beginning of the line.
When an entry is executed on the home screen, the answer is displayed on the right side of the
next line.
The mode settings control the way the TI-84 Plus C interprets expressions and displays answers.
Press _ to switch between Classic and MathPrint modes and see expressions in both formats.
The Classic and MathPrint modes are on the top line of the mode screen.
If an answer, such as a list or matrix, is too long to display entirely on one line, an arrow
(MathPrint) or an ellipsis (Classic) is displayed to the right or left. Press _ and _ to display the
Enter a calculation.
1. Press _ to return to
the home screen, if needed.
2. Press _ 3 _ _ 4 _ _
_ 6 _.
Note: When you are in a
MathPrint template, the cursor
turns to a right arrow to
indicate that you must press _
to get out of the template
before you continue entering
the calculation.
Chapter 1: Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition 8
Scrolling Through Previous Entries on the Home Screen
If all lines of the display are full, text scrolls off the top of the display.
You can scroll up through previous entries and answers on the home screen, even if you have cleared
the screen. When you find an entry or answer that you want to use, you can select it and paste it (press
_) on the current entry line.
Note: List and matrix answers cannot be copied and pasted to the new entry line. However, you can
copy the list or matrix command to the new entry line and execute the command again to display the
Press _ or to move the cursor to the entry or answer you want to copy and then press _.
The TI-84 Plus C highlights the entry the cursor is on to help you select your desired choice.
The entry or answer that you copied is automatically pasted on the current input line at the cursor
Note: If the cursor is in a MathPrint expression, press _ _ to move the cursor out of the
expression and then move the cursor to the entry or answer you want to copy.
Press _ or _ to delete an entry/answer pair. After an entry/answer pair has been deleted, it
cannot be displayed or recalled again.
Note: For more information on using previous entries, see ENTRY (Last Entry) Storage Area later in this
Returning to the Home Screen
To return to the home screen from any other screen, press _.
MathPrint (default)
Chapter 1: Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition 9
Status Bar
The status bar displays on all screens, and gives information about the selected calculator mode
settings, any context help available for the item you currently have selected, and battery status. The
status bar may also show a busy indicator if the calculator is performing an operation, D to indicate the
calculator is in alpha status, and 0 to indicate the secondary function is active.
Selected mode settings are displayed on the top line of the status bar when the cursor is in the active
entry area. Mode settings do not display when the cursor is in the home screen history, since the mode
may have been different for previous calculations.
Context help, if available, is displayed on the second line. The battery status icon, busy indicator, alpha
indicator, and second key indicator are on the right. When you scroll into the home screen history, the
context help on the status bar displays HISTORY.
In the example below, the cursor is on the GridColor option. The context help for GridColor is on the
second line of the status bar.
Using Shortcut Menus
Shortcut menus allow quick access to the following:
Context help
for current
Battery icon.
This area of the
status bar also
displays the busy
indicator, alpha
indicator, and
second key indicator,
depending on the
state of the
graphing calculator.
TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition
Opens FRAC
Opens FUNC
Opens YVAR
Opens special
_) _)
Opens MTRX
Chapter 1: Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition 10
Templates to enter fractions, and to toggle between whole and mixed fractions, and fractions and
Selected functions from the MATH MATH and MATH NUM menus as you would see them in a
textbook, when in MathPrint mode. Functions include absolute value, numeric differentiation,
numeric integration, summation, log base n, square root, permutations, combinations, and
Quick MathPrint matrix entry, when available.
Names of function variables from the VARS Y-VARS menu.
To open a shortcut menu, press _ plus the F-key that corresponds to the menu, that is, ) for FRAC,
) for FUNC, ) for MTRX, ) for YVAR, or ) for special menus within interactive graph activities such
as DRAW or QuickPlot and Fit Equation, and more. To select a menu item, either press the number
corresponding to the item, or use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the appropriate line and then
press _.
All shortcut menu items except matrix templates can also be selected using standard menus. For
example, you can choose the summation template from three places:
The shortcut menus are available to use where input is allowed. If the calculator is in Classic mode, or if
a screen is displayed that does not support MathPrint display, entries will be displayed in Classic
display. The MTRX menu is only available in MathPrint mode on the home screen and in the
Y= editor.
Note: Shortcut menus may not be available if _ plus F-key combinations are used by an application
that is running.
FUNC shortcut menu
Chapter 1: Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition 11
Busy Indicator
Display Cursors
In most cases, the appearance of the cursor indicates what will happen when you press the next key or
select the next menu item to be pasted as a character.
Note: The second cursor and alpha cursor may appear on the status bar, depending on the context.
If you press during an insertion, the cursor becomes an underlined A (A). If you press _ during an
insertion, the underlined cursors becomes an underlined # (#).
Note: If you highlight a small character such as a colon or a comma and then press or _, the
cursor does not change because the cursor width is too narrow.
Graphs and editors sometimes display additional cursors, which are described in the guidebook.
Setting Modes
Checking Mode Settings
Mode settings control how the TI-84 Plus C displays and interprets numbers and graphs. Mode settings
are retained by the Constant Memory feature when the TI-84 Plus C is turned off. All numbers,
including elements of matrices and lists, are displayed according to the current mode settings.
To display the mode settings, press _. The current settings are highlighted. Defaults are highlighted
below. The following pages describe the mode settings in detail.
Cursor Appearance Effect of Next Keystroke
Entry Solid rectangle
A character is entered at the
cursor; any existing
character is overwritten.
Insert Underline
A character is inserted in
front of the cursor location.
Second Reverse arrow
A 2nd character is entered
or a 2nd operation is
Alpha Reverse A
An alpha character is
entered, SOLVE is executed,
or shortcut menus are
Full Checkerboard rectangle
o 0 > , =
Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics and Distributions 248
invT( computes the inverse cumulative Student-t probability function specified by Degree of Freedom,
df for a given Area under the curve.
tpdf( computes the probability density function (pdf) for the Student-t distribution at a specified x
value. df (degrees of freedom) must be > 0. To plot the Student-t distribution, paste tpdf( to the Y=
editor. The probability density function (pdf) is:
tcdf( computes the Student-t distribution probability between lowerbound and upperbound for the
specified df (degrees of freedom), which must be > 0.
Note: For this example,
Xmin = L4.5
Xmax = 4.5
Ymin = 0
Ymax = .4
f x ( )
I df 1 + ( )/2 | |
I df 2 ( )
--------------------------------- =
1 x
/df + ( )
df 1 + ( )/2
Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics and Distributions 249
pdf( computes the probability density function (pdf) for the c
(chi-square) distribution at a specified
x value. df (degrees of freedom) must be an integer > 0. To plot the c
distribution, paste c
pdf( to the
Y= editor. The probability density function (pdf) is:
cdf( computes the c
(chi-square) distribution probability between lowerbound and upperbound for the
specified df (degrees of freedom), which must be an integer > 0.
Note: For this
Xmin = 0
Xmax = 30
Ymin = L.02
Ymax = .132
f x ( )
I df 2 ( )
-------------------- 1/2 ( )
df 2 1
x 0 > , =
Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics and Distributions 250
Fpdf( computes the probability density function (pdf) for the F distribution at a specified x value.
numerator df (degrees of freedom) and denominator df must be integers > 0. To plot the F distribution,
paste Fpdf( to the Y= editor. The probability density function (pdf) is:
Fpdf(x,numerator df,denominator df)
Fcdf( computes the F distribution probability between lowerbound and upperbound for the specified
numerator df (degrees of freedom) and denominator df. numerator df and denominator df must be integers
> 0.
Fcdf(lowerbound,upperbound,numerator df,denominator df)
binompdf( computes a probability at x for the discrete binomial distribution with the specified
numtrials and probability of success (p) on each trial. x can be an integer or a list of integers. 0p1 must
be true. numtrials must be an integer > 0. If you do not specify x, a list of probabilities from 0 to
numtrials is returned. The probability density function (pdf) is:
where n = numtrials
where n = numerator degrees of freedom
d = denominator degrees of freedom
Note: For this example,
Xmin = 0
Xmax = 5
Ymin = 0
Ymax = 1
f x ( )
I n d + ( )/2 | |
I n/2 ( )I d/2 ( )
\ .
| |
n/2 1
1 nx/d + ( )
n d + ( )/2
x 0 > , =
f x ( )
x \ .
| |
1 p ( )
n x
x , 0,1,...,n = =
Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics and Distributions 251
binomcdf( computes a cumulative probability at x for the discrete binomial distribution with the
specified numtrials and probability of success (p) on each trial. x can be a real number or a list of real
numbers. 0p1 must be true. numtrials must be an integer > 0. If you do not specify x, a list of
cumulative probabilities is returned.
poissonpdf( computes a probability at x for the discrete Poisson distribution with the specified mean m,
which must be a real number > 0. x can be an integer or a list of integers. The probability density
function (pdf) is:
poissoncdf( computes a cumulative probability at x for the discrete Poisson distribution with the
specified mean m, which must be a real number > 0. x can be a real number or a list of real numbers.
f x ( ) e
x! x , 0,1,2,... = =
Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics and Distributions 252
geometpdf( computes a probability at x, the number of the trial on which the first success occurs, for
the discrete geometric distribution with the specified probability of success p. 0p1 must be true. x can
be an integer or a list of integers. The probability density function (pdf) is:
geometcdf( computes a cumulative probability at x, the number of the trial on which the first success
occurs, for the discrete geometric distribution with the specified probability of success p. 0p1 must be
true. x can be a real number or a list of real numbers.
Distribution Shading
To display the DISTR DRAW menu, press _ _. DISTR DRAW instructions draw various types of
density functions, shade the area specified by lowerbound and upperbound, and display the computed
area value.
Selecting an item from the DIST DRAW menu opens a wizard for the input of syntax for that item. Press
_ for syntax editor. Some of the arguments are optional. If an argument is not optional, the cursor will
not move on to the next argument until a value is entered.
If you access any of these functions through CATALOG, the command or function will paste and you will
be required to fill in the arguments.
Color spinner menu to set the graph color is available.
To clear the drawings, select 1:ClrDraw from the DRAW menu (Chapter 8).
Note: Before you execute a DISTR DRAW instruction, you must set the window variables so that the
desired distribution fits the screen.
1: ShadeNorm( Shades normal distribution.
2: Shade_t( Shades Student-t distribution.
Shades c
4: ShadeF( Shades Fdistribution.
f x ( ) p 1 p ( )
x 1
x , 1,2,... = =
Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics and Distributions 253
Note: Use Catalog Help for more syntax help when needed.Select a menu item and then press _ to go
to a syntax help editor (if the menu item is supported).
L199 and 199 specify infinity. If you want to view the area left of upperbound, for example, specify
ShadeNorm( draws the normal density function specified by mean m and standard deviation s and
shades the area between lowerbound and upperbound. The defaults are m=0 and s=1.
Shade_t( draws the density function for the Student-t distribution specified by df (degrees of freedom)
and shades the area between lowerbound and upperbound.
Note: For this example,
Xmin = 55
Xmax = 72
Ymin = L.05
Ymax = .2
Note: For this example,
Xmin = L3
Xmax = 3
Ymin = L.15
Ymax = .5
Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics and Distributions 254
( draws the density function for the c
(chi-square) distribution specified by df (degrees of
freedom) and shades the area between lowerbound and upperbound.
ShadeF( draws the density function for the F distribution specified by numerator df (degrees of
freedom) and denominator df and shades the area between lowerbound and upperbound.
ShadeF(lowerbound,upperbound,numerator df,denominator df)
Note: For this example,
Xmin = 0
Xmax = 35
Ymin = L.025
Ymax = .1
Note: For this example,
Xmin = 0
Xmax = 5
Ymin = L.25
Ymax = .9
Chapter 14: Applications 255
Chapter 14:
The Applications Menu
The TI-84 Plus C comes with several applications already installed and listed on the APPLICATIONS
menu, such as:
Inequality Graphing
Vernier EasyData
Polynomial Root Finder and Simultaneous Equation Solver
Except for the Finance application, you can add and remove applications as space permits. The Finance
application is built into the TI-84 Plus C code and cannot be deleted.
Check education.ti.com/go/downloads for more TI-84 Plus C application titles. You can also install the TI
Connect software from this site.
The 3.5 MB archive space lets you store up to 216 applications at one time on the TI-84 Plus C.
Applications can also be stored on a computer for later use or linked unit-to-unit.
Guidebooks for applications are on the Texas Instruments Web site at: education.ti.com/go/downloads.
Note: For most menu items, you can select the desired item, and then press \ to access the Catalog
Help App functionality. Where applicable, related syntax help is displayed when you perform these
Steps for Running the Finance Application
Follow these basic steps when using the Finance application.
Getting Started: Financing a Car
Getting Started is a fast-paced introduction. Read the chapter for details.
1. Press _ to select the Finance application.
2. Select from the list of functions.
Chapter 14: Applications 256
You have found a car you would like to buy. You can afford payments of 250 per month for four years.
The car costs 9,000. Your bank offers an interest rate of 5%. What will your payments be? Can you
afford it?
Getting Started: Computing Compound Interest
At what annual interest rate, compounded monthly, will 1,250 accumulate to 2,000 in 7 years?
1. Press _ _ _ _ _ to set the fixed-decimal mode
setting to 2.
2. Press _ to select 1:Finance from the
3. Press _ to select 1:TVM Solver from the CALC VARS
menu. The TVMSolver is displayed.
4. Enter the data:
N (number of payments)= 48
I% (interest rate)=5
PV (present value)=9000
PMT (amount of each payment)=0
FV (future value)=0
P/Y (payments per year)=12
C/Y (compounding periods per year)=12
5. Select PMT:END, which indicates that payments are due at
the end of each period.
6. Move the cursor to PMT and press . Can you
afford the payment?
Chapter 14: Applications 257
Note: Because there are no payments when you solve compound interest problems, PMT must be set to
0 and P/Y must be set to 1.
Using the TVM Solver
Using the TVM Solver
The TVM Solver displays the time-value-of-money (TVM) variables. Given four variable values, the TVM
Solver solves for the fifth variable.
The FINANCE VARS menu section describes the five TVM variables (N, |, PV, PMT, and FV) and P/Y and
PMT: END BEGIN in the TVM Solver corresponds to the FINANCE CALC menu items Pmt_End (payment
at the end of each period) and Pmt_Bgn (payment at the beginning of each period).
To solve for an unknown TVM variable, follow these steps.
1. Press _ _ to display the TVM Solver. The screen below shows the default values with
the fixed-decimal mode set to two decimal places.
2. Enter the known values for four TVM variables.
Note: Enter cash inflows as positive numbers and cash outflows as negative numbers.
3. Enter a value for P/Y, which automatically enters the same value for C/Y; if P/Y ? C/Y, enter a unique
value for C/Y.
1. Press _ to select 1:Finance from the
2. Press _ to select 1:TVM Solver from the CALC VARS
menu. The TVM Solver is displayed.
3. Enter the data:
PV= M1250
4. Move the cursor to | and press .
You need to look for an interest rate of 6.73% to grow
1250 to 2000 in 7 years.
Chapter 14: Applications 258
4. Select END or BEGIN to specify the payment method.
5. Place the cursor on the TVM variable for which you want to solve.
6. Press . The answer is computed, displayed in the TVM Solver, and stored to the
appropriate TVM variable. An indicator square in the left column designates the solution variable.
Using the Financial Functions
Entering Cash Inflows and Cash Outflows
When using the financial functions, you must enter cash inflows (cash received) as positive numbers and
cash outflows (cash paid) as negative numbers. The TI-84 Plus C follows this convention when
computing and displaying answers.
To display the FINANCE CALC menu, press _.
Note: To access Catalog Help, select the desired menu item, and then press \. Catalog Help is not
available for the TVM Solver option.
Use these functions to set up and perform financial calculations on the home screen.
TVM Solver
TVM Solver displays the TVM Solver.
Calculating Time Value of Money (TVM)
Calculating Time Value of Money
Use time-value-of-money (TVM) functions (menu items 2 through 6) to analyze financial instruments
such as annuities, loans, mortgages, leases, and savings.
1: TVM Solver... Displays the TVM Solver.
2: tvm_Pmt Computes the amount of each payment.
3: tvm_| Computes the interest rate per year.
4: tvm_PV Computes the present value.
5: tvm_N Computes the number of payment periods.
6: tvm_FV Computes the future value.
7: npv( Computes the net present value.
8: irr( Computes the internal rate of return.
9: bal( Computes the amortization sched. balance.
0: GPrn( Computes the amort. sched. princ. sum.
A: GInt( Computes the amort. sched. interest sum.
B: 4Nom( Computes the nominal interest rate.
C: 4Eff( Computes the effective interest rate.
D: dbd( Calculates the days between two dates.
E: Pmt_End Selects ordinary annuity (end of period).
F: Pmt_Bgn Selects annuity due (beginning of period).
Chapter 14: Applications 259
Each TVM function takes zero to six arguments, which must be real numbers. The values that you
specify as arguments for TVM functions are not stored to the TVM variables.
Note: To store a value to a TVM variable, use the TVM Solver or use _ and any TVM variable on the
If you enter less than six arguments, the graphing calculator substitutes a previously stored TVM
variable value for each unspecified argument.
If you enter any arguments with a TVM function, you must place the argument or arguments in
tvm_Pmt computes the amount of each payment.
Note: In the example above, the values are stored to the TVM variables in the TVMSolver. The payment
(tvm_Pmt) is computed on the home screen using the values in the TVMSolver. Next, the interest rate is
changed to 9.5 to illustrate the effect on the payment amount.
tvm_| computes the annual interest rate.
tvm_| [(N,PV,PMT,FV,P/Y,C/Y)]
tvm_PV computes the present value.
Chapter 14: Applications 260
tvm_N computes the number of payment periods.
tvm_FV computes the future value.
Calculating Cash Flows
Calculating a Cash Flow
Use the cash flow functions (menu items 7 and 8) to analyze the value of money over equal time
periods. You can enter unequal cash flows, which can be cash inflows or outflows. The syntax
descriptions for npv( and irr( use these arguments.
interest rate is the rate by which to discount the cash flows (the cost of money) over one period.
CF0 is the initial cash flow at time 0; it must be a real number.
CFList is a list of cash flow amounts after the initial cash flow CF0.
CFFreq is a list in which each element specifies the frequency of occurrence for a grouped
(consecutive) cash flow amount, which is the corresponding element of CFList. The default is 1; if
you enter values, they must be positive integers < 10,000.
For example, express this uneven cash flow in lists.
MathPrint Classic
Chapter 14: Applications 261
CF0 = 2000
CFList = {2000,L3000,4000}
CFFreq = {2,1,2}
npv(, irr(
npv( (net present value) is the sum of the present values for the cash inflows and outflows. A positive
result for npv indicates a profitable investment.
npv(interest rate,CF0,CFList[,CFFreq])
irr( (internal rate of return) is the interest rate at which the net present value of the cash flows is equal
to zero.
Calculating Amortization
Calculating an Amortization Schedule
Use the amortization functions (menu items 9, 0, and A) to calculate balance, sum of principal, and sum
of interest for an amortization schedule.
bal( computes the balance for an amortization schedule using stored values for |, PV, and PMT. npmt is
the number of the payment at which you want to calculate a balance. It must be a positive integer
< 10,000. roundvalue specifies the internal precision the calculator uses to calculate the balance; if you
do not specify roundvalue, then the graphing calculator uses the current Float/Fix decimal-mode setting.
2000 4000 4000 2000 2000
0 5000 3000
Chapter 14: Applications 262
GPrn(, GInt(
GPrn( computes the sum of the principal during a specified period for an amortization schedule using
stored values for |, PV, and PMT. pmt1 is the starting payment. pmt2 is the ending payment in the range.
pmt1 and pmt2 must be positive integers < 10,000. roundvalue specifies the internal precision the calculator
uses to calculate the principal; if you do not specify roundvalue, the graphing calculator uses the current
Float/Fix decimal-mode setting.
Note: You must enter values for |, PV, and PMT before computing the principal.
GInt( computes the sum of the interest during a specified period for an amortization schedule using
stored values for |, PV, and PMT. pmt1 is the starting payment. pmt2 is the ending payment in the
range. pmt1 and pmt2 must be positive integers < 10,000. roundvalue specifies the internal precision the
calculator uses to calculate the interest; if you do not specify roundvalue, the TI-84 Plus C uses the
current Float/Fix decimal-mode setting.
Amortization Example: Calculating an Outstanding Loan Balance
You want to buy a home with a 30-year mortgage at 8 percent APR. Monthly payments are 800.
Calculate the outstanding loan balance after each payment and display the results in a graph and in the
1. Press _. Press _ _ _ _ to set the
fixed-decimal mode setting to 2. Press _ _
to select Par graphing mode.
2. Press _ _ to display the TVM Solver.
Chapter 14: Applications 263
3. Press 360 to enter number of payments. Press 8
to enter the interest rate. Press _ 800 to
enter the payment amount. Press 0 to enter the
future value of the mortgage. Press 12 to enter
the payments per year, which also sets the
compounding periods per year to 12. Press
_ to select PMT:END.
4. Move the cursor to the PV prompt and then press
to solve for the present value.
5. Press _ to display the parametric Y= editor. Turn
off all stat plots. Press to define X1T as T.
Press _ 9 _ to define Y1T as
6. Press _ to display the window variables. Enter
the values below.
Tmin=0 Xmin=0 Ymin=0
Tmax=360 Xmax=360 Ymax=125000
Tstep=12 Xscl=50 Yscl=10000
7. Press _ to draw the graph and activate the
trace cursor. Press _ and _ to explore the graph of
the outstanding balance over time. Press a number
and then press _ to view the balance at a
specific time T.
8. Press _ and enter the values below.
9. Press _ to display the table of outstanding
balances (Y1T).
10. Press _ and select Graph-Table split-screen
mode, so that the graph and table are displayed
Press _ to display X1T (time) and Y1T (balance)
in the table.
Chapter 14: Applications 264
Calculating Interest Conversion
Calculating an Interest Conversion
Use the interest conversion functions (menu items B and C) to convert interest rates from an annual
effective rate to a nominal rate (4Nom( ) or from a nominal rate to an annual effective rate (4Eff( ).
4Nom( computes the nominal interest rate. effective rate and compounding periods must be real numbers.
compounding periods must be >0.
4Nom(effective rate,compounding periods)
4Eff( computes the effective interest rate. nominal rate and compounding periods must be real numbers.
compounding periods must be >0.
4Eff(nominal rate,compounding periods)
Finding Days between Dates/Defining Payment Method
Use the date function dbd( (menu item D) to calculate the number of days between two dates using
the actual-day-count method. date1 and date2 can be numbers or lists of numbers within the range of
the dates on the standard calendar.
Note: Dates must be between the years 1950 through 2049.
You can enter date1 and date2 in either of two formats.
MM.DDYY (United States)
DDMM.YY (Europe)
The decimal placement differentiates the date formats.
Defining the Payment Method
Pmt_End and Pmt_Bgn (menu items E and F) specify a transaction as an ordinary annuity or an annuity
due. When you execute either command, the TVM Solver is updated.
Chapter 14: Applications 265
Pmt_End (payment end) specifies an ordinary annuity, where payments occur at the end of each
payment period. Most loans are in this category. Pmt_End is the default.
On the TVM Solvers PMT:END BEGIN line, select END to set PMT to ordinary annuity.
Pmt_Bgn (payment beginning) specifies an annuity due, where payments occur at the beginning of
each payment period. Most leases are in this category.
On the TVM Solvers PMT:END BEGIN line, select BEGIN to set PMT to annuity due.
Using the TVM Variables
To display the FINANCE VARS menu, press _ _. You can use TVM variables in TVM functions
and store values to them on the home screen.
N, I%, PV, PMT, FV
N, |, PV, PMT, and FV are the five TVM variables. They represent the elements of common financial
transactions, as described in the table above. | is an annual interest rate that is converted to a per-
period rate based on the values of P/Y and C/Y.
P/Y and C/Y
P/Y is the number of payment periods per year in a financial transaction.
C/Y is the number of compounding periods per year in the same transaction.
When you store a value to P/Y, the value for C/Y automatically changes to the same value. To store a
unique value to C/Y, you must store the value to C/Y after you have stored a value to P/Y.
The EasyData Application
The Vernier EasyData application by Vernier Software & Technology allows you to view and analyze
real-world data when the graphing calculator is connected to data collection devices such as Texas
Instruments CBR 2, CBL 2, Vernier LabPro, Vernier USB sensors, Vernier Go!Motion, or Vernier
Motion Detector Unit. The TI-84 Plus C comes with the EasyData App already installed.
Note: The application is designed to work with Vernier auto-ID sensors. To use older Vernier sensors
that do not auto-ID, contact Vernier at www.vernier.com.
The EasyData App will automatically launch on your graphing calculator if you plug in a USB sensor
such as the CBR 2 or Vernier USB Temperature sensor.
Some new features of the EasyData App include:
Added color to meters and graphs
1: N Total number of payment periods
2: | Annual interest rate
3: PV Present value
4: PMT Payment amount
5: FV Future value
6: P/Y Number of payment periods per year
7: C/Y Number of compounding periods/year
Chapter 14: Applications 266
Graph Scaling support
Preset y-axis scaling for live graphs
Turn off auto scaling after data collection completes
Manually scale graphs within the application
Support for additional sensor calibration types
Quadratic (allows support for Wide-Range Temperature Probe & Melt Station)
Power (allows support for Ethanol Sensor)
Steps for Running the EasyData App
Follow these basic steps when using the EasyData App.
Starting the EasyData App
Quitting the EasyData App
1. To quit the EasyData App, select Quit (press _).
The Ready to quit? screen is displayed, which indicates the lists where the collected data has been
stored on the graphing calculator.
2. Press OK (press _) to quit.
EasyData Settings
Changing EasyData settings
The EasyData App displays the most commonly used settings before data collection begins.
To change a predefined setting:
1. From the main screen in the EasyData App, choose Setup and select 2: Time Graph. The current
settings are displayed on the calculator.
Note: If using a motion detector, settings for 3: Distance Match and 4: Ball Bounce in the Setup
menu are preset and cannot be changed.
2. Select Next (press _) to move to the setting you want to change. Press to clear a setting.
3. Repeat to cycle through the available options. When the option is correct, select Next to move to
the next option.
4. To change a setting, enter 1 or 2 digits, and then select Next (press _).
5. When all the settings are correct, select OK (press _) to return to the main menu.
6. Select Start (press _) to begin collecting data.
Restoring the EasyData App to the default settings
The default settings are appropriate for a wide variety of sampling situations. If you are unsure of the
best settings, begin with the default settings, and then adjust the settings for your specific activity.
To restore the default settings in the EasyData App while a data collection device is connected to the
graphing calculator, choose File and select 1:New.
1. Attach your data collection device to your TI-84 Plus C. Make
sure the cables are firmly connected.
2. If the EasyData App has not auto-launched, press and
the _ or to select the EasyData App.
3. Press _. The EasyData information screen is displayed
for about three seconds followed by the main screen.
Chapter 14: Applications 267
Starting and Stopping Data Collection
Starting Data Collection
To start sampling, select Start (press _). Sampling will automatically stop when the number of
samples set in the Time Graph Settings menu is reached. The graphing calculator will then display a
graph of the sampled data.
Stopping Data Collection
To stop sampling before it automatically stops, select Stop (press and hold _) at any time during the
sampling process. When sampling stops, a graph of the sampled data is displayed.
Saving Collected Data
Collected data is automatically transferred to the graphing calculator and stored in lists L1 through L11
when data collection is complete. When you exit the EasyData App, a prompt reminds you of the lists
in which time, distance, velocity, and acceleration are stored.
This manual describes basic operation for the EasyData application. For more information about the
EasyData App, visit www.vernier.com.
Chapter 15: CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic Functions 268
Chapter 15:
CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic Functions
Browsing the TI-84 Plus C Catalog Help
What Is the CATALOG?
The CATALOG is an alphabetical list of all functions and instructions on the TI-84 Plus C. You also can
access each CATALOG item from a menu or the keyboard, except:
The six string functions
The six hyperbolic functions
The solve( instruction without the equation solver editor (Chapter 2)
The inferential stat functions without the inferential stat editors (Chapter 13)
Note: The only CATALOG programming commands you can execute from the home screen are
GetCalc(, Get(, and Send(.
Selecting an Item from the CATALOG
To select a CATALOG item, follow these steps.
1. Press _ to display the CATALOG.
The 4 in the first column is the selection cursor.
2. Press or _ to scroll the CATALOG until the selection cursor points to the item you want.
To jump to the first item beginning with a particular letter, press that letter; alpha-lock is on.
Items that begin with a number are in alphabetical order according to the first letter after the
number. For example, 2-PropZTest( is among the items that begin with the letter P.
Functions that appear as symbols, such as +,
, <, and (, follow the last item that begins with
Z. To jump to the first symbol, !, press [q].
3. Press _ to paste the item to the current screen.
From the top of the CATALOG menu, press _ to move to the bottom. From the bottom, press to
move to the top.
When your TI-84 Plus C is in MathPrint mode, many functions will paste the MathPrint
template on the home screen. For example, abs( pastes the absolute value template on the home
screen instead of abs(.
MathPrint Classic
Chapter 15: CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic Functions 269
Using Catalog Help
Displaying Catalog Help
You can display Catalog Help arguments for functions in two ways:
Using an alpha/numeric function listing in the catalog (e.g, _ ).
Using the functions listed in certain menus (e.g, _).
Catalog Help lists the valid arguments for the function under the edit line. Arguments in brackets are
1. Display the menu that contains the function.
2. Use _ and/or to move the cursor to the function.
3. Press _ to display arguments for the function. The cursor is on the function edit line.
The catalog (_ ) is displayed in alphabetical order. When you display the catalog, the
alpha-lock is turned on. Press the first letter of the function name to skip function names that come
before it alphabetically. Use _ and/or to move the cursor to the function.
Not all catalog functions have associated arguments. If the function does not require an argument,
Catalog Help displays the message No arguments required for this item.
Catalog Help Commands
Select MORE (if available) to display more arguments for the function.
Use shortcut menus _ ) through ) for argument values if available.
Function edit line.
Optional argument for this
Catalog Help commands
available for this function.
Arguments for this function.
Chapter 15: CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic Functions 270
Enter your argument values on the function edit line, and then select PASTE to paste the function
and the argument values you entered.
Note: You can paste to most cursor locations.
Select ESC to exit the Catalog Help screen.
Entering and Using Strings
What Is a String?
A string is a sequence of characters that you enclose within quotation marks. On the TI-84 Plus C, a
string has two primary applications.
It defines text to be displayed in a program.
It accepts input from the keyboard in a program.
Characters are the units that you combine to form a string.
Each number, letter, and space counts as one character.
Each instruction or function name, such as sin( or cos(, counts as one character; the TI-84 Plus C
interprets each instruction or function name as one character.
Entering a String
To enter a string on a blank line on the home screen or in a program, follow these steps.
1. Press ['] to indicate the beginning of the string.
2. Enter the characters that comprise the string.
Use any combination of numbers, letters, function names, or instruction names to create the
To enter a blank space, press _.
To enter several alpha characters in a row, press _ to activate alpha-lock.
3. Press ['] to indicate the end of the string.
4. Press _. On the home screen, the string is displayed on the next line without quotations. An
ellipsis (...) indicates that the string continues beyond the screen. To scroll to see the entire string,
press _ and _.
Chapter 15: CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic Functions 271
Note: A string must be enclosed in quotation marks. The quotation marks do not count as string
Storing Strings to String Variables
String Variables
The TI-84 Plus C has 10 variables to which you can store strings. You can use string variables with string
functions and instructions.
To display the VARS STRING menu, follow these steps.
1. Press _ to display the VARS menu. Move the cursor to 7:String.
2. Press _ to display the STRING secondary menu.
Storing a String to a String Variable
To store a string to a string variable, follow these steps.
1. Press ['], enter the string, and press ['].
2. Press _.
3. Press _ 7 to display the VARS STRING menu.
4. Select the string variable (from Str1 to Str9, or Str0) to which you want to store the string.
The string variable is pasted to the current cursor location, next to the store symbol ().
5. Press _ to store the string to the string variable. On the home screen, the stored string is
displayed on the next line without quotation marks.
Displaying the Contents of a String Variable
To display the contents of a string variable on the home screen, select the string variable from the VARS
STRING menu, and then press _. The string is displayed.
Chapter 15: CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic Functions 272
String Functions and Instructions in the CATALOG
Displaying String Functions and Instructions in the CATALOG
String functions and instructions are available only from the CATALOG. The table below lists the string
functions and instructions in the order in which they appear among the other CATALOG menu items.
The ellipses in the table indicate the presence of additional CATALOG items.
To concatenate two or more strings, follow these steps.
1. Enter string1, which can be a string or string name.
2. Press _.
3. Enter string2, which can be a string or string name. If necessary, press _ and enter string3, and so
4. Press _ to display the strings as a single string.
Selecting a String Function from the CATALOG
To select a string function or instruction and paste it to the current screen, follow the steps for selecting
an item from the CATALOG.
Equ4String( converts an equation to a string. The equation must be store in a VARS Y-VARS variable. Yn
contains the equation. Strn (from Str1 to Str9, or Str0) is the string variable to which you want the
equation to be stored.
Equ4String( Converts an equation to a string.
expr( Converts a string to an expression.
inString( Returns a characters place number.
length( Returns a strings character length.
String4Equ( Converts a string to an equation.
sub( Returns a string subset as a string.
Chapter 15: CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic Functions 273
expr( converts the character string contained in string to an expression and executes it. string can be a
string or a string variable.
inString( returns the character position in string of the first character of substring. string can be a string
or a string variable. start is an optional character position at which to start the search; the default is 1.
Note: If string does not contain substring, or start is greater than the length of string, inString( returns 0.
length( returns the number of characters in string. string can be a string or string variable.
Note: An instruction or function name, such as sin( or cos(, counts as one character.
String4Equ( converts string into an equation and stores the equation to Yn. string can be a string or
string variable. String4Equ( is the inverse of Equ4String(.
Chapter 15: CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic Functions 274
sub( returns a string that is a subset of an existing string. string can be a string or a string variable. begin
is the position number of the first character of the subset. length is the number of characters in the
Entering a Function to Graph during Program Execution
In a program, you can enter a function to graph during program execution using these commands.
Note: When you execute this program, enter a function to store to Y3 at the ENTRY= prompt.
Chapter 15: CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic Functions 275
Hyperbolic Functions in the CATALOG
Hyperbolic Functions
The hyperbolic functions are available only from the CATALOG. The table below lists the hyperbolic
functions in the order in which they appear among the other CATALOG menu items. The ellipses in the
table indicate the presence of additional CATALOG items.
sinh(, cosh(, tanh(
sinh(, cosh(, and tanh( are the hyperbolic functions. Each is valid for real numbers, expressions, and
(, cosh
(, tanh
( is the hyperbolic arcsine function. cosh
( is the hyperbolic arccosine function. tanh
( is the
hyperbolic arctangent function. Each is valid for real numbers, expressions, and lists.
cosh( Hyperbolic cosine
Hyperbolic arccosine
sinh( Hyperbolic sine
Hyperbolic arcsine
tanh( Hyperbolic tangent
Hyperbolic arctangent
Chapter 16: Programming 276
Chapter 16:
Getting Started: Volume of a Cylinder
Getting Started is a fast-paced introduction. Read the chapter for details.
A program is a set of commands that the TI-84 Plus C executes sequentially, as if you had entered them
from the keyboard. Create a program that prompts for the radius R and the height H of a cylinder and
then computes its volume.
1. Press _ _ _ to display the PRGM NEW menu.
2. Press _ to select 1:Create New. The Name=
prompt is displayed, and alpha-lock is on. Press C Y L I
N D E R, and then press _ to name the program
You are now in the program editor. The colon ( : ) in
the first column of the second line indicates the
beginning of a command line.
3. Press _ _ 2 to select 2:Prompt from the
PRGM I/O menu. Prompt is copied to the command
line. Press R _ H to enter the variable
names for radius and height. Press _.
4. Press _ _ R _ H _ V _
to enter the expression pR
H and store it to the
variable V.
5. Press _ _ 3 to select 3:Disp from the PRGM I/O
menu. Disp is pasted to the command line. Press _
['] V O L U M E _ I S ['] _ V
_ to set up the program to display the text
VOLUME IS on one line and the calculated value of V
on the next.
6. Press _ to display the home screen.
7. Press _ to display the PRGM EXEC menu. The
items on this menu are the names of stored
Chapter 16: Programming 277
Creating and Deleting Programs
What Is a Program?
A program is a set of one or more command lines. Each line contains one or more instructions. When
you execute a program, the TI-84 Plus C performs each instruction on each command line in the same
order in which you entered them. The number and size of programs that the TI-84 Plus C can store is
limited only by available memory.
Operating Systems Versions and Programming
Programs created using the TI-84 Plus OS 2.55MP and earlier or the TI-83 Plus 1.19 OS or earlier will
run on the TI-84 Plus C; however, they may result in unexpected displays on the TI-84 Plus C given
the high resolution screen. You should test your existing programs on the TI-84 Plus C and adjust
command arguments as needed. In particular, any commands that display on the graph need to
have the arguments adjusted to the desired pixel locations on the graph area. Programs displaying
to the Home Screen should run as expected.
Programs can run in Classic or MathPrint mode.
Shortcut menus are available wherever the MATH menu can be accessed.
MathPrint templates are not available for programs. All input and output is in Classic format.
You can use fractions in programs, but you should test the program to make sure that you get the
desired results.
The spacing of the display may be slightly different in MathPrint mode than in Classic mode. If
you prefer the spacing in Classic mode, set the mode using a command in your program. Screen
shots for the examples in this chapter were taken in Classic mode.
Syntax help is built in on the TI-84 Plus C. When in program edit mode, press
Note: Press _ (plus) to run the catalog help application and to use syntax help for programming.
Creating a New Program
To create a new program, follow these steps.
1. Press _ _ to display the PRGM NEW menu.
2. Press _ to select 1:Create New. The Name= prompt is displayed, and alpha-lock is on.
3. Press a letter from A to Z or q to enter the first character of the new program name.
Note: A program name can be one to eight characters long. The first character must be a letter
from A to Z or q. The second through eighth characters can be letters, numbers, or q.
4. Enter zero to seven letters, numbers, or q to complete the new program name.
8. Press _ to paste prgmCYLINDER to the current
cursor location. (If CYLINDER is not item 1 on your
PRGM EXEC menu, move the cursor to CYLINDER
before you press _.)
9. Press _ to execute the program. Enter 1.5 for the
radius, and then press _. Enter 3 for the height,
and then press _. The text VOLUME IS, the value
of V, and Done are displayed.
Repeat steps 7 through 9 and enter different values
for R and H.
Chapter 16: Programming 278
5. Press _. The program editor is displayed.
6. Enter one or more program commands.
7. Press _ to leave the program editor and return to the home screen.
Managing Memory and Deleting a Program
To check whether adequate memory is available for a program you want to enter:
1. Press _ } to display the MEMORY menu.
2. Select 2:Mem Management/Delete to display the MEMORY MANAGEMENT/DELETE menu
(Chapter 18).
3. Select 7:Prgm to display the PRGM editor.
The TI-84 Plus C expresses memory quantities in bytes.
You can increase available memory in one of two ways. You can delete one or more programs or you
can archive some programs.
To increase available memory by deleting a specific program:
1. Press _ } and then select 2:Mem Management/Delete from the MEMORY menu.
2. Select 7:Prgm to display the PRGM editor (Chapter 18).
3. Press _ and to move the selection cursor (4) next to the program you want to delete, and then
press _. The program is deleted from memory.
Note: You will receive a message asking you to confirm this delete action. Select 2:yes to continue.
To leave the PRGM editor screen without deleting anything, press _, which displays the
home screen.
To increase available memory by archiving a program:
1. Press _ } and then select 2:Mem Management/Delete from the MEMORY menu.
2. Select 2:Mem Management/Delete to display the MEMORY MANAGEMENT/DELETE menu.
3. Select 7:Prgm... to display the PRGM menu.
Chapter 16: Programming 279
4. Press _ to archive the program. An asterisk will appear to the left of the program to indicate it
is an archived program.
To unarchive a program in this screen, put the cursor next to the archived program and press _.
The asterisk will disappear.
Note: Archive programs cannot be edited or executed. In order to edit or execute an archived
program, you must first unarchive it.
Entering Command Lines and Executing Programs
Entering a Program Command Line
You can enter on a command line any instruction or expression that you could execute from the home
screen. In the program editor, each new command line begins with a colon. To enter more than one
instruction or expression on a single command line, separate each with a colon.
Note: A command line can be longer than the screen is wide.
While in the program editor, you can display and select from menus. You can return to the program
editor from a menu in either of two ways.
Select a menu item, which pastes the item to the current command line.
Press .
When you complete a command line, press _. The cursor moves to the next command line.
Programs can access variables, lists, matrices, and strings saved in memory. If a program stores a new
value to a variable, list, matrix, or string, the program changes the value in memory during execution.
You can call another program as a subroutine.
Executing a Program
To execute a program, begin on a blank line on the home screen and follow these steps.
1. Press _ to display the PRGM EXEC menu.
2. Select a program name from the PRGM EXEC menu. prgmname is pasted to the home screen (for
example, prgmCYLINDER).
3. Press _ to execute the program. While the program is executing, the busy indicator is on.
Last Answer (Ans) is updated during program execution. Last Entry is not updated as each command is
executed (Chapter 1).
The TI-84 Plus C checks for errors during program execution. It does not check for errors as you enter a
Breaking a Program
To stop program execution, press _. The ERR:BREAK menu is displayed.
To return to the home screen, select 1:Quit.
To go where the interruption occurred, select 2:Goto.
Chapter 16: Programming 280
Editing Programs
Editing a Program
To edit a stored program, follow these steps.
1. Press _ _ to display the PRGM EDIT menu.
2. Select a program name from the PRGM EDIT menu. Up to the first seven lines of the program are
Note: The program editor does not display a $ to indicate that a program continues beyond the
3. Edit the program command lines.
Move the cursor to the appropriate location, and then delete, overwrite, or insert.
Press to clear all program commands on the command line (the leading colon remains),
and then enter a new program command.
Note: To move the cursor to the beginning of a command line, press __; to move to the end, press
__. To scroll the cursor down seven command lines, press . To scroll the cursor up seven
command lines, press _.
Inserting and Deleting Command Lines
To insert a new command line anywhere in the program, place the cursor where you want the new line,
press _), and then press _. A colon indicates a new line.
To delete a command line, place the cursor on the line, press to clear all instructions and
expressions on the line, and then press _ to delete the command line, including the colon.
Copying and Renaming Programs
Copying and Renaming a Program
To copy all command lines from one program into a new program, follow steps 1 through 5 for
Creating a New Program, and then follow these steps.
1. Press _ }. Rcl is displayed on the bottom line of the program editor in the new program
(Chapter 1).
2. Press _ to display the PRGM EXEC menu.
3. Select a name from the menu. prgmname is pasted to the bottom line of the program editor.
4. Press _. All command lines from the selected program are copied into the new program.
Copying programs has at least two convenient applications.
You can create a template for groups of instructions that you use frequently.
You can rename a program by copying its contents into a new program.
Note: You also can copy all the command lines from one existing program to another existing program
using RCL.
Scrolling the PRGM EXEC and PRGM EDIT Menus
The TI-84 Plus C sorts PRGM EXEC and PRGM EDIT menu items automatically into alphanumerical order.
Each menu only labels the first 10 items using 1 through 9, then 0.
To jump to the first program name that begins with a particular alpha character or q, press [letter
from A to Z or q].
Note: From the top of either the PRGM EXEC or PRGM EDIT menu, press _ to move to the bottom.
From the bottom, press to move to the top. To scroll the cursor down the menu seven items, press
. To scroll the cursor up the menu seven items, press _.
Chapter 16: Programming 281
PRGM CTL (Control) Instructions
To display the PRGM CTL (program control) menu, press _ from the program editor only.
Note: Press _ (plus) to run the catalog help application and to use syntax help for programming.
These menu items direct the flow of an executing program. They make it easy to repeat or skip a group
of commands during program execution. When you select an item from the menu, the name is pasted
to the cursor location on a command line in the program.
To return to the program editor without selecting an item, press .
Controlling Program Flow
Program control instructions tell the TI-84 Plus C which command to execute next in a program. If,
While, and Repeat check a defined condition to determine which command to execute next.
Conditions frequently use relational or Boolean tests (Chapter 2), as in:
If A<7:A+1A
If N=1 and M=1:Goto Z
Use If for testing and branching. If condition is false (zero), then the command immediately following If is
skipped. If condition is true (nonzero), then the next command is executed. If instructions can be nested.
1: If Creates a conditional test.
2: Then Executes commands when If is true.
3: Else Executes commands when If is false.
4: For( Creates an incrementing loop.
5: While Creates a conditional loop.
6: Repeat Creates a conditional loop.
7: End Signifies the end of a block.
8: Pause Pauses program execution.
9: Lbl Defines a label.
0: Goto Goes to a label.
A: IS>( Increments and skips if greater than.
B: DS<( Decrements and skips if less than.
C: Menu( Defines menu items and branches.
D: prgm Executes a program as a subroutine.
E: Return Returns from a subroutine.
F: Stop Stops execution.
G: DelVar Deletes a variable from within program.
H: GraphStyle( Designates the graph style to be drawn.
I: GraphColor( Designates the color of the graph to be drawn
J: OpenLib( No longer used.
K: ExecLib( No longer used.
Chapter 16: Programming 282
:If condition
:command (if true)
Then following an If executes a group of commands if condition is true (nonzero). End identifies the end
of the group of commands.
:If condition
:command (if true)
:command (if true)
Else following If-Then executes a group of commands if condition is false (zero). End identifies the end of
the group of commands.
:If condition
:command (if true)
:command (if true)
:command (if false)
:command (if false)
Program Output
Program Output
Chapter 16: Programming 283
Note: In OS 2.55MP and higher and TI-84 Plus C 4.0 and higher, the program name displays again when
you press _ to repeat the program.
For( loops and increments. It increments variable from begin to end by increment. increment is optional
(default is 1) and can be negative (end<begin). end is a maximum or minimum value not to be exceeded.
End identifies the end of the loop. For( loops can be nested.
:command (while end not exceeded)
:command (while end not exceeded)
While performs a group of commands while condition is true. condition is frequently a relational test
(Chapter 2). condition is tested when While is encountered. If condition is true (nonzero), the program
executes a group of commands. End signifies the end of the group. When condition is false (zero), the
program executes each command following End. While instructions can be nested.
:While condition
:command (while condition is true)
:command (while condition is true)
Program Output
Program Output
Program Output
Chapter 16: Programming 284
Repeat repeats a group of commands until condition is true (nonzero). It is similar to While, but condition
is tested when End is encountered; therefore, the group of commands is always executed at least once.
Repeat instructions can be nested.
:Repeat condition
:command (until condition is true)
:command (until condition is true)
End identifies the end of a group of commands. You must include an End instruction at the end of each
For(, While, or Repeat loop. Also, you must paste an End instruction at the end of each If-Then group
and each If-Then-Else group.
Pause suspends execution of the program so that you can see answers or graphs. During the pause, the
pause indicator is on in the top-right corner. Press _ to resume execution.
Pause without a value temporarily pauses the program. If the DispGraph or Disp instruction has
been executed, the appropriate screen is displayed.
Pause with value displays value on the current home screen. value can be scrolled.Pause [value]
Lbl, Goto
Lbl (label) and Goto (go to) are used together for branching.
Lbl specifies the label for a command. label can be one or two characters (A through Z, 0 through 99, or
Lbl label
Goto causes the program to branch to label when Goto is encountered.
Program Output
Program Output
Chapter 16: Programming 285
Goto label
IS>( (increment and skip) adds 1 to variable. If the answer is > value (which can be an expression), the
next command is skipped; if the answer is { value, the next command is executed. variable cannot be a
system variable.
:command (if answer value)
:command (if answer > value)
Note: IS>( is not a looping instruction.
DS<( (decrement and skip) subtracts 1 from variable. If the answer is < value (which can be an
expression), the next command is skipped; if the answer is | value, the next command is executed. variable
cannot be a system variable.
:command (if answer value)
:command (if answer < value)
Note: DS<( is not a looping instruction.
Menu( sets up branching within a program. If Menu( is encountered during program execution, the
menu screen is displayed with the specified menu items, the pause indicator is on, and execution pauses
until you select a menu item.
The menu title is enclosed in quotation marks ( " ). Up to seven pairs of menu items follow. Each pair
comprises a text item (also enclosed in quotation marks) to be displayed as a menu selection, and a label
item to which to branch if you select the corresponding menu selection.
Program Output
Program Output
Program Output
Chapter 16: Programming 286
Menu("title","text1",label1,"text2",label2, . . .)
The program above pauses until you select 1 or 2. If you select 2, for example, the menu disappears and
the program continues execution at Lbl B.
Use prgm to execute other programs as subroutines. When you select prgm, it is pasted to the cursor
location. Enter characters to spell a program name. Using prgm is equivalent to selecting existing
programs from the PRGM EXEC menu; however, it allows you to enter the name of a program that you
have not yet created.
Note: You cannot directly enter the subroutine name when using RCL. You must paste the name from
the PRGM EXEC menu.
Return quits the subroutine and returns execution to the calling program, even if encountered within
nested loops. Any loops are ended. An implied Return exists at the end of any program that is called as
a subroutine. Within the main program, Return stops execution and returns to the home screen.
Stop stops execution of a program and returns to the home screen. Stop is optional at the end of a
DelVar deletes from memory the contents of variable.
DelVar variable
GraphStyle( designates the style of the graph to be drawn. function# is the number of the Y= function
name in the current graphing mode. graphstyle is a number from 1 to 7 that corresponds to the graph
style, as shown below.
For example, GraphStyle(1,5) in Func mode sets the graph style for Y1 to (path; 5).
Not all graph styles are available in all graphing modes. For a detailed description of each graph style,
see the Graph Styles table in Chapter 3.
Program Output
1 = ` (Thin)
2 = (Thick)
3 = " (Shade above)
4 = L (Shade below)
5 = (Path)
6 = (Animate)
7 = (Dot-Thick)
8 = (Dot-Thin)
Chapter 16: Programming 287
GraphColor( designates the color of the graph to be drawn. function# is the number of the Y=
function name in the current graphing mode. color# is a number from 10 to 24 that
corresponds to the graph color, as shown in the table below:
You can also choose a color name in the _ menu (color sub-menu).
For example,GraphColor(2, 4) or GraphColor(2, MAGENTA).
PRGM I/O (Input/Output) Instructions
To display the PRGM I/O (program input/output) menu, press __ from within the program editor
Color Number Color Name
11 RED
1: Input Enters a value or uses the cursor.
2: Prompt Prompts for entry of variable values.
3: Disp Displays text, value, or the home screen.
4: DispGraph Displays the current graph.
5: DispTable Displays the current table.
Chapter 16: Programming 288
Note: Press _ (plus) to run the catalog help application and to use syntax help for programming.
These instructions control input to and output from a program during execution. They allow you to
enter values and display answers during program execution.
To return to the program editor without selecting an item, press .
Displaying a Graph with Input
Input without a variable displays the current graph. You can move the free-moving cursor, which
updates X and Y (and R and q for PolarGC format). The pause indicator is on. Press _ to resume
program execution.
Storing a Variable Value with Input
Input with variable displays a ? (question mark) prompt during execution. variable may be a real
number, complex number, list, matrix, string, or Y= function. During program execution, enter a value,
which can be an expression, and then press _. The value is evaluated and stored to variable, and the
program resumes execution.
Input [variable]
You can display text or the contents of Strn (a string variable) of up to 26 characters as a prompt. During
program execution, enter a value after the prompt and then press _. The value is stored to variable,
and the program resumes execution.
6: Output( Displays text at a specified position.
7: getKey Checks the keyboard for a keystroke.
8: ClrHome Clears the display.
9: ClrTable Clears the current table.
0: GetCalc( Gets a variable from another TI-84 Plus C.
A: Get( Gets a variable from CBL 2 or CBR data collection device.
B: Send( Sends a variable to CBL 2 or CBR data collection device.
Program Output
Chapter 16: Programming 289
Input ["text",variable]
Input [Strn,variable]
Note: When a program prompts for input of lists and Yn functions during execution, you must include
the braces ( { } ) around the list elements and quotation marks ( " ) around the expressions.
During program execution, Prompt displays each variable, one at a time, followed by =?. At each
prompt, enter a value or expression for each variable, and then press _. The values are stored, and
the program resumes execution.
Prompt variableA[,variableB,...,variable n]
Note: Y= functions are not valid with Prompt.
Displaying the Home Screen
Disp (display) without a value displays the home screen. To view the home screen during program
execution, follow the Disp instruction with a Pause instruction.
Displaying Values and Messages
Disp with one or more values displays the value of each.
Disp [valueA,valueB,valueC,...,value n]
If value is a variable, the current value is displayed.
If value is an expression, it is evaluated and the result is displayed on the right side of the next line.
If value is text within quotation marks, it is displayed on the left side of the current display line. is
not valid as text.
If Pause is encountered after Disp, the program halts temporarily so you can examine the screen. To
resume execution, press _.
Program Output
Program Output
Program Output
Chapter 16: Programming 290
Note: If a matrix or list is too large to display in its entirety, ellipses (...) are displayed in the last column,
but the matrix or list cannot be scrolled. To scroll, use Pause value.
DispGraph (display graph) displays the current graph. If Pause is encountered after DispGraph, the
program halts temporarily so you can examine the screen. Press _ to resume execution.
DispTable (display table) displays the current table. The program halts temporarily so you can examine
the screen. Press _ to resume execution.
Output( displays text or value on the current home screen beginning at row (1 through 10) and column
(1 through 26), overwriting any existing characters.
Note: You may want to precede Output( with ClrHome.
Expressions are evaluated and values are displayed according to the current mode settings. Matrices are
displayed in entry format and wrap to the next line. is not valid as text.
For Output( on a Horiz split screen, the maximum value for row is 4.
getKey returns a number corresponding to the last key pressed, according to the key code diagram
below. If no key has been pressed, getKey returns 0. Use getKey inside loops to transfer control, for
example, when creating video games.
Note: You can press _ at any time during execution to break the program.
Program Output
Program Output
Note: _, , _, and _ were pressed
during program execution.
Chapter 16: Programming 291
TI-84 Plus C Key Code Diagram
ClrHome, ClrTable
ClrHome (clear home screen) clears the home screen during program execution.
ClrTable (clear table) clears the values in the table during program execution.
GetCalc( gets the contents of variable on another TI-84 Plus C and stores it to variable on the receiving
TI-84 Plus C. variable can be a real or complex number, list element, list name, matrix element, matrix
name, string, Y= variable, graph database, or picture.
By default, the TI-84 Plus C uses the USB port if it is connected. If the USB cable is not connected, it uses
the I/O port. If you want to specify either the USB or I/O port, use the following portflag numbers:
portflag=0 use USB port if connected;
portflag=1 use USB port;
portflag=2 use I/O port
Note: GetCalc( does not work between TI.82 and TI-83 Plus or a TI.82, TI-84 Plus and TI-84 Plus C
Get(, Send(
Get( gets data from the CBL 2 or CBR data collection device and stores it to variable on the
receiving TI-84 Plus C. variable can be a real number, list element, list name, matrix element, matrix
name, string, Y= variable, graph database, or picture.
Note: If you transfer a program that references the Get( command to the TI-84 Plus C from a TI.82, the
TI-84 Plus C will interpret it as the Get( described above. Use GetCalc( to get data from another
TI-84 Plus C.
Send( sends the contents of variable to the CBL 2 or CBR data collection device. You cannot use it to
send to another TI-84 Plus C. variable can be a real number, list element, list name, matrix element,
matrix name, string, Y= variable, graph database, or picture. variable can be a list of elements.
Note: This program gets sound data and time in
seconds from CBL 2.
Chapter 16: Programming 292
Note: You can access Get(, Send(, and GetCalc( from the CATALOG to execute them from the home
screen (Chapter 15).
Calling Other Programs as Subroutines
Calling a Program from Another Program
On the TI-84 Plus C, any stored program can be called from another program as a subroutine. Enter the
name of the program to use as a subroutine on a line by itself.
You can enter a program name on a command line in either of two ways.
Press _ _ to display the PRGM EXEC menu and select the name of the program prgmname is
pasted to the current cursor location on a command line.
Select prgm from the PRGM CTL menu, and then enter the program name.
When prgmname is encountered during execution, the next command that the program executes is the
first command in the second program. It returns to the subsequent command in the first program when
it encounters either Return or the implied Return at the end of the second program.
Subroutine ( '
Notes about Calling Programs
Variables are global.
label used with Goto and Lbl is local to the program where it is located. label in one program is not
recognized by another program. You cannot use Goto to branch to a label in another program.
Return exits a subroutine and returns to the calling program, even if it is encountered within nested
Running an Assembly Language Program
You can run programs written for the TI-84 Plus C in assembly language. Typically, assembly language
programs run much faster and provide greater control than the keystroke programs that you write with
the built-in program editor.
Note: Because an assembly language program has greater control over the calculator, if your assembly
language program has error(s), it may cause your calculator to reset and lose all data, programs, and
applications stored in memory.
When you download an assembly language program, it is stored among the other programs as a PRGM
menu item. You can:
Transmit it using the TI-84 Plus C communication link (Chapter 19).
Delete it using the Memory Management/ Delete screen (Chapter 18).
To run an assembly Program, the syntax is: Asm(assemblyprgmname)
Program Output
Chapter 16: Programming 293
If you write an assembly language program, use the two instructions below from the CATALOG to identify
and compile the program.
To compile an assembly program that you have written:
1. Follow the steps for writing a program (16-4) but be sure to include Asm84CPrgm as the first line
of your program.
2. From the home screen, press _ and then select AsmComp( to paste it to the screen.
3. Press _ to display the PRGM EXEC menu.
4. Select the program you want to compile. It will be pasted to the home screen.
5. Press _ and then select prgm from the CATALOG.
6. Key in the name you have chosen for the output program.
Note: This name must be unique not a copy of an existing program name.
7. Press _ to complete the sequence.
The sequence of the arguments should be as follows:
AsmComp(prgmASM1, prgmASM2)
8. Press _ to compile your program and generate the output program.
Note: The TI-84 Plus AsmPrgm transfers to the TI-84 Plus C but fails upon execution.
Instructions Comments
Compiles an assembly language program written in
ASCII and stores the hex version
Asm84CPrgm Identifies an assembly language program; must be
entered as the first line of an assembly language
Chapter 17: Activities 294
Chapter 17:
The Quadratic Formula
Note: Each activity in this chapter assumes a default setting.
This example uses MathPrint mode for real answers and a classic format entry using division for non-
real (complex) results. You can also use the Polynomial Root Finder/Simultaneous Equation Solver
application to solve these types of problems with a quick set-up. This application comes pre-loaded on
your TI-84 Plus C and can be downloaded from education.ti.com.
Use the quadratic formula to solve the quadratic equations 2x
N 11x + 14 = 0 and 2x
N 6x + 5 = 0.
Graphing the Functions
Before you begin, look at the graphs of the functions to see the approximate locations of the solutions.
1. Press _ to display the Y= editor.
2. Press 2 _ _ 11 _ 14 for Y1,
and then press _.
3. Press 2 _ _ 6 _ 5 for Y2.
4. Press _ and select 4:ZDecimal. The
graph of the functions displays.
Note: For quicker graphing, press _
and set Detect Asymptotes OFF.
You can see that the graph of the first function,
N 11x + 14 = 0, crosses the x-axis, so it has a
real solution. The graph of the second function
does not cross the x-axis, so it has a complex
Chapter 17: Activities 295
Entering a Calculation
Begin with the equation 2x
N 11x + 14 = 0.
Converting to a Decimal
You can show the solution as a decimal.
1. Press 2 _ A to store the
coefficient of the x
2. Press [:]. The colon allows you to
enter more than one instruction on a line.
3. Press _ 11 _ B to store the
coefficient of the X term. Press [:] to
enter a new instruction on the same line.
Press 14 _ C to store the
4. Press _ to store the values to the
variables A, B, and C.
The last value you stored is shown on the
right side of the display. The cursor moves
to the next line, ready for your next entry.
5. Press ) 1 _ B _ _
B _ _ 4 A C _ _ 2 A
to enter the expression for one of the
solutions for the quadratic formula,
6. Press _ to find one solution for the
equation 2x
N 11x + 14 = 0.
The answer is shown on the right side of
the display. The cursor moves to the next
line, ready for you to enter the next
1. Press ) 4 to select 4F3 4D from the
FRAC shortcut menu.
2. Press _ to convert the result to a
b b
Chapter 17: Activities 296
To save keystrokes, you can scroll up to find an expression you entered, copy it, and then edit it for a
new calculation.
Displaying Complex Results
Now solve the equation 2x
N 6x + 5 = 0. When you set a+bi complex number mode, the TI-84 Plus C
displays complex results.
3. Press _ to highlight and
then press _ to paste it to the entry
4. Press _ until the cursor is on the + sign in
the formula. Press _ to edit the quadratic-
formula expression to become
5. Press _ to find the other solution for
the quadratic equation 2x
N 11x + 14 = 0.
1. Press _ (6 times), and
then press _ to highlight a+bi. Press _
to select a+bi complex-number mode.
2. Press _ to return to the home
screen, and then press to clear it.
Chapter 17: Activities 297
Box with Lid
Defining a Function
Take a 20 cm 25 cm. sheet of paper and cut X X squares from two corners. Cut X 12 cm
rectangles from the other two corners as shown in the diagram below. Fold the paper into a box with a
lid. What value of X would give your box the maximum volume V? Use the table and graphs to
determine the solution.
3. Press 2 _ A [:] _ 6 _
B [:] 5 _ C _.
The coefficient of the x
term, the
coefficient of the X term, and the constant
for the new equation are stored to A, B,
and C, respectively.
4. Enter the quadratic formula using Classic
entry: _ _ B _ _ B _ _
4 A C _ _ _ _ 2 A _.
Because the solution is a complex number,
you have to enter the formula using the
division operation instead of using the n/d
shortcut template. Complex numbers are
not valid in the n/d template in input or
output and will cause Error: Data Type to
5. Press _ to find one solution for the
equation 2x
N 6x + 5 = 0.
6. Press _ to highlight the quadratic-formula
expression, and then press _ to paste it
to the entry line.
7. Press _ until the cursor is on the + sign in
the formula. Press _ to edit the quadratic-
formula expression to become
8. Press _ to find the other solution for
the quadratic equation: 2x
N 6x + 5 = 0.
9. Change the solution to _ 1:FRAC as
Note: To convert complex numbers to fraction
or decimal forms, use _ 1:FRAC or _
2:DEC. ) 4: 4F3 4D can be used for
real numbers only.
Chapter 17: Activities 298
Defining a Table of Values
The table feature of the TI-84 Plus C displays numeric information about a function. You can use a table
of values from the function you just defined to estimate an answer to the problem.
1. Press _ to display the Y= editor.
2. Press _ 20 _ 2 _ + _ _ ) 1
25 _ 2 _ _ _ to define
the volume function as Y1 in terms of X.
lets you enter X quickly, without
having to press . The highlighted =
sign indicates that Y1 is selected.
1. Press _ to display the
2. Press _ to accept TblStart=1.
3. Press 1 _ to define the table increment
@Tbl=1. Leave Indpnt: Auto and
Depend: Auto so that the table will be
generated automatically.
4. Press _ to display the table.
Notice that the maximum value for Y1
(boxs volume) occurs when X is about 4,
between 3 and 5.
Begin by defining a function that describes
the volume of the box.
From the diagram:
2X + A = 20
2X + 2B = 25
V = (20 N 2X) (252 N X) X
Chapter 17: Activities 299
Zooming In on the Table
You can adjust the way a table is displayed to get more information about a defined function. With
smaller values for @Tbl, you can zoom in on the table. You can change the values on the TBLSET screen
by pressing _ or by pressing _ on the TABLE screen
5. Press and hold to scroll the table until a
negative result for Y1 is displayed.
Notice that the maximum length of X for
this problem occurs where the sign of Y1
(boxs volume) changes from positive to
negative, between 10 and 11.
1. Press _ .
2. Press _ to move the cursor to highlight 3.
3. Press _. The @Tbl displays on the entry
4. Enter _ 1 _. The table updates,
showing the changes in X in increments of
Notice that the maximum value for Y1 in
this table view is 410.26, which occurs at
X=3.7. Therefore, the maximum occurs
where 3.6<X<3.8.
5. With X=3.6 highlighted, press _ _ 01
_ to set @Tbl=0.01.
6. Press and _ to scroll the table.
Four equivalent maximum values are
shown, 410.26 at X=3.67, 3.68, 3.69, and
Chapter 17: Activities 300
Setting the Viewing Window
You also can use the graphing features of the TI-84 Plus C to find the maximum value of a previously
defined function. When the graph is activated, the viewing window defines the displayed portion of
the coordinate plane. The values of the window variables determine the size of the viewing window.
7. Press or _ to move the cursor to 3.67.
Press _ to move the cursor into the Y1
The value of Y1 at X=3.67 is displayed on
the bottom line in full precision as
8. Press to display the other maximum.
The value of Y1 at X=3.68 in full precision
is 410.264064, at X=3.69 is 410.262318 and
at X=3.7 is 410.256.
The maximum volume of the box would
occur at 3.68 if you could measure and cut
the paper at 01-centimeter increments.
1. Press _ to display the window editor,
where you can view and edit the values of
the window variables.
The standard window variables define the
viewing window as shown. Xmin, Xmax,
Ymin, and Ymax define the boundaries of
the display. Xscl and Yscl define the
distance between tick marks on the X and
Y axes. Xres controls resolution.
2. Press 0 _ to define Xmin.
3. Press 20 _2 to define Xmax using an
Note: For this example, the division sign is
used for the calculation. However, you can
use n/d entry format where fraction output
can be experienced, depending on mode
settings. n/d is not valid for complex
Chapter 17: Activities 301
Displaying and Tracing the Graph
Now that you have defined the function to be graphed and the window in which to graph it, you can
display and explore the graph. You can trace along a function using the TRACE feature.
4. Press _. The expression is evaluated,
and 10 is stored in Xmax. Press _ to
accept Xscl as 1.
5. Press 0 _ 500 _ 100 _ 1 _
to define the remaining window variables.
1. Press _ to graph the selected function
in the viewing window.
The graph of Y1=(20N2X)(252NX) X is
2. Press _ to activate the free-moving graph
The X and Y coordinate values for the
position of the graph cursor are displayed
on the bottom line.
3. Press _, _, _, and to move the free-
moving cursor to the apparent maximum
of the function.
As you move the cursor, the X and Y
coordinate values are updated continually.
4. Press _. The trace cursor is displayed on
the Y1 function.
The function that you are tracing is
displayed in the top-left corner.
5. Press _ and _ to trace along Y1, one X dot
at a time, evaluating Y1 at each X.
Chapter 17: Activities 302
Zooming In on the Graph
To help identify maximums, minimums, roots, and intersections of functions, you can magnify the
viewing window at a specific location using the ZOOM instructions.
You also can enter your estimate for the
maximum value of X.
6. Press 3 _ 8. When you press a number key
while in TRACE, the X= prompt is displayed
in the bottom-left corner.
7. Press _.
The trace cursor jumps to the point on the
Y1 function evaluated at X=3.8.
8. Press _ and _ until you are on the
maximum Y value.
This is the maximum of Y1(X) for the X
pixel values. The actual, precise maximum
may lie between pixel values.
1. Press _ to display the ZOOM menu.
This menu is a typical TI-84 Plus C menu. To
select an item, you can either press the
number or letter next to the item, or you
can press until the item number or letter
is highlighted, and then press _.
2. Press 2 to select 2:Zoom In.
Chapter 17: Activities 303
Finding the Calculated Maximum
You can use a CALCULATE menu operation to calculate a local maximum of a function. To do this, pick
a point to the left of where you think the maximum is on the graph. This is called the left bound. Next,
pick a point to the right of the maximum. This is called the right bound. Finally, guess the maximum by
moving the cursor to a point between the left and right bounds. With this information, the maximum
can be calculated by the methods programmed in the TI-84 Plus C.
3. The graph is displayed again. The cursor
has changed to indicate that you are using
a ZOOM instruction.
4. With the cursor near the maximum value
of the function, press _.
The new viewing window is displayed.
Both XmaxNXmin and YmaxNYmin have
been adjusted by factors of 4, the default
values for the zoom factors.
5. Press _ and _ to search for the maximum
6. Press _ to display the new window
Note: To return to the previous graph,
press _ _ 1:ZPrevious.
1. Press _ to display the CALCULATE
menu. Press 4 to select 4:maximum.
The graph is displayed again with a
Left Bound? prompt.
2. Press _ to trace along the curve to a point
to the left of the maximum, and then press
A 4 at the top of the screen indicates the
selected bound.
A Right Bound? prompt is displayed.
Chapter 17: Activities 304
3. Press _ to trace along the curve to a point
to the right of the maximum, and then
press _.
A 3 at the top of the screen indicates the
selected bound.
A Guess? prompt is displayed.
4. Press _ to trace to a point near the
maximum, and then press _.
Or, press 3 _ 8, and then press _ to
enter a guess for the maximum.
When you press a number key in TRACE,
the X= prompt is displayed in the bottom-
left corner.
Notice how the values for the calculated
maximum compare with the maximums
found with the free-moving cursor, the
trace cursor, and the table.
Note: In steps 2 and 3 above, you can enter
values directly for Left Bound and Right
Bound, in the same way as described in
step 4.
Chapter 17: Activities 305
Comparing Test Results Using Box Plots
An experiment found a significant difference between boys and girls pertaining to their ability to
identify objects held in their left hands, which are controlled by the right side of their brains, versus their
right hands, which are controlled by the left side of their brains. The TI Graphics team conducted a similar
test for adult men and women.
The test involved 30 small objects, which participants were not allowed to see. First, they held 15 of the
objects one by one in their left hands and guessed what they were. Then they held the other 15 objects
one by one in their right hands and guessed what they were. Use box plots to compare visually the
correct-guess data from this table.
Each row in the table represents the results observed for one subject. Note that 10 women and 12 men
were tested.
1. Press 5 to select 5:SetUpEditor. Enter list names WLEFT, WRGHT, MLEFT, and MRGHT,
separated by commas. Press _. The stat list editor now contains only these four lists. (See
Chapter 11: Lists for detailed instructions for using the SetUpEditor.)
2. Press 1 to select 1:Edit.
3. Enter into WLEFT the number of correct guesses each woman made using her left hand (Women
Left). Press _ to move to WRGHT and enter the number of correct guesses each woman made using
her right hand (Women Right).
Correct Guesses
8 4 7 12
9 1 8 6
12 8 7 12
11 12 5 12
10 11 7 7
8 11 8 11
12 13 11 12
7 12 4 8
9 11 10 12
11 12 14 11
13 9
5 9
Chapter 17: Activities 306
4. Likewise, enter each mans correct guesses in MLEFT (Men Left) and MRGHT (Men Right).
5. Press _ . Select 1:Plot1. Turn on plot 1; define it as a modified box plot I that uses Xlist as
WLEFT. Move the cursor to the top line and select Plot2. Turn on plot 2; define it as a modified box
plot that uses Xlist as WRGHT. (See Chapter 12: Statistics for detailed information on using Stat
6. Press _. Turn off all functions.
7. Press _. Set Xscl=1 and Yscl=0. Press _ 9 to select 9:ZoomStat. This adjusts the viewing
window and displays the box plots for the womens results.
8. Press _.
Use _ and _ to examine minX, Q1, Med, Q3, and maxX for each plot. Notice the outlier to the
womens right-hand data. What is the median for the left hand? For the right hand? With which
hand were the women more accurate guessers, according to the box plots?
9. Examine the mens results. Redefine plot 1 to use MLEFT, redefine plot 2 to use MRGHT. Press
Press _ and _ to examine minX, Q1, Med, Q3, and maxX for each plot. What difference do you
see between the plots?
10. Compare the left-hand results. Redefine plot 1 to use WLEFT, redefine plot 2 to use MLEFT, and
then press _ to examine minX, Q1, Med, Q3, and maxX for each plot. Who were the better
left-hand guessers, men or women?
11. Compare the right-hand results. Define plot 1 to use WRGHT, define plot 2 to use MRGHT, and then
press _ to examine minX, Q1, Med, Q3, and maxX for each plot. Who were the better right-
hand guessers?
In the original experiment boys did not guess as well with right hands, while girls guessed equally
well with either hand. This is not what our box plots show for adults. Do you think that this is
because adults have learned to adapt or because our sample was not large enough?
Graphing Piecewise Functions
The fine for speeding on a road with a speed limit of 45 kilometers per hour (kph) is 50; plus 5 for each
kph from 46 to 55 kph; plus 10 for each kph from 56 to 65 kph; plus 20 for each kph from 66 kph and
above. Graph the piecewise function that describes the cost of the ticket.
Womens left-hand data
Womens right-hand data
Mens left-hand data
Mens right-hand data
Chapter 17: Activities 307
The fine (Y) as a function of kilometers per hour (X) is:
which simplifies to:
1. Press _. Select Func and Classic.
2. Press _. Turn off all functions and stat plots. Enter the Y= function to describe the fine. Use the
TEST menu operations to define the piecewise function. Set the graph style for Y1 to (Dot-Thick).
3. Press _ and set Xmin=L2, Xscl=10, Ymin=L5, Yscl=10, @X=.5 and TraceStep=1. Ignore Xmax
and Ymax; they are set in step 4.
4. Press _ to return to the home screen. Store 5 to @Y. @X and @Y are on the VARS Window X/Y
secondary menu. @X and @Y specify the horizontal and vertical distance between the centers of
adjacent pixels. Integer values for @X and @Y produce nice values for tracing.
5. Press _ to plot the function. At what speed does the ticket exceed 250?
Chapter 17: Activities 308
Graphing Inequalities
Graph the inequality 0.4x
N 3x + 5 < 0.2x + 4. Use the TEST menu operations to explore the values of X
where the inequality is true and where it is false.
Note: You can also investigate graphing inequalities using the Inequality Graphing application. The
application is pre-loaded on your TI-84 Plus C and can be downloaded from education.ti.com.
1. Press _. Select Dot-Thick, Simul, and the default settings. Setting Dot-Thick mode changes all
graph style icons to (Dot-Thick) in the Y= editor.
2. Press _. Turn off all functions and stat plots. Enter the left side of the inequality as Y4 and the right
side as Y5.
3. Enter the statement of the inequality as Y6. This function evaluates to 1 if true or 0 if false.
Note: You can use the YVARS shortcut menu ( )) to paste Y4 and Y5 in the Y= editor.
4. Press _ 6:ZStandard to graph the inequality in the standard window.
5. Press _ to move to Y6. Then press _ and _ to trace the inequality, observing the value of
When you trace, you can see that Y=1 indicates that Y4<Y5 is true and that Y=0 indicates that
Y4<Y5 is false.
6. Press _. Turn off Y4, Y5, and Y6. Enter equations to graph only the inequality.
Chapter 17: Activities 309
7. Press _.
Notice that the values of Y7 and Y8 are zero where the inequality is false. You only see the
intervals of the graph where Y4<Y5 because intervals that are false are multiplied by 0 (Y6Y4 and
Solving a System of Nonlinear Equations
Using a graph, solve the equation x
N2x=2cos(x). Stated another way, solve the system of two equations
and two unknowns: y = x
N2x and y = 2cos(x). Use ZOOM factors to control the decimal places displayed
on the graph and use _ 5:intersect to find an approximate solution.
1. Press _. Select the default mode settings. Press _. Turn off all functions and stat plots. Enter the
2. Press _ 4 to select 4:ZDecimal. The display shows that two solutions may exist (points where
the two functions appear to intersect).
3. Press _ _ 4 to select 4:SetFactors from the ZOOM MEMORY menu. Set XFact=10 and
4. Press _ 2 to select 2:Zoom In. Use _, _, _, and to move the free-moving cursor onto the
apparent intersection of the functions on the right side of the display.
Chapter 17: Activities 310
5. Press _ to zoom in. Move the cursor over the intersection.
6. Press _ to zoom in again. Move the free-moving cursor onto a point exactly on the intersection.
Notice the number of decimal places.
7. Press _ 5 to select 5:intersect. Press _ to select the first curve and _ to select the
second curve. To guess, move the trace cursor near the intersection. Press _. What are the
coordinates of the intersection point?
8. Press _ 4 to select 4:ZDecimal to redisplay the original graph.
9. Press _. Select 2:Zoom In and repeat steps 4 through 8 to explore the apparent function
intersection on the left side of the display.
Using a Program to Create the Sierpinski Triangle
Setting up the Program
This program creates a drawing of a famous fractal, the Sierpinski Triangle, and stores the drawing to a
picture. To begin, press _ _ _ 1. Name the program SIERPINS, and then press _. The program
editor is displayed.
:FnOff :ClrDraw
Set viewing window.
Beginning of For group.
:If N13
If/Then group
:If 13<N and N23
If/Then group.
:If 23<N
If/Then group.
:StorePic 6
Draw point.
End of For group.
Store picture.
Chapter 17: Activities 311
Note: This program uses the default BLUE color (# = 10). See the Draw chapter for available color
After you execute the program above, you can recall and display the picture with the instruction
RecallPic 6.
Note: After you run this program, press _ _ _ _ _ to turn on the axes in the
graph screen.
Graphing Cobweb Attractors
Using Web format, you can identify points with attracting and repelling behavior in sequence
1. Press _. Select Seq and the default mode settings. Press _ . Select Web format and the
default format settings.
2. Press _. Clear all functions and turn off all stat plots. Enter the sequence that corresponds to the
expression Y = K X(1NX).
3. Press _ to return to the home screen, and then store 2.9 to K.
4. Press _. Set the window variables.
5. Press _ to display the graph, and then press _ to trace the cobweb. This is a cobweb with one
6. Change K to 3.44 and trace the graph to show a cobweb with two attractors.
7. Change K to 3.54 and trace the graph to show a cobweb with four attractors.
Chapter 17: Activities 312
Using a Program to Guess the Coefficients
Setting Up the Program
This program graphs the function A sin(BX) with random integer coefficients between 1 and 10. Try to
guess the coefficients and graph your guess as C sin(DX). The program continues until your guess is
Note: This program changes the graph window and graph styles. After you run the program, you can
change individual settings as needed or you can press _ } 7 2 2 to return to default settings.
Programs typically do not restore your settings in MODE, Y=, WINDOW and other locations that were used by
the program. This is dependent on who created the program.
:PlotsOff :Func
:FnOff :Radian
:Background Off
:DetectAsym Off
Define equations.
:GraphColor (1, BLUE)
:GraphColor (2, RED)
Set line and path graph styles.
:FnOff 2
Initialize coefficients.
Set viewing window.
Chapter 17: Activities 313
Graphing the Unit Circle and Trigonometric Curves
Using parametric graphing mode, graph the unit circle and the sine curve to show the relationship
between them.
Any function that can be plotted in Func mode can be plotted in Par mode by defining the X
component as T and the Y component as F(T).
1. Press _. Select Parametric, Simul, and the default settings.
2. Press _. Set the viewing window.
3. Press _. Turn off all functions and stat plots. Enter the expressions to define the unit circle
centered on (0,0).
Display graph.
:FnOn 2
:Lbl Z
:Prompt C,D Prompt for guess.
Display graph.
:If C=A
:Text(1,1,"C IS OK")
:If CA
:Text(1,1,"C IS
:If D=B
:Text(1,150,"D IS
:If DB
:Text(1,150,"D IS
Display results.
Display graph.
:If C=A and D=B
:Goto Z
Quit if guesses are correct.
Chapter 17: Activities 314
4. Enter the expressions to define the sine curve.
5. Press _. As the graph is plotting, you may press _ to pause and _ again to resume
graphing as you watch the sine function unwrap from the unit circle.
You can generalize the unwrapping. Replace sin(T) in Y2T with any other trig function to unwrap
that function.
You can graph the functions again by turning the functions off and then turning them back on on
the Y= editor or by using the FnOff and FnOn commands on the home screen.
Finding the Area between Curves
Find the area of the region bounded by:
1. Select the default mode settings _ } 7 2 2. Press _ to view.
2. Press _. Set the viewing window.
3. Press _. Turn off all functions and stat plots. Enter the upper and lower functions.
300x/ (x
+ 625)
Chapter 17: Activities 315
4. Press _ 5 to select 5:Intersect. The graph is displayed. Select a first curve, second curve, and
guess for the intersection toward the left side of the display. The solution is displayed, and the
value of X at the intersection, which is the lower limit of the integral, is stored in Ans and X.
5. Press _ to go to the home screen. Press _ 7 and use Shade( to see the area
Shade(Y2,Y1,Ans,75, 4, 4, 18)
6. Press _ to return to the home screen. Enter the expression to evaluate the integral for the
shaded region.
The area is 325.839962.
Using Parametric Equations: Ferris Wheel Problem
Using two pairs of parametric equations, determine when two objects in motion are closest to each
other in the same plane.
A ferris wheel has a diameter (d) of 20 meters and is rotating counterclockwise at a rate (s) of one
revolution every 12 seconds. The parametric equations below describe the location of a ferris wheel
passenger at time T, where a is the angle of rotation, (0,0) is the bottom center of the ferris wheel, and
(10,10) is the passengers location at the rightmost point, when T=0.
X(T) = r cos a
Y(T) = r + r sin a
where a = 2pTs and r = d2
Chapter 17: Activities 316
A person standing on the ground throws a ball to the ferris wheel passenger. The throwers arm is at the
same height as the bottom of the ferris wheel, but 25 meters (b) to the right of the ferris wheels lowest
point (25,0). The person throws the ball with velocity (v
) of 22 meters per second at an angle (q) of 66
from the horizontal. The parametric equations below describe the location of the ball at time T.
1. Press _. Select Par, Simul, and the default settings. Simul (simultaneous) mode simulates the
two objects in motion over time.
2. Press _. Set the viewing window.
3. Press _. Turn off all functions and stat plots. Enter the expressions to define the path of the ferris
wheel and the path of the ball. Set the graph style for X2T to (path).
Note: Try setting the graph styles to X1T and X2T, which simulates a chair on the ferris wheel
and the ball flying through the air when you press _.
4. Press _ to graph the equations. Watch closely as they are plotted. Notice that the ball and the
ferris wheel passenger appear to be closest where the paths cross in the top-right quadrant of the
ferris wheel.
5. Press _. Change the viewing window to concentrate on this portion of the graph.
6. Press _. After the graph is plotted, press _ to move near the point on the ferris wheel where
the paths cross. Notice the values of X, Y, and T.
X(T) = b N Tv
Y(T) = Tv
sinq N (g2) T
where g = 9.8 m/ sec
Chapter 17: Activities 317
7. Press to move to the path of the ball. Notice the values of X and Y (T is unchanged). Notice
where the cursor is located. This is the position of the ball when the ferris wheel passenger passes
the intersection. Did the ball or the passenger reach the intersection first?
You can use _ to, in effect, take snapshots in time and explore the relative behavior of two
objects in motion.
Demonstrating the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Problem 1
Using the functions fnInt( and nDeriv( from the FUNC shortcut menu or the MATH menu to graph
functions defined by integrals and derivatives demonstrates graphically that:
and that
Procedure 1
1. Select the default settings _ }7 2 2. Press _ to view.
2. Press _. Set the viewing window.
3. Press _. Turn off all functions and stat plots. Enter the numerical integral of 1T from 1 to X and
the function ln (X). Set the graph style for Y1 to ` (line) and Y2 to (path). Set DetectAsymOff,
Chapter 17: Activities 318
4. Press _. Press _, _, _, and to compare the values of Y1 and Y2.
5. Press _. Turn off Y1 and Y2, and then enter the numerical derivative of the integral of 1X and
the function 1X. Set the graph style for Y3 to ` (line) and Y4 to (thick).
6. Press _. Again, use the cursor keys to compare the values of the two graphed functions, Y3 and
Problem 2
Explore the functions defined by
, , and
Procedure 2
1. Press _. Turn off all functions and stat plots. Use a list to define these three functions
simultaneously. Store the function in Y5. Set Detect AsymOff, _ _ _ _..
Xmin= L3.5
y t
t d
= t
t d
t d
Chapter 17: Activities 319
2. The graphs are displayed as each calculation of the integral and derivative occurs at the pixel point,
which may take some time.
3. Press _. Notice that the functions appear identical, only shifted vertically by a constant.
4. Press _. Enter the numerical derivative of Y5 in Y6.
5. Press _. Notice that although the three graphs defined by Y5 are different, they share the same
derivative. The graph of Y6 takes time to graph since the numerical derivative is being calculated
for each point before it graphs.
Computing Areas of Regular N-Sided Polygons
Use the equation solver to store a formula for the area of a regular N-sided polygon, and then solve for
each variable, given the other variables. Explore the fact that the limiting case is the area of a circle, pr
Consider the formula A = NB
sin(pN) cos(pN) for the area of a regular polygon with N sides of equal
length and B distance from the center to a vertex.
N = 4 sides N = 8 sides N = 12 sides
Chapter 17: Activities 320
1. Press _ _ B to select B:Solver from the MATH menu. Either the equation editor or the
interactive solver editor is displayed. If the interactive solver editor is displayed, press _ to display
the equation editor.
2. Enter the formula as A=NB
sin(p / N)cos(p / N), and then press _. The interactive solver editor is
3. Enter N=4 and B=6 to find the area (A) of a square with a distance (B) from center to vertex of 6
4. Press _ _ to move the cursor onto A, and then press . The solution for A is displayed
on the interactive solver editor.
5. Now solve for B for a given area with various number of sides. Enter A=200 and N=6. To find the
distance B, move the cursor onto B, and then press .
Chapter 17: Activities 321
Enter N=8. To find the distance B, move the cursor onto B, and then press . Find B for N=9,
and then for N=10.
Find the area given B=6, and N=10, 100, 150, 1000, and 10000. Compare your results with p6
(the area
of a circle with radius 6), which is approximately 113.097.
6. Enter B=6. To find the area A, move the cursor onto A, and then press . Find A for
N=10, then N=100, then N=150, then N=1000, and finally N=10000. Notice that as N gets large, the
area A approaches pB
Now graph the equation to see visually how the area changes as the number of sides gets large.
7. Press _. Select the default mode settings _ }7 2 2.
8. Press _. Set the viewing window.
9. Press _. Turn off all functions and stat plots. Enter the equation for the area. Use X in place of N.
Set the graph styles as shown.
Chapter 17: Activities 322
10. Press _. After the graph is plotted, press 100 _ to trace to X=100. Press 150 _. Press 188
_. Notice that as X increases, the value of Y converges to p6
, which is approximately 113.097.
(the area of the circle) is a horizontal asymptote to Y1. The area of an N-sided regular
polygon, with r as the distance from the center to a vertex, approaches the area of a circle with
radius r (pr
) as N gets large.
Computing and Graphing Mortgage Payments
You are a loan officer at a mortgage company, and you recently closed on a 30-year home mortgage at
8 percent interest with monthly payments of 800. The new home owners want to know how much will
be applied to the interest and how much will be applied to the principal when they make the 240th
payment 20 years from now.
1. Select the default mode settings _ }7 2 2.Press _ and set the fixed-decimal mode to 2
decimal places.
2. Press _ _ to display the TVM Solver. Enter these values.
Chapter 17: Activities 323
Note: Enter a positive number (800) to show PMT as a cash inflow. Payment values will be
displayed as positive numbers on the graph. Enter 0 for FV, since the future value of a loan is 0 once
it is paid in full. Enter PMT: END, since payment is due at the end of a period.
3. Move the cursor onto the PV= prompt, and then press . The present value, or mortgage
amount, of the house is displayed at the PV= prompt.
Now compare the graph of the amount of interest with the graph of the amount of principal for each
4. Press _. Set Par and Simul.
5. Press _. Turn off all functions and stat plots. Enter these equations and set the graph styles as
Note: Use the Y-VARS shortcut menu ) to locate Y1T and Y2T.
Note: GPrn( and GInt( are located on the FINANCE menu (APPS 1:FINANCE).
6. Press _. Set these window variables.
Note: To increase the graph speed, change Tstep to 24.
7. Press _. After the graph is drawn, press 240 _ to move the trace cursor to T=240, which is
equivalent to 20 years of payments.
Chapter 17: Activities 324
The graph shows that for the 240th payment (X=240), 358.03 of the 800 payment is applied to
principal (Y=358.03).
Note: The sum of the payments (Y3T=Y1T+Y2T) is always 800.
8. Press to move the cursor onto the function for interest defined by X2T and Y2T. Enter 240.
The graph shows that for the 240th payment (X=240), 441.97 of the 800 payment is interest
9. Press _ _ 9 to paste 9:bal( to the home screen. Check the figures from the graph.
At which monthly payment will the principal allocation surpass the interest allocation?
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 325
Chapter 18:
Memory and Variable Management
Checking Available Memory
At any time you can check available memory or manage existing memory by selecting items from the
MEMORY menu. To access this menu, press _ }.
To check memory availability, first press _ } and then select 2:Mem Management/Delete.
Available RAM, Archive, and App Slots
The TI-84 Plus C / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition has Archive, RAM, and Application (App) slot memory for you
to use and manage. The available RAM stores computations, lists, variables, and data. The available
Archive lets you store programs, Apps, groups, and other variables. The App slots are actually individual
sectors of Flash ROM where Apps are stored.
Note: Some Apps take up several App slots.
Displaying the About Screen
About displays information about the TI-84 Plus C Operating System (OS) Version, Product Number,
Product Identification (ID), and Flash Application (App) Certificate Revision Number. To display the
About screen, press _ } and then select 1:About.
1: About... Displays information about the graphing
calculator including current OS version number.
2: Mem Management/Delete... Reports memory availability and variable
3: Clear Entries Clears ENTRY (last-entry storage).
4: ClrAllLists Clears all lists in memory.
5: Archive Archives a selected variable.
6: UnArchive UnArchives a selected variable.
7: Reset... Displays the RAM, ARCHIVE, and ALL menus
8: Group... Displays GROUP and UNGROUP menus.
Available RAM Available
TI-84 Plus 24 Kilobytes 491 Kilobytes 30
TI-84 Plus Silver
24 Kilobytes 1.5 Megabytes 94
TI-84 Plus C 21 Kilobytes 3.5 Megabytes 216
RAM FREE displays the amount of
available RAM.
ARC FREE displays the amount of
available Archive.
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 326
Mem Management/Delete displays the MEMORY MANAGEMENT/DELETE menu. The two lines at the
top report the total amount of available RAM (RAM FREE) and Archive (ARC FREE) memory. By
selecting menu items on this screen, you can see the amount of memory each variable type is using. This
information can help you determine if you need to delete variables from memory to make room for
new data, such as programs or Apps.
To check memory usage, follow these steps.
1. Press _ } to display the MEMORY menu.
2. Select 2:Mem Management/Delete to display the MEMORY MANAGEMENT/DELETE menu. The
TI-84 Plus C expresses memory quantities in bytes.
Note: The # and $ in the top or
bottom of the left column indicate
that you can scroll up or down to
view more variable types.
Displays the type of
graphing calculator.
Displays the Product ID.
Each Flash-based graphing
calculator has a unique
product ID, which you
may need if you contact
technical support. You can
also use this ID to register
your calculator at
education.ti.com, or
identify your calculator in
the event that it is lost or
Displays the OS version.
As new software
upgrades become
available, you can
electronically upgrade
your unit.
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 327
3. Select variable types from the list to display memory usage.
Notes: Real, List, Y-Vars, and Prgm variable types never reset to zero, even after memory is
Apps are independent applications which are stored in Flash ROM. AppVars is a variable holder
used to store variables created by Apps. You cannot edit or change variables in AppVars unless you
do so through the application which created them.
To leave the MEMORY MANAGEMENT/DELETE menu, press either _ or . Both options
display the home screen.
Deleting Items from Memory
Deleting an Item
To increase available memory by deleting the contents of any variable (real or complex number, list,
matrix, Y= variable, program, Apps, AppVars, Pics Vars, Images Vars, graph database, or string), follow
these steps.
1. Press _ } to display the MEMORY menu.
2. Select 2:Mem Management/Delete to display the MEMORY MANAGEMENT/DELETE menu.
3. Select the type of data you want to delete, or select 1:All for a list of all variables of all types. A
screen is displayed listing each variable of the type you selected and the number of bytes each
variable is using.
For example, if you select 4:List, the LIST editor screen is displayed.
4. Press _ and to move the selection cursor (4) next to the item you want to delete, and then press
_. The variable is deleted from memory. You can delete individual variables one by one from this
screen. No warning will be given to verify the deletion.
Note: If you are deleting programs or Apps, you will receive a message asking you to confirm this
delete action. Select 2:Yes to continue.
To leave any variable screen without deleting anything, press _, which displays the home
You cannot delete some system variables, such as the last-answer variable Ans and the statistical
variable RegEQ.
Clearing Entries (Home Screen) and List Editor Elements
Clear Entries
Clear Entries clears the contents of the ENTRY (last entry on home screen) storage area. To clear the
ENTRY storage area, follow these steps.
1. Press _ } to display the MEMORY menu.
2. Select 3:Clear Entries to paste the instruction to the home screen.
3. Press _ to clear the ENTRY storage area.
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 328
To cancel Clear Entries, press .
Note: If you select 3:Clear Entries from within a program, the Clear Entries instruction is pasted to the
program editor, and the Entry (last entry) is cleared when the program is executed.
ClrAllLists sets the dimension of each list in RAM to 0.
To clear all elements from all lists, follow these steps.
1. Press _ } to display the MEMORY menu.
2. Select 4:ClrAllLists to paste the instruction to the home screen.
3. Press _ to set the dimension of each list in memory to 0.
To cancel ClrAllLists, press .
ClrAllLists does not delete list names from memory, from the LIST NAMES menu, or from the stat list
Note: If you select 4:ClrAllLists from within a program, the ClrAllLists instruction is pasted to the
program editor. The lists are cleared when the program is executed.
Archiving and UnArchiving Variables
Archiving and UnArchiving Variables
Archiving lets you store data, programs, or other variables to the user data archive (ARC) where they
cannot be edited or deleted inadvertently. Archiving also allows you to free up RAM for variables that
may require additional memory.
Archived variables cannot be edited or executed. They can only be seen and unarchived. For example, if
you archive list L1, you will see that L1 exists in memory but if you select it and paste the name L1 to
the home screen, you wont be able to see its contents or edit it.
Note: Not all variables may be archived. Not all archived variables may be unarchived. For example,
system variables including r, t, x, y, and q cannot be archived. Apps and Groups always exist in Flash
ROM so there is no need to archive them. Groups cannot be unarchived. However, you can ungroup or
delete them.
Variable Type Names
Real numbers A, B, ... , Z yes yes
A, B, ... , Z yes yes
Matrices [A], [B], [C], ... , [J] yes yes
Lists L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6,
and user-defined
yes yes
Programs yes yes
Functions Y1, Y2, . . . , Y9, Y0 no not
X1T and Y1T, ... , X6T
and Y6T
no not
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 329
Archiving and unarchiving can be done in two ways:
Use the 5:Archive or 6:UnArchive commands from the MEMORY menu or CATALOG.
Use a Memory Management editor screen.
Before archiving or unarchiving variables, particularly those with a large byte size (such as large
programs) use the MEMORY menu to:
Find the size of the variable.
See if there is enough free space.
Note: If there is not enough space, unarchive or delete variables as necessary. Be aware that when you
unarchive a variable, not all the memory associated with that variable in user data archive will be
released since the system keeps track of where the variable has been and where it is now in RAM.
Even if there appears to be enough free space, you may see a Garbage Collection message when you
attempt to archive a variable. Depending on the usability of empty blocks in the user data archive, you
may need to unarchive existing variables to create more free space.
Polar functions r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6 no not
u, v, w no not
Stat plots Plot1, Plot2, Plot3 no not
GDB1, GDB2,... yes yes
Pictures (Pic
Pic1, Pic2, ... , Pic9,
yes no
Images (Image
Image1, Image2, ... ,
Image9, Image0
yes no
Strings Str1, Str2, . . . Str9,
yes yes
TblStart, @Tbl,
no not
Apps Applications see Note
AppVars Application variables yes yes
Groups see Note
Variables with
reserved names
minX, maxX, RegEQ,
and others
no not
System variables Xmin, Xmax, and
no not
For: Sizes must be such that:
Archive Archive free size > variable size
UnArchive RAM free size > variable size
Variable Type Names
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 330
To archive or unarchive a list variable (L1) using the Archive/UnArchive options from the MEMORY
1. Press _ } to display the MEMORY menu.
2. Select 5:Archive or 6:UnArchive to place the command in the Home screen.
3. Press _ to place the L1 variable in the Home screen.
4. Press _ to complete the archive process.
An asterisk (*) is displayed to the left of the Archived variable name to indicate it is archived.
Note: Pic Vars that are stored always run from and remain in archive memory (*Pic). Image Vars are
also stored in archive memory however, they are displayed without an asterisk.
To archive or unarchive a list variable (L1) using a Memory Management editor:
1. Press _ } to display the MEMORY menu.
2. Select 2:Mem Management/Delete to display the MEMORY MANAGEMENT/DELETE menu.
3. Select 4:List to display the LIST menu.
4. Press _ to archive L1. An asterisk will appear to the left of L1 to indicate it is an archived
variable. To unarchive a variable in this screen, put the cursor next to the archived variable and
press _. The asterisk will disappear.
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 331
5. Press _ to leave the LIST menu.
Note: You can access an archived variable for the purpose of linking, deleting, or unarchiving it, but
you cannot edit it.
Resetting the TI-84 Plus C
Reset displays the RAM ARCHIVE ALL menu. This menu gives you the option of resetting all memory
(including default settings) or resetting selected portions of memory while preserving other data stored
in memory, such as programs and Y= functions. For instance, you can choose to reset all of RAM or just
restore the default settings. Be aware that if you choose to reset RAM, all data and programs in RAM
will be erased.
Note: Pics and Images in archive are not deleted when RAM is reset.
For archive memory, you can reset variables (Vars), applications (Apps), or both of these. Be aware that
if you choose to reset Vars, all data and programs in archive memory will be erased. If you choose to
reset Apps, all applications in archive memory will be erased.
When you reset defaults on the TI-84 Plus C, all defaults in RAM are restored to the factory settings.
Stored data and programs are not changed.
These are some examples of TI-84 Plus C defaults that are restored by resetting the defaults.
Mode settings such as Normal (notation); Func (graphing); Real (numbers); and Full (screen)
Y= functions off
Window variable values such as Xmin=L10, Xmax=10, Xscl=1, Yscl=1, and Xres=1
Format settings such as CoordOn (graphing coordinates on); AxesOn; and ExprOn (expression on)
rand seed value to 0
Displaying the RAM ARCHIVE ALL Menu
To display the RAM ARCHIVE ALL menu on the TI-84 Plus C, follow these steps.
1. Press _ } to display the MEMORY menu.
2. Select 7:Reset to display the RAM ARCHIVE ALL menu.
Resetting RAM Memory
Resetting all RAM restores RAM system variables to factory settings and deletes all nonsystem variables
and all programs. Resetting RAM defaults restores all system variables to default settings without
deleting variables and programs in RAM. Resetting all RAM or resetting defaults does not affect
variables and applications in user data archive (Pic Vars and Image Vars in archive are not deleted by a
RAM reset).
Note: Before you reset all RAM memory, consider restoring sufficient available memory by deleting
only selected data.
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 332
To reset all RAM memory or RAM defaults on the TI-84 Plus C, follow these steps.
1. From the RAM ARCHIVE ALL menu, select 1:All RAM to display the RESET RAM menu or
2:Defaults to display the RESET DEFAULTS menu.
2. If you are resetting RAM, read the message below the RESET RAM menu.
To cancel the reset and return to the HOME screen, press _.
To erase RAM memory or reset defaults, select 2:Reset. Depending on your choice, the
message RAM cleared or Defaults set is displayed on the home screen.
Resetting Archive Memory
When resetting archive memory on the TI-84 Plus C, you can choose to delete from user data archive all
variables, all applications, or both variables and applications.
To reset all or part of user data archive memory, follow these steps.
1. From the RAM ARCHIVE ALL menu, press _ to display the ARCHIVE menu.
2. Select one of the following:
1:Vars to display the RESET ARC VARS menu.
Note: Resetting the archive includes resetting Pic and Image Vars.
2:Apps to display the RESET ARC APPS menu.
3:Both to display the RESET ARC BOTH menu.
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 333
Note: Resetting the archive includes resetting Pic and Image Vars.
3. Read the message below the menu.
To cancel the reset and return to the HOME screen, press _.
To continue with the reset, select 2:Reset. A message indicating the type of archive memory
cleared will be displayed on the HOME screen.
Resetting All Memory
When resetting memory, consider backing up your data to another calculator unit. You can also backup
existing data to a computer using the TI-Connect software.
When resetting all memory on the TI-84 Plus C, RAM and user data archive memory is restored to
factory settings. All nonsystem variables, applications, and programs are deleted. All system variables
are reset to default settings.
Before you reset all memory, consider restoring sufficient available memory by deleting only selected
To reset all memory on the TI-84 Plus C, follow these steps.
1. From the RAM ARCHIVE ALL menu, press _ _ to display the ALL menu.
2. Select 1:All Memory to display the RESET MEMORY menu.
3. Read the message below the RESET MEMORY menu.
To cancel the reset and return to the HOME screen, press _.
To continue with the reset, select 2:Reset. The message MEM cleared is displayed on the
HOME screen.
When you clear memory, the brightness contrast may change. If the screen is faded or blank, adjust the
contrast by pressing _ _ or .
Grouping and Ungrouping Variables
Grouping Variables
Grouping allows you to make a copy of two or more variables residing in RAM and then store them as a
group in user data archive. The variables in RAM are not erased. The variables must exist in RAM before
they can be grouped. In other words, archived data cannot be included in a group. Once grouped, the
variables can be deleted from RAM to open memory. When the variables are needed later, they can be
ungrouped for use.
To create a group of variables:
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 334
1. Press _ } to display the MEMORY menu.
2. Select 8:Group to display GROUP UNGROUP menu.
3. Press _ to display the GROUP menu.
4. Enter a name for the new group and press _.
Note: A group name can be one to eight characters long. The first character must be a letter from
A to Z or q. The second through eighth characters can be letters, numbers, or q.
5. Select the type of data you want to group. You can select 1:All+ which shows all variables of all
types available and selected. You can also select 2:All- which shows all variables of all types
available but not selected. A screen is displayed listing each variable of the type you selected.
For example, suppose some variables have been created in RAM, and selecting 2:All- displays the
following screen.
6. Press _ and to move the selection cursor (4) next to the first item you want to copy into a group,
and then press _. A small square will remain to the left of all variables selected for grouping.
Repeat the selection process until all variables for the new group are selected and then press _ to
display the DONE menu.
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 335
7. Press _ to complete the grouping process.
Note: You can only group variables in RAM. You cannot group some system variables, such as the last-
answer variable Ans and the statistical variable RegEQ.
Ungrouping Variables
Ungrouping allows you to make a copy of variables in a group stored in user data archive and place
them ungrouped in RAM.
DuplicateName Menu
During the ungrouping action, if a duplicate variable name is detected in RAM, the DUPLICATE NAME
menu is displayed.
Notes about Menu Items:
When you select 1:Rename, the Name= prompt is displayed, and alpha-lock is on. Enter a new
variable name, and then press _. Ungrouping resumes.
When you select 2:Overwrite, the unit overwrites the data of the duplicate variable name found in
RAM. Ungrouping resumes.
When you select 3: Overwrite All, the unit overwrites the data of all duplicate variable names
found in RAM. Ungrouping resumes.
When you select 4:Omit, the unit does not ungroup the variable in conflict with the duplicated
variable name found in RAM. Ungrouping resumes with the next item.
When you select 5:Quit, ungrouping stops, and no further changes are made.
To ungroup a group of variables:
1. Press _ } to display the MEMORY menu.
2. Select 8:Group to display the GROUP UNGROUP menu.
3. Press _ to display the UNGROUP menu.
1: Rename Prompts to rename receiving variable.
2: Overwrite Overwrites data in receiving duplicate variable.
3: Overwrite All Overwrites data in all receiving duplicate
4: Omit Skips ungrouping of sending variable.
5: Quit Stops ungrouping at duplicate variable.
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 336
4. Press _ and to move the selection cursor (4) next to the group variable you want to ungroup,
and then press _.
The ungroup action is completed.
Note: Ungrouping does not remove the group from user data archive. You must delete the group in
user data archive to remove it.
Garbage Collection
Garbage Collection Message
If you use the user data archive extensively, you may see a Garbage Collect? message. This occurs if you
try to archive a variable when there is not enough free contiguous archive memory.
The Garbage Collect? message lets you know an archive will take longer than usual. It also alerts you
that the archive will fail if there is not enough memory.
The message can also alert you when a program is caught in a loop that repetitively fills the user data
archive. Select No to cancel the garbage collection process, and then find and correct the errors in your
When YES is selected, the TI-84 Plus C will attempt to rearrange the archived variables to make
additional room.
Responding to the Garbage Collection Message
Note: The process message Defragmenting... is displayed whenever an application marked for
deletion is encountered. Garbage collection may take up to 20 minutes, depending on how much of
archive memory has been used to store variables.
After garbage collection, depending on how much additional space is freed, the variable may or may
not be archived. If not, you can unarchive some variables and try again.
Why Is Garbage Collection Necessary?
The user data archive is divided into sectors. When you first begin archiving, variables are stored
consecutively in sector 1. This continues to the end of the sector.
An archived variable is stored in a continuous block within a single sector. Unlike an application stored
in user data archive, an archived variable cannot cross a sector boundary. If there is not enough space
left in the sector, the next variable is stored at the beginning of the next sector. Typically, this leaves an
empty block at the end of the previous sector.
To cancel, select 1:No.
If you select 1:No, the message
ERROR:ARCHIVE FULL will be displayed.
To continue archiving, select 2:Yes.
If you select 2:Yes, the process message
Garbage Collecting... or Defragmenting...
will be displayed.
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 337
Each variable that you archive is stored in the first empty block large enough to hold it.
This process continues to the end of the last sector. Depending on the size of individual variables, the
empty blocks may account for a significant amount of space. Garbage collection occurs when the
variable you are archiving is larger than any empty block.
How Unarchiving a Variable Affects the Process
When you unarchive a variable, it is copied to RAM but it is not actually deleted from user data archive
memory. Unarchived variables are marked for deletion, meaning they will be deleted during the next
garbage collection.
If the MEMORY Screen Shows Enough Free Space
Even if the MEMORY screen shows enough free space to archive a variable or store an application, you
may still get a Garbage Collect? message or an ERROR: ARCHIVE FULL message.
When you unarchive a variable, the Archive free amount increases immediately, but the space is not
actually available until after the next garbage collection.
If the Archive free amount shows enough available space for your variable, there probably will be
enough space to archive it after garbage collection (depending on the usability of any empty blocks).
The Garbage Collection Process
The garbage collection process:
variable B
variable C
variable A
variable D
Depending on its size,
variable D is stored in one
of these locations.
Sector 1
Sector 3
Sector 2
variable A
variable D
After you unarchive
variables B and C, they
continue to take up
Sector 1
Sector 2
Sector 3
Deletes unarchived variables
from the user data archive.
Rearranges the remaining
variables into consecutive blocks.
variable A
variable D
Sector 1
Sector 2
Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 338
Note: Power loss during garbage collection may cause all memory (RAM and Archive) to be deleted.
Using the GarbageCollect Command
You can reduce the number of automatic garbage collections by periodically optimizing memory. This is
done by using the GarbageCollect command.
To use the GarbageCollect command, follow these steps.
1. From the HOME screen, press _ to display the CATALOG.
2. Press or _ to scroll the CATALOG until the selection cursor points to the GarbageCollect
command or press G to skip to the commands starting with the letter G.
3. Press _ to paste the command to the HOME screen.
4. Press _ to display the Garbage Collect? message.
5. Select 2:Yes to begin garbage collection.
An ERROR:ARCHIVE FULL message may be displayed:
When there is insufficient space to archive a variable within a continuous block and within a single
When there is insufficient space to store an application within a continuous block of memory.
When the message is displayed, it will indicate the largest single space of memory available for storing
a variable and an application.
To resolve the problem, use the GarbageCollect command to optimize memory. If memory is still
insufficient, you must delete variables or applications to increase space.
Even if the MEMORY screen shows enough free
space to archive a variable or store an
application, you may still get an ERROR:
Chapter 19: Communication Link 339
Chapter 19:
Communication Link
Getting Started: Sending Variables
Getting Started is a fast-paced introduction. Read the chapter for details.
Create and store a variable and store a matrix to an archive; then transfer them to another TI-84 Plus C.
1. On the home screen of the sending unit, press 5 _ 5 _
Q. Press _ to store 5.5 to Q.
2. Press _ ) to display the quick matrix editor. The
default size of the matrix is two rows by two columns.
Press _. Press 1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ to enter the values.
Press _ _ } and select 1: [A]. Press _.
3. On the sending unit, press _ } to display the
MEMORY menu.
4. On the sending unit, press 2 to select 2:Mem
Management/Del. The MEMORY MANAGEMENT menu is
5. On the sending unit, press 5 to select 5:Matrix. The
MATRIX editor screen is displayed.
Chapter 19: Communication Link 340
6. On the sending unit, press _ to archive [A]. An asterisk
(+) will appear, signifying that [A] is now archived.
7. Connect the graphing calculators with the USB
unit-to-unit cable. Push both ends in firmly.
8. On the receiving unit, press _ _ to display the
RECEIVE menu. Press 1 to select 1:Receive. The message
Waiting... is displayed and the busy indicator is on.
9. On the sending unit, press _ to display the SEND
10. Press 2 to select 2:AllN. The AllN SELECT screen is
11. Press until the selection cursor ( 4 ) is next to
[A] MATRX. Press _.
12. Press until the selection cursor is next to Q REAL. Press
_. A square dot next to [A] and Q indicates that each is
selected to send.
13. On the sending unit, press _ to display the TRANSMIT
Chapter 19: Communication Link 341
TI-84 Plus C LINK
The TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition has a USB port using a USB unit-to-unit cable to connect and
communicate with another TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, or TI-84 Plus. The
TI-84 Plus C also has an I/O port using an I/O unit-to-unit cable to communicate with a TI-84 Plus C Silver
Edition, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, TI-84 Plus, TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, TI-83 Plus, TI-83, TI-82 Stats, TI-73,
CBL 2, or a CBR 2 System.
With TI Connect software and a USB computer cable, you can also link the TI-84 Plus C to a personal
computer. TI Connect software is available as a free download from education.ti.com/go/download.
As future software upgrades become available on the TI Web site, you can download the software to
your PC and then use the TI Connect software and a USB computer cable to upgrade your
TI-84 Plus C.
Linking Compatibility
The TI-84 Plus C has files and variables that may or may not be compatible with the TI-84 Plus family of
graphing calculators. The table below is provided as a reference for what you can SEND and RECEIVE.
Note: Not all TI-84 Plus C graphing calculator files are compatible with other TI-84 Plus Family graphing
calculator files because of the high resolution of the TI-84 Plus C color screen. In general, numeric files
(not limited to lists, variables, matrices, and functions) are shared between these graphing calculators
but Apps are not shared between these graphing calculators even if they have the same title. When not
compatible, the computer file extensions for the TI-84 Plus C are different from a similar variable from
the TI-84 Plus/TI-84 Plus Silver Edition graphing calculators.
14. On the sending unit, press 1 to select 1:Transmit and
begin transmission. The receiving unit displays the
message Receiving....When the items are transmitted,
both units display the name and type of each transmitted
File type Link from TI-84 to
TI-84 Plus C?
Link from TI-84 Plus C
to TI-84?
Operating System No No
Apps No No
AppVar* Yes Yes
Programs - TI Basic* Yes Yes
Yes No
Pictures No No
Background Images N/A No
Group files Yes Yes
User Zoom Yes Yes
String Yes Yes
Table Yes Yes
Function file Yes Yes
Chapter 19: Communication Link 342
Connecting Two Graphing Calculators with a USB Unit-to-Unit Cable or an I/O Unit-
to-Unit Cable
USB Unit-to-Unit Cable
I/O Unit-to-Unit Cable
GDB** Yes Yes
List Yes Yes
Matrix Yes Yes
Number Yes Yes
Complex Yes Yes
Window Setup Yes Yes
Certificate No No
Backup No No
* Programs created using commands available only in the latest OS
version will not transfer to graphing calculators with an earlier OS
* App Vars and Programs should be reviewed for use after the transfer
between the TI-84 Plus Family and TI-84 Plus C graphing calculators.
Some App Vars may not set up an App as expected. Some Programs will
need to be modified due to the difference in screen resolution and new
** You may receive a version error if you used DOT-THIN line style.
Change the line style to avoid the error.
The USB link port is located at the top right
edge of the graphing calculator.
1. Firmly insert either end of the USB
unit-to-unit cable into the USB port.
2. Insert the other end of the cable into the
other graphing calculators USB port.
The I/O link port is located at the top left edge
of the graphing calculator.
1. Firmly insert either end of the I/O
unit-to-unit cable into the port.
2. Insert the other end of the cable into the
other graphing calculators I/O port.
Chapter 19: Communication Link 343
TI-84 Plus C to a TI-83 Plus using I/O Unit-to-Unit Cable
Linking to the CBL/CBR System
The CBL 2 system and the CBR 2 system are optional accessories that also connect to a TI-84 Plus C
with the I/O unit-to-unit cable. With a CBL 2 system or CBR 2 system and a TI-84 Plus C, you can
collect and analyze real-world data using the Vernier Easy Data application.
Selecting Items to Send
To display the LINK SEND menu, press _ .
When you select an item on the LINK SEND menu, the corresponding SELECT screen is displayed.
Note: Each SELECT screen, except All+, is initially displayed with nothing pre-selected. All+ is
displayed with everything pre-selected.
To select items to send:
1. Press _ on the sending unit to display the LINK SEND menu.
The TI-84 Plus C I/O link port is located at the
top left edge of the graphing calculator. The
TI-83 Plus I/O link port is located at the bottom
edge of the graphing calculator.
1. Firmly insert either end of the I/O
unit-to-unit cable into the port.
2. Insert the other end of the cable into the
other graphing calculators I/O port.
1: All+... Displays all items as selected, including RAM
and Flash applications.
2: AllN... Displays all items as deselected.
3: Prgm... Displays all program names.
4: List... Displays all list names.
5: GDB... Displays all graph databases.
6: Pic... Displays all picture data types.
7: Matrix... Displays all matrix data types.
8: Real... Displays all real variables.
9: Complex... Displays all complex variables.
0: Y-Vars... Displays all Y= variables.
A: String... Displays all string variables.
B: Apps... Displays all software applications.
C: AppVars... Displays all software application variables.
D: Group... Displays all grouped variables.
E: SendId Sends the Calculator ID number immediately.
(You do not need to select SEND.)
F: SendOS Sends operating system updates from a
TI-84 Plus C to another TI-84 Plus C.
G: Back Up... Selects all RAM and mode settings (no Flash
applications or archived items) for backup to
another TI-84 Plus C.
Chapter 19: Communication Link 344
2. Select the menu item that describes the data type to send. The corresponding SELECT screen is
3. Press _ and to move the selection cursor ( 4 ) to an item you want to select or deselect.
4. Press _ to select or deselect the item. Selected names are marked with a 0.
Note: An asterisk (+) to the left of an item indicates the item is archived.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to select or deselect additional items.
Sending the Selected Items
After you have selected items to send on the sending unit and set the receiving unit to receive, follow
these steps to transmit the items. To set the receiving unit, see Receiving Items.
1. Press _ on the sending unit to display the TRANSMIT menu.
2. Confirm that Waiting... is displayed on the receiving unit, which indicates it is set to receive.
3. Press _ to select 1:Transmit. The name and type of each item are displayed line-by-line on the
sending unit as the item is queued for transmission, and then on the receiving unit as each item is
Note: Items sent from the RAM of the sending unit are transmitted to the RAM of the receiving
unit. Items sent from user data archive (flash) of the sending unit are transmitted to user data
archive (flash) of the receiving unit.
After all selected items have been transmitted, the message Done is displayed on both calculators. Press
_ and to scroll through the names.
Sending to a TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, TI-84 Plus
See section Linking Compatibility in this chapter for information on files and variables that can be
Note: Keep in mind that the TI-84 Plus has less Flash memory than the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition.
Variables stored in RAM on the sending graphing calculator will be sent to the RAM of the
receiving graphing calculator.
Variables and applications stored in the user data archive of the sending graphing calculator will be
sent to the user data archive of the receiving graphing calculator.
After sending or receiving data, you can repeat the same transmission to additional graphing calculator
unitsfrom either the sending unit or the receiving unitwithout having to reselect data to send. The
current items remain selected. However, you cannot repeat transmission if you selected All+ or All..
To send data to an additional graphing calculators:
1. Use a USB unit-to-unit cable to link two units together.
Chapter 19: Communication Link 345
2. On the sending unit press _ and select a data type and items to SEND.
3. Press _ on the sending unit to display the TRANSMIT menu.
4. On the other unit, press _ _ to display the RECEIVE menu.
5. Press _ on the receiving unit.
6. Press _ on the sending unit. A copy of the selected item(s) is sent to the receiving unit.
7. Disconnect the link cable only from the receiving unit and connect it to another unit.
8. Press _ on the sending unit.
9. Select only the data type. For example, if the unit just sent a list, select 4:LIST.
Note: The item(s) you want to send are pre-selected from the last transmission. Do not select or
deselect any items. If you select or deselect an item, all selections or deselections from the last
transmission are cleared.
10. Press _ on the sending unit to display the TRANSMIT menu.
11. On the new receiving unit, press _ _ to display the RECEIVE menu.
12. Press _ on the receiving unit.
13. Press _ on the sending unit. A copy of the selected item(s) is sent to the receiving unit.
14. Repeat steps 7 through 13 until the items are sent to all additional units.
Receiving Items
To display the LINK RECEIVE menu, press _ _.
Receiving Unit
When you select 1:Receive from the LINK RECEIVE menu on the receiving unit, the message Waiting...
and the busy indicator are displayed. The receiving unit is ready to receive transmitted items. To exit the
receive mode without receiving items, press _, and then select 1:Quit from the Error in Xmit menu.
When transmission is complete, the unit exits the receive mode. You can select 1:Receive again to
receive more items. The receiving unit then displays a list of items received. Press _ to exit the
receive mode.
DuplicateName Menu
During transmission, if a variable name is duplicated, the DuplicateName menu is displayed on the
receiving unit.
When you select 1:Rename, the Name= prompt is displayed. Enter a new variable name, and then press
_. Transmission resumes.
When you select 2:Overwrite, the sending units data overwrites the existing data stored on the
receiving unit. Transmission resumes.
When you select 3:Omit, the sending unit does not send the data in the duplicated variable name.
Transmission resumes with the next item.
1: Receive Sets unit to receive data transmission.
1: Rename Prompts to rename receiving variable.
2: Overwrite Overwrites data in receiving variable.
3: Omit Skips transmission of sending variable.
4: Quit Stops transmission at duplicate variable.
Chapter 19: Communication Link 346
When you select 4:Quit, transmission stops, and the receiving unit exits receive mode.
Receiving from a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition or TI-84 Plus C
The TI-84 Plus Silver Edition and the TI-84 Plus share most file types with the TI-84 Plus C. The notable
exceptions are the operating system, Apps, Image Vars and Pic Vars. See table under section Linking
Compatibility for more information.
You cannot send memory backups between the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition and the TI-84 Plus or
TI-84 Plus Silver Editions.You cannot send memory backups between the TI-84 Plus product family and
the TI-83 Plus product family.
Receiving from a TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or TI-83 Plus
The TI-84 Plus product family and the TI-83 Plus product family are compatible (numeric files should
transfer) with a few exceptions
Backing Up RAM Memory
Warning: H:Back Up overwrites the RAM memory and mode settings in the receiving unit. All
information in the RAM memory of the receiving unit is lost.
Note: Archived items on the receiving unit are not overwritten.
You can backup the contents of RAM memory and mode settings (no Flash applications or archived
items) to another TI-84 Plus C unit. The backup calculator must also have the same OS version installed.
Updating to the latest OS is always recommended.
To perform a RAM memory backup:
1. Use a USB unit-to-unit cable to link two TI-84 Plus C units.
2. On the sending unit press _ and select H:Back Up. The MEMORYBACKUP screen displays.
3. On the receiving unit, press _ _ to display the RECEIVE menu.
4. Press _ on the receiving unit.
5. Press _ on the sending unit. A WARNING Backup message displays on the receiving unit.
6. Press _ on the receiving unit to continue the backup.
Press 2:Quit on the receiving unit to cancel the backup and return to the LINK SEND menu
Note: If a transmission error is returned during a backup, the receiving unit is reset.
Memory Backup Complete
When the backup is complete, both the sending graphing calculator and receiving graphing calculator
display a confirmation screen.
Error Conditions
A transmission error occurs after one or two seconds if:
A cable is not attached to the sending unit.
A cable is not attached to the receiving unit.
Note: If the cable is attached, push it in firmly and try again.
The receiving unit is not set to receive transmission.
Chapter 19: Communication Link 347
You attempt a backup between a TI-73 Explorer, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, or TI-83 Plus Silver Edition.
You attempt a data transfer from a TI-84 Plus C to a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, TI-84 Plus, TI-83 Plus
Silver Edition, TI-83 Plus, TI-83, TI-82, or TI-73 Explorer with variables or features not recognized by
the receiving graphing calculator.
New variable types and features not recognized by the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, TI-84 Plus, TI-83,
TI-83 Plus, TI-82, or TI-73 include applications, application variables, grouped variables, new
variable types, or programs with new features in them. See Appendix A for more information.
You attempt a data transfer from a TI-84 Plus C to a TI-73 Explorer with data other than real
numbers, and real lists L1 through L6 or named lists with q as part of the name.
Although a transmission error does not occur, these two conditions may prevent successful
You try to use Get( with a graphing calculator instead of a CBL 2 system or CBR2 system.
You try to use GetCalc( with a TI-83 instead of a TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition or
TI-84-Plus C Silver Edition.
Insufficient Memory in Receiving Unit
During transmission, if the receiving unit does not have sufficient memory to receive an item, the
Memory Full menu is displayed on the receiving unit.
To skip this item for the current transmission, select 1:Omit. Transmission resumes with the next
To cancel the transmission and exit receive mode, select 2:Quit.
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 348
Appendix A:
Functions and Instructions
Functions return a value, list, or matrix. You can use functions in an expression. Instructions initiate an
action. Some functions and instructions have arguments. Optional arguments and accompanying commas
are enclosed in brackets ( [ ] ).
From the CATALOG, you can paste any function or instruction to the home screen or to a command line
in the program editor. However, some functions and instructions are not valid on the home screen. The
items in this table appear in the same order as they appear in the CATALOG.
indicates either keystrokes that are valid in the program editor only or ones that paste certain
instructions when you are in the program editor. Some keystrokes display menus that are available only
in the program editor. Others paste mode, format, or table-set instructions only when you are in the
program editor.
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
abs(value) Returns the absolute value of a real number,
expression, list, or matrix.
abs(complex value) Returns the magnitude of a complex number or list. _
valueA and valueB Returns 1 if both valueA and valueB are 0. valueA and
valueB can be real numbers, expressions, or lists.
angle(value) Returns the polar angle of a complex number or list of
complex numbers.
Performs a one-way analysis of variance for comparing
the means of two to 20 populations.
Ans Returns the last answer. _
Archive Moves the specified variables from RAM to the user
data archive memory.
_ }
Asm(assemblyprgmname) Executes an assembly language program. _
Compiles an assembly language program written in
ASCII and stores the hex version.
Asm84CPrgm Must be used as the first line of an assembly language
Returns a matrix, which is matrixB appended to matrixA
as new columns.
augment(listA,listB) Returns a list, which is listB concatenated to the end of
AUTO Answer Displays answers in a similar format as the input. _
Answers: AUTO
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 349
AxesOff Turns off the graph axes. _
AxesOn[color#] Turns on the graph axes with color. The color option
allows the color of the axes to be specified. Color #:
10-24 or color name.
a+bi Sets the mode to rectangular complex number mode
BackgroundOff Turns off background image in the graph area. _
BackgroundOn n Displays a menu the Background Image Var n
(Image#n) specified in the graph area.
bal(npmt[,roundvalue]) Computes the balance at npmt for an amortization
schedule using stored values for PV, |, and PMT and
rounds the computation to roundvalue.
Computes a cumulative probability at x for the discrete
binomial distribution with the specified numtrials and
probability p of success on each trial.
Computes a probability at x for the discrete binomial
distribution with the specified numtrials and
probability p of success on each trial.
BorderColor[color#] Turns on a border color surrounding the graph area
with the specified color. Color #: 1-4.
checkTmr(starttime) Returns the number of seconds since you used
startTmr to start the timer. The starttime is the value
displayed by startTmr.
Computes the c
distribution probability between
lowerbound and upperbound for the specified degrees of
freedom df.
Computes the probability density function (pdf) for
the c
distribution at a specified x value for the
specified degrees of freedom df.
Performs a chi-square test. drawflag=1 draws results;
drawflag=0 calculates results. Color #: 10-24
Performs a test to confirm that sample data is from a
population that conforms to a specified distribution.
Color #: 10-24
Draws a circle with center (X,Y) and radius with
specified color #: 10-24 and line style #: 1-2.
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 350
CLASSIC Displays inputs and outputs on a single line, such as
Clear Entries Clears the contents of the Last Entry storage area. _ }
3:Clear Entries
ClockOff Turns off the clock display in the mode screen. _
ClockOn Turns on the clock display in the mode screen. _
ClrAllLists Sets to 0 the dimension of all lists in memory. _ }
ClrDraw Clears all drawn elements from a graph or drawing. _
ClrHome Clears the home screen. _
ClrList listname1
[,listname2, ...,
listname n]
Sets to 0 the dimension of one or more listnames.
ClrTable Clears all values from the table. _
conj(value) Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number
or list of complex numbers.
CoordOff Turns off cursor coordinate value display. _
CoordOn Turns on cursor coordinate value display. _
cos(value) Returns cosine of a real number, expression, or list.
Returns arccosine of a real number, expression, or list. _
cosh(value) Returns hyperbolic cosine of a real number, expression,
or list.
Returns hyperbolic arccosine of a real number,
expression, or list.
CubicReg [Xlistname,
Fits a cubic regression model to Xlistname and Ylistname
with frequency freqlist, and stores the regression
equation to regequ.
cumSum(list) Returns a list of the cumulative sums of the elements
in list, starting with the first element.
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 351
cumSum(matrix) Returns a matrix of the cumulative sums of matrix
elements. Each element in the returned matrix is a
cumulative sum of a matrix column from top to
Returns an integer from 1 to 7, with each integer
representing a day of the week. Use dayOfWk( to
determine on which day of the week a particular date
would occur. The year must be 4 digits; month and day
can be 1 or 2 digits.
dbd(date1,date2) Calculates the number of days between date1 and date2
using the actual-day-count method.
DEC Answers Displays answers as integers or decimal numbers. _
Answers: DEC
value4Dec Displays a real or complex number, expression, list, or
matrix in decimal format.
Degree Sets degree angle mode. _
DelVar variable Deletes from memory the contents of variable. _
DependAsk Sets table to ask for dependent-variable values. _
Depend: Ask
DependAuto Sets table to generate dependent-variable values
Depend: Auto
det(matrix) Returns determinant of matrix. _
DetectAsymOff Turns off checks for rational function aymptotes when
graphing. Impacts graph speed.
DetectAsymOn Turns on checks for rational function aymptotes when
graphing. Impacts graph speed.
Sets diagnostics-off mode; r, r
, and R
are not
displayed as regression model results.
Sets diagnostics-on mode; r, r
, and R
are displayed as
regression model results.
dim(listname) Returns the dimension of listname. _
dim(matrixname) Returns the dimension of matrixname as a list. _
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 352
lengthdim(listname) Assigns a new dimension (length) to a new or existing
Assigns new dimensions to a new or existing
Disp Displays the home screen. _
Disp [valueA,valueB,
valueC,...,value n]
Displays each value. _
DispGraph Displays the graph. _
DispTable Displays the table. _
value4DMS Displays value in DMS format. _
Dot-Thick Sets dot plotting mode; resets all Y=editor graph-style
settings to Dot-Thick.
Dot-Thin Sets dot plotting mode; resets all Y=editor graph-style
settings to Dot-Thin.
DrawF expression[,color#] Draws expression (in terms of X) on the graph with
specified color #: 10-24.
Draws the inverse of expression by plotting X values on
the y-axis and Y values on the x-axis with specified
color #: 10-24.
Decrements variable by 1; skips commandA if variable <
e Returns e. _ [e]
e^(power) Returns e raised to power. _
e^(list) Returns a list of e raised to a list of powers. _
Returns value times 10 to the exponent. _
Returns list elements times 10 to the exponent. _
Returns matrix elements times 10 to the exponent. _
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 353
4Eff(nominal rate,
compounding periods)
Computes the effective interest rate. 1:Finance
See If:Then:Else
End Identifies end of For(, If-Then-Else, Repeat, or While
Eng Sets engineering display mode. _
Equ4String(Y= var,Strn) Converts the contents of a Y= var to a string and stores
it in Strn.
expr(string) Converts string to an expression and executes it. _
ExpReg [Xlistname,
Fits an exponential regression model to Xlistname and
Ylistname with frequency freqlist, and stores the
regression equation to regequ.
ExprOff Turns off the expression display during TRACE. _
ExprOn Turns on the expression display during TRACE. _
numerator df,
denominator df)
Computes the F distribution probability between
lowerbound and upperbound for the specified numerator
df (degrees of freedom) and denominator df.
4 F 3 4 D
Converts an answer from a fraction to a decimal or
from a decimal to a fraction. Fraction and or decimal
may be an approximation.
_ )
4: 4 F 3 4 D
B: 4 F 3 4 D
3: 4 F 3 4 D
Fill(value,matrixname) Stores value to each element in matrixname. _
Fill(value,listname) Stores value to each element in listname. _
Fix # Sets fixed-decimal mode for # of decimal places. _
(select one)
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 354
Float Sets floating decimal mode. _
Returns the value of variable where the local maximum
of expression occurs, between lower and upper, with
specified tolerance.
Returns the value of variable where the local minimum
of expression occurs, between lower and upper, with
specified tolerance.
Returns the function integral of expression with respect
to variable, between lower and upper, with specified
FnOff [function#,
function#,...,function n]
Deselects all Y= functions or specified Y= functions. _
FnOn [function#,
function#,...,function n]
Selects all Y= functions or specified Y= functions. _
Executes commands through End, incrementing variable
from begin by increment until variable>end.
fPart(value) Returns the fractional part or parts of a real or
complex number, expression, list, or matrix.
Fpdf(x,numerator df,
denominator df)
Computes the F distribution probability between
lowerbound and upperbound for the specified numerator
df (degrees of freedom) and denominator df.
FRAC-APPROX Answers Displays answers as fractions, if possible. Fraction
output is attempted from the internal decimal
approximation of results.
Answers: FRAC-
value4Frac Displays a real or complex number, expression, list, or
matrix as a fraction simplified to its simplest terms.
Full Sets full screen mode. _
Func Sets function graphing mode. _
GarbageCollect Displays the garbage collection menu to allow cleanup
of unused archive memory.
gcd(valueA,valueB) Returns the greatest common divisor of valueA and
valueB, which can be real numbers or lists.
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 355
geometcdf(p,x) Computes a cumulative probability at x, the number of
the trial on which the first success occurs, for the
discrete geometric distribution with the specified
probability of success p.
geometpdf(p,x) Computes a probability at x, the number of the trial on
which the first success occurs, for the discrete geometric
distribution with the specified probability of success p.
Get(variable) Gets data from the CBL 2 or CBR System and stores
it in variable.
Gets contents of variable on another TI-84 Plus and
stores it to variable on the receiving TI-84 Plus. By
default, the TI-84 Plus uses the USB port if it is
connected. If the USB cable is not connected, it uses
the I/O port.
portflag=0 use USB port if connected;
portflag=1 use USB port;
portflag=2 use I/O port.
getDate Returns a list giving the date according to the current
value of the clock. The list is in {year,month,day} format.
getDtFmt Returns an integer representing the date format that
is currently set on the device.
1 = M/D/Y
2 = D/M/Y
3 = Y/M/D
getDtStr(integer) Returns a string of the current date in the format
specified by integer, where:
1 = M/D/Y
2 = D/M/Y
3 = Y/M/D
getTime Returns a list giving the time according to the current
value of the clock. The list is in {hour,minute,second}
format. The time is returned in the 24 hour format.
getTmFmt Returns an integer representing the clock time format
that is currently set on the device.
12 = 12 hour format
24 = 24 hour format
getTmStr(integer) Returns a string of the current clock time in the format
specified by integer, where:
12 = 12 hour format
24 = 24 hour format
getKey Returns the key code for the current keystroke, or 0, if
no key is pressed.
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 356
Goto label Transfers control to label. _
Sets the color for function#. Color #: 10-24. _
Sets a graphstyle for function#. _
GridDot [color#] Turns on grid dots in the graph area in the specified
color. Color #: 10-24.
GridLine [color#] Turns on grid lines in the graph area in the specified
color. Color #: 10-24.
GridOff Turns off grid format. _
G-T Sets graph-table vertical split-screen mode. _
Horiz Sets horizontal split-screen mode. _
Horizontal y[,color#,
Draws a horizontal line at y in a specified Color #: 10-
24 and line style #: 1-4.
i Returns the complex number i.
_ _
identity(dimension) Returns the identity matrix of dimension rows x
dimension columns.
:If condition
If condition = 0 (false), skips commandA. _
:If condition
Executes commands from Then to End if condition = 1
:If condition
Executes commands from Then to Else if condition = 1
(true); from Else to End if condition = 0 (false).
imag(value) Returns the imaginary (non-real) part of a complex
number or list of complex numbers.
IndpntAsk Sets table to ask for independent-variable values. _
Indpnt: Ask
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 357
IndpntAuto Sets table to generate independent-variable values
Indpnt: Auto
Input Displays graph. _
Input [variable]
Input ["text",variable]
Prompts for value to store to variable. _
Input [Strn,variable] Displays Strn and stores entered value to variable. _
Returns the character position in string of the first
character of substring beginning at start.
int(value) Returns the largest integer a real or complex
number, expression, list, or matrix.
Computes the sum, rounded to roundvalue, of the
interest amount between pmt1 and pmt2 for an
amortization schedule.
invNorm(area[,m,s]) Computes the inverse cumulative normal distribution
function for a given area under the normal distribution
curve specified by m and s.
invT(area,df) Computes the inverse cumulative student-t probability
function specified by degree of freedom, df for a given
area under the curve.
iPart(value) Returns the integer part of a real or complex number,
expression, list, or matrix.
irr(CF0,CFList[,CFFreq]) Returns the interest rate at which the net present
value of the cash flow is equal to zero.
isClockOn Identifies if clock is ON or OFF. Returns 1 if the clock is
ON. Returns 0 if the clock is OFF.
Increments variable by 1; skips commandA if
Llistname Identifies the next one to five characters as a user-
created list name.
LabelOff Turns off axes labels. _
LabelOn Turns on axes labels. _
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 358
Lbl label Creates a label of one or two characters. _
lcm(valueA,valueB) Returns the least common multiple of valueA and
valueB, which can be real numbers or lists.
length(string) Returns the number of characters in string. _
Draws a line from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2) with the following
options: erase #: 1,0, color #: 10-24, and line style #: 1-
Erases a line (erase #: 1,0) from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2). _
LinReg(a+bx) [Xlistname,
Fits a linear regression model to Xlistname and
Ylistname with frequency freqlist, and stores the
regression equation to regequ.
LinReg(ax+b) [Xlistname,
Fits a linear regression model to Xlistname and
Ylistname with frequency freqlist, and stores the
regression equation to regequ.
LinRegTInt [Xlistname,
confidence level, regequ]
Performs a linear regression and computes the t
confidence interval for the slope coefficient b.
LinRegTTest [Xlistname,
Performs a linear regression and a t-test. alternative=L1
is <; alternative=0 is ; alternative=1 is >.
@List(list) Returns a list containing the differences between
consecutive elements in list.
List 4 matr(listname1,...,
listname n,matrixname)
Fills matrixname column by column with the elements
from each specified listname.
0:List 4 matr(
ln(value) Returns the natural logarithm of a real or complex
number, expression, or list.
LnReg [Xlistname,
Fits a logarithmic regression model to Xlistname and
Ylistname with frequency freqlist, and stores the
regression equation to regequ.
log(value) Returns logarithm of a real or complex number,
expression, or list.
logBASE(value, base) Returns the logarithm of a specifed value determined
from a specified base: logBASE(value, base).
A: logBASE
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 359
Logistic [Xlistname,
Fits a logistic regression model to Xlistname and
Ylistname with frequency freqlist, and stores the
regression equation to regequ.
line style#]
Fits a linear equation to a scatter plot with specified
color and line style (color #: 10-24, line style #: 1-4).
MATHPRINT Displays most entries and answers the way they are
displayed in textbooks, such as .
listnameA,...,listname n)
Fills each listname with elements from each column in
Fills a listname with elements from a specified column# in
max(valueA,valueB) Returns the larger of valueA and valueB. _
max(list) Returns largest real or complex element in list. _
max(listA,listB) Returns a real or complex list of the larger of each pair
of elements in listA and listB.
max(value,list) Returns a real or complex list of the larger of value or
each list element.
mean(list[,freqlist]) Returns the mean of list with frequency freqlist. _
median(list[,freqlist]) Returns the median of list with frequency freqlist. _
Med-Med [Xlistname,
Fits a median-median model to Xlistname and Ylistname
with frequency freqlist, and stores the regression
equation to regequ.
Generates a menu of up to seven items during
program execution.
min(valueA,valueB) Returns smaller of valueA and valueB. _
min(list) Returns smallest real or complex element in list. _
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 360
min(listA,listB) Returns real or complex list of the smaller of each pair
of elements in listA and listB.
min(value,list) Returns a real or complex list of the smaller of value or
each list element.
valueA nCr valueB Returns the number of combinations of valueA taken
valueB at a time.
value nCr list Returns a list of the combinations of value taken each
element in list at a time.
list nCr value Returns a list of the combinations of each element in
list taken value at a time.
listA nCr listB Returns a list of the combinations of each element in
listA taken each element in listB at a time.
n/d Displays results as a simple fraction. _ )
1: n/d
D: n/d
Returns approximate numerical derivative of expression
with respect to variable at value, with specified H.
4 n/d 3 4 Un/d
Converts the results from a fraction to mixed number
or from a mixed number to a fraction, if applicable.
_ )
3: 4 n/d 3 4 Un/d
A: 4 n/d 3 4 Un/d
4: 4 n/d 3 4 Un/d
4Nom(effective rate,
compounding periods)
Computes the nominal interest rate. 1:Finance
Normal Sets normal display mode. _
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 361
Computes the normal distribution probability between
lowerbound and upperbound for the specified m and s.
normalpdf(x[,m,s]) Computes the probability density function for the
normal distribution at a specified x value for the
specified m and s.
not(value) Returns 0 if value is 0. value can be a real number,
expression, or list.
valueA nPr valueB Returns the number of permutations of valueA taken
valueB at a time.
value nPr list Returns a list of the permutations of value taken each
element in list at a time.
list nPr value Returns a list of the permutations of each element in
list taken value at a time.
listA nPr listB Returns a list of the permutations of each element in
listA taken each element in listB at a time.
npv(interest rate,CF0,
Computes the sum of the present values for cash
inflows and outflows.
valueA or valueB Returns 1 if valueA or valueB is 0. valueA and valueB
can be real numbers, expressions, or lists.
Displays text beginning at specified row and column of
the home screen.
Displays value beginning at specified row and column of
the home screen.
Param Sets parametric graphing mode. _
Pause Suspends program execution until you press _. _
Pause [value] Displays value; suspends program execution until you
press _.
Defines Plot# (1, 2, or 3) of type Scatter or xyLine for
Xlist and Ylist using mark and color. Color #: 10-24.
Note: Xlist and Ylist represent the Xlist and Ylist
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 362
Defines Plot# (1, 2, or 3) of type Histogram or Boxplot
for Xlist with frequency freqlist and color #: 10-24.
Note: Xlist represents the Xlist name.
Defines Plot# (1, 2, or 3) of type ModBoxplot for Xlist
with frequency freqlist using mark and color #: 10-24.
Note: Xlist represents the Xlist name.
[,data axis,mark,color#])
Defines Plot# (1, 2, or 3) of type NormProbPlot for
datalist on data axis using mark and color #: 10-24. data
axis can be X or Y.
Note: datalist represents the datalist name.
PlotsOff [1,2,3] Deselects all stat plots or one or more specified stat
plots (1, 2, or 3).
PlotsOn [1,2,3] Selects all stat plots or one or more specified stat plots
(1, 2, or 3).
Pmt_Bgn Specifies an annuity due, where payments occur at the
beginning of each payment period.
Pmt_End Specifies an ordinary annuity, where payments occur
at the end of each payment period.
poissoncdf(m,x) Computes a cumulative probability at x for the discrete
Poisson distribution with specified mean m.
poissonpdf(m,x) Computes a probability at x for the discrete Poisson
distribution with the specified mean m.
Polar Sets polar graphing mode. _
complex value 4Polar Displays complex value in polar format. _
PolarGC Sets polar graphing coordinates format. _
prgmname Executes the program name. _
Computes the sum, rounded to roundvalue, of the
principal amount between pmt1 and pmt2 for an
amortization schedule.
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 363
prod(list[,start,end]) Returns product of list elements between start and end. _
Prompt variableA
[,variableB,...,variable n]
Prompts for value for variableA, then variableB, and so
[,confidence level])
Computes a one-proportion z confidence interval.
[,confidence level])
Computes a two-proportion z confidence interval.
Computes a one-proportion z test. alternative=L1 is <;
alternative=0 is ; alternative=1 is >. drawflag=1 draws
results; drawflag=0 calculates results. Color #: 10-24.
Computes a two-proportion z test. alternative=L1 is <;
alternative=0 is ; alternative=1 is >. drawflag=1 draws
results; drawflag=0 calculates results. Color #: 10-24.
Pt-Change(x,y[,color#]) Toggles a point on or off at (x,y) on the graph area. Off
will be in the Background color and On will be the
specified Color #: 10-24.
Pt-Off(x,y[,mark]) Erases a point at (x,y) on the graph area using mark.
The Off state may be the background color
determined by the ImageVar or color setting.
Pt-On(x,y[,mark,color#]) Draws a point at (x,y) on the graph area using mark
and the specified Color #: 10-24.
PwrReg [Xlistname,
Fits a power regression model to Xlistname and
Ylistname with frequency freqlist, and stores the
regression equation to regequ.
Toggles Off to On in the graph area: with specified
Toggles On to Off in the graph area: Off will display
the set Background Image Var or Color. Color #: 10-24.
Pxl-Off(row,column) The Off state will display the set Background Image
Var or COLOR.
Draws pixel on the graph area at (row,column) in the
specified color. Color #: 10-24.
pxl-Test(row,column) Returns 1 if pixel (row, column) is on, 0 if it is off; _
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 364
P4Rx(r,q) Returns X, given polar coordinates r and q or a list of
polar coordinates.
P4Ry(r,q) Returns Y, given polar coordinates r and q or a list of
polar coordinates.
QuadReg [Xlistname,
Fits a quadratic regression model to Xlistname and
Ylistname with frequency freqlist, and stores the
regression equation to regequ.
QuartReg [Xlistname,
Fits a quartic regression model to Xlistname and
Ylistname with frequency freqlist, and stores the
regression equation to regequ.
Radian Sets radian angle mode. _
rand[(numtrials)] Returns a random number between 0 and 1 for a
specified number of trials numtrials.
Generates and displays a random real number from a
specified Binomial distribution.
randInt( lower,upper
Generates and displays a random integer within a
range specified by lower and upper integer bounds for
a specified number of trials numtrials.
upperint [,numelements])
Returns a random ordered list of integers from a lower
integer to an upper integer which may include the
lower integer and upper integer. If the optional
argument numelements is specified, the first
numelements are listed. The first numelements term in
the list of random integers are displayed.
randM(rows,columns) Returns a random matrix of rows (1-99) columns
Generates and displays a random real number from a
specified Normal distribution specified by m and s for a
specified number of trials numtrials.
re^qi Sets the mode to polar complex number mode (re^qi). _
Real Sets mode to display complex results only when you
enter complex numbers.
real(value) Returns the real part of a complex number or list of
complex numbers.
RecallGDB n Restores all settings stored in the graph database
variable GDBn.
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 365
RecallPic n Displays the graph and adds the picture stored in Picn. _
complex value 4Rect Displays complex value or list in rectangular format. _
RectGC Sets rectangular graphing coordinates format. _
ref(matrix) Returns the row-echelon form of a matrix. _
Reports the remainder as a whole number from a
division of two whole numbers where the divisor is not
remainder(list, divisor) Reports the remainder as a whole number from a
division of two lists where the divisor is not zero.
remainder(dividend, list) Reports the remainder as a whole number from a
division of two whole numbers where the divisor is a
remainder(list, list) Reports the remainder as a whole number from a
division of two lists.
:Repeat condition
Executes commands until condition is true. _
Return Returns to the calling program. _
round(value[,#decimals]) Returns a number, expression, list, or matrix rounded
to #decimals ( 9).
+row(value,matrix,row) Returns a matrix with row of matrix multiplied by value
and stored in row.
row+(matrix,rowA,rowB) Returns a matrix with rowA of matrix added to rowB and
stored in rowB.
Returns a matrix with rowA of matrix multiplied by
value, added to rowB, and stored in rowB.
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 366
Returns a matrix with rowA of matrix swapped with
rref(matrix) Returns the reduced row-echelon form of a matrix. _
R4Pr(x,y) Returns R, given rectangular coordinates x and y or a
list of rectangular coordinates.
R4Pq(x,y) Returns q, given rectangular coordinates x and y or a
list of rectangular coordinates.
2-SampFTest [listname1,
Performs a two-sample F test. alternative=L1 is <;
alternative=0 is ; alternative=1 is >. drawflag=1 draws
results; drawflag=0 calculates results. Color #: 10-24.
2-SampFTest Sx1,n1,
Performs a two-sample F test. alternative=L1 is <;
alternative=0 is ; alternative=1 is >. drawflag=1 draws
results; drawflag=0 calculates results. Color #: 10-24
2-SampTInt [listname1,
confidence level,pooled]
(Data list input)
Computes a two-sample t confidence interval. pooled=1
pools variances; pooled=0 does not pool variances.
2-SampTInt v1,Sx1,n1,
[,confidence level,pooled]
(Summary stats input)
Computes a two-sample t confidence interval. pooled=1
pools variances; pooled=0 does not pool variances.
2-SampTTest [listname1,
Computes a two-sample t test. alternative=L1 is <;
alternative=0 is ; alternative=1 is >. pooled=1 pools
variances; pooled=0 does not pool variances.
drawflag=1 draws results; drawflag=0 calculates results.
Color #: 10-24
2-SampTTest v1,Sx1,n1,
Computes a two-sample t test. alternative=L1 is <;
alternative=0 is ; alternative=1 is >. pooled=1 pools
variances; pooled=0 does not pool variances.
drawflag=1 draws results; drawflag=0 calculates results.
Color #: 10-24
confidence level])
(Data list input)
Computes a two-sample z confidence interval.
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 367
[,confidence level])
(Summary stats input)
Computes a two-sample z confidence interval.
Computes a two-sample z test. alternative=L1 is <;
alternative=0 is ; alternative=1 is >. drawflag=1 draws
results; drawflag=0 calculates results. Color #: 10-24.
Computes a two-sample z test. alternative=L1 is <;
alternative=0 is ; alternative=1 is >. drawflag=1 draws
results; drawflag=0 calculates results. Color #: 10-24.
Sci Sets scientific notation display mode. _
Selects one or more specific data points from a scatter
plot or xyLine plot (only), and then stores the selected
data points to two new lists, Xlistname and Ylistname.
Send(variable) Sends contents of variable to the CBL 2 or CBR
Returns list created by evaluating expression with
regard to variable, from begin to end by increment.
Seq Sets sequence graphing mode. _
Sequential Sets mode to graph functions sequentially. _
setDate(year,month,day) Sets the date using a year, month, day format. The year
must be 4 digits; month and day can be 1 or 2 digit.
setDtFmt(integer) Sets the date format.
1 = M/D/Y
2 = D/M/Y
3 = Y/M/D
Sets the time using an hour, minute, second format.
The hour must be in 24 hour format, in which 13 = 1
setTmFmt(integer) Sets the time format.
12 = 12 hour format
24 = 24 hour format
SetUpEditor Removes all list names from the stat list editor, and
then restores list names L1 through L6 to columns 1
through 6.
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 368
SetUpEditor listname1
Removes all list names from the stat list editor, then
sets it up to display one or more listnames in the
specified order, starting with column 1.
Draws lowerfunc and upperfunc in terms of X on the
current graph and uses pattern and patres to shade and
color the area bounded by lowerfunc, upperfunc, Xleft,
and Xright. lowerfunc and upperfunc are shaded in the
same specified color. Color #: 10-24.
Draws the density function for the c
specified by degrees of freedom df, and shades and
colors the area between lowerbound and upperbound.
Color is specified as color #: 10-24.
numerator df,
denominator df[,color#])
Draws the density function for the F distribution
specified by numerator df and denominator df and shades
and colors the area between lowerbound and
upperbound. Color is specified as Color #: 10-24.
Draws the normal density function specified by m and s
and shades and colors the area between lowerbound
and upperbound. Color is specified as color #: 10-24.
Draws the density function for the Student-t
distribution specified by degrees of freedom df, and
shades or colors the area between lowerbound and
upperbound. Color is specified as color #: 10-24.
Simul Sets mode to graph functions simultaneously. _
sin(value) Returns the sine of a real number, expression, or list.
Returns the arcsine of a real number, expression, or
sinh(value) Returns the hyperbolic sine of a real number,
expression, or list.
Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of a real number,
expression, or list.
SinReg [iterations,
Attempts iterations times to fit a sinusoidal regression
model to Xlistname and Ylistname using a period guess,
and stores the regression equation to regequ.
Solves expression for variable, given an initial guess and
lower and upper bounds within which the solution is
SortA(listname) Sorts elements of listname in ascending order. _
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 369
...,dependlist n])
Sorts elements of keylistname in ascending order, then
sorts each dependlist as a dependent list.
SortD(listname) Sorts elements of listname in descending order. _
..., dependlist n])
Sorts elements of keylistname in descending order, then
sorts each dependlist as a dependent list.
startTmr Starts the clock timer. Store or note the displayed
value, and use it as the argument for checkTmr( ) to
check the elapsed time.
STATWIZARD OFF Disables wizard syntax help for statistical
commands, distributions, and seq(.
STATWIZARD ON Enables wizard syntax help for statistical
commands, distributions, and seq(.
stdDev(list[,freqlist]) Returns the standard deviation of the elements in list
with frequency freqlist.
Stop Ends program execution; returns to home screen. _
Store: valuevariable Stores value in variable. _
StoreGDB n Stores current graph in database GDBn. _
StorePic n Stores current picture in picture Picn. _
String4Equ(string,Y= var) Converts string into an equation and stores it in Y= var. _
sub(string,begin,length) Returns a string that is a subset of another string, from
begin to length.
sum(list[,start,end]) Returns the sum of elements of list from start to end. _
summation G(expression
Displays the MathPrint summation entry template
and returns the sum of elements of list from start to
end, where start <= end.
0: summation G(
tan(value) Returns the tangent of a real number, expression, or
Returns the arctangent of a real number, expression,
or list.
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 370
Draws a line tangent to expression at X=value with
specified color #: 10-24 and line style linestyle #: 1-2.
tanh(value) Returns hyperbolic tangent of a real number,
expression, or list.
Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of a real number,
expression, or list.
Computes the Student-t distribution probability
between lowerbound and upperbound for the specified
degrees of freedom df.
text2,...,text n)
Writes text on graph beginning at pixel (row,column),
where 0 row 164 and 0 column 264.
Full mode, row must be <=148; column must be 256
Horiz mode, row must be row<=66 and column must
be <=256
G-T mode, row must be row <=126; column must be
TextColor[color#] Set text color prior to using the Text( command.
Color #: 10-24.
See If:Then
Thick Resets all Y=editor line-style settings to Thick. _
Thin Resets all Y=editor line-style settings to Thin. _
Time Sets sequence graphs to plot with respect to time. _
timeCnv(seconds) Converts seconds to units of time that can be more
easily understood for evaluation. The list is in
{days,hours,minutes,seconds} format.
TInterval [listname,
freqlist,confidence level]
(Data list input)
Computes a t confidence interval.
TInterval v,Sx,n
[,confidence level]
(Summary stats input)
Computes a t confidence interval.
tpdf(x,df) Computes the probability density function (pdf) for
the Student-t distribution at a specified x value with
specified degrees of freedom df.
Trace Displays the graph and enters TRACE mode. _
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 371
T-Test m0[,listname,
(Data list input)
Performs a t test with frequency freqlist. alternative=L1
is <; alternative=0 is ; alternative=1 is >. drawflag=1
draws results; drawflag=0 calculates results. Color #: 10-
T-Test m0, v,Sx,n
Performs a t test with frequency freqlist. alternative=L1
is < ; alternative=0 is ; alternative=1 is >. drawflag=1
draws results; drawflag=0 calculates results. Color #: 10-
Computes the future value. 1:Finance
Computes the annual interest rate. 1:Finance
Computes the number of payment periods. 1:Finance
Computes the amount of each payment. 1:Finance
Computes the present value. 1:Finance
UnArchive Moves the specified variables from the user data
archive memory to RAM.
To archive variables, use Archive.
_ }
Un/d Displays results as a mixed number, if applicable.
C: Un/d
uvAxes Sets sequence graphs to plot u(n) on the x-axis and
v(n) on the y-axis.
uwAxes Sets sequence graphs to plot u(n) on the x-axis and
w(n) on the y-axis.
1-Var Stats [Xlistname,
Performs one-variable analysis on the data in Xlistname
with frequency freqlist.
1:1-Var Stats
2-Var Stats [Xlistname,
Performs two-variable analysis on the data in Xlistname
and Ylistname with frequency freqlist.
2:2-Var Stats
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 372
variance(list[,freqlist]) Returns the variance of the elements in list with
frequency freqlist.
Vertical x[,color#,
Draws a vertical line at x with specified color and line
style. Color #: 10-24; line style #: 1-4.
vwAxes Sets sequence graphs to plot v(n) on the x-axis and
w(n) on the y-axis.
Web Sets sequence graphs to trace as webs. _
:While condition
Executes commands while condition is true. _
valueA xor valueB Returns 1 if only valueA or valueB = 0. valueA and valueB
can be real numbers, expressions, or lists.
ZBox Displays a graph, lets you draw a box that defines a
new viewing window, and updates the window.
ZDecimal Adjusts the viewing window so that TraceStep=0.1,
@X=0.5 and @Y=0.5, and displays the graph screen with
the origin centered on the screen.
ZFrac 1/2 Sets the window variables so that you can trace in
increments of , if possible. Sets TraceStep to and
@X and @Y to .
ZFrac 1/3 Sets the window variables so that you can trace in
increments of , if possible. Sets TraceStep to and
@X and @Y to .
ZFrac 1/4 Sets the window variables so that you can trace in
increments of , if possible. Sets TraceStep to and
@X and @Y to .
ZFrac 1/5 Sets the window variables so that you can trace in
increments of , if possible. Sets TraceStep to and
@X and @Y to .
ZFrac 1/8 Sets the window variables so that you can trace in
increments of , if possible. Sets TraceStep to and
@X and @Y to .
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 373
ZFrac 1/10 Sets the window variables so that you can trace in
increments of , if possible. Sets TraceStep to and
@X and @Y to .
ZInteger Redefines the viewing window using the following
dimensions: TraceStep=1, @X=0.5, Xscl=10, @Y=1,
ZInterval s[,listname,
freqlist,confidence level]
(Data list input)
Computes a z confidence interval.
ZInterval s,v,n
[,confidence level]
(Summary stats input)
Computes a z confidence interval.
Zoom In Magnifies the part of the graph that surrounds the
cursor location.
2:Zoom In
Zoom Out Displays a greater portion of the graph, centered on
the cursor location.
3:Zoom Out
ZoomFit Recalculates Ymin and Ymax to include the minimum
and maximum Y values, between Xmin and Xmax, of
the selected functions and replots the functions.
ZoomRcl Graphs the selected functions in a user-defined
viewing window.
ZoomStat Redefines the viewing window so that all statistical
data points are displayed.
ZoomSto Immediately stores the current viewing window. _
ZPrevious Replots the graph using the window variables of the
graph that was displayed before you executed the last
ZOOM instruction.
ZQuadrant1 Displays the portion of the graph that is in quadrant 1. _
ZSquare Adjusts the X or Y window settings so that each pixel
represents an equal width and height in the
coordinate system, and updates the viewing window.
ZStandard Replots the functions immediately, updating the
window variables to the default values.
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 374
(Data list input)
Performs a z test with frequency freqlist. alternative= L1
is <; alternative=0 is ; alternative=1 is >. drawflag=1
draws results; drawflag=0 calculates results. Color #: 10-
(Summary stats input)
Performs a z test. alternative=L1 is <; alternative=0 is ;
alternative=1 is >. drawflag=1 draws results; drawflag=0
calculates results. Color #: 10-24.
ZTrig Replots the functions immediately, updating the
window variables to preset values for plotting trig
Factorial: value! Returns factorial of value. _
Factorial: list! Returns factorial of list elements. _
Degrees notation: value Interprets value as degrees; designates degrees in DMS
Radian: angle
r Interprets angle as radians. _
Transpose: matrix
T Returns a matrix in which each element (row, column) is
swapped with the corresponding element (column,
row) of matrix.
value Returns x
root of value.
list Returns x
root of list elements.
Returns list roots of value. _
Returns listA roots of listB. _
Cube: value
3 Returns the cube of a real or complex number,
expression, list, or square matrix.
Function or
Instruction/Arguments Result
Key or
Keys/Menu or
Appendix A: Functions and Instructions 375
Cube root:
Returns the cube root of a real or complex number,
expression, or list.
Equal: valueA=valueB Returns 1 if valueA = valueB. Returns 0 if
valueA valueB. valueA and valueB can be real or
complex numbers, expressions, lists, or matrices.
Not equal:
Returns 1 if valueA valueB. Returns 0 if
valueA = valueB. valueA and valueB can be real or
complex numbers, expressions, lists, or matrices.
Less than:
Returns 1 if valueA < valueB. Returns 0 if
valueA valueB. valueA and valueB can be real or
complex numbers, expressions, or lists.
Greater than:
Returns 1 if valueA > valueB. Returns 0 if
valueA valueB. valueA and valueB can be real or
complex numbers, expressions, or lists.
Less than or equal:
Returns 1 if valueA valueB. Returns 0 if
valueA > valueB. valueA and valueB can be real or
complex numbers, expressions, or lists.
Greater than or equal:
Returns 1 if valueA valueB. Returns 0 if
valueA < valueB. valueA and valueB can be real or
complex numbers, expressions, or lists.
Inverse: value
L1 Returns 1 divided by a real or complex number or
Inverse: list
Returns 1 divided by list elements.
Inverse: matrix
Returns matrix inverted.
Square: value
2 Returns value multiplied by itself. value can be a real or
complex number or expression.
Square: list
2 Returns list elements squared. _
Square: matrix
2 Returns matrix multiplied by itself. _
Powers: value^power Returns value raised to power. value can be a real or
complex number or expression.
----------------------- y
\ .
| |
i 1 =
J asin bx
c + ( ) d y
+ | |
i 1 =
------------------------ =
--------------------- =
FactorSS n
x ( )
i 1 =
ErrorSS n
1 ( )Sx
i 1 =
Appendix B: Reference Information 380
The degrees of freedom df that make up the mean squares are:
Below is the definition for the 2-SampFTest.
2-SampFTest for the alternative hypothesis .
2-SampFTest for the alternative hypothesis .
2-SampFTest for the alternative hypothesis s
. Limits must satisfy the following:
where: [Lbnd,Ubnd] = lower and upper limits
The F-statistic is used as the bound producing the smallest integral. The remaining bound is selected to
achieve the preceding integrals equality relationship.
where: I
number of populations
the mean of each list
the standard deviation of each list
the length of each list
the mean of all lists
Sx1, Sx2 =
Sample standard deviations having
and degrees of freedom df,
F = F-statistic =
df(x, , )
Fpdf( ) with degrees of freedom df, ,
p = reported p value
Factordf I 1 numeratordf for = =
Errordf n
1 ( )
i 1 =
denominatordf for = =
\ .
| |
1 n
1 n
p f
x n
1 n
1 , , ( )dx =
p f
x n
1 n
1 , , ( )dx =
--- f x n
1 n
1 , , ( ) x d
f x n
1 n
1 , , ( ) x d
= =
Appendix B: Reference Information 381
The following is the definition for the 2-SampTTest. The two-sample t statistic with degrees of freedom
df is:
where the computation of S and df are dependent on whether the variances are pooled. If the variances
are not pooled:
and Sxp is the pooled variance.
Financial Formulas
This section contains financial formulas for computing time value of money, amortization, cash flow,
interest-rate conversions, and days between dates.
Time Value of Money
where: PMT = 0
where: PMT
(.01 I%) C/Y
compounding periods per year
payment periods per year
interest rate per year
---------------- =
---------- + =
---------- +
\ .
| |
\ .
| |
\ .
| |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- =
1 ( )Sx
1 ( )Sx
------------------------------------------------------------------ =
+ =
df n
2 + =
i e
y x 1 + ( ) ln ( )
| | 1 =
FV PV ( )
1 N ( )
1 =
Appendix B: Reference Information 382
The iteration used to compute i:
where: i 0
where: i = 0
where: i 0
where: i = 0
where: i 0
where: i = 0
where: i 0
where: i = 0
If computing bal(), pmt2 = npmt
Let bal(0) = RND(PV)
where: x = i
y = P/Y C/Y
where: k = 0 for end-of-period payments
k = 1 for beginning-of-period payments
1 1 i + ( )
------------------------------ FV 1 i + ( )
+ + =
I% 100 C Y e
y x 1 + ( ) ln ( )
1 | | =
1 i k + =
FV i
PV i +
\ .
| |
1 i + ( ) ln
---------------------------------------------------------- =
PV FV + ( ) PMT =
----- PV
1 i + ( )
--------------------------- + =
PV FV + ( ) N =
------------------------ FV
1 i + ( )
------------------------ =
FV PMT N + ( ) =
------------------------ 1 i + ( )
------------------------ +
\ .
| |
PV PMT N + ( ) =
Appendix B: Reference Information 383
Iterate from m = 1 to pmt2
Balance, principal, and interest are dependent on the values of PMT, PV, |, and pmt1 and pmt2.
Cash Flow
Net present value is dependent on the values of the initial cash flow (CF
), subsequent cash flows (CFj),
frequency of each cash flow (nj), and the specified interest rate (i).
irr() = 100 i, where i satisfies npv() = 0
Internal rate of return is dependent on the values of the initial cash flow (CF
) and subsequent cash
flows (CFj).
i = I% 100
Interest Rate Conversions
where: RND = round the display to the number of decimal places
RND12 = round to 12 decimal places
4Eff =
where: x = .01 Nom CP
4Nom =
where: x = .01 Eff
Eff = effective rate
CP = compounding periods
Nom = nominal rate
i bal m 1 ( ) ( ) | | =
bal m ( ) bal m 1 ( ) I
RND PMT ( ) + =
+ =
i 1 =
j 1 >
0 j 0 =
100 (e
CP x 1 + ( ) ln
100 CP [ e
1 CP x 1 + ( ) ln
Appendix B: Reference Information 384
Days between Dates
With the dbd( function, you can enter or compute a date within the range Jan. 1, 1950, through Dec.
31, 2049.
Actual/actual day-count method (assumes actual number of days per month and actual number of
days per year):
dbd( (days between dates) = Number of Days II - Number of Days I
Important Things You Need to Know About Your TI-84 Plus C
TI-84 Plus C Results
There may be a number of reasons that your TI-84 Plus C is not displaying the expected results;
however, the most common solutions involve order of operations or mode settings. Your calculator uses
an Equation Operating System (EOS) which evaluates the functions in an expression in the
following order:
1. Functions that precede the argument, such as square root, sin(, or log(
2. Functions that are entered after the argument, such as exponents, factorial, r, , and conversions
3. Powers and roots, such as 2^5, or 5*square root(32)
4. Permutations (nPr) and combinations (nCr)
5. Multiplication, implied multiplication, and division
6. Addition and subtraction
7. Relational functions, such as > or <
8. Logic operator and
9. Logic operators or and xor
Number of Days I = (Y1-YB) 365
+ (number of days MB to M1)
+ DT1
Number of Days II = (Y2-YB) 365
+ (number of days MB to M2)
+ DT2
where: M1
month of first date
day of first date
year of first date
month of second date
day of second date
year of second date
base month (January)
base day (1)
base year (first year after leap year)
Y1 YB ( )
Y2 YB ( )
Appendix B: Reference Information 385
Remember that EOS evaluates from left to right and calculations within parentheses are evaluated
first. You should use parentheses where the rules of algebra may not be clear. In MathPrint mode,
parentheses may be pasted in an expression to indicate how the input is interpreted.
If you are using trigonometric functions or performing polar and rectangular conversions, the
unexpected results may be caused by an angle mode setting. The Radian and Degree angle mode
settings control how the TI-84 Plus C interprets angle values.
To change the angle mode settings, follow these steps:
1. Press _ to display the Mode settings.
2. Select Degree or Radian.
3. Press _ to save the angle mode setting.
Note: See also e^(iq) calculators. For e^(iq) behavior in Degree and Radian mode, See the Math, Angle,
and Test Operations Chapter.
Note: The n/d fraction MathPrint template does not support non-real numbers in the numerator or
denominator entry. Use division or express the complex number as (fraction1) + (fraction2) in your
Your TI-84 Plus C displays the ERR:DIMENSION MISMATCH error if you are trying to perform an
operation that references one or more lists or matrices whose dimensions do not match. For example,
multiplying L1*L2, where L1={1,2,3,4,5} and L2={1,2} produces an ERR:DIMENSION MISMATCH error
because the number of elements in L1 and L2 do not match.
The ERR:INVALID DIMENSION error message may occur if you are trying to graph a function that does
not involve the stat plot features. The error can be corrected by turning off the stat plots. To turn the
stat plots off, press _ and then select 4:PlotsOff.
Link-Receive L1 (or any file) to Restore Message
If your TI-84 Plus C is in testing mode, the status bar will display TEST MODE. Your TI-84 Plus C displays
the Link-Receive L1 (or any file) to Restore message if it has been disabled for testing, and not re-
enabled. To restore your calculator to full functionality after testing, link to another TI-84 Plus or
TI-84 Plus C and transfer any file to the disabled calculator, or use TI Connect software to download a
file from your computer to your TI-84 Plus C.
To transfer a file from another TI-84 Plus C:
1. On the receiving unit, press _ and then select RECEIVE.
2. On the sending calculator, Press _.
3. Select a file to send by selecting a category, and then selecting a file to send.
Appendix B: Reference Information 386
4. Select TRANSMIT to send the file.
Brightness Feature
If the brightness setting is too dark (set to 9) or too dim (set to 0) the unit may appear as if it is
malfunctioning or turned off. To adjust the brightness, press and release _, and then press and hold _
or . The TI-84 Plus C retains the brightness setting in memory when it is turned off.
Automatic Dimming
The TI-84 Plus C has an automatic dimming feature. To help prolong battery life, the screen dims after
90 seconds of no activity. Press _ to return the screen to the preset brightness setting. Pressing _
does not affect any calculations, cursors, or error messages.
TI-84 Plus C Identification Code
Your graphing calculator has a unique identification (ID) code that you should record and keep. You
can use this 14 digit ID to register your calculator at education.ti.com or identify your calculator in the
event that it is lost or stolen. A valid ID includes numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F.
You can view the calculators Operating System, Product Number, ID, and Certificate Revision Number
from the About screen. To display the About screen, press _ } and then select 1:About.
Your unique product ID code: _____________________________
Your TI-84 Plus C is similar to a computer, in that it stores files and Apps that are important to you. It is
always a good idea to back up your graphing calculator device files and Apps using the TI Connect
software and a USB computer cable. You can find the specific procedures for backing up your
calculators device files and Apps in the TI Connect Help file.
TI Connect for PC and TI Connect for Mac each have different file types to back up your TI-84 Plus C
to your PC or Mac computer. You can also backup your TI-84 Plus C to another TI-84 Plus C, press
_ and then select G:Back Up...
TI-84 Plus C Software Applications (Apps) is software that you can add to your calculator in the same
way you would add software to your computer. Apps let you customize your calculator for peak
performance in specific areas of study. You can find apps for the TI-84 Plus C at
Appendix B: Reference Information 387
TI-Cares KnowledgeBase
The TI-Cares KnowledgeBase provides 24-hour access through the Web to find answers to frequently
asked questions. The TI-Cares KnowledgeBase searches its repository of known solutions and presents
you with the solutions that are most likely to solve your problem. You can search the TI-Cares
KnowledgeBase at education.ti.com/support.
Appendix B: Reference Information 388
Error Conditions
When the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition detects an error, it returns an error message as a menu title, such as
ERR:SYNTAX or ERR:DOMAIN. This table contains each error type, possible causes, and suggestions for
correction. The error types listed in this table are each preceded by ERR: on your graphing calculator
display. For example, you will see ERR:ARCHIVED as a menu title when your graphing calculator detects
an ARCHIVED error type.
Error Type Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies
ARCHIVED You have attempted to use, edit, or delete an archived variable. For
example, the expression dim(L1) produces an error if L1 is archived.
ARCHIVE FULL You have attempted to archive a variable and there is not enough space in
archive to receive it.
ARGUMENT A function or instruction does not have the correct number of arguments.
See Appendix A for function and instruction syntax.
Appendix A displays the arguments and punctuation needed to execute
the function or instruction. For example, stdDev(list[,freqlist]) is a function
of the TI-84 Plus C. The arguments are shown in italics. The arguments in
brackets are optional and you need not type them. You must also be sure
to separate multiple arguments with a comma (,). For example,
stdDev(list[,freqlist]) might be entered as stdDev(L1) or stdDev(L1,L2) since
the frequency list or freqlist is optional.
BAD ADDRESS You have attempted to send or receive an application and an error (e.g.
electrical interference) has occurred in the transmission.
BAD GUESS In a CALC operation, you specified a Guess that is not between
Left Bound and Right Bound.
For the solve( function or the equation solver, you specified a guess
that is not between lower and upper.
Your guess and several points around it are undefined.
Examine a graph of the function. If the equation has a solution, change
the bounds and/or the initial guess.
BOUND In a CALC operation or with Select(, you defined
Left Bound > Right Bound.
In fMin(, fMax(, solve(, or the equation solver, you entered
lower upper.
BREAK You pressed the _ key to break execution of a program, to halt a DRAW
instruction, or to stop evaluation of an expression.
DATA TYPE You entered a value or variable that is the wrong data type.
For a function (including implied multiplication) or an instruction, you
entered an argument that is an invalid data type, such as a complex
number where a real number is required. See Appendix A and the
appropriate chapter.
In an editor, you entered a type that is not allowed, such as a matrix
entered as an element in the stat list editor. See the appropriate
You attempted to store an incorrect data type, such as a matrix, to a
You attempted to enter complex numbers into the n/d MathPrint
Appendix B: Reference Information 389
DIMENSION MISMATCH Your calculator displays the ERR:DIMENSION MISMATCH error if you are
trying to perform an operation that references one or more lists or
matrices whose dimensions do not match. For example, multiplying L1*L2,
where L1={1,2,3,4,5} and L2={1,2} produces an ERR:DIMENSION
MISMATCH error because the number of elements in L1 and L2 do not
You may need to turn Plots Off to continue.
DIVIDE BY 0 You attempted to divide by zero. This error is not returned during
graphing. The TI-84 Plus C allows for undefined values on a graph.
You attempted a linear regression with a vertical line.
DOMAIN You specified an argument to a function or instruction outside the
valid range. This error is not returned during graphing. The
TI-84 Plus C allows for undefined values on a graph. See Appendix A.
You attempted a logarithmic or power regression with a LX or an
exponential or power regression with a LY.
You attempted to compute GPrn( or GInt( with pmt2 < pmt1.
DUPLICATE You attempted to create a duplicate group name.
Duplicate Name A variable you attempted to transmit cannot be transmitted because a
variable with that name already exists in the receiving unit.
EXPIRED You have attempted to run an application with a limited trial period
which has expired.
Error in Xmit The TI-84 Plus C was unable to transmit an item. Check to see that the
cable is firmly connected to both units and that the receiving unit is in
receive mode.
You pressed _ to break during transmission.
Setup RECEIVE first and then SEND, when sending files () between
graphing calculators.
ID NOT FOUND This error occurs when the SendID command is executed but the proper
graphing calculator ID cannot be found.
ILLEGAL NEST You attempted to use an invalid function in an argument to a
function, such as seq( within expression for seq(.
INCREMENT The increment, step, in seq( is 0 or has the wrong sign. This error is
not returned during graphing. The TI-84 Plus C allows for undefined
values on a graph.
The increment in a For( loop is 0.
INVALID You attempted to reference a variable or use a function where it is
not valid. For example, Yn cannot reference Y, Xmin, @X, or TblStart.
In Seq mode, you attempted to graph a phase plot without defining
both equations of the phase plot.
In Seq mode, you attempted to graph a recursive sequence without
having input the correct number of initial conditions.
In Seq mode, you attempted to reference terms other than (nN1) or
You attempted to designate a graph style that is invalid within the
current graph mode.
You attempted to use Select( without having selected (turned on) at
least one xyLine or scatter plot.
Error Type Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies
Appendix B: Reference Information 390
INVALID DIMENSION The ERR:INVALID DIMENSION error message may occur if you are
trying to graph a function that does not involve the stat plot features.
The error can be corrected by turning off the stat plots. To turn the
stat plots off, press _ and then select 4:PlotsOff.
You specified a list dimension as something other than an integer
between 1 and 999.
You specified a matrix dimension as something other than an integer
between 1 and 99.
You attempted to invert a matrix that is not square.
ITERATIONS The solve( function or the equation solver has exceeded the
maximum number of permitted iterations. Examine a graph of the
function. If the equation has a solution, change the bounds, or the
initial guess, or both.
irr( has exceeded the maximum number of permitted iterations.
When computing |, the maximum number of iterations was
LABEL The label in the Goto instruction is not defined with a Lbl instruction in
the program.
LINK L1 (or any other
file) to Restore
The calculator has been disabled for testing. To restore full functionality,
use TI Connect software to download a file to your calculator from
your computer, or transfer any file to your calculator from another TI-84
Plus C. (You will see TEST MODE in the status bar. See the instructions
under Important Things to Know about your TI-84 Plus C, earlier in this
MEMORY Memory is insufficient to perform the instruction or function. You must
delete items from memory before executing the instruction or function.
Recursive problems return this error; for example, graphing the equation
Branching out of an If/Then, For(, While, or Repeat loop with a Goto also
can return this error because the End statement that terminates the loop
is never reached.
MemoryFull You are unable to transmit an item because the receiving units
available memory is insufficient. You may skip the item or exit receive
During a memory backup, the receiving units available memory is
insufficient to receive all items in the sending units memory. A
message indicates the number of bytes the sending unit must delete
to do the memory backup. Delete items and try again.
MODE You attempted to store to a window variable in another graphing mode
or to perform an instruction while in the wrong mode; for example,
DrawInv in a graphing mode other than Func.
NO SIGN CHANGE The solve( function or the equation solver did not detect a sign
You attempted to compute | when FV, (NPMT), and PV are all 0,
or when FV, (NPMT), and PV are all _ 0.
You attempted to compute irr( when neither CFList nor CFO is > 0, or
when neither CFList nor CFO is < 0.
Error Type Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies
Appendix B: Reference Information 391
NONREAL ANSWERS In Real mode, the result of a calculation yielded a complex result. This error
is not returned during graphing. The TI-84 Plus C allows for undefined
values on a graph.
OVERFLOW You attempted to enter, or you have calculated, a number that is beyond
the range of the graphing calculator. This error is not returned during
graphing. The TI-84 Plus C allows for undefined values on a graph.
RESERVED You attempted to use a system variable inappropriately. See Appendix A.
SINGULAR MATRIX A singular matrix (determinant = 0) is not valid as the argument for
The SinReg instruction or a polynomial regression generated a
singular matrix (determinant = 0) because the algorithm could not
find a solution, or a solution does not exist.
This error is not returned during graphing. The TI-84 Plus C allows for
undefined values on a graph.
SINGULARITY expression in the solve( function or the equation solver contains a
singularity (a point at which the function is not defined). Examine a graph
of the function. If the equation has a solution, change the bounds or the
initial guess or both.
STAT You attempted a stat calculation with lists that are not appropriate.
Statistical analyses must have at least two data points.
Med-Med must have at least three points in each partition.
When you use a frequency list, its elements must be 0.
(Xmax N Xmin) Xscl must be between 0 and 131 for a histogram.
STAT PLOT You attempted to display a graph when a stat plot that uses an undefined
list is turned on.
SYNTAX The command contains a syntax error. Look for misplaced functions,
arguments, parentheses, or commas. Appendix A displays the arguments
and punctuation needed to execute the function or instruction.
For example, stdDev(list[,freqlist]) is a function of the TI-84 Plus C. The
arguments are shown in italics. The arguments in brackets are optional
and you need not type them. You must also be sure to separate multiple
arguments with a comma (,). For example stdDev(list[,freqlist]) might be
entered as stdDev(L1) or stdDev(L1,L2) since the frequency list or freqlist is
TOLERANCE NOT MET You requested a tolerance to which the algorithm cannot return an
accurate result.
UNDEFINED You referenced a variable that is not currently defined. For example, you
referenced a stat variable when there is no current calculation because a
list has been edited, or you referenced a variable when the variable is not
valid for the current calculation, such as a after Med-Med.
VALIDATION Electrical interference caused a link to fail or this graphing calculator is
not authorized to run the application.
VARIABLE You have tried to archive a variable that cannot be archived or you have
tried to unarchive an application or group.
Examples of variables that cannot be archived include:
Real numbers LRESID, R, T, X, Y, Theta, Statistic variables under Vars,
STATISTICS menu, Yvars, and the AppIdList.
Error Type Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies
Appendix B: Reference Information 392
Accuracy Information
Computational Accuracy
To maximize accuracy, the TI-84 Plus C carries more digits internally than it displays. Values are stored in
memory using up to 14 digits with a two-digit exponent.
You can store a value in the window variables using up to 10 digits (12 for Xscl, Yscl, Tstep, and
Displayed values are rounded as specified by the mode setting with a maximum of 10 digits and a
two-digit exponent.
RegEQ displays up to 14 digits in Float mode. Using a fixed-decimal setting other than Float causes
RegEQ results to be rounded and stored with the specified number of decimal places.
Xmin is the center of the left most pixel, and Xmax is the center of the next to the right most pixel of
the graph area. (The right most pixel is reserved for the busy indicator.) @X is the distance between the
centers of two adjacent pixels.
Ymin is the center of the next to the bottom pixel; Ymax is the center of the top pixel of the graph
area. @Y is the distance between the centers of two adjacent pixels.
VERSION You have attempted to receive an incompatible variable version from
another graphing calculator.
A program may contain commands not supported in the OS version on
your graphing calculator. Always use the latest OS. TI-84 Plus C and
TI-84 Plus share programs but a version error will be given if any new
TI-84 Plus C programs may need to be adjusted for the high resolution
graph area.
WINDOW RANGE A problem exists with the window variables.
You defined Xmax Xmin or Ymax Ymin.
You defined qmax qmin and qstep > 0 (or vice versa).
You attempted to define Tstep=0.
You defined Tmax Tmin and Tstep > 0 (or vice versa).
Window variables are too small or too large to graph correctly. You
may have attempted to zoom in or zoom out to a point that exceeds
the TI-84 Plus Cs numerical range.
ZOOM A point or a line, instead of a box, is defined in ZBox.
A ZOOM operation returned a math error.
Screen MODE
Full (Xmax-Xmin) / 264 = @X
(Ymax-Ymin) / 164 = @Y
@X 2 = TraceStep (Function Mode)
Entering a value for @X or @Y from the home screen on a program gives:
Xmax = Xmin + @X * 264
Ymax = Ymin + @Y * 164
Error Type Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies
Appendix B: Reference Information 393
Cursor coordinates are displayed as eight-character numbers (which may include a negative sign,
decimal point, and exponent) when Float mode is selected. X and Y are updated with a maximum
accuracy of eight digits.
minimum and maximum on the CALCULATE menu are calculated with a tolerance of 1L5; f(x)dx is
calculated at 1L3. Therefore, the result displayed may not be accurate to all eight displayed digits. For
most functions, at least five accurate digits exist. For fMin(, fMax(, and fnInt( on the MATH menu and
solve( in the CATALOG, the tolerance can be specified.
Function Limits
Horizontal (Xmax-Xmin) / 264 = @X
(Ymax-Ymin) / 80 = @Y
@X 2 = TraceStep (Function Mode)
Entering a value for @X or @Y from the home screen on a program gives:
Xmax = Xmin + @X * 264
Ymax = Ymin + @Y * 80
Graph-Table (Xmax-Xmin) / 184 = @X
(Ymax-Ymin) / 144 = @Y
@X 2 = TraceStep (Function Mode)
Entering a value for @X or @Y from the home screen on a program gives:
Xmax = Xmin + @X * 184
Ymax = Ymin + @Y * 144
Function Range of Input Values
sin x, cos x, tan x
0 |x| < 10
(radian or degree)
x, cos
L1 x 1
ln x, log x
< x < 10
< x 230.25850929940
< x< 100
sinh x, cosh x |x| 230.25850929940
tanh x
|x| < 10
x |x| < 5 10
x 1 x < 5 10
L1 < x < 1
x (real mode)
0 x < 10
x (complex mode)
|x| < 10
x! L.5 _x 69, where x is a multiple of .5
Screen MODE
Appendix B: Reference Information 394
Function Results
Function Range of Result
x, tan
L90 to 90 or Lp 2 to p 2 (radians)
0 to 180 or 0 to p (radians)
Texas Instruments Support and Service
For U.S. and Canada:
For General Information
For Technical Support
For Product (Hardware) Service
Customers in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands: Always contact Texas
Instruments Customer Support before returning a product for service.
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- (negation) 17
Store 22
dim( (assign dimension) 174
(- (degrees notation) 374
(- (negation) 43, 375
( (subtraction) 41, 376
( ) (parentheses) 17
(^ (power) 41, 375
(: (colon) 279
(! (factorial) 374
( Store 369
(dim( (assign dimension) 158, 352
(' (minutes notation) 67, 376
( (string indicator) 270
( (plot type, normal probability) 218
()Int( (sum of interest) 357
()Prn( (sum of principal) 362
([ ] (matrix indicator) 151
({ (less than or equal to) 375
(* (multiplication) 41, 376
(I (plot type, modified box) 217
(*f(x)dx operation on a graph 93
(*row( 162, 365
(*row+( 365
(/ (division) 41, 376
(/ (inverse) 375
(1 (plot type, histogram) 217
(# (not equal to) 375
(, (, + (pixel mark) 135, 218
(+ (addition) 41, 376
(+ (concatenation) 272, 376
(+ (pixel mark) 135, 218
(I (plot type, box) 218
(< (less than) 69, 375
(= (equal-to relational test) 69, 375
(> (greater than) 69, 375
(| (greater than or equal to) 69, 375
($( (square root) 41, 376
( (square) 41, 375
( (cube) 45, 374
($( (cube root) 45, 375
(4Dec (to decimal conversion) 44, 351
(4DMS (to degrees/minutes/seconds) 68, 352
(4Eff( (to effective interest rate) 264
(4Frac (to fraction) 44, 354
(4Nom( (to nominal interest rate) 264, 360
(4Polar (to polar) 63, 362
(4Rect (to rectangular) 63, 365
(_pdf( (chi-square pdf) 249
(_-Test (chi-square test) 237, 239, 249
(ATbl (table step variable) 118
(AX window variable 80
(AY window variable 80
(Fcdf( 249
(Fpdf( 249
{ } (list indicator) 167
/ (inverse) 41
10^( (power of ten) 375
1-PropZInt (one-proportion z confidence interval)
237, 363
1-PropZTest (one-proportion z test) 233, 363
1-Var Stats (one-variable statistics) 206, 371
2-PropZInt (two-proportion z confidence interval)
237, 363
2-PropZTest (two-proportion z test) 233, 363
2-SampFTest (two-sample F-Test) 240, 366
2-SampTInt (two-sample t confidence interval) 236,
2-SampTTest (two-sample t test) 232, 367
2-SampZInt (two-sample z confidence interval) 235,
2-SampZTest (two-sample z test) 231, 366
2-Var Stats (two-variable statistics) 206, 371
a+bi (rectangular complex mode) 14, 57, 349
about 325
above graph style 77
abs( (absolute value) 52, 62, 154, 348
AC adapters 36
accuracy information
computational and graphing 392
function limits and results 393
graphing 84
addition (+) 41, 376
alpha cursor 11
alpha-lock 20
alternative hypothesis 226
)Int( (sum of interest) 357
)Prn( (sum of principal) 362
bal( (amortization balance) 261, 349
calculating schedules 261
formula 382
and (Boolean operator) 71, 348
ANGLE menu 67
angle modes 13
angle( 62, 348
animate graph style 77
ANOVA( (one-way variance analysis) 243, 348, 379
Ans (last answer) 25, 327, 348
APD (Automatic Power Down) 5
applications See examples, applications 40
Apps 22, 327
AppVars 22, 327
arccosine (cos/( ) 41
Archive 23, 328, 348
archive full error 338, 388
garbage collection 336
memory error 336
archived variables 378
arcsine (sin/( ) 41
arctangent (tan/( ) 41
Asm( 292, 348
AsmComp( 292, 348
AsmPrgm( 292, 348
assembly language programs 292
augment( 160, 178, 348
Automatic Power Down (APD) 5
automatic regression equation 202
automatic residual list (RESID) 201
axes format, sequence graphing 111
axes, displaying (AxesOn, AxesOff) 349
AxesOff 349
AxesOn 349
backing up calculator memory 344, 346
bal( (amortization balance) 261, 349
batteries 32
charging 36
status 36
troubleshooting 37
below graph style 77
binomcdf( 251, 349
binompdf( 250, 349
block 336
Boolean logic 70
box pixel mark () 135, 218
Boxplot plot type (I) 218
busy indicator 11
C/Y (compounding-periods-per-year variable) 257,
_cdf( (chi-square cdf) 349
_pdf( (chi-square pdf) 349
_-Test (chi-square test) 349
Calculate output option 225, 227
cash flow
calculating 260
formula 383
irr( (internal rate of return) 261, 357
npv( (net present value) 261, 361
Catalog Help 19, 31
CBL 2 291, 343, 355
CBR 291, 343, 355
charge status
LED indicator 36
charging batteries 36
troubleshooting 37
charging station 35
check memory 325
checkTmr( (check timer) 349
Chi 239
chi-square cdf (ccdf( ) 249, 349
chi-square goodness of fit test 239
chi-square pdf (cpdf( ) 249, 349
chi-square test (c-Test) 237, 239, 349
Circle( (draw circle) 132, 349
classroom use
TI-84 Plus C 1
TI-Navigator 1
Clear Entries 325, 350
all lists (ClrAllLists) 325, 350
drawing (ClrDraw) 125, 350
entries (Clear Entries) 325, 350
home screen (ClrHome) 291, 350
list (ClrList) 200, 350
table (ClrTable) 291, 350
Clock 16
ClockOff, turn clock off 350
ClockOn, turn clock on 350
ClrAllLists (clear all lists) 325, 350
ClrDraw (clear drawing) 125, 350
ClrHome (clear home screen) 291, 350
ClrList (clear list) 200, 350
ClrTable (clear table) 291, 350
coefficients of determination (r2, R2) 202
colon separator (:) 279
DRAW commands 1
graph format screen 1, 2
spinner 1
stat plots 1
Y= editor 1, 2
color on the TI-84 Plus C 1
combinations (nCr) 64, 360
compiling an assembly program 292, 348
modes (a+bi, re^qi) 14, 57, 349, 364
numbers 14, 57, 364
compounding-periods-per-year variable (C/Y) 257,
concatenation (+) 272, 376
confidence intervals 40, 227
conj( (conjugate) 61, 350
connecting two calculators 342, 343, 345
contrast (display) 6
convergence, sequence graphing 113
4Dec (to decimal) 44, 351
4DMS (to degrees/minutes/ seconds) 68, 352
4Eff (to effective interest rate) 264
4F3 4D 56
4Frac (to fraction conversion) 44, 354
4n/d3 4Un/d 56
4Nom (to nominal interest rate conversion) 264,
4Polar (to polar conversion) 63, 362
4Rect (to rectangular conversion) 63, 365
Equ4String( (equation-to-string conversion) 272,
List4matr( (list-to-matrix conversion) 161, 179,
Matr4list( (matrix-to-list conversion) 160, 179, 359
P4Rx(, P4Ry( (polar-to-rectangular conversion) 68,
R4Pr(, R4Pu( (rectangular-to-polar conversion) 68
R4Pr(, R4Pq( (rectangular-to-polar conversion)
String4Equ( (string-to-equation conversion) 273,
convert time, timeCnv( ) 370
CoordOff 82, 350
CoordOn 82, 350
correlation coefficient (r) 202
cos( (cosine) 41, 350
cos/( (arccosine) 41, 350
cosh( (hyperbolic cosine) 275, 350
cosh/( (hyperbolic arccosine) 275, 350
cosine (cos( ) 41
cosine (cos( ) 350
cross pixel mark (+) 135, 218
cube () 45, 374
cube root ($( ) 45
cube root ($( ) 375
cubic regression (CubicReg) 207, 350
CubicReg (cubic regression) 207, 350
cumSum( (cumulative sum) 161, 175, 350
cumulative sum (cumSum( ) 161, 175
cumulative sum (cumSum( ) 350
cursors 11, 20
Data input option 225, 226
dayOfWk( (day of week) 351
days between dates (dbd( ) 264
days between dates (dbd( ) 351, 384
dbd( (days between dates) 264, 351, 384
decimal mode (float or fixed) 13
decrement and skip (DS<( ) 285
decrement and skip (DS<( ) 352
definite integral 46, 93, 100
defragmenting 336
Degree angle mode 13, 67, 351
degrees notation (-) 68, 374
delete variable contents (DelVar) 286, 351
deleting items from memory 327
DependAsk 118, 120, 351
DependAuto 118, 120, 351
derivative See numerical derivative 40
det( (determinant) 158, 351
determinant (det( ) 158
determinant (det( ) 351
DiagnosticOff 202, 351
DiagnosticOn 202, 351
diagnostics display mode(r, r2, R2) 202
differentiation 47, 93, 100, 105
dim( (dimension) 158, 174, 351
dimensioning a list or matrix 158, 174, 351
Disp (display) 289, 352
DispGraph (display graph) 290, 352
display brightness 6
display cursors 11
Displaying the Clock Settings 16
DispTable (display table) 290, 352
DISTR (distributions menu) 246
DISTR DRAW (distributions drawing menu) 252
distribution functions
binomcdf( 251, 349
binompdf( 250, 349
_cdf( 349
_pdf( 349
Fcdf( 248, 370
Fpdf( 248, 370
geometcdf( 252, 355
geometpdf( 252, 355
invNorm( 247, 357
normalcdf( 247, 361
normalpdf( 247, 361
poissoncdf( 251, 362
poissonpdf( 251, 362
distribution shading instructions
Shade_t( 253, 368
Shade_( 253, 368
ShadeF( 254, 368
ShadeNorm( 253, 368
division (/) 41, 376
AList( 176, 358
DMS (degrees/minutes/seconds entry notation) 67,
dot graph style 77
dot pixel mark (() 135, 218
dr/dq operation on a graph 105
DRAW menu 124
Draw output option 225, 227
DRAW POINTS menu 134
DRAW STO (draw store menu) 137
DrawF (draw a function) 129, 352
drawing on a graph
circles (Circle( ) 132
functions and inverses (DrawF, DrawInv) 129
line segments (Line( ) 126
lines (Horizontal, Line(, Vertical) 128
points (Pt-Change, Pt-Off, Pt-On) 134
tangents (Tangent) 128
text (Text) 133
using Pen 134
DrawInv (draw inverse) 130, 352
DS<( (decrement and skip) 285, 352
DuplicateName menu 345
dx/dt operation on a graph 93, 100
dy/dx operation on a graph 93, 100, 105
E (exponent) 13, 19, 352
e^( (exponential) 42, 352
edit keys table 20
Else 282
End 283, 353
Eng (engineering notation mode) 13, 353
ENTRY (last entry key) 24
entry cursor 11
EOS (Equation Operating System) 16
eqn (equation variable) 47
Equ4String( (equation-to-string conversion) 272, 353
equal-to relational test (=) 69, 375
Equation Operating System (EOS) 16
Equation Solver 47
equations with multiple roots 51
diagnosing and correcting 37
messages 388
area between curves 314
areas of regular n-sided polygons 319
box plots 305
box with lid 297
defining a 297
defining a table of values 298
setting the viewing window 300
tracing the graph 301
zooming in on the graph 302
zooming in on the table 299
cobweb attractors 311
fundamental theorem of calculus 317
guess the coefficients 312
inequalities 308
mortgage payments 322
parametric equations, ferris wheel problem 315
piecewise functions 306
quadratic formula
converting to a fraction 295
displaying complex results 296
entering a calculation 295
Sierpinski triangle 310
solving a system of nonlinear equations 309
unit circle and trig curves 313
examplesGetting Started
coin flip 40
compound interest 256
drawing a tangent line 123
financing a car 255
forest and trees 106
generating a sequence 164
mean height of a population 222
path of a ball 95
pendulum lengths and periods 183
polar rose 101
roots of a function 117
sending variables 339
solving a system of linear equations 147
unit circle 140
volume of a cylinder 276
calculating outstanding loan balances 262
convergence 113
daylight hours in Alaska 210
predator-prey model 115
examplesGetting Started
graphing a circle 72
exponential regression (ExpReg) 208, 353
expr( (string-to-expression conversion) 273, 353
ExpReg (exponential regression) 208, 353
expression 18
converting from string (expr( ) 273
converting from string (expr( ) 353
turning on and off (ExprOn 82, 353
ExprOff (expression off) 82, 353
ExprOn (expression on) 82, 353
Faceplates 31
factorial (!) 374
family of curves 83
Fill( 159, 353
financial functions
amortization schedules 261
cash flows 260
days between dates 264
interest rate conversions 264
payment method 264
time value of money (TVM) 258
Fix (fixed-decimal mode) 13, 353
fixed-decimal mode (Fix) 13, 353
Float (floating-decimal mode) 13, 354
floating-decimal mode (Float) 13, 354
fMax( (function maximum) 354
fMin( (function minimum) 45, 354
fnInt( (function integral) 46, 354
FnOff (function off) 77, 354
FnOn (function on) 77, 354
For( 283, 354
format settings 81, 111
amortization 382
cash flow 383
days between dates 384
interest rate conversions 383
logistic regression 379
sine regression 379
time value of money 381
two-sample F-Test 380
two-sample t test 381
fPart( (fractional part) 53, 156, 354
n/d 15, 57
Un/d 15, 57
free-moving cursor 84
frequency 206
Full (full-screen mode) 15, 354
full-screen mode (Full) 15, 354
Func (function graphing mode) 13, 354
function graphing
accuracy 84
CALC (calculate menu) 91
defining and displaying 73
defining in the Y= editor 74
defining on the home screen, in a program 75
deselecting 76
displaying 73, 80, 82
AX and AY window variables 80
evaluating 76
family of curves 83
format settings 81
free-moving cursor 84
graph styles 77
maximum of (fMax( ) 45
maximum of (fMax( ) 354
minimum of (fMin( ) 354
modes 13, 74, 354
moving the cursor to a value 85
overlaying functions on a graph 83
panning 85
pausing or stopping a graph 82
Quick Zoom 85
selecting 76, 77, 354
shading 78
Smart Graph 83
tracing 84
viewing window 79
window variables 80
Y= editor 74
ZOOM menu 86
function integral (fnInt( ) 46
function integral (fnInt( ) 354
function, definition of 19
functions and instructions table 348
future value 257, 260
FV (future-value variable) 257, 265
garbage collecting 336
GarbageCollect 337, 354
gcd( (greatest common divisor) 55, 354
GDB (graph database) 138
geometcdf( 252, 355
geometpdf( 252, 355
Get( (get data from CBL 2 or CBR) 291, 355
GetCalc( (get data from TI-84 Plus) 291, 355
getDate, get current date 355
getDtFmt, get date format 355
getDtStr( (get date string) 355
getKey 290, 355
getTime, get current time 355
Getting Started See examples, Getting Started 40
getTmFmt, get time format 355
getTmStr( (get time string) 355
Goto 284, 356
graph database (GDB) 138
graph style
above 77
animate 77
below 77
dot 77
line 77
path 77
shade above 77
shade below 77
thick 77
graph styles 77
graphing modes 13
graphing-order modes 14
GraphStyle( 286, 356
graph-table split-screen mode (G-T) 15, 143
greater than (>) 69, 375
greater than or equal to (|) 69, 375
greatest common divisor (gcd( ) 55
greatest common divisor (gcd( ) 354
greatest integer (int( ) 54, 156
greatest integer (int( ) 357
GridOff 82, 356
GridOn 82
grouping 333
G-T (graph-table split-screen mode) 15, 143
Histogram plot type (1) 217
home screen 6
scrolling 6, 8
Horiz (horizontal split-screen mode) 15, 142, 356
Horizontal (draw line) 128, 356
hyperbolic functions 275
hypothesis tests 228
i (complex number constant) 59
I% (annual interest rate variable) 257, 265
identity( 159, 356
If instructions
If 281, 356
If-Then 282, 356
If-Then-Else 282, 356
imag( (imaginary part) 62, 356
imaginary part (imag( ) 62
imaginary part (imag( ) 356
implied multiplication 17
increment and skip (IS>( ) 285
increment and skip (IS>( ) 357
independent variable 118, 120, 356
IndpntAsk 118, 120, 356
IndpntAuto 118, 120, 357
inferential stat editors 225
inferential statistics
alternative hypotheses 226
bypassing editors 227
calculating test results (Calculate) 227
confidence interval calculations 227
data input or stats input 226
entering argument values 226
graphing test results (Draw) 227
input descriptions table 244
pooled option 226
STAT TESTS menu 227
test and interval output variables 245
inferential statistics See stat tests 40
Input 288, 357
insert cursor 11
calculators in charging station 36
inString( (in string) 273, 357
instruction, definition of 19
int( (greatest integer) 54, 156, 357
integer part (iPart( ) 53, 156
integer part (iPart( ) 357
integral See numerical integral 40
interest rate conversions
4Eff( (compute effective interest rate) 264
4Nom( (compute nominal interest rate) 264
calculating 264
formula 383
internal rate of return (irr( ) 261
internal rate of return (irr( ) 357
intersect operation on a graph 92
inverse (/) 41, 375
inverse cumulative normal distribution (invNorm( )
inverse cumulative normal distribution (invNorm( )
inverse trig functions 41
invNorm( (inverse cumulative normal distribution)
247, 357
invT (inverse Student T distribution) 248
iPart( (integer part) 53, 156, 357
irr( (internal rate of return) 261, 357
IS>( (increment and skip) 285, 357
isClockOn, is clock on 357
layout 3
math operations 40
key-code diagram 291
L (user-created list name symbol) 180
LabelOff 82, 357
LabelOn 82, 357
graph 82, 357
program 284, 358
Last Entry 24
Lbl (label) 284, 358
lcm( (least common multiple) 55, 358
least common multiple (lcm( ) 55
least common multiple (lcm( ) 358
LED lights 36
length( of string 273, 358
less than (<) 69, 375
less than or equal to ({) 69, 375
line graph style 77
line segments, drawing 126
Line( (draw line) 127, 358
lines, drawing 127, 128
LINK SEND menu 343
receiving items 345
to a CBL 2 or CBR 343
to a PC or Macintosh 343
to a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition or TI-84 Plus 346
transmitting items 339
two TI-84 Plus units 344
Link-Receive L1 (or any file) to Restore message 385
LinReg(a+bx) (linear regression) 208, 358
LinReg(ax+b) (linear regression) 207, 358
LinRegTTest (linear regression t test) 241, 358
LinReqTInt (confidence interval for slope) 241
LIST MATH menu 180
LIST NAMES menu 168
LIST OPS menu 173
List4matr( (lists-to-matrix conversion) 161, 179, 358
accessing an element 167
attaching formulas 169, 170, 194
clearing all elements 192
copying 167
creating 166, 191
deleting from memory 168, 327
detaching formulas 171, 196
dimension 167
entering list names 169, 191
indicator ({ }) 167
naming lists 165
storing and displaying 167
using to graph a family of curves 83, 168
using with math operations 40, 172
ln( 42, 358
LnReg (logarithmic regression) 208, 358
log( 42, 358
Logistic (regression) 209, 359
logistic regression formula 379
Manual Linear Fit 204, 210
marked for deletion 336
MATH CPX (complex menu) 61
MATH menu 43
MATH NUM (number menu) 51
math operations 40
MATH PRB (probability menu) 64
Matr4list( (matrix-to-list conversion) 160, 179, 359
accessing elements 153
copying 152
defined 148
deleting from memory 149
dimensions 148, 158
displaying a matrix 152
displaying matrix elements 148
editing matrix elements 150
indicator ([ ]) 151
math functions 153
matrix math functions (det(, T, dim(, Fill(,
identity(, randM(, augment(, Matr4list(,
List4matr(, cumSum( ) 157
quick matrix 145
relational operations 156
row operations (ref(, rref(, rowSwap(, row+(,
*row(, *row+( ) 161
selecting 148
viewing 149
MATRX EDIT menu 148
MATRX MATH menu 157
max( (maximum) 54, 180, 359
maximum of a function (fMax( ) 45
maximum of a function (fMax( ) 354
maximum operation on a graph 92
mean( 181, 359
Med(Med (median-median) 207
median( 181, 359
Med-Med (median-median) 359
Mem Mgmt/Del menu 326
backing up 346
checking available 325
clearing all list elements from 328
clearing entries from 327
deleting items from 327
error 337
insufficient during transmission 347
resetting defaults 331
resetting memory 331
MEMORY menu 325
Menu( (define menu) 285, 359
menus 25, 26
defining (Menu( ) 285
defining (Menu( ) 359
scrolling 26
shortcut 3, 9
min( (minimum) 54, 180, 359
minimum of a function (fMin( ) 45
minimum of a function (fMin( ) 354
minimum operation on a graph 92
minutes notation (') 67, 376
ModBoxplot plot type (I) 217
Answers 15
Classic 7, 13
MathPrint 7, 13
mode settings 11
a+bi (complex rectangular) 14, 57, 349
Degree (angle) 13, 68, 351
Eng (notation) 13, 353
Fix (decimal) 13, 353
Float (decimal) 13, 354
Full (screen) 15, 354
Func (graphing) 13, 354
G-T (screen) 15
Horiz (screen) 15, 356
Normal (notation) 13, 360
Par/Param (graphing) 13, 361
Pol/Polar (graphing) 13, 362
Radian (angle) 13, 68, 364
re^ui (complex polar) 14, 57
re^qi (complex polar) 364
Real 14, 364
Sci (notation) 13, 367
Seq (graphing) 13, 367
Sequential (graphing order) 367
Simul (graphing order) 14, 368
modified box plot type (I) 217
multiplication (*) 41, 376
multiplicative inverse 41
N (number of payment periods variable) 257, 265
n/d 15, 57
nCr (number of combinations) 64, 360
nDeriv( (numerical derivative) 46, 360
negation (-) 17, 43, 375
nonrecursive sequences 109
normal distribution probability (normalcdf( ) 247,
Normal notation mode 13, 360
normal probability plot type () 218
normalcdf( (normal distribution probability) 247
normalpdf( (probability density function) 247, 361
NormProbPlot plot type () 218
not equal to (#) 69, 375
not( (Boolean operator) 71, 361
nPr (permutations) 64, 361
npv( (net present value) 261, 361
numerical derivative 46, 93, 100, 105
numerical integral 46, 93
Omit 335, 345
one-proportion z confidence interval (1-PropZInt)
237, 363
one-proportion z test (1-PropZTest) 233, 363
one-sample t confidence interval (TInterval) 235, 370
one-variable statistics (1-Var Stats) 206, 371
or (Boolean) operator 71, 361
order of evaluating equations 16
Output( 144, 290, 361
Overwrite 335, 345
Overwrite All 335
P/Y (number-of-payment-periods-per-year variable)
257, 265
P4Rx(, P4Ry( (polar-to-rectangular conversions) 68,
panning 85
Par/Param (parametric graphing mode) 13, 361
parametric equations 98
parametric graphing
CALC (calculate operations on a graph) 100
defining and editing 98
free-moving cursor 99
graph format 98
graph styles 97
moving the cursor to a value 100
selecting and deselecting 98
setting parametric mode 97
tracing 99
window variables 98
Y= editor 97
zoom operations 100
parentheses 17
path graph style 77
Pause 284, 361
pausing a graph 82
Pen 134
permutations (nPr) 64, 361
phase plots 115
Pic (pictures) 137
pictures (Pic) 137
pixels in Horiz/G-T modes 144
Plot1( 218, 361
Plot2( 218, 361
Plot3( 218, 361
PlotsOff 220, 362
PlotsOn 220, 362
plotting stat data 216
PMT (payment amount variable) 257, 265
Pmt_Bgn (payment beginning variable) 265, 362
Pmt_End (payment end variable) 265, 362
poissoncdf( 251, 362
poissonpdf( 251, 362
Pol/Polar (polar graphing mode) 13, 102, 362
polar equations 102
polar form, complex numbers 60
polar graphing
CALC (calculate operations on a graph) 105
defining and displaying 102
equations 102
free-moving cursor 104
graph format 103
graph styles 102
mode (Pol/Polar) 13, 102, 362
moving the cursor to a value 104
selecting and deselecting 103
tracing 104
window variables 103
Y= editor 102
ZOOM operations 105
PolarGC (polar graphing coordinates) 82, 362
pooled option 225, 226
power (^) 41, 375
power of ten (10^( ) 42
power of ten (10^( ) 375
present value 257, 259
previous entry (Last Entry) 24
prgm (program name) 286, 362
PRGM CTL (program control menu) 281
PRGM EDIT menu 280
PRGM EXEC menu 280
PRGM NEW menu 277
probability 64
probability density function (normalpdf( ) 247
probability density function (normalpdf( ) 361
prod( (product) 181, 363
copying and renaming 280
creating new 277
defined 277
deleting 278
deleting command lines 280
editing 280
entering command lines 279
executing 279
inserting command lines 280
instructions 281
name (prgm) 286, 362
renaming 280
running assembly language program 292
stopping 279
subroutines 292
Prompt 289, 363
Pt-Change( 135, 363
Pt-Off( 135, 363
Pt-On( 134, 363
PV (present value variable) 257, 265
p-value 245
PwrReg (power regression) 209, 363
Pxl-Change( 363
Pxl-Off( 363
Pxl-On( 363
pxl-Test( 363
QuadReg (quadratic regression) 207, 364
QuartReg (quartic regression) 208, 364
Quick Zoom 85
Quit 335, 346
r (correlation coefficient) 202
R (radian notation) 68, 374
r2, R2 (coefficients of determination) 202
R4Pr(, R4Pu( (rectangular-to-polar conversions) 68
R4Pr(, R4Pq( (rectangular-to-polar conversions) 366
Radian angle mode 13, 68, 364
radian notation (R) 68, 374
rand (random number) 64, 364
randBin( (random binomial) 66, 364
randInt( (random integer) 65, 364
randIntNoRep( 67
randM( (random matrix) 159, 364
randNorm( (random Normal) 66, 364
random seed 64
RCL (recall) 23
re^(ui) (polar complex mode) 14
re^ui (polar complex mode) 57
re^qi (polar complex mode) 364
Real mode 14, 364
real( (real part) 61, 364
RecallGDB 139, 364
RecallPic 137, 365
rechargeable batteries
status 36
troubleshooting 37
rectangular form, complex numbers 59
RectGC (rectangular graphing coordinates) 82, 365
recursive sequences 109
re-enabling a disabled calculator 385
ref( (row-echelon form) 161, 365
RegEQ (regression equation variable) 202, 327
regression model
automatic regression equation 202
automatic residual list feature 201
diagnostics display mode 202
models 206
relational operations 69, 156
Removing a Faceplate 32
Repeat 284, 365
all memory 333
archive memory 332
defaults 331
memory 331
RAM memory 331
residual list (RESID) 201
Return 286, 365
root (x$) 45, 374
root of a function 92
round( 52, 154, 365
row+( 365
rowSwap( 162, 366
rref( (reduced-row-echelon form) 161, 366
Sci (scientific notation mode) 13, 367
scientific notation 19
screen modes 15
second cursor (2nd) 11
second key (2nd) 4
seconds DMS notation () 67
sector 336
Select( 176, 367
data points from a plot 177
functions from the home screen or a program 77
functions in the Y= editor 76
stat plots from the Y= editor 76
Send( (send to CBL 2 or CBR) 291, 367
SendID 343
sending See transmitting 40
SendSW 343
Seq (sequence graphing mode) 13, 367
seq( (sequence) 175, 367
sequence graphing
axes format 111
CALC (calculate menu) 112
evaluating 112
free-moving cursor 111
graph format 111
graph styles 108
moving the cursor to a value 112
nonrecursive sequences 109
recursive sequences 109
selecting and deselecting 108
tracing 111
web plots 113
window variables 110
Y= editor 107
ZOOM (zoom menu) 112
Sequential (graphing order mode) 367
setDate( (set date) 367
setDtFmt( (set date format) 367
setTime( (set time) 367
display contrast 6
graph styles 78
graph styles from a program 79
modes 12
modes from a program 12
split-screen modes 141
split-screen modes from a program 144
tables from a program 118
setTmFmt( (set time format) 367
SetUpEditor 200, 367
shade above graph style 77
shade below graph style 77
Shade_t( 253, 368
Shade( 130, 368
Shade_( 253, 368
ShadeF( 254, 368
ShadeNorm( 253, 368
shading graph areas 78, 130
Simul (simultaneous graphing order mode) 14, 368
sin( (sine) 41, 368
sin/( (arcsine) 41, 368
sine (sin( ) 41
sine (sin( ) 368
sinh( (hyperbolic sine) 275, 368
sinh/( (hyperbolic arcsine) 275, 368
SinReg (sinusoidal regression) 209, 368
Smart Graph 83
solve( 51, 368
Solver 47
solving for variables in the equation solver 49
SortA( (sort ascending) 173, 200, 368
SortD( (sort descending) 173, 200, 369
spinner 1
split-screen modes
G-T (graph-table) mode 143
Horiz (horizontal) mode 142
setting 141, 144
split-screen values 134, 144
square () 41, 375
square root ($( ) 41
square root ($( ) 376
startTmr, start timer 369
Stat Wizards 204
STAT CALC menu 204
STAT EDIT menu 200
stat list editor
attaching formulas to list names 194
clearing elements from lists 192
creating list names 191
detaching formulas from list names 196
displaying 190
edit-elements context 198
editing elements of formula-generated lists 196
editing list elements 192
entering list names 191
enter-names context 199
formula-generated list names 195
removing lists 192
restoring list names L1L6 192
switching contexts 196
view-elements context 198
view-names context 199
STAT PLOTS menu 218
stat tests and confidence intervals
1-PropZInt (one-proportion z confidence
interval) 237
1-PropZTest (one-proportion z test) 233
2-PropZInt (two-proportion z confidence
interval) 237
2-PropZTest (two-proportion z test) 233
2-SampFTest (two-sample F-Test) 240
2-SampTInt (two-sample t confidence interval)
2-SampTTest (two-sample t test) 232
2-SampZInt (two-sample z confidence interval)
2-SampZTest (two-sample z test) 231
ANOVA( (one-way analysis of variance) 241
_-Test (chi-square test) 237, 239
_-Test (chi-square test) 237, 239
LinRegTTest (linear regression t test) 241
TInterval (one-sample t confidence interval) 235
T-Test (one-sample t test) 229
ZInterval (one-sample z confidence interval) 234
Z-Test (one-sample z test) 228
STAT TESTS menu 227
statistical distribution functions See distribution
functions 40
statistical plotting 216
Boxplot (regular box plot) 218
defining 218
from a program 220
Histogram 217
ModBoxplot (modified box plot) 217
NormProbPlot (normal probability plot) 218
tracing 220
turning on/off stat plots 76, 220
viewing window 220
xyLine 217
statistical variables table 215
Stats input option 225, 226
LED indicator 36
rechargeable batteries 36
status bar 9
stdDev( (standard deviation) 182, 369
Stop 286, 369
Store () 22, 369
StoreGDB 138, 369
StorePic 137, 369
graph databases (GDBs) 138
graph pictures 137
TI-84 Plus C Charging Stations 37
variable values 22
String4Equ( (string-to-equation conversions) 273, 369
concatenation (+) 272, 376
converting 272
defined 270
displaying contents 271
entering 270
functions in CATALOG 272
indicator () 270
length (length( ) 273
length (length( ) 358
storing 271
variables 271
student-t distribution
probability density function (tpdf( ) 248
probability density function (tpdf( ) 370
student-t distribution
probability (tcdf( ) 248
probability (tcdf( ) 370
sub( (substring) 274, 369
subroutines 286
subtraction () 41, 376
sum( (summation) 181, 369
system variables 378
T (transpose matrix) 158, 374
TABLE SETUP screen 117
description 119
variables 118
tan( (tangent) 41, 369
tan/( (arctangent) 41, 369
tangent (tan( ) 41
tangent (tan( ) 369
tangent lines, drawing 128
Tangent( (draw line) 128, 370
tanh( (hyperbolic tangent) 275, 370
tanh/( (hyperbolic arctangent) 275, 370
TblStart (table start variable) 118
tcdf( (student-t distribution probability) 248, 370
TEST (relational menu) 69
TEST LOGIC (Boolean menu) 70
instruction 133, 144, 370
placing on a graph 133, 144
Then 282, 356
thick graph style 77
TI Connect 343
TI Rechargeable Batteries
charging 36
TI-84 Plus
key code diagram 291
TI-84 Plus C Charging Stations 35
storing 37
Time axes format 111, 370
time value of money (TVM)
C/Y variable (number of compounding periods
per year) 265
calculating 258
formulas 381
FV variable (future value) 265
I% variable (annual interest rate) 265
N variable (number of payment periods) 265
P/Y variable (number of payment periods per
year) 265
PMT variable (payment amount) 265
PV variable (present value) 265
TVM Solver 257
tvm_FV (future value) 260, 371
tvm_I% (interest rate) 259
tvm_I% (interest rate) 371
tvm_N (# payment periods) 260, 371
tvm_Pmt (payment amount) 259, 371
tvm_PV (present value) 259, 371
variables 265
timeCnv( ), convert time 370
TI-Navigator software and the TI-84 Plus C 1
TInterval (one-sample t confidence interval) 235
TInterval (one-sample t confidence interval) 370
tpdf( (student-t distribution probability density
function) 248, 370
cursor 85
entering numbers during 85, 100, 104, 111
expression display 82, 85
Trace instruction in a program 85, 370
error conditions 346
from a TI-83 346
from a TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or TI-83 Plus 346
from a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition or TI-84 Plus 346
stopping 344
to a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition or TI-84 Plus 344
transpose matrix (T) 158, 374
trigonometric functions 41
troubleshooting 37
T-Test (one-sample t test) 229, 371
turn clock off, ClockOff 350
turn clock on, ClockOn 350
turning on and off
coordinates 82
expressions 82
functions 76
grid 82
labels 82
points 134
stat plots 76, 220
tvm_FV (future value) 260, 371
tvm_I% (interest rate) 259
tvm_I% (interest rate) 371
tvm_N (# payment periods) 260, 371
tvm_Pmt (payment amount) 259, 371
tvm_PV (present value) 259, 371
two-proportion z confidence interval (2-PropZInt)
237, 363
two-proportion z test (2-PropZTest) 233, 363
two-sample F-Test formula 380
two-sample t test formula 381
two-variable statistics (2-Var Stats) 206, 371
u sequence function 107
Un/d 15, 57
UnArchive 23, 328, 371
ungrouping 333
user variables 378
uv/uvAxes (axes format) 111, 371
uw/uwAxes (axes format) 111, 371
v sequence function 107
value operation on a graph 91
complex 21
displaying and storing values 22
equation solver 49
graph databases 21
graph pictures 21
independent/dependent 120
list 21, 165
matrix 21, 148
real 21
recalling values 23
solver editor 48
statistical 215
string 271
test and interval output 245
types 21
user and system 22, 378
VARS and Y-VARS menus 28
variance of a list (variance( ) 182
variance of a list (variance( ) 372
variance( (variance of a list) 182, 372
VARS menu
GDB 28
Picture 28
Statistics 28
String 28
Table 28
Window 28
Zoom 28
Vertical (draw line) 128, 372
viewing window 79
vw/uvAxes (axes format) 111, 372
w sequence function 107
Web (axes format) 111, 372
web plots 113
While 283, 372
window variables
function graphing 80
parametric graphing 99
polar graphing 103
x$ (root) 374
XFact zoom factor 90
x-intercept of a root 92
xor (Boolean) exclusive or operator 71, 372
xth root (x$) 45
xyLine () plot type 217
Y= editor
function graphing 74
parametric graphing 97
polar graphing 102
sequence graphing 107
YFact zoom factor 90
Y-VARS menu
Function 28
On/Off 28
Parametric 28
Polar 28
ZBox 86, 372
ZDecimal 87, 372
zero operation on a graph 92
ZInteger 88, 373
ZInterval (one-sample z confidence interval) 234, 373
zoom 86, 87, 88, 90, 91
cursor 86
factors 90
function graphing 86
parametric graphing 100
polar graphing 105
sequence graphing 112
Zoom In (zoom in) 87, 373
ZOOM menu 86
Zoom Out (zoom out) 87, 373
ZoomFit (zoom to fit function) 88, 373
ZoomRcl (recall stored window) 90, 373
ZoomStat (statistics zoom) 88, 373
ZoomSto (store zoom window) 90, 373
ZPrevious (use previous window) 373
ZSquare (set square pixels) 87, 373
ZStandard (use standard window) 88, 373
Z-Test (one-sample z test) 228, 374
ZTrig (trigonometric window) 88, 374