Training Project On BSNL
Training Project On BSNL
Training Project On BSNL
Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Bachelors of Technology
Name:Gourav kartar chib Reg. Number:10906944 Name and Location of Company:BSNL KACHI CHAWNI JAMMU Period Training: 01/06/2012- 14/07/2012
Department of Electronics & Comm. Engg Lovely Professional University Phagwara140 401, Punjab (India)
Ph. (01824-506960-61) Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Lovely Professional University Phagwara (Distt. Kapurthala) Punjab India 144001
Dated: __________
Certified that this Training entitled communication submitted by Gourav kartar chib (RE2906A13), students of Electronics & Communication Engineering Department, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara Punjab in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Bachelors of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering) Degree of LPU, is a record of students own study carried under my supervision & guidance.
This project on Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL) is being prepared and presented with a view to educate the readers by bringing out the potentials of the team members. The mission of the project is that it would concentrate on conglomerated BSNL in all dimensions, so that the facts are revealed and the meaningful conclusion can be derived at the end of this project by readers , from any background.
Limitations of the study:The major limitation of this project is that the primary data that have been taken place are not subject to authorization.
(a) INDUSTRY PROFILE:Background:The Indian Telecommunications network with 203 million connections is the third largest in the world and the second largest among the emerging economies of Asia. Today, it is the fastest growing market in the world. The telecommunication sector continued to register significant success during the year and has emerged as one of the key sectors responsible for Indias resurgent Indias economic growth. Telecom sector accounts for 1 percent of Indias GDP. Likely to double in 2- 3 years. Telecom services contribute 30 percent to Indias total
and ITeS companies, it is also the lifeline of a fast growing E-commerce space. State-of-the-art telecom infrastructure has led to the rise of cities like Mysore, Mangalore, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Kochi on the software services map.This has helped spread the benefits of a booming Indian economy to beyond metros and large cities, and wealth creation is happening in tier-2 cities.
The sector, which was growing in the range of 20 to 25 per cent up to the year 2002-03, has moved to a higher growth path of an average rate of 40-45 per cent during the last two years.
This rapid growth has been possible due to various proactive and positive decisions of the Government and contribution of both by the public and the private sector. The rapid strides in the telecom sector have been facilitated by liberal policies of the Government that provide easy market access for telecom equipment and a fair regulatory framework for offering telecom services to the Indian consumers at affordable prices.
Teldensity:The telecom sector has shown robust growth during the past few years. From a teledensity of mere 0.5 per cent in the year 1989, it has grown to double digit in the year 2005.
Buoyed by the better-than-expected teledensity in 2005 (11.4 per cent against 8.6 per cent in 2004) due to the mobile boom in India, Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has revised the upwards the target of 22 per cent teledensity by 2007.
Internet Services:-
Internet services were launched in India on August 15, 1995. In November 1998 the government opened up the sector to private operators. A liberal licensing regime was put in place to increase Internet penetration across the country. Though a large number of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) has been licensed (389) to operate Internet service. today, just the top 20 ISPs service 98 per cent of subscribers. Similarly, while internet telephony is permitted to 128 ISPs, only 32 actually provide the service. The slow growth of internet and broadband will make the target of 18 million internet subscribers and 9 million broadband connections by 2007 tough to achieve. The growth of IP telephony or grey market is also a serious concern. Government loses revenue, while unlicensed operation by certain operators violates the law and depletes licensed operators market share. New services like IP-TV and IP-Telephony are becoming popular with the demand likely to increase in coming years. The scope of services under existing ISP license conditions are unclear.
Internet subscribers stood at 8.6 million for the quarter ending 31st December 2006, registering an increase of 6.00 per cent. The growth trend during the quarter is positive as compared with last quarter where it was 5.02 per cent. The total Internet subscribers increased from 6.7 million at the end of December 2005 to 8.6 million at the end of December 2006 registering a growth of 28.03 per cent. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) has retained its top position and reported a subscriber base of 38.12 Lakhs Internet subscribers against 3.55 million during the last quarter. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) has retained second position with a subscribers base of 1.66 million. Sify Limited is third with a base of 8,06,000 subscriber.
Major Players:There are three types of players in telecom services: State owned companies (BSNL and MTNL) Private Indian owned companies (Reliance Infocomm, Tata Teleservices,) Foreign invested companies (Hutchison-Essar, Bharti Tele-Ventures, Escotel, Idea Cellular, BPL Mobile, Spice Communications)
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. formed in October, 2000, is Worlds 7th largest Telecommunications Company providing comprehensive range of telecom services in India: Wireline, CDMA mobile, GSM Mobile, Internet, Broadband, Carrier service, MPLS-VPN, VSAT, VoIP
services, IN Services etc. Presently it is one of the largest & leading public sector unit in India. BSNL has installed Quality Telecom Network in the country and now focusing on improving it, expanding the network, introducing new telecom services with ICT applications in villages and wining customers confidence. Today, it has about 47.3 million line basic telephone capacity, 4 million WLL capacity, 49.76 Million GSM Capacity, more than 37382 fixed exchanges, 46565 BTS, 3895 Node B (3G BTS), 287 Satellite Stations, 480196 Rkm of OFC Cable, 63730 Rkm of Microwave Network connecting 602 Districts, 7330 cities/towns and 5.5 Lakhs villages. BSNL is the only service provider, making focused efforts and planned initiatives to bridge the Rural-Urban Digital Divide ICT sector. In fact there is no telecom operator in the country to beat its reach with its wide network giving services in every nook & corner of country and operates across India except Delhi & Mumbai. Whether it is inaccessible areas of Siachen glacier and North-eastern region of the country. BSNL serves its customers with its wide bouquet of telecom services. BSNL is numerouno operator of India in all services in its license area. The company offers vide ranging & most transparent tariff schemes designed to suite every customer. BSNL cellular service, CellOne, has more than 52.09 million cellular customers, garnering 16.96 percent of all mobile users in its
area of operation as its subscribers. In basic services, BSNL is miles ahead of its rivals, with 35.1 million Basic Phone subscribers i.e. 85 per cent share of the subscriber base and 92 percent share in revenue terms.BSNL has more than 2.5 million WLL subscribers and 2.5 million Internet Customers who access Internet through various modes viz. Dial-up, Leased Line, DIAS, Account Less Internet(CLI). BSNL has been adjudged as the NUMBER ONE ISP in the country. BSNL has set up a world class multi-gigabit, multi-protocol convergent IP infrastructure that provides convergent services like voice, data and video through the same Backbone and Broadband Access Network. At present there are 0.6 million DataOne broadband customers. The company has vast experience in Planning, Installation, network integration and Maintenance of Switching &Transmission Networks and also has a world class ISO 9000 certified Telecom Training Institute.
Scaling new heights of success, the present turnover of BSNL is more than Rs.351,820 million (US $ 8 billion) with net profit to the tune of Rs.99,390 million (US $ 2.26 billion) for last financial year. The infrastructure asset on telephone alone is worth about Rs.630,000 million (US $ 14.37 billion). BSNL has more than 2.5 million WLL subscribers and 2.5 million Internet Customers who access Internet through various modes viz. Dial-up, Leased Line, DIAS, Account Less Internet(CLI). BSNL has been adjudged as the NUMBER ONE ISP in the country. BSNL plans to expand its customer base from present 47 millions lines to 125 million crores(US$ 16.67 million) in the next three years. The turnover, nationwide coverage, reach, comprehensive range of telecom services and the desire to excel has made BSNL the No. 1 Telecom Company of India.
Interesting Facts: There are 2 million BSNL mobile connections in rural India(a record, no other connection is as famous as bsnl in rural areas) . BSNL supplies phone lines to all other network such as Airtel,Vodafone etc. lines by December 2007 and infrastructure investment plan to the tune of Rs. 733 More than 50% of the international calls coming to India, use Relian t pan India coverage-over 11000 towns & 3 lakh villages.
Quality Policy:BSNL Telecom Factory Mumbai is committed to continually improve through excellence and customer satisfaction with employees participation.
BSNL Exchange
It is largest telecommunication company of India and sixth largest in the world. Currently BSNL has a customer base of 70.3 million.It has footprints throughout India except for the metropolitan cities of Mumbai and New-Delhi which are managed by MTNL.Services being provided by B.S.N.L.Universal Telecom Services.Cellular mobile telephone serviceInternetIntelligent Network(IN)
System of telephony
It deals with the transmission of speech at a distance. The conversation b/w two speaker takes place due to the sound waves. Speech of a subscriber is converted into electrical signal by the microphone of the telephone set. These electrical signal is sent to the desired subscriber through the telephone exchange. Therefore we can say that exchange is the backbone of telephony communication.
Types of exchange
There are many types of exchange ,that the system are using, these are 1. Manual telephone exchange 2. Auto manual exchange 3. Electronic exchange
Electronic exchange
In this type of exchange, the interconnection b/w different transmission circuits are done by electronic device.The advantage of using electronic devices in place of electro-mechanical devices is that no time loss in making a connection and very high speed operation is possible. The first electronic exchange was installed in Chicago. They give betterperformance with greater reliability than the existing type of electro-mechanical system.
Manual Exchanges
Automatic Exchanges
Electronic switches
The first Electronic Switching Systems were not entirely digital. The Western Electric 1ESS switch had reed relay metallic paths which were stored-program-controlled. Equipment testing, changes to phone numbers, circuit lockouts and similar tasks were accomplished by typing on a terminal. Northern Telecom SP1, Ericsson AKE, Philips PRX/A, ITT Metaconta, British Telecom TXE series and several other designs were similar. These systems could use the old electromechanical signaling methods inherited from crossbar and step-by-step switches. They also introduced a new form of data communications: two 1ESS exchanges could communicate with one another using a data link called Common Channel Interoffice Signaling, (CCIS). This data link was based on CCITT 6, a predecessor to SS7.
Digital switches
Digital switches work by connecting two or more digital circuits together, according to a dialed telephone number. Calls are set up between switches using the Signalling System 7 protocol, or one of its variants. In U.S. and military telecommunication, a digital switch is a switch that performs time division switching of digitized signals. This was first done in a few small and little used systems. The first product using a digital switch system was made by Amtelco. Prominent examples include ITT System 12, Nortel DMS-100, Lucent 5ESS switch, Siemens EWSD and Ericsson AXE telephone exchange. With few exceptions, such as PAM switches, most switches built since the 1980s are digital. This article describes digital switches, including algorithms and equipment.
A digital exchange (Nortel DMS-100) used by an operator to offer local and long distance services in France. Each switch typically serves 10,000-100,000+ subscribers depending on the geographic area
Digital switches encode the speech going on, in 8000 time slices per second. At each time slice, a digital PCM representation of the tone is made. The digits are then sent to the receiving end of the line, where the reverse process occurs, to produce the sound for the receiving phone. In other words, when you use a telephone, you are generally having your voice "encoded" and then reconstructed for the person on the other end. Your voice is delayed in the process by a small fraction of one second it is not "live", it is reconstructed delayed only minutely. (See below for more info.)
Individual local loop telephone lines are connected to a remote concentrator. In many cases, the concentrator is co-located in the same building as the switch. The interface between remote concentrators and telephone switches has been standardised by ETSI as the V5 protocol. Concentrators are used because most telephones are idle most of the day, hence the traffic from hundreds or thousands of them may be concentrated into only tens or hundreds of shared connections. Some telephone switches do not have concentrators directly connected to them, but rather are used to connect calls between other telephone switches. These complex machines (or a series of them) in a central exchange building are referred to as "carrier-level" switches or tandem switches. Some telephone exchange buildings in small towns now house only remote or satellite switches, and are homed upon a "parent" switch, usually several kilometres away. The remote switch is dependent on the parent switch for routing and number plan information. Unlike a digital loop carrier, a remote switch can route calls between local phones itself, without using trunks to the parent switch. Telephone switches are usually owned and operated by a telephone service provider or carrier and located in their premises, but sometimes individual businesses or private commercial buildings will house their own switch, called a PBX, or Private branch.
Switch design
Switch design
Long distance switches may use a slower, more efficient switch-allocation algorithm than local central offices, because they have near 100% utilization of their input and output channels. Central offices have more than 90% of their channel capacity unused. Traditional telephone switches connected physical circuits (e.g., wire pairs) while modern telephone switches use a combination of space- and time-division switching. In other words, each voice channel is represented by a time slot (say 1 or 2) on a physical wire pair (A or B). In order to connect two voice channels (say A1 and B2) together, the telephone switch interchanges the information between A1 and B2. It switches both the time slot and physical connection. To do this, it exchanges data between the time slots and connections 8000 times per second, under control of digital logic that cycles through electronic lists of the current connections. Using both types of switching makes a modern switch far smaller than either a space or time switch could be by itself. The structure of a switch is an odd number of layers of smaller, simpler subswitches. Each layer is interconnected by a web of wires that goes from each subswitch, to a set of the next layer of subswitches. In most designs, a physical (space) switching layer alternates with a time switching layer. The layers are symmetric, because in a telephone system callers can also be callees. A time-division subswitch reads a complete cycle of time slots into a memory, and then writes it out in a different order, also under control of a cyclic computer memory. This causes some delay in the signal.A space-division subswitch switches electrical paths, often using some variant of a nonblocking minimal spanning switch, or a crossover switch.
Minimal_spanning_switch_4_4_4.svg A nonblocking minimal spanning switch is a device that can connect N inputs to N outputs in any combination. The most familiar use of switches of this type is in a telephone exchange. The term "non-blocking" means that if it is not defective, it can always make the connection. The term "minimal" means that it has the fewest possible components, and therefore the minimal expense. Historically, in telephone switches, connections between callers were arranged with large, expensive banks of electromechanical relays, Strowger switches. The basic mathematical property of Strowger switches is that for each input to the switch, there is exactly one output. Much of the mathematical switching circuit theory attempts to use this property to reduce the total number of switches needed to connect a combination of inputs to a combination of outputs.
Engine Room
Engine Room It should be checked that the space provided is suitable for installing 2 number of Engine Alternators.The exact space requirements will depend upon the size of the Engine to be installed.
Most of the points mentioned in case of substation are applicable here also.The openings for inlet of fresh air should normally at lower level and their area should be about 1 & 1/2 times the radiator area.
Door Sizes :
Same as in case of Substations.
Same as in case of Substations.
Same as in case of Substations.
Battery Room
A battery room is a room in a facility used to house batteries for backup or uninterruptible power systems. Battery rooms are found in telecommunication central offices, and to provide standby power to computing equipment in datacenters. Batteries provide direct current (DC) electricity, which may be used directly by some types of equipment, or which may be converted to AC by uninterruptible power supply (UPS) equipment. The batteries may provide power for minutes, hours or days depending on the electrical system design, although most commonly the batteries power the UPS during brief electric utility outages lasting only seconds.
Switching Room
Switching Room The hardware equipment of the OCB 283 consists of a set of controll(multiprocessor) station SM.(multiprocessor) station SM. It consists of Racks that has CARDS fitted in ted in it.
SMC : Main Control StationSMC : Main Control Station SMA : Auxiliary Equipment SMSMA : Auxiliary Equipment SM SMT : PCM trunk SMSMT : PCM trunk SM SMX : Switching Matrix SMSMX : Switching Matrix SM SMM : Maintenance SMSMM : Maintenance SM
Co-axial Room
An optical fiber cable is a cable containing one or more optical fibers. The optical fiber elements are typically individually coated with plastic layers and contained in a protective tube suitable for the environment where the cable will be deployed. Optical fiber consists of a core and a cladding layer, selected for total internal reflection due to the difference in the refractive index between the two. In practical fibers, the cladding is usually coated with a layer of acrylate polymer or polyimide. This coating protects the fiber from damage but does not contribute to its optical waveguide properties. Individual coated fibers (or fibers formed into ribbons or bundles) then have a tough resin buffer layer and/or core tube(s) extruded around them to form the cable core. Several layers of protective sheathing, depending on the application, are added to form the cable. Rigid fiber assemblies sometimes put lightabsorbing ("dark") glass between the fibers, to prevent light that leaks out of one fiber from entering another. This reduces cross-talk between the fibers, or reduces flare in fiber bundle imaging applications.
Left: LC/PC connectors Right: SC/PC connectors All four connectors have white caps covering the ferrules.
For indoor applications, the jacketed fiber is generally enclosed, with a bundle of flexible fibrous polymer strength members like aramid (e.g. Twaron orKevlar), in a lightweight plastic cover to form a simple cable. Each end of the cable may be terminated with a specialized optical fiber connector to allow it to be easily connected and disconnected from transmitting and receiving equipment.
An optical fiber breakout cable For use in more strenuous environments, a much more robust cable construction is required. In loose-tube construction the fiber is laid helically into semi-rigid tubes,allowing the cable to stretch without stretching the fiber itself. This protects the fiber from tension during laying and due to temperature changes. Loose-tube fiber may be "dry block" or gel-filled. Dry block offers less protection to the fibers than gel-filled, but costs considerably less. Instead of a loose tube, the fiber may be embedded in a heavy polymer jacket, commonly called "tight buffer" construction. Tight buffer cables are offered for a variety of applications, but the two most common are "Breakout" and "Distribution". Breakout cables normally contain a ripcord, two non-conductive dielectric strengthening members (normally a glass rod epoxy), an aramid yarn, and 3 mm buffer tubing with an additional layer of Kevlar surrounding each fiber. The ripcord is a parallel cord of strong yarn that is situated under the jacket(s) of the cable for jacket removal.[2] Distribution cables have an overall Kevlar wrapping, a ripcord, and a 900 micrometer buffer coating surrounding each fiber. These fiber units are commonly bundled with additional steel strength members, again with a helical twist to allow for stretching.
Power Room
Power Room
Power Rooms are supposed to be the "first" rooms you see in any channel, it is supposed to "power" up players, giving them nice weapons and stuff, check out your inventory when you join a power room. The main power room is the location of the cities main power distribution and control systems. This room is located in middle of the Atlantis control tower at least 6 levels down from Stargate Operations. This room also houses several Naquadah generators. This room is where the main power can be switched off locally for the entire city if there is not remote access. In 2008, during a city-wide malfunction, Dr. Radek Zelenka was able to use the ventilation shafts to gain access to this room and reset the systems. (ATL: "Quarantine"). From this room, Dr. Zelenka also shut down the city's systems to try to contain the problems that would happen when the digitally ascended Asurans arrived
Broadband services are used by Telecom Companies worldwide to leveragetheir existing investment in copper in the local loop. Copper as a last-miledelivery medium has the advantage of near-universal penetration, and localTelecom Companies are increasingly eyeing broadband services on it as ameans of hitting back at cable operators who have begun infringing ontheir turf by their bundled Internet offerings.This article attempts to demystify the basic technologies involved in broadband delivery, the GOIs attempts to promote broadband usage in thecountry, and BSNLs broadband plans as part of its ambitious NIB-II project.1. What is broadband?To
state the obvious, broadband indicates a means of connectivity at a highor broad bandwidth. In India, TRAI has defined broadband as anyconnectivity delivered to the end user at a bandwidth greater that 256 kbps.(So that immediately excludes the popular DIAS services offered by BSNLat many places).Why is bandwidth so important and how to estimate how much bandwidth isrequired for a particular application? A small example below will helpillustrate the concept.Assuming you wish to receive a VCD quality transmission ( incidentally,this is also the quality offered by low cost desktop videoconferencingapplications ) over your broadband connection, the maths is:Pixel count per frame 200 X 300 = 60000Frame rate -- 30 per sec (minimum)Bandwidth required : 200 X 300 X 30 = 1800000 = 1.8 MbpsOf course, the above is raw transmission rate modern technologies useadvance compression algorithms to reduce the data rate to a great extent.2. Broadband delivery technologies The problem of the last mile While telecom companies have adequate high speed OFC infrastructure toconnect their Exchanges and switches, the same does not hold good with thelegacy fixed line customers who are connected, however adequately for voice communication, by good old copper. How to deliver the broadband. content over this seemingly low bandwidth medium was the question tillrecently, when advanced Line coding and compression technologies solvedthe problem. The Misunderstood Copper It has been the general perception that copper is no good for anything other than speech communications of the analog variety. However, the blame for the low bandwidth rests with the telephone system rather than with themedium. The telephone system filters the voice to a range of 400 Hz to 3.4KHz, thereby rendering the local lead useless for even good quality soundtransmission. And people blame the poor copper !When data transmission was attempted over non-exchange lines usingtraditional line coding mechanisms like AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion), agood bandwidth could not be achieved because these mechanisms corruptthe spectrum and cause interference between the pairs in a copper cable bundle. To overcome this , alternative technologies were devised which performed the line coding and transmission in such a way that theinterference was minimized, thereby enabling much higher frequencies to betransmitted. And the mother of all technologies was DSL. Broadband over copper: the DSLs DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Loop.The diagram below shows how DSL modulates the Line Spectrum. DataSignal is sent at a frequency higher that the Voice (3.4 Khz) frequency. Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field codes. There are various technologies spawned off from DSL which perform todifferent expectations:DSL: Digital Subscriber LineSDSL: Single Line Digital Subscriber LineADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber LineHDSL: High data rate Digital Subscriber LineVDSL : Very High data rate Digital Subscriber LineIDSL: ISDN Digital Subscriber LineThese technologies offer differing bandwidths over different distances. Thetable below shows a comparison of their capabilities.
3. ADSLOf all the mechanisms outlined above, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop(ADSL) has found favour as a broadband delivery mechanism, in view of itshigh downstream bandwidth. Downstream refers to data flowing fromthe service provider to the user. Most of the popular applications, like web browsing, video streaming, FTP downloads, etc., require much higher downstream bandwidth than upstream bandwidth. ADSL manages to extracthigh data rates in this direction. The distance limitations for ADSL areshown below:
With all the local telecom companies edging closer to the customer withtheir distributed access mechanisms like DLCs and RSUs, the abovedistances lie well within the range of most customer premises, and thus broadband delivery can be quite effective, with a richer user experience.
Interactive e-learning can consist of electronic classrooms with 2-way andmulti-way communication between teachers and students.Interactive gaming enables multiple players to play online games pittedagainst each other or against computers, through gaming servers employed by gaming content providers. Needless to say, all these services require the service provider to have strongtie-ups with the various content providers. After all, what is hardwarewithout usable software.
Computer Room
Computer room A Computer room is a room that houses mainly computer servers. In information technology circles, the term is generally used for smaller arrangements of servers; larger groups of servers are housed in data centers. Server rooms usually contain headless computers connected remotely via KVM switch, ssh, VNC, or remote desktop.
Computer or server room location is the first consideration, before even considering the layout of the rooms contents. Most designers agree that, where possible, the computer room should not be built where one of its walls is an exterior wall of the building. Exterior walls can often be quite damp and can contain water pipes that could burst and drench the equipment. Certainly avoid exterior windows that will not only be a security risk, but also be susceptible to breakages. Also, try to avoid both the top floors and basements that may be prone to flooding or leaks in the case of roofs. If a centralised computer room is not feasible, server closets on each floor may be an option. This is where computer, network and phone equipment are housed in closets and each closet is stacked above each other on the floor that they service.
In addition to the hazards of exterior walls, designers need to evaluate any potential sources of interference in close to the computer room. Check if there are radio transmitters in close proximity and also consider electrical interference from power plants or lift rooms, etc.
Network Structure
The Finnish electricity network can be divided roughly into the main grid, regional networks and distribution networks. The main grid is used in long-distance transmission connections and high transmission voltages. The total length of the power lines in the main grid is about 14,000 kilometres. As it would be very expensive to use underground cables with long transmission distances, the power lines of the main grid are mainly built as overhead lines. In order to minimise transmission losses, the voltage of the main grid is high, between 110 and 400 kilovolts. At its maximum, this is 2,000 times higher than the voltage available in the power sockets of residential properties. The main grid is connected further to the regional networks, which transmit electricity regionally, for example, in a certain province. The distribution networks can use the main grid through the regional network or they can connect directly to the main grid. The difference between the regional and the distribution network is based on the voltage level. The regional networks operate on a voltage of 110 kilovolts, distribution networks on 20, 10, 1 or 0.4 kilovolts. Another division of the electricity network is based on the voltage level: the lowest voltages of up to 1 kilovolt are called low voltage, the highest voltages are medium voltage (1 70 kilovolts) or high voltage (110400 kilovolts). The total length of high-voltage networks (110 400 kV) is approx. 20,700 kilometres, the medium-voltage networks 137,000 kilometres and low-voltage networks 232,400 kilometres (Source: Energy Market Authority). High-voltage networks, i.e. the main grid and regional networks, are built as overhead lines, but about 35% of the low-voltage networks and approx. 11% of the medium-voltage networks consist of underground and underwater cables. In the past few years, the share of underground cables has started to rise rapidly. From 2005 until 2009, the total length of underground cable in the low-voltage network has increased by about one-third.
M.D.F. is a media between switching network and subscribers line. It distribute wires in different areas and this wire connect switching room andsubscribers line.M.D.F. has different parts as:(1)Incoming (2) Outgoing (3)V.F. (Vertical frame) (4)N.E. (number of equipments) (5)TEN
Single Network View. Helps you easily create, document, and manage an end-to-end model of your entire network including inside and outside plant facilities. Fiber-to-the-Home. Enables direct fiber build by helping you plan, design, document, and manage your fiber-related network technologies. Telephone numbers used to begin with two letters, which were an abbreviation for a word. For example, there was a Glenn Miller song called PEnnsylvania 6-5000, and Liz Taylor made a movie called BUtterfield-8. I'm just barely old enough to remember that my phone number at home when I was 5 or so started with SYcamore 4, or SY4. These
were telephone exchanges, and had exchange names -- PEnnsylvania, SYcamore, KLondike, etc.
So, one day I got interested in finding a list of the old exchange names. Since they were used so widely around the country, I assummed that there would be a master list somewhere, that shouldn't be too hard to find. It turned out to be very hard to find, but in response to this project Mark Cuccia, a real expert on the subject of exchange names, sent it to me. This project is an attempt to assemble information about exchange names from a lot of widely spread original sources.
Subscriber Window:
main distribution frame (MDF or main frame) is a signal distribution frame for connecting equipment (inside plant) to cables and subscriber carrier equipment (outside plant). The MDF is a termination point within the local telephone exchange where exchange equipment and terminations of local loops are connected by jumper wires at the MDF. All cable copper pairs supplying services through user telephone lines are terminated at the MDF and distributed through the MDF to equipment within the local exchange e.g. repeaters and DSLAM. Cables to intermediate distribution frames terminate at the MDF. Trunk cables may terminate on the same MDF or on a separate trunk main distribution frame (TMDF).Like other distribution frames the MDF provides flexibility in assigning facilities, at lower cost and higher capacity than a patch panel.The most common kind of large MDF is a long steel rack accessible from both sides. On one side, termination blocks are arranged horizontally at the front of rack shelves. Jumpers lie on the shelves and go through a steel hoop to run vertically to other termination blocks that are arranged vertically. There is a hoop or ring at the intersection of each level and each vertical. Installing a jumper requires two workers, one on each side. The shelves are shallow enough to allow the rings to be within arm's reach, but the workers prefer to hang the jumper on a hook on a pole so their partner can pull it through the ring. A fanning strip at the back of the termination block prevents the wires from covering each others' terminals. With disciplined administration the MDF can hold over a hundred thousand jumpers, changing dozens of them every day, for decades without tangling.
For the first half of the 20th Century, all MDF jumpers were soldered. This was reliable but slow and expensive. In the 1960s wire wrap was introduced, and in the 1970s punch blocks. Each jumper is a twisted pair. Middle 20th century jumper wires in the USA were 24 AWG single strand copper, with a soft polyethylene inner jacket and a cotton wrapper, impregnated to make it slightly brittle and easy to remove neatly. Late 20th century ones had a single, thicker coating of polyethylene cross-linked to provide the correct degree of brittleness. Some urban central office MDFs are two stories high so they don't have to be more than a city block long. A few are three stories. By British custom the cables to the outside world are terminated on the horizontal side, and the indoors equipment on the vertical side. American usage is the opposite. Smaller MDFs, and some modern large ones, are single sided so one worker can install, remove or change a jumper. COSMOS and other computerized Operations Support Systems help by assigning terminals close to one another, so most jumpers need not be long and shelves on either type of MDF do not become congested. This database keeps track of all terminals and jumpers. In the early and middle 20th century these records were kept as pencil entries in ledger books. The later database method saves much labor by permitting old jumpers to be reused for new lines. The adoption of distributed switching in the late 20th century diminished the need for large, active, central MDFs. The MDF usually holds central office protective devices including heat coils and functions as a test point between a line and the office.
V.F. (Vertical frame) :V.F. has distribution of wire in 10-10 horizontal sequence, left side connectwith switching room and back side connect subscribers color wire. One V.F.has 100 pair of wire. Color wires connect with subscribers by grounding path. This color wire connects with pillar.Pillar has different no. of pair. It depend on phone connection in particular areas and after then pillar connect with D.P. (distribution point). Distribution p o i n t h a s 5 - 1 0 p a i r o f w i r e . B y t h e c a b l e t h i s o n e - o n e p a i r g o e s i n t h e subscriber s phone and 10 connections can connected with one D.P.. N.E. frame is directly connected with switch room by this no. Find out thefault card of subscriber. Many time no. any fault in pillar pole and M.D.F. then find out the N.E. no of particular subscriber and check the fault. Card of switch room connection depends only on N.E. no means that with the N.E. no. check the reconnection between subscriber and M.D.F.
OBJECTIVES : Work on telecom technology products and services. Provide solutions for current and future requirements of telecommunication and converged networks including those required for rural application. Provide market orientation to R & D activities and sustain C-DOT as center of excellence. Build partnerships and joint alliances with industry , solution provides, telcos and other development organizations to offer cost effective solution . Support telcos and service provides in the introduction of new technologies , features and services by optimal utilization of installed network.
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Electronic Design automation (EDA) Tools for hardware and ASIC Design Case Tools for Development and testing of software Capative labs Computing center Pilot production plant Existing manpower 907 Planned Manpower - 963
The Center has state-of-the-art development environment comprising client/ server network of RISC workstation, latest software development tools and very mature and effective development ad support methodologies, Extensive use is made of case tools, object-oriented methodologies, software metric etc.
modulation, in communications, process in which some characteristic of a wave (the carrier wave) is made to vary in accordance with an information-bearing signal wave (the modulating wave); demodulation is the process by which the original signal is recovered from the wave produced by modulation. The original, unmodulated wave may be of any kind, such as sound or, most often, electromagnetic radiation, including optical waves. The carrier wave can be a direct current, an alternating current, or a pulse chain. In modulation, it is processed in such a way that its amplitude, frequency, or some other property varies. Introduction Amplitude Modulation Frequency and Phase Modulation Pulse Modulation
Amplitude Modulation
Amplitude modulation (AM) is the modulation method used in the AM radio broadcast band. In this system the intensity, or amplitude, of the carrier wave varies in accordance with the modulating signal. When the carrier is thus modulated, a fraction of the power is converted to sidebands extending above and below the carrier frequency by an amount equal to the highest modulating frequency. If the modulated carrier is rectified (see rectifier) and the carrier frequency filtered out, the modulating signal can be recovered. This form of modulation is not a very efficient way to send information; the power required is relatively large because the carrier, which contains no information, is sent along with the information.In a variant of amplitude modulation, called single sideband modulation (SSB), the modulated signal contains only one sideband and no carrier. The information can be demodulated only if the carrier is used as a reference. This is normally accomplished by generating a wave in the receiver at the carrier frequency. SSB modulation is used for long-distance telephony (such as in the amateur radio bands) and telegraphy over land and submarine cables.
Pulse Modulation
Pulse modulation involves modulating a carrier that is a train of regularly recurrent pulses. The modulation might vary the amplitude (PAM or pulse amplitude modulation), the duration (PDM
or pulse duration modulation), or the presence of the pulses (PCM or pulse code modulation). PCM can be used to send digital data; audio signals on a compact disc use pulse code modulation. Developed in 1939 by the English inventor Alec H. Reeves, pulse code modulation is the most important form of pulse modulation because it can be used to transmit information over long distances with hardly any interference or distortion; for this reason it has become increasingly important in the transmission of data in the space program and between computers. Although PCM transmits digital instead of analog signals, the modulating wave is continuous. Digital modulation begins with a digital modulating signal. The two most common digital modulating techniques are phase-shift keying (PSK) and frequency-shift keying (FSK).
Pulse-code modulation
Pulse-code modulation (PCM) is a method used to digitally represent sampled analog signals. It is the standard form for digital audio in computers and various Blu-ray, DVD and Compact Discformats, as well as other uses such as digital telephone systems. A PCM stream is a digital representation of an analog signal, in which the magnitude of the analog signal is sampled regularly at uniform intervals, with each sample being quantized to the nearest value within a range of digital steps. PCM streams have two basic properties that determine their fidelity to the original analog signal: the sampling rate, which is the number of times per second that samples are taken; and the bit depth, which determines the number of possible digital values that each sample can take.
Power Plant is an object-oriented GUI toolkit, application framework and set of class libraries for Mac OS, created by Metrowerks. The framework was fairly popular at the height of the Classic Mac OS era, and was primarily used with Code Warrior. It was designed to work with a GUI editor called Constructor; unusually for such programs, Constructor was primarily a resource editor specializing primarily in UI elements, including several custom resource types, 'PPob' ("Power Plant object" -- a general view description), 'CT Y P' (custom widgets), and Mcmd (used for dispatching menu-related events). A new version, Power Plant X, was introduced in 2004 as a native Carbon framework, using Carbon Events. After Metrowerks was acquired by Motorola, then spun out as part of Freescale Semiconductor, Power Plant and the rest of the Code Warrior desktop development tools were discontinued. In February 2006, the Power Plant class libraries were released as open source under the BSD license hosted on Source Forge. Although it could theoretically be recompiled for x86-64 Macs, it is Carbon-dependent and therefore can only be used in 32-bit mode. During its heyday, Power Plant was the most popular framework available for Mac programmers, replacing both the THINK Class Library and MacApp as the premier objectoriented toolkit for the MacOS; however, the transition to OS X was rather difficult for many programmers.
Conclusion The purpose of this document is to provide all the subscriber line administration related information. That an exchange administration operator will need at a single space.