Example - LPP Formulation
Example - LPP Formulation
Example - LPP Formulation
360/- each and type B cost Rs.240/- each. The retailer knows that he cannot sell more than 20 sets, so he does not want to buy more than 20 sets and he cannot afford to pay more than Rs.5760/-. His expectation is that he would get a profit of Rs.50/- for each set of type A and Rs.40/- for each set of type B. How many of each type should be purchased in order to make his total profit as large as possible? Example: 2: A firm manufactures two types of products A and B and sells them at a profit of Rs.2 on type A and Rs.3 on type B. Each product is processed on two machines G and H. Type A requires one minute of processing time on G and 2 minutes on H, type B requires one minute on G and one minute on H. The machine G is available for not more than 6 hours and 40 minutes while machine H is available for 10 hours during one working day. Formulate the problem as a linear programming problem Example: 3: A furniture manufacturer makes two types of sofas sofa of type A and sofa of type B. For simplicity, divide the production process into three distinct operations, say carpentry, finishing and upholstery. The amount of labour required for each operation varies. Manufacture of a sofa of type A requires 6 hours of carpentry, 1 hour of finishing and 2 hours of upholstery. Manufacture of a sofa of type B requires 3 hours of carpentry, 1 hour of finishing and 6 hours of upholstery. Owing to limited availability of skilled labour as well as of tools and equipment, the factory has available each day 96 man hours of carpentry, 18 man hours for finishing and 72 man hours for upholstery. The profit per sofa of type A is Rs.80 and the profit per sofa of type B is Rs.70. How many sofas of type A and type B should be
produced each day in order to maximize the profit? Formulate the problems as linear programming problem
Example: 4: A firm produces three products. These products are processed on three different machines. The time required to manufacture one unit of each of the three products and the daily capacity of the three machines are given below: Time per unit(minutes) Machin Product Product Product Machine e 1 2 3 capacit y (minute s/day) M1 2 3 2 440 M2 4 -3 470 M3 2 5 -430 It is required to determine the daily number of units to be manufactured for each product. The profit unit for product1,2 and 3 is Rs.4, Rs.3 and Rs.6 respectively. It is assumed that all the amounts produced are consumed in the market. Formulate the mathematical (LP) model that will maximize the daily profit.
Example: 6: A person wants to decide the constituents of a diet which eill fulfil his daily requirements of proteins, fats and carbohydrates at the minimum cost. The choice is to be made from four different types of foods. The yields per unit of these foods are given: Food type Protein Fats s Carbo Cost hydrat per es unit(Rs ) 6 4 7 4 700 45 40 85 65
3 4 8 6 800
2 2 7 5 200
Sivakumar & Co., manufactures two types of T-shirts, one with collar and another without collar. Each T-shirt with collar yields a profit of Rs.20, while each T-shirt without collar yields Rs.30. Shirt with collar requires 15 minutes of cutting and 20minutes of stitching. Shirt without collar requires 10minutes of cutting and 20minutes of stitching. The full shirt time available for cutting in an 8 hour shift, but only 6 hours are available for stitching. Formulate the problem as an LP model to maximize the profit.
The agricultural research institute suggested to a farmer to spread out at least 4800 Kg of a special phosphate fertilizer and not less than 7200 Kg of a special nitrogen fertilizer to raise productivity of crops in his fields. There are two sources for obtaining these mixtures A and B. both of these are available in bags weighing 100 Kg each and they cost Rs 40 and Rs 24 respectively. Mixture A contains phosphate and nitrogen equivalent of 20 Kg and 80 Kg respectively, while mixture B contains these ingredients equivalent of 50 Kg each.