Race Topics Year Wise
Race Topics Year Wise
Race Topics Year Wise
S.No Topic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Page no Anaesthetic breathing systems 1 Perinatal pharmacology 12 Physiology of coronary circulation 21 Physiology of One Lung Ventilation 29 Anaesthesia for lung resection 33 Pathophysiology of cardiopulmonary bypass 40 Anaesthetic considerations in patients with valvular 45 heart diseases undergoing non cardiac surgery Anaesthesia for thoraco abdominal aortic 50 aneurysm surgery Anaesthetic considerations in pregnancy induced 55 hypertension(PIH). Perioperative fluid and electrolyte therapy in 62 children Anaesthetic management of a patient with 69 myasthenia gravis Anaesthetic considerations in pheochromocytoma 76 Deliberate hypotension 85 Shock 93 Coagulation system and anaesthesia 113 General anaesthesia is the anaesthetic of choice for 126 LSCS for fetal distress General anaesthesia is not the anaesthetic of choice 135 for LSCS for fetal distress ACE inhibitors should be continued during 141
preoperative period ACE inhibitors should not be continued during perioperative period Isoflurane is safe in patients with IHD Isoflurane is not safe in patients with IHD Suxamethonium is contraindicated in infants Suxamethonium is not contraindicated in infants Training in anaesthesia Regional nerve block Anaesthesia machine Arrhythmias
RACE 2002 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Oxygen therapy Drug interactions in anaesthesia Renal physiology for the anaesthetist Interpretation and management of arterial blood gases Neurological monitoring during anaesthesia Anaesthetic management of a patient with liver disease Acetylcholine receptor number and its effects on neuromuscular relaxants Anaesthetic considerations in scoliosis correction LMA-what is old?what is new? Anaesthetic considerations for burned patients Chronic pain-Pathophysiology and management International guidelines 2000 for CPR and ECC Intraoperative destauration Anaesthetic management of bronchopleural fistula Esophageal variceal bleed 1 7 14 27 38 48 53 57 68 75 79 84 88 95 98
16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
Intraoperative myocardial ischemia Delayed recovery following general anaesthesia Intraoperative anaphylaxis Neonatal resuscitation Trauma Poisoning Neuromuscular physiology Preloading prevents hypotension in spinal anaesthesia Preloading does not prevent hypotension in spinal anesthesia Epidural test dose with epinephrine 1:200,000 in Lignocaine is contraindicated in PIH Epidural test dose with epinephrine 1:200,000 in Lignocaine is not contraindicated in PIH Preoperative PFT is mandatory in a patient with COPD Preoperative PFT is not mandatory in a patient with COPD Regional anaesthesia is the anaesthetic of choice in a patient with IHD Regional anaesthesia is not the anaesthesia of choice in a patient with IHD Neuromuscular Transmission monitoring Nutritional support for the critically ill Cardiac output monitoring and derived variables
103 111 117 122 131 156 181 196 198 210 212 215 222 225 230 233 244 255
RACE 2003 1. 2. 3. Gas laws and the anaesthetist New drugs in anaesthesia Management of acute pain 1 8 22
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
Anaesthetic management of a pregnant patient for nonobstetric surgery Whats new in paediatric epidural anaesthesia Ventilation perfusion distribution Functions of the diaphragm and anaesthesia Management of a brain dead organ donor Anaesthetic management of a morbidly obese patient Anaesthetic management of patients with hemoglobinopathies Low flow anaesthesia How to get the most out of your CVP catheter Anaesthetic management of a patient with ESRD for renal transplantation Sedation and analgesia in children for procedures outside OR Cardiovascular physiology Central neuraxial blockade Patient positioning A 20 year old primi with severe MS requires labour analgesia A 25 year old otherwise healthy male with Ludwigs angina is posted for abscess drainage is posted for abscess drainage Induced hypotension is contraindicated in children Induced hypotension is not contraindicated in children Strict perioperative blood sugar control to an FBS of 200 mg % is mandatory before elective surgery Strict perioperative blood sugar control to an FBS of 200 mg % is NOT mandatory before elective surgery Spinal anaesthesia is contraindicated for day care surgery
25. Spinal anaesthesia is NOT contraindicated for day care surgery 26. Invasive monitoring in ASA III and ASA IV patients will influence the outcome of surgery 27. Invasive monitoring in ASA III and ASA IV patients will NOT influence the outcome of the surgery 28. Preoperative transfusion threshold is a Hb of 8gm% 29. Preoperative transfusion threshold is NOT a Hb of 8 gm% 30. Airway 31. CPR 32. Mechanical ventilation 33. Nerve Blocks
RACE 2004
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Uptake and distribution of inhaled anaesthetics Piped gas systems Electrical safety in operation theaters The Microcircualtion Capnography Oxygen transport Anaesthetic considerations in geriartrics Perioperative management of a patient with thyroid dysfunction Anaesthetic management of a child with CHD Anaesthesia for liver transplantation Perioperative management of a patient with DM Ventilatory strategies in the ICU Severe pre eclampsia for emergency LSCS 1 9 12 19 45 55 67 73 80 87 94 102 121
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Perioperative bronchospasm Post-extubation stridor Obstetric anaesthesia Opoids in anaesthesia Perioperative fluid management Cricoid pressure is a friend Cricoid pressure is a foe LMA is contraindicated for laparoscopy LMA is not contraindicated for laparoscopy Regional anaesthesia is the technique of choice for aaortic vascular surgery 24. Regional anaesthesia is not the technique of choice for vascular surgery 25. Invasive monitoring 26. Defibrillators,circulatory support devices and pacemakers
125 129 132 145 164 185 195 200 204 208 211 214 221
RACE 2005
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hepatic physiology and anaesthetic considerations Anaesthetic breathing systems Chronic pain-mechanisms and management Newer intravenous anaesthetic agents including narcotics Cardiopulmonary bypass and the anaesthesiologist Anaesthesia for obstetric emergencies Anaesthesia for tracheoesophageal fistula Anaestehtic management of valvular heart disease patient undergoing non-cardiac surgery Anaesthesia for maxillofacial surgery 1 13 24 30 38 44 71 79 92
10. Recent advances in sepsis management 11. Anaesthetic management of the patient with IHD for non-cardiac surgery 12. Weaning and extubation of myaesthenic patient after themectomy 13. Management of intraoperative hyperthermia 14. Intraoperative hypertension 15. Anaesthesia for polytrauma 16. Local anaesthetics 17. Neuromuscular Junction 18. Fibreoptic intubation is the technique of choice for the difficult airway 19. Fibreoptic intubation is not the technique of choice for difficult airway 20. Use of suxamethonium is safe in cardiac patient posted for non-cardiac surgery 21. Use of suxamethonium is not safe in cardiac patient posted for non-cardiac surgery 22. Ringer lactate is the fluid of choice for maintenance in paediatric surgery 23. Ringer lactate is not the fluid of choice for maintenance in pediatric surgery 24. Monitoring spinal cord function 25. Newer techniques of one lung ventilation 26. Carbondioxide transfer,transport and expulsion 27. Anaesthetic implications of mediastinal mass 28. Humidification of inspired gases 29. Controlled oxygen therapy in COPD 30. Monitoring 31. ACLS
101 104 109 116 125 133 151 167 183 188 193 196 200 207 212 218 222 226 230 237 243 258
RACE 2006
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Physiology of hypothermia Newer muscle relaxants Vaporizers Physiology of lateral positioning Intractable intraopertiave hypotension under anaesthesia-causes and treatment How to make an epidural work? Anaesthesia for IVF Publications of importance Awareness under anaesthesia Resuscitation of patients with increased intracranial pressure in the ER Less invasive Cardiac output monitoring Is central neuraxial blockade contraindicated in Aortic stenosis ABG Anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reaction during anaesthesia Anticoagulation and central neuraxial blockade Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Recent concepts in homologous blood transfusion Is anaesthesia for neonate different from paediatric anaesthesia? Fracture femur +SMF+RMO ICU management of children with Dengue Duchennes Muscular dystrophy 2 8 15 32 37 44 51 60 66 70 79 89 92 98 106 111 116 120 124 127 132
Ludwigs Angina Kidneys and anaesthesia Coronary disease for non-cardiac surgery Lasers and anaesthesia Hypertension LMA for posterior segment ophthalmic surgery Antisialogogue premedication Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation Monitoring and trouble shooting in Mechanical Ventilation 31. Paediatric ACLS 32. Acute severe Asthma 33. Management of Status Epilepticus
137 141 166 184 203 210 214 219 226 240 244 246
RACE 2007
Applied anatomy of the larynx 2. Neonatal Physiology 3. Role of oxygen derived variables in anaesthesia and critical care 4. Uptake,Distribution and Elimination of Inhaled anaesthetics 5. Newer modes of ventilation in patients with ARDS 6. Fluid and electrolyte balance in patients 7. Anaesthetic management of burned patient for escharotomy 8. Anaesthetic management of One lung ventilation 9. Anaesthetic management of Posterior Cranial Fossa surgery 10. Decision making in airway abnormality
3 11 19 27 33 45 59 77 85 95
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
Septic shock resuscitation Anemia Epidural Anaesthesia Brain and anaesthesia General anaesthesia is the technique of choice in primigravida with Mitral Stenosis Perioperative beta blockade is mandatory in patients with CAD undergoing non-cardiac surgery Ventilator graphics are useful in patients on long term ventilation Update on CPR Safety check in anaesthetic machines Inhaled anaesthetics and Coronary Steal Hazards of Massive Transfusion Hemodynamic Monitoring
109 117 141 161 183 193 197 207 213 221 223 235
RACE 2008
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Physiology of spinal subarchnoic blockade Matching Ventilation with Perfusion Physiology of Neuromuscular Junction Anaesthetics and Cerebral Blood Flow Breathing Circuits Pharmacokinetics of IV Anaesthetics TURP Syndrome-Diagnosis and Management Monitored Anaesthesia Care Uncontrolled Diabetes and Two Weeks Old MI with Intestinal Obstruction coming for Emergency Surgery 10. Anaesthetic Considerations in Geriartrics 3 11 21 25 35 47 57 65 69
11. Post Extubation Respiratory Distress-Diagnosis and Management 12. Anaesthetic Considerations of Patients with Pacemaker 13. Intra-op Bronchospasm/Differential Diagnosis And Management 14. Intra-operative Fluid 15. Anaesthesia For Patient Who is On Cancer Therapy 16. Anaesthetic Management Of Patient with AntePartum Hemorrhage coming for LSCS 17. Prone Ventilation 18. Pediatric Spinal and Epidural 19. Regional Anaesthesia Is The Anaesthesia of Choice In Pre-Eclampsia 20. Rocuronium Is The Drug of Choice In Rapid Sequence Induction 21. Awake Induction Is The Induction Of Choice In New Born 22. Recent Advances In One Lung Ventilation 23. Newer Strategies In Weaning From long Term Mechanical Ventilation 24. Serum lactate in ICU 25. Early Goal Directed Therapy in Sepsis 26. Chronic Renal Failure 27. Mitral Stenosis 28. Thyrotoxicosis 29. COPD
87 105 111 115 123 133 141 145 149/153 157/161 165/169 175 179 185 189 195 195 196 196
RACE 2009
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Laws of Physics applicable to anesthesia Compliance,Resistance and Work of Breathing Factors affecting Cardiac Output Physiology of the Autonomic Nervous System Microcirculation:Physiology and Clinical applications Interpretation of Intraoperative Arrythmias TIVA Pathophysiology of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Blood Conservation Strategies Non Invasive Ventilation Supraglottic Airway Devices Monitoring Coagulation Oxygen Therapy Advances in Respiratory Gas Monitoring Recent Advances in Management of Sepsis Depth of Anaesthesia Monitoring Pulmonary Function Test Intraoperative Desaturation Anaesthesia for Thoracoscopic CDH Repair in a Neonate Anaesthesia for LSCS for a patient with Eisenmenger Syndrome 1 7 17 23 27 33 41 55 65 73 85 93 111 121 127 143 153 161 163 167
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.
Anaesthesia for Scoliosis Correction Anaesthesia for OPCAB Anaesthesia for Montgomery Tube Insertion Anaesthesia for Shoulder Arthroscopy in Beach Chair Position Cuffed Endotracheal tubes are the tubes of choice in infants Cricoid Pressure is useful in Rapid Sequence Induction RA is the anaesthesia of choice for gynecological laparoscopy Difficult Airway Management ACLS Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy Labour Analgesia Options Imaging in Anaesthesia Invasive Haemodynamic Monitoring Mechanical Ventilation USG guided nerve blocks GA vs RA for Day Care Surgery in a ASA III patient Anaesthesia for removal of Foreign Body Trachea by Bronchoscopy IHD+DM+HTN COPD Chronic Renal Failure Hyperthyroidism Mitral Stenosis with Pregnancy Paediatric paient:Cleft Lip
171 177 183 187 193/197 199/203 211/215 219 231 237 245 257 263 271 287 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 309
RACE 2010
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Physiology of Thermoregulation Pulmonary Circulation Breathing Circuits FRC Cardiac Cycle and Pressure Volume Loops Monitoring Tissue Oxygenation Anaesthetic Considerations in Prolonged Major Abdominal Surgery Anaesthetic Management in Hepatic Transplantation Interpreting Hemodynamic Variables in Clinical Practice Anaesthetic Implications in Adult Congenital Heart Disease for Non-cardiac Surgery Perioperative Glycemic Control-Recent Advance Recent Advances in Neuromuscular Monitoring Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Relationship of Local Anaesthetics Ventilator Induced Lung Injury Current Consensus on Crystalloids and Colloids in the Perioperative Period CICV in Obstetrics Coagulopathy in Trauma How To Make Regional Blocks Work? Management of Brain Dead Organ Donor Anaesthesia for Placenta Percreta planned for Elective LSCS 3 13 19 39 45 65 79 87 91 105 115 127 133 147 155 161 169 175 179 185
21. Anaesthesia for Phaeochromocytoma Planned for laparoscopic Adrenalectomy 22. Anaesthesia in a Preterm Neonate with Necrotizing Enterocolitis for Laparotomy 23. Anaesthesia in Traumatic Brain Injury for Extracranial Surgery 24. Anaesthesia for Elective Repair of Aortic Aneurysm Surgery 25. I-LMA is the Ideal Method Of Intubation in Cervical Spine Injuries 26. BIS Monitoring is Cost Effective in Reducing Anaesthetic Requirements 27. Ambulatory Anesthesia is Contraindicated in Morbidly Obese patients 28. Vascular Access in Children 29. Circulatory Assist Devices 30. Chronic Interventional Pain Procedures 31. Basics of Mechanical Ventilation 32. ABG 33. Simulation 34. Mega Code Evaluation(ACLS Arrest Algorithm) 35. A Child with Pierre Robin Syndrome for laparotomy 36. Patient with Recent MI for Urgent Surgery 37. MS with Pregnancy 38. Chronic Renal Failure 39. Cleft Lip 40. Thyrotoxicosis 41. COPD 42. Cirrhosis of Liver
193 199 219 227 239/243 253/257 263/269 277 287 297 307 315 337 353 377 381 387 393 399 413 421 431
RACE 2011
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Understanding the Mechanisms of General Anaesthesia Current Concepts in Fluid Management in Pediatrics Physiology of One Lung Ventilation Assessing Fluid Responsiveness Anaesthetic Management of Burns Patient General Care of ICU patients on Ventilator Anaesthetic Management of a child with Congenital Heart Disease for Non-Cardiac Surgery New and Emerging Analgesics and Techniques for Acute Pain Management CPCR-The Current AHA Guidelines Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation I n The Perioperative Setting Dexmedetomidine-Current Role in Anaesthetic Practice Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema The Rational Use of Vasopressors and Inotropes Current Concepts in The Management of OrganoPhosphorous Poisoning Use of Clotting Factors and Other Prohemostatic drugs for Obstetric Haemorrhage Supraglottic Airway Devices in Children Recent Advances in Transfusion Therapy Desflurane-Uptake,Distribution and Charecteristics Anaesthesia for Laser Airway Surgery 3 11 21 33 49 57 65 71 73 91 97 103 109 121 129 141 147 159 167
20. Anaesthetic Management of a Child with PostTonsillectomy Bleeding 21. Anaesthesia for Morbidly Obese Parturient planned for an elective LSCS 22. Initiation,Maintenance and Weaning off CPB 23. Anaesthesia for Posterior Cranial Fossa Surgery 24. Anaesthetic Management of a patient with Myaesthenia Gravis planned for Thymectomy 25. Use of Anaesthesia Work Station has improved patient safety 26. Liberal Fluid Strategy is Preferred in Trauma Resuscitation 27. Perioperative Neuromonitoring Improves Outcome in Patients Undergoing Neurosurgical Procedures 28. Pediatric Regional Blocks 29. Cardiac Output Monitoring 30. Introduction to TransEsophageal Echocardiography 31. A Practical Guide to Commonly Performed USG Guided Peripheral Nerve Blocks 32. Radiology for Anaesthesiologist 33. Difficult Airway 34. Mechanical Ventilation 35. Operating Room Safety 36. Laparotomy for a Patient with COPD 37. GA vs RA in a Pregnant patient with Critical MS for LSCS 38. IHD +DM+HTN 39. Cirrhosis 40. PIH
263 275 283 293 301 333 353 355 359 365 375
RACE 2012
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Physiology of Neuromuscular Transmission Physiology of Cerebral Protection Respiratory Changes Under Anaesthesia Vaporizers ANS-what anaesthesiologist needs to know? Pharmacokinetics of Intravenous Drug Infusion Controversies in Obstetric Anaesthesia Anaesthesia for Bariartric Surgery Anaesthesia for Renal Transplant Role of Goal Directed Therapy inHigh Risk Non Cardiac Surgery Anaesthesia for patients with VHD for non-cardiac surgery Anesthetic Management of CDH Perioperative Management of Difficult Airway in a Parturient PDPH-Prevention and Management Monitoring Depth of Anaesthesia Management of ARDS-what works? Clearing Cervical Spine in Trauma Intraoperative Hypoxemia Recent Advances in labor Analgesia Weaning Strategies for the Difficult to wean patient Anaesthetic Management of Patient with SAH for 3 9 19 23 37 51 71 79 85 91 97 111 117 125 135 143 151 159 169 181 191
22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
Cerebral Aneurysm Clipping Anaesthetic Management of a Jehovahs Witness for Redo THR Perioperative Acute Pain Management in Infants and Children Principles and practice of One Lung Anaesthesia Third Space-fact or fiction Inhalational Induction is the Best Method of Induction in Children Prone Position surgeries can be done under Neuraxial Block alone Basic Echocardiography Acid Base Physiology USG in Anaesthesia Practice-its role in nerve blocks Advanced Trauma Life Support Perioperative Arrythmias Adjuvants in Spinal Anaesthesia-which is the ideal drug Proseal LMA can be used for elective laparoscopic procedures Hydrocephalus for VP shunt Scoliosis Correction Anaesthetic Management of TOF for Non-cardiac surgery Anaesthetic Management of TURP IHD Bronchiectasis for Lung Resection
199 203 209 223/227 231/235 249/253 259 273 279 287 311 325 327 331 339 349 357 365 371
RACE 2013
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Understanding Perioperative Hemostasis Venous Return:Implications for Understanding Clinical Hemodynamics Oxygen Transport Pain Pathways and Targets Nebulizers and Humidifiers-principles and practice Microcirculation: What do we need to know? Procedural Sedation for Paediatric patients outside OR:Current Status The Difficult Paediatric Airway:Management Options Anaesthetic Management of a patient with Cardiac Failure Extubation:Problem,Management &Guidelines Mechanisms of Atelectasis in the Perioperative period;its prevention and reversal Anaesthesia for Neonatal Emergencies Recent Advances in Postoperative Analgesia Resuscitating a parturient with Cardiac Arrest Anaesthesia for a patient with TBI RRT:What the anaesthesiologist should know and understand Monitoring Fluid Therapy CXR for the Anaesthesiologist Anaesthetic concerns in Geriartric patients Management of Cerebral Vasospasm after Aneurysmal Coiling Bleeding Parturient for an Emergency LSCS Low Flow Anaesthesia:Concepts and Practice 3 17 23 27 31 51 61 71 83 91 103 109 117 129 139 145 151 155 161 173 179 187
23. Non Invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring-What is Practical?What Works? 24. Nitrous Oxide has become Obsolete in Clinical Anaesthetic Practice 25. NS is the fluid of choice for perioperative crystalloid therapy and Resuscitation 26. LMA for Tonsillectomy 27. Lung Isolation Techniques 28. Monitoring in Neuroanaesthesia 29. Clinical Diagnosis using Capnography 30. Perioperative Sepsis Management 31. Pregnant patient with Cardiomyopathy 32. Airway 33. Anaesthesia Machine 34. COPD for Plication of Emphysematous Bullae 35. Patient with ICD 36. Geriartric Aortic Stenosis 37. Cirrhosis 38. Diabetic Foot 39. Paeditric patient with Lumbar Meningomyelocoele 40. Chronic Renal Failure 41. Thyroid 42. Tracheostomy
199 215/225 229/237 239/243 251 259 275 287 293 301 339 355 361 367 371 379 391 397 401 407