April 28 2013 Bulletin
April 28 2013 Bulletin
April 28 2013 Bulletin
Lord, grant your servants to speak Your Word with all boldness !
Childrens Time:
Yes, I Cant !
ANTHEM: Weve Come This Far by Faith PRAYER for ILLUMINATION OUR SCRIPTURE THIS WEEK: Acts 3 & 4 excerpts
ORGAN PRELUDE: Variation on Hendon Malan CHORAL INTROIT: Praise Band#122 He Is Exalted, It is You *CALL TO WORSHIP: The Church is a spiritual fellowship through which the risen Christ communicates His saving grace. We are born of the Spirit, not by our own doing, but by the power and love of God. His Spirit is the source of our being, and the means by which we are able to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We pray that we may be receptive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that our witness may communicate the Saviors love to our world. Let us ask Jesus to join us in worship this morning! *HYMN #299G That Easter Day with Joy was Bright vss. 3- 4 *PRAYER of RESURRECTION FAITH ! Almighty God, who has inspired Your Church in each generation through the gift of Your Holy Spirit: Grant us the power to share the Good News of Christ effectively; that those who hear may know what You have done through raising Jesus from death as our Lord and Savior, in whose name we pray. Amen. *HYMN #292G Because You Live, O Christ (vs 1- choir only) *CONFIRMANDS STATEMENTS: Victoria Neill, Krey Gardner
SERMON: First Peter Principle ? The disciples spoke the Word of God with all boldness!
We take pleasure in your presence today and at every worship service. Please introduce yourself to anyone you dont know. Friendliness is always an inspiration.
This months Officer Leaders: elder, Judy Gardner; deacon, Karen DuBois; trustee, Dave Ewart; The greeters are Libby Myers & Karen DuBois. Our liturgist is Mark Robbins. Nursery Coordinator, Victoria Neill Mission Statement: In the Name of Christ: Sowing, GROWing, and Serving. Vision Statement: We are GROWing, Growing in Faith, Reaching others for Christ, Offering opportunities for mission, Worshipping the Lord with our whole, burning hearts. If you are visiting with us today we warmly welcome you! Please feel free to contact Rev. Paul Tuttle with any questions or pastoral needs. Rev. Tuttle can be reached at the Pastor cell:(856) 305-4421, or [email protected]. You can contact Jill Stout, our secretary/treasurer at (856) 358-1104 or [email protected]. MISSION MEETING Tuesday @ 7:30 pm in the manse CHOIR PRACTICE Wednesday @ 7:30 pm PASTORs BIBLE STUDY Thursday @ 9am in the manse
Junior and Senior High Youth Groups will meet tonight from 5 6 pm in the social hall. If you have any questions please contact Tom Neill (609-457-5954).
If one member rejoices or suffers, all members rejoice or suffer together! --1 Corinthians 12:26
Next Sunday, May 5th from 3-5 pm in the social hall Tickets are on sale for "Not Your Momma's Quilt Anymore". So grab your Mom, your Sister, your Daughter, your Aunt, your nice Lady Neighbor....And enjoy some fellowship while we learn about the art of quilting presented by Harriette Tuttle. Light food and beverages will be served before the festivities begin. Please see a member of the Congregational Life Committee for tickets ($5 each). (Janine Mueller, Judy Gardner, Verna Iredell, Geneva Hackett, Margie Hetzer, Faye Crispin, Amanda Sheehan, Diane Reichert) Camp Johnsonburg, New Jersey's only Presbyterian summer camp, is holding an open house on Saturday, May 4, from 10 am - 2 pm. Tour the site, meet some of the staff, and learn more about their fun and exciting weeklong programs for youth grades k-12. For more information, visit www.campjburg.org or call the camp at 908-852-2349. The next Ladies Luncheon will be held Monday, May 13th, 12 noon at the Golden Pigeon in Bridgeton. For more information or to RSVP please contact Judy Gardner at 856-358-7431. Pastors Bible Study - Acting Up! Thursday mornings 9-10am in the manse. We got a coffee cup just for you!
Prayer Requests: Debbie Covey (Oak Gandys daughter), Jack Barrett, Brenda (Hackett) Halls daughter, Jill (friend of Jane String), Tom Buckingham, David Sickler, Georgia Williams, Charlie Hitchner, Sara Williams (Lee Williams Jr.s wife), Thomas & Paula Hackett (Dick Hacketts brother and sister-in-law), Doris Miller, Stanley Prickitt, and Pete Schneider (friend of Diane Reichert).
Our deepest sympathies go out to the entire Jarman family on the recent death of Erma Jarman.
Please note: There is a notebook in the narthex to write down prayer requests. Rev. Tuttle will utilize this information during the time of our prayers. Please include the individuals name and address if possible. It is never too early to sign up for Vacation Bible School!! If you are willing and able to volunteer your time this year for VBS please use the sign up sheets in the narthex. There are also child registration forms available in the narthex. This summer VBS will be held from June 24th June 28th from 6:30 8:50 pm. Kids will be gearing up for the adventure of a lifetime on a Serengeti Trek where kids are wild about God! If you have any questions please see Melanie Richman.
The flowers this morning are presented in loving memory of Betty Coombs by the String family.
Thursday, May 2nd, is the observance of the National Day of Prayer. Americans are to unite and pray. This years breakfast will be hosted by the Catholic Community of the Holy Spirit, Woodstown Parish Center, 2 Lamplighter Lane in Woodstown. Master of Ceremony will be Rev. Dave Bailey from Ranch Hope and the guest speaker will be Rev. Jonathan Hoeldtke. The breakfast begins at 8 am and tickets are $12 each. If you are interested you can call Sharon at 856-935-1500. There will be a Healing Service and communion held next Sunday, May 5th. Anyone who is in need of physical, emotional or spiritual healing is invited to come forward for the laying on of hands by the elders and anointing with oil. This will be a great opportunity for folks to share testimonies about what God has done or is doing in their lives or in the lives of others that they know. Please welcome our newest church members; who have just completed confirmation class and shared their faith statements with the session: Victoria Lee Neill Gina Marie Neill Nathan Austin Gardner Krey Jared Gardner We will be offering a Sunday School class for children ages two to five during May. Anita Elwell has offered to be the teacher for the Doves class. Volunteers may be needed to help her. Please let Anita or Pastor Paul know if you will be bringing a child for that 11:15 to 12:10 class. If there is enough interest and help, the class will again be offered in September.
Meals on Wheels
Please keep this ministry in your prayers. Meals on Wheels is a ministry of Salem County that provides meals for those people in our community who would need a healthy, hot meal once or twice a day. The elderly, terminally ill or homebound are recipients of these blessings. We have had many people in our church over the years who were on delivery teams to take these meals into homes. It involves more than just dropping a meal off but often includes the building of personal relationships with the recipients. There are 12 assisted listening devices available for people to better hear the worship service. They are located in a basket in the narthex. CD copies of our worship service are also available every Sunday in the narthex. Local food banks such as Disciples Pantry in Woodstown and Peters Pantry in Elmer continue to be in need of items. This need will greatly increase in the summer when children are out of school and no longer have access to school lunches. Items in need include canned potatoes, instant potatoes, rice, cereal, canned meats, canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly (strawberry), spaghetti sauce, pasta, soup, tea, etc. Please leave your contribution in the box marked in the narthex and we will make sure it gets there. If you would like to make a monetary donation you can use the white envelopes in the pews. Thank you in advance!