Conformal Mapping
Conformal Mapping
Conformal Mapping
1 Introduction 2 Basic Properties of Conformal Mappings 3 Bilinear Transformations 3.1 The Implicit Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 5 6 12 15 19
In mathematics, a conformal map is a function which preserves angels. In the most common case the function is between domains in the complex plane. More formally, a map f : U V is called conformal (or angel preserving) at u0 if it preserves oriented angles between curves through u0 with respect to their orientation. In 1569, the Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator devised a cylindrical map projection that preserves angles. The Mercator projection is still used today for world maps. Another map projection known to the ancient Greeks is the stereographic projection and both examples are conformal. In Complex analysis a function preserves angles if and only if it is analytic or anti analytic. A signicant result, known as the Riemann mapping theorem, states that any simply connected domain can be mapped conformally onto the disk. Conformal mappings is very important in Complex Analysis, as well as in many areas of physics and engineering. In this project, I study about the some denitions and information about conformal mapping and i am going to explain with some examples.
Denition 2.1. The mapping f (z ) = f (x + iy ) = u(x, y ) + iv (x, y ) is called conformal if It is one to one. (Bijection) It and its inverse continuously dierentiable. Image of every smooth curve of G1 is a smooth curve of G2 . Angle between any two curves equals angle between their images. Theorem 2.1. Let f : A B be analytic and let f (zo ) = 0 for each z0 A. Then f is conformal. Proof. We let C1 and C2 be two smooth curves passing through z0 with tangents given by T1 and T2 , respectively. We let 1 and 2 denote the angles of inclination of T1 and T2 , respectively. The image curves K1 and K2
that pass through the point w0 = f (z0 ) have tangents denoted T1 and T2 ,
Then the angles of inclination 1 and 2 of T1 and T2 are related to 1 and
2 by equations 1 = + 1 and 2 = + 2 , where = Arg f (z0 ). Hence 2 1 = 2 1 . That is, the angle 2 1 from K1 to K2 is the same in magnitude and orientation as the angle 2 1 from C1 to C2 . Therefore, the mapping w = f (z ) is conformal at z0 . 2
Example 2.1. Show that the mapping w = f (z ) = cos z is conformal at the points z1 = i, z2 = 1, and z3 = + i, and determine the angle of rotation given by = Arg f (z ) at the given points. Solution. Because f (z ) = sin z , we conclude that the mapping w = cos z is conformal at all points except z = n , where n is an integer. Calculation reveals that f (i) = sin(i) = i sinh 1, f (1) = sin 1 sinh 1, and f ( + i) = sin( + i) = i sinh 1. Therefore, the angle of rotations are given by 1 = Arg f (i) = , 2 = Arg f (1) = , 3 = Arg f ( + 1) = . 2 2 Proposition 2.1. Let f : A B and g : B C be two conformal maps. Then f 1 and g f are conformal, too. Proof. Since f is bijective, the mapping f 1 exists. Then, f 1 is analytic with df 1 (w)/dw = 1/[df (z )/dz ] where w = f (z ). Thus df 1 (w)/dw = 0, so f 1 is conformal. Certainly g f is bijective and analytic, since f and g are. Then derivative of g f at z is g (f (z ))f (z ) = 0. Therefore g f is conformal. Theorem 2.2 (Riemann Mapping Theorem). Let A be a connected and simply connected region other than the whole complex plane. Then there exists a bijective conformal map f : A D where D = {z such that |z | < 1}. Furthermore, for any xed z0 A, we can nd and f such that f (z0 ) = 0 and f (z0 ) > 0. With such a specication, f is unique. Proof. (In this proof, we only show the uniqueness part) Suppose f and g are bijective conformal maps of A onto D with f (z0 ) = g (z0 ) = 0, f (z0 ) > 0, and g (z0 ) > 0. We want to show that f (z ) = g (z ) for all z in A. To do this, dene h on D by h(w) = g (f 1 (w)) for w D. Then h : D D and h(0) = g (f 1 (0)) = g (z0 ) = 0. By the Schwarz Lemma, |h(w)| |w| for all w D. Exactly the same argument to h1 = f g 1 , so that |h1 ( )| | | for all D. With = h(w), this gives |w| |h(w)|. Combining these 3
inequalities, we get |h(w)| = |w| for all w D. The Schwarz Lemma now tells us that h(w) = cw for a constant c with |c| = 1. Thus cw = g (f 1 (w)). With z = f 1 (w) we obtain cf (z ) = g (z ) for all z A. In particular, cf (z0 ) = g (z0 ). Since both f (z0 ) and g (z0 ) are positive real numbers, so is c. Thus, c = 1 and so f (z ) = g (z ), as desired. Example 2.2. Show that the mapping w = f (z ) = z 2 maps the unit square S = {x + iy : 0 < x < 1, 0 < y < 1} onto the region in the upper half-plane 1 1 Im(w) > 0, which lies under the parabolas u = 1 v 2 and u = 1 + v 2 . 4 4
Solution. z 2 = (rei )2 = r2 e2i doubles the angles and squares the norm. Let
3 1
: z = x + iy, 0 x 1, y = 0,
2 4
: z = x + iy, x = 1, 0 y 1, : z = x + iy, x = 0, 0 y 1.
: z = x + iy, 0 x 1, y = 1 and
and v 2
If z
then z = 1 + iy ,
v2 , 0v2 4
u=x 1=
v2 v v2 1= 1 = 1 + , 0 v 1 2 4 4
Note that, the angles at 1 and -1 are preserved but the angle at 0 is doubled. 4
Theorem 2.3. Let A be a bounded region with f : A C a bijective conformal map onto its image f (A). Suppose that f extends to be continuous on and that f maps the boundary of A onto a circle of radius R. Then f (A) A equals the inside of that circle. More generally, if B is a bounded region that, together with its boundary, can be mapped conformally onto the unit disk and its boundary and if f maps (A) onto (B ), then f (A) = B . Proof. By composing f with the conformal map h that takes B to the unit disk it is sucient to consider the special case in which B equals D = {z : |z | < 1}. On (A), |f (z )| = 1, so by the Maximum Modulus Theorem, |f (z )| 1 on A. Since f cannot be constant at no z A is the maximum |f (z )| = 1 reached. We assumed that f ( (A)) = (D), but this is also , continuity of f , and equal to (f (A)). To see this, use compactness of A D (D) = f (A) (f (A)) = that f (A) = D. . Thus our earlier argument applies to show
Bilinear Transformations
az + b cz + d
where a, b, c, d are xed complex numbers and ad bc = 0 because otherwise T would be a constant. T id also called a m obius transformation, or fractional linear transformation. Proposition 3.1. The map T dened in the preceding display is bijective and conformal from the set d a A = {z C : z = } onto B = {w|w = } c c The inverse of T is also a fractional linear transformation given by T 1 (w ) = dw + b cw a 5
Proof. Certainly T is analytic on A and S (w) = (dw + b)/(cw a) is analytic on B . The map T will be bijective if we can show that T S and S T are the identities since this means that T has S as its inverse. Indeed, this is seen in this computation. T (S (w)) =
dw+b a( )+b cwa dw+b c( )+d cwa adw + ab + bcw ab = cdw + bc + dcw da (bc ad)w =w = bc ad
1= so T (z ) = 0.
Theorem 3.1 (The Implicit Formula). There exist a unique bilinear transformation that maps three distinct points, z1 , z2 and z3 , onto three distinct points, w1 , w2 and w3 , respectively. An implicit formula for the mapping is given by z z1 z2 z3 w w1 w2 w3 = z z3 z2 z1 w w3 w2 w1 Proof. Now we will solve w in terms of z . The result is an expression for w that has the form of the rst formula of bilinear transformation, where the coecients a, b, c and d involve various combination of the values z1 , z2 , z3 , w1 , w2 and w3 . If we set z = z1 and w = w1 in the theorem, then both sides of the equation are zero, showing w1 is the image of z1 . If we set z = z2 6
and w = w2 in theorem, then both sides of the equation take on the value 1. Hence w2 is the image of z2 . Taking reciprocals we write the theorem in the form of, z z3 z2 z1 w w3 w2 w1 = z z1 z2 z3 w w1 w2 w3 If we set z = z3 and w = w3 in the equation above, then both sides of the equation are zero. Therefore w3 is the image of z3 , and we have shown that the transformation has the required properties. Corollary 3.1. (The implicit formula with a point at innity) In Implicit Theorem, the point at innity can be introduced as one of the prescribed points in either the z plane or the w plane. z2 z3 z2 = = 1 and substitute z z3 z this expression in to implicit theorem to obtain Case 1 If z3 = , then we can write z z1 w1 w2 w3 = z2 z1 w w3 w2 w1 Case 2 If w3 = , then we can write w2 w2 w3 = = 1 and substitute w w3 w this expression in to implicit theorem to obtain z 1 z2 z3 w w1 = z z3 z2 z1 w2 w1 Example 3.1. a) Find the image of the unit circle |z | = 1 by the following zv transformation w = u , u, v are complex numbers and |z | = 1 v z 1 b) Which bilinear transformation maps the unit circle |z | = 1 on the unit circle |w| = 1? What is the image of the unit disc |z | 1 by this transformation? Solution. a) Since ww = uu zz v z v z + vv vv z z v z v z +1 7 Proof.
for z z = 1 we have that ww = uu . Therefore the unit circle |z | = 1 is mapped on the circle |w| = |u|. b) Using a) we obtain that the bilinear transformation w=u zv v = 1, v z 1
The unit disc |z | 1, for |v | < 1, is mapped on the unit disc |w| 1, and for |v | > 1 on the region |w| 1. i(1 z ) maps the unit disk D : |z | < 1 1+z one to one and onto the upper half-plane Im(w) > 0. Example 3.2. Show that w = s(z ) = Solution. We rst consider the unit circle C : |z | = 1, which forms the boundary of the disk and nd its image in the w plane. If we write S (z ) = iz + i , then wee see that a = i, b = i, c = 1 and d = 1. Using the inverse z+1 transformation equation we nd that the inverse is given by z = s1 (w) = dw + b (1)w + i w + i = = cw a (1)w (i) w+i
If |z | = 1, then the equation on above implies that the images of points on w + i the unit circle satisfy | | = 1 which yields the equation w+i |w + i| = | w + i| Squaring both sides, we obtain u2 + (1 + v )2 = u2 + (1 v )2 , which can be simplied to yield v = 0, which is the equation of the u-axis in the w plane. The circle C divides the z plane in to two portions, and its image is the u axis, which divides the w plane into two portions. The image of the point z = 0 is w = S (0) = i, so we expect that the interior of the circle C is mapped onto the portion of the w plane that lies above the u axis. To show that this outcome is true, we let |z | < 1. Then the equation of inverse S is implies that the image values must satisfy the inequality | w + i| < |w + i|, 8
which we write as d1 = |w i| < |w (i)| = d2 . If we interpret d1 as the distance from w to i and d2 as the distance from w to i, then a geometric argument shows that the image point w must lie in the upper half-plane Im(w) > 0. As S (z ) is one to one and onto in the extended complex plane, it follows that S (z ) maps the disk onto the half plane. Example 3.3. Find the bilinear transformation w = S (z ) that maps the points z1 = 2, z2 = 1, z3 = 0 onto the points w1 = 1, w2 = 0, w3 = 1, respectively. Solution. We use the implicit formula, and write (z (2))((1 i) 0) (w (1))(0 1) = (z 0)((1 i) (2)) (w 1)(0 (1)) (z + 2(1 i) (w + 1)(1) = (z )(1 i + 2) (w 1)(1) z + 2 1 i 1+w = z 1i 1w 1 i 1 z+2 1+w Using the fact that = , we rewrite this equation as = . 1i i iz 1w We now expand the equation and obtain (1-i)z+2=w((1+i)z+2) which can be solved for w in terms of z , giving the desired solution
w = S (z ) =
(1 i)z + 2 (1 + i)z + 2
maps the disk D : |z + 1| < 1 onto the upper half plane Im(w) > 0 Solution. For simplicity, we choose the ordered triple z1 = 2, z2 = 1 i, z3 = 0, which gives the circle C : |z + 1| = 1 a positive orientation and the disk D a left orientation. From previous example image points are w1 = S (z1 ) = S (2) = 1 w2 = S (z2 ) = S (1 i) = 0 w3 = S (z3 ) = S (0) = 1 Because the ordered triple of points w1 = 1, w2 = 0, w3 = 1, lie on the u axis, it follows that the image of circle C is the u axis. The points w1 = 1, w2 = 0, w3 = 1 give the upper half plane G : Im(w) > 0 a left (1 i)z + 2 orientation. Therefore w = S (z ) = maps the disk D onto the (1 + i)z + 2 upper half plane G. To check our work, we choose a point z0 that lies in D and nd the half plane in which its image, w0 lies. The choice z0 = 1 yields w0 = S (z0 ) = i. Hence the upper half plane is correct image. Example 3.5. Find the bilinear transformation that maps the crescentshaped region that lies inside the disk |z 2| < 2 and outside the circle |z 1| = 1 onto a horizontal strip. Solution. For simplicity, we choose z1 = 4, z2 = 2 + 2i and z3 = 0 and the image values w1 = 0, w2 = 1 and w3 = , respectively. The ordered triple 10
z1 , z2 and z3 gives the circle |z 2| = 2 a positive orientation and the disk |z 2| < 2 has a left orientation. The image points w1 , w2 and w3 all lie on the extended u axis, and they determine a left orientation for the upper half plane Im(w) > 0. Therefore, we can use the case 2 from corollary to write z 4 2 + 2i 0 w0 = z 0 2 + 2i 4 10 which determines a mapping of the disk |z 2| < 2 onto the upper half plane Im(w) > 0. We simplify the preceding equation to obtain the desired solution w = S (z ) = iz + 4i z
A straightforward calculation shows that the points z4 = 1 i, z5 = 2, and z6 = 1 + i are mapped onto the points w4 = S (1 i) = 2 + i w5 = S (2) = i w6 = S (1 + i) = 2 + i The points w4 , w5 , w6 lie on the horizontal line Im(w) = 1 in the upper half plane. Therefore, the crescent shaped region is mapped onto the horizontal strip 0 < Im(w) < 1.
The function w = f (z ) = exp z is a one to one mapping of the fundamental period strip < y in the z plane onto the w plane with the point w = 0 deleted. Because f (z ) = 0, the mapping w =exp z is a conformal mapping at each point z in the complex plane. The family of horizontal lines y = c for < c and the segments x = a for < y from an orthogonal grid in the fundamental period strip. Their images under the mapping w = exp z are the rays > 0 and = c and the circles |w| = ea , respectively. The images from an orthogonal curvilinear grid in the w plane, as shown in the shape.
If < c < d , then the rectangle R = {x + iy : a < x < b, c < y < d} is mapped one to one and onto the region G = {ei : ea < < eb , c < < d}. The inverse mapping is the principal branch of the logarithm z = Log w.
Example 4.1. Show that the transformation ez i w = f (z ) = z e +i is a one to one conformal mapping of the horizontal strip 0 < y < onto the disk |w| < 1. Furthermore, the x axis is mapped onto the lower semicircle bounding the disk, and the line y = is mapped onto the upper semicircle. Solution. The function f is the composition of Z =exp z followed by w = Z i . The transformation Z =exp z maps the horizontal strip 0 < y < Z +i onto the upper half plane Im(Z ) > 0, the x axis is mapped on to the positive X axis and the line y = is mapped onto the negative X axis. Then the biZ i linear transformation w = maps the upper half plane Im(Z ) > 0 onto Z +i the disk |w| < 1, the positive X axis is mapped onto the lower semicircle, and the negative X axis onto the upper semicircle. We can see composite mapping in the shape.
1+z ) is a 1z one to one conformal mapping of the unit disk |z | < 1 onto the horizontal Example 4.2. Show that the transformation w = f (z ) = Log( 13
. Furthermore, the upper semicircle of the disk is mapped onto 2 the line v = and the lower semicircle onto v = . 2 2 Solution. The function w = f (z ) is the composition of the bilinear trans1+z followed by the logarithmic mapping w = Log z . The formation Z = 1z 1+z image of the disk |z | < 1 under the bilinear mapping Z = is the right 1z half plane Re(Z ) > 0, the upper semicircle is mapped onto the positive Y axis. strip |v | < The logarithmic function w = Log z then maps the right half plane onto the horizontal strip, the image of the positive Y axis is the line v = and the 2 image of the negative Y axis is the line v = . We can see composite 2 mapping in the shape.
1+z 2 ) is a one to 1z one conformal mapping of the portion of the disk |z | < 1 that lies in the upper Example 4.3. Show that the transformation w = f (z ) = ( half plane Im(z ) > 0 onto the upper half plane Im(w) > 0. Furthermore, show that the image of the semicircular portion of the boundary is mapped onto the negative uaxis, and the segment 1 < x < 1, y = 0 is mapped onto the positive uaxis. 14
Solution. The function w = f (z ) is the composition of the bilinear trans1+z followed by the mapping w = Z 2 . The image of the formation Z = 1z 1+z is the rst quadrant X > 0, half disk under the bilinear mapping Z = 1z Y > 0, the image of the segment y = 0, 1 < x < 1, is the positive X axis, and the image of the semicircle is the positive Y axis. The mapping w = Z 2 then maps the rst quadrant in the Z plane onto the upper half plane Im(w) > 0, as we can see in the gure. 1 Example 4.4. Consider the function w = f (z ) = (z 1) 2 , which is the 1 composition of the functions Z = z 2 1 and w = Z 2 , where the branch of 1 1 the square root is Z 2 = R 2 (cos + i sin ), where 0 < 2 . Show that 2 2 the transformation w = f (z ) maps the upper half plane Im(z ) > 0 one to
one and onto the upper half plane Im(w) > 0 slit along the segment u = 0, 0 < v 1. Solution. The function Z = z 2 1 maps the upper half plane Im(z ) > 0 one to one and onto the Z plane slit along the ray Y = 0, X 1. Then 1 the function w = Z 2 maps the slit plane onto the slit half plane, as shown in the gure.
The trigonometric functions can be expressed with compositions that involve the exponential function followed by a bilinear function. We can nd images of certain regions by following the shapes of successive images in the composite mapping. Example 5.1. Show that the transformation w = tan z is a one to one conformal mapping of the vertical strip |x| < onto the unit disk |w| < 1. 4 15
Figure 2: Example 4.4 Solution. Using equations sin z = we write w = tan z = 1 iz 1 (e eiz ) and cosz = (eiz + eiz ), 2i 2
one to one 4 and onto the right half plane Re(Z ) > 0. Then the bilinear transformation The function Z = exp (i2z ) maps the vertical strip |x| < 16
iZ + i maps the half plane one to one and onto the disk, as show in Z +1 the picture. w=
Example 5.2. Show that the transformation w = f (z ) = sin z is a one to onto the w plane slit one conformal mapping of the vertical strip |x| < 2 along the rays u 1, v = 0, and u 1, v = 0. Solution. Because f (z ) =cosz = 0 for values of z satisfying the inequality < Re(z ) < , it follows that e = sin z is a conformal mapping. 2 2 u + iv = sin z = sin x cosh y + i cos x sinh y If |a| < , then the image of the vertical line x = a is the curve in the w 2 plane given by the parametric equations u = sin a cosh y and v = cos a sinh y for < y < . Next, we rewrite these equations as u v cosh y = and sinh y = sin a cos a 17
We now eliminate y from these equations by squaring and using the hyperbolic identity cosh2 y sinh2 y = 1. The result is the single equation u2 v2 =1 sin2 a cos2 a u2 v2 The curve given by = 1 is identied as a hyperbola in the uw sin2 a cos2 a plane that has foci at the points (1, 0). Therefore, the vertical line x = a u2 v2 is mapped one to one onto the branch of the hyperbola =1 sin2 a cos2 a that passes through the points (sin a, 0). If 0 < a < , then it is the right 2 branch, if < a < 0, it is the left branch. The image of the y axis, which 2 is the line x = 0, is the v axis. The images of several vertical lines are shown < x < , y = b is the curve in the 2 2 w plane given by the parametric equations The image of the horizontal segment u = sin x cosh b and v = cos x sinh b < x < . We rewrite them as 2 2 v u and cos x = sin x = cosh b sinh b We now eliminate x from the equations by squaring and using the trigonofor metric identity sin2 x + cos2 x = 1. The result is the single equation u2 v2 + =1 cosh2 b sinh2 b u2 v2 The curve given by + = 1 is identied as an ellipse in the cosh2 b sinh2 b uw plane that passes through the points ( cosh b, 0) and (0, sinh b) and has foci at the points (1, 0). Therefore, if b > 0, then v = cos x sinh b > 0, and the image of the horizontal segment is the portion of the ellpse given by u2 v2 + = 1 that lies in the upper half plane im(w) > 0. If b < 0, cosh2 b sinh2 b then it is the portion that lies in the lower half plane. The images of several segments are show in the second part of the gure. 18 in the rst part of shape.
In this project, we have studied the bilinear transformations, mappings involving elementary functions, mapping by trigonometric functions. Before giving details of bilinear transformation, weve shown basic properties and dened conformal mapping theorem and riemann mapping theorem. Then, we have given the deniton of implicit formula. Then we have shown mappings involving elemantary functions and mappings of trigonometric functions with some examples. Moreover, we have shown on gures how functions are mapped.
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