CDRs Guidance (Vol C)
CDRs Guidance (Vol C)
CDRs Guidance (Vol C)
1. Guidance to staff. Develop a single course of action against the enemys most probable course of action, with a branch plan against the most dangerous course of action. Requires 1 x COA statement & 2 x sketches. 2. 3. Recommended Mission: approve / disapprove Commanders Intent.
Purpose: The purpose of this operation is to protect the northern flank of 3rd BCT/4ID (the DIV ME). This enables 4ID to protect the northern flank of 3ID (C) (the JTF ME) which ultimately enables the JTF to restore the IB. a. Key tasks (1) Establish ISR in depth of BCT zone (2) Guard BCT offensive preparations (3) Penetrate enemy disruption zone (4) Secure key passes (5) Defeat enemy between PL ALABAMA and PL TENNESSEE
b. End state: 111th BTG destroyed, 1 x TF guarding along PL VIRGINIA, and the BCT prepared to conduct offensive operations to the WEST against the remainder of the 11th DTG. 4. Concept of Operation a. Decisive Point: Penetration of Obstacles and defensive positions IVO Red Pass Ranch b. Risks to accept: None pending reserve decision c. Reserve: TBD based on recommendations from Wargaming
(1) Enemy COA to consider: The MPCOA & MDCOA. The central fact of the enemys decentralized area defense to deny is that he has dispersed his units in complex terrain and urban areas with extensive obstacle networks and meticulous camouflage to defeat our reconnaissance, air power, and standoff capabilities. (2) Enemys critical decision point is the commitment of his combined arms and anti-tank reserves at each echelon IOT prevent penetration of at least one Battalion. (3) HVTs: approve / disapprove (4) PIR: approved / disapprove
(5) Intelligence Focus: Initially focus on confirming the enemy courses of action through area reconnaissance. The next focus is on locating and targeting enemy reserves. b. Maneuver: (1) Penetrate Obstacles IVO Red Pass Ranch IOT pass at least one Battalion north and complete the defeat of the 111th BTG. Fix in the west. (2) Isolate RED PASS RANCH, EAST GATE TOWNSHIP, and TIEFORT CITY to enable ODA 592 to search for and seize WMD. (3) Secure LOC from asymmetric threat throughout zone (4) Task Organize the Brigade into one Tank TF (ME), one Mech TF, and one pure Armor Bn. (5) Continue to guard the BCT with the Tank TF c. Fire support (1) Neutralize disruption zone forces
Limit identified enemy battle positions Limit enemy reserves Counterfire to destroy IFC assets in zone with MLRS reinforcing fires Position assets forward to destroy HPTs during ISR operations Weight the ME with attack aviation assets
d. Mobility/Survivability (1) Priority of effort is M, CM, S. (2) En Bn to maintain one Co (-) as a Brigade Mobility reserve e. Air Defense (1) Priority of protection for ME (2) WCS remains yellow/tight Information Operations (1) Themes and messages IAW 4ID Annex O (2) IO Operations must support the BCTs operations in Urban areas Combat Service Support (1) Priority of Support to ME (2) Priority of Resupply to SE1
h. Command and Control (1) Establish redundant comms architecture throughout BCT zone (2) LOS analysis for only one jump of the TAC/TOC. (3) I will be with Main Effort. S3 will maneuver with the SE 1. 6. You will produce a 5 paragraph OPORD and we will conduct a Combined Arms Rehearsal.