Unit Plan #2: Red, White and You: Submitted By: Suzanne Garlick Partner: Melissa Waite

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Unit Plan #2: Red, White and You

Submitted By: Suzanne Garlick Partner: Melissa Waite

EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science Nevada State College Spring 2013 Instructor: Karen Powell

UNIT PLANNER#2: Red, Blue and You

Summary of Lesson Plan NV State Social Studies Objectives

Week 1 of 2

MONDAY week #1

This lesson will discuss the responsibilities that different individuals C13.3.3 Explain individual have within a school. It uses visual responsibilities in the classroom and representations and student the school. involvement to achieve this objective.

Magazines or clip art from computer Digital camera (optional)

TUESDAY week #1

This lesson will discuss people and laws that keep our neighborhoods safe and secure. This will be accomplished by inviting parents or neighbors to be guest speakers to discuss what they do in the community.

C13.3.1 Identify and discuss examples of rules, laws, and authorities that keep people safe and property secure.

Guest speakers

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

FRIDAY week #1

THURSDAY week #1


Karen Powell- Instructor

Making a Plan #2

Submitted By: Suzanne Garlick

UNIT PLANNER#2: Red, Blue and You

Summary of Lesson Plan MONDAY week #2 NV State Social Studies Objectives

Week 2 of 2

We will discuss the difference between a city, state and country. Identify Las Vegas, Nevada and the United States on a map. Color a map identifying the city, state and country in which we live.

C16.3.1 Identify their city, state, and country.

Map of Las Vegas, Nevada and United States 25 copies of Map worksheet

TUESDAY week #2

Students will name who the President of the United States is and discuss some of his responsibilities. The students will write a thank you letter to the President for all that he does for our country.

C14.3.1 Name the current President of the United States.

Picture of the current President Envelopes Stamps


The students will name the current Mayor of Las Vegas in a matching game. They will create a campaign poster that will express what some good qualities are to have in a leader.

C14.3.2 Name the current mayor of the town. C15.3.1 List the qualities of a leader.

Matching game of Las Vegas leaders

THURSDAY week #2

We will discuss why people form groups. We will form different groups to understand this concept. We will learn different sources of information people use to form an opinion.

C15.3.2 Discuss why people form groups. C15.3.3 Introduce sources of information people use to form an opinion.

White board and markers Social Studies Journal

Students will be tested on Civics Social Studies Unit.

C13.3.1 Identify and discuss examples of rules, laws, and authorities that keep people safe and property secure. C13.3.2 Discuss that democracy involves voting, majority rule, and setting rules. C13.3.3 Explain individual responsibilities in the classroom and the school. C13.3.4 Recognize the Pledge of Allegiance and discuss its purpose. C13.3.5 Explain why we have patriotic activities, holidays, and symbols. C14.3.1 Name the current President of the United States. C14.3.2 Name the current mayor of the town. C15.3.1 List the qualities of a leader. C15.3.2 Discuss why people form groups. C15.3.3 Introduce sources of information people use to form an opinion. C16.3.1 Identify their city, state, and country.

FRIDAY week #2

25 copies of Civics Social Studies Unit test

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

Making a Plan #2

Submitted By: Suzanne Garlick

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