SLC Migration To CompactLogix

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SLC Migration to CompactLogix

Copyright 2011 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. RASB-SP072A-EN-E

1. The Solution 2. Product Lifecycle 3. Migration Tools Detail 4. Summary 5. For More Information

Copyright 2011 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.

Supporting our Customers SLC Investment

PanelView Standard
Serial SLC 5/03

PanelView Plus CompactLogix EtherNet/IP

PanelView Plus Ethernet SLC 5/05


Small networked migration using an Ethernet adaptor

PV + SLC 5/05

Information PanelView Std

Serial SLC 5/04 SLC 5/05 SLC 5/05 Ethernet SLC 5/05


Serial SLC 5/04 PV Std


Serial PV Std

SLC 5/04

SLC 5/04

PV Std

Serial PV Std PV Std

Serial PV Std



PV +

1747-AENTR Information Ethernet




PV +

PV +

PV +

Understanding the Product Lifecycle

Active (extending this phase is our primary goal!)

Current, in-stock product Full support (consulting, repair, training, transactional, and contract services)

Low inventory, support through forecasted date Well-defined migration path with incentives

No new product; repair services available

Product and repair services unavailable

Rockwell Automation has distinguished itself among suppliers by shipping many solutions for more than 30 years and supporting products for as long as 7 years after their discontinuation.

Silver Series Program

Communication plan that helps customers navigate through the transition phase of the product lifecycle Typically a 24 month* timeframe during which customers can still order new products before they become discontinued Silver Date is the forecasted date Rockwell Automation will not accept orders for new product shipments After a products Silver Date, it officially enters the Discontinued phase. Search the Silver Series Website to review Silver Dates for products in the program

* See notes for additional information

Enabling Migration Tools

CompactLogix 5370 Programmable Automation Controllers (PACs) 1747-AENTR Ethernet adaptor Installed Base Evaluation with Lifecycle Reporting Integrated Architecture Builder ProposalWorks Logic Code Conversion Services and Utilities HMI Application Conversion Services and Utilities Bundled solutions including CompactLogix 5370 PACs and 1747-AENTR
CompactLogix 5370 PACs


Migration Tools: CompactLogix 5370 Controllers

Key features and benefits include:
Improved Performance 2- 2.5x over current platform < 1ms Screw to Screw throughput >25% improvements in network performance Embedded Dual port EtherNet/IP with Device Level Ring function Built-in USB port for quick connection to RSLogix5000 Battery-less operations CIP Sync Support(IEEE1588) in all catalogs SD card for program backup and data storage CIP Motion support (up to 16 axis) in selected catalogs with Kinematics functions

CompactLogix 5370 L3

CompactLogix 5370 L1
CompactLogix 5370 L2

Migration Tools: SLC 500 Ethernet/IP Adaptor (1747-AENTR)

The SLC Ethernet Adaptor (1747-AENTR) allows SLC I/O racks to be controlled by any Logix Programmable Automation Controller (PAC): Must be located in the first slot (slot 0) of an SLC rack
Replaces SLC controller in local rack Replaces the existing RIO adaptor (1747-ASB) in remote racks Replaces ControlNet adaptor (1747-ACN15, 1747-ACNR15) in remote racks

Supports SLC 500 extended rack

Performance depends on module configuration

Requires RSLogix 5000 v20 or greater

Utilizes electronic data sheet add on profile capability in v20

Supports various network topologies

Device Level Ring (DLR) Star Linear

StepForward incentives available for migrating to AENTR

Migration Tools: Installed Base Evaluation

Document the current system and Define the Final System Architecture
Determine scope of project Identify reliability and longevity issues Identify technical issues before they become major concerns Perform an Installed Base Evaluation with Lifecycle Reporting:
Lifecycle Site Report Lifecycle Location/Line Report Lifecycle Machine Report Lifecycle Panel Report Plant Bill of Materials Product by Location Inventory Analysis

Red-Yellow-Green lifecycle coding identifies production status associated service risk

Documenting the Existing System and Defining the Final System Creates a Migration Roadmap.

Migration Tools: Integrated Architecture Builder (IAB)

IAB includes a Migration Wizard specifically created for SLC to Logix (CompactLogix or ControlLogix) migrations
Minimize cost and risk to convert SLC systems to Logix systems Enter current SLC BOM into IAB and select a conversion option to quickly convert the BOM to an equivalent Logix system IAB will automatically select system components, size power supplies, etc. Convert system in 30 minutes or less with minimal training Helps you determine any critical application considerations



Migration Tools: Logic Code Translation Tool in RSLogix 5000

Wizard-style step-by-step dialogs guide the user through the translation process

Updated and updateable controller list


Supporting our Customers SLC Investment

PanelView Standard
Serial SLC 5/03

PanelView Plus CompactLogix EtherNet/IP

PanelView Plus Ethernet SLC 5/05


For More Information

Visit the Literature Library:
Rockwell Automation Migration Solutions Brochure MIGRAT-BR002A-EN-P SLC > CompactLogix Migration Solution Profile MIGRAT-PP004

Visit the E-tools Website:

Install Integrated Architecture Builder Install ProposalWorks

Visit the Silver Series Website Visit the Migration Solutions Website Visit the IA Tools Website See the solution at Rockwell Automation on the Move events


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