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No: SNEA(I)/CHQ/CMD/2012-13/16 To Shri R. K. Upadhyay, CMD, BSNL, New Delhi.

Dated 22.04.2013.

Sub:- Executives of all sections greatly agitated over abnormal delay in resolution of long pending, just and legitimate issues---urgent action needed to maintain bare minimum motivation---- situation very serious---- immediate personal intervention solicited. Respected sir, Last few years, Associations representing the Executives in BSNL repeatedly demanding the resolution of some of the important issues related to career growth, pay revision and issues related to EPP. Eventhough some efforts are made to settle the issues, none of the issues resolved even after years of persuation. Issues related to pay revision or EPP are pending since 2007. On some issues, some committees formed, but it seems that in BSNL committees are formed to delay the resolution of the issues and finally derail the justified demands. The pay anomaly committee and committee on antedating are the classical examples of how justified issues have been buried. Normally Committees are formed to have a holistic view on the issues after detailed discussion with all the stakeholders, but to our surprise, what we are witnessing is that some committees have concluded the issues raised by Associations without discussing or taking inputs from the concerned Associations. On this background of large scale resentment among all the sections of Executives, the following issues are identified which requires urgent resolution in a time bound manner to keep the morale of the Executives and requested your personal intervention. The important issues which require expeditious resolution and urgent action are listed below: 1. Implementation of standard pay scales of E2, E3 for JTO/JAO, SDE/AO and equivalent cadres instead of intermediate pay scale of E1A and E2A as per Govt directions and repeated reminders from DPE: The 2nd pay revision implemented in BSNL for all the cadres except JTO/JAO, SDE/AO and equivalent cadres w.e.f 01.01.2007. In the case of JTO/JAO, SDE/AO and equivalent cadres, intermediate pay scale of E1A and E2A are recommended by BSNL Board instead of standard pay scales of E2 and E3, contrary to the directions of DPE and Govt. of India. Govt while approving the 2nd PRC recommendations directed all the Administrative ministries and CPSEs to implement only standard pay scales and no intermediate pay scales. DPE repeatedly reminded the CPSEs to follow this directive of Govt. in letter and spirit. Instead of introducing

standard pay scales, BSNL recommended intermediate pay scale of E1A and E2A which have been rejected by DOT time and again. All other PSUs BHEL, NTPC and ONGC having intermediate pay scales earlier like BSNL, switched over to next higher standard pay scales based on the directions of DPE/Govt of India on implementation of 2 nd PRC report. As per the demand of United Forum, BSNL constituted a joint committee in February, 2012 to examine the issue of introducing standard scales of E2 and E3 and come out with appropriate recommendations within a time frame of 6 months. It is unfortunate to mention that even after 14 months, the committee didnt meet even once to discuss the issue. Non finalization of the pay scales of JTO/JAO, SDE/AO and equivalent cadres for the last 6 years resulted in a) demoralization of the entire 6000 JTO/JAOs recruited after 01.01.2007 at the beginning of their career and b) affecting time bound promotions from JTO/JAO grade to the higher grades and fixation of the pay for about 12000 Executives. 2. Implementation of CPSU Cadre hierarchy or Time Bound Functional promotions with change of designation: In all the CPSUs, promotions upto a certain level are on time bound basis and thereafter based on the availability of posts. In BSNL also time bound functional promotions upto SGJAG is contained in the terms and conditions of absorption . However, BSNL, instead of switching over to this mechanism, continued with obsolete two tier DOT legacy system of promotions. This obsolete system of dual promotions led to undue and abnormal delay to the extent of 12 to 15 years in getting promotions and caused large scale resentment, leading to endless litigations and stalling of promotions in almost all the cadres for years together. BSNL finally constituted a joint committee in February, 2012 to give appropriate recommendations for smooth implementation of this progressive mechanism of CPSU cadre hierarchy in BSNL. CPSU Cadre hierarchy in very simple terms means replacing the existing complex two tier system of promotions in BSNL by single time bound functional promotion accompanied by change of designation. This progressive and innovative HR reform with huge long term positive implications for the performers and the Company is unfortunately not being received in positive and optimistic context by the members of the Committee. Sooner it is done, better it will be in the interest of the organization. This mechanism links promotions closely to performance, not simple seniority. Even after 14 months, the committee met just four times . Serious, objective and meaningful discussions never took place to work out suitable mechanism for implementing this concept of delinking promotions from seniority and linking these to performance. Frequent meetings and deliberations facilitating to reach a conclusion in a time bound manner is very much required and the progress may be monitored by the Mgt. 3. Filling up all vacant DGM, DE, SDE posts till implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy /Time Bound Functional promotion: More than 9,500 SDE posts and 2,700 STS level posts are lying vacant. This means more than 60% of STS posts and more than 1/3 rd of SDE posts are vacant as on today when thousands of SDEs promoted since 1994 and JTOs recruited from 1995 year are waiting for their promotion in seniority as well as LDCE quota. In addition to this 1,100 DGM posts are also vacant which are occupied by outsiders from DOT. The promotion of the eligible officers whose seniority is not at all disputed is also not getting implemented irrespective of repeated requests. In other cadres also good numbers of posts are lying vacant. Undue delay in promotions and the consequent wide spread frustration among the Executives is the major reason for large number of litigations. The stagnation in JTO and SDE cadre has reached 15 to 17 years.


Centralised payment of EPF for all the BSNL directly recruited Employees:

Due to the non-resolution of this issue, EPF A/C of thousands of Executives especially those who are transferred from one station to another station are not maintained properly and even the updated balance sheets are not provided to them. Centralized EPF payment is the only solution for this. Some Circles like Maharashtra already started payment centrally in the Circle for all the BSNL recruited employees. Centralized payment of EPF contribution will settle almost all the issues related to EPF contribution. 5. Settlement of pay anomaly cases due to implementation of EPP where seniors are getting less pay than the Juniors: Issues related to EPP and pay anomaly are cropped up as a result of issuing clarifications after clarifications contradicting the essence of EPP provisions and the relevant rules in force. The committee constituted for the same never had a discussion with the Associations and simply brushed aside the issue taking shelter on the clarifications in contrary to the essence of the EPP. In the case of Non executives, the anomaly settled as per the judgment of Hon Supreme Court which held that this is also an anomaly. In the case of Executives, Hon Ernakulam CAT and High Court held that the pay anomaly on EPP has to be settled treating it as an anomaly. Ignoring this judgment and the fact that it is already implemented for the Non executives, the committee made recommendations. 6) Antedating issue on pay revision (Anomaly due to accrual of increment of Junior earlier than the senior after fixation of pay) on implementation of 2 nd PRC: On Antedating, several representations with details have been submitted by the Associations. This issue is developed on implementation of 2 nd PRC as uniform date of increment is not implemented in BSNL as in Central Govt or some other PSUs. To overcome this anomaly, BSNL issued orders on 23.09.2009 for Antedating of the increment of the Senior to that of the Junior. Due to reasons best known to the concerned officers, BSNL issued another order on 14.06.2010 nullifying the earlier order dated 23.09.2009 which created this anomaly. This anomaly occurred in the case of Central Govt employees are addressed by antedating their increment. We are also requesting the same in the case of BSNL employees. In view of the above, it is requested that the above mentioned issues, some of them are pending since the introduction of EPP and pay revision may be addressed on top most priority to contain the resentment of the Executives and to keep their morale high. Your personal intervention is solicited for the same . With regards,

(K. Sebastin) Copy to: 1. Shri. A. N. Rai, DIR(HR), BSNL for information and necessary action please. 2. Shri. K C G K Pillai, DIR(Fin), BSNL for information and necessary action please. 3. Shri. A K Jain, Sr GM(Pers)/ Shri. R. K. Goyal, GM(Estt)/ Shri. Neeraj Verma, GM(SR)/ Smt Madhu Arora, GM (Restg), BSNLCO for information and necessary action please.

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