Scorpio Races by Maggie Stievafler: Reading Response 3

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Ness T 9B March 24


Minor Characters

Minor Characters are characters in which plays an insignificant and non-prominent role in the story. They would usually have a relationship with the other characters but the story does not evolve them as their perspective and thoughts are rarely portrayed directly. An example of a minor character in the story is Gabriel Connolly, or known as Gabe, Pucks sister. He is important to the story as he is the only source of income the family but when he decides to leave, Puck and Finn are in danger as there will be no more money for food and the house. This led a series of event in which Puck chooses to participate in the races. Gabe is depicted by indirect characterization in Pucks perspective. Pucks point of view on Gabe is indicated through her thoughts and feelings of betrayal and sadness after Gabriels actions of leaving town. Such as when Puck contemplates, Gabe will have no reason to stay, at all, and no matter how angry I am at him. (203) and It makes me feel strange and sad, like weve been replaced with another family. (268). Pucks personal thoughts reveal Gabriels characteristics and action of leaving the town through her perspective. Even though Puck loves Gabriel, she portrayed her brother as a villain in the family towards the reader. This is because Gabriel is indicated by Pucks thoughts to be the main reason she has to adjust to a new lifestyle and participate in the races for the prize money. Therefore, the reader would react to have negative feelings for Gabriel. Personally, Puc ks thought on Gabriel has influenced me into thinking that he destroyed the family and is close-minded. Therefore I believe that feelings of the reader on the minor characters are influenced by the way the character is portrayed by the main character since it is the only way we connect with them.

EXTRA: Another example of an important minor character is Corr. Although he is not able to speak and his feelings are not directly visible, it is clear to the reader that he holds significance in the story. Seen by when Sean says, "the sky and the sand and the sea and Corr.' (257) . In addition, Puck says to Sean, You love them dont you? You love Corr., (258). These quotes show that Corr and Sean have a strong connection as Corr is portrayed through indirect characterization by the protagonists manner of action, thought and dialouge. Furthermore, it is clearly depicted in the cliffhanger when Sean describes after he released Corr back into the ocean, but he (Corr) returns to me. (482). This allows the reader one last chance to see the significant relationship between Corr and Sean. Corr is represented as Seans treasure, developing this reader this sense of positive feeling towards Corr. Basically, through Seans motives of participation in the race, determination to win the race and Corr and also Pucks reactions and thoughts, it has influenced the reader into loving Corr.

Ness T 9B March 24
The Details I think that the most important prop in the book are the November Cakes. November Cakes are a festive in Thisby during November when the Scorpio Races take place. The villagers would bake these cakes and sell them in different events such as the Riders Carnvinal for tourists and others. November Cakes are frequently mentioned in the book. I believe this shows an importance in the storyline as it sets the reader in the mood of the races and it symbolizes the month of Novembers importance in Thisby. As Puck describes the memorable moment of eating it, Finn finds my left hand, opens my fingers, and puts a November cake in my palm. It oozes honey and butter, rivulets of the creamy frosting joining the honey in the pit of my hand. It begs to be licked. (184). This quote portrays a sense of significance to the reader as it is visualizes Pucks value to the expensive festivity especially due to her financial status. Furthermore, when Puck describes the scenery she depicts, everywhere there were costumes and the Scorpio drummers and the wail of the singers. Mom brought us bells and ribbons and November Cakes. In which shows that this object helps develop the scenery and surrounding area of the setting during November and the preparation of the races in her perspective. In conclusion, November Cakes and the protagonist, Puck, have a connection as she often describes and develops the setting through November Cakes, depicts its use in festivals and high value through her point of view.

The setting is fundamental in the story because it is where various situations and conflicts take place, which develops the storyline. The most important place in Scorpio Races is the beach. The beach is the setting in which numerous conflicts and situations take place. For instance, the Scorpio race is organized on the beach. Some other circumstances that take place on the beach include the riders training, fairs and catching the capall uisce. As described by Sean, I live and breathe the beach.(2) and said "'The sky and the sand and the sea and Corr.' (257). In which shows the importance of the beach to the main character. The connection between the protagonists and the beach is that Sean and Puck both prepare practice and anticipate for the races on the beach. The main characters have a beautiful yet dangerous relationship with the beach, as it can be peaceful and called home but then it can turn into a war zone with their horses.

Ness T 9B March 24
The author and the ending: Due to the authors strong passion on horses since a young girl, she has developed a fiction story filled with imagination and fabrications of horses into killer capall uisce horses. In order to write this book, Stiefvater would have to identify information on the supernatural horses, its mystic abilities and capability of killing any living object. Furthermore, a deep understanding on the cappal uisces numerous characteristics would be needed to be created such as the transformation, reaction with water, its environment on land and the ocean and its appearance. Furthermore, Stiefvater would have to be aware on the theme of the horses and the riders participating the race, the process, and preparation of the race and how Thisby is affected by it. In addition to this, information and details must be known of Thisby such as the time, places, environment, population, and economy. The authors vivid imaginations and creations of the capall uisce have allowed the story line to progress. This is because without the imagination of the horses, the storyline would have not occurred, as the race is the main intention of the book. In addition, the capall uisces dangerous characteristics of being a water and land horse are capable of killing anything. The capall uisce killed Pucks parents and Seans Dad, leaving the 2 protagonists to struggle for survival, in which is the reason for Puck and Sean to participate in the race.

I do not think that the author is sending a direct message, but more of expressing her passion and thoughts on horses to the reader to understand and possibly relate to the topic of horses. But, several themes are communicated such as finding identity through harsh times and courage and perseverance is vital to succeed. The cliffhanger in the novel clearly made other readers and I question on Sean, Puck and Corrs future and helped develop the theme. I did not expect such a sudden cliffhanger as I thought since Scorpio Races is a book for young adults; there would have been a happy ending. For instance I thought the ending would conclude with both Puck and Sean drawing in the race, leading them to live with Corr and Dove in a big house together. The ending in the book taught me that life is not fair; everyone will go through unexpected conflicts and will rarely go smoothly. Thus, also advances the communication of the various themes. I think that the readers expectations are somewhat important in the readers perception and thought about the book. Personally, with the authors good reputation of the book, I aimed high that the book would be amazing. But instead, of the book felt flat and boring for me. Therefore, I believe that with high or low expectations from the reader, the thoughts on the book will vary of how the reader would expect from the authors book.

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