RN Design and Optimisation
RN Design and Optimisation
RN Design and Optimisation
Table of content
Table of content..........................................................................................2 1 General....................................................................................................3 2 Proposed services for the Optimization of new 2G/3G sites....................3
2.1 Network Optimization (new 2G/3G sites)..............................................................................3 2.1.1 Scope of the Network Optimization...................................................................................3 2.1.2 Inputs................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1.3 Deliverables....................................................................................................................... 5
4 Tools.........................................................................................................7
4.1 Drive test tools...................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Drive test analysis tools........................................................................................................7 4.3 Network Configuration tools.................................................................................................7 4.4 Network Statistics................................................................................................................. 7 4.5 Others.................................................................................................................................. 7
5 KPI Definition...........................................................................................8
5.1 GERAN/UTRAN Coverage KPIs..........................................................................................8 5.2 In call KPIs, UTRAN............................................................................................................. 8
6 Optimization Process.............................................................................10
6.1 Cluster identification........................................................................................................... 10 6.2 Optimization schedule definition.........................................................................................11 6.3 Drive test route definition....................................................................................................11 6.3.1 Baseline drive..................................................................................................................11 6.3.2 Cluster preparation..........................................................................................................11 6.4 Optimization drive test........................................................................................................12 6.5 Drive test analysis.............................................................................................................. 12 6.6 Change implementation......................................................................................................12 6.7 Report preparation............................................................................................................. 13
1 General
With its Radio Network Design and Optimization services, Nokia Siemens Networks offers a flexible approach to get the maximum performances out of the swap of existing radio access network, as well as integration of new network elements while maintaining or improving the network quality. This document aims to describe the technical aspects and main process milestones of the Optimization service offered by Nokia Siemens Networks as well as project prerequisites, deliverables and share of responsibilities (SoR). Detailed processes of each step for the Optimization of new 2G/3G sites will be worked out later together with France Telecom, based on the agreed scope of work.
The scope does not include the following activities: Background noise analysis => no external interferences in the area
model tuning => Propagation model is existing Optimization and troubleshooting the transmission network and the core network of France Telecom If pure 2G or 3G optimization service, then the optimization of the existing GSM or UMTS network beyond the ISHO neighbor relationships and parameters related to ISHO functionality Specific workshop on RF optimisation Digital map for planning tools given by Operator Scan Map for Map Info or ArcView tools given by operator Sim card correctly configured for Drive Tests given by operator Indoor coverage and Pico /micro cell out of the scope Remoote OMC-R Access available / modification and KPIs KPIs collection / tools already in place (Operator tool like Osiris or Reporting suite for instance) Site acceptance tests Individual or low number (<10 homogeneous adjacent sites ) sites in densification is out of scope Post processing Tools are not part of this scope Tilt / X feeder correction out of scope. Acquisition support and Technical site survey Nominal design, neither detailed design Mobile Core Network design & parameter adjustment Line of sight survey IP backbone design MW and Leased Line Network Design End user quality of service optimization (and data chain optimization) Voice quality (MOS measurement) Training and competence transfer Transmission parameter optimization in case IP backhauling is used An agreement on: o A detailed understanding of the share of responsibilities o A set of KPIs / counters that will be used for the performance evaluation A defined number of KPIs / counters per technology (2G and 3G has to be agreed with France Telecom. Nokia Siemens Networks propose to limit this list to 10 Kpis per technology). General project data Integration data from planning tool or other sources, e.g. scrambling codes, neighbor relations, etc. Optional features used like EDGE, HSxPA, etc. Planned rollout network configuration requirements, software and hardware Configuration data acquired from the network elements Existing configuration data, software and hardware Traffic assumption from the operator
2.1.2 Inputs
2.1.3 Deliverables
As the result of the project, Nokia Siemens Networks will deliver a radio access network that is optimized to the highest possible quality and ready to carry live traffic in the network of France Telecom. Documentation and reports delivered during the project: Regular progress reports will be provided by the project manager Cluster analysis report o Performance Indicators before and after the optimization o List of implemented changes o List of recommendation to be implemented by the Operator (tilts for instance)
France Telecom
France Telecom CT CT Project Manager NSN NSN engineers for OPT NSN engineers for Optimization
Project Manager FT
FT engineers
Implementation team
Nokia Siemens Networks engineers will work in close cooperation with France Telecom engineers. Additionally if the scope of the Optimization Project is further extended Rollout Projects, a common setup will be proposed, where Nokia Siemens Networks engineers for Rollout and Optimization activities will be reorganized under the same Project Organization. In this case a revision of the offer will be made in order to optimize both headcount and financial budget.
4 Tools
The tools described in the following chapters are proposed by Nokia Siemens Networks for the optimization project. Other tools can also be used depending on the requirements of France Telecom.
Drive test equipment is mounted and operated on the same and agreed way through the whole project to give possibility for benchmarking. Pricing for the drive test resources include the aforementioned drive test equipment.
4.5 Others
MapInfo tool for visualizing drive routes and geographical data could be provided by Nokia Siemens Networks on demand. Additionally, other services proposals, which are out of the scope of this optimization service, could be provided to France Telecom for specific optimization services, which includes the use of tools other tools like NetAct Optimizer.
Radio network planning tool and access to this tool is provided by France Telecom. Map data in electronic format is provided by France Telecom. All site database information should be provided to Nokia Siemens Networks and be up to date.
5 KPI Definition
During the drive test analysis the following KPIs will be measured:
KPI measured through mobile originated calls which are terminated on a test number. The call length is 120s.
CSSR [%] =100 Number of successful call attempts Number of call attempts
KPI measured through mobile originated calls which are terminated on a test number. The call length is 120s.
DCR [%] =100 Number of dropped calls Number of successful call attempts
Dropped call: Call is terminated (cause: normal) at the end of the test call.
o Call setup Time
Call setup time is measured using the successful calls. Call setup time is the time measured between the initial Connection request (Or the call attempt time recorded by the measurement system) and the Connect Acknowledge message.
6 Optimization Process
In this chapter the high level process and main assumptions for the Optimization are described. The time and financial budget of the project was determined based on these factors. Nokia Siemens Networks proposes to use cluster based optimization in all areas were new 2G/3G sites are rollout. Cluster based optimization would enable small optimization areas where drive test routes cover the sensitive areas affected by the new site(s), it would enable quick drive test turnaround times and faster optimization cycles. The optimization contains the following main steps:
Change implementation
Optimization cycle
The cluster schedule is prepared and maintained by the project manager nominated by Nokia Siemens Networks. The project manager will keep this schedule update during the entire project and will use the schedule for reporting and project tracking purposes.
These include: Alarm verification and Counter/KPI verification ensures that all sites in the cluster will function as expected, Neighbor verification includes manual (visual) check of the neighbor relationships for the new sites, it includes automatic neighbor consistency checks, Parameter consistency check if needed,
Responsible France Telecom France Telecom France Telecom France Telecom France Telecom v v France Telecom v v v v v France Telecom France Telecom France Telecom France Telecom France Telecom France Telecom France Telecom France Telecom