2.2.2 - SIS - Design, Analysis, and Justification (EC50E - Online Version) - ISA

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Safety Instrumented Systems: Design, Analysis, and Justification (EC50E - Online Version) | ISA

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Safety Instrumented Systems: Design, Analysis, and Justification (EC50E - Online Version)
Click here to view list of course offerings or register. Length: 8 weeks CEU Credits: 3.5 Course Hours: Online Course - Refer to Syllabus Certificate Program: $1,930 ISA Member; $2,150 Affiliate Member; $2,370 Community Member/List This course is required for the ISA84 SIS Fundamentals Specialist Certificate Program

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ISAs CyberU online instructor-led training course offers the benefit of a high quality ISA training course with the added advantage of studying at your own pace in the office, at home or while traveling. This online course utilizes online training modules, additional text materials, online evaluations, and email discussions. Students will have access via email to an instructor and have an opportunity to participate in live Q&A sessions with the instructor and other class participants. The course focuses on the engineering requirements for the specification, design, analysis, and justification of safety instrumented systems for the process industries. Students will learn how to determine safety integrity levels and evaluate whether proposed or existing systems meet the performance requirements. This CyberU course runs for seven (7) weeks. You will have access to seven online modules for a web/audio session. Each module takes approximately 60 minutes. Your course syllabus will guide you through the course modules, provide assignments, and the schedule for live Q & A sessions.

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You will be able to:

Differentiate between process control and safety control Implement the ISA84 standard Evaluate process risk levels Calculate Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) using a variety of techniques Analyze the performance of different logic system technologies Analyze the performance of various sensor, logic, and final element configurations, as well as the impact of diagnostics, test intervals, common cause, system size, and more Calculate optimum system test intervals Specify and select safety instrumented systems Apply the documentation requirements for process safety management, regulations, and industry standards GO

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You will cover:

Each course module has been pre-recorded by your instructor, so that you can access on your schedule. Each module is a web/audio session that takes approximately 60 minutes. Module 1/Week 1: Introduction and Background Covers high profile process industry accidents, the legislation that resulted and various lessons learned

Module 2/Week 2: Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and SIL Determination Covers concepts and benefit of independent safety layers, hazard identification, risk assessment and safety integrity levels (SIL) www.isa.org/Template.cfm?Section=Find_Training&Template=/contentManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=69712



Safety Instrumented Systems: Design, Analysis, and Justification (EC50E - Online Version) | ISA

integrity levels (SIL) Module 3/Week 3: Layer of Protection Analysis LOPA Follow Us Covers the semi-quantitative method of determining safety integrity levels called LOPA Module 4/Week 4: Reliability and Modeling Issues Covers reliability issues and helps make sense of the minimum hardware fault tolerance requirement tables in the standard Module 5/Week 5: Logic System Technologies Covers the safety requirements specification (SRS) and the pros and cons of pneumatic, relay and microprocessor logic systems Module 6/Week 6: Field Devices and Their Impact Covers field devices, their impact and the differences between using certified vs. proven-in-use devices. Module 7/Week 7: Installation and Beyond Covers factory acceptance testing, installation, commission, validation, operations, maintenance, testing, bypassing and management of change

Course materials:
Course materials will be provided to all course registrants prior to the course start date. Course noteset with slides from course modules and course syllabus Textbook: Safety Instrumented Systems: Design, Analysis and Justification, 2nd Edition, by Paul Gruhn & Harry Cheddie ANSI/ISA-84.91.01-2012: Identification and Mechanical Integrity of Safety Controls, Alarms, and Interlocks in the Process Industry ANSI/ISA84.00.01-2004, Part 1: Framework, Definitions, System Hardware and Software Requirements ANSI/ISA84.00.01-2004, Part 2: Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector ANSI/ISA84.00.01-2004, Part 3: Guidance for the Determination of the Required Safety Integrity Levels Informative

Features of ISA CyberU online course:

Online Pre-recorded Course Modules
Your instructor has pre-recorded each course module so that you can access the course presentations on your schedule. Each module is a web/audio session that takes approximately 60 minutes.

Ask the Expert

Interact with your expert instructor, via email throughout the course and through scheduled live Q& A sessions. You can expect a reply to your email within 24 hours. This email address is active during the entire course duration. The Q&A sessions provide an opportunity for you and your classmates to speak one-on-one with the instructor. You will have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the course material and interact with your fellow classmates.

Class Discussions
You will be invited to subscribe to a course listserve that includes course participants. You can use this listserve to post questions and share experience relevant to the course with other class members.

Course Assignments and Exams

Take the course pre-test before you begin studying the course material to get a better understanding of areas that you will want to focus on more during the course. Homework assignments for all modules will be indicated on the syllabus. The homework assignments are designed to help expand your understanding of the course material. Complete the final exam for the course in order to receive Continuing Education Units (CEU) credit. The final exam will be taken and scored online. You must receive at least 80% on the course exam to receive CEU credit. www.isa.org/Template.cfm?Section=Find_Training&Template=/contentManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=69712



Safety Instrumented Systems: Design, Analysis, and Justification (EC50E - Online Version) | ISA

CEU credit. Continuing Education Units (CEU) credits are awarded to all students who successfully complete the final course exam. Click here to view list of course offerings.

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