9 REDUCED VERTICAL SEPARATION MINIMUM (RVSM) Policy and Procedures in Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai FIR. 1. Introduction 1.1. Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) has been implemented in India. 1.2. ICAO Doc 9574 - Manual on Implementation of a 300M (1000Ft) Vertical Separation Minimum between FL290 and FL410 (both inclusive) contains explanation of RVSM. 1.3. Benefits to be gained from RVSM include: i) Adoption of an ICAO endorsed navigation requirement; ii) Improved utilization of airspace for ATC conflict resolution; iii) Fuel savings of 1% for flight closer to optimum cruise altitude; and iv) Reduction in ground delays 2. Content i) Definitions ii) Identification of RVSM Airspace iii) Airworthiness and Operational Approval and Monitoring iv) ACAS II and Transponder Equipage v) In-flight Procedures within RVSM Airspace vi) Special Procedures for In-flight Contingencies in Oceanic Airspace vii) In-flight Contingency Procedures for Subsonic Aircraft Requiring Rapid Descent, Turn-back or Diversion in Oceanic Airspace viii) Weather Deviation Procedures ix) Special Procedures to Mitigate Wake Turbulence Encounters and Distracting Aircraft System Alerts in the Oceanic Airspace x) Transition Areas xi) Flight Planning Requirements xii) Procedures for Operation of Non-RVSM approved Aircraft in Non-exclusive RVSM Airspace xiii) Procedures for Operation of Non-RVSM approved Aircraft in climbing or descending through Exclusive RVSM airspace xiv) Special coordination procedures for cruise operation of NON-RVSM approved aircraft in Exclusive- RVSM airspace xv) Delivery Flights for Aircraft that are RVSM approved on delivery xvi) Procedures for Suspension of RVSM xvii) Guidance for Pilot and Controller for Actions in Event of Aircraft System Malfunction or Turbulence Greater than Moderate xviii) Procedures for Air-Ground Communication Failure 3. Definitions 3.1. Exclusive airspace - Airspace in Indian FIRs in which aircraft that are NONRVSM approved are not permitted to flight plan or operate-in unless the provisions of section 14 of this document apply. In regard to the application of RVSM procedures in Indian FIRs aircraft shall be categorized as follows: i) RVSM Approved - Aircraft, which have gained a RVSM approval from the State of Registry or State of the Operator. ii) Non-RVSM Approved - Aircraft which do not have a RVSM approval, or was RVSM approved but has become non-approved due to equipment failure. iii) Approved Non-RVSM - Aircraft which have gained an approval to flight plan in exclusive RVSM airspace, as per special coordination procedures. 4. Identification of RVSM airspace in Indian FIR. 4.1. RVSM airspace is prescribed within the Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai FIR within controlled airspace between FL290 and FL410 (both inclusive). 4.2. RVSM airspace in the Indian FIR is designated as followsi) Exclusive RVSM airspace over Bay of Bengal ii) Exclusive RVSM airspace over Arabian Sea . iii) Non-Exclusive RVSM airspace as described in Attachment D
AIP ENR 1.9-2 INDIA 1 JUN 2009 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3. Deleted 4.4. The Flight Level Allocation Scheme (FLAS) for the Bay of Bengal Airspace, the Indian Continental airspace and Arabian Sea airspace are detailed below. Flight Level Allocation by ATC shall be in accordance with these tables. In addition, operators shall flight plan in accordance with these tables. 4.4.1. FLAS for Bay of Bengal Oceanic airspace West Bound (H24) Bay of Bengal N877, P628, L759, P570, M300, N563, N571 and P574 P646 and L507 P762, L301, N895, L645 East Bound (H24) Bay of Bengal N877, P628, L759, M770, P570, M300, N563, N571, P574 P762, L645 P646, L507, L301 and N895 Flight level allocation All east-bound flight levels are available (except FL290) FL290 is available as No Pre-Departure Coordinated Level. All other flight levels are available subject to coordination All east-bound flight levels are available Flight level allocation FL280, FL300, FL340, FL360, FL380, FL400 are available (FL360 is available subject to coordination) All west-bound flight levels are available FL320, FL360 are available (FL360 available subject to coordination)
4.4.2. FLAS for international traffic over continental India. West Bound (0001 to 1600UTC)* Indian continental airspace A325, A791, N877 Flight level allocation FL300, FL340, FL360, FL400 are available (see note below)
FL280, FL320, FL380 available for domestic/international traffic crossing above routes. All levels available for international flights in the continental airspace from 1601UTC to 0000UTC of the next day. Note 1 - Airlines to flight plan in accordance with the FLAS mentioned above to cross Indian continental airspace on-
a) N877 between VVZ- NNP- PRA- TASOP b) A791 between CEA VOR to TASOP Note 2 - Flight Level changes to meet the requirements of FLAS over continental airspace of India will be done within Indian continental airspace.
AIP ENR 1.9-3 INDIA 1 2009 1 JUN AUG 2007 _____________________________________________________________________________________ East Bound (0001 to 1600UTC)* Indian continental airspace A325, A791, N877 Flight level allocation FL310, FL350, FL390, FL410 are available (see note below)
FL290, FL330, FL370 available for domestic/international traffic crossing above routes. All levels available for international flights in the continental airspace from 1601UTC to 0000UTC of the next day. Note - Flight Level changes to meet the requirements of FLAS over continental airspace of India will be done within Indian continental airspace. 4.4.3. The FLAS in Arabian Sea Oceanic airspace (H24) S No ATS Route Westbound All RVSM flight levels FL300, FL320, FL340, FL360, FL380, FL400 are available Eastbound All RVSM flight levels FL290, FL310, FL330, FL350, FL370, FL390, FL410 available Remarks
FL280-Other levels may be authorized subject to availability in view of the conflicting traffic FL320, FL340, FL360, FL380 & FL400 are available. Other levels may be authorized subject to availability in view of the conflicting traffic
FL350, FL370 & FL390 are available. Other levels may be authorized subject to availability in view of the conflicting traffic FL290, FL310 & FL410 are available. Other levels may be authorized subject to availability in view of the conflicting traffic
AIP ENR 1.9-4 INDIA 1 JUN 2009 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Other levels may be available subject to availability
G465, A214
FL280 available as no PDC level. Other levels available with prior coordination
FL290, FL310, FL350, FL370 & FL410 are available (FL330 not available)
4.4.4. Flight Level Allocation scheme on ATS route A201 and A599 All levels available on ATS route A201 and A599. Flight level allocation scheme on ATS route W31 North of way point ASARI in Delhi FIR.
AIP ENR 1.9-5 INDIA 1 JUN 2009 _____________________________________________________________________________________ RVSM Flight Level available East of the waypoint West bound (Delhi - J&K Sector) FL280, FL320, FL340, FL360, FL380, FL400 East bound (Delhi - J&K Sector) FL270, FL290, FL330,FL 370, FL380, FL410
Reporting Point
level allocation scheme on ATS route W45 to Guwahati and North-East sector ATS Route Reporting Point RVSM Flight Level available East of the waypoint West bound FL300, FL320, FL340, FL360, FL380 & FL400 East bound FL290, FL330, FL370, FL380 & FL410 4.4.5. Action by aircraft operators4.4.5.1 All flights departing from Indian airports and requesting FL270 and above are required to indicate their RVSM approval status by inserting W as the second letter in item 10-Equipment of FPL or in item Q equipment of RPL for RVSM equipped aircraft. 5. Airworthiness and operational approval and monitoring 5.1. Approval Process - Operators must obtain airworthiness and operational approval from the State of Registry or State of the Operator, as appropriate, to conduct RVSM operations. DGCA India has issued Civil Aviation Requirement (CAR) Section 2 - Airworthiness Series O, Part XI dated 29th October 1999 on the approval process to be followed by the Operators for Indian registered aircraft. 5.2. Aircraft Monitoring - Operators are required to participate in the RVSM aircraft monitoring program. This is an essential element of the RVSM implementation program in that it confirms that the aircraft altitude-keeping performance standard is being met. 5.3. The DGCA India Civil Aviation Requirement (CAR) referred to in Para 5.1 above prescribes the monitoring requirements to be followed by Operators of Indian registered aircraft. 6. ACAS II and transponder equipage 6.1. The ICAO Asia/Pacific RVSM Implementation Task Force recommends that those aircraft equipped with ACAS and operated in RVSM airspace be equipped with ACAS II. (TCAS II systems with Version 7.0 incorporated meet ICAO ACAS II standards) 6.2. Operators must take action in accordance with the DGCA India Civil Aviation Requirement (CAR) section-2, Airworthiness, Series R, Part IV dated 8th Feb 1994 (Revision-1 dated 7th Sept 1999) regarding ACAS II equipage requirements and plan for compliance. The Asia-Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APANPIRG) has endorsed early ACAS II equipage in the region. 6.3. International General Aviation (IGA) transponder equipage 6.3.3. ICAO Annex 6, Part II, states that, starting 1st January 2000, IGA airplanes should have been equipped with a pressure altitude reporting transponder certified by the appropriate State authority as meeting the provisions of Annex 10. The Operators are required to follow the policy stated in the DGCA India Civil Aviation Requirement (CAR) referred to in 6.2 above, regarding ACAS II equipage requirements and plan for compliance. 7. Procedures within RVSM Airspace 7.1. Before entering RVSM airspace, the pilot should review the status of required equipment. The following equipment should be operating normally_____________________________________________________________________________________ Airports Authority of India AIP AMDT.NO. 1/2009
AIP ENR 1.9-6 1 INDIA 1 AUG JUN2007 2009 _____________________________________________________________________________________ i) Two primary altimetry systems ii) One automatic altitude-keeping device iii) One altitude-alerting device, and iv) One operating transponder with operational Mode C 7.2. The pilot must notify ATC whenever the aircrafti) is no longer RVSM compliant due to equipment failure; or ii) experiences loss of redundancy of altimetry systems; or iii) encounters turbulence that affects the capability to maintain flight level 7.3. Transition between Flight Levels 7.3.3. During cleared transition between levels, the aircraft should not overshoot or undershoot the assigned FL by more than 150Ft (45M). 7.4. Pilot level call: Except in an ADS or radar environment, pilots shall report reaching any altitude assigned within RVSM airspace. 7.5. Contingency Procedures: Paragraphs 8, 9, 10, and 11 below contain procedures for in-flight contingencies that have been updated for RVSM operations. The contingency procedures in paragraphs 8, 9 and the offset procedures in paragraph 11 should be applied in Oceanic operations. The weather deviation procedures in paragraph 10 may be applied in all airspace in the region. 7.6. Aircraft on EMARSSH routes 7.6.1. On EMARSSH routes aircraft in flight requiring descent below FL90 for not being RVSM approved due to Technical or Operational reasons, may be allocated Flight Levels below the published lower limit of concerned EMARSSH route, but not below MFA. Concerned ACC/OCC/FIC shall ensure coordination with next ATS unit giving sufficient details for such authorization of lower levels. Allocation of levels lower than the vertical limits of EMARSSH routes will be done in contingency only. 7.6.2. In case of more than one aircraft on adjacent EMARSSH routes request levels lower than the vertical limits of such EMARSSH routes. Same levels on adjacent routes may be allocated as long as the concerned flights are RNP10 capable. If RNP capability of either aircraft degrades, then different flight levels will be allocated to aircraft so cleared to maintain levels below published vertical limits of adjacent EMARSSH routes. 8. Special procedures for in-flight contingencies in oceanic airspace of Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai FIR. 8.1. Introduction 8.1.1. Although all possible contingencies cannot be covered, the procedures in 8.2 and 9 provide for the more frequent cases such as: i) Inability to maintain assigned flight level due to meteorological conditions, aircraft performance; pressurization failure ii) En-route diversion across the prevailing traffic flow, and iii) Loss of, or significant reduction in, the required navigation capability when operating in a airspace where the navigation performance accuracy is a prerequisite to the safe conduct of flight operations 8.1.2. With regard to 8.1.1 i) and ii), the procedures are applicable primarily when rapid descent and/or turn-back or diversion is required. The pilots judgment shall determine the sequence of actions to be taken, having regard to the prevailing circumstances. Air traffic control shall render all possible assistance. 8.2. General procedures 8.2.1. If an aircraft is unable to continue flight in accordance with its air traffic control clearance and/or an aircraft is unable to maintain the navigation performance accuracy specified for the airspace, a revised clearance shall be obtained, whenever possible, prior to initiating any action.
AIP ENR 1.9-9 1 INDIA 1 AUG JUN2007 2009 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 7 8 9 10 11 L759 P762 UL425 P570 M300 MIPAK 115000N 0942500E LULDA 122345N 0942500E TVM VOR 082829.3N 0765529.0E TVM VOR 082829.3N 0765529.0E CLC VOR 110806.5N 0755717.5E NISUN 135605.2N 0921949.2E DUGOS 085306.3N 0844752.6E ANODA 095805.8N 0722358.1E POMAN 115605.3N 0715958.2E IGAMA 134104.8N 0715958.2E Kolkata FIR No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ATS Route N877 L301 P628 L759 M770 M770A N895 P646 L507 From ORARA 155904.4N 0845452.3E RINDA 153500N 0920000E VATLA 144404.9N 0891850.4E LIBDI 141505.1N 0915949.3E MEPEL 160200N 0920000E BUBKO 191103.7N 0883950.5E SAGOD 175548.2N 0915949.1E IBITA 191703.8N 0915949.0E TEBOV 202503.5N 0915949.0E To VVZ VOR 174003.9N 0831510.0E VVZ VOR 174003.9N 0831510.0E LARIK 185003.6N 0845222.2E LEMAX 195433.3N 0860921.6E KAKID 203833.1N 0865951.2E LEGOS 213802.9N 0880520.6E BBS VOR 201437.2N 0854846.7E DOPID 205503.2N 0891216.1E CEA VOR 223842.6N 0882710.4E Mumbai FIR No 1 2 3 4 5 6 ATS Route UL 425 P 570 M 300 N 563 P 574 N 571 From ANODA 095805.8N 0722358.1E POMAN 115605.3N 0715958.2E IGAMA 134104.8N 0715958.2E KAKIB 150004.4N 0734707.4E OKILA 163533.9N 0730627.7E crossing 072 deg E To ASPUX 174403.6N 0600003.8E KITAL 200300N 0601800E LOTAV 203700N 0605700E REXOD 211230N 0613830E TOTOX 215030N 0622230E PARAR 222630N 0630700E
AIP ENR 1.9-10 INDIA 1 JUN 2009 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 L 301A L 301 M 638 A 451 G 450 UM 551 B 459 A 474 R 456 P 323 G424 EXOLU 201249.8N 0713410.4E ACTIV 201502.8N 0731457.6E NOBAT 210902.5N 0680000.1E BISET 182321.4N 0691806.5E DARMI 174741.6N 0703438.8E DONSA 143518.5N 0651133.4E GUNDI 172136.7N 0712936.4E ERVIS 170527.8N 0720314.2E BIBGO 073006.5N 0705647.8E DONSA 143518.5N 0651133.4E ALATO 134044.8N0634402.0E NOBAT 210902.5N 0680000.1E RASKI 230330N 0635200E SAPNA 233001.7N 0675000.2E ANGAL 161404.1N 0600003.8E DOGOD 131249.9N 0630002.4E ANGAL 161404.1N 0600003.8E UBDOR 100005.8N 0655554.0E POPET 071342.5N 0681336.0E KITAL 200300.0N 0601800.0E GIDAS 142008.6N 0600003.8E LADUP 124935.0N0630002.4E
Note - The ATS route segments listed above for the application of special procedures, for in flight contingencies in some cases, encompass a portion of continental airspace of India. This has been done for ease of application of the procedures and to avoid insertion of additional waypoints on the ATS Routes. 9.5. Procedures for Strategic lateral offsets in oceanic and remote continental airspace 9.5.1. The following basic requirements apply to the use of the Strategic Lateral Offset Procedures (SLOP)i) Strategic Lateral Offset Procedures shall be applied only by aircraft with automatic offset tracking capability. ii) The decision to apply a strategic lateral offset is the responsibility of the flight crew. iii) The offset shall be established at a distance of one or two nautical miles to the right of the centerline of the ATS route relative to the direction of flight. iv) The offsets shall not exceed 2NM right of centerline of the ATS route. v) The strategic lateral offset procedure has been designed to include offsets to mitigate the effects of wake turbulence of preceding aircraft. If wake turbulence needs to be avoided, one of the three available options (centerline, 1NM or 2NM right offset) shall be used. vi) In airspace where the use of lateral offsets has been authorized, pilots are not required to inform Air Traffic Control (ATC) that an offset is being applied. vii) Aircraft transiting areas of radar coverage in airspace where offset tracking is permitted may initiate or continue an offset. viii) Aircraft without automatic offset tracking capability must fly the centerline of the ATS Route being flown. 9.5.2. For ATS route segment in Oceanic airspace refer para 7.4 above. 10. Special Procedures to mitigate Wake Turbulence Encounters and Distracting Aircraft System Alerts in the Oceanic Airspace of the Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai FIR. 10.1. The following special procedures are applicable to mitigate wake turbulence or distracting aircraft system alerts [e.g., ACAS, Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS)] in airspace where RVSM is applied. Note: In the contingency circumstances below, ATC will not issue clearances for lateral offsets and will not normally respond to actions taken by the pilots. 10.2. An aircraft that encounters wake vortex turbulence or experiences distracting aircraft system alerts shall notify ATC and request a flight level, track or speed change to avoid the condition. However, in _____________________________________________________________________________________ Airports Authority of India AIP AMDT.NO. 1/2009
AIP ENR 1.9-11 INDIA 1 JUN 2009 _____________________________________________________________________________________ situations where such a change is not possible or practicable, the pilot may initiate the following temporary lateral offset procedure with the intention of returning to center line as soon as practicable: 10.2.1. the pilot should establish contact with other aircraft, if possible, on the appropriate VHF inter-pilot air to air frequency; 123.45MHz, and 10.2.2. one (or both) aircraft may initiate lateral offset(s) not to exceed 2NM from the assigned track, provided that: i) as soon as practicable to do so, the offsetting aircraft notify ATC that temporary lateral offset action has been taken and specify the reason for doing so (ATC will not normally respond); and ii) the offsetting aircraft notify ATC when re-established on assigned route(s) or track(s) (ATC will not normally respond). 11. Transition areas NIL 12. Flight Planning requirements 12.1. Unless special arrangement is made as detailed below, RVSM approval is required for operators and aircraft to operate within designated RVSM airspace. The operator must determine that the appropriate State authority has granted them RVSM operational approval and they will meet the RVSM requirements for the filed route of flight and any planned alternate routes. The letter .W. shall be inserted in item 10 (Equipment) of the ICAO standard flight plan to indicate that both the aircraft and operator are RVSM approved. 12.2. All operators filing Repetitive Flight Plans (RPL) shall include the letter W in Item Q of the RPL to indicate RVSM approval status and include all equipment and capability in conformity with Item 10 of the ICAO Flight Plan. Note:- The detailed guidance for flight planning is contained in the DGCA Civil Aviation Requirement (CAR) Section 2 - Airworthiness Series O, Part XI dated 29th October 1999. 12.3. Procedures for State aircraft- Aircraft used in military, customs, coast guard, border security force and ARC shall be deemed to be state aircraft. Flight plans of state aircraft shall include letter M in item 8(b) of the flight plan to indicate military aircraft and STS/APPROVED NONRVSM in item 18 of the flight plan to indicate the NON-RVSM approval status of the flight. Note: The aircraft owned by the state governments will not qualify for State Aircraft status. They will be categorized as General Aviation Aircraft. 13. Procedures for Operation of NON-RVSM Approved Aircraft in Non-Exclusive RVSM Airspace. 13.1. Flight priority - It should be noted that RVSM approved aircraft will be given priority for level allocation over NON-RVSM approved aircraft. 13.2. Vertical Separation applied - The vertical separation minimum between NON-RVSM aircraft operating in the RVSM stratum and all other aircraft is 2000Ft. 13.3. Phraseology. NON-RVSM compliant aircraft operating in RVSM airspace should use the phraseology contained in Attachment B. 14. Procedures for operation of NON-RVSM approved aircraft climbing or descending through exclusive RVSM airspace. 14.1. NON-RVSM approved aircraft may be cleared to climb to and operate above FL410 or descend to and operate below FL290 provided that they: 14.1.1. Do not climb or descend at less than the normal rate for the aircraft and 14.1.2. Do not level off at an intermediate level while passing through the RVSM stratum. 14.1.3. 15. Special coordination procedures for cruise operation of NON RVSM approved aircraft in exclusive RVSM airspace. 15.1. NON-RVSM approved aircraft may not flight plan between FL290 and FL410 (both inclusive) within exclusive RVSM airspace, except for the following situationsi) The aircraft is being initially delivered to the State of Registry or Operator; or ii) The aircraft was RVSM approved but has experienced an equipment failure and is being flown to a maintenance facility for repair in order to meet RVSM requirements and/or obtain approval; or iii) The aircraft is transporting a spare engine mounted under the wing; or iv) The aircraft is being utilized for mercy or humanitarian purposes; or _____________________________________________________________________________________ Airports Authority of India AIP AMDT.NO. 1/2009
AIP ENR 1.9-12 INDIA 1 AUG JUN2007 2009 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________ v) Is a State aircraft (refer Para 11.3 for explanation) Note: The procedures are intended exclusively for the purposes indicated and not as a means to circumvent the normal RVSM approval process. 15.2. The assignment of cruising levels to NON-RVSM approved aircraft listed in paragraph 14.1 (a) to (e) shall be subject to an ATC clearance. Aircraft operators shall include STS/Category of operations (i.e. FERRY/HUMANITARIAN/MILITARY/CUSTOMS/POLICE)/APPROVED NON-RVSM in Field 18 of the ICAO Flight Plan. 15.3. The operator who intends to operate a flight from, into or through Indian FIRs shall obtain approval for conducting such flights from the WSO of the concerned FIR where he first encounters Indian RVSM airspace. 15.4. Request for approval of such operations shall be made not less than 4 Hrs and not more than 72 Hrs prior to intended time of departure. 15.5. The operator shall be responsible for gaining approval from each FIR the flight will transit. 15.6. Where necessary, the Air Traffic Control Center may be contacted as followsContact Officer Watch Supervisory Officer, Chennai Watch Supervisory Officer, Delhi Watch Supervisory Officer, Kolkata Watch Supervisory Officer, Mumbai Telephone Number 91-44-2256 1365 91-11-2565 4283 91-33-2511 9520 91-22-2682 8088 FAX Number 91-44-2256 1365 91-11-2565 3284 91-33-2513 0134 91-22-2682 8088 AFTN VOMMZRZX * VIDPZRZX * VECCZRZX * VABBZRZX *
The AFTN message to Watch Supervisory Officer must indicate ATTN: WSO. Where required the WSO of the nearest Area Control Center may also be contacted.
16. Delivery flights for aircraft that are on delivery 16.1. An aircraft that is RVSM approved on delivery may operate in exclusive RVSM airspace provided that the crew is trained on RVSM policies and procedures applicable in the airspace and the responsible State issues the operator a letter of authorization approving the operation. State notification to the Monitoring Agency for Asia Region (MAAR) of AEROTHAI/Asia Pacific Approval Registry and Monitoring Organization (APARMO) should be in the form of a letter, e-mail or fax documenting the one-time flight. The planned date of the flight, flight identification, and registration number and aircraft type/series should be included. The details of such flights shall also be forwarded to the WSO/WSOs of the Indian FIRs through which the operation of such flight is planned at least three days in advance. The details of the contact person are available in Para 15.6 above. 17. Procedures for suspension of RVSM 17.1. The Watch Supervisory Officer of the concerned FIR may consider suspending RVSM procedures within affected areas of the FIR under his supervision when there are pilot reports of greater than moderate turbulence. Within areas where RVSM procedures are suspended, the vertical separation minimum between all aircraft will be 2000Ft. 18. Guidance for pilots and controllers for Actions in the event of aircraft system malfunction or turbulence greater than moderate. 18.1. See Attachment A for guidance in these circumstances. 19. Procedures for Air-Ground communication failure 19.1. An aircraft operated as a controlled flight shall maintain continuous air-ground voice communication watch on the appropriate communication channel of, and establish two-way communication as necessary with, the appropriate air traffic control unit. For aircraft forming part of aerodrome traffic at a controlled aerodrome the conditions given in Para 19.2 shall apply. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Airports Authority of India AIP AMDT.NO. 1/2009
AIP ENR 1.9-24 INDIA 1 JUN 2009 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Attachment D Indias Non-Exclusive RVSM airspace 1. The airspace described below is Indias Non-Exclusive RVSM airspace 1.1. The airspace bounded by coordinates - 0700N 07700E to 0907N 07524E to 195902.9N 0712258.5E to 210902.5N 0680000.1E (NOBAT ) to 233001.7N 0675000.2E to 233000N 0681000E then along the common border of India and Pakistan till it meets Afghanistan and India border in Jammu and Kashmir State, then eastwards along the international boundary to a point on common border on India and Nepal to the point of common border of India and China and Nepal, then along the border of India, China and Myanmar, then along the border of India and Myanmar to 214700N 0923200E then along common border of India and Bangladesh to 223538.7N 0885626.2E to 215003.0N 0902349.5E to 205503.2N 0891216.1E(DOPID) to 203503.2N 0875950.7E to 152204.5N 0820853.6E to 141404.8N 0812054.0E to 100005.9N 0802254.5E to 100000N 0800000E to 090000N 0793000E to 0700N 07700E. _________