INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I THE LUXURY GOODS INDUSTRY ............................................... ....................... 4 1. DEFINITION ........................................ .............................................................................4 2 . MARKET OVERVIEW .............................................................. ........................................... 4 2.1 Market segmentation ........................................................ ................................................................................ .... 4 2.2 Growth, operating margins and concentration.......................... ............................................................................ 5 2 .3 Analysis of the value chain ................................................. ................................................................................ .. 5 2. 4 Analysis of the five forces (M. Porters framework)..................... ......................................................................... 8 2.5 Growth drivers of the global luxury goods industry.............................. ............................................................... 10 3. T RENDS .. ................................................................................ ...................................... 10 3.1 Vertical integration ............. ................................................................................ ............................................... 11 3.2 Consolidation............ ................................................................................ ......................................................... 11 3.3 Diversification ................................................................................ .................................................................... 12 3.4 War for talent...................................................................... ............................................................................... 13 4. CREATING AND SUSTAINING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE ............................ .......................... 13 4.1 How to create your competitive advantage?..... ................................................................................ ................... 13 4.2 Three successful ways of growing in Luxury Goods..... ................................................................................ ........ 14 4.3 Key challenges in the industry ................................. ................................................................................ ........... 15 4.4 Conclusion: the Winning Concept.............................. ................................................................................ ......... 16 PART II - WHAT DOES A LUXURY CONGLOMERATE BRING TO A COMPANY?......... 17 1. MET HODOLOGY ....................................................................... ...................................... 17 2. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE BROUGHT BY TH E CONGLOMERATE MODEL ................................. 17 3. 4. 2.1 Structure and organisation.................................................. ............................................................................... 18 2.2 Process and operational management....................................... .......................................................................... 19 LI MITS IN THE VALUE BROUGHT BY A L UXURY CONGLOMERATE ............................ .............. 20 3.1 Strategic constraints..................................... ................................................................................ ...................... 20 3.2 Operational arbitrages............................ ................................................................................ ........................... 21 OVERALL BENEFITS OF A L UXURY CONGLOMERATE TO A P URE PLAYER................................. 23 PART III THE NEW KID ON THE BLOCK: GUCCI GROUP ................................. ......... 24 1. T HE HISTORY OF GUCCIO GUCCI SP A .............................. ................................................. 24 1.1 1923-1989: the Origins......................................................
................................................................................ . 24 1.2 1989-1994: the Death Spiral............................................ ................................................................................ ... 25 1.3 1994-1999: the Gucci turnaround...................................... ................................................................................ . 25 2. SOURCES OF UNIQUENESS AND ABOVE-NORMAL RETURNS AT GUCCI G ROUP ......... ................. 27 2.1 Management............................................. ................................................................................ .......................... 27 2.2 Manufacturing................................. ................................................................................ ................................... 27 2.3 Marketing............................ ................................................................................ ............................................... 28 2.4 1999 2002: the integratio n of YSL Beaut and RTW........................................................... .............................. 30 3. T HE CHALLENGE OF TRANSFORMATION FROM A MON O- BRAND TO A MULTI-BRAND GROUP ...... 33 3.1 Image generation.................. ................................................................................ ............................................. 33 3.2 Manufacturing.............. ................................................................................ ...................................................... 34 4. IS GUCCI GROUP THE RIGHT LUXURY GOODS CONGLOMERATE MODEL?................................. 34 4.1 M anagement....................................................................... ................................................................................ 36 4.2 Image generation........................................................ ................................................................................ ....... 37 4.3 Manufacturing.................................................... ................................................................................ ................ 37 4.4 Distribution............................................ ................................................................................ ............................ 38 5. CONCLUSION .................................. ............................................................................... 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................... ............................................ 40 1. PRESS ARTICLES............... ................................................................................ .............. 40 2. INVESTMENT BANKING RE SEARCH .............................. ...................................................... 40 3. INSEAD MATERIAL ... ................................................................................ .................... 40 4. OTHER SOURCES........................................ .................................................................... 40 Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 2/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool PART I THE L UXURY GOODS INDUSTRY 1. Definition The Luxury Goods industry is def ined by the personal consumer goods positioned in the high end of the market. Lu xury products transcend product functionality. Traditionally, the Luxury Goods i ndustry has been associated with French families and designers, still represente d by the Comit Colbert 1, but it is becoming a global industry. The ma in charact eristics of luxury goods are: A strong branding that relates to an exclusive and wealthy lifestyle. High quality, especially in terms of design Premium pricing
The luxury brand is perceived as being exclusive (82% of consumers), high qualit y (80%), stylish (75%) and extravagant (65%). Only 55% perceive it as lasting an d only 51% perceive it as expensive.i 2. Market overview 2.1 Market segmentation Total sales in 1999/2000 amounted to USD 60 to 80 billion. The market growth ha s been 6.3% between 1996 and 1999, and is supposed to be 7 -10% between 1999 and 2003ii. The market can be divided into different business segments and geograph ical areas. Business segments The market is divided among: Fragrance and cosmet cs (24 to 37% of the luxury goods, depending on estimatesiii) Ready-to-wear and fashion (14-30%) Leather and shoes (13-16%) Watches and jewellery (8-32%) Wines and spirits (15-22%) Table wear (4-5%) Accessories (5-9%) Geographical segments The market is divided into 3 geographical areas: in 1999, USA accounted for 30%, Europe for 34%, and Asia for 36% (increasing to 60% if we include purchases abr oad by Asian tourists). 1 Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 3/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool 2.2 Growth, operating margins and concentration In terms of sales, LVMH, Estee L auder and Richemont are the 3 big players, with respectively 17%, 12% and 19% op erating margin, whereas ex pure players like Gucci offer 14% operating margin, o r a true pure player like Herms, 25%. The expected growth and operating margin di ffer by segmentiv: - Shoes and Leather goods - Jewellery and watches - RTW & Fashion - Tableware Cosmetics and Fragrances Expected growth 12% 12% 10.5% 10.5% 5.5% Operating marg in 25% 20-25% 15% N/A 10-15% The industry is quite fragmented, although an increasing M&A activity in the rec ent years has set the trend towards consolidation. Even though the segments appe ar to have a relatively high concentration, the dominant players differ among th e segmentsv and the total industry is far from consolidated. However, big conglo merates have emerged: LVMH accounts for 18% o f the total luxury goods market (m ainly leather goods and shoes), whereas Richemont accounts for 6% (mainly watche s and jewellery), or Estee Lauder for 7% (mainly in cosmetics and fragrances): MS of top 3 players 53% 61% 65% 23% 57% 31% Top 3 players LVMH (30%), Prada (14% ), Gucci (9%) Tiffany (36%), Richemont (17%), Bulgari (8%) Rolex (26%), Richemon t (22%), Swatch* (17%) P R Lauren (9%), T. Hilfiger (9%), Marzotto (5%) E. Laude r (21%), Shiseido* (21%), LOral* (15%) LVMH (18%), E. Lauder (7%), Richemont (6% ) - Shoes and Leather goods - Jewellery - Watches - RTW & Fashion - Cosmetics and Fragrances - Total * Only sales with prestige segment taken into account 2.3 Analysis of the value chain High Low Sourcing Leverage factors: Design Manufac -turing Marketing Distribution Quality Image Optional operating concepts High Centralized sourcing Own designer In House In house DirectlyOperated-Stores Control
Decentralized sourcing (via contract manufacturing companies) Design agency Contract Manufacturing Advertising agency Franchise Low Licenses Third party retailers Source: Authors Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 4/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool We focus on the 3 most strategic parts of the value chain that define luxury goo ds: manufacturing, marketing / advertising (brand image generation), and distrib ution. Manufacturing Production is crucial in maintaining image and quality. The production is a mtier, combining the founder reputation (Louis Vuitton), craftsman ship, and a long-term commitment to the business. Marketing / Advertising The in dustry is more a pull than a push industry, explaining the large amount of money invested in advertising (corporate or product specific level). On average, luxu ry goods industry spends more than 7% of its sales in advertising. (see table on page 35) Distribution For some, distribution is one of the key elements in the value chain. As S. de Rosen, a luxurygoods analyst at J.P. Morgan, argues: "If t here is one critical word in the luxury business, it is "execution". People thin k about the luxury business in the wrong way - they think about brands. But luxu ry companies are primarily retailers. In retailing, the most important thing is execution, and execution is all about management. You may have the best designed product, but if you dont get it into the right kind of shop at the right time, you will fail." [13] That probably explains the rationale behind the increasing trend of owning and controlling the distribution. For instance, the focus for m any luxury brands like Gucci is on directly operated stores and carefully selecte d wholesale doors, where we are able to ensure that all products are presented t o our customers in a way that capitalizes on the exclusivity and ultimate allure of our brands (annual report 1999, Gucci) In luxury goods, retail directly opera ted stores (DOS) have been growing much faster than other forms of distribution over the past five years. The reason for that is because there is a perceived ne ed for better control of the brand. In the 1980s and 90s, when companies delegat ed the sale to third parties, the priority of these parties was to make the luxu ry goods available to a wide customer base. To achieve this, they offered oftenuncontrolled discounts. The discounts, combined with a broader availability of t he product, diluted the brand image and reduced the willingness of customers to pay a premium for the products. This led to the need to control the brand and th us to integrate the distribution channels. To regain control of the distribution , many brands have started to acquire franchises and reduce wholesale and duty f ree. For Gucci, the share of DOS has grown from 63% of total sales in 1998 to 69 % in 2000 vi. For Richemont, the same share has grown from 39% in 1999 to 45% in 2001vii. Companies who have historically been manufacturers only (like Montblan c) have started developing both directly operated stores and franchises. For oth er (selected) ma jor luxury business, the share of DOS in total sales in 2000 is as follows: Tiffany and Louis Vuitton- respectively 100%, Herms - 63%, Bulgari 50% and Polo Ralph Lauren - 43%.viii Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 5/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool In addition to the DOS, there are four other main distribution channels i the lu xury goods n industry: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Directly operated stores (DOS) Franchise W holesale distribution Agents Licenses These channels differ in the degree of control, capital requirements and profita bility: Control High Capital required High Profitability Low DOS Franchise Wholesale Distribution Agents License Low Low High Source: SSSB, Nov 2000 and McKinsey This trend towards full control and ownership of the distribution helps solve so me of the problems associated with other distribution channels and has some dist inctive advantagesix: If helps solve the problem of distribution and display con trol, the creation of the right atmosphere and architecture and the subsequent a bility to change quickly Controls the product quality and price and the service quality, which in many luxury shops was satisfactory. (Most of the luxury goods retailers cultivate regular high spending customers only (> US $ 100.000 a year) and do not provide any extra service to the other clients. Allows to get immedi ate customer feedback Allows for a higher margin as the retail margin is capture d and defense against retailers pressure on margins Better control of the grey market However, there are many downsides that are sometimes ignored. The downsides are: The strong increase of the financial risk. o The investments required for store s on highly visible areas are high with a trend to increase: the requirements fo r small boutiques are up to US $3-5 million, and for flagship stores - up to US $10 - 15 million [13]. In addition, here is an increasing competition for the di minishing supply of prestigious locations in high-end streets. Luxury goods comp anies spend between 5 -7% of sales on capital expenditure every year, which is m ainly invested in new stores and refurbishment. o There is an increased financia l risk associated with the inventory management, the leasing/financing commitmen ts and the rigidity of the cost structure Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 6/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool The additional business risk. The risk of business failure increases, as the ski lls required are quite different for owning/leasing and managing a shop than for developing and marketing a brand. The degree of integration of distribution and the associated question of the con trol of the distribution channel is a key question in the luxury goods industry. It appears that it depends mostly on management ambition and management risk-ta king attitude. Studies performed by SSSB point out that there is no obvious corr elation between a companys success and its level of distribution integration. I ntegrating the whole distribution can be rewarding in periods of high growth, bu t can be extremely dangerous in downturns, as the operating risk is different an d the business (risk) is also different. Therefore, advocates of full integratio n probably overlook the risks associated with it and a mix between the different distribution channels is generally probably more appropriate. It may therefore be argued to have own stores in highly visible areas, where the brand image cont rol is key, but to develop franchisees and agents (with very strong brand guidel ines and controls) give the necessary flexibility and transfer part of the opera ting risk. There should however be a trade-off analysis performed between the re tailers margin and the cost of decreased risk. Depending of the countries, wholes ale distribution can be appropriated (in US and Japan, department stores are ver y important distribution channels for cosmetics and shoes. In France, only few d epartment stores are potential candidates for luxury goods retail: Galeries Lafa yette, Samaritaine, Printemps and Au Bon March, but these stores are usually owne d by the luxury conglomerates). Brand Name F The brand name is a key asset in lu xury goods. The brand image makes the company non imitable and non substitutable . However there is a high risk of substitution with another brand, leading to in tense rivalry for the final customer. A small chunk of customers who choose to r emain loyal to their brand / product, such as the clientele of Chanels n5. Accordi ng to Leslie de Chernatony & Gul McWilliam the varying nature of brands as assetsx , there are 5 possible roles for brand names: As devices to show marketing contr ol As differentiating devices As a means of communicating a guarantee As an aid for rapid decision-making (short hand device) As symbolic devices to enable cons umers to express something about themselves (projecting self image) 2. 4 Analysi s of the five forces (M. Porters framework) Industry rivalry The competitiveness in the industry can be qualified as relatively high, but given the high margins and the customers perception about the price, the competition is not on price, but rather on quality and image perception, as well as on the ability to attract the right designers (see "war for talent" in the section on trends) Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 7/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool Competitors The barriers to entry are very high, as they are the intangible imag e and the perception built around the brand. As Bernard Arnaud said: "You need a t least 30 years to build a brand. But when you have got some, you can resist an y crisis." Hence, buying an existing brand early can be assimilated to buying a Ricardian rent. The barriers to stay are also very high: there is a continuous n eed to "feed" the image, to maintain the perception but still to respond to cust omers needs and changing expectations. The trade off between exclusivity, styli shness, extravagance and lasting image makes it difficult to be for a long time in the business. There are many examples of brands that failed along one of the parameters (Pierre Cardin completely lost his image). There are hardly any barri ers to exit (if the business has built a network of DOS, if might be time and ef forts consuming to sell them / to undue the leasing contracts, but as these DOS are usually on highly visible and coveted places, we do not see that as a barrie r to exit). Given the high barriers to entry and to stay and the low barriers to exit, the dynamics of the industry are: few big players and only the best, as t he others either cannot get in, or are easily out. Substitutes There are no real substitutes for the luxury goods except not buying the goods, as it is not a ne cessary need. Suppliers The bargaining power of the suppliers depends on the seg ment. As some tended to have increased bargaining power, this leads to the conce ntration and vertical integration trend in the industry, one of the reasons for which is to lessen the bargaining power of the suppliers. Until now, there is no t observed concentration among the suppliers of the luxury goods industry among themselves. There is however a trend for larger houses to buy smaller suppliers and to deprive the market form access to those suppliers. Customers There are tw o types of customers: The super-rich The middle -market customers, who selective ly trade-up to higher levels of quality, taste and aspiration The super-rich customers (or High Net Worth Individuals) seem not subject to the world economic cycles. In addition, they are a growing number. Estimatesxi pred ict that their number will increase from ~ 26 millions in 2000 to ~ 40 millions in 2005 (an increase of ~ 9% p.a.) The middle -market customers are those that a re willing to buy luxury goods, but "they want the hottest, trendiest design, wh ich increasingly have to be marketed in creative and expensive ways" [13]. They can potentially expand the market quite dramatically, as they are part of the up per-middle class. They are considered to be both a great opportunity (show no pr ice Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 8/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool sensitivity when buying the "hottest" product) but they are also a threat. "They are more demanding, more selective and show less brand loyalty than the HNWI".[ 13] This implies for the luxury goods industry a difficult equilibrium between t he two kinds of customers, because both are not necessarily compatible. This can lead to a difficult trade off between satisfying a smaller number of loyal cust omers and a larger number of more volatile customers. New entrants The new entra nts are mainly new designers who start their own brand on their own. Usually, th ese new entrants, if successful, are quickly acquired by the big names of the in dustry, by providing them the needed infrastructure for growth. However, new ent rants, if remaining independent, can represent a threat by capturing the volatil e middle market customers. We do not believe that new entrants are a real threat for capturing the stable HNWI customers. These customers go after the establish ed name and the perception build around it, after the quality and design. All th ese elements take time to be built, which makes the threat of new entrants less significant. 2.5 Growth drivers of the global luxury goods industry The socio-de mographic changes (growth of the professional women segment and trend towards si ngle households) The world economy and the global wealth (economic slowdown and crisis like September 11 affect the industry as consumer confidence vanishes and travelling activities decrease) Exchange rates and fluctuations (high dependenc y on sales to Asian tourists make industry vulnerable to exchange rate fluctuati ons). Asian tourists especia lly Japanese, take advantage of luxury goods prices which are significantly lower than in their home countries. Louis Vuitton, for exampl e, sells 40% of its output to Asian tourists. Economic slowdown has a major impa ct on the luxury goods industry, since consumption of luxury goods are highly in dependent on consumer confidence. However, high-end classic brands are usually l ess affected than aspirational or fashion brands due to their wealthier client b ase; for which luxury goods remain affordable. The travel retail represents arou nd 40% of the Luxury Goods sales. Therefore, a decrease in the travel industry h as a direct negative impact on the sales. So the Gulf crisis, the Asian crisis, and ultimately Sept. 11 have badly hit the market. As global wealth is increasin gly linked to stock market strength, a crisis in the financial markets affects t he luxury goods industry. 3. Trends The major trends are vertical integration, c onsolidation, brand stretching / diversification and war for talentxii. Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 9/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool 3.1 Vertical integration The trend towards vertical integration is not only on t he distribution side. There is a whole trend to integration along the whole valu e chain. Upstream, the vertical integration goes through the q q Restriction/abandonment of licensing agreements. The latest example is in 2001, when "Polo Ralph Lauren President-COO Roger Farah is quoted as saying the compan y might look to end some of its licences and develop products itself as a way of gaining control and a bigger share of profits". Buying up of manufacturers: In 2001, Gucci "acquired Di Modolo design studio and production facilities, designi ng and manufacturing high-end luxury timepieces. Before the acquisition, Di Modo lo already designed watches for the Gucci group." Downstream, the integration go es through: q q q Buying back franchised operations: in 1999-2001, Gucci repurchased back for inst ance many of its Japanese and Spanish frabchise outlets Open new directly operat ed stores: In February 2002, Jil Sander opened a 10.000 square feet store in Lon don, between Bond street and Saville Row. Scale down / discontinue sales through third party retailers: In 2000, Tiffanys "stopped supplying domestic departmen t stores and jewellers to concentrate on expanding its own network of stores. 3. 2 Consolidation The consolidation is accelerating in the luxury business. It appears that size i s increasingly important in order to smooth the business cycles, to provide grow th, diversification, synergies opportunities, and to allow for better vertical i ntegration. Some analysts argue that a luxury business should be "large enough t o harbour several brands, and not be tempted to overexploit (and destroy) a sing le label. That means having a pipeline of brands and products "under development ", and devoting considerable resources to old-fashioned "R&D". "[13] In 2000, LV MH closed 15 deals; Richemont closed 4, Gucci 4, and Prada 2. Some examples: In December 2000, Richemont acquired 100% of les manufactures Horlogres; in May 2000 , Gucci acquired 100% of Boucheron and in 2001 - 67% of La Bottega Venetta; in S eptember 2001, Bulgaria acquired 75% of Bruno Magli. Several reasons to buy can be identified: Financial markets: boost growth ratios by acquiring more business es Growth: only limited potential to stretch their own b rand without being over exposed and losing of exclusive appeal Diversification: step into new category ( eg table ware) where the company is not present yet and lacks market or product know-how Synergies: increasing negotiating power - raw material, real estate rat her than cost cutting usually gains from synergies in productive efficiency is c lose to nil) Vertical integration (acquire manufacturing companies in order to co ntrol quality or buy retailers to access scarce retail locations and get better control of the brand image). The Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 10/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool general consensus in the industry is that revitalizing a brand is less costly th an building one from scratch. Acquirers have to be good at picking winners! The reasons to sell are: limited financial resources: limited financia l resources r estrict growth and competitiveness lack of product / market know-how for accessi ng new product categories or foreign markets lack of marketing power (marketing becomes increasingly strategic to build brand awareness in this highly competiti ve and fragmented market). brand failure to generate above-normal returns in com parison to other brands in the portfolio (eg. recent sale of Pommery by LVMH) in effective synergies with the rest of the group capital gains 3.3 Diversification The major luxury goods companies portfolio has evolved from m ono brand to multi-brand and from mono-segment to multi-segment. Este Lauder Swatch Group Multi Brand LVMH Richemont Gucci Group Herms Bulgari Prada Salvatore Ferragamo Rolex Breitling Mono Armani Bally P.R. Lauren Versace E. Zegna Choppard Mono Product Multi Source: Authors This evolution has been dictated by hope of achieving economies of scale and sco pe and by the hope of reducing the impact of brand life cycles. The result of th is evolution will be analysed in further details in the second part of the paper . Examples of mono-brand / mono-segment are Rolex and BreitlinG. Usually, brands have one core segment, and additional one(s) for diversification. Examples are Armani, Bally, P. R. Lauren, Versace, E. Zegna, Choppard. Some brand go to multi -brand, either mono-segment or multi-segment. Examples of multibrand / mono-segm ent are Este Lauder and Swatch, and examples of multi- brand / multisegment are t he ones which are usually considered as conglomerates: LVMH, Richemont, Gucci Gr oup, along with Herms, Bulgari, Prada, Salvatore Ferragamo. Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 11/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool 3.4 War for talent In this industry driven by creativity, a brand has to attract and retain the best creative talents. In addition, as the industry becomes more dynamic and competitive, there is a need for good managers, thus the war for at tracting the best of them. Some examples of this war for talent for creative des igners: the move in 2000 of Alexander McQueen from LVMH / Givenchy to Gucci Grou p, where he launched his own brand; the move in 2001 of Christopher Bailey from Senior Designer of Gucci to Design Director of Burberry and the move in 2001 of Stella McCartney from Head of Design of Chlo (Richemont) to Creative Director of her own label with Gucci Group. On the manager side, some examples are the move in 2001 of Bernardo Sanchez Incera from International Director of Zara to Direct or of European Fashion with LVMH and of Giacomo Santucci from MD Helmut Lang wit h Prada to General Manager with Gucci Division. 4. Creating and Sustaining compe titive advantage 4.1 How to create your competitive advantage? In the Luxury Goo ds industry, time and size matter: competitive advantage comes from both. Time R eputation (thanks to their reputation, brands like Chanel are considered religion brands). Reputation will allow a brand for diversification (Kenzo launching Kenz oki, a cosmetics line). On the other hand small brands with high creativity can enter the market on specific niches very easily. Most of them will die some mont hs later. Those who survive will become luxury brands and are likely to be acqui red. Trial cost is high in the Luxury goods industry, since pricing is high. The caveat is that customers usually have a good purchasing power. Consumers are lo yal to a brand because the brand consistently delivers quality and respects the customers self-image. Then, inducing a customer to switch is like changing his se lf-perception: purchasing luxury goods is both a financial and an emotional inve stment. For the incumbent, the challenge is to continually reinforce customer lo yalty while at the same time attracting new ones. Luxury goods are experience go ods. So the new entrant will have to create the buzz and convince the customer t o try its product (therefore sampling in cosmetics) so that he redefines his sel f-image. Size Installed base (network) is very important in luxury goods industr y, where word of mouth plays a major role in order to create the hype. At the sa me time, luxury goods are very special regarding network effect: the appeal of a brand is inversely related to the number of customers. The more exclusive the b rand, the more desirable it is. So the brands will have to play a very special g ame called the illusion of exclusivity. That is why so many brands are doing what can be called mass luxury goods (Lancome, at LOreal is a good example). Similarly, many luxury products are becoming a commodity (champagnes, etc) Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 12/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool Complements/hosts: there is no real technical complement in that industry, but c ross selling is increasingly strategic for luxury goods companies. Hence the div ersification in shoes, table ware, eyewears, etc Rich customers enjoy purchasing different products with the same brand name (Chane l from feet to eyes). So the i ncumbent interest is to offer a wide enough range of products to meet all the cu stomers needs. Having a wide portfolio of products will allow for cash cows that will provide the necessary funds to invest in an early-stage brand and new activ ity. Success breeds success. 4.2 Three successful ways of growing in Luxury Good sxiii There are basically 3 ways of growing: (1) Extend and defend core category (Todd s, Tiffany or Rolex) (2) Build new categories via brand stretch (Armani, Hugo B oss or Versace) (3) Extend brand portfolio (LVMH, Gucci, Richemont, Prada) Este Lauder Swatch Group Multi Brand Rolex Breitling LVMH Richemont Gucci Group Herms Bulgari Prada Salvatore Ferragamo Mono Armani Bally P.R. Lauren Versace E. Zegna Choppard Mono Product Multi Source: Authors These three ways are subsequent, as usually brands go first extending and defend ing the core category, then, if they continue, stretch the brand, and finally, i f they believe in their management and integration skills, as well in the transf erability of skills across brands, develop a portfolio of brands. Here is an exp lanation of the above strategies: Extend and defend core category The brand must Increase sales by fully exploiting core segment and broadening its geographic r each Increase profitability via excellence in operations Build a distinctive str ong brand (differentiation) To do this, the skills that are required are: an excellent market and product kn ow-how in the core categories and strong functional skills in e.g., design, mark eting, sales and operations. Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 13/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool Build new categories via brand stretch The brand must: Increase sales by leverag ing the brand equity into new categories (Armani Casa) Establish own retail outl ets Build brand loyalty (via direct marketing, etc) Here, the skills required are product and market know-how in the new categories, appropriate retail know-how, brand management skills and CRM capability, to bui ld on the existing customer base and to understand / anticipate the customers n eeds and expectations. To assess whether the brand can be stretched, there are t hree dimensions along which it can be tested: Height of the brand: what are the aspirational extent of the brand benefits. Breadth of the brand: how versatile i s the image. Depth: how competitive is the current category. Extend brand portfo lio The brand must Identify, acquire and integrate under leveraged brands Build new brands The skills required here are mainly the ability to successfully transfer the kno w-how across the brands (e.g., the way Gucci was restructured, applied again to restructure YSL), strong post-merger integration skills, in order not to loose k ey people and dilute the image and ability to design the organization and change this design when needed. 4.3 Key challenges in the industry Financing It is bec oming a major key factor of success for worldwide brand diffusion. Global succes s requires strong R&D commitment (both in process and in product), strong advert ising budget (corporate and specific) and finally strong commitment in retail. T hese financial requirements lead small brands, pure players, to seeking partners hips, relying on third party distribution network, narrowing product offering, a nd soliciting capital markets. Additionally, access to capital markets (ie becom ing a public company) allow for extra acquisition currency, a possibility to iss ue debt and a mechanism to incentivize talent with stock options. Brand life cyc le The dynamics and hyper creativity of the industry lead to shortening product life cycle. R&D in cosmetics allows the big players for launching breakthrough p roducts within a year or two. The shortening life cycle facilitates entry for ev entual new entrants. Even successful players like Chanel seem to transcend the l ife-cycle process while managing to capture a new market for each new generation while retaining their long-established clientele by leveraging the Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 14/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool myth created behind Coco Chanel (successful new advertising for n5 fragrance targ eting younger people). Diversification 4.4 Conclusion: the Winning Concept Accor ding to some analysts, the winning concept of the future for the luxury goods in dustry is to be like a "big pharmaceutical groups that combine the management of a pipeline of bran ds at different stages of development, heavy investment in t he creation of new products, and effective marketing and distribution".[13] Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 15/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool PART II - WHAT DOES A LUXURY CONGLOMERATE BRING TO A COMPANY? 1. Methodology In order to identify the various soft and hard assets brought and developed by a lu xury conglomerate to its subsidiaries, we tried to follow various analysis frame works applying it to the example of the biggest luxury conglomerate, i.e. LVMH: We looked at companies bought by LVMH over the last decade (e.g. Guerlain, Given chy) and analysed the changes in efficiency, positioning and organisation that a ppeared afterwards, and the rationale for that; we tried whenever possible to co nduct interviews with managers working within these companies in order to get ins ider information. We conducted performance, positioning and organisational benchm ark between companies owned by LVMH and other independent players positioned on the same segments (Tods, Hermes); we studied the evolution of these two sets over a period covering the before- and after-acquisition in order to separate conglo merate-specific moves from industry-specific ones. We analysed companies that ar e historical assets of LVMH (for example: Christian Dior) and looked at the spec ific synergies brought by the headquarters. We performed interviews with indepen dent retailers to better understand their relationship with the LVMH brands, but discovered no synergy yet in this area. We concentrate our analysis on distingu ishing conglomerates (multi-brand players) from pure players (mono-brand one), b oth having the ability to propose mono- or multi-product line portfolios. The LV MH Company Brief Outlook The LVMH conglomerate is quite unique in the sense that it gathers the largest range of luxury and premium goods available on the marke t as defined in part I. It can be argues that the definition can be widened, to include for example premium hotels or luxury cars which target the same clientel e. It has rapidly expanded its scope of activities over the l st decade a throug h the acquisition of historical or emerging brands. The conglomerate operates fi ve distinct divisions: The Wines & Spirits division, promoting various champagne , wines and cognac brands, including high premiums products (Chteau dYquem: most e xpensive Bordeaux) The Fashion & Leather Goods division, gathering brands such a s Louis Vuitton, Loewe, Kenzo, Givenchy, Cline, Christian Lacroix, Fendi and Donn a Karan The Perfumes & Cosmetics division, including Parfums Christian Dior, Ken zo Parfuns, Givenchy, Guerlain The Watches & Jewelry division with brands such a s Zenith, Ebel, Chaumet, Christian Dior, Tag Heuer The Selective Retailing divis ion, developing its DFS, Sephora and local department stores (Le Bon March, La Sa maritaine) network. Developing critical mass in the distribution network (Sephor a in the US) seems to be a priority for the group 2. Competitive advantage broug ht by the Conglomerate model We will analyse the competitive advantage brought b y the conglomerate model through two different perspectives: Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 16/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool The first perspective encompasses the structure and organisational model develop ed through the conglomerate model. This includes the power in the value chain, t he risk diversification and the strategy evolution. The second perspective descr ibes the synergies and operational management developed by the conglomerate. 2.1 Structure and organisation Various distinctive competitive advantages have b een identified as added value brought by the conglomerate: Management Quality an d Competitive Structure: LVMH attracts, trains and promotes very valuable manage rs thanks to its external Public Communications and various links with universit ies and business schools. The Human Resource policy tends to promote people mobi lity across the vario us regions and divisions. Furthermore, the headquarters is very reactive in promoting Managing Directors coming from different industries when it thinks the move is pertinent for the subsidiary. As an example, the Perf ume and Flagrance market is today controlled by players such as Unilever or Proc ter & Gamble alumni; within Givenchy (bought in 1989 by LVMH), LVMH has promoted a General Management coming from these industries, resulting in a totally new p ositioning of the brand on this market. Generally speaking, modern management te chniques and organisational structures have often been brought to traditionally operating boutiques. Research and Develoment: synergies are initiated across vario us Perfume & Cosmetics houses to limit the cost per unit in devel ping new cosme tics and skincare products. o However, it seems that these synergies are in an e arly stage. Brands Global Repositioning: one of the key added value brought by t he conglomerate to its brand portfolio is the brand differentiation and re-posit ioning developed year after year to limit product cannibalism. This is especiall y true for the Watches & Jewelry division that recently integrated many new bran ds. Funding: a specificity of the luxury conglomerate is its ability to gather v ery high free cash flows from historical brands (about EUR 1 billion in 2001 for LVMH) that can be reinvested selectively in brands under development or restruc turing. This war chest gives LVMH headquarter the ability to act rapidly and giv e access to better funding conditions to the subsidiaries, thereby creating bett er conditions for innovation and market reactivity. Higher bargaining power with retailers and distributors world-wide: although synergies seems to be limited a t this point in time (Sales Forces are specia lised on one Product Line or Brand ), potential synergies could emerge in the near future. Economies of scale: a su rprising synergy brought by the conglomerate is economies of scale; this is true for the Fashion & Leather Goods division, a business unit that sell more than o ne million pairs of shoes under various brands (2001 figure) and leverage a stra tegic global manufacturing partnership with Italian manufacturer Rossimoda. This partnership is expected to deliver higher quality and profitability in this cat egory. Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 17/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool Integration into selective retailing: LVMH leverages its DFS and Sephora distrib ution network to push the various Perfumes & Cosmetics products. In some places such as Le Bon March, LVMH performs price discrimination resulting in a 10% highe r price for its own products than in independent retailing! (This integration st rategy is however challenged by some analysts as this is a much lower margin seg ment to operate in, bringing down the overall ROCE.) International Expansion: a strong expertise in international expansion seems to be brought to each subsidia ry, especially after acquisition of new companies (Fendi, Kenzo, Donna Karan). I n many cases, LVMH acted in two steps with new acquired companies. First, it mod ified and extended the product portfolio, an then developed the international ne twork selectively. For many luxury goods independent brands, mastering the inter national expansion is quite challenging, requiring both funding, distribution ne tworks and management. The conglomerate is able to gather these resources and le verage an existing distribution network2. 2.2 Process and operational management We identified various sources of competencies brought by LVMH to its subsidiarie s: Financial Discipline: the LVMH conglomerate operates as a very financial-focu sed corporation in the sense that it manages its company portfolio very dynamica lly and imposes strict financial rules (focus, profitability, cash flow as core va lues presented by Bernard Arnault) to its subsidiaries with respect to use of ca pitals and return on sales; in other words, artistic and luxury creation has be profitable and yield high margins. The financial control and pressure performed by the headquarters leads to a better assessment of product and market opportuni ties. This financial discipline is done within each Division, through arbitrage between potentially competitive projects. Higher Budgets for Marketing and Sales : the LVMH group is able to gather higher marketing, advertising and promotional budgets, especially in the Perfume markets (critical mass) to ensuring a new pr oduct launch adoption; this is probably linked to the fact that the risk of fail ure in launching a new perfume is generally pretty high, and that a strong marke ting investment is an efficient mean to get higher early adoption, word of mouth and, in a nutshell, higher success rate. Strong examples in the Perfume segment are Dolce Vita (Parfuns Christian Dior) and Champs-Elysees (Guerlain), two perf umes that recently used a very high advertising budget with respect to other ind ividual boutiques. But this pattern is also true for other Divisions, such as Wi nes & Spirits (focus on growing start brands such as Dom Perignon, Moet & Chando n, Veuve Cliquot, Krug and premium cognacs in the US and Japan) and Watches & Je welry (Chaumet and Zenith brands). Merchandising Know-How: one of the main chara cteristic of the conglomerate added value in the Fashion business seems to be it s ability to leverage the creation image of star brands (John Galliano at Christ ian Dior, Alexander Mc Queen at Givenchy) to expand the scope and recognition of the brand first, and then promote and launch a full set of accessories (Christi an Diors margins are going up thanks to this strategy). Generally speaking, the c onglomerate seems to bring modern marketing and merchandising techniques to trad itional historical brands. In the Wine & Spirits segment, the 2 In Asia (Japan, Hong Kong), LVMH has centralised its operations and co-located i ts retailing outlets (5% global stores world-wide.
Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 18/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool conglomerate has been able to leverage and export marketing and merchandising co ncepts from mass markets products (bundling) and introduced marketed packages of wines (Trilogy of Grands Crus) or champagne (Cliquot Box). Product Line Expansi on (milking the brand): a constant characteristic of LVMH across its various divis ions is its ability to expand rapidly and aggressively the portfolio width and d epth in order to create additional sources of revenues; this is a trend that we see in Perfume and Cosmetics (Dior, Guerlain, Kenzo), but also in Watches and Je wellery (Tag Heuer, bought in 1999, Louis Vuitton Watches). A significant exampl e for that is Guerlain, a brand that has traditionally be positioned on the uppe r flagrancy segment. Since the LVMH takeover (1994), Guerlain has redefined its positioning with perfume and cosmetics products targeting new segments (25-35 ac tive women) outside its traditional customer base. A second example is Christian Dior, an historical asset of LVMH: over the last decade, the brand has been repositioned to yield higher margins (massive focus of new accessories launch, crea tion of many perfumes and new cosmetics, higher brand awareness among new high i ncome segments but lower product quality and less distribution exclusivity). In the Wine & Spirits division, new segmented products are launched: Moet & Chandons Nectar Imperial in the US, Hennessy Classique for the Japanese market, Hennessy Private Reserve and Paradis Extra3 designed to expand its customer base among c ognac connoisseurs. Inventory management: this characteristic seems to be true i n the Wine & Spirits business where champagne capacity is managed with efficienc y. 3. Limits in the value brought by a Luxury conglomerate Following the analysis o f the LVMH group, we identified two major limitations strategic and operational - that may hinder the business development of a pure player when integrated with in a conglomerate. 3.1 Strategic constraints Diminishing advantages of the busin ess mix LVMH is progressively loosing its initial business diversification advan tage as globalisation and international economic interdependence strengthened in the recent years. As the main geographical areas tend to be financially and com mercially affected in very close time intervals, LVMH cannot compensate anymore for the temporary weaknesses of a specific region. When a financial and economic recession happens in one part of the globe, such as in the US during the last t wo years, the repercussions in Europe and Asia develop rapidly, which endangers the whole financial balance of the conglomerate. Similarly the business cycles o f the different business divisions tend to shorten. Therefore the LVMH luxury co nglomerate may hardly maintain a global growth in revenues by a compensation mec hanism, which initially was a key-success factor of its strategy as a conglomera te. For example LVMH relied on the sales development of the perfumes and cosmeti cs division in the past five years to compensate for the cyclical slowdown of th e wine and spirit business. 3 Top quality cognacs Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 19/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool As a consequence, in case of an economic downturn, the luxury conglomerate may n ot be able to provide the financial support that a pure player would expect from the group. Eventually a commercially and financially more successful single pla yer may have to give up part of its profits to the benefit of the corporate enti ty, willing to redistribute them to more lagging divisions. Corporate strategy o f the conglomerate negatively impacts operational divisions The strategy of a co nglomerate mainly consists in strengthening the key businesses and aggregating t he cash from the strongest divisions to build a war chest which will be used to invest in future promising sectors, which may be core or non-core sectors. This is a financial weapon to bet on future revenue streams and take positions fast bef ore competitors. The underlying outcome and risk of this strategic approach is t hat an irrelevant and unsuccessful investment may strongly diminish the corporat e base of cash, and ultimately the funds that would otherwise be allocated to fo ster the business development of the different brands. For example, the recent u nsuccessful diversification of LVMH in internet operations, such as the e-luxury web site, or in selective retailing such as Sephora, strongly undermined the fi nancial corporate results of the group. This contributed to weaken the business image and financial credibility of the company and might have reduced its abilit y to access to an optimum cost of capital for further business development. Furt hermore these negative performances may have been transferred at the operational level, by demanding the business divisions higher profit targets and constraini ng their expense plan. In this situation the pure player integrated in the luxur y conglomerate may be worse off and temporary limited in its business developmen t. Business arbitrages at the expense of specific business divisions In a luxury conglomerate, a pure player becomes one part of the brand portfolio and its per formance tends to be assessed relatively to other brands. Therefore when the pur e player demonstrates an inferior business growth compared to other brands of th e portfolio, the conglomerate may reallocate the budgets to the benefit of the b rands that may more rapidly produce profits. In this case the short-term focus a nd pressure on results may lead the luxury conglomerate not to take into account anymore the time dimension necessary to leverage the unique and creative assets of the pure player. Eventually the luxury conglomerate may consider to divest i n a brand despite its creative uniqueness, such as the champagne Pommery LVMH is trying to sell. Despite innovative product launches and a strong brand communic ation, the product stock surplus combined with a weaker trend in consumption led LVMH sacrifice the Pommery brand among the other Champagne brands of its wide pro duct portfolio, comprising Moet&Chandon, Veuve-Cliquot. 3.2 Operational arbitrag es As the global strategy of the conglomerate prevails, most of the operational arbitrages tend to be made at the expenses of the single business unit, ie in ou r case the pure player integrated within the group. Limited flexibility in Human Resources management Although the pure player may wish to benefit from the cong lomerate talent pool, Human Resources mobility tends to be constrained by the un willingness of the Heads of the operational divisions to break up their teams an d let go their key-managers. This may be Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 20/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool emphasised in the context of luxury, where each business addresses specific cust omers, manages a brand with a specific history and sophisticated positioning, and re quires unique operation processes. Building a combined functional and brand expe rtise requires time, therefore the operational divisions tend to keep their team s for several years. Furthermore managers often feel attached to the brands they d evelop and tend to receive little compensation incentive to join another busines s division of the group. Therefore a pure player may unlikely benefit from a cor porate support to enrich its management or creative team, while as an independen t company, it can more easily attract new managers, providing it offers a motiva ting financial package, combined with a strong autonomy in decision-making. Inte rnal competition for budgets and support operations As part of the luxury conglo merate, the pure player will face a strong competition with the other brands to maximise its share of the overall budget. The focus may be more on internal polit ics than on business and creative management, as the level of financial means in the luxury industry are key to foster performance development through strong adv ertising, extensive promotional marketing, resources in creative development. Th e final decision in terms of budget allocation is likely to be made by the corpo rate structure on past result criteria rather than on future performance assessm ent. Therefore a pure player, being considered a small part within the conglomer ate brand portfolio, may not receive the required budget for implementing its bu siness development plan. Similarly when negotiating commercial agreements with s uppliers and distributors, the heads of the functional divisions, such as Purcha se and Sales, might only consider the increase in the total group business share that a single player will bring, without considering its specific needs to furt her expand. Therefore the outcome in terms of delays, discounts, retail presence are likely to be negotiated at a group level, but may not ultimately be redistr ibuted to the single player. Since the suppliers and distributors are concerned with the profit derived from each specific brand, they might give better overall conditions considering the share of the luxury conglomerate in their businesses . The real advantages in terms of supplying delays, shelf -space, etc., might pr imarily benefit the biggest brands. The single player might lack the advantage of being a part of the Luxury conglomerate, while contributing to increase the barg aining power of the functional managers, by enlarging the base of the negotiatio n. Profitability focus hindering creativity development A luxury conglomerate te nds to create a pressure on financial results at the level of each division and induce a form of competition between brands. This is likely to hinder the creati ve process, which is the underlying support of the brand, we previously defined as one of the key asset of a luxury goods player. The focus on results and profi ts might represent a risk in the longer term as managers will tend to abandon ne w creative product projects that may not be an immediate commercial success. In the longer run the risk is to loose the originality and identity of the brand an d indirectly destroy the future consumer base, as they might no longer be attrac ted by the creative style of the brand and therefore not be willing to pay for t he premium linked to any luxury product. Another distortion that might be genera ted by a conglomerate is a too radical transformation of the brand, without main taining the link with the history of the brand. For example LVMH tried to revita lise the Givenchy brand by brutally changing the designer and assigning ambitiou s commercial targets to the new creator and his team. However the new products d id not match anymore with the spirit and original Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 21/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool style of the brand. As a result the Givenchy brand lost on both sides: the forme r loyal customers were shocked and unwilling to buy the new products, while the potentially new buyers were rather seduced by other radically innovative brands and therefore remain a marginal buyer group that did not compensate for the loss of the core base of clients. 4. Overall benefits of a Luxury conglomerate to a pure player As previously described, a pure player may benefit from the integrat ion in a luxury conglomerate to have access more easily to financial means and t o a solid business structure, which are likely to boos t its development. The ke y advantages a conglomerate may provide are a cheaper cost of capital to finance creative and business investments, an increased bargaining power and reduced co st of operations (raw material purchase, advertising, distribution and merchandi sing costs) and finally the easier search and access to skilfull creators and ma nagers. The constraints of joining a luxury conglomerate might be the financial discipline and imposed business targets, aligned to the group, which may not suf fici ntly take into account e the specific situation and required business devel opment stages of the pure player. The luxury conglomerate may also exercise a to o strong influence on the creativity of the pure player and on its commercial ap plications, which might weaken the initial creative uniqueness of the single bra nd. Finally the managers of the brand might lack sufficient autonomy in their ma nagement and decision-making process, hindering their own business creativity. H owever following the consolidation of the luxury goods industry it seems increas ingly difficult for a pure player to develop as an independent firm, unless the uniqueness and creativity of the brand may be transformed in successful commerci al products with the support of streamlined business operations. This may apply to luxury business segments that do not require a large initial funding and do n ot necessarily target the mass-market. Fashion may be an example: the strategy o f a pure player would be to build or revamp a brand, targeting specif ic custome r groups, then developing and expanding the brand towards massmarkets products l ike perfumes and accessories. The pair Tom Ford and Domenico De Sole successfull y applied this strategy when relaunching the Gucci brand. However their success ra ther appears the exception in the fashion sector, where the financial returns on initial investments usually take place in a five to ten year time frame. Furthe rmore the further development of the Gucci brand seems to have been fostered by the integration, creation of new luxury goods group, providing additional suppor t to the brand. Most of the other luxury segments such as wine and spirits, perf umes and cosmetics, are capital intensive to foster new product development, glo bal and powerful communication and distribution. Therefore the viability of a pu re player development strategy becomes rare and questionable. We may wonder to w hich extent the remaining pure players, such as Rolex or Armani are likely to be acquired by the existing luxury conglomerates such as LVMH or Vendme group in a near future. Another business strategy might be the creation of another Luxury g oods conglomerate, which might be the path followed by Gucci Group. Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 22/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool PART III THE NEW KID ON THE BLOCK: GUCCI GROUP 1. The History of Guccio Gucci Sp A source: Goldman Sachs [15] 1.1 1923-1989: the Origins The Gucci House was founded in Florence in 1923 by Gu ccio Gucci. Working as a waiter or bell boy [10] at the Savoy Hotel in London at the turn of the century, he observed that most of the rich & beautiful clients ca rried very ordinary luggage. Back in his native Florence in 1923, he opened a sm all luggage shop. He later expanded the range of products into other leather goo ds such as the classic Gucci bamboo-handled purse (1957), the classic Gucci loaf er (1960), and expanded into textiles with silk scarves and foulards in 1962. [4 ] When the founder died in 1953, he divided the company control between his two sons with a 50/50 split. Aldo, a hard worker, built the company into a full-blow n international fashion house, while his brother Rodolfo dedicated his life to a cting. When that generation passed away, they handed their shares of the company to their offspring, leaving effectively Maurizio as the majority shareholder. W ar soon erupted in the family, which could not agree on a way to re-unite their holdings. A solution was found in 1989 in the form of Investcorp, a banking inst itution from Bahren (that had just recently made 2,5x their money in a transactio n involving the jeweler Tiffany [1]), which bought over the shares of the three sons of Aldo [4]. Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 23/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool The Gucci Family Tree Guccio Gucci *1881 + 1953 Married Aida Calvelli Grimelda Aldo (50%) Married Olwen Price Vasco + 1975 Rudolfo (50%) Giorgio Paolo Roberto Maurizio + 1995 Married Patrizia Reggiani source: [3] 1.2 1989-1994: the Death Spiral Still owning 50% of the business, Maurizio Gucci stayed on as Chairman and CEO. He thought a little more grandeur would suit Guc ci well: he expanded the product range to more than 20,000 references, ranging f rom ashtrays to saddles [3], including many dclass items [1] such as plastic handb ags and canvas luggage [2]. He also developed the number of sales outle ts. This development was achieved mainly through licensing and franchising. Additionally , as the product range was managed by different members of the Gucci family and global regions were operating independently, there was no consistent display of goods across stores around the world [2]. Inevitably, soon the Gucci brand was d iluted in the clients perception. Several years of additional bad management left the company in shambles, with employees dispirited and suppliers angry waiting to be paid, and stopping the supply of goods to the stores [2]. The company had been loosing money, and on the brisk of bankruptcy after years of bruising infigh ting among Gucci family members [4] (it lost $23m on revenues of $203m). In Octob er 1993 the company was placed in liquidation. Investcorp (holdings at the time included also Saks Fifth Avenue [2]) was left with no choice than to buy out the last 50% stake from Maurizio Gucci for an undisclosed sum (thought to be in the neighborhood of $110-120m [3] or $400m for the overall investment [5]), allowin g it at last to operate freely. (Incidentally, Maurizio Gucci was later murdered by his wife in 1995 [2]). 1.3 1994-1999: the Gucci turnaround Investcorp called upon the services of Domenico de Sole, an Italian born tax lawyer, trained at t he Harvard Law School. He was originally hired by Maurizio Gucci to solve a US t ax issue with the IRS and went on to run the US division of Gucci after 1984. He became COO in 1994 and CEO in 1995 [9]. Investcorp started applying drastic fin ancial control [1], by slashing costs in production, closing 650 points of sale, terminating 17,000 product references out of 22,000, and slashing costs [3]. In ternally the company was reorganized into 11 product lines, with category manager s overlooking single lines. Tom Ford, who has been fired by Maurizio Gucci, was r ehired [3]. Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool The company soon recovered profitability and turned a $17m profit in 1994. In Oc tober 1995 the company went public on the New York and Amsterdam stock exchanges [1], providing a first exit for Investcorp. 48% of stock was floated at $22/sha re [3] (overall IPO at above $600m.). Just a few months later, a secondary offer ing in March 1996 allowed Investcorp to exit completely. The remaining 52% of st ock was offered at $48/share, reaching $1.3bn [3]) (in 1995, the company recorde d $83m of profits, on revenues of $500m). Unfortunately, a major problem for de Sole and Ford surfaces, as although they retained full control of Guccis products and image, they could no control the price of Guccis stock and became immediatel y a takeover target. The 1997 Asian financial crisis brought the stock price dow n from $70-80 down to $40, where it remained throughout most of 1998 [5]. Alread y back in 1994, LVMH had attempted to buy Gucci with a $400m [11]. In 1997, Patr izio Bertelli of Prada quietly bought a 9.5% stake of Gucci stock [5]. Beginning in 1997, LVMH bought secretly 5% of Gucci on the market, and then bought Pradas stake. In January 1999, it held 26,7% [5] of the stock, and kept on buying more on the market, becoming the single largest shareholder with 34.4%. Although Bern ard Arnault originally denied wanting to make a bid for Gucci, a merger would ha ve made sense. LVMH could have used the new product pipeline from Gucci, while G ucci could have used the new valuable outlets of LVMH through which to sell its growing line. De Sole and Ford did not appreciate the move: the guy just asked hi mself over to dinner without calling first [5]. Indeed, Arnault was unlikely to s hare any power with de Sole and Ford, who had just created a immensely valuable business out of ashes [5]. De Sole fought LVMH off, and persuaded the board to i ssue $2.9 billion of new shares, representing a 40% stake to white knight Pinaul t of PPR, who had just bought Sanofi Beaut with the intention of starting a luxur y division of his own. That move diluted Arnaults stake to 20.6% and prompted him to file suit in Amsterdam. Then in December 1999, de Sole bought YSL from PPR f or $1 billion for the tarnished ready-to-wear and perfume business [12]. After y ears of legal litigation, LVMH dropped the towel at a substantial profit in Sept ember 2001 in a process that gave PPR a majority control in Gucci with the optio n to bid for the remaining stock in 2004. Source: Goldman Sachs [15] We believe the process through which the tandem Domenico de Sole and Tom Ford tu rned the company around in just a couple years are key to understanding the uniq ueness of the Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 25/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool company and its main competitive advantage. The next section describes in detail the measures applied to this turnaround. 2. Sources of uniqueness and above-nor mal returns at GucciGroup A detailed analysis of the actions that Domenico de So le and Tom Ford undertook to turn around Gucci shows that they have created a st rategy and a process to execute this strategy that not only enabled them to comp ete with the large luxury goods conglomerates such as LVMH, and Richemont, but a ctually to outperform them on several counts, including stock performance and co mpound growth. In particular, we believe that they have achieved an extreme high -level of competence in several areas, which combined have created their unique competitive advantage. 2.1 Management After years of inappropriate management, G ucci was taken over by a US trained lawyer, whose simple but effective methods c ontributed largely to the companys turnaround. De Sole acknowledged in an intervi ew: the most dangerous thing in business is not making decisions. I learned from Maurizio Gucci he couldnt decide anything [11]. De Sole brought in an American sty le to managing people, materialized by a flat structure and openness: I try to hi re good people and let them do their jobs as long as I know what is going on. So me CEOs dont know much about their companies, but I know everything. de Sole [4]. The trust in his management team was however relative, and the impeccable execut ion of the strategy was key to its success: I follow through, I call my managers all the time to make sure they have executed what they said they would do de Sole [4]. As an example, he would not hesitate to shut down stores immediately if th ey did not abide by the guidelines he defined for the brand [4]. Other examples of his very decisive character included slashing all the previous managements per ks such as the company-paid three-mast sailing boat, and moving back the lavish headquarters built in Milan by Maurizio back to Florence. Finally, de Sole used typical US incentives for his employees. He introduced stock-options for all top management and had all remaining employees benefit from a year-end bonus, pro r ata of 30% of the groups profits [7]. Finally, many accounts relate that de Sole i s a formidable people leader [7], a crucial quality in harsh times where drastic measures are indispensable. 2.2 Manufacturing Additionally to putting his house in order, de Sole understood he needed to regain the confidence of his suppliers and retain the best amongst them. Just after joining Gucci, he spent 3 months i n the summer 1994 driving around Tuscany, meeting personally with all suppliers, regaining their confidence and assessing their quality [2]. He didnt hesitate to slash about 10% of suppliers who did not meet the quality standards [11]. As an incentive he offered to pay upfront future wages (it had never been done before ) [4] and played on the prospects of a long-lasting relationship and steady work , an important feature in Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 26/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool Italy [4]. Indeed history showed that suppliers benefited immensely by the growt h in sales y Gucci. Additionally, de Sole organized a partners program for the bes t and most dedicated artisans, helping them upgrade their facilities, and advanci ng money for high-tech machines if needed to boost their productivity [4]. He off ered financial and technical support in electronic support in electronic leather -cutting, as well as in order and inventory systems. [11]. In return, de Sole ask ed for significant returns in productivity, and retraining of workers in quality and efficiency The small network of suppliers turned out 3.5 million leather pie ces in 2000, up from 2.5 million the year before, and only 640,000 when de Sole took over. Production lead time has dropped by 40% over this period to 50 to 70 days [11]. Finally, de Sole incentived the development of the Japanese model of s upplier management, financially helping former employees to set up supplier busi nesses with Gucci in exchange for exclusivity [7]. Finally, de Sole introduced t echnology in manufacturing, including an innovative technique of hot water to mo ld leather before it is cut. The Italian model for fashion and leather goods (a network of small manufacturing suppliers) differs here greatly from the French m odel used for instance at LVMH where manufacturing is done in-house. Although it requires more quality supervision and coordination, not owning the means of pro ductions has given more flexibility to Gucci, without restraining its capacity t o develop manufacturing synergies with its suppliers. Additionally it frees up c ash that can be put to better use for the firm in brand promotion and distributi on. However, Gucci is also strolling down through the backwards vertical integra tion path as well. The integration of Sanofi Beaut as YSL Beaut is giving it the i nternal capabilities to develop cosmetics and perfumes. Indeed an intra-group ag reement was signed for YSL Beaut to develop the next fragrance for Alexander McQu een. Bedat also brought internal capability to develop watches and we understand that future Gucci timepieces will be subcontracted to them. But indeed the bulk of vertical integration is forwards with the replacement of the distribution ch annels with Directly Operating Stores (DOS) either bought back from former franc hises or created from scratch. 2.3 Marketing We described earlier that the Gucci brand had been over-streched and that its perception as a luxury brand had been completely diluted. The duo redesigned the whole marketing mix, successfully cha nging the product mix, the pricing strategy, the promotion strategy and the dist ribution concept, introducing a unique Gucci approach to brand management. Produ ct mix The main idea for both managers was that the brand should be consistent a ll over the world, and convey the right image : I wanted unity of style so that t he customer who flies from Tokyo to Milan to New York will find the same image de Sole [4]. Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 27/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool One of the first measures was to slash unsuccessful product lines (a massive red uction in the range of leather products) and focus on quality. All manufacturing licenses were terminated and production was brought back to the Tuscany region, except for watches remaining in Switzerland [7]. Franchises were granted exclus ively to sectors where craftsmanship is required, such as perfumes (Wella has a 25 year contract). Finally the low-end products were slashed (although providing a very high margin) because of brand dilution: dont run after the last dollar. Add itionally both de Sole and Ford understood that they could not rely on designer extravaganza, and very early on, introduced commercial considerations into their work: in their world, value comes from a brand image more than form a designers a rtistry [11]. Ford was then instrumental in developing the Gucci new look. He dro pped the old look of red and green stripes that had adorned every Gucci product since its creation, and shifted towards an ultra-chic black minimalist look, tha t appealed to the fashion conscious clientele. He also understood that ready-towear (originally 10% of sales [1]) should be used as an entry product and image ambassador for the other much higher-margin products such as accessories (bags, ties, shoes, tableware and belts). Indeed, Ford created a mechanism to design a pipeline of new products, heavily using technology. Working from Los Angeles or London, he sent drawings electronically to Florence, were they were shaped in 3D, then modified using cupboard models, and finally made into prototypes, again slashing both costs and new product development time. Additionally, there is som e evidence that he started to delegate part of the actual sketching to some 20 d esigners at Gucci and later to some additional 10 designers at YSL [11]. Pricing Another measure applied immediately by de Sole was to reprice every single item in the product line, mainly downwards, to create a consistent positioning of th e brand, taking into account the competitor landscape [4]. He stressed the impor tance of bringing value to customers. Indeed de Sole was quoted on several occas ions that it was stupid to try to chase the last dollar in sales if that created blurred perceptions and inconsistency with the clientele. Promotion We understa nd that the Gucci brand was not heavily advertised in the pre-de Sole years. In order to relaunch the new image imagined by Tom Ford, Gucci relied on the usual techniques for fashion: public relations and press advertising. The difference w ith the previous era was the emphasis on this tool. Indeed in 1994, there wasnt mu ch money for advertising, so we decided to sink what we had into fashion which i s a highly publicized business de Sole [5]. The two Milan readyto-wear show in 19 95 by Tom Ford were massive successes, and relaunched the brand into the forefro nt of the luxury goods field. Gucci also used public personalities to showcase i ts products and create press coverage, such as with Hollywood stars: Madonna, Ti na Turner [1], Nicole Kidman [12]. Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 28/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool A massive global advertising campaign was then launched using the best fashion m agazines [4]: increasing from $6 million in 1993 [4], to $28m in 1995 [5] to $70 million in 1997 [4], to $80m in 1998 [5] (representing between 6 to 12% of sale s). Distribution De Sole is bullish in his ambition to control the distribution channel, for he believes that in order to deliver the right image to his clients , Gucci needs to control the whole supply chain from manufacturing to distributi on where the brand image is finally conveyed to its clients. In order to create the same look and feel all over the world, Gucci closed or bought back all franc hises and licensees, including airport duty-free shops, and shops in shops in la rge department stores. I am in the process of reducing the number of upscale reta ilers that carry Gucci de Sole [4]. He indeed closed down Guccis presence at Harro ds in 1996, opening a new store back a year later. He also heavily promoted direc tly operated stores (DOS) in exclusive locations (Gucci Group: 67 self-owned sto res in 1996 [1], 124 in 1999[5]). In 1999, all stores around the world were rede signed simultaneously , in order to impact the clientele worldwide simultaneousl y [7]. And again de Sole went on annual tours to check consistency of brand guid elines and closing down stores several times if necessary [2]. Source: ING Barings [16] 2.4 1999 2002: the integration of YSL Beaut and RTW The legal battle between LVMH and Gucci occurred at the same time PPR was trying to develop a luxury goods di vision of its own, and when Franois Pinault was buying Sanofi Beaut. As part of th e agreement to open the equity structure to PPR, Gucci bought Sanofi beaut for $1 billion in December 1999. This marked the turning point for Gucci from a single brand company towards a luxury goods conglomerate, both on the multi product ax is (leather, fashion, cosmetics, fragrances, watches and jewellery) and the mult i brand axis (Gucci, Sergio Rossi, Bottega Veneta, YSL, Boucheron, Bedat, etc.). Could the recipe applied to revitalizing the Gucci brand work for the tarnished YSL brand? Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 29/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool Evidence shows actually that YSL was in very much the same state as Gucci: - an over stretched brand with licensed on too many product categories: the YSL brand was imprinted on everything from cheap sunglasses to baseball caps [12]. - A po or distribution strategy - A management torn between creativity and commercialco nsiderations. Interestingly, an INSEAD student report [17] written in 1997 had a lready spotted the internal difficulties at YSL and recommended the following: To go back to the path of long term sustainability, we recommend that the company: - reactivate its image generator - emphasize the quality of raw material procur ement - control quality by keeping an integrated manufacturing process, making i t a core competence that will give it a competitive edge. It should of course no t manufacture for competitors in case of excess capacity - recreate a very stron g interdependence between the marketing of the Perfume and the image creators bus iness to avoid any divergence and create synergies between two activities - revi talize the virtuous cycle by a push strategy - control distribution to have a sc rupulous respect and coherence of the brand image. Although there is not yet enou gh evidence to show the success of the YSL turnaround (the ready to wear busines s is not expected to break even before 2004, but YSL was back in the black in 20 01), we believe de Sole and Ford are applying exactly the same strategy (and hen ce their unique resources) to YSL (and globally they are implementing the above mentioned recommendations!) This brings additional benefits (potential synergies , shortened learning curve) but also difficulties (over-stretching management, c apital expenditure) as they now strive to become an integrated luxury goods cong lomerate. Since management remains the same (it is noteworthy to indicate that Y SL Haute Couture was not sold to Gucci by Pinault in 1999, and remained within i ts holdings. Yves SaintLaurent decided to stop creating and retired in early 200 2), we shall concentrate here on showing the marketing mix revival. The new comm ercial orientation of Gucci Group is evident in the following comment from Chant al Roos (YSL perfumes): I would never have a conversation with Yves in which the cost of goods came up. Not anymore. [11] Product Mix Again, de Sole stresses the consistent brand image: you have to have the same collection worldwide, and it ha s to be consistent [9]. Not surprisingly, Gucci Group immediately slashed license s that provided up to 75% of the houses revenue yet devalued the image [12]. Contr olling the brand means being selective about both the retail outlets and the lic ensees. YSL started 2000 with 167 licensees making items, ranging from shoes and eyewear to jewellery, that generated $57 million in royalty income the year bef ore. It finished 2000 with Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 30/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool only 62 licensees and royalty income of $33 million-dropping, among other items, shoes, baseball caps, socks and handkerchiefs. [11] Within three months the pair had eliminated most of YSLs 167 product licenses, bought back 11 franchised store s, sold the ready-to-wear factory in Tours, and launched accessories and footwea r lines [9]. Distribution Gucci Group reiterated its strong belief in the control of the distribution channel and the development of DOS: The idea here is to cont rol [the brand] to within an inch of its life, from creation to production to di stribution. [11] In 1999, de Sole went on to close 5 out of the 10 distributor ag reements YSL had in Japan in just a matter of days [9]. The wide distribution con flicted with de Soles notion of how to make a luxury brand seem exclusive [11]. Mak e something hard to find and you can command a premium for it. Chantal Roos, now h ead of YSL Beaut, closed 1,300 of its 20,000 YSL doors (meaning total outlets). Thi s year another 3,000 doors will close. [11] Additionally, like the rest of the Lu xury Goods industry, Gucci Group made a considerable effort to stop the gray mar ket, which also diluted the brand and challenged the groups margin. (see [17] for a discussion on gray-market issues with YSL). Like other luxury brands, Gucci se nds investigators into stores to keep legitimate YSL suits out of discounters. L ast year Gucci won a restraining order against a French Web site that was sellin g YSL perfumes without permission. Gray market resales are a constant nuisance [11] As with the revival of Gucci, de Sole and Ford strongly believe in directly ope rated stores to revive the brand and with the dismember in order to rebuild approa ch [11]. De Sole plans to spend $20 million a year on marketing and real estate [1 1] with heavy investment planned in new boutiques: new flagships shops are plann ed for Beverly Hills, New York, London, Hong Kong and Milan [9]. [In 1999] Gucci operated 15 YSL stores. Today [2000] it has 33, with 6 more scheduled to open by September. Plans call for a total of 50 to 60 stores by the end of 2002 [11] Source: Goldman Sachs [15] Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 31/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool 3. The challenge of transformation from a mono-brand to a multi-brand group We w ere unable however to find evidence that Gucci Group was immediately successful in applying all its competitive advantages to YSL, particularly in the field of brand image generation and manufacturing. Additionally extracting synergies from the new group, and managing the new brands looks like a strong challenge. 3.1 I mage generation As the Creative Director for both brands at Gucci and YSL, Tom F ord has the challenge to create a distinctive image for both brands. The first f ashion shows for YSL by Tom Ford were reported to be a cheaper version of Gucci. This creates a huge problem, as the fashion shows contribute largely [17] to cr eate the image required to generate big sales in the high-margin accessories ass ociated with that image, such as handbags, eyeware, watches, perfumes and cosmet ics. Hence, a key challenge will be to keep the new YSL look distinct within the growing Gucci empire [9]. Ford is trying to address this, and has presented the following image differentiation to the press which was perceived with confidenc e by Business Week: the YSL brand is starting to recapture its star allure. [12] Source: Goldman Sachs [15] We believe however that the problem shall not be resolved entirely as Gucci Grou p integrates more and more brands. Brand positioning shall be key, and keeping C hinese walls between them will reveal a challenge to the new conglomerate. Addit ionally, front-office synergies here are almost impossible as a blurring percept ion might result for clients. Source: Goldman Sachs [15] Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 32/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool 3.2 Manufacturing Although we found little evidence on the supplier relationship s for YSL specifically, we believe Gucci Group is trying to develop manufacturin g synergies for its portfolio. In particular, since leather goods account for le ss than 10% at YSL compared with 45% at Gucci, there is big opportunity for YSL to leverage Guccis expertise in this field. And indeed, the press reports that YS Ls Mobassa bag was produced by Guccis Tuscan network of skilled leather craftsmen [12]. At Guccis headquarters in Scandicci, outside Florence, artisans are stitchin g together next springs YSL handbags [9]. Additionally, Bologna-based Sergio Rossi will now produce all YSL and Gucci shoes. [9]. 4. Is Gucci Group the right luxury goods conglomerate model? We have demonstrated earlier that Gucci created key c ompetitive advantages that allowed the fashion house to emerge as the second or third (according to different ranking criteria) luxury goods conglomerate worldw ide in just a matter of years. However, we need to understand whether these adva ntages are sustainable? Have they created a market dominance power, have they cr eated a mechanism to extract Ricardian rents? Source: The turnaround process at Gucci has cause amazement and has become almost a refe rence int the industry. The new Burberrys CEO commented recently with envy: turnin g a flagging brand around is called doing a Gucci, after Domenico de Sole and Tom Ford stunning success at building nearly bankrupt Gucci Group into an $11.1 bill ion (market cap) fashion power house [8]. Business week wrote in 2000 [9]: now thi s American Duo wants to repeat that performance with Yves Saint-Laurent, another faded star in the fashion firmament. The stakes are big: success with YSL would c linch Guccis reinvention as a diverse, high-profile luxury-goods empire with few riva ls. This is the moment when the company is being transformed from Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 33/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool a single brand to a multiple-brand fashion Group de Sole. In particular a YSL makeo ver will enable de Soles expanding group to challenge players such as [LVMH]. David Yoffie who oversaw a Harvard Business School case on Gucci: In contrast to Gucci , [LVMH has] expanded into anything and everything including some things they pr obably regret. [11] Non-withstanding the losses at YSL during its costly makeover, Gucci last year enjoyed a 21% operating margin on its narrower range of fashion , accessories and perfume. Is there a correlation between de Soles ruthless contr ol of distribution and profitability? There seems to be. The real proof will emer ge in the next year of so, as de Sole and Ford try to replicate at YSL what they have already done at the rest of Gucci. [11]. A Goldman Sachs research uses a de tailed approach to analyze the industry attractiveness, the company attractivene ss and the stock attractiveness. Gucci emerged as the overall winner, with the b est balance over all criteria. [15]. Its stock price also dominates the Goldman Sachs Luxury Goods stock price index Source: Goldman Sachs [15] Source: Goldman Sachs [15] Analyzing the different components of the val e chain at Gucci compared to the r est of the u industry, we believe Gucci Group might have found a magical recipe. Are they unique and sustainable? Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 34/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool 4.1 Management It is undeniable that de Soles seamless execution of a brand strat egy developped with Tom Ford is the driving force behind Guccis revival. However could the company survive without one of these two managers? We believe the two assets should be analyzed separately. Domenico de Soles vision and execution has been analyzed extensively. His approach is not unique anymore, and there is evid ence that LVMH has tried to copy his approach (e.g. DOS for Vuitton). Although i t would prove difficult to find a replacement manager for him in the short-term with the right kind of charisma and understanding of brand development, we ackno wledge he has been developing a top-management team that could operate without h im, and could grow into his role. Additionally Goldman Sachs estimate his option s to be worth 1 2% of Guccis market capitalization, a healthy sum to keep him mot ivated to stay with Gucci. Tom Ford however seems to be a more scarce resource. Although there is a plethora of designers on the market (from John Galliano to O svaldo Boateng), we found no evidence of them successfully blending artistry wit h commercial orientation, as most pure fashion houses loose money. He still has the challenge to develop in the long run distinctive images for the groups differ ent brands, and can definitively not be replaced easily. We believe that his hig her stock option package (estimated at 3% by Goldman Sachs) reflects this insigh t, and should keep motivated to continue developing the group, until it reaches a mature cruise-level. We should also point out that integrating new brands will bring a lack of focus, and might stretch the attention of the two top managers, who might need to delegate a big part of their activities. Investment banks poi nt that out that the group still lacks management capacity, although a vast prog ram was undertaken recently to hire luxury goods professionals. Indeed the expon ential growth in headcount from a few hundred people to several thousand support s the claim to built more middle management. An additional challenge will rise i n 2004, when PPR (which today owns a little over 50% of the Group) has the optio n to bid for the rest of the firm. We see little synergy today between PPRs opera tional assets (customer base, selective retailing network, international presenc e) and Guccis vision: we believe there is a danger to try to integrate both compa nies above anything than back-office (for instance a PPR-level currency exchange hedging service), and modify management incentives. PPRs takeover should be smoo th and leave the duo in command. The following sales figure, in particular CAGR for product segments should support their claim to independence. Source: ING Barings [16] Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 35/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool 4.2 Image generation The top 2 lines YSL and Gucci are designed by Tom Ford. As mentioned earlier, there was a risk of finding the same concepts on both collect ions, as reported by the specialized press. We recommend that Gucci Group hires another designer to grow the brands separately, probably for YSL with its more c lassic and less fashion conscious focus, once Ford develops its distinctive iden tity. We also recognize that the group is also trying to build a pipeline of you ng designers brands to grow the brand portfolios (Alexandre McQueen, and Stella McCartney). Also we understand that although the main designs come from Ford, 20 other designers at Gucci and 10 more at YSL expand the concepts developed into accessories. Although there are little synergies in terms of economies of scale to be found in design, there are a lot of economies of scope to be developed bot h in terms of learning curve (how to develop a new product using Tom Fords approa ch with computers, how to test commercial impact of an artists work), and in term s of product range where a brand can be expanded into higher-margin accessories. Source: ING Barings [16] Additionally, there are some economies of scale to be developed with media buyin g as Gucci grows its turnover, although it will not match for some time the pote ntial market power that LVMH has achieved in this market. Overall, although its brands are distinctive on the market, they do not command market power, and are not sustainable in the long run as they can easily come under attack from compet itors targeting the same clientele with other concepts. 4.3 Manufacturing Gucci Group has built a very solid base over the years to tighten its relationship wit h its suppliers, particularly in the fashion and leather goods segments. They ha ve incentivized them both with capital and production tools. This creates much h igher barriers to entry for a competitor wishing to subcontract to them than the current exclusivity agreements. Although the Italian model is to outsource this activity, we feel it is very close to a virtual vertical integration backwards, while providing flexibility to Gucci (very low barriers to exit, as investment can be considered as sunk costs). Gucci Group is also developing economies of sc ale buy using the same suppliers to develop different lines of products for diff erent brands. Gucci is also building manufacturing capability in-house for craft s it did not master (fragrances and watches). Its current agreement with Wella o n Fragrances is an issue, as it does not provide the right flexibility and econo mies of scale opportunities. However by building the capability in house it is p robably developing both a bargaining power, and a second sourcing capacity for i ts other brands. Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 36/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool 4.4 Distribution Domenico de Soles strong focus on controlling the distribution c hannel was instrumental in controlling the brands image, and delivering consisten t value to its clientele throughout the world. One might then consider that it i s then developing some Ricardian rents by securing exclusive locations on the be st locations around the world. Although the argument has some truth to it, it ca n be challenged. Firstly, with the explosion of Directly Owned Stores (DOS), Guc ciGroup is now developing a real estate business, which is very capital intensiv e and not its core business. It is investing massive amounts in securing locatio ns that cannot be leveraged with other brands since all DOS have to maintain an exclusive image. It can be argued however that a store offers economies of scope s by presenting different product segments (fashion, leather goods, perfumes, wa tches, etc.) under the same brand umbrella. Additionally Gucci might develop a b argaining power (and hence economies of scale) to negotiate more and more real e state locations. However we recommend that Gucci Group develops a strategy to co ver the best locations with a subset of their brand portfolio if they do not wan t to have all their brands compete for a slot of the same street. Source: ING Barings [16] Secondly, the above chart shows that close competitors have developed the same s trategy of DOS predominance and presence number, and that this not create a uniq ue advantage on the market place. Collectively, Luxury Good houses create more b arriers to entry to a new player wishing to enter the playfield, but do not real ly raise barriers to entry for existing players. Barriers to exit are low since most other players would be eager to grab the location opportunity. 5. Conclusion In difficult times, you get interesting break, said de Sole in Busine ss Week, who points out that while some of his heavily indebted competitors are suffering, Gucci is sitting on a $1.5 billion war chest. [12] We argue that Gucci Group created unique resources by turning around very successfully Gucci and is trying to do so now with YSL. It developed a specific approach to management, m anufacturing and supplier integration, brand management and distribution. Howeve r our analysis shows that none of it is sustainable in the long run and that a c hallenger could easily capture the same customer value with a competing product, however good the execution might have been. Indeed, analysts have mentioned tha t Gucci Group is now ready to compete with LVMH, and that that is reflected in G uccis better stock performance. However, financial benchmarks show that smaller f ocused houses such as Herms and Bulgari produce better ROCE and Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 37/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool operating margins, but as they grow extensively, they tend to destroy value (acc ording to Goldman Sachs analysis, Guccis excessive cash flow actually destroys val ue by maintaining a ROCE below WACC) or to under-perform more pure-players in fi nancial ratios. Source: MSN Money Comparison between Gucci and LVMH since Guccis IPO (and with SP 500 index) We believe however that while LVMH is struggling to develop intra-group synergie s after a bulimic M&A period, Gucci is developing the right approach to turnarou nd or develop each brand it acquires, i.e. sequentially, instead of trying to gr ow to quickly. (-) Gucci Group Gucci Brand development (+) YSL Stella McCartney, Alexandre McQueen Boucheron, Sergio Rossi. Source: Authors We would argue that Gucci Group has a unique opportunity to strengthen its posit ion until early 2004 before PPR has the option to acquire it completely. That op tion is still unclear, and it might actually be beneficial for PPR to sell its s take in the company by then to new shareholders. Floating it completely again wo uld be a mistake, as it will make the Group prone to another hostile takeover. D e Sole is right: you have to act quickly, and move ahead of competition. This is a game of timing before competition reacts (securing the best locations, developi ng the right supplier base, buying the best brands, hiring the competent profess ionals in the business) and of size (developing back office economies of scale a nd front-office economies of scope). However we sustain the main competitive adv antage to date has been execution, but that process is not sustainable in the lo ng run. Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 38/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool B IBLIOGRAPHY 1. Press articles 1. Comment Gucci est redevenu une star mondiale du luxe , Arnaud Brunet, Le Nouvel Economiste, n 1070, 24/12/1996, pp. 46-47 2. Br and Rescue , Institutional Investor, April 1997, pp 33-34 3. Death of a dynasty, Ja mes Hansen, Director, April 1997, pp 43-46 4. The Turnaround Champ of Haute Coutu re, Fortune, November 24, 1997, pp 144-145 5. Guccis $4 billion man, Richard Heller, Forbes, February 8,1999, pp 108-109 6. Lhomme qui veut rgner sur le luxe , Corinne Tissier, Le Nouvel Econmiste, n 1123 12/03/99 pp. 30-35 7. Comment de Sole a rvolu tionn Gucci , Edouard Mir, Le Nouvel Economiste n 1142, 23/12/99, pp 54-55 8. A Bri tish Gucci , Richard Heller, Forbes, April 3 2000, pp 84-86 9. Saint-Laurents Newes t Look, Gail Edmondson, Business Week July 24 2000, pp 22-23 10. Dallas on the Arn o, The Economist, September 16th 2000, p 117 11. Dr No. To protect the Gucci brand , Domenico de Sole lops off retailers. Will the Chainsaw strategy work at YSL?, J oshua Levine with Matthew Swibel, Forbes, May 28 2001, pp. 72-76 12. Making over YSL is no stroll down the catwalk, Gail Edmondson, Business Week, January 28 2002 , p 22 13. Every cloud has a satin lining, The Economist March 21 2002 2. Investme nt banking research We would like to warmly thank Jacques-Franck Dossin and Aaro n Fischer from Goldman Sachs; Antoine Colonna, Global coordinator for the Luxury Goods sector at Merrill Lynch; and Jos Voss from Rabo Securities for their help in preparing this paper, particularly for sending to us their latest and most r elevant material available on the sector. 14. Lap of Luxury, Do Giant Stores mea n Giant Killers Antoine Colonna and team; Merrill Lynch 20 February 2002, 92 pag es 15. Gucci Dossin, Fischer and team; Goldman Sachs Global Equity Research - Ja nuary 22 2002, 61 pages 16. Gucci, Hunter or Hunted? Florence Hernandez; ING Bar ings, 19 October 2001, 32 pages 3. INSEAD material 17. Can a French luxury perfum e brand sustain above-normal returns over the long term? Patricia Or, Rachel Stei b, Didier Picard, Xavier Vey; paper term for ICA course, INSEAD 3 May 1997, 31 p ages 4. Other Sources i McKinsey study, 2001 McKinsey best estimates iii Estimates are for 1999 and 2000 and are based on studies done by Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, SSSB and J.P. Mo rgan. The difference comes from the different ii Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 39/40
INSEAD MBA Can Luxury Goods Conglomerates sustain above-normal returns? The Gucci Group case ICA course Professor Karel Cool estimates and the different categorization of some of the products by the resear ch teams. iv UBP, quoted in Europastar Magazine, SSSB Nov 2000 v SSSB Nov 2000, vi Annual reports vii Fiscal year end March, annual reports viii Annual reports, MSDW Feb 2001, McKinsey ix MSDW Feb 2001; SSSB Nov 2000, McKinsey x Internation al Journal of Advertising, 1998 (8), pp339-349 xi Merrill Lynch; Cap Gemini xii McKinsey study, press clippings xiii McKinsey analysis Christophe Andr, Sophie Bertin, Anne-Elisabeth Gautreau Philippe de Pougnadoresse , Rodrigo Seplveda Schulz 40/40