Keffer,: Nearest
Keffer,: Nearest
Keffer,: Nearest
Magnetic materials
In Weiss's classical picture the magnetic moments are lined up by a long_ range internal field. In the quantum picfure they are lined up owing to nearest_ neighbour interaction. 'One is reminded,'writes Keffer* 'of the sifuation when, as the quiet ofevening descends, suddenly all the dogs in a town get to barking togetheq although each dog responds only to the neighbouring dogs.'
F. Keffer, of materials,
Magnetic Scientific
propenles American,
September 1967.
11.7.6 Ferrimagnetism
This type of magletism occurs in compounds only, where the exchange interaction causes the electrons of each set of atoms to line up parallel, but the tu'o sets are antiparallel to each other. If the magnetic moments are unequal. then we get the situation shown in Fig. I I . l9(c), where the resultant
rnagnetic mornent may be quite large. For most practical purposes ferrimagnetic
rnaterials behavc like ferromagnetics but have a someu'hat lower saturation magnetization.
11 .7
This is the narne fbr a class of compounds crystallizing in a certain crystal strucrure.,\s lrr as macnetic properties are conccrncd. their most interesting representativc is vttrium-iron garnet (Y3Fe5O11), which happens to be ferromagnetic tbr a rather curious reason. The spin of the lttrium atoms is opposite to the spin of the iron atoms. so the magnetic moments would line up altematel]-'-if the orbital magnetic moments rvere small. But for yttrium the orbital masnetic moment is large. larger actually than the spin. and is in the
opposite direction. Hence. the total magnetic moment of the irttrium atom rs in the same direction as that of iron. making the compound ferromagnetic.
11.7.8 Helimagnetism
\bu may r'".onder rvhy the magnetic
moments of neighbouring atoms in an
ordered structure are either parallel or antiparallel. One rvould expect quantum mechanics to produce a larger variety. In actual fact, there are some materials in r.vhich the spins in a given atomic layer are all in the same direction, but the of adjacent layers lie at an angle (e.g. I 29' in MnO2 below a certain
temperature), producing a kind of helix. For the moment this is a scientific curiosity with no practical application.
Fig. 1 1.20
The energy of an atom as a function magnetic field for "/ : l.