0 1 CEE6443Intro
0 1 CEE6443Intro
0 1 CEE6443Intro
Class Notes
Applied Geotechnical Analysis and Evaluation
Professor - Geosystems Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering 790 Atlantic Drive, Mason Building Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0355 Email: [email protected] Phone: 404-894-6226; Fax-2281
January 2001
CEE 6443
Professor - Civil Engineering
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Geotechnical Site Characterization Geostatic Stress State (Overburden, Preconsolidation, eo, OCR, Ko) Bearing Capacity (Static Equilibrium, Limit Plasticity, Cavity Expansion) Shallow Foundations Spread Footings Structural Mats/Rafts Settlement Evaluations Deep Foundations Driven Piles Drilled Shafts Axial Capacity Load Test Interpretation Axial Load Transfer Settlement Calculations Lateral & Moment Response of Piles Nonlinear Load-Displacement-Capacity Response
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! Geotechnical Site Investigations ! Natural Geomaterials include soils and rocks; Artificial Fills and Man-Made Deposits ! Laboratory Evaluation of Soil Engineering Parameters ! In-Situ Field Testing ! Shallow Foundation Systems ! Stress Distribution with Depth Beneath Surface Loading ! Elasticity Solutions for Shallow Foundation Settlement ! Strain Influence Factors ! Relative Foundation Rigidity ! Soil Modulus Characterization and Determination ! Ultimate Bearing Capacity ! Limit Equilibrium ! Upper and Lower Bound Limit Plasticity ! Cavity Expansion Solutions ! Driven and Bored Pile Foundation Systems ! Axial Load Transfer ! Side and Base Resistance Components ! Pile Dynamics (CAPWAP, PDA, Integrity Testing) ! Load-Displacement Response of Deep Foundations ! Axially-Loaded Pile Groups and Interaction Effects ! Procedures and Interpretation of Pile Load Tests ! Lateral and Moment Capacity of Piles and Piers ! Lateral Load-Displacement Behavior of Deep Foundations ! Pile Groups Under Lateral and Moment Loading ! Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD).
Required Readings:
! CEE 6443 Class Notes ! Selected Readings from Manuals, Journals, & Proceedings.
Conversions between SI, metric, and Imperial (English) units
mm m m km in
Multiply By
LENGTH 0.039 3.28 1.09 0.621 25.4 AREA
To Find
inches feet yards miles millimeters
in ft yd mi mm
mm2 m2 ha km2
ml l m3 m3
g kg
grams kilograms
ounces pounds
oz lb
grams per cubic centimeter grams per cubic centimeter kilonewton /cubic meter
N kN kg MN k k
kilopascals 0.145 poundforce /square inch psi kPa* kilopascals 20.9 poundforce /square foot psf kPa megapascal 10.44 tons per square foot tsf MPa kilograms per square cm 1.024 tons per square foot tsf kg/cm2 tsf tons per square foot 95.75 kiloPascals kPa *Notes: 1 kPa = kN/m2 = one kiloPascal = one kilonewton per square meter. For dimensionless graphs and equations, a reference stress/pressure of one atmosphere can be used, such that atm = patm = 1 bar = 100 kPa . 1 tsf . 1 kg/cm2.
) * *m *h 2 , (T (s 8 7 < N'
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
a A Af As Ab B
ca c cu CM CK C d D D E Ef Ep Es F c, F q
adhesion factor for pile side friction under undrained loading conditions (i.e., fs = ca = " su). effective stress factor for unit side resistance (i.e., fs = Fvo'). percentage of load transferred to pile base/tip. E0/(kE d) = normalized Gibson-type soil parameter for modulus rate with depth incremental change in value. foundation deflection interface friction angle between soil and foundation material. lateral foundation displacement at groundline. rotation (at ground surface) of pile top (lateral and moment loading). normal strain (a = axial strain, vol = volumetric strain). total unit weight of soil. shear strain. side resistance factor for offshore pile approach. plastic volumetric strain ratio (critical state soil mechanics parameter). Poisson's ratio is ratio of lateral to vertical strain = -,h/,v (sometimes designated :). effective stress friction angle of soil: typical range for clays: 20 # N' # 40; range for sands: 30 # N' # 55. major principal stress intermediate principal stress minor principal stress, such that: F1 $ F2 $ F3. (current) effective vertical stress. (current) effective horizontal (or lateral) stress. effective preconsolidation stress, or yield stress in e-log Fv' graph (also, Fvmax' or Pc'). effective octahedral stress = a (F1'+F2'+F3'). = )Fv = change in vertical stress (similar for )Fx and )Fy). = )Fh = change in radial/horizontal stress (axisymmetric problems). change in tangential stress (cylindrical coordinate system). excess porewater pressures vertical foundation displacement or deflection or settlement (also given by wt). total soil mass density = (/g where ( = unit weight and g = 9.8 m/s2 = grav. constant. shear stress. In triaxial compression, often taken to be J = (F1-F3). shear strength or maximum shear stress J (generally, either drained or undrained). unit side stress or shaft friction for piles. modifier coefficients for bearing factors to account for shape, depth, inclination, ... (equivalent) foundation radius of circular foundation = d footing breadth (long dimension in plan view); sometimes designated as a, l, or L. base area of footing or foundation ( = Ab for deep foundation). surface area of shaft side (As = BdL for circular shaft). base area of shaft foundation (Ab = Bd2/4 for circular base). foundation width (short dimension in plan view); also pile diameter sometimes given as b, but also designated d = diameter. adhesion or undrained unit side resistance. effective cohesion intercept; intercept on y-axis of Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope. undrained shear strength of cohesive soil (also su). In old textbooks, c = "cohesion" archaic. side resistance modifier for pile foundation material type. side resistance modifier for pile installation effects. modifier terms to correct for load transfer to pile base (Cb, Ck, C) foundation diameter (also designated B in some references) or equivalent diameter of a circular foundation. depth of foundation (also given as L for length). constrained modulus from one-dimensional compression (D = v/v) elastic or Youngs modulus. modulus of foundation element (material). modulus of pile or deep foundation. equivalent elastic soil modulus (Young's modulus), where E = 2G(1+<). bearing factors from cavity expansion theory
Terminology/Nomenclature (continued)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
eccentricity of load (height of lateral load above groundline). unit side resistance or unit skin friction (general term for undrained or drained). measured cone sleeve friction resistance shear modulus (secant value: G = J/(). depth to incompressible rigid layer (i.e., unweathered rock); also H. lateral load or force. stress influence factor (relating stress at depth to unit surface stress); also designated as J. displacement influence factor for shallow foundation from elastic continuum theory. influence factor for rigid pile in undrained influence for Gibson-type soil; IH (homogeneous modulus); IF (flexibility), IE (embedment) displacement influence factor for pile foundation in semi-infinite medium. G/max = rigidity index of the soil. foundation flexibility or stiffness factor (relative to soil stiffness). ratio of effective lateral stress to effective vertical stress (general). (initial) stiffness of foundation = load/deflection. value of K for geostatic stress state (in-situ condition implies zero lateral strain). passive earth pressure coefficient = (1+sinN')/(1-sinN'). active earth pressure coefficient = 1/KP. coefficient of permeability (hydraulic conductivity of the soil). subgrade reaction parameter = q/* = applied surface stress divided by deflection. vertical spring constant = Q/* = applied surface force divided by deflection rate of increase of soil modulus with depth (Gibson soil) = )Es/)z. foundation length (also designated D for depth in some books); sometimes L = plan breadth. moment (for lateral loading, M = H@e, where e = eccentricity). constrained modulus; M = D = )Fv/),v from 1-d compression test (or consolidation test). 6 sin /(3 - sin ) = friction parameter of soil in critical-state soil mechanics. l/z = normalized breadth or foundation length in plan (Fadum's chart). b/z = normalized width of foundation in plan view (Fadum's chart). base bearing factor for cohesive term (undrained loading case, short-term); shallow and deep base bearing factor for overburden effect (drained, long-term); deep foundations base bearing factor for frictional resistance; shallow foundations (drained, long-term) overconsolidation ratio = Fp'/Fvo'. correction factors for pile settlement analyses via elastic theory. (Rk, R, Rb, Rh) vectoral distance to point of interest in subsurface = (z2+r2)0.5 radial distance from center of foundation (cylindrical coordinates). axial load (also given as Q). = P/Af = unit surface stress on foundation (also designated q). ultimate stress from cavity expansion theory reference stress = 1 atmosphere = 1 bar . 1 tsf . 1 kg/cm2 . 100 kPa. Also, atm ultimate lateral soil resistance. axial load or force (also designated P in some books). shaft component of axial load. end bearing or base component of axial load. = Q/Af = unit stress on foundation (also, designated p). measured cone tip resistance; should be always upgraded to the corrected value qt ultimate base bearing stress = Q/Ab at failure. applied unit stress at top of foundation. footing thickness. horizontal displacement (sometimes, also designated * for deflection). measured piezocone porewater pressures during penetration at face and shoulder, respectively. hydrostatic porewater pressure (equilibrium conditions). vertical displacement (sometimes, also designated D) distance in horizontal (transverse) direction (Cartesian coordinates). distance in horizontal (longitudinal) direction (Cartesian coordinates). distance in vertical direction (i.e., depth below ground surface).
For all homework assignments and examinations, please use the following formats: 1. Document your work with your name and date on each page. Try and use only 4 or 5 single sheets of paper, if possible, in order to Save The Trees. Heavier (i.e., more pages) is not better. 2. Cite all necessary references to equations, theories, charts, tables, etc. for your own future documentation and authenticity of backup materials. 3. Please use spreadsheets (or other math programs) to conduct homeworks, especially those where graphs and figures can assist in presentation of results. Quattro , Excel, Mathcad, Maple, Mathematica, Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony all will be adequate for these purposes. Spreadsheets are particularly useful for delineating the subsurface environment into many sublayers for analysis. Be careful to use x-y graphs to plot results of data synthesis and equations, and not use the line graph option. 4. When graphing, use scaled axes (by hand or by computer). Use evenly numbered scales (i.e. 100, 200, 300 etc., and not irregular enumeration). Use dots or symbols for measured data; in contrast, show theoretical relationships by continuous lines. Use different dots (squares, circles, diamonds) of varying sizes and different colors and styles for lines (dashed, solid, dotted) to clearly show contrasts. 5. SHOW ALL UNITS. Be careful of units conversions and label all answers, graph axes, and tables with the correct units. Numbers without proper units are meaningless in today's world of engineering. Its also dangerous as someone may read different units into the answer. 6. Be judicious in your use of paper: Put more than one graph on a page. No need to show each graph or figure on a full page. 7. Round off to one/two/three significant places. Dol Not show answers to 10 decimal places (i.e., in foundation engineering, "the calculated settlement is 36.7845232241535 mm" is absurd! because the accuracy with natural materials is not there). Spend some time in the formatting of your spreadsheet 8. Be neat and prepare your work properly in an organized format for the professor or grader to examine. Take time to amend and "pretty-up" your document/spreadsheet. For instance, Greek symbols can be shown, boxed-in areas to highlight, and graphs can be annotated with comments. 9. State all assumptions made in arriving at your solution, if needed. In some cases, correlations are commonly used to evaluate certain parameters (i.e., unit weight or relative density). Cite the specific correlation used so that it is traceable back to support your calculations. 10. Feel free to mark on your computer output using pencil/pen, or highlighter to clarify where the final answers or key points are located. 11. All profiles of in-situ test data (or lab data) are shown with depth pointing down. On some spreadsheets, this may be overcome by showing depth on abscissa (x-axis) and variables on the ordinate axis (y-axis). In other spreadsheets, negative depth values may be used to promote downward plotting. Or get a new spreadsheet program or separate graphics package (i.e., CoPlot, SigmaPlot, Grapher, Surfer, ...) that gives more flexibility. 12. If uncertain, please feel free to talk with the lecturer and obtain clarification on those items that need additional details. Email communication is convenient means to solicit specific answers or comments.