Fibroadenoma of Breast

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Fibroadenoma |Cause, symptoms, Diagnosis and Homeopathy

Fibroadenoma is lump or a tumor in the breast which is benign (noncancerous). Usually it is not life threatening but can turn to cancer rarely. It effects mostly at 20s and 30s. It can occur during teenage time also.




A fibroadenoma is made up of breast gland tissue and tissue that helps support the breast gland tissue. The exact cause is unknown. It is linked with the hormone as the lump reduces after menopause. -->

Signs and symptoms of Fibroadenoma

Fibroadenomas are usually single lumps, but about 10 - 15% of women have several lumps that may affect both breasts. Lumps may be: Firm Easily moveable under the skin Rubbery Painless During pregnancy they may grow in size. Usually they have smooth, well-defined borders. After menopause Fibroadenomas often get smaller (if a woman is not taking hormone replacement therapy).

(Read: painful menstruation | Cause, prevention andmanagement)


After the physical examination one of the following tests should be done, Breast ultrasound Mammogram If needed FNAC is done to rule out the malignancy.

Usually Fibroadenomas will not make any serious complications to your life. But if there is a complex mass in your breast, there is a chance to grow the tissue malignant.

Homeopathy for Fibroadenoma:A constitutional homeopathic medicine can cure your Fibroadenomas. There are many homeopathic remedies which will deal with it. For that you will have to consult a classical homeopath. I am listing some medicine which cannot be taken without your doctors advice. Bryonia, Conium mac, Lapis alba. Calc flour Thuja Sepia Natrum mur Silica

Phytolacca Repertory on Fibroadenoma Breasts - INDURATION, breasts- acon. agar. agn. alumn. ambr. anan. apis arist-cl. arn. Aster. aur-s. Aur. bar-c. Bar-i. bell-p. Bell. Bry. bufo Calc-f. calc-i. calc-p. Calc. CARBAN. Carb-v. Carbn-s. carc. CHAM. chim. Cist. Clem. coloc. CON. Crot-h. Crot-t. Cupr. cycl. dulc. fago. Graph. hep. Hydr. Iod. kali-c. Kali-chl. Kreos. Lac-c. Lap-a. Lyc. Merc. nat-m. nit-ac. Phos. Phyt. Plb-i. plb. puls. Rhus-t. ruta sang. scroph-n. Sep. SIL. spong. Sul-i. Sulph. Thuj. tub. ust. vip.

Source: Oxford handbook of clinical medicine Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Follow us: @olivehomeopathy on Twitter | olivehomeopathy on Facebook

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