Title: Wireless Optimization in CDMA Network Using Atoll
Title: Wireless Optimization in CDMA Network Using Atoll
Title: Wireless Optimization in CDMA Network Using Atoll
Atoll is a comprehensive Window-based multi-technology and user-friendly radioplanning environment that supports wireless telecom operators during the whole network lifetime, from initial design to densification and optimisation. More than an engineering tool, Atoll is an open, scalable and flexible technical information system that integrates easily with other IT systems, increases productivity and shortens lead times. Atoll supports a full range of implementation scenarios, from stand-alone to enterprisewide server-based configurations using distributed and parallel computing.
The original intention of CDMA technologies development was to protect communication from interference and interception by the enemy, and the CDMA technologies were first applied in military anti-interference communication. Due to some unsolved technological issues, CDMA technologies were not widely applied for commercial purposes until 1980s, when Qualcomm developed the soft switching, power control and other technologies. Since then, the CDMA technologies entered the civil market. In 1993, the CDMA technologies developed by Qualcomm were officially recognized as technical standard. Following this, the CDMA commercial system, based on IS95 and 1X, was widely used throughout the world and mainly in South Korea, Hong Kong, U.S.A, and Australia. Last year, EVDO of CDMA2000, which is one of the 3G technical standards, was put into large-scale commercial use in South Korea.
Technical Introduction
By definition, network planning refers to the designing of an appropriate wireless network in light of the topographic conditions of the specific area
that requires the least investment from the customer but meets capacity requirement, coverage requirement and other special requirements raised by the customer. As seen from the above definition, network planning requires, above all, understanding of customer needs, since meeting the customer needs is the ultimate goal of network building; topographic conditions greatly affect transmission of wireless signals, and are thus an important factor for meeting the customer needs and shall be studied carefully by any means; customer needs and information of topographic conditions are the basis of network planning. Network planning shall give as much consideration to the customer perspective as possible, and achieve the best performance with the least investment. Network planning shall first use the existing resources of the customer, unless the existing resources cannot meet the technical requirements. By definition, network optimization refers to the improvement of the system performance through analyzing the actual performance of the wireless system and adjusting accordingly the system parameters so that the system in question can provide the best possible service with its existing configuration. As seen from the definition of network optimization, network optimization first requires understanding of the status of the current network, and by analyzing the test data or performance data, identifying the problems and providing the solutions to them, which are then applied and verified until the problems are solved. Network planning and optimization are very important to the whole project implementation: network planning is the basis of the project implementation; and only by constant network optimization can problems existing in the network be identified and the network operate normally. Error: Reference source not found illustrates the position of the network planning and optimization in the project implementation. Note that both RF optimization and maintenance optimization are part of the work of the network optimization.
Market initialization
Contract signing
Networking planning
Single-station check
RF optimization
Maintenance optimization
Fig. 0-2 Positions of the Network Planning and Optimization in the Project Implementation
Frequency Re-Use
Frequency re-use means applying the same carrier frequency for radiation within different geographic areas, but such areas shall have adequate clearance between them so that the resulting co-channel and adjacent channel interference can be negligible. Frequency re-use is mainly used in GSM communication. Application of frequency re-use is to divide the available channels into several groups. For example, if there are N available channels, which are divided into F groups, then each group has N/F channels. As the total number of channels, N, is fixed, the fewer the groups F, the more the channels in each group. But at the same time, fewer groups means shorter clearance for the co-channel reused, which then brings down the average C/I (carrier-to-interference ratio) value of the system. Therefore, in practice, the C/I value is given a 3dB
redundancy for protection and the channels are divided into 12 groups. That is, there will be 4 base stations and 12 frequencies, as shown in Fig. 0 -3.
The directional antenna may have a 90 or 60 angle to form a clover-leaf cell, that is, to divide the base station into three fan cells. If the 4/12 pattern of frequency re-use is applied, then each cell may have 4 channels, or 5 channels at maximum. If the 3/9 pattern is applied, then each cell may have 5 channels, or 6 channels at maximum. For the omni-antenna, it is recommended that the channels be divided into 7 groups, and the 7 groups might be selected at random from the 12 groups, only that use of the adjacent frequency groups in the adjacent cells shall be avoided as much as possible (see Fig. 0 -4). The cell that has heavy loading may borrow the remaining frequency groups. For example, the cell in group 9 may borrow the frequency of group 2.
In the CDMA system, as the code division, instead of the frequency division, technology is applied, only PN re-use is used.
In the CDMA system, each code-division channel is given the spread spectrum processing with 1.2288Mbps Walsh function so that all codedivision channels are mutually orthogonal.
Market initialization
Contract signing
Network planning
Single-station check
RF optimization
Initial acceptance
Maintenance optimization
Final acceptance
Note: Division of optimization into RF optimization and maintenance optimization is because of the step of initial acceptance and is independent of the specific work. A complete wireless network optimization process has the following stages (the yellow ones indicate that data service is involved), but in practice the items may, on the basis of the plan, vary in light of the actual conditions (if the network optimization agreement is signed, observe the stipulations in the agreement):
Need analysis
Procedure downsizing
Plan making
Spectrum scanning
Singlestation check
Calibration test
Project acceptance
Work to Be Done
If the CDMA network is very large, or especially, the CDMA network building project is not fully completed or there are unfinished or faulty base stations in the network, the whole network shall be divided into multiple base station clusters. In this case, problems are solved first at the level of the base station cluster, which brings down the degree of complexity of the network optimization work. Such is the base station cluster optimization. The BS cluster optimization involves the following work: 1. Divide the network into BS clusters: First divide the network into BS clusters, with the number of BTS in each cluster not exceeding 18 (the standard network topology has 3 layers of BS) and overlapped areas existing between adjacent clusters; the BS clusters are generally formed in accordance with the topographic conditions, but a block of land with special requirements for data or voice services shall be best placed into
one cluster so as to facilitate optimization and adjustment. But clusters may also be formed in accordance with the problems found at the previous stage of network assessment; 2. 1) BS cluster optimization As per the resources and time requirement, BS cluster optimization may be conducted in series or in parallel; 2) The problems in BS cluster optimization may be arranged into multiple topics: voice quality, call drop, call setup, being called, data service, etc; 3) As per the network assessment report prepared prior to network optimization, the optimization engineers locate and analyze problems in the BS cluster, and propose the rectification scheme for the problems; 4) As per the rectification scheme, the test engineers rectify the stations in question, and OMC engineers adjust the daemon parameters; after rectification is finished, the test engineers test the area that has problems; after the problems are solved, proceed to the next problem. Otherwise, go back to the previous step. 5) After all problems in the current BS cluster have been solved, the test engineers test the whole BS cluster and collect the related data. If the indices reach the acceptance standards, proceed to the next BS cluster, otherwise, analyze anew. 6) After all BS clusters have reached the acceptance standards for the network optimization, proceed to the whole network optimization. The optimization process for each BS cluster is as shown below: 1. 2. Decide the scope of the BS cluster and the optimization objectives; Decide the test routes. The area that has problems shall be tested above all else; 3. Test along the planned routes;
Analyze the DT data and the daemon data, and form the rectification scheme;
5. 6.
Implement the rectification scheme, and test again; Analyze if the result has reached the expected objective. If not, go back to step 3;
After optimization of this BS cluster has reached the set objective, proceed to the next BS cluster.
Case Study
Using Atoll tool, a case study is made by plotting geographic data of kerala. After selecting the area to be optimised 1. Divide the service area into BS clusters Geographically, the urban service area is divided into 4 BS clusters: the center, the east, the southwest, and the northwest of the urban area, with 11, 13, 9 and 10 base stations respectively. 2. Optimize the BS clusters one by one As per the characteristics of the CDMA Project Phase One, the goal of the BS cluster optimization is: To find the blind zones, cross-cell coverage, pilot pollution, improper adjacent cell setting, call drop, high FER etc through tests with traffic, and then adjust the fore-ground and background parameters accordingly so as to optimize the network performance in this area. To optimize the BS cluster one by one, the pre-optimization tests shall be done first, then analyze the test results and propose the rectification scheme, and test again. If the requirements are not met, adjust again, and again, until the network indices meet the requirements. Described below is the optimization process of the BS cluster 1) 2) Basic information of the BS cluster Tests with traffic and test result
Analyze the pre-optimization test results, mainly, the mobile phone receiving power, the mobile phone transmitting power, highest pilot Ec/Io, Tx_Adj, forward FER and call drops. For example, the preoptimization highest pilot Ec/Io
Adjust the antenna feeder parameters and the base station forward transmitting power Modify the base station adjacent cell list: In accordance with the test results, the adjacent cells of the stations of the whole BS cluster are optimized; as the update speed of the daemon data has not kept up with the station launching, most of the stations have incomplete adjacent cells. 4) Implement the adjustment scheme and conduct tests with traffic again Analyze the post-optimization test results, which are still the mobile phone receiving power, mobile phone transmitting power, highest pilot Ec/Io value, Tx_Adj, forward FER and call drops. The highest pilot Ec/Io value is as shown below:
Comparison of the highest pilot Ec/Io values before and after optimization is made & plotted
Concepts used
Duplexing Methodology
Duplexing is the technique by which the send and receive paths are separated over the medium, since transmission entities (modulater, amplifiers, demodulaters) are involved. There are two types of duplexing. Frequency Division Duplexing FDD Time Division Duplexing TDD
Different Frequencies are used for send and receive paths and hence there will be a forward band and reverse band. Duplexer is needed if simultaneous transmission (send) and reception (receive) methodology is adopted .Frequency separation between forward band and reverse band is constant
Time Division Duplexing (TDD) TDD uses different time slots for transmission and reception paths. Single radio frequency can be used in both the directions instead of two as in FDD. No duplexer is required. Only a fast switching synthesizer, RF filter path and fast antenna switch are needed. It increases the battery life of mobile phones.
GSM and CDMA systems use Frequency Division Duplexing and corDECT uses Time Division Duplexing.
The technique of dynamically sharing the finite limited radio spectrum by multiple users is called Multiple Access Technique. By adopting multiple access techniques all users can not get the services simultaneously and some amount of blocking is introduced by the system. This is known as GOS (Grade of Service). Generally there are three different types of multiple access technologies. They are
Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) Code Division multiple Access (CDMA)
FDMA is a familiar method of allocating bandwidth, where a base station is allowed to transmit on one or more number of preassigned carrier frequencies and a mobile unit transmits on corresponding reverse channels. No other base station within range of the mobile will be transmitting on the same forward channel, and no other mobile within range of the base station should be transmitting on the same reverse channel. Both the base and the mobile usually transmit continuously during a conversation, and fully occupy their assigned forward and reverse channels. No other conversation can take place on these channels until the first conversation is completed.
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
TDMA is a more efficient, but more complicated way of using FDMA channels. In a TDMA system each channel is split up into time segments, and a transmitter is given exclusive use of one or more channels only during a particular time period. A conversation, then, takes place during the time slots to which each transmitter (base and mobile) is assigned. TDMA requires a master time reference to synchronize all transmitters and receivers.
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
CDMA is fundamentally different than TDMA and FDMA. Where FDMA and TDMA transmit a strong signal in a narrow frequency band, CDMA transmits a relatively weak signal across a wide frequency band. Using a technique called direct
sequence spread spectrum, the data to be transmitted are combined with a pseudonoise code (a pre-determined binary sequence that appears random) and transmitted broadband. CDMA under Interim Standard 95 uses a bandwidth of 1.25 MHz. The pseudo-noise code (PN code) is a series of binary "chips" that are much shorter in duration than the data bits. Since the chips appear to be in a random pattern, and there are many chips per data bit (in IS-95 there are 128 chips for each data bit), the modulated result appears to normal (FDMA) receivers as background noise. A spread spectrum receiver with a different PN code will not be able to recover that signal, and if the PN codes were chosen incorrectly, will hear nothing but noise. This relative immunity to interference, whether from outside sources or other spread spectrum transmitters, gives CDMA systems the ability to pack many users into the same frequency space at the same time. It also gives a measure of security to each signal, since each user will have a different PN code. CDMA also does not require different base station radios for each user - the same radio may serve multiple users with just a change in PN code. Cellular Concepts: Even though multiple access techniques allowed multiple users to share the medium simultaneously, due to constraints in providing resources, an amount of blocking will exist. The amount of blocking is called Grade Of Services(GOS). Based on GOS and resource availability (no. of carriers/no. of timeslots/both) the traffic handling capacity of the system is calculated. If this total traffic is divided by traffic per subscriber, we get number of subscribers supported by the system. For these purposes Erlang B table (Blocking calls cleared) is useful particularly in FDMA-TDMA. Why Cellular? Assuming 30mE traffic per subscriber, sub density of 30 per sq.km, and GOS 1% Radius Area (KM2) 1 3 10 3.14 28.03 3.14 Subs 100 900 Total Traffic 3.0E 27E RF Channels 8 38 360
10000 300E
Providing 360 RF channels for 10,000 subscribers in an area of 314 sq.km on a single base station is not feasible and if still either the area of coverage or sub density increases, the system cannot function at all for want of bandwidth. Hence the solution is dividing the service area into small units, called cell, with base stations radiating with low power, and limited number of carriers required as per traffic. The same carriers are again reused at a different cell, which is geographically separated. (Frequency Reuse)
In case of CDMA it appears that there is no limitation for simultaneous calls but practically there is a limit to CDMA capacity. And it is essentially the amount of interference a CDMA receiver can tolerate. As more and more units transmit, the amount of noise a receiver sees goes up, since all signals not using the receiver's specific PN code appear as noise. At some point there is so much noise that the receiver can no longer hear the transmitter. Boosting the transmitter power won't help overall, since it increases the noise for all the other receivers, who would in turn tell their transmitters to boost power, and the situation remains. In a nutshell, if a unit near a base station is transmitting with too much power, signals from units far from the base station will be lost in the noise. Hence cellular concept is applicable even in the case of CDMA where code used for identification of cell/sector is reused. Advantages of Cellular Principle Base stations can transmit at low power compared to a single high power transmitter. It requires less RF bandwidth to cover a given area. Frequency reuse gives good spectrum efficiency. (FDMA-TDMA) Disadvantage of cellular principle Reuse introduces interference. Established calls should be handed over to next cell to avoid dropping of calls when the customer is in mobility