A report submitted towards the partial fulfillment of the requirements of the two years full-time MBA (Marketing)
Submitted by: MITHLESH KUMAR SINGH MBA (Marketing) Session :( 2011-2013) Roll no. 1171270023
I wish to express our gratitude to Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited, management for giving us an opportunity to be a part of their esteem organization and enhance my knowledge by granting permission to do our summer training project under their guidance.
I am grateful to Mr. Sameer Madan(Marketing Manager), Mr. Anoop Mishra (Area Sales Manager), Rupesh Singh & Anil singh (Market Developer) my guide, for his invaluable guidance and cooperation during the course of the project. He provided me with his assistance and support whenever needed that has been instrumental in completion of this project.
The learning during the project was immense & invaluable. My work basically included the study of various ways for developing marketing strategies for the company. The present report is an amalgamation of my thoughts and my efforts to study the various ways of developing the marketing strategies for the company. Further a detailed study has been done in order to suggest the company the feasible strategies that would enhance its market share.
The summer training programs are designed to give the practical knowledge of corporate world. Training is usually meant for such vocations where advanced theoretical knowledge is to be backed up by practical experience on the job and it is because of this reason that summer training programs are designed. So that in the future manger must be ready to take the future responsibilities. It was exactly in this context that I was privileged enough to join coca colaone of the biggest brand in beverages in the world. I achieved lots of experience and confidence over the past eight week which will help me to take the future responsibility on my shoulder. During this period, I was given to find out the Execution mapping in REDoutlet of coca cola. In the training program I had tried my level best to arrange the work in systematic and chronological way. This endeavor work shall provide the coca cola marketing department, an idea about market condition. Therefore it hoped with all sincerity that this work shall be of definite use to the organization.
I will take pleasure in declaring that the project work that is undertaken by me is an original and authentic work done by me. This project is being submitted in partial fulfillment for award of degree of MBA from IIMT College Of Management, Greater Noida. The content of this report is based on the information collected by me during my tenure at Coca-cola at Varanasi for two months of training from 1st of May to 31st of July 2012.
Examiners certification
The project report of Mithlesh Kumar Singh Title: - Execution mapping in Red-outlet of Coca-cola Is approved and is acceptable in quality and form.
Internal Examiner
External examiners
The soft drink market is one of the biggest markets all over the world and growing at very rapid speed. The major player in the soft drink industry is Coca-Cola, Pepsi & Amul. Coca Cola is market leader and one of the oldest brands present in the market. Its main competitor is Pepsi. Any soft drink company thrives on its bottling system. The three central points could be seen for the soft drink industry. Firstly the soft drink industry historically has been vertically segregated. With the national parent company is producing the propriety syrup base and independent bottler at the local level producing the finished soft drink product. Secondly the industry grew using refillable containers, which requires relatively dense production facilities. Thirdly the use of refillable containers and independent bottlers in turn requires the creation of exclusive marketing territories. The soft drink industry could prosper to such an extent because of the development of the machine - blown bottle and the invention of crown cap in the last decade of nineteenth century because the bottler had to deliver the product and pick up the empty used bottles for refilling and because the cost of transporting the finished product over long distances would have been prohibited. Production efficiencies demanded that the soft drink distribution system be rather dense. With the large number of bottling plants located relatively close to there respective markets. On account of early operation set the boundaries of each individual territory at the distance of a horse and driver cover conveniently in one day: Those territories later increased somewhat in size to account for the use of motor vehicles.
Even though efficiencies of production and distribution using refillable bottles demanded dense production facilities, the syrup manufactures lacked both the will
and the resources to establish vertically integrated production and distribution system. Thus was born the franchised Bottler, who bought syrup from the manufactures and bottled the product for local market pursuant to an exclusive, perpetual appointment. There are two reasons the use of refillable container in a vertically segregated organization required exclusive geographic marketing territories. Firstly for the early bottlers the venture was quite risky, as it would be for contemporary bottlers in an environment of intense intra brand completion and territorial exclusivity was the only way to attract participants. Second, the refillable bottling process itself requires exclusivity. A bottler using refillable bottles will always have a huge number of bottles in circulation, either on the shelves of retailers or in the hands of customers. Float. Refillable bottles cost more than the deposit that is charged for their return, thus the bottlers essentially finance the float. If the bottler is not assured of recapturing this float. The refillable bottles, the development of a vertically segregated distribution system. The need to create potentially higher rate of return in order to encourage investment in bottling enterprise and the need to protect each bottlers float of refillable glass. The trademarked soft drink industry historically has consisted of a large number of independent bottlers holding appointments for a national brand in an exclusive geographic territory. The supply of bottles out of bottlers direct control is the
bottle were usable for the industry for the following two
1. Refillable bottles provide an environmentally sound way to extend life of soft drink containers
2. There is also a case for refillable bottles based on consumer economies. Refillable glass bottle historically have provided the consumer soft dink at lowest cost per ML.
Coca cola resorted to forward integration of the bottling network through direct purchase and equity investment and Pepsi co followed a parallel integration path. The forward integration of territories permits consolidation of production facilities and realization of scale economics in production. This lead to formation of company owned bottling (COBO) and franchises operated bottling operation (FOBO). These are two main systems through Coke and Pepsi operate throughout the world. Coke likes to develop new taste according to the regional preference and thus can boast of many brands less than one roof. At present it sells these beverages in 200ml, 300ml, 1.2ltr, 1.5ltr, 2.25ltr. And bottle one way package (pet take away bottle). Can and in fountain. Maaza is also available in tetra packs. Pepsi entered India two year ahead of coke that is in 1991.
The biz.system of coca-cola in India directly employs apporxmatly 6,000 people, & indirectly creats employment for many more related industries throw our wash procurement , supply and distribution system. The vast Indian operations comprise 25 company owned bottling operations & 24 franchise owned bottling operations . the apart a network of contract packers also mfg. a range of the product for company. On the distribution front ,10 tone trucks, open-bay three wheelers that can navigate the narrow alleyways of Indian cities, ensure that our product available in each corner of the country. The coca cola is reasponsible for the mfg. distrubtion & sales of product across the country. A career in coca-cola is truly one kind of experience. Come @ Coca-Cola and taste the life \. It is with enjoyment.
MISSION OF COCA-COLA To refresh the world in mind, body & sprit. To make a difference in our product. To inspire moments of optimism through our brand and action. To create a value in brands & difference everywhere we engage. To do everything differs. Our product in each hand. Being a global leader in beverage.
Profit People : Maximize the return of shareholder. : Establish a great place to work where people are inspired the Best they can do. Portfolio : Bringing to the world a portfolio of beverage brands that Anticipate and safely peoples desire & need. Partners : nurturing a winning network of partners & building a mutual Loyalty. Planet : Being a responsible global citizen that makes a difference . to
Leadership : The courage to shape a better future Passion Integrity : Committed in heart & mind : Be real
Accountability: If it is to be, it is to up to me Collaboration : Leverage collective genius Innovation Quality : Seek, Imagine, create, Delight : What we do. We do well
DR. John Stith Pemberton invented coca-cola on May 8, 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia. The doctor was trying to invent a headache tonic by mixing coca leaves and the kola nuts as basic. The tonic was to be mixed water to be sold as headache tonic.
It had a tingle of alcohol in it. So after all the drinks with the alcohol were banned Atlanta in 1885. DR. Pemberton mixed the leafs with the kola nuts, water, sugar, Carmel, vanilla, lemon, cassia, caffeine, and a lot of other ingredients. The new syrup was to be mixed with normal water and taken by mouth and was a marketed as a headache tonic. It was a tested in popular soda fountains at Jacobs pharmacy. It turned out to he good medicine for headache. After some months soda jerk. Willis Venerable at Jacobs pharmacy mixed syrup with carbonated water instead of normal water and hence coca- cola born and derived its name by Frank Robinson. DR. John Pembertons bookkeeper. Coca-cola got its name from the kola leaves and kola beans that were used to prepare the drink. He also wrote the famous script logo that is still used today.
As a Candler bought the rights of cocacola from various people to whom Dr. Pemberton had gifted or soled. In 1889. As a Griggs Candler an ambitious pharmacist and owner of the as a. G. Candler & company became the sole proprietor of cocacola and Robinson became his partner. Thus cocacola the company was born in 1888. Later in 1919 As a Candler sold the Company to Ernest woodruff who made the company public.
FIRST BOTTLING AGREEMENT - 1899 Till 1899 coca-cola was sold as fountain beverage only. In 1899 two young attorneys from Chattanooga. Tennessee believed they could build a business around bottling coca cola. In a meeting with Candler, Benjamin. Thomas and Joseph white head obtained exclusive rights to bottle coca-cola across most of the United States for the sum of the one dollar. A third Chattanooga lawyer John. T. Lupton soon joined three ventures. THE RAPID GROWTH-1900-1909 The three pioneer bottler divided the countries into territories and sold bottling rights to local entrepreneur. Their efforts were boosted by major progress in bottling technology which improved efficiency and product quality. By 1909, nearly 400 coca-cola bottling plaits were operating, most of them family owned business. Some were open only during hot weather months when demand was high. THE CONTOUR BOTTLE-1916 The cocacola as sold in simple Hutchinson (straight sided bottles till 1916 that could be easily imitated also due to large popularity duplicates with the name of coca-cola started entering the market and it was difficult to distinguish coke from the duplicate beverages. Hence in 1916, a Swedish engineer. Alex Samuelsson of the root glass company of Terric haute. Indiana designed the present color bottle. It became the identify of coke. The contour bottle became one of the few packages ever granted trademark status by U.S. patent office. It was patented in 1920. BOTTLE OVERTAKES FOUNTAIN SALES As the 1920s dawned more than 1000 cocacola bottlers were operating in the U.S. Their ideas and zeal fuelled steady growth. Six bottles cartons were a
huge hit starting in 1923. A few years later, open top metal coolers became the forerunners of automated vending machines. By the end of 1920s bottle sales of coca-cola exceeded fountain sales START OF GLOBAL FOOTAGE Candlers oldest son first introduced coca-cola in Europe about the year 1900. He introduced it in sod fountain and generated by man new orders. The first international bottling plant was opened in 1906 in Canada, Cuba and Panama Soon followed by many more. NEW FLAVOUR Till 1960 Coke Company had only brand named Coca-Cola, its original cold Drink. In 1960 it introduce four new brands namely Sprite. Fanta, Fresca and TAB followed by Mr. Pibb and Mello Yello 1970s. Diet coke and Cherry Coke were added to the list in 1980s and POWERADE and Fruitopia in 1990s. CONSOLIDATION TO SERVE COUSTOMER-1970 AND 1980 As technology led to a global economy. Retail customer of The Coca-Cola Company merged and evolved into international mega-chains. Such customer required a new approach. In response many small and medium size bottlers consolidated to better serve giant international customer. The company encouraged and invested in a number capacity to lead the system in working with global retailer. THE CLASSIC COKE In 1980s the sales of coke declined. The blind test were organized that it was concluded that sales are declining because people no prefer the taste of coke. Thus the New Coke with new test was introduced in 1985. It turned out to be the biggest blunder in the history of coke. People didnt like the new coke and demanded the old test. The company did so and renamed the new classic coke and new coke as Coke II.
NEW AND GROWING MARKETS 1990 Political and economic changes opened vast markets that were closed or underdeveloped for decades. THINK LOCAL ACT LOCAL 21 CFNTURY The Coca-Cola bottling system grew up with root deeply planted in local communities. COKE TODAY Today coca-cola is available in nearly 200 countries and its trademark is seen in Approximately 80 languages. It has around 300 brands. In fact, around 10450 soft drinks from the coca-cola company are consumed every second. THE PEOPLE WHO MADE COKE John Stitch Pcmberton - Inventor of the Coca-Cola Syrup. President of Pemberton chemical. Frank Masson Robinson- Inventor of the Coca-Cola logo As a Riggs Candler- launder of the Coca-Cola Company. President & Chairman of the Coca-Cola Co. 1888-1916.
Benjamin F. Thomas & Joseph B. Whitehead First bottler Alex Samuelson- Designer of Contour bottle
Coca-Cola New Coke (renamed Coke II) Diet Coke (also known as Coca-Cola Light) Caffeine free Coca-Cola Classic Caffeine free Diet Coke Diet Coke Sweetened with Splenda Coca-Cola C2 Coca-Cola Zero Coca-Cola Cherry Zero Coca-Cola Cherry Diet Coke Cherry Coca-Cola with Lemon Diet Coke with Lemon Coca-Cola Vanilla Diet Coca-Cola Vanilla Coca-Cola with Lime Diet Coke with Lime Coca-Cola with Lime Coca-Coke Raspberry Diet Coke Raspberry Coca-Cola Black Cherry Vanilla Diet Coke Black Cherry Vanilla Coca-Cola Black Tab (original Diet Coke, still available in some countries)
Objective of Research
To get the retailers wants in terms of product selling. To know effectiveness of the marketing strategy & sales promotions in market. Visicoolers survey in Urban market of Varanasi. Ensuring the visibility of the product. Ensuring the availability of products in outlets. Analyzing the effect of scheme. Analyzing the effect of discounts. Evaluating the competitors strength & weakness in urban market. Retailers expectation from company.
Scope of Research
By this study company can know its growth. This study helps the company to know their actual position in the market. RED helps to find out the promotion activities of the company and help to make relevant changes according to their rivalry company. This study ensures the availability of the product in the market. The study also helps in the evaluation of the market developer. RED helps to maintain the outlets in a well designed way to attract the consumers.
Sweetener Team of professionals, work on selecting, auditing, sampling, testing, approving and then authorizing the sugar suppliers and the list of such authorized suppliers with approved sugar lots and along with the certificate of analysis are sent across to all the bottling unit for procurement. Secret Formula Created in special concentrate plants, it's delivered, held and used under strict controls to maintain its integrity and security. Each unit of concentrate is especially identifiable to allow the "history" of each component to be researched at any stage of production, storage or use. CO2 Formula when delivered to the plant, carbon dioxide, or CO2, comes in cylinders for easy delivery and storage. But what is it? In essence, it's a colorless and odorless gas that provides the "fizz" for our beverages. But it's also a by-product of our breathing and used by plants and trees to produce oxygen. Water since water is a key component to all our beverages, its quality is critical. And, since public water quality varies around the world, each plant further treats the water it uses. This means that before water is added to any of our beverages; it's rigorously filtered and cleansed. We then continuously sample the water to ensure it meet our standards.
Materials Ingredients are not the only things delivered to the plant. Other materials such as bottles, cans, labels and packaging are also delivered. Our plants in India use refillable bottles, CANS, PET etc. in the Production Process, when bottles and cans are delivered to the plant; they are carefully inspected to ensure that they meet our exacting standards. Once these have passed initial inspection, they move on to be washed and/or rinsed
To ensure quality, each bottle is washed, sanitized and rinsed before being filled. While this sounds simple, the actual steps can differ by bottling plant. In India, our plants use refillable glass, cans or PET bottles. To ensure they meet our cleanliness standard, bottles are first hit with precise jets which remove any dirt or debris. They are then soaked in a high-temperature deep cleaning solution that removes any remaining dirt and sanitizes them. The bottles then move to the "hydro wash" where they are washed again with a deep cleaning pressure-spray.
H2O and Sugar Mixing and blending begin with the steps of mixing pure water with refined sugar, which creates simple syrup. The syrup is then measured for the correct amount of sugar. Secret Formula Our secret formula is... still secret! That's right; the secret formula remains a mystery to the millions of people in nearly 200 countries that enjoys our refreshing beverages everyday. Even though we can't tell you the secret, you can be sure that "LIFE TASTES GOOD" with Coca-Cola. H20 and Syrup With the syrup nearing its final state, we mix it with pure water, creating the finished uncarbonated beverage. However, the water and syrup must be mixed in right ratio. This is done by the beverage proportioning equipment. It accurately measures the correct ratio for each and sends this mixture to the carbonator. CO2 Adding Adding CO2 or carbon dioxide gas is the final touch that carbonates the beverages. Carbon dioxide not only gives our beverages their effervescent zest, but it also adds to the distinctive and familiar taste everyone has come to expect from our beverages.
Once all the ingredients have been mixed and blended and the bottles have been cleaned and sanitized, we're ready to start filling. This is a surprisingly complex process requiring precision at each step. To begin with, bottles must be carefully timed as they move to the filler - synchronization is key. Once at the filler, bottles are either held securely in place by flexible grippers or precisely placed under filling valves by centering devices. Before the bottles can be filled, the inside of the bottles must be pressurized. This allows for the force of gravity itself to draw the beverage into the bottle - a process that ensures the smooth flow of liquid, with little to no foaming.
Once filled, bottles are then capped. We use different caps for different bottles glass bottles are usually topped with a metal crown while "PET BOTTLES" are topped with a plastic screw-top. Each cap type then moves through different parts of the machine, which ensures each cap stays scratch free and is in the right position to be precisely placed on the bottle. As quality and freshness are key, we use a "no closure" detector during the capping process and a "go-no-go gauge" or "torque meter" after the bottles has been capped. The "no-closure" detector checks if a screw top or crowns has been placed on bottle. The process actually stops if the detector doesn't find a closure. The "go-no-go gauge" checks for the proper crown crimp and the "torque meter" checks to make sure the screw-top is good and tight. If the bottle cap isn't just right, the beverages can become flat or be affected in other ways. If this happens, the bottle is discarded.
Once the bottles have been filled and capped, they move on to be labeled. A special machine dispenses labels from large rollers, cuts them and place on the bottles. For special labels such as commemorative bottles for football championships, the labels are sent to the bottling plants for approval, and then used for packaging. Depending on the occasion, some of these special bottles will go only to the specific locations. For example, a national football championship bottle will be sent only to the home town or state of the championship team.
The bottle is now ready to be coded. Each one of our beverages is marked with a special code that identifies specific information about it. The codes simply identify the date the beverages was bottled or canned. These codes identify the date, time, batch no. and the MRP. Product coding allows us to ensure that u receive our beverages at their flavorful best.
We inspect bottles at many points during the process. With refillable bottles, it happens they are first brought into the plant. They are also inspected after they are washed and again after they are filled. Inspectors look for external bottle imperfections and make sure each bottle has the right amount of beverages. Even after filling, each plant samples bottles for analysis in its lab to ensure quality is up to standards.
Once our filled beverages have passed final inspection, they are ready to be packaged for delivery. Generally, packing can refer to everything from the unique "BOTTLE" and "CAN" designs, to label designs, to cardboard boxes and containers, to plastic rings. Because the needs and tastes of our consumers are so diverse, the packaging varies depending on where the beverages are being sent.
In order to make sure the freshest beverages possible get to you, each warehouse must efficiently manage the thousands of beverages cases produced each day. Beverage organization is key, though it's the bottle and can coding that allow for the necessary precision. From the warehouse, we load beverages onto our distinctive trucks. Night and day, our trucks are delivering our refreshing beverages to stores, soda fountains, and vending machines near you.
The world's favourite drink. The world's most valuable brand. The most recognizable
word across the world after OK. Coca-Cola has a truly remarkable heritage. From a humble beginning in 1886, it is now the flagship brand of the largest manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverages in the world. In India, Coca-Cola was the leading soft-drink till 1977 when govt. policies necessitated its departure. Coca-Cola made its return to the country in 1993 and made significant investments to ensure that the beverage is available to more and more people, even in the remote and inaccessible parts of the nation. Coca-Cola returned to India in 1993 and over the past ten years has captured the imagination of the nation, building strong associations with cricket, the thriving cinema industry, music etc. Coca-Cola has been very strongly associated with cricket, sponsoring the World Cup in 1996 and various other tournaments, including the Coca-Cola Cup in Sharjah in the late nineties. Coca-Cola's advertising campaigns Jo Chaho Ho Jaye and Life ho to Aisi were very popular and had entered the youth's vocabulary. In 2002, Coca-Cola launched the campaign "Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola" which sky-rocketed the brand to make it India's favourite soft-drink brand. In 2003, Coke was available for just Rs. 5 across the country and this pricing initiative togetherwith improved distribution ensured that all brands in the portfolio grew leaps and bounds.
Coca-Cola had signed on various celebrities including movie stars such as Karishma Kapoor, cricketers such as Srinath, Sourav Ganguly, southern celebrities like Vijay in the past and today, its brand ambassadors are Aamir Khan and Hrithik Roshan. Glass 200 ml, 300 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml PET 500 ml, 1.5 L, 2 L, 2.25 L, 500 ml + 100 ml Can Fountain
330 ml
Various Sizes
Thums Up is a leading carbonated soft drink and most trusted brand in India. Originally introduced in 1977, Thums Up was acquired by The Coca-Cola Company in 1993. Thums Up is known for its strong, fizzy taste and its confident, mature and uniquely masculine attitude. This brand clearly seeks to separate the men from the boys
Worldwide Sprite is ranked as No.4 soft drink and is sold in more than 190 countries. In India Sprite was launched in 1999 and today it has grown to be the fastest growing soft drink leading the clear lime Category.
Today Sprite is separated is perceived as a Youth Icon Why? With a strong appeal to the youth. In spite has stood forward and honest attitude. It is clear crisp refers its taste encourages the todays youth to trust their instincts influences them to be true to who they are and to obey their thirst.
The company acquired a european drink Fanta in 1960. Fanta orange is the Core flavor. But it is also available in other citrus and fruit flavor. Consumers, particularly teens, fondly associated Fanta with happiness and special time with friends and family this positive imagery is driven by the Brands fun. Playful personality, which goes with its bright colour, bold fruit taste and sparky carbonation.
LIMCA - LIGHT AND LEMONY This thirst-quenching beverage features a fresh, light lemon-lime taste and fun loving attitude. lts a home-grown national reassures in India. where it was acquired by Coca-Cola Company in 1993. The products invigorating taste and cloudy look havent changed. But the brand has been revitalized with a new marketing campaign.
Maaza was launched in 1976. Here was the drink that offered the same real taste of fruit juices and was available throughout the year. In 1993, Maaza was acquired by Coco-Cola India. Maaza currently dominates the fruit juice category. Over the year the brand Maaza has become synonymous with mango. This has been the result of successful campaign like Taaza Mango, Maaza Mango and Botal Mein Aam, Maaza hain Naam Consumers regard Maaza as wholesale, natural fun drink which delivers the rich experience of fruit. The current ad. of maaza positions it as an enabler of fun friendship moments between a mother and her kid. as mother trust the brand and the kids loves the taste. Ihe canipaign builds on the existing equity of the brand and delivers a relevant emotional benefit to the mother rightly captured in the. tagline Yaari dosti Taaza maaza
Water a thirst quencher that refreshes a life giving force that washes all the toxins away. A ritual purifier that cleanses, purifies, transforms. water the most basic need of life. The very substances of life a celebration of life itself. The importance of water can never be understood. Particularly on nation such as India where Water governs the life of the millions, be it as part of everyday rituals or as the monsoon which gives life to the sub- continent. Kinley water understands of this life giving Force. Kinley water thus promises that water in pure as it is meant to be. Water you can trust to be truly safe and pure. Kinley water comes with the assurance of safely from the Coco-Cola Company. That is why they introduce Kinley with reverse osmosis along with the latest techno1ogy to ensure the purity of our product. Thats why they go through rigorous testing procedures at each location where Kinley water is produced. Because they believe that right to pure, safe drinking water is Fundamental. A universal need that cannot be left to chance.
looking good and tasting great Diet Coke was born in 1982 and quickly became the no. 1 sugar-free drink in diet-conscious America known as Diet Coke in the U.S. Canada. Australia and Great Britain. And as coca-cola light in other countries. Its now the No.3 soft drink in the world.
Its drink of the people who want no calories, but plenty of taste. Ad campaign around the world for the Dite Coke shares a playful. Sophisticated and funloving attitude.
- Taste the thunder - Open happiness - Seedhi baat no bakwaas ,clear hai - Fresh ho jao: - Go bite - Bina guthli wala aam
under Eurasia Operating Group has been working on RED i.e. Right Execution Daily since FEB 2006. Coca Cola Company believes that its success depends on their ability to connect with consumers by providing them with a wide variety of choices to meet their desires, needs and lifestyles choices, Company success further depends on the ability of their people by execute effectively, every day. 2. MEET COCA-COLA CUSTOMER: Worldwide the coca cola company is no. 1 in sales of Sparkling Beverages & Juices & Juices Drinks, as well as no. 2 in sales of Soft Drinks & no. 3 in sales of Bottled Water. Its our customers that are largely responsible for this unrelenting success Who are the Customers? Coca Cola customers are grocery stores, restaurants, streets vendors, mass merchandisers, conveniences stores drug stores, movie theaters, & amusement parks- among others. What do they do! Coca Cola customer sells its products to consumers & shoppers, who enjoy the products at a rate of 1 .5 billions servings a day.
Why is their role important? Coca Cola customers make it possible for consumer & shoppers in local communities around the world to purchase & its broad purchase & enjoy its broad portfolio of quality beverages.
3. MARKET SEGMENTATION UNDER RED: Coca Cola Companys market can be segmented in RED
Types of outlets
Grocery:Outlets which primarily engaged in retailing of food and various household items. It include neighborhood outlet stoking provisions, edible & general household items of daily usages E.G., commodities like flour, pulses, rice & branded household items like toothpaste, mosquito oil, soap etc. E & D:Outlets selling items to eat which are being cooked within outlet, made at the outlet & possibility consume in outlet. They may have place of sitting. It includes QSR/Bakery/MITIE
Store/Restaurants/Bars/juice/soft drinks/ ice cream parlor/tea soaps etc. Convenience:Includes outlets which are small stores or soap generally accessible locally. These are often located alongside busy roads. It includes Chemists soap/STD booths/Pan Bidi soaps etc. E & D includes flowing outlets. Take away On the go or consumption out of premise food & drink purchase lead by convenience or impulse. Fast foodSelf service with limited menu.
PubsOutlets selling alcoholic beverages & snack items. May be open till late at nights or 24 hrs.
DhabaSituated on roadside & market places catering cost effective Indian food. Convenience includes: Pan shopSemi- temporary kiosk located near the road side selling Cigarettes, beverages and other confectionary items. Outlet at petrol pumpsConvenience outlets selling top up items, may be open till late at nights or 24 hrs. Travel & convenience kiosksPermanent kiosks within the airports/ railways/ bus stand premises (inside or outside) selling only beverages or a food & beverage kiosks .
Thums Up coca
Sprite Limca
Maaza MMPO
DISTRUBTION SYSTEM OF PRODUCTS IN MARKET Distribution of products is main point of the marketing strategy of the companies. How the product distribute in market as much as possible. Coca-Cola India distributes its product in market from its warehouse in two types. 1. Direct route. 2. Indirect route. DIRECT ROUTE Where company supply its products in market by company route or its agent route by company owned delivery vans. InJaipur city company have direct route. INDIRECT ROUTE Indirect routes are those in which Coca-Cola products are supplied to its distributors appointed in different areas. Then distributors distribute products in market by their own tempo or vehicle. Total number of indirect routs in Jaipur rural region is more then 100
Direct Route
Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Diet coke, Coca-cola (only for medium/high income Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)]
Locality income 20 c/s visi 9 c/s visi low
Essential activation standards:Display Rack (at least 1) 3 Tier Rack with Header(should pure 50%charged by coke products) Self Display (other than rack, mini.8 facing of any pet displayed & visible. Price communication & visi cooler @ prime position . Optional activation standards. Counter Top. Aerial Mobile Hanger. Crate Display. Road Standee/Flange/Signage.
Only for few locality income. Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Diet coke, Coca-cola (only for medium/high income Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Necessary.
ACTIVITION STANDARDS Essential activation standards:Display Rack (at least 1) 3 Tier Rack with Header(should pure 50%charged by coke products) Self Display (other than rack, mini.8 facing of any pet displayed & visible. Price communication & visi cooler @ prime position . Optional activation standards. Counter Top. Aerial Mobile Hanger. Crate Display. Road Standee/Flange/Signage
Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Diet coke, Coca-cola (only for medium/high income Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)]
7 c/s visi
ACTIVITION STANDARDS Essential activation standards:Display Rack (at least 1) 3 Tier Rack with Header(should pure 50%charged by coke products) Self Display (other than rack, mini.8 facing of any pet displayed & visible. Price communication & visi cooler @ prime position . Optional activation standards. Counter Top. Aerial Mobile Hanger. Crate Display. Road Standee/Flange/Signage.
COOLER STANDARDS Locality income 2 c/s visi PVC ICE BOX Low Medium/high
ACTIVITION STANDARDS 1 Tier Rack Price communication & visi cooler @ prime position .
Maaza Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Diet coke, Coca-cola (only for medium/high income Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)]
ACTIVITION STANDARDS Essential activation standards:Combo standee(mini3 nos.)/combo wall hanging(mini 3 nos.)/menu board with combo communication (at least 1 of 3 option). Branded table mats/Branded menu card/table top vinlys(at least 1 of 3 option) at least 5 nos. or all tables if less than 5 tables. Flange/Road Standee/Glow sign board(at least 1 of these 3) Price communication & visi cooler @ prime position.
Maaza Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Diet coke, Coca-cola (only for medium/high income Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)]
ACTIVITION STANDERDS Essential activation standards:Combo standee(mini3 nos.)/combo wall hanging(mini 3 nos.)/menu board with combo communication (at least 1 of 3 option). Branded table mats/Branded menu card/table top vinlys(at least 1 of 3 option) at least 5 nos. or all tables if less than 5 tables. Flange/Road Standee/Glow sign board(at least 1 of these 3) Price communication & visi cooler @ prime position.
Maaza Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Diet coke, Coca-cola (only for medium/high income Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)]
7 c/s visi
ACTIVITION STANDERDS Essential activation standards:Combo standee(mini3 nos.)/combo wall hanging(mini 3 nos.)/menu board with combo communication (at least 1 of 3 option). Branded table mats/Branded menu card/table top vinlys(at least 1 of 3 option) at least 5 nos. or all tables if less than 5 tables. Flange/Road Standee/Glow sign board(at least 1 of these 3) Price communication & visi cooler @ prime position .
COOLER STANDERDS Locality income 2 c/s visi PVC ICE BOX Low Medium/high
ACTIVITION STANDERDS Table top Display. DPS/Flange/Road standee. Price communication & visi cooler @ prime position.
Maaza Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Diet coke, Coca-cola (only for medium/high income Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)]
ACTIVITION STANDERDS Essential activation standards:Table top display unit/Hanging rack (at least 1 , should be pure& atleast 50% charged). DPS/Flex board/glow sign board /road standee/flange (at least 1 of the above). Flange/Road Standee/Glow sign board(at least 1 of these 3) Arial mobile hanger (with at least 4 mobile hanger displayed at front of store). Price communication & visi cooler @ prime position.
Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)]MZA Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)]M/H .IN Diet coke, Coca-cola (only for medium/high income Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any2)]
ACTIVITION STANDERDS Essential activation standards:Table top display unit/Hanging rack (at least 1 , should be pure& atleast 50% charged). DPS/Flex board/glow sign board /road standee/flange (at least 1 of the above). Flange/Road Standee/Glow sign board(at least 1 of these 3) Arial mobile hanger (with at least 4 mobile hanger displayed at front of store). Price communication & visi cooler @ prime position.
Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any2)] Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any2] -----------------------------------------------Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)] Maaza Thums Up+[coke,limca,sprite,fanta(any3)]
7 c/s visi
ACTIVITION STANDERDS Essential activation standards:Table top display unit/Hanging rack (at least 1 , should be pure& atleast 50% charged). DPS/Flex board/glow sign board /road standee/flange (at least 1 of the above). Flange/Road Standee/Glow sign board(at least 1 of these 3) Arial mobile hanger (with at least 4 mobile hanger displayed at front of store). Outside crate display (min.3 crate with crate wrap). Price communication & visi cooler @ prime position .
COOLER STANDERDS Locality income 2 c/s visi PVC ICE BOX (2 covers) ACTIVITION STANDERDS Table top Display. DPS/Flange/Road standee. Price communication & visi cooler @ prime position. Low Medium/high
ACTIVATION ELEMENTS GROCERY:3 Tier Rack. 1 Tier Rack. Aerial Mobile Hanger. Table Top Display. Self Display. EATING & DRINKING:Tripod stand. Lit Combo. Non-Lit Combo. Salt & Pepper Tent Card. Regular Tent Card. Menu Boards. Changeable Insert Boards. 3 Cups Strategy Unit. Changeable Standee. Changeable Hanging Insert brd. Counter Utility Display
CONVENIENCE 1 Tier Rack Table Top Rack. Aerial Mobile Hanger. ESSENTAIL ELEMENTS FOR ALL CHANNELS Price Strips. Brand Strips. Price Cards. Cooler Door Tray. Dealer Board / DPS. Standee.
3. After establishment of the guarder than cooler set in guarder. 4. When cooler has been set in guarder than the price communication on cooler tray & set the trays properly in coolers. 5. When the cooler is properly installed @ outlet after it charged by coke products as follow the brand order. 6. We also set the menu boards with combo on E & D outlets. 7. On small convienence outlets we put their also hanging rack. 8. Set up warm display on outlets.
RED SCORING:RED Scoring is the technique by which the quality of service & performance executed by the companys personnel are enumerated in item of number. The following marks under assigned under RED are 100 and these total marks segregated among the three factor of the RED. Which are as follows:VISICOOLER = 20 , AVIABILITY = 70 MARKS
SWOT ANALYSIS Strength Products manufactured are of high quality. Experienced employees. Testing of products at each stage of production has maintained relation between employees and employer is a good relation with the customers. Customers satisfactions are the rules of the company. Weakness The products are to be manufactured as per the customers requirements. So it requires lot of the time and if the requirements do not meet then the product has to be redesigned which will take lot of efforts and time. Opportunity Catering to the rural market and making the product available to the rural areas by managing the distributor. Threats Competition in the manufacturing of Beverages industry.
The research includes the study which was descriptive in nature.It basically aims about how coke schemes plays in the mind of shopkeepers and the consumers. The study includes two methods(a)PRIMARY (b)SECONDARY Primary includes the following ways Observation Experiment Survey Here we include the primary method of survey
Research Instruments Questionnaire-A printed questionnaire was their to make the survey. RED scoring sheet Area of Survey-Varanasi
Sampling plan
Sampling unit - Owners of the retail outlets. Sampling size- 1250 outlets Sampling procedure-Random sampling Sampling method- Retailers survey SECONDARY DATA- For the secondary study data was not available so it is taken from company records.
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)
The order of each and every outlet is collected. The Vz-cooler is checked for 100% purity. Brand Order of soft drink is observed. The availability of soft drink is checked at every out --let. The location of Vz- cooler is observed at every outlet and is checked whether it is present in prime location. Every outlet is visited on regular basis. Any complain regarding Vz- cooler or soft drink is noted in complaint diary. Each out let is checked whether it is working properly or not. As like a Market Developer (M.D.) my responsibility is to check terms and conditions of Vz-Cooler for an outlet whether the conditions are met or not. As like a Market Developer (M.D.) my responsibility is to find which product is not being sold and increases. then give advice to outlet so that sale
Although all efforts has been taken to make the results of survey as possible but the survey suffers from the following limitations: Considering the fact that nothing is prefect in the world. Every individual bound to make mistake at some points. Its genuine. The study was restricted to Varanasi only, so it was difficult to generalize the interpretations would be make out of the findings. Limited knowledge of the researcher in the field of research may lead to interpretation errors. The result has not been tested. The respondents may be baised or influence by other factor. Information collection took 60 days. A busy schedule of dealers/ retailers also makes the collation of information a very difficult one. The projection is purely based on verbal meetings and may be influenced by unprecedented factors. Non-co-operative behavior of respondent was a big problem in this survey. White studying the report the above fact should be taken into consideration. The research was dependant on the information provided by the respondents (retailers). It may insufficient. As associated with every project, time and money were the major limitations with project. The time period of study was only for two-months so it was not possible to cover all the areas and go into the depth of the problem and make analysis. The psychological condition varies from place to place because in many places outlet owners were not supportive.,
The training was carried on in the pick season so market developer was not so supportive. Some respondents left some of the questions unanswered either due to inability to put a strain on mind or they did not know the answer.
In last I can say that the project successfully done by us. I gratitude to all staff of coca-cola those include me in this kind of live project. It is a live & imagines experience for me. I always remain it in my life. After successfully completed the project Sameer sir told to me that till todays you learn only book knowledge. In project you learn the practical knowledge. This practical is a beneficial for you so remember that whatever you learn from here mention on a paper always remain. It is useful for you in future.
After visiting Outlets we collect some conclusion. Which in brief as Follows: 1. End costumer satisfaction level with the Coca-Cola is good. 2. Brand awareness among consumers is very good. 3. Availability standard in outlet according to terms & conditions of the company is not fully fulfilled. This is due to the poor down payment and poor communication between outlet & sales Man. 4. Purity level of the Red out let is also not good because Shopkeepers put their own material inside the freeze. It is seen that the many shopkeepers behavior is not good. They behave like a illiterate person. 5. About 40% Red out let Activation standard good. 6. Demand of product by retailers is not fully fulfilled by agency 7. E&D and CON. Channel have more sales volume respect to STD , P.C.O and other channel. 8. For the outlets, their focus brand is C.S.D & JUICE ; WATER and SODA is least preferred brand. 9. All most 85% S.G.A belongs to the coca cola company. 10 Irregular supply 11 Find purity Coca-Cola visicoolers. 12 Found so many outlets they want visi coolers from Coca-Cola. 13 Also found dead & useless coolers. 14 Some retailers complain about the service & repair of coolers.
The company should measure Retailers satisfaction regularly. Company can increase the sales when it considering more on retailers, their suggestions or complaints about service or product so that necessary action can be taken. Review meeting should be often held so that the working pattern of the executives can be checked and improved if needed. Company representatives should visit retailers and should make a long-term relationship with retailer so that they can pull the customer. Since customers are value maximizes and their expectation to this brand is high, as the brand image shows their quality is supervene so the company should also take feed back at time to time. By this they can make their brand loyal. Distributers should be convinced to pass the incentives to the retailers so that they are motivated to promote this brand. Increase the number of dealers and retailers as this will help in making high sales volume. Cash discount should be competitive and luring. Try to continue the good image of the outlets by keeping more and more good quality in services. By this the monopoly will continue with Coke products. Company should attains on small outlets so there sales can increase. For marketing strategy of company should divers it business in related this sector Like-Ice creams, butter &chocolates because of company have visicoolers in mostly outlets. Now company should launch new taste of soft drinks like recently launched Minute Maid & also launched new product in another flavor. Company should search new area for increasing in sales.
In winter Season Company gives more discount & schemes to retailers so they sell more our product. Company must make new strategy to fight local cold drinks brands. Company should give new dealership on small towns. Try to decrease the price of commodity in competition of Pepsi. Company should try to maintain manpower.
To the Researcher: It gave a chance to use the conceptual knowledge in actual environment and prepares the researcher to use the knowledge for better in his future endeavors.
It helped in the assessing the factors, which influenced the retailers purchasing and selling products to the consumer from Coca-Cola.
The study is essential for the researcher in partial fulfillment of MBA curriculum. The study gave the researcher the experiences to conduct survey.
To the Company: Cold drinks companies are facing a great competition nowadays. Consumers are very much aware and curious about safely products, services, brands and other upcoming products. This study provides an insight to the company that what kind of strategies must be adopted in order to sell more products to consumers and also satisfying them.
To the Others: The study gave an insight into various aspects of the Beverage companies, discussed in this study. One can easily come to know about what is happening in Beverage companies in the current environment. How they make attraction of Retailers & consumer mind.
1).Type of channel a) Grocery c) Convenience ( ) ( ) b) Eating & Drinking ( )
4).Your belief on Coca Cola increased from Project RED by? a) 25% c) 75% ( ) ( ) b) 50% d) 100% ( ) ( )
5).What kind of incentives you are getting from distributors? a) Schemes c) Scratch coupons e) None ( ) ( ) ( ) b) Prizes d) Cash discount ( ) ( )
20 8 72
Analysis- After the execution of RED the condition of 72% visicooler is improved, 20% are as it is and 8% are not improved.
7) Has the availability of product increased? a) Yes c) As it is ( ) ( ) b) No ( )
Analysis- The product availability at 82% outlet is increased where as 9% outlet are as it is and 9% outlet are no incresase .
8) Has the activation of outlet increased? a) Yes c) As it is ( ) ( ) b) No ( )
10 78
Analysis-AT the 78% of outlet have increased their activation element where as remaining 22% of outlet are not increased their activation.
9) Is the delivery of Coca colas product increased? a) Yes c) As it is ( ) ( ) b) No ( )
13 7
Analysis-The delivery of coke product is increase at 80% outlet where as 7% outlet where delivery of coke product is not increased and 13% outlet are left as it is.
9 18
Analysis- The performance of the Maeket Developer is Improved tremendously and they give their best performance. 11) What is the frequency of deliveryman visit? a) Daily c) Monthly
7 0
( ) b) Weekly ( ) d) Never
( ) ( )
Analysis- The delivery man visit on a dailybasis to provide the COKE product to the outlet only some the outlet is left where deliveryman provide product on weekly basis 12) What is the frequency of visit of top management? a) Daily c) Monthly
3 2
( ) ( )
b) Weekly d) Never
( ) ( )
Analysis- The top management is not frequent visitor at the outlet. They mostly visit in a month .
( )
b) Discontinue
( )
Analysis- The 93% outlet owner want that the project RED is continue because it help in increasing their sales whereas 7% donot want that the project RED is continue.
Edition 7, Marketing Strartegy, TataMcgrahill Magazines Business Today Business India Newspaper Economics Times Business Standard