SunRay Server 5.3 Admin MANUAL

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Sun Ray Software Administration Guide

Version 5.3

E25745-06 November 2012

Sun Ray Software Administration Guide: Version 5.3

Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government. This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services. Oracle Virtual Desktop Client software is an included component of Oracle's Sun Ray Software and Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure software products that must be separately downloaded from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud ( Use of Oracle Virtual Desktop Client is subject to the Oracle software license agreement provided with and/or applying to Sun Ray Software and Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.

Abstract This guide describes how to install, configure, and manage the Sun Ray Software 5.3 release. Document generated on: 2012-11-05 (revision: 1250)

Table of Contents
Preface ............................................................................................................................................ xiii 1. Audience .............................................................................................................................. xiii 2. Documentation Accessibility .................................................................................................. xiii 3. Related Documents .............................................................................................................. xiii 4. Conventions ......................................................................................................................... xiv 1. Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1. What is Sun Ray Computing? .............................................................................................. 1 1.1.1. Stateless .................................................................................................................. 1 1.1.2. Secure ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.3. Available ................................................................................................................... 2 1.2. Parts of the Sun Ray Environment ....................................................................................... 2 1.2.1. Clients ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.2.2. Physical Network ...................................................................................................... 4 1.2.3. Sun Ray Server ........................................................................................................ 4 1.3. Management Areas .............................................................................................................. 4 2. Planning a Sun Ray Network Environment ...................................................................................... 7 2.1. Using a Shared Network Configuration ................................................................................. 7 2.1.1. Configuring a Shared Network ................................................................................... 8 2.1.2. VPN Capability ......................................................................................................... 8 2.1.3. IP MultiPathing ......................................................................................................... 9 2.1.4. IPv4 and IPv6 ........................................................................................................... 9 2.1.5. Network Performance Considerations ........................................................................ 9 2.2. Configuring Sun Ray Server Discovery ................................................................................. 9 2.2.1. Firmware Server ..................................................................................................... 10 2.2.2. Session Server ....................................................................................................... 10 2.2.3. Using Domain Name Service (DNS) ........................................................................ 11 3. Installing and Configuring .............................................................................................................. 13 3.1. Product Requirements ........................................................................................................ 13 3.1.1. Operating System Requirements .............................................................................. 13 3.1.2. Sun Ray Operating Software ................................................................................... 14 3.1.3. Windows Remote Desktop Support .......................................................................... 14 3.1.4. Feature Differences Between Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux Platforms .................... 15 3.1.5. Disk Space Requirements ....................................................................................... 15 3.1.6. Additional Oracle Solaris Requirements .................................................................... 16 3.1.7. Additional Oracle Linux Requirements ...................................................................... 16 3.1.8. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Requirements ....................................................... 16 3.1.9. Sun Ray Admin GUI Web Server Requirements ....................................................... 17 3.1.10. Web Browser Requirements .................................................................................. 17 3.1.11. Sun Ray Data Store Port Requirements ................................................................. 17 3.1.12. How to Install Apache Tomcat ............................................................................... 18 3.1.13. Ports and Protocols ............................................................................................... 18 3.2. Installing ............................................................................................................................ 21 3.2.1. Using the utsetup Command ................................................................................ 21 3.2.2. Not Using the utsetup Command .......................................................................... 21 3.2.3. Automating Sun Ray Software Installations .............................................................. 22 3.2.4. Installing Firmware Before Sun Ray Software Installation .......................................... 22 3.2.5. How to Install and Configure Sun Ray Software ........................................................ 23 3.2.6. How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System ................ 31 3.2.7. How to Clone a Sun Ray Server .............................................................................. 36 3.2.8. How to Install and Configure a Sun Ray Server With Default Settings ......................... 38 3.2.9. How to Remove Sun Ray Software .......................................................................... 39


Sun Ray Software Administration Guide

3.2.10. Installation (utinstall) Error Messages ..................................................................... 39 3.3. Configuring Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions .................................................................... 42 3.3.1. How to Configure a Private Network on Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions ................. 42 3.3.2. How to Configure Shared Multilevel Ports (MLP) for Sun Ray Services ....................... 43 3.3.3. How to Increase the Number of X Server Ports ........................................................ 44 3.3.4. How to Configure the Windows Connector on Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions ........ 45 3.4. Upgrading .......................................................................................................................... 46 3.4.1. Installing Firmware Before Sun Ray Software Upgrade ............................................. 46 3.4.2. How to Upgrade Sun Ray Software ......................................................................... 47 3.4.3. Planning Upgrades Using Failover Groups ............................................................... 49 3.4.4. How to Preserve Sun Ray Software Configuration Data ............................................ 50 4. Admin GUI and Commands .......................................................................................................... 53 4.1. Sun Ray Software Commands ........................................................................................... 53 4.1.1. How to Set Up Access to the Sun Ray Software Man Pages ..................................... 56 4.2. Administration Tool (Admin GUI) ........................................................................................ 56 4.2.1. Administrative Name and Password ......................................................................... 57 4.2.2. Admin GUI Tab Descriptions ................................................................................... 57 4.3. How to Log In to the Administration Tool (Admin GUI) ......................................................... 59 4.4. How to Change the Admin GUI Locale ............................................................................... 60 4.5. How to Change the Admin GUI to English Locale ................................................................ 60 4.6. How to Change the Admin GUI Timeout ............................................................................. 60 4.7. How to Enable or Disable Multiple Administration Accounts (Oracle Linux) ............................ 61 4.7.1. How to Configure Admin GUI Privileges for UNIX Users (Oracle Linux) ...................... 61 4.7.2. How to Limit Admin GUI Privileges to the Admin User (Oracle Linux) ......................... 61 4.8. How to Enable or Disable Multiple Administration Accounts (Oracle Solaris) .......................... 62 4.8.1. How to Configure Admin GUI Privileges for UNIX Users (Oracle Solaris) .................... 62 4.8.2. How to Limit Admin GUI Privileges to the Admin User (Oracle Solaris) ....................... 62 4.9. How to Audit Admin GUI Sessions ..................................................................................... 62 5. Sun Ray Server and Networking ................................................................................................... 65 5.1. Log Files ........................................................................................................................... 65 5.2. How to Start or Stop Sun Ray Services .............................................................................. 67 5.2.1. How to Stop Sun Ray Services ............................................................................... 67 5.2.2. How to Start Sun Ray Services (Warm Restart) ........................................................ 67 5.2.3. How to Start Sun Ray Services (Cold Restart) .......................................................... 67 5.3. How to Check and Fix Corrupted Configuration Files (Oracle Solaris) ................................... 67 5.4. How to Unconfigure a Sun Ray Server ............................................................................... 69 5.5. How to Disconnect a Sun Ray Server From the Interconnect ............................................... 69 5.6. User Fields in the Sun Ray Data Store ............................................................................... 69 5.7. Network Troubleshooting .................................................................................................... 70 5.7.1. Network Load ......................................................................................................... 70 5.7.2. The utcapture Utility ............................................................................................ 70 5.7.3. utcapture Examples ............................................................................................ 71 5.7.4. The utquery Command ......................................................................................... 71 6. Failover Groups ............................................................................................................................ 73 6.1. Failover Groups Overview .................................................................................................. 73 6.2. Failover Process ................................................................................................................ 74 6.3. Load Balancing .................................................................................................................. 74 6.4. Mixing Different Sun Ray Servers ....................................................................................... 74 6.5. Authentication Requirements .............................................................................................. 75 6.6. Dedicated Primary Servers for Data Store ........................................................................... 75 6.7. Setting Up a Failover Group ............................................................................................... 75 6.7.1. How to Configure a Primary Server ......................................................................... 76 6.7.2. How to Add a Secondary Server ............................................................................. 76 6.7.3. How to Synchronize Primary and Secondary Sun Ray Servers .................................. 77


Sun Ray Software Administration Guide

6.7.4. How to Change the Group Manager Signature ......................................................... 77 6.8. Additional Failover Group Tasks ......................................................................................... 78 6.8.1. How to Take a Server Offline and Online ................................................................. 78 6.8.2. How to Disable Load Balancing ............................................................................... 78 6.8.3. How to Show the Current Sun Ray Data Store Replication Configuration .................... 78 6.8.4. How to Remove the Replication Configuration .......................................................... 78 6.8.5. How to View the Failover Group Status .................................................................... 78 6.9. Recovery Issues and Procedures ....................................................................................... 79 6.9.1. How to Rebuild the Primary Server's Administration Data Store ................................. 79 6.9.2. How to Replace the Primary Server with a Secondary Server .................................... 80 6.9.3. Secondary Server Recovery .................................................................................... 80 6.10. Group Manager Details .................................................................................................... 80 6.10.1. Group Manager Configuration ................................................................................ 81 7. Sessions and Tokens ................................................................................................................... 83 7.1. Sessions ............................................................................................................................ 83 7.1.1. Authentication Manager ........................................................................................... 84 7.1.2. Session Manager .................................................................................................... 84 7.2. Tokens .............................................................................................................................. 85 7.2.1. Registering Tokens ................................................................................................. 86 7.2.2. How to Register a Token ........................................................................................ 86 7.2.3. How to Register a Pseudo-Token ............................................................................ 86 7.2.4. How to Enable, Disable, or Delete a Token .............................................................. 87 7.3. Token Readers .................................................................................................................. 87 7.3.1. How to Configure a Token Reader ........................................................................... 87 7.3.2. How to Locate a Token Reader ............................................................................... 88 7.3.3. How to Get a Token ID From a Token Reader ......................................................... 88 7.4. Session Troubleshooting .................................................................................................... 89 7.4.1. Problem: The dtlogin daemon cannot start the Xsun server properly. ...................... 89 8. Smart Card Services .................................................................................................................... 91 8.1. Smart Card Bus Protocol ................................................................................................... 91 8.2. Smart Card Probe Order .................................................................................................... 92 8.3. How to Enable Smart Card Services ................................................................................... 92 8.4. How to Add a Smart Card Configuration File ....................................................................... 93 8.5. How to Change the Smart Card Probe Order ...................................................................... 93 8.6. How to Change the Smart Card Bus Protocol ..................................................................... 94 8.7. Troubleshooting Smart Card Services ................................................................................. 94 8.7.1. Smart Card Transaction Problems ........................................................................... 94 8.8. Setting Up External USB Smart Card Readers .................................................................... 95 8.8.1. Installation .............................................................................................................. 95 8.8.2. Uninstallation .......................................................................................................... 95 8.8.3. Known Problems and Limitations ............................................................................. 96 9. Hotdesking ................................................................................................................................... 99 9.1. Hotdesking Overview ......................................................................................................... 99 9.2. Hotdesking Without Smart Cards ........................................................................................ 99 9.2.1. NSCM and Failover Groups ................................................................................... 100 9.2.2. How to Enable NSCM Sessions ............................................................................. 100 9.2.3. How to Log in to an NSCM Session ....................................................................... 101 9.3. Regional Hotdesking ........................................................................................................ 102 9.3.1. Regional Hotdesking Process ................................................................................ 103 9.3.2. Regional Hotdesking Site Requirements ................................................................. 103 9.3.3. Providing Site Integration Logic .............................................................................. 103 9.3.4. How to Configure a Site-specific Mapping Library ................................................... 103 9.3.5. How to Use Token Readers with Regional Hotdesking ............................................ 104 9.3.6. How to Configure the Sample Data Store ............................................................... 104

Sun Ray Software Administration Guide

9.4. Remote Hotdesk Authentication (RHA) .............................................................................. 105 9.4.1. How to Disable Remote Hotdesk Authentication ...................................................... 106 9.4.2. How to Re-enable Remote Hotdesk Authentication ................................................. 106 10. Kiosk Mode .............................................................................................................................. 107 10.1. Kiosk Overview .............................................................................................................. 107 10.2. Kiosk Mode Security and Failover Considerations ............................................................ 108 10.3. Kiosk User Accounts ...................................................................................................... 108 10.3.1. Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 108 10.3.2. Restrictions and Safe Guards .............................................................................. 109 10.3.3. Administering the Kiosk User Pool ....................................................................... 109 10.4. Session Type Components ............................................................................................. 110 10.4.1. Session Descriptor .............................................................................................. 110 10.4.2. Session Script ..................................................................................................... 110 10.5. How to Configure Kiosk Mode and User Accounts ........................................................... 110 10.6. How to Add Kiosk User Accounts ................................................................................... 110 10.7. How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type ................................................................ 111 10.8. How to Enable and Disable Kiosk Mode .......................................................................... 114 10.8.1. Unconfiguring Kiosk Mode Disables Kiosk Policy .................................................. 115 10.9. How to Override the Default Kiosk Mode Policy ............................................................... 115 10.10. Configuring the Windows Connector Kiosk Session Type ............................................... 117 10.10.1. How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type for the Windows Connector ............ 118 10.11. Configuring the VMware View Connector Kiosk Session Type ........................................ 120 10.11.1. How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type for the VMware View Connector ..... 120 11. Security .................................................................................................................................... 123 11.1. Security Overview .......................................................................................................... 123 11.2. Encryption and Authentication ......................................................................................... 123 11.3. Security Modes .............................................................................................................. 124 11.4. Client Key Management ................................................................................................. 125 11.5. Key Fingerprint .............................................................................................................. 126 11.6. Displaying Security Status .............................................................................................. 126 11.6.1. How to Display Security Status for a Sun Ray Client ............................................. 126 11.6.2. How to Display Security Status for All Sessions .................................................... 126 11.7. Managing Client Keys .................................................................................................... 127 11.7.1. How to Confirm a Specific Client Key ................................................................... 127 11.7.2. How to Confirm All Unconfirmed Client Keys ........................................................ 128 11.7.3. How to Display a Client's Fingerprint Key from a Sun Ray Client ............................ 128 11.7.4. How to Display All Client Keys ............................................................................. 128 11.7.5. How to Display All Keys for a Specific Client ........................................................ 129 11.7.6. How to Delete a Specific Client Key ..................................................................... 129 11.7.7. How to Delete All Client Keys for a Specific Client ................................................ 130 11.8. Managing Client Authentication ....................................................................................... 130 11.8.1. How to Disable Client Authentication .................................................................... 130 11.8.2. How to Force Client Authentication From All Clients .............................................. 130 11.8.3. How to Deny Access to Clients With Unconfirmed Keys ........................................ 131 11.9. Server and Client Authentication Troubleshooting ............................................................ 131 11.9.1. Error Messages ................................................................................................... 131 12. Multiple Monitor Configurations .................................................................................................. 135 12.1. Multi-Monitor .................................................................................................................. 135 12.1.1. Hotdesking and Multi-Monitor Configurations ........................................................ 136 12.1.2. How to Automatically Set a Client's Multi-Monitor Configuration .............................. 136 12.1.3. Using xrandr to Set a Specific Multi-Monitor Configuration ................................... 136 12.2. Multihead Groups ........................................................................................................... 139 12.2.1. Creating a Multihead Group ................................................................................. 140 12.2.2. Multihead Group Screen Indicator ........................................................................ 140


Sun Ray Software Administration Guide

12.2.3. Creating a Single Screen Across Several Monitors (Xinerama) ............................... 140 12.2.4. How to Create a New Multihead Group ................................................................ 141 12.2.5. How to Enable the Multihead Group Policy ........................................................... 141 12.2.6. How to Manually Set Multihead Group Screen Dimensions .................................... 142 12.2.7. How to Manually Set Multihead Group Geometry .................................................. 142 12.2.8. How to Disable Multihead Group for a Session ..................................................... 143 12.2.9. How to Enable and Disable Xinerama .................................................................. 143 12.2.10. How to Disconnect a Secondary Client ............................................................... 144 13. Sun Ray Clients ........................................................................................................................ 145 13.1. How to Centralize Sun Ray Client Configurations (.parms) ............................................... 146 13.2. Sun Ray Client Hot Keys ................................................................................................ 148 13.2.1. How to Configure the Utility Hot Keys ................................................................... 149 13.3. How to Change Sun Ray Client Audio and Display Settings (Sun Ray Settings GUI) ........... 151 13.4. How to List Available Sun Ray Servers ........................................................................... 152 13.5. How to List the Available Clients ..................................................................................... 153 13.6. How to Display Sun Ray Client Information ..................................................................... 153 13.7. How to Redirect a Sun Ray Client Session ...................................................................... 154 13.7.1. How to Manually Redirect to a Different Sun Ray Server (utselect) ......................... 154 13.7.2. How to Manually Redirect to a Different Sun Ray Server (utswitch) ......................... 155 13.8. How to Disconnect a Sun Ray Client Session .................................................................. 155 13.9. How to Terminate a Sun Ray Client Session ................................................................... 155 13.10. How to Power Cycle a Sun Ray Client .......................................................................... 156 13.11. How to Enable or Disable XRender ............................................................................... 156 13.12. How to Disable Screen Blanking on a Sun Ray Client .................................................... 156 13.12.1. How to Disable Screen Blanking for All Sun Ray Sessions ................................... 157 13.13. How to Modify Screen Resolutions ................................................................................ 158 13.14. How to Enable the NumLock Key for All Sun Ray Sessions ............................................ 158 13.15. How To Identify a Hung Session ................................................................................... 159 13.16. How To Kill a Hung Session ......................................................................................... 159 13.17. How to Limit Administrative Privileges for Non-root Users (Oracle Linux) ......................... 160 13.18. Keyboard Country Codes .............................................................................................. 160 13.19. Sun Ray Client Boot Process ........................................................................................ 161 13.20. Audio Output Troubleshooting ....................................................................................... 164 13.20.1. Audio Frequencies Used With Applications ......................................................... 164 13.20.2. Tracking Audio Sessions .................................................................................... 164 13.20.3. Audio Device Emulation ..................................................................................... 165 13.20.4. Problem: Audio is not working ............................................................................ 165 13.20.5. Problem: Audio is not working when playing Adobe Flash Videos on an Oracle Linux Desktop ................................................................................................................. 165 13.20.6. Problem: Audio is not working with Firefox .......................................................... 166 13.20.7. Problem: An application ignores the $AUDIODEV environment variable ................ 166 13.20.8. xmms Player Configuration (Oracle Linux) ........................................................... 166 14. Sun Ray Client Firmware .......................................................................................................... 167 14.1. Firmware Overview ........................................................................................................ 167 14.2. Firmware Server Discovery ............................................................................................. 168 14.3. How to Update Firmware on Sun Ray Clients .................................................................. 168 14.4. How to Enable and Disable the Configuration GUI on All Sun Ray Clients ......................... 169 14.5. How to Modify a Sun Ray Client's Local Configuration (Configuration GUI) ........................ 171 14.5.1. Trival File System ............................................................................................... 171 14.5.2. Configuration GUI Menu Descriptions ................................................................... 172 14.5.3. How to Load a Remote Configuration File ............................................................ 177 14.6. VPN Support .................................................................................................................. 179 14.6.1. How to Configure VPN Using Cisco Hybrid Authentication ..................................... 180 14.7. 802.1x Authentication ..................................................................................................... 181


Sun Ray Software Administration Guide

14.7.1. How to Configure and Enable 802.1x Authentication on a Sun Ray Client ............... 181 14.8. How to Display Firmware Versions for All Currently Connected Sun Ray Clients ................. 183 14.9. How to Display the Firmware Version from a Sun Ray Client ............................................ 183 14.10. How to Synchronize the Sun Ray Client Firmware ......................................................... 183 14.11. How to Disable All Sun Ray Client Firmware Updates .................................................... 183 15. Sun Ray Client Peripherals ....................................................................................................... 185 15.1. Peripherals Overview ..................................................................................................... 185 15.2. USB Headsets ............................................................................................................... 186 15.2.1. Tested USB Headsets ......................................................................................... 186 15.2.2. Tested Applications ............................................................................................. 186 15.2.3. Additional Notes .................................................................................................. 187 15.3. USB Operations Failing After Idle Timeout Limit .............................................................. 187 15.4. Device Nodes and USB Peripherals ................................................................................ 187 15.5. Device Node Paths ........................................................................................................ 188 15.6. Device Links .................................................................................................................. 188 15.7. Device Node Ownership ................................................................................................. 188 15.8. Hotdesking and Device Node Ownership ......................................................................... 189 15.9. Enabling and Disabling Device Services .......................................................................... 189 15.10. Mass Storage Devices .................................................................................................. 189 15.10.1. Device Nodes and Links (Oracle Solaris) ............................................................ 189 15.10.2. Device Nodes and Links (Oracle Linux) .............................................................. 190 15.10.3. Mount Points ..................................................................................................... 190 15.10.4. Device Ownership and Hotdesking ..................................................................... 190 15.10.5. Mass Storage Devices and Idle Sessions ........................................................... 190 15.10.6. Commands for Common Disk Operation (Oracle Solaris) ..................................... 191 15.10.7. Commands for Common Disk Operation (Oracle Linux) ....................................... 191 15.11. How to Determine the Current State of Device Services ................................................. 192 15.12. How to Enable or Disable USB Services ....................................................................... 192 15.13. How to Unmount a Mass Storage Device From a Client ................................................. 192 15.14. Troubleshooting USB Storage ....................................................................................... 192 15.14.1. Problem: Device nodes are not created. ............................................................. 192 15.14.2. Problem: The device is not automatically mounted. ............................................. 192 15.14.3. Problem: The device is not automatically unmounted. .......................................... 193 15.15. Setting Up Printers ....................................................................................................... 193 15.15.1. How to Set Up an Attached PostScript Printer (Oracle Solaris) ............................. 193 15.15.2. How to Set Up an Attached PostScript Printer (Oracle Linux) ............................... 194 15.15.3. How to Set Up an Attached Non-PostScript Printer .............................................. 195 15.16. How to Set Up Serial Attached Devices ........................................................................ 196 15.17. How to Enable Applications to Access USB Devices ...................................................... 196 16. Sun Ray Client Troubleshooting Icons ....................................................................................... 197 16.1. On-Screen Display (OSD) Icons ..................................................................................... 197 16.2. Server Policy Icons ........................................................................................................ 198 16.3. Troubleshooting Icon Quick Reference ............................................................................ 199 16.4. DHCP State Codes ........................................................................................................ 202 16.5. Power LEDs .................................................................................................................. 202 16.6. (1) Sun Ray Client Startup Icon ...................................................................................... 203 16.7. (2) Firmware Download in Progress Icon ......................................................................... 203 16.8. (3) Updating Firmware Icon ............................................................................................ 204 16.9. (4) Firmware Download Diagnostics Icon ......................................................................... 204 16.10. (15) Session Refused Icon ........................................................................................... 206 16.11. (16) Bus Busy Icon ...................................................................................................... 206 16.12. (20) 802.1x Authentication Icon ..................................................................................... 207 16.13. (21) Network Connection Verified Icon .......................................................................... 207 16.14. (22) Waiting to Connect to Authentication Manager Icon ................................................. 208


Sun Ray Software Administration Guide

16.15. (23) No Ethernet Signal Icon ........................................................................................ 209 16.16. (25) Redirection Icon .................................................................................................... 210 16.17. (26) Wait for Session Icon ............................................................................................ 210 16.18. (27) DHCP Broadcast Failure Icon ................................................................................ 211 16.19. (28) Establishing VPN Connection Icon ......................................................................... 211 16.20. (29) VPN Connection Established Icon .......................................................................... 212 16.21. (30) VPN Connection Error ........................................................................................... 212 16.22. (31-34) Ethernet Address Icon ...................................................................................... 212 16.23. (41-44) Ethernet Address Icon ...................................................................................... 213 16.24. (46) No Access to Server Icon ...................................................................................... 214 16.25. (47) No Access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients Icon .................................................. 214 16.26. (48) No Access: Registration Required Icon ................................................................... 214 16.27. (49) No Access: Key Rejected Icon ............................................................................... 215 16.28. (50) No Access: Security Policy Violation Icon ............................................................... 215 16.29. (51-54) Ethernet Address Icon ...................................................................................... 215 16.30. (60) Insert Card Icon .................................................................................................... 215 16.31. (61) Waiting for Primary Sun Ray Client Icon ................................................................. 216 16.32. (62) Token Reader Icon ............................................................................................... 216 16.33. (63) Card Error Icon ..................................................................................................... 216 16.34. (64) Waiting For Access Icon ........................................................................................ 217 17. Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients ................................................................................................... 219 17.1. Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients Overview ......................................................................... 219 17.2. How to Enable Access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients ................................................. 219 17.3. How to Enable the Clipboard Service for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients ............................ 221 17.4. Client ID Differences Between Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients and Sun Ray Clients ............ 221 17.5. How to Display Client ID Information ............................................................................... 222 17.6. How to Change the Keyboard Country Code ................................................................... 223 17.7. Oracle Virtual Desktop Client Troubleshooting ................................................................. 223 17.7.1. Connection Problems When Using a VPN or WAN ................................................ 223 17.7.2. Screen Rendering Problems ................................................................................ 224 17.7.3. How to Set the Logging Level .............................................................................. 224 17.7.4. How to Change the Log File Location ................................................................... 224 17.7.5. How to Diagnose Connection Problems ................................................................ 225 18. Windows Connector .................................................................................................................. 227 18.1. Windows Connector Overview ........................................................................................ 228 18.2. Requirements ................................................................................................................. 230 18.3. Using the Windows Connector ........................................................................................ 230 18.3.1. How to Start a Windows Session ......................................................................... 231 18.3.2. How to Start a Windows Session Within Java Desktop System (JDS) ..................... 233 18.3.3. How to Lock a Windows Session ......................................................................... 233 18.3.4. How to Set Up Access to the uttsc Command .................................................... 234 18.3.5. How to Set Up a Desktop Shortcut to Start a Windows Session ............................. 234 18.3.6. How to Separate Settings for Session Locale and Keyboard Layout ....................... 234 18.4. Audio Input .................................................................................................................... 234 18.4.1. Enabling Audio Input on Windows 7 Enterprise ..................................................... 235 18.5. Video Acceleration ......................................................................................................... 235 18.5.1. Video Acceleration Requirements ......................................................................... 235 18.5.2. Videos Accelerated .............................................................................................. 236 18.5.3. Audio Accelerated ............................................................................................... 237 18.5.4. Additional Notes .................................................................................................. 238 18.5.5. Video Acceleration Troubleshooting ...................................................................... 239 18.6. USB Device Redirection ................................................................................................. 244 18.6.1. Device Access .................................................................................................... 244 18.6.2. Supported Configurations ..................................................................................... 244


Sun Ray Software Administration Guide

18.6.3. Tested USB Devices ........................................................................................... 244 18.6.4. Additional Notes .................................................................................................. 245 18.6.5. How to Add USB Drivers to a Virtual Machine ...................................................... 245 18.6.6. USB Redirection Troubleshooting ......................................................................... 246 18.7. Hotdesking ..................................................................................................................... 248 18.7.1. Hotdesking Behavior ............................................................................................ 248 18.7.2. Location Awareness ............................................................................................ 248 18.8. Session Directory ........................................................................................................... 250 18.9. Network Security ............................................................................................................ 251 18.9.1. Built-in RDP Network Security .............................................................................. 251 18.9.2. Enhanced Network Security ................................................................................. 251 18.10. Auto-reconnect ............................................................................................................. 252 18.11. Compression ................................................................................................................ 253 18.11.1. How to Disable Compression ............................................................................. 253 18.12. Licensing ..................................................................................................................... 253 18.12.1. Per-user Mode Versus Per-device Mode ............................................................. 253 18.13. Smart Cards ................................................................................................................ 254 18.13.1. How to Enable Smart Card Redirection on a Per-Connection Basis ...................... 254 18.13.2. How to Set Up Smart Card Login for Windows .................................................... 255 18.14. Multi-Monitor Support ................................................................................................... 255 18.15. Desktop Resizing ......................................................................................................... 255 18.15.1. How to Enable Automatic Windows Desktop Resizing During Hotdesking .............. 256 18.16. Printing ........................................................................................................................ 257 18.16.1. How to Set Up Print Queues (Oracle Solaris) ...................................................... 257 18.16.2. How to Set Up Print Queues (Oracle Linux) ........................................................ 257 18.16.3. How to Make Sun Ray Printers Available to a Windows Session .......................... 258 18.16.4. How to Maintain the Printer Cache File ............................................................... 259 18.16.5. How to Set Up Follow-Me Printing ...................................................................... 259 18.16.6. Printers Troubleshooting .................................................................................... 260 18.17. uttsc Error Messages ................................................................................................. 261 18.17.1. General Troubleshooting .................................................................................... 262 19. VMware View Connector ........................................................................................................... 263 19.1. VMware View Connector Overview ................................................................................. 263 19.2. Requirements ................................................................................................................. 263 19.3. Configuring the VMware View Connector Session Type ................................................... 263 19.4. Disabling Connection Tunneling ...................................................................................... 264 19.5. Configuring VMware View Manager to Accept Non-SSL Connections ................................ 264 19.6. Enabling SSL ................................................................................................................. 264 19.7. VMware View Connector Troubleshooting ....................................................................... 265 19.7.1. Error Messages ................................................................................................... 265 20. Alternate Network Configurations ............................................................................................... 267 20.1. Alternate Network Configurations Overview ..................................................................... 267 20.2. Updating the Default /etc/hosts File Before Configuring Sun Ray Network (Oracle Linux) ..................................................................................................................................... 268 20.3. Using a Shared Network Configuration Without External DHCP Services ........................... 268 20.3.1. Shared Network Configuration Worksheet ............................................................. 268 20.3.2. How to Configure a Sun Ray Server on a Shared Network to Provide DHCP Services ......................................................................................................................... 269 20.3.3. How to List the Current Network Configuration ...................................................... 270 20.3.4. How to Delete a LAN Subnet ............................................................................... 270 20.3.5. Example Shared Network Setups ......................................................................... 271 20.4. Using a Private Network Configuration ............................................................................ 279 20.4.1. Private Network Configuration Worksheet ............................................................. 280 20.4.2. How to Configure a Sun Ray Server in a Private Network ...................................... 282

Sun Ray Software Administration Guide

20.4.3. How to List the Current Network Configuration ...................................................... 283 20.4.4. How to Print a Private Network Configuration ........................................................ 283 20.4.5. How to Delete an Interface .................................................................................. 284 20.4.6. Example Private Network Setup ........................................................................... 284 20.5. Sun Ray Client Initialization Requirements Using DHCP ................................................... 287 20.5.1. DHCP Basics ...................................................................................................... 287 20.5.2. DHCP Parameter Discovery ................................................................................. 289 20.5.3. DHCP Relay Agent ............................................................................................. 289 20.5.4. Simplifying DHCP Configuration of Remote Sun Ray Clients .................................. 289 20.5.5. Standard DHCP Parameters ................................................................................ 290 20.5.6. Vendor-specific DHCP Options ............................................................................ 291 20.5.7. Encapsulated Options .......................................................................................... 293 20.6. Failover Groups ............................................................................................................. 294 20.6.1. Network Topologies ............................................................................................. 294 20.6.2. Setting Up IP Addressing ..................................................................................... 296 20.6.3. Sun Ray Server Failover Group Worksheet .......................................................... 300 21. Performance Tuning .................................................................................................................. 303 21.1. Configuring Network Performance for Sun Ray 3 Series Clients ........................................ 303 21.2. How to Improve Sun Ray Client Performance by Decreasing Buffering on the Network Switch (Oracle Solaris) ........................................................................................................... 303 21.3. Improving Sun Ray Client Start-Up Time by Disabling Spanning Tree Protocol on the Network Switch ....................................................................................................................... 304 21.4. Applications ................................................................................................................... 304 21.5. Tuning the Java Desktop System ................................................................................... 304 21.6. Excessive Disk Swapping ............................................................................................... 305 21.7. Screensaver Resource Consumption ............................................................................... 305 21.7.1. How to Disable Screensavers (Oracle Solaris) ...................................................... 305 A. Third Party Licenses ................................................................................................................... 307 B. Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 329



Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. 4. Audience ...................................................................................................................................... Documentation Accessibility .......................................................................................................... Related Documents ...................................................................................................................... Conventions ................................................................................................................................. xiii xiii xiii xiv

The Sun Ray Software 5.3 Administration Guide provides instructions for managing the Sun Ray Software.

1. Audience
This document is intended for users with system administration experience. It is assumed that readers are familiar with Web technologies and have a general understanding of Windows and UNIX platforms.

2. Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation

Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

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Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

3. Related Documents
The documentation for this product is available at: For additional information, see the following manuals:



Sun Ray Software 5.3 Release Notes

4. Conventions
The following text conventions are used in this document: Convention boldface italic monospace Meaning Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary. Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values. Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.


Chapter 1. Overview
Table of Contents
1.1. What is Sun Ray Computing? ...................................................................................................... 1.1.1. Stateless .......................................................................................................................... 1.1.2. Secure .............................................................................................................................. 1.1.3. Available ........................................................................................................................... 1.2. Parts of the Sun Ray Environment ............................................................................................... 1.2.1. Clients .............................................................................................................................. 1.2.2. Physical Network .............................................................................................................. 1.2.3. Sun Ray Server ................................................................................................................ 1.3. Management Areas ..................................................................................................................... This chapter provides an overview of the Sun Ray technology and describes the major areas and features of the Sun Ray environment. 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4

1.1. What is Sun Ray Computing?

Sun Ray computing is a thin client implementation that offers both desktop-like user functionality and sufficient speed and reliability for mission-critical applications. Sun Ray Software supports both hardware and software-based clients and runs on both Oracle Linux and Oracle Solaris, including Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions. Other client-server models typically use combinations of remote and local operating systems, applications, memory, and storage, but the Sun Ray computing model moves all computing to a server. Instead of running applications, storing data, and doing computation on a desktop device like a PC, the Sun Ray model simply passes input and output data between clients and the Sun Ray server, where the operating system and applications are located.

1.1.1. Stateless
Clients in a Sun Ray environment have no local disks, applications, or operating systems and are therefore considered stateless. This setup is what makes them true thin clients. Stateless devices are inexpensive to maintain because they do not require administrators or technicians to install, upgrade, or configure software or to replace mechanical components on the desktop. A Sun Ray Client contains only a firmware module that performs a small set of tasks: it sends keyboard and mouse events and displays pixel data. If a desktop device contains an operating system that can execute code at the request of a user, it has state and it is not a true thin client. This type of device requires updating and maintenance at the desktop rather than server level and it is susceptible to viruses.

1.1.2. Secure
Sun Ray Clients are also extremely secure. For instance, managing USB mass storage devices, that is, controlling the ability to enable or disable their use, is done at the server or group level. This ability enables sites with particular security or intellectual property concerns to eliminate many of the risks imposed by PCs and other fat clients, which rely on local operating systems, local applications, and local data caches. Critical data can be compromised or lost when the physical device hosting the "fat" client is stolen or damaged.


1.1.3. Available
A Sun Ray session is a group of services controlled by a Session Manager and associated with a user through an authentication token. The sessions reside on a server rather than on the desktop. Because Sun Ray Clients are stateless, a session can be directed or redirected to any Sun Ray Client on the appropriate network or subnetwork when a user logs in or inserts a smart card. Although the session continues to reside on a server, the session appears to follow the user to the new client. This functionality, called hotdesking, provides the ability of users to access their sessions from any client on their network. Hotdesking can be implemented with smart cards or without smart cards through the non-smart card session mobility (NSCM) feature. Most large Sun Ray implementations also include one failover group of Sun Ray servers to ensure uninterrupted service whenever a server is off-line. When a failover group is configured, the Sun Ray Software optimizes performance by spreading the computing load among the servers in the group.

1.2. Parts of the Sun Ray Environment

The Sun Ray Software is the central piece of the overall Sun Ray environment. From a high-level perspective, a Sun Ray environment consists of three main areas: the clients, the physical network, and the Sun Ray server, where the Sun Ray Software is installed. Figure 1.1, Parts of the Sun Ray Environment shows the connections within a Sun Ray environment.


Figure 1.1. Parts of the Sun Ray Environment

The following sections provide a high-level overview of each area.

1.2.1. Clients
Currently, there are two main types of clients: a Sun Ray Client and an Oracle Virtual Desktop Client. Sun Ray Client

A Sun Ray Client is a hardware unit that can potentially exceed the full functionality of a desktop computer, but with less administrative and environmental costs. A Sun Ray Client acts as a frame buffer on the client side of the network. Applications run on a Sun Ray server and render their output to a virtual frame buffer. The Sun Ray Software formats the rendered output and sends it to the appropriate Sun Ray Client, where the output is interpreted and displayed. From the point of view of network servers, Sun Ray Clients are identical except for their Ethernet mac address. If a Sun Ray Client ever fails, it can easily be replaced because no data resides on it. An IP addresses is leased to each Sun Ray Client when it is connected and it can be reused when the DTU is disconnected. IP address leasing is managed by DHCP.

Physical Network

Various models of Sun Ray Clients are available, differing primarily with respect to size, type, and supported monitor resolution. However, all Sun Ray Clients include a smart card reader, a keyboard, and a mouse. For the smart card reader, the industry standard PC/SC-lite API is included for developers who want to encode custom applications or other information in their users' smart cards. By default, a Sun Ray Client runs the same Oracle Solaris or Oracle Linux operating system as the associated Sun Ray server. However, the Windows and VMware View connectors enable users to access a Windows desktop session or a VMware View session on the client. By configuring kiosk mode, users can bypass the Sun Ray Client operating system altogether and be taken directly to the assigned connector session. Oracle Virtual Desktop Client

An Oracle Virtual Desktop Client is a software version of a Sun Ray Client. The Oracle Virtual Desktop Client application runs on an ordinary PC or laptop computer and provides a Sun Ray session in a desktop window. It is supported and can be installed on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and the iPad. An Oracle Virtual Desktop Client supports most of the standard Sun Ray Client functionality.

1.2.2. Physical Network

As with most networked environments, the Sun Ray environment needs a well-designed network, and it can be configured in one of several possible ways. For detailed descriptions of the types of network configuration and instructions on configuring each network type, see Chapter 2, Planning a Sun Ray Network Environment.

1.2.3. Sun Ray Server

The Sun Ray server runs the Sun Ray Software and it is the foundation of the Sun Ray environment. It provides all the necessary administrative support for Sun Ray Clients and Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients. The important first step is determining what operating system environment your users need, and then you can set up your Sun Ray environment accordingly. If your users need an Oracle Linux environment, you can install Oracle Linux on the Sun Ray servers. Vice versa for users who need an Oracle Solaris environment. If your users only plan to use a Windows desktop session, you can choose either Oracle Linux or Oracle Solaris on the Sun Ray server, since the underlying desktop will be hidden from the users. There are a few differences when using Oracle Linux versus the Oracle Solaris operating system for the Sun Ray server, so take that into consideration. When providing your users with a Windows environment, it is also important to understand how the Sun Ray Software features are supported on different versions of the Windows operating systems in a remote desktop environment. Although most of features are provided for all of the supported Windows platforms, there are differences in how they are implemented.

1.3. Management Areas

Table 1.1, Sun Ray Software Management Areas provides a brief introduction to all the areas in the Sun Ray Software that require management and administration. Every item on this list has a corresponding chapter that provides detailed information. Table 1.1. Sun Ray Software Management Areas Management Area CLI and Admin GUI Description Sun Ray Software has both a command-line interface (CLI) and an Admin GUI for administrative functions. The GUI presents a clear view

Management Areas

Management Area

Description of administrative functions, with a tab-based navigational model and context-sensitive help. The Sun Ray server runs the Sun Ray Software and provides sessions to clients. A failover group consists of two or more servers that provide users with a high level of availability in case one server becomes unavailable. Hotdesking, or session mobility, is the ability for a session to "follow" a user between clients. This enables the user to have instantaneous access to the user's windowing environment and current applications from multiple clients. Hotdesking can be implemented with smart cards or without smart cards through the non-smart card session mobility (NSCM) feature. Regional hotdesking promotes hotdesking among server groups, letting users access their sessions across a wider domain.

Sun Ray Server Failover Group Hotdesking

Kiosk Mode

A way to provide an unlimited variety of desktops or applications to users, even though the actual desktop or application may be running elsewhere. Kiosk mode bypasses the normal authentication methods of the platform and runs anything that the administrator defines. It is the primary way to provide user's access to the Windows connector or VMware View Manager connector sessions without the user ever seeing the default Sun Ray client desktop. Sun Ray Software provides the ability to manage the security and authentication policies of Sun Ray Client sessions.


Multiple Monitor Configurations Sun Ray Software enables you to merge and control multiple Sun Ray Client screens or heads, using a single keyboard and mouse attached to a primary client. This functionality is important for users who need to monitor many applications or systems simultaneously or to accommodate a single application, such as a large spreadsheet, across multiple screens. To use multiple screens, the administrator sets up multihead groups, consisting of two or more clients. There is also multi-monitor support to provide a single desktop for Sun Ray Clients with dual video connectors. Sun Ray Clients A Sun Ray Client is a hardware unit that can potentially exceed the full functionality of a desktop computer, but with less administrative and environmental costs. A small firmware module in each Sun Ray Client is managed from the Sun Ray server. The firmware module checks the hardware with a power-on self test (POST) and initializes the client. Maintaining the latest firmware on Sun Ray Clients is an important part of administering the Sun Ray environment. If the GUI mode is enabled on the firmware, the user can also modify a Sun Ray Client's local configuration through a tool called the Configuration GUI. An Oracle Virtual Desktop Client is a software application that runs on a common client operating system and provides the ability to connect to a desktop session running on a Sun Ray server, just like a physical Sun Ray Client.

Sun Ray Client Firmware

Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients

Management Areas

Management Area Windows Connector

Description Sun Ray Clients can access a Windows session from a Windows system. Windows support on a Sun Ray Client includes video acceleration and access to USB devices. Sun Ray Clients can access Windows virtual machines through the VMware View Manager. Sun Ray Clients can access Windows virtual machines through the Citrix XenDesktop Web Interface Server. The Citrix XenDesktop connector is not provided with Sun Ray Software. You must download and install the Citrix XenDesktop connector separately. See the Sun Ray Connector for Citrix XenDesktop Administration Guide for details.

VMware View Connector Citrix XenDesktop Connector

Chapter 2. Planning a Sun Ray Network Environment

Table of Contents
2.1. Using a Shared Network Configuration ......................................................................................... 7 2.1.1. Configuring a Shared Network ........................................................................................... 8 2.1.2. VPN Capability ................................................................................................................. 8 2.1.3. IP MultiPathing ................................................................................................................. 9 2.1.4. IPv4 and IPv6 ................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.5. Network Performance Considerations ................................................................................ 9 2.2. Configuring Sun Ray Server Discovery ......................................................................................... 9 2.2.1. Firmware Server ............................................................................................................. 10 2.2.2. Session Server ............................................................................................................... 10 2.2.3. Using Domain Name Service (DNS) ................................................................................ 11 This chapter provides detailed information about setting up the network environment to support Sun Ray Clients and Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients. There are many options for configuring the network to support both firmware provisioning and Sun Ray server discovery, but the recommended approach is a shared network configuration, detailed below. For other network configurations that are far less common and require advanced configuration of the Sun Ray server and network, see Chapter 20, Alternate Network Configurations.

2.1. Using a Shared Network Configuration

By supporting various network configurations, Sun Ray Clients and Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients can be deployed virtually anywhere, subject only to a sufficient quality of network service between the clients and the Sun Ray server. The most common and recommended configuration is a shared network, where the Sun Ray server and clients are part of a Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN) and where network services such as DHCP and DNS are already provided by existing servers. The default installation and configuration procedures in this document target this configuration. A client subnet in a typical shared network configuration meets the following criteria: DHCP services are available for Sun Ray Client's IP/network configuration (Sun Ray Clients can be individually configured for static addressing using the Configuration GUI on the Sun Ray Client). DNS services are available to resolve the Sun Ray servers providing firmware (sunray-configservers) and the Sun Ray servers providing sessions (sunray-servers). The subnet must be able to route to the Sun Ray servers. Sun Ray Clients can be behind a Network Address Translation (NAT) router or firewall. Sun Ray servers must not be behind a NAT router or firewall. A Sun Ray server requires both a fixed host name and a static IP address. A Sun Ray server cannot be a DHCP client. Figure 2.1, Shared Network Configuration Example shows an example of using a shared network for a Sun Ray environment.

Configuring a Shared Network

Figure 2.1. Shared Network Configuration Example

Note Given the topology, Sun Ray traffic on shared networks is potentially exposed to an eavesdropper. Modern switched network infrastructures are far less susceptible to snooping activity than earlier shared technologies, but to obtain additional security the administrator may choose to activate the client's encryption and authentication features. These capabilities are discussed in Chapter 11, Security.

2.1.1. Configuring a Shared Network

If you use the utsetup command for the installation, you are asked to configure the Sun Ray Software to support a shared network with external DHCP/DNS services.
Do you want to enable LAN access for Sun Ray clients at this time?

If you accept, the utsetup command runs the utadm -L on command to configure a shared network. See Section 3.2.1, Using the utsetup Command for more information.

2.1.2. VPN Capability

Sun Ray Clients are able to provide a VPN solution for remote users. The IPsec capability in the Sun Ray Client firmware enables the Sun Ray Client to act as a VPN endpoint device. The most commonly used encryption, authentication, and key exchange mechanisms are supported, along with Cisco extensions that enable a Sun Ray Client to interoperate with Cisco gateways that support the Cisco EzVPN protocol. Sun Ray Clients currently support IPSec VPN concentrators from Cisco and Netscreen (Juniper).

IP MultiPathing

For more information, see Chapter 14, Sun Ray Client Firmware.

2.1.3. IP MultiPathing
Sun Ray Software supports arbitrary IP MultiPathing, or IPMP. IPMP provides failure detection and transparent network access failover for a system with multiple interfaces on the same IP link. IPMP can also provide load spreading of packets for systems with multiple interfaces. This feature can be very useful on a Sun Ray server by increasing its network availability and performance. IPMP is supported only on Oracle Solaris-based Sun Ray servers in a shared network configuration (LAN with fully-routed subnets). For more information about the IPMP feature in Oracle Solaris and how to configure it, see the System Administration Guide: IP Services manual. When configuring IPMP, use the if_mpadm command to test NIC failure.

2.1.4. IPv4 and IPv6

Sun Ray Software supports both the IPv4 and IPv6 internet protocols. By default, the Sun Ray Clients are configured for the IPv4 protocol. For the Sun Ray Clients to work with IPv6, you need to update the firmware configuration on each client with by using the Configuration GUI or remote configuration file. See Chapter 14, Sun Ray Client Firmware for more information.

2.1.5. Network Performance Considerations Packet Loss
The Sun Ray Software protocol is designed to operate well in conditions where other protocols would fail. However, if you detect sustained packet loss greater than 10 percent in the network, it may indicate other network problems. See Chapter 21, Performance Tuning for help. Latency
Network latency between any Sun Ray client and its server is an important determinant of the quality of the user experience. The lower the latency, the better; latencies under 50 milliseconds for round trip delay are preferred. However, like familiar network protocols, the Sun Ray Client does tolerate higher latencies, but with degraded performance. Latencies up to 300 milliseconds provide usable, if somewhat sluggish, performance. Out-of-Order Packets

Sun Ray Clients can tolerate small occurrences of out-of-order packet delivery, such as might be experienced on an Internet or wide-area intranet connection. Current Sun Ray firmware maintains a reordering queue that restores the correct order to packets when they are received out of order.

2.2. Configuring Sun Ray Server Discovery

There are two types of services that need to be discovered and used by a client: A firmware server that provides the latest firmware for a Sun Ray Client. A session server that provides a Sun Ray session to a client. By default, these services are provided by the same server but they may be separated. There are many ways to configure how these servers are discovered. This section describes using pre-defined DNS entries

Firmware Server

to enable clients to find the servers. For other discovery methods that may provide more granularity or flexibility, see Chapter 20, Alternate Network Configurations. The on-screen display (OSD), when enabled, shows status during a client's server discoveries. For example, during DNS lookups, a status line in the OSD window shows the name being looked up and, if one is found, the IP address.

2.2.1. Firmware Server

Starting with Sun Ray Software 5.3, the firmware for Sun Ray Clients (called Sun Ray Operating Software) must be downloaded and installed separately on Sun Ray servers. Any Sun Ray server providing the latest Sun Ray Operating Software for Sun Ray Clients is considered a firmware server. For details, see Section 3.2.4, Installing Firmware Before Sun Ray Software Installation. When a Sun Ray Client boots in a properly configured environment, it checks with a firmware server to determine if it needs a Sun Ray Operating Software update. A Sun Ray Client's firmware server is discovered in the following order: 1. Locally configured value (configured through Configuration GUI) 2. DHCP Sun Ray vendor option (FWSrvr) 3. Standard DHCP option 66 (TftpSrvr) (IP Address or DNS name) 4. DNS lookup of sunray-config-servers (if mapped to multiple addresses, choose one randomly) Each of these values are attempted in order until one succeeds. Although it is the last value attempted, the DNS lookup is the recommended firmware discovery configuration, as described below. If the local configuration value is used and fails, none of the others are attempted. This prevents the overwriting of custom-configured firmware in a situation where the controlling firmware server happens to be temporarily unresponsive. See Section 13.19, Sun Ray Client Boot Process for more details on how a Sun Ray Client finds its firmware server. Once a firmware server is discovered by a Sun Ray Client, the client retrieves a parameter file (.parms) via TFTP. This file is used by the client to determine if its currently installed Sun Ray Operating Software is older than the version on the firmware server. If so, the newer firmware is automatically downloaded and installed on the client. In the event of an error in the firmware download, error messages through OSD display icons (if enabled) provide additional information that can be useful in diagnosing and correcting the problem. See Chapter 16, Sun Ray Client Troubleshooting Icons for details. Note By default, a client's firmware uses the configuration provided by the Sun Ray server's .parms file, which provides a centralized mechanism to administer firmware. However, you can enable the Configuration GUI on a client, which enables users to modify a Sun Ray Client's local configuration. See Chapter 14, Sun Ray Client Firmware for details.

2.2.2. Session Server

Once a client resolves whether it has the latest firmware installed, the next step in the boot process is to obtain a session from a Sun Ray server. As with discovering a firmware server, the client searches for a session server in the following order:


Using Domain Name Service (DNS)

1. Locally configured value (configured through Configuration GUI) 2. Standard DHCP option 49 (IP Address or DNS name) 3. The servers= key in the client's .parms file 4. DNS lookup of sunray-servers (if mapped to multiple addresses, choose one randomly) Each of these values are attempted in order until one succeeds. Although it is the last value attempted, the DNS lookup is the recommended session server discovery, as described in Section 2.2.3, Using Domain Name Service (DNS). See Section 13.19, Sun Ray Client Boot Process for more details on how a Sun Ray Client finds its session server.

2.2.3. Using Domain Name Service (DNS)

Although there are multiple ways to configure server discovery, the recommended way is through DNS entries. If the Sun Ray DNS entries are defined appropriately for the Sun Ray Clients, no extra DHCP parameters are required by the Sun Ray Client beyond the basic network information. When the default DNS method for server resolution is used, the TFTP transport is the only method available for Sun Ray Client configuration and firmware updates. The DNS entries for Sun Ray server discovery are as follows: sunray-config-servers for firmware servers sunray-servers for session servers In both cases, if the DNS entry contains multiple server addresses, one is picked randomly. And, both entries should consist of several servers in your failover group for redundancy purposes. Note A DNS client incorporated in a Sun Ray Client's firmware allows many values to be names rather than IP addresses. Most values can be either a name or an IP address. If a name is specified, the DNS lookup appends the DHCP (or Configuration GUI) provided domain name. Components or the domain name are stripped successively until the lookup succeeds or only two components are left. If none of those lookups succeed, the name is looked up by itself. If the name itself ends with a dot character ("."), the name is taken to be a rooted name, and it is looked up without domain name components appended.



Chapter 3. Installing and Configuring

Table of Contents
3.1. Product Requirements ................................................................................................................ 13 3.1.1. Operating System Requirements ..................................................................................... 13 3.1.2. Sun Ray Operating Software ........................................................................................... 14 3.1.3. Windows Remote Desktop Support .................................................................................. 14 3.1.4. Feature Differences Between Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux Platforms ............................ 15 3.1.5. Disk Space Requirements ............................................................................................... 15 3.1.6. Additional Oracle Solaris Requirements ............................................................................ 16 3.1.7. Additional Oracle Linux Requirements .............................................................................. 16 3.1.8. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Requirements ............................................................... 16 3.1.9. Sun Ray Admin GUI Web Server Requirements ............................................................... 17 3.1.10. Web Browser Requirements .......................................................................................... 17 3.1.11. Sun Ray Data Store Port Requirements ......................................................................... 17 3.1.12. How to Install Apache Tomcat ....................................................................................... 18 3.1.13. Ports and Protocols ....................................................................................................... 18 3.2. Installing .................................................................................................................................... 21 3.2.1. Using the utsetup Command ........................................................................................ 21 3.2.2. Not Using the utsetup Command .................................................................................. 21 3.2.3. Automating Sun Ray Software Installations ...................................................................... 22 3.2.4. Installing Firmware Before Sun Ray Software Installation .................................................. 22 3.2.5. How to Install and Configure Sun Ray Software ............................................................... 23 3.2.6. How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System ........................ 31 3.2.7. How to Clone a Sun Ray Server ...................................................................................... 36 3.2.8. How to Install and Configure a Sun Ray Server With Default Settings ................................ 38 3.2.9. How to Remove Sun Ray Software .................................................................................. 39 3.2.10. Installation (utinstall) Error Messages ............................................................................. 39 3.3. Configuring Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions ............................................................................ 42 3.3.1. How to Configure a Private Network on Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions ......................... 42 3.3.2. How to Configure Shared Multilevel Ports (MLP) for Sun Ray Services .............................. 43 3.3.3. How to Increase the Number of X Server Ports ................................................................ 44 3.3.4. How to Configure the Windows Connector on Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions ................ 45 3.4. Upgrading .................................................................................................................................. 46 3.4.1. Installing Firmware Before Sun Ray Software Upgrade ..................................................... 46 3.4.2. How to Upgrade Sun Ray Software ................................................................................. 47 3.4.3. Planning Upgrades Using Failover Groups ....................................................................... 49 3.4.4. How to Preserve Sun Ray Software Configuration Data .................................................... 50 This chapter provides an overview of installing and configuring Sun Ray Software on a system, which makes it a Sun Ray server.

3.1. Product Requirements

This section provides the product requirements for the Sun Ray Software 5.3 release.

3.1.1. Operating System Requirements

Table 3.1, Supported Sun Ray Software Operating Systems lists the supported Sun Ray Software operating systems for the Sun Ray Software 5.3 release.


Sun Ray Operating Software

Table 3.1. Supported Sun Ray Software Operating Systems Operating System Oracle Solaris on SPARC and x86 platforms Supported Releases Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 or later Solaris 10 updates Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 or later Solaris 10 updates with Trusted Extensions Note: Oracle Solaris 11 is not supported. Oracle Linux on x86 platform (32-bit and Oracle Linux 5.6 64-bit) Oracle Linux 5.7 Note Oracle products certified on Oracle Linux are also certified and supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux due to implicit compatibility between both distributions. Oracle does not run any additional testing on Red Hat Enterprise Linux products. For additional operating system requirements, see Section 3.1.7, Additional Oracle Linux Requirements and Section 3.1.6, Additional Oracle Solaris Requirements.

3.1.2. Sun Ray Operating Software

The Sun Ray Operating Software 11.0 for Sun Ray Clients is required for many of the new Sun Ray Software 5.3 features. Sun Ray Operating Software is the official name of the Sun Ray Client firmware. See Section 3.2.4, Installing Firmware Before Sun Ray Software Installation for details on how to install the Sun Ray Operating Software on Sun Ray Clients.

3.1.3. Windows Remote Desktop Support

The following Windows remote desktops are supported with Sun Ray Software: Windows XP Professional with SP2 (64-bit) Windows XP Professional with SP3 (32-bit) Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 Enterprise Edition (32-bit and 64-bit) Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise Edition (32-bit and 64-bit) Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Enterprise Edition (64-bit) Table 3.2, Supported Features for Windows Remote Desktops shows what features are supported for each Windows remote desktop. Some Windows releases require a Windows connector component to be installed for specific feature support. For detailed information, see Section 3.2.6, How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System. Table 3.2. Supported Features for Windows Remote Desktops Windows XP SP2 (64-bit) Windows XP Windows SP3 (32-bit) Server 2003 R2 SP2 (32bit/64-bit) x x Windows 7 SP1 (32bit/64-bit) x Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64bit) x

Video Acceleration


Feature Differences Between Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux Platforms

Windows XP SP2 (64-bit)

Windows XP Windows SP3 (32-bit) Server 2003 R2 SP2 (32bit/64-bit) x x x x x x

Windows 7 SP1 (32bit/64-bit) x x x

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64bit) x x x

USB Redirection Audio Input Enhanced Network Security (TLS/SSL and NLA)

x x x

Session Directory/Session N/A Broker



3.1.4. Feature Differences Between Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux Platforms
The following Sun Ray Software features are not supported on a Sun Ray server running the Oracle Linux platform. Smart card services, including PIN login, email signing, and other smart card related operations, are not supported. Using mass storage devices without the USB redirection Windows component provides much lower performance on Oracle Linux than Oracle Solaris due to the design of the Oracle Linux mass storage subsystem. Use USB redirection for optimum performance with mass storage devices. Predefined kiosk session types are not available, which provide a desktop, a window manager, and the ability to configure a set of applications. Sun Java Desktop (JDS), Release 3, is an example of a predefined session type provided for Oracle Solaris. See Section 10.1, Kiosk Overview for more information. The CCID IFD handler, which provides access to external USB smart card readers connected to Sun Ray Clients, is not supported on Sun Ray servers running Oracle Linux.

3.1.5. Disk Space Requirements

Table 3.3, Disk Space Requirements lists the disk space requirements for specific directories. Table 3.3. Disk Space Requirements Default Installation Path / /etc/opt/SUNWut/srds /opt /opt/SUNWut/srds /var/adm/log (Oracle Solaris) /var/log (Oracle Linux) /var/opt/SUNWut Requirements 1 Mbyte 0.1 Mbytes 70 Mbytes 4.6 Mbytes 5 Mbytes 2.5 Mbytes Allow enough disk space for the data store and log files. For 1,000 entries, allocate roughly 1.5 Mbytes of disk space, 64 Mbytes of RAM, and 128 Mbytes of swap space. 5 Mbytes



Additional Oracle Solaris Requirements

3.1.6. Additional Oracle Solaris Requirements

When using Oracle Solaris for a Sun Ray server, the following requirements must be met: The Entire Distribution software cluster is required and must be installed. The latest Recommended Patchset must be installed prior to the Sun Ray Software installation, which you can download from My Oracle Support. The Common Desktop Environment (CDE) might not be available in a future Oracle Solaris release. Users should migrate to the Java Desktop System. CDE will not be supported on future versions of Sun Ray Software when CDE is officially removed from the Oracle Solaris release. Oracle Solaris 10 uses zones to permit multiple virtualized operating system environments to coexist in a single instance of Oracle Solaris, allowing processes to run in isolation from other activity on the system for added security and control. Sun Ray Software releases are supported only in the global zone.

3.1.7. Additional Oracle Linux Requirements

The default Oracle Linux RPMs are required for Sun Ray Software and must be installed on the Sun Ray server. There are also a number of additional RPMs that are required, which you can install using the utpkgcheck command provided in the Sun Ray Software media pack. The utpkgcheck command requires the server to be registered with Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) or the Oracle Linux DVD to be mounted on the server. The ULN yum repository is checked first. For details on how to register a system with ULN, see . Use the following command to display the missing RPMs on the Oracle Linux server:
# utpkgcheck

Use the following command to install the required RPMs on the Oracle Linux server:
# utpkgcheck -i

Note The Firewall and SELinux services must be disabled during the post-installation setup.

3.1.8. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Requirements

Sun Ray Software 5.3 requires a 32-bit implementation of a Java(TM) 2 Platform, Standard Edition JRE(TM) of at least 1.6. The latest Java release is available at javase/downloads. To check what JRE version is installed on your system, use the following command:
# java -version

A supported version of JRE is also bundled in the unzipped Sun Ray Software media pack for Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux systems in the Supplemental directory. Note A 64-bit JRE is not suitable for use with Sun Ray Software. The 32-bit JRE is required, even when the platform is capable of supporting a 64-bit JRE.


Sun Ray Admin GUI Web Server Requirements

Note The Sun Ray Software installation script assumes JRE is installed in the /usr/ java directory by default. If you want to accept the default when installing the Sun Ray Software on an Oracle Linux server, install JRE 1.6 or later on the server and then create a symlink from /usr/java to the newly created jre directory. For example, the following command creates a symbolic link from the /usr/java directory to the jrel.6.0_23 directory located in /usr.
# ln -s jre1.6.0_23 /usr/java

3.1.9. Sun Ray Admin GUI Web Server Requirements

The Sun Ray Administration Tool (Admin GUI) requires that a Web server be installed and running on each Sun Ray server. The Admin GUI must be hosted in a web container that supports the JavaServlet 2.4 and JavaServer Pages 2.0 specification. The Apache Tomcat 5.5 Web container implements these standards and runs on any operating system that has a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The utconfig script prompts for the location of an Apache Tomcat HTTP Server and asks whether it should be configured automatically. To configure the server automatically, supply the path and answer Yes. To configure the HTTP server later by using the utconfig -w command, answer No. An Apache Tomcat 5.5 archive is included in the Sun Ray Software media pack under Supplemental/ Apache_Tomcat. The most recent version of Tomcat 5.5 can be downloaded from http:// The Sun Ray configuration script uses port 1660 for the Sun Ray Administration Tool (Admin GUI) by default. If this port is unavailable, you can configure a new port while running the utconfig command. See How to Install Apache Tomcat for details.

3.1.10. Web Browser Requirements

Table 3.4, Web Browser Requirements lists the tested and supported browsers for the Sun Ray Administration Tool (Admin GUI). Table 3.4. Web Browser Requirements Operating System Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 or later Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 or later with Trusted Extensions Oracle Linux 5.6 Oracle Linux 5.7 Browser Support Firefox 3.6.16 Firefox 3.6.16 Firefox 3.6.13 Firefox 3.6.18

3.1.11. Sun Ray Data Store Port Requirements

When you configure a new Sun Ray server in a failover environment that uses Sun Ray Software 5.3 only, service port 7012 is used by default. If you already have an LDAP (Lightweight Data Access Protocol) server configured on the Sun Ray server, it can coexist with the Sun Ray data store. However, it must not use port 7012, which is reserved for use by the Sun Ray data store.


How to Install Apache Tomcat

If you configure a new Sun Ray server in a failover group with mixed versions of Sun Ray Software, you must make sure that the primary server is running Sun Ray Software 5.3. If the secondary server is running Sun Ray Software 5.3, no special care is required. The utreplica utility automatically synchronizes with the port number on the primary. Note Although configuring mixed failover groups consisting of servers running various versions of Sun Ray Server Software is possible, this practice is discouraged. For more information, see Chapter 6, Failover Groups.

3.1.12. How to Install Apache Tomcat

If Tomcat 5.5 is already installed on your system, you can omit the steps below and specify the path, if necessary, during the Sun Ray Software configuration. 1. As superuser, open a shell window on the Sun Ray server.
% su -

2. Change to the Apache_Tomcat directory. For example:

# cd <media_pack_directory>/Supplemental/Apache_Tomcat

3. Extract the Tomcat archive into a suitable directory, such as /opt. For Oracle Solaris The Tomcat archive uses GNU tar extensions and must be untarred with a GNU-compatible version of the tar command, such as gtar.
# /usr/sfw/bin/gtar -xvz -C /opt -f apache-tomcat-5.5.20.tar.gz

For Oracle Linux

# tar -xvz -C /opt -f apache-tomcat-5.5.20.tar.gz

(Optional) Create a symbolic link to the default location for the Sun Ray Software installation script.
# ln -s apache-tomcat-5.5.20 /opt/apache-tomcat

3.1.13. Ports and Protocols

The following section summarize Sun Ray system port and protocol usage. The range of dynamic/UDP ports on the server is constrained to the range defined by the utserviceslow and utservices-high UDP service definitions, whose default values in /etc/services are 40000 and 42000 respectively. This range should not be redefined to constrain ports too tightly. The range of ports must be sufficient to provide several ports per connected Sun Ray Client. Ranges used by the client include the following: Dynamic/TCP ports on the client are in the range 32768-65535. Dynamic/UDP ports on the client are in the range 4096-65535. ALP rendering traffic (ALP-RENDER) always uses a UDP port number greater than 32767 at the client. 18

Ports and Protocols Sun Ray Client-to-Server Ports and Protocols

Table 3.5, Sun Ray Client-to-Server Ports and Protocols lists the Sun Ray Client-to-server ports and protocols. In the table, a double-headed arrow in the Flow column indicates the direction of the initial packet. In most cases, the client (a Sun Ray Client or Oracle Virtual Desktop Client) initiates the interaction. Table 3.5. Sun Ray Client-to-Server Ports and Protocols Client Port / Flow 66/UDP (BOOTPC/ DHCPC) broadcast=>> unicast=>> Dynamic/UDP unicast=>> TFTP Protocol DHCP Server Port / Flow 67/UDP (BOOTPS/ DHCPS) <=broadcast <=unicast 69/UDP (TFTP) <=unicast TFTP Service Recommended Firmware download (Configuration parameter download) DNS Service Optional For server name lookups Syslog Service Optional Event reporting ALPDISCOVERY 7009/UDP (utauthdgm) <=unicast Dynamic/TCP unicast=>> Dynamic/UDP with port number >= 32768 unicast=> or unicast=>> when NAT is in use 5498/UDP unicast=>> Dynamic/TCP unicast=>> ALP-RENDER ALP-AUTH 7009/TCP (utauthd) <=unicast Dynamic/UDP constrained by utservices-low and utservices-high <<=unicast or <=unicast when NAT is in use ALP-AUDIO-IN Dynamic/UDP constrained by utservices-low and utservices-high ALP-DEVMGR 7011/TCP (utdevmgr) Sun Ray Server Optional Inbound audio Sun Ray Server Optional Device management Sun Ray Server Sun Ray Server Sun Ray Server Optional On-subnet Sun Ray server discovery Mandatory Presence, control, status Mandatory On-screen drawing, user input, audio Peer DHCP Service Importance/ Comments Mandatory Network and configuration parameter discovery

Dynamic/UDP unicast=>> 514/UDP (syslog) unicast=>> Dynamic/UDP broadcast=>>


53/UDP (domain) <=unicast


514/UDP (syslog)


Ports and Protocols

Client Port / Flow


Server Port / Flow <=unicast


Importance/ Comments Optional Device data transfer

7777/TCP unicast=> 7013/UDP (utquery) unicast=>

ALP-DEVDATA Dynamic/TCP <<=unicast ALP-QUERY Dynamic/UDP <<=unicast <<=broadcast Note

Sun Ray Server


Optional utquery support

Due to CR 12301209, the keyboard may become unresponsive to input. To work around this issue, allow ICMP messages to flow from the Sun Ray server to the client. Sun Ray Server-to-Server Protocols

Table 3.6, Sun Ray Server-to-Server Ports lists the Sun Ray server-to-server ports. Table 3.6. Sun Ray Server-to-Server Ports Sun Ray Server Port Protocol <<=ARP=>> Transient SYSLOG/UDP unicast=>> 514 (SYSLOG) Port Peer All on subnet Syslog Server Notes IP-to-MAC mapping Status reporting, if required Group discovery, if required

7009 (UTAUTHD) <<=UTAUTHD-GM/ UDP=>> broadcast or multicast 7011 (UTDEVMGRD) 7008 (UTRCMD) <<=UTDEVMGRD/ TCP=>> <<=UTRCMD/TCP=> <<=ICMP ECHO=> 7010 (UTAUTHCB) 7012 (UTDS) 7007 (UTSESSIOND) 7011 (UTDEVMGR) 1660 (HTTP) 1661 (HTTPS) 7007 (UTSESSIOND)

7009 (UTAUTHD) Sun Ray Server

7011 (UTDEVMGR) Privileged

SR Group Member SR Group Member Any Any Any Any Any Localhost Localhost Localhost

Device control and status Remote execution Admin: presence Admin: control and status Data store, if required. Session members Device clients Web GUI, if configured Web GUI, if configured Session management

<<=UTAUTH-CB/TCP=> Transient <<=UTDS/TCP=> Transient

<<=UTSESSION/TCP=> Transient <<=UTDEVMGR/TCP=> Transient <<=HTTP/TCP=> <<=HTTPS/TCP=> Transient Transient

<<=UTSESSION/TCP=> Privileged


Installing Windows Connector

For basic Windows connector operations (RDP port access), the Windows server firewall needs TCP port 3389 open for inbound connections. The Sun Ray server (where the Windows connector is running) firewall needs TCP port 3389 open for outbound connections. Multimedia Redirection

For multimedia redirection, the Windows server firewall must have a TCP port between 6000 and 10000 open for inbound connections. The Sun Ray server (where the Windows connector is running) firewall must have a TCP port between 6000 and 10000 open for outbound connections.

3.2. Installing
This section provides detailed information about how to install Sun Ray Software.

3.2.1. Using the utsetup Command

The utinstall and utconfig commands are the basic commands to install and configure Sun Ray software on a system. There are also a number of additional commands that you need to run to configure a basic Sun Ray server and make it ready to provide sessions to clients. The utsetup command provides a way to run all the appropriate commands, including utinstall and utconfig, in the appropriate sequence to install and configure a Sun Ray server. By design, the utsetup command configures a Sun Ray server to use a shared network (LAN) and it generates a set of .parms files in the /tftpboot directory for managing Sun Ray client firmware. This recommended configuration is detailed in Chapter 2, Planning a Sun Ray Network Environment. When you use utsetup command to initially install a Sun Ray server, it runs the following commands in sequence: utinstall utconfig utpolicy -a -z both -g -M utreplica (if HA/failover group selected) utfwadm -A -a -V (optional) utadm -L on (optional) utstart -c See Section 3.2.5, How to Install and Configure Sun Ray Software for installation instructions using the utsetup command.

3.2.2. Not Using the utsetup Command

If you need to install and configure a Sun Ray server in a different way than what the utsetup command provides, you must run the individual commands as noted in Section 3.2.1, Using the utsetup Command. The following situations may force you to do this: Using JumpStart (Oracle Solaris) or Kickstart (Oracle Linux) to install the software.


Automating Sun Ray Software Installations

Configuring the Sun Ray Software without the Sun Ray data store, which is known as zero administration mode. This document does not provide detailed instructions about how to use the individual commands instead of using the utsetup command. Refer to the man pages for detailed information about the alternative commands.

3.2.3. Automating Sun Ray Software Installations

The utsetup command enables you to clone the Sun Ray Software installation and configuration process by recording the user responses to the installation prompts and then using those responses at another time and even on another Sun Ray server. User responses are stored in the /var/opt/SUNWut/ utdialog.d/*.utdialog_responses.props files and are known as response files. With utsetup and response files, you have the ability to clone a Sun Ray server installation and configuration setup or to provide default settings for a hands-free, automated installation and configuration solution. Cloning Sun Ray servers can be helpful in many situations, including setting up a number of Sun Ray servers in a failover group. Note Using the utsetup command without any options performs an actual install and configuration on the server you run it on. The following commands can use the information recorded in the response files: utsetup utinstall utconfig utpolicy utpw utgroupsig utreplica See the following procedures for automating Sun Ray Software installations: Section 3.2.7, How to Clone a Sun Ray Server Section 3.2.8, How to Install and Configure a Sun Ray Server With Default Settings

3.2.4. Installing Firmware Before Sun Ray Software Installation

Starting with Sun Ray Software release 5.3, the Sun Ray Operating Software, formerly known as Sun Ray Client firmware, is no longer included with Sun Ray Software and must be downloaded from My Oracle Support separately. Updating the Sun Ray Clients with the latest Sun Ray Operating Software ensures that the latest Sun Ray Software features are provided. The Sun Ray Client firmware is now officially called Sun Ray Operating Software, but the term "firmware" will continue to be used throughout the documentation. See Sun Ray Operating Software 11.0 Release for details. If you download and install the latest Sun Ray Operating Software before you install Sun Ray Software on a server, the utsetup command enables you to configure the installed firmware and make it available


How to Install and Configure Sun Ray Software

to clients through the utfwadm command similar to previous releases. The current installation procedure provides steps on how to download and install the firmware. Installing the latest Sun Ray Operating Software before installing Sun Ray Software is recommended, but you can still install and configure the firmware after installing Sun Ray Software. To update the firmware on Sun Ray Clients outside of the Sun Ray Software installation process, refer to Section 14.3, How to Update Firmware on Sun Ray Clients. If the firmware is not installed on the server, the Sun Ray Software installation script will provide the following warning:
Sun Ray Operating Software (firmware) is not installed. It is recommended that you install the latest firmware before installing Sun Ray Software. Continue without firmware? (Y/N) [Y]

Also, if an older firmware version is installed on the server, the Sun Ray Software installation script will provide the following warning:
You are attempting to install SRS on a system with an old version of Sun Ray Operating Software. Continue with old firmware? (Y/N) [N]

3.2.5. How to Install and Configure Sun Ray Software

This procedure uses the utsetup command to install and configure a Sun Ray server for both the Oracle Linux or Oracle Solaris operating system. The utsetup command optionally configures a Sun Ray server to use a shared network (LAN) and generates a set of .parms files in the /tftpboot directory for managing Sun Ray client firmware (DHCP is not configured to manage firmware downloads). This configuration is detailed in Chapter 2, Planning a Sun Ray Network Environment.

Before You Begin

Make sure the server targeted to become the Sun Ray server meets the Sun Ray Software product requirements. A Sun Ray server requires both a fixed host name and a static IP address. A Sun Ray server cannot be a DHCP client. It is recommended that you download and install the latest Sun Ray Operating Software (firmware) before starting the Sun Ray Software installation. Updating the Sun Ray Clients with the latest firmware ensures that the latest Sun Ray Software features are provided. (Oracle Linux only) The Sun Ray Software installation script removes the Shutdown/Restart options from the console; however, you can open a terminal and execute the commands.

1. Download and unzip the Sun Ray Software 5.3 media pack and make it accessible to the Sun Ray server. See 2. (Optional) Download and unzip the latest Sun Ray Operating Software (firmware) and make it accessible to the Sun Ray server.


How to Install and Configure Sun Ray Software

See Updating the Sun Ray Clients with the latest firmware ensures that the latest Sun Ray Software features are provided. 3. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. To avoid installation script errors that can occur if user environment settings are carried forward, use the following command:
% su - root

4. If you downloaded the latest Sun Ray Operating Software (firmware), change directory to the unzipped firmware directory and install the firmware to make it available to the Sun Ray Software installation script.
# ./utfwinstall

5. Change directory to the unzipped Sun Ray Software media pack and install Sun Ray Software on the Sun Ray server.
# ./utsetup

See the Examples section below for an example of the utsetup output. When the installation script ends, the log files are available at: Oracle Linux:

Oracle Solaris:

The values in the file names reflect a time stamp of when the command was started. Check these files for notices of problems. See Section 3.2.10, Installation (utinstall) Error Messages for a listing of utinstall error messages. 6. If the Sun Ray server is running Oracle Solaris, use the following steps to increase the performance of the Sun Ray Clients: a. Add the following line to the Sun Ray server's /etc/system file.
set hires_tick=1

b. Reboot the Sun Ray server. For more information, see Section 21.2, How to Improve Sun Ray Client Performance by Decreasing Buffering on the Network Switch (Oracle Solaris). 7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each secondary server if in a failover group. If you choose the HA group (failover group) configuration during the utsetup installation of the primary server, you can copy the generated response files to each secondary server and use the utsetup command to replicate the failover group configuration. For example, you can save the response files to the secondary's server's /tmp directory and then use the utsetup -a -D /tmp command.


How to Install and Configure Sun Ray Software

This strategy reduces the time needed to re-enter the same configuration information and can minimize configuration errors. See Section 3.2.7, How to Clone a Sun Ray Server for details. 8. Add the Sun Ray server's host name or IP address to the sunray-config-servers and sunrayservers DNS entries, which will make the server available to clients for firmware updates and Sun Ray sessions, respectively. See Chapter 2, Planning a Sun Ray Network Environment for details. 9. To configure any site-wide settings for the Sun Ray Clients, such as the automatic poweroff feature, you need to update the .parms file for each client. You need to do this on each designated firmware server. See Section 13.1, How to Centralize Sun Ray Client Configurations (.parms) for details. 10. Reboot the Sun Ray Clients to download and update to the new Sun Ray Operating Software (firmware) provided by the Sun Ray server. Note When installing Sun Ray Operating Software on Sun Ray 3 Series Clients, the smart card LED will blink for approximately 40 seconds as the smart card controller firmware is being updated. This is normal. 11. If you plan to use the Windows connector, install the Windows Connector Components on your designated Windows Server. See Section 3.2.6, How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System for details. Installing the JDS Integration Package (Oracle Solaris)

The Java Desktop System (JDS) integration package, which delivers a CLI called uttscwrap that improves integration of the Windows connector with the JDS desktop on Oracle Solaris 10. 1. Change to the media pack location where the JDS integration package is located.
# cd media_pack_directory/Supplemental/JDS_Integrator/Solaris10+/sparc/Packages

2. Install the JDS integration package (SUNWuttscwrap).

# pkgadd -d .

The uttscwrap command is installed in the /opt/SUNWuttscwrap/bin directory. For more information about the uttscwrap command, see Section 18.3, Using the Windows Connector. Adding Swedish or Portuguese Locale Support (Oracle Linux)

The Sun Ray Software installation does not install all the locales by default for the Admin GUI. If you want to install the Swedish or Portuguese locales. use the following steps: 1. Change directory to the media pack image locations where the locale packages are located (the kio packages are located in the Kiosk_Mode_4.4 path):
# cd media_pack_directory/Components/10-SRSS/Content/Sun_Ray_Core_Services_4.4/Linux/Packages # cd media_pack_directory/Components/10-SRSS/Content/Kiosk_Mode_4.4/Linux/Packages

2. Install the Portuguese locale.

# rpm -i SUNWputo-4.1-04.i386.rpm


How to Install and Configure Sun Ray Software

# rpm -i SUNWpkio-4.1-04.i386.rpm

3. Install the Swedish locale.

# # # # # # rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm -i -i -i -i -i -i SUNWsuta-4.3-04.i386.rpm SUNWsuto-4.3-04.i386.rpm SUNWsutwa-4.3-04.i386.rpm SUNWsutwh-4.3-04.i386.rpm SUNWsutwl-4.3-04.i386.rpm SUNWskio-4.3-04.i386.rpm Adding Swedish or Portuguese Locale Support (Oracle Solaris)

The Sun Ray Software installation does not install all the locales by default for the Admin GUI. If you want to install the Swedish or Portuguese locales. use the following steps: 1. Change directory to the media pack image locations where the locale packages are located depending on the hardware architecture of the Sun Ray server (the kio packages are located in the Kiosk_Mode_4.4 path):
# cd media_pack_directory/Components/10-SRSS/Content/Sun_Ray_Core_Services_4.4/Solaris_10+\ /sparc/Packages # cd media_pack_directory/Components/10-SRSS/Content/Kiosk_Mode_4.4/Solaris_10+\ /sparc/Packages # cd media_pack_directory/Components/10-SRSS/Content/Sun_Ray_Core_Services_4.4/Solaris_10+\ /i386/Packages # cd media_pack_directory/Components/10-SRSS/Content/Kiosk_Mode_4.4/Solaris_10+\ /i386/Packages

2. Install the Portuguese locale.

# pkgadd -d . SUNWputes # pkgadd -d . SUNWputo # pkgadd -d . SUNWpkio

3. Install the Swedish locale.

# # # # # # # pkgadd pkgadd pkgadd pkgadd pkgadd pkgadd pkgadd -d -d -d -d -d -d -d . . . . . . . SUNWsuta SUNWsutes SUNWsuto SUNWsutwa SUNWsutwh SUNWsutwl SUNWskio Configuring a Headless Sun Ray Server (Oracle Linux)

If you plan to use a headless Sun Ray server running Oracle Linux and Sun Ray clients using Gnome Display Manager (GDM), then this configuration will generate errors on the Sun Ray client and consume CPU processes. The errors occur because GDM assumes that the console display is present and GDM will continually attempt to (and fail to) service a non-existent console device. The workaround is to add the -no-console option to the preadm command in the Sun Ray server's / etc/inittab file:
x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm --nodaemon --no-console

This workaround is not required for Oracle servers, since they have the Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) Service Processor that provides a virtual console.


How to Install and Configure Sun Ray Software Example Installation Output

The following code output shows an example installing a Oracle Solaris-based Sun Ray server using the utsetup -d command, which installs all the default settings:
# ./utsetup -d ================================================================== === Installing Sun Ray Software - utinstall === . . . . . ***License Agreement (not shown)*** . . . . . Accept? (Y/N) # utinstall-srss Version: 4.4 Thu Dec 29 09:44:34 CST 2011

Sun Ray Server Software 4.4 not installed Sun Ray Data Store 3.4 not installed Kiosk Mode 4.4 not installed Enter Java v1.6 (or later) location: [/usr/java] About to Install Sun Ray Server Software 4.4 Continue? (Y/N) [Y] About to carry out the following operations: Install Install Install Install Install Install Install Install Install Install Install Install Install [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Sun Ray Server Software 4.4 ] Sun Ray Data Store 3.4 ] Sun Ray Server Software 4.4 French Admin GUI ] Sun Ray Server Software 4.4 Japanese Admin GUI ] Sun Ray Server Software 4.4 Simplified Chinese Admin GUI ] Sun Ray Server Software 4.4 ] Kiosk Mode 4.4 ] Kiosk Mode 4.4 localized files ] data for utslaunch ] Sun Ray Server Software 4.4 modules for utsunmc ] Service Tags 1.1 ] Smart Card Services 1.5 ] VMware View Connector 1.4 ]

. . . . . ***Sun Ray Server Software package/RPM installation output (not shown)*** . . . . .

Installation of Sun Ray Server Software has completed.


How to Install and Configure Sun Ray Software

+++ Installing 'Sun Ray Connector 2.5' . . . . . ***Sun Ray Connector package/RPM installation output (not shown)*** . . . . .

+++ Done. ================================================================== === Creating directory structure - utacleanup ================================================================== === Performing basic configuration - utconfig Activating product Product activation output being logged at /var/adm/log/utctl.2011_12_29_09:47:26.log Configuration of Sun Ray Server Software This script automates the configuration of the Sun Ray Server Software and related software products. Before proceeding, you should have read the Installation and Configuration Guide for planning purposes. For your convenience, default values (where applicable) are shown in brackets. Continue? (Y/N) [Y] Enter new UT admin password: Again: Enter new UT admin password:

Configure Sun Ray Web Administration? (Y/N) [N] Enter Apache Tomcat installation directory [/opt/apache-tomcat] Enter HTTP port number [1660] Enable secure connections? (Y/N) [Y] Enter HTTPS port number [1661] Enter Tomcat process username [utwww] Enable remote server administration? (Y/N) [N] Configure Sun Ray Kiosk Mode? (Y/N) [N] Enter user prefix [utku] Enter group [utkiosk] Enter userID range start [150000] Enter number of users [25]

Configure this server for a failover group? (Y/N) [N] About to configure the following software products: Sun Ray Data Store 3.4 Hostname: sray-server Sun Ray root entry: o=utdata Sun Ray root name: utdata Sun Ray utdata admin password: (not shown)


How to Install and Configure Sun Ray Software

SRDS 'rootdn': cn=admin,o=utdata Sun Ray Web Administration hosted at Apache Tomcat/5.5.20 Apache Tomcat installation directory: /opt/apache-tomcat HTTP port number: 1660 HTTPS port number: 1661 Tomcat process username: utwww Remote server administration: Disabled Sun Ray Server Software 4.4 Failover group: no Sun Ray Kiosk Mode: yes Sun Ray Kiosk Mode 4.4 User name prefix: utku Base user ID: 300000 Number of accounts: 25 Kiosk group name: utkiosk Kiosk group ID: auto Continue? (Y/N) [Y] Updating Sun Ray Data Store schema ... Updating Sun Ray Data Store ACL's ... Creating Sun Ray Data Store ... Restarting Sun Ray Data Store ... . Thu Dec 29 09:51 : utdsd starting Loading Sun Ray Data Store ... Executing '/usr/bin/ldapadd -p 7012 -D cn=admin,o=utdata' ... adding new entry o=utdata adding new entry o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utname=desktops,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utname=users,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utname=logicalTokens,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utname=rawTokens,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utname=multihead,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utname=container,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utname=properties,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry cn=utadmin,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utname=smartCards,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utordername=probeorder,utname=smartCards,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utname=policy,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utname=resDefs,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utname=prefs,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utPrefType=resolution,utname=prefs,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata


How to Install and Configure Sun Ray Software

adding new entry utPrefClass=advisory,utPrefType=resolution,utname=prefs,utname=sray-server, o=v1,o=utdata

Added 18 new LDAP entries. Creating Sun Ray Server Software Configuration ... Adding user account for 'utwww' (ut admin web server user) ...done Sun Ray Web Administration enabled to start at system boot. Starting Sun Ray Web Administration... See /var/opt/SUNWut/log/utwebadmin.log for server logging information. Unique "/etc/opt/SUNWut/gmSignature" has been generated. Restarting Sun Ray Data Store ... .. Thu Dec 29 09:52 : utdsd starting Adding user admin ... User(s) added successfully! Creating new Sun Ray Kiosk Mode configuration ... Validating new user ids. Validating new user accounts. Creating kiosk group utkiosk Configuring new kiosk user accounts: ......................... 25 users configured *********************************************************** The current policy has been modified. You must restart the authentication manager to activate the changes. *********************************************************** Enter groupname for Windows Connector [utwc] The group 'utwc' already exists. A dedicated group should be used for SRWC. Use existing group anyway (Y/N) [Y] Creating required LDAP schema ... adding new entry utname=remoteclient,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata adding new entry utname=users,utname=remoteclient,utname=sray-server,o=v1,o=utdata Done. ***************************************************************************** A restart of Sun Ray services is required before the Sun Ray Connector for Windows Operating Systems is used. Please run : /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart Note that this will *NOT* terminate any sessions. ***************************************************************************** Configuration of Sun Ray Server Software has completed. Please check the log file, /var/adm/log/utconfig.2011_12_29_09:47:26.log, for errors. ================================================================== === Configuring access policy - utpolicy Enter policy specification as if on utpolicy command line: [-a -g -z both -M] The authentication manager must be restarted for changes to take effect. If a significant policy change has been made then a cold restart must be initiated with the following command, note that all existing sessions will be terminated:


How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System

/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart -c If a minor policy change was made then it is not necessary to terminate existing sessions and a warm restart is sufficient by executing the following command: /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart ================================================================== === Configuring firmware downloads - utfwadm Do you want to configure Firmware downloads for Sun Ray clients? (Y/N) [Y] ================================================================== === Enabling LAN access - utadm Do you want to enable LAN access for Sun Ray clients at this time? (Y/N) [N] ### Turning on Sun Ray LAN connection NOTE: utstart must be run before LAN connections will be allowed

================================================================== === Starting Sun Ray Software - utstart A cold restart has been initiated... messages will be logged to /var/opt/SUNWut/log/messages.

3.2.6. How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System

The Windows connector feature enables you to provide Windows remote desktop services on Sun Ray Clients. Sun Ray Software provides a number of Windows connector components that you should install on a Windows system to improve the performance and functionality of the remote desktop services. Note By default, remote desktop services is not enabled on a Windows system, so you must specifically enable it. See the Windows documentation for details. This procedure provides the steps to install the Windows connector components on a Windows system: USB redirection - Enables access to USB devices connected to a Sun Ray Client from a Windows session. Multimedia redirection - Enhanced performance for Windows Media Player. Adobe Flash acceleration - Enhanced playback capabilities for Adobe Flash content. Audio/video synchronization - Enhanced audio and video synchronization for multimedia content. Audio input - Enables audio recording on a Sun Ray Client from a Windows session. Client Information Agent - Enables the client name to be updated across hotdesking and to provide the ability to execute actions on disconnects and reconnects of a Windows session. If you want to install the Sun Ray Connector Windows components by using the *.msi files, you can use a srs-winstaller.exe /S /D=c:path to extract the *.msi files from the srs-wininstaller.exe executable. Note To bypass the installation UI, you can run srs-winstaller /S from the command line.


How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System

Note The Adobe Flash acceleration and Audio/video synchronization components require hardware that supports the Windows Performance Counter API. If the Windows Performance Counter API is not working properly, the components might fail to load or behave unexpectedly. In one known example, this problem occurs when a computer has the AMD Cool'n'Quiet technology enabled in the BIOS, which is documented in

1. Log in to the Windows system as Administrator. 2. If you plan to install the USB redirection component on a Virtual Machine (VM), you must add USB drivers on some VMs if they do not provide drivers by default. See Section 18.6.5, How to Add USB Drivers to a Virtual Machine for details. 3. Make sure the Windows system has access to the Sun Ray Connector Windows Components installer in the unzipped Sun Ray Software media pack.

4. Copy the srs-winstaller.exe file to the Windows system. 5. Double-click the srs-winstaller icon to start the Sun Ray Connector Windows Components Setup Wizard. 6. Review the License Agreement and click I Agree. 7. Choose which components you want to install and click Install.


How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System

Figure 3.1. Windows Components Setup Window

8. Click Finish once the installation has finished. Restart the Windows system if instructed. 9. Go to the following sections (next steps) based on the features you installed. Multimedia Redirection - Next Steps Adobe Flash Acceleration - Next Steps Audio/Video Synchronization - Next Steps USB Redirection - Next Steps Multimedia Redirection - Next Steps

The multimedia redirection component does not include an audio/video demuxer for MPEG-2 and H.264 video streams. To ensure that video is accelerated, download and install a third-party or freeware solution, such as the MatroskaSplitter freeware.


How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System Adobe Flash Acceleration - Next Steps

For Adobe Flash videos, users must enable the "Third party browser extensions" option in Internet Explorer, which is located in the Advanced tab of Tools->Internet Options. Audio/Video Synchronization - Next Steps

Note For audio to work properly, the Sun Ray audio driver must be set as the default. If users have changed their default audio driver, they must perform the following procedure to make the Sun Ray audio driver the default. 1. From the Windows Desktop, choose Settings->Control Panel. 2. Click Sounds & Audio Devices. 3. Click the Audio tab. 4. If the Sun Ray RDP Audio Driver is not the default, select it and click Apply. 5. Close your browser and reopen it. USB Redirection - Next Steps

Under MyComputer, choose Properties->Hardware->Device Manager to check if the utSrServerBus entry is displayed under the System devices section. See Figure 3.2, Verifying USB Redirection Installation for an example.


How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System

Figure 3.2. Verifying USB Redirection Installation


How to Clone a Sun Ray Server

For information about how to verify that USB redirection is working from a new Windows session, see Section, How to Verify that USB Redirection is Active. How to Repair the Windows Connector Components

The srs-winstaller.exe executable is an archive, which extracts two .msi files into a temporary directory and then transfers control to the Microsoft Windows installer. If the installed Windows Connector Components software needs to be repaired, the .msi files may no longer be available. There are two ways to repair the Windows Connector Components software. The easiest method is to uninstall the software using the add/remove interface and then reinstall using the procedure above. The other repair method is to select the Windows Connector Components in the add/remove interface and click Repair. If the repair process requests the location of the .msi files, use the following procedure to extract the files from the srs-winstaller.exe executable: 1. Create a new directory with no blanks in the path or name. The example in this procedure uses c: \srwc). 2. In a command shell window, run the following command:
srs-winstaller.exe /S /D=c:\srwc

The .msi files are now available in the c:\srwc directory.

3.2.7. How to Clone a Sun Ray Server

The utsetup command enables you to install and configure a Sun Ray server with the Sun Ray Software. You can then use the created response files to install and configure other servers. See Section 3.2.3, Automating Sun Ray Software Installations for more information about automating Sun Ray Software installations. Figure 3.3, Cloning a Sun Ray Server shows how you can use the utsetup command to clone Sun Ray servers.


How to Clone a Sun Ray Server

Figure 3.3. Cloning a Sun Ray Server

Note The *.utdialog_responses.props files may contain passwords that a malicious user could potentially decode if read, so make sure to use sufficient security precautions when copying them. For example, the files should have secure permissions (not readable by group or "other"), and you should remove the files from their temporary locations after you complete the configuration. 1. From the unzipped Sun Ray Software media pack, run the utsetup command to install and configure a Sun Ray server. The responses you provide are saved in the /var/opt/SUNWut/utdialog.d/ *.utdialog_responses.props files. 2. Copy the response files to another server. In this example, the files are copied to Server B's /tmp directory.


How to Install and Configure a Sun Ray Server With Default Settings

3. From the unzipped Sun Ray Software media pack, run the utsetup -a -D /tmp command to clone the installation and configuration on the server that you created in Step 1. For members of the same failover group, you can typically apply the configuration without changes. For a new failover group, you may need to edit the response files to create a new configuration (for example to specify a new primary and secondaries for replication). The utdialog_responses.props(5) man page gives detail about the format of the files.

3.2.8. How to Install and Configure a Sun Ray Server With Default Settings
Another way to use the utsetup command is to quickly install and configure a server with the default settings. 1. Install, configure, and activate the basic Sun Ray Software product features for standalone use (no failover group configuration) with a minimum of user interaction required (JRE 1.6 must be installed at / usr/java before proceeding).
utsetup -d

2. Complete the configuration: a. Optionally configure the system in a failover group (if you did not specify identical administration passwords with the utsetup command for each system, then you must run the utpw command at this time).
# utgroupsig # utreplica -p secondary-server1 [secondary-server2...]

# utreplica -s primary-server

b. Optionally configure the kiosk functionality.

# utconfig -k -d

c. Optionally configure the browser web administration interface (Apache Tomcat must be installed at /opt/apache-tomcat before proceeding).
utconfig -w -d

d. Configure the Sun Ray network services.

# utadm -L on

# utadm -A subnet

# utadm -a interface

e. Start the Sun Ray services

# utstart


How to Remove Sun Ray Software

3.2.9. How to Remove Sun Ray Software

To remove Sun Ray Software in its entirety, follow this procedure. 1. Log in as the superuser of the Sun Ray server. 2. Open a shell window and change to the /opt/SUNWut/sbin directory.
# cd /opt/SUNWut/sbin

3. If you are removing Sun Ray Software from a server in a failover group, disable Sun Ray Client firmware updates. See Section 14.11, How to Disable All Sun Ray Client Firmware Updates for details. 4. Remove the replication configuration.
# ./utreplica -u

5. Remove the Sun Ray network interfaces.

# ./utadm -r

6. Unconfigure Sun Ray Software.

# ./utconfig -u

Answer y to all of the prompts. 7. Uninstall Sun Ray Software.

# cd / # /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utinstall -u

Answer y to all of the prompts. 8. Repeat the steps in this procedure for all remaining Sun Ray servers.

3.2.10. Installation (utinstall) Error Messages

If during an installation, upgrade, or uninstall the utinstall script returns an error, refer to the following table for assistance. All Installations

Message utinstall: fatal, media-dir is not a valid directory. Meaning Resolution

You called the -d option, The media-dir but media-dir is directory requires incomplete. relevant patches and packages for installation. The media-dir directory includes the Sun Ray directory. Might occur for the installation of any application or patch if relevant packages Verify that he component xxxxxx is present in the installation media directory path and has

xxxxxx not successfully installed


Installation (utinstall) Error Messages


Meaning have not been properly installed. Some of the applications provided with Sun Ray Software are compatible only with certain versions of other applications.

Resolution the correct permissions, then run the utinstall script again. Compatible and necessary applications are included with Sun Ray Software. Remove older versions, then run the utinstall script again.

A different version x.x of product has been detected. The otherproduct Software is only compatible with product y.y. You must either upgrade or remove the current product installation before proceeding. Exiting ... error, no Sun Ray software packages installed.

None of the Sun Ray No action is required components are installed as the product is not on this system. installed. Manually copy the listed files from the directory, overwriting the newer files if applicable.

The following files were not Some files were not successfully replaced during this properly replaced as part upgrade. The saved copies can be found of the upgrade. in directory
Partition Name Space Required Space Available -------------- -------------- --------------partition xxx yyy

Not enough disk space was allocated for partition. Repartition the disk and run utinstall again. Oracle Linux Installations

Message The following packages were not successfully removed xxxxxx ... Removal of product was not successfully completed. See log file for more details. Meaning The packages listed have not been properly removed. Removal of Sun Ray Software was incomplete. Resolution Use the rpm -e command to remove each listed rpm manually, then run utinstall -u again. Check the log file for the package that started the problem and manually remove it with the rpm -e command, then run utinstall -u again. Oracle Solaris Installations

Message Cannot open for read admin-file Meaning The admin_default file is unreadable, or you called the a option and the admin-file is unreadable. You are attempting to install Sun Ray Software onto an Oracle Solaris version that does not support the Sun Ray Software release. You are not running a valid OS release for this platform. Resolution Verify that the installation administration file exists (admin_default or other) and the permissions are correct. Upgrade to the supported version 10 of the Oracle Solaris OS before installing Sun Ray Software.

For SPARC platforms: SunOS release is x.x, valid releases are: 10

For x86 platforms: SunOS release is x.x, valid releases are: 10

Upgrade to the supported version 10 of the Oracle Solaris OS before installing Sun Ray Software.


Installation (utinstall) Error Messages

Message Please clean up the directory /var/tmp/ SUNWut.upgrade before rerunning utinstall. Please remove the existing preserved file, preserved_tarfilename, before rerunning utinstall. utpreserve: unable to preserve data. Error while creating archive file The following packages were not successfully removed xxxxxx ... Removal of product was not successfully completed. See log file for more details.



Other unrelated files were found in Remove unrelated files from the the preserve directory. directory.

You decided not to restore from the indicated tar file.

Remove the tar file before running utinstall again.

The utinstall script failed to preserve existing configuration files. The packages listed have not been properly removed.

Either exit and manually preserve these files or just continue.

Use the pkgrm command to remove each listed package manually, then run utinstall u again. Check the log file for the package that started the problem and manually remove it with the pkgrm command, then run utinstall -u again.

Removal of Sun Ray Software was incomplete. Modified Server Files (Oracle Solaris)

The following files are modified during utadm: /etc/inet/hosts /etc/inet/networks /etc/inet/netmasks /etc/inet/dhcpsvc.conf # including all DHCP-related files /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/hostname.intf The following files are modified during Sun Ray service startup: /etc/inet/services /etc/inet/inetd.conf The following files are modified during utconfig: /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group After installation, the following files are updated upon reboot:


Configuring Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions

/etc/syslog.conf /etc/pam.conf Modified Server Files (Oracle Linux)

The following files are modified during utadm: /etc/dhcpd.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/opt/SUNWut/net/dhcp/SunRay-options /etc/opt/SUNWut/net/dhcp/SunRay-interface-eth1 /etc/opt/SUNWut/net/hostname.eth1 /etc/opt/SUNWut/net/networks /etc/opt/SUNWut/net/netmasks /etc/hosts The following files are modified during utconfig: /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group In addition, display files are created for each Sun Ray Client in the following directories: /etc/gdm/PreSession /etc/gdm/PostSession /etc/gdm/Init /etc/gdm/PostLogin

3.3. Configuring Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions

This section provides all the procedures that may need to be done when using Sun Ray Software on Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions. For the latest Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions information, see http:// Based on your Sun Ray environment, perform the following procedures as root from ADMIN_LOW (global zone).

3.3.1. How to Configure a Private Network on Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions

This procedure is required if your Sun Ray server is configured on a private network. See Chapter 20, Alternate Network Configurations for more information.


How to Configure Shared Multilevel Ports (MLP) for Sun Ray Services

Use the Solaris Management Console (SMC) Security Templates to assign the cipso template to the Sun Ray server. Assign all other Sun Ray devices on the network an admin_low label. The admin_low template is assigned to the range of IP addresses you are planning to use in the utadm command. The /etc/security/tsol/tnrhdb file should contain the following entries when you finish:

1. Become root from ADMIN_LOW (global zone). 2. Start the Solaris Management Console (SMC).
# smc &

3. Make the following selections: a. In the SMC, select Management Tools->Select hostname:Scope=Files, Policy=TSOL. b. Select System Configuration->Computers and Networks->Security Templates>cipso. c. From the menu bar, choose Action->Properties->Hosts Assigned to Template. d. Select Host and type the IP Address of the Sun Ray interconnect (for example, e. Click Add and then OK. f. Select System Configuration->Computers and Networks->Security Families>admin_low.

g. From the menu bar, choose Action->Properties->Hosts Assigned to Template. h. Select Wildcard. i. j. Type the IP Address of the Sun Ray Interconnect Network ( Click Add and then OK.

4. Assign all Sun Ray servers in the failover group a cipso label. a. Select System Configuration->Computers and Networks->Security Families>cipso. b. From the menu bar, choose Action->Properties->Hosts Assigned to Template. c. Select Host and type the IP Address of the other Sun Ray server. d. Click Add and then OK. 5. Reboot the Sun Ray server.
# /usr/sbin/reboot

3.3.2. How to Configure Shared Multilevel Ports (MLP) for Sun Ray Services
A shared multilevel port has to be added to the global zone for Sun Ray services in order to have access from a labeled zone.


How to Increase the Number of X Server Ports

1. Become root from ADMIN_LOW (global zone). 2. Start the Solaris Management Console (SMC).
# smc &

3. Go to Management Tools. 4. Select hostname:Scope=Files, Policy=TSOL. 5. Select System Configuration->Computers and Networks->Trusted Network Zones>global. 6. From the menu bar, choose Action->Properties. 7. Click Add under Multilevel Ports for Shared IP Addresses. 8. Add 7007 as Port Number, select TCP as Protocol, and click OK. 9. Repeat the previous step for ports 5999, 7010, and 7015. 10. Restart network services by running the following command:
# svcadm restart svc:/network/tnctl

11. Verify that these ports are listed as shared ports by running the following command:
# /usr/sbin/tninfo -m global

12. Reboot the Sun Ray server.

# /usr/sbin/reboot

3.3.3. How to Increase the Number of X Server Ports

The default entry in /etc/security/tsol/tnzonecfg makes three displays available (6001-6003). Increase the number of available X server ports per requirements. 1. Become root from ADMIN_LOW (global zone). 2. Start the Solaris Management Console (SMC).
# smc &

3. Go to Management Tools. 4. Select hostname:Scope=Files, Policy=TSOL option. 5. Select System Configuration->Computers and Networks->Trusted Network Zones>global. 6. From the menu bar, choose Action->Properties. 7. Under Multilevel Ports for Zone's IP Addresses, select 6000-6003/tcp. 8. Click Remove. 9. Choose Add->Enable Specify A Port Range. 10. Type 6000 in Begin Port Range Number and 6050 (for 50 displays) in End Port Range Number.


How to Configure the Windows Connector on Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions

11. Select TCP as the Protocol. 12. Click OK. 13. Reboot the Sun Ray server.
# /usr/sbin/reboot

3.3.4. How to Configure the Windows Connector on Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions
This procedure describes how to configure the Windows connector on Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions. For the Sun Ray Windows Connector to function properly on a Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions server, the Windows terminal server must be made available at the desired level. 1. As superuser, open a shell window on the Sun Ray server. To avoid errors that can occur if user environment settings are carried forward, use the following command:
% su - root

2. Make a Windows system available to the public template. a. Start the Solaris Management Console.
# smc &

b. Make the following selections under Management Tools: i. Select hostname:Scope=Files, Policy=TSOL.

ii. Select System Configuration->Computers and Networks->Security Templates>public. c. Choose Action->Properties->Hosts Assigned to Template. d. Select Host. e. Type the IP Address of the Windows system, for example, f. Click Add.

g. Click OK. 3. Configure port 7014 as a shared multilevel port for the uttscpd daemon. a. If the Solaris Management Console is not already running, start it:
# smc &

b. Select hostname:Scope=Files, Policy=TSOL. c. Select System Configuration->Computers and Networks->Trusted Network Zones>global. d. Choose Action->Properties. 45


e. Enable ports by clicking Add under Multilevel Ports for Shared IP Addresses. f. Add 7014 as Port Number, select TCP as the Protocol, and click OK.

g. Restart network services.

# svcadm restart svc:/network/tnctl

h. Verify that this port is listed as a shared port.

# /usr/sbin/tninfo -m global

4. Create entries for the uttscpd daemon in each local zone. The /etc/services file entry for the SRWC proxy daemon is created automatically in the global zone at configuration time. Corresponding entries need to be created in the local zones. These entries can be created manually or by loopback-mounting the global zone /etc/services file into the local zones for read access. To create this entry manually, insert the following entry in the local zone file.
uttscpd 7014/tcp # SRWC proxy daemon

5. Loopback mount the /etc/opt/SUNWuttsc directory in each local zone. The following example shows how to do this for a zone named public
# zoneadm -z public halt # zonecfg -z public zonecfg:public> add fs zonecfg:public:fs> set dir=/etc/opt/SUNWuttsc zonecfg:public:fs> set special=/etc/opt/SUNWuttsc zonecfg:public:fs> set type=lofs zonecfg:public:fs> end # zoneadm -z public boot

6. (Optional) For TLS peer verification to work, make sure the CA certificates to be trusted are available under the /etc/sfw/openssl/certs folder in each local zone. 7. Reboot the Sun Ray server.
# /usr/sbin/reboot

3.4. Upgrading
This section provides instructions on how to upgrade a previously installed Sun Ray server.

3.4.1. Installing Firmware Before Sun Ray Software Upgrade

As described in Section 3.2.4, Installing Firmware Before Sun Ray Software Installation, it is recommended that you install the latest firmware on the existing Sun Ray server before performing an upgrade. The firmware is not provided with the Sun Ray Software media pack. The current upgrade procedure provides steps on how to download and install the firmware. To update client firmware outside of the Sun Ray Software upgrade process, refer to Section 14.3, How to Update Firmware on Sun Ray Clients.


How to Upgrade Sun Ray Software

3.4.2. How to Upgrade Sun Ray Software

This procedure describes how to upgrade Sun Ray Software on an existing Sun Ray server. This procedure relies on a specific Sun Ray configuration. See Chapter 2, Planning a Sun Ray Network Environment for details. Note the following information before performing the upgrade. Make sure the operating system on the Sun Ray server complies with the Sun Ray Server 5.3 requirements listed in Section 3.1.1, Operating System Requirements. If not, you'll have to upgrade the operating system on the Sun Ray server as part of the Sun Ray Software upgrade. Upgrades from Sun Ray Software 5.1 and later are supported with Sun Ray Software 5.3. You can upgrade directly to the latest Sun Ray Software 5.3.x release update, which means you do not have to upgrade to Sun Ray Software 5.3 first before upgrading to Sun Ray Software 5.3.x. You cannot migrate a Sun Ray server configuration to a hardware platform of a different Instruction Set Architecture. For example, you cannot migrate an existing SPARC-based Sun Ray server configuration to a new x86-based Sun Ray server. Although not necessary in most circumstances, you should preserve the configuration data on the Sun Ray server and copy the backup file to another location. See Section 3.4.4, How to Preserve Sun Ray Software Configuration Data for details.

1. Inform users about the upgrade. Before you upgrade Sun Ray Software, inform your users of your plans, and have them terminate their sessions. An effect of the upgrade procedure is that all active and suspended sessions are lost. 2. If you are upgrading Sun Ray servers in a failover group, consider ways to reduce downtime. See Section 3.4.3, Planning Upgrades Using Failover Groups for details. 3. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. To avoid installation script errors that can occur if user environment settings are carried forward, use the following command:
% su - root

4. List the current Sun Ray network configuration and retain the information. You need to reconfigure the Sun Ray network after the upgrade.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -l

5. If necessary, upgrade the operating system on the Sun Ray server.

For Oracle Linux

a. Preserve the configuration data on the Sun Ray server and copy the backup file to another location. See Section 3.4.4, How to Preserve Sun Ray Software Configuration Data for details. b. Uninstall the Sun Ray Software on the Sun Ray server. See Section 3.2.9, How to Remove Sun Ray Software for details. c. Upgrade Oracle Linux on the Sun Ray server.


How to Upgrade Sun Ray Software

d. If neccessary, copy the Sun Ray server configuration data backup file created earlier, /var/tmp/ SUNWut.upgrade/preserve_version.tar.gz, to the same location on the upgraded Sun Ray server. The Oracle Linux upgrade should have retained this file. e. Go to Step 6.

For Oracle Solaris

a. (Optional) Preserve the configuration data on the Sun Ray server and copy the backup file to another location. See Section 3.4.4, How to Preserve Sun Ray Software Configuration Data for details. This step is not necessary because the Oracle Solaris upgrade will not affect the Sun Ray Software configuration data. However, backing up data before performing an operating system upgrade is always good practice. b. Upgrade Oracle Solaris on the Sun Ray server. c. Go to Step 6. 6. Download and unzip the Sun Ray Software 5.3 media pack and make it accessible to the Sun Ray server. See 7. (Optional) Download and unzip the latest Sun Ray Operating Software (firmware) and make it accessible to the Sun Ray server. See If you decide to install and configure client firmware after the upgrade, refer to Section 14.3, How to Update Firmware on Sun Ray Clients. 8. Disable all Sun Ray Client firmware updates until all the servers in a failover group are upgraded. See Section 14.11, How to Disable All Sun Ray Client Firmware Updates for details. 9. If you downloaded the latest Sun Ray Operating Software (firmware), change directory to the unzipped firmware directory and update the current firmware to make it available to the Sun Ray Software installation upgrade.
# ./utfwinstall

The utfwinstall script overwrites the existing firmware installed on the Sun Ray server. 10. Change directory to the unzipped Sun Ray Software media pack and upgrade Sun Ray Software on the Sun Ray server.
# ./utsetup

The utsetup script preserves the current Sun Ray Software configuration data and restores it after the upgrade. When the script ends, a log file is available at: Oracle Linux:


Planning Upgrades Using Failover Groups

Oracle Solaris:

The values in the file name reflect a time stamp of when the commands are started. Check these files for notices of installation problems. See Section 3.2.10, Installation (utinstall) Error Messages for a listing of utinstall error messages. 11. Reconfigure the Sun Ray network based on the previous configuration you confirmed in step 4. For a shared network (LAN) with external DHCP server support (used utadm -L on) For a shared network (LAN) with Sun Ray server DHCP support For a private network No action is required. This configuration is preserved during the upgrade.

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -A subnet

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -a intf

12. If the Windows connector groupname was not previously configured or the groupname was set to root or sys, reconfigure the Windows connector. Errors regarding these scenarios will be listed in the installation log.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utconfig -c

13. Repeat Steps 1 through 12 for each server in failover group. 14. Synchronize the updated Sun Ray Operating Software (firmware) on the Sun Ray clients. You must perform this task on a stand-alone Sun Ray server or the last Sun Ray server upgraded in a failover group. The utfwsync takes the currently installed and configured firmware on the Sun Ray server and updates all the Sun Ray servers in the failover group, and then it updates all the firmware on the Sun Ray Clients. The Sun Ray Clients reboot themselves and update to the new firmware if needed.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utfwsync

15. If you plan to use the Windows connector, upgrade the Windows Connector Components on your designated Windows Server. There is no upgrade program for the Windows connector components. To upgrade a Windows system with the previous components installed, remove the current Windows connector components and install the new versions.

3.4.3. Planning Upgrades Using Failover Groups

By configuring two or more Sun Ray servers in a failover group, you can reduce interruption of new service availability in the event that one server fails. If you plan to combine existing Sun Ray servers into a failover group, or to upgrade an existing failover group, please consider the following: You should always upgrade the secondary servers first before upgrading the primary server. New functionality from the release may not work until all the servers in the failover group are upgraded. Before you upgrade a given server, make sure that Sun Ray Client users terminate their sessions.


How to Preserve Sun Ray Software Configuration Data

Note If upgrading servers in a large configuration at once is not convenient, upgrade one or two servers at a time until the entire configuration is complete. For best results in groups of four or more servers, configure the primary server so that it serves only the Sun Ray data store. Configure the secondary servers so that they serve users directly in addition to serving the data store. While upgrading the primary server, secondary servers will not be able to do any updates to the data store. To take advantage of the new features in this release, do not mix different Sun Ray Software versions within a failover group. Failover groups that use more than one software version revert to the functionality of the earliest version. Using the Admin GUI to restart or reset Sun Ray services does not work across servers with different Sun Ray releases. For example, even if you use the Admin GUI to restart all the servers in a failover group that are running the latest Sun Ray Software release, you should still restart or reset any Sun Ray servers running earlier versions of Sun Ray Software. Disable all Sun Ray Client firmware updates until all the servers in a failover group are upgraded. For details, see Section 14.11, How to Disable All Sun Ray Client Firmware Updates. Note Even if you upgrade one or two servers per week, you must wait until all servers in the group are upgraded before you enable firmware updates. If your configuration is a dedicated private interconnect, disconnect the server from the Sun Ray interconnect. See Chapter 6, Failover Groups for a more general discussion of failover groups, including diagrams of failover topologies.

3.4.4. How to Preserve Sun Ray Software Configuration Data

When you choose an upgrade, the utsetup script automatically preserves your existing configuration information. You must preserve your existing configuration before running the utsetup script only in the following situations: You are upgrading the operating system on an existing Sun Ray server that requires you to reformat the server's disk. You are replacing an existing Sun Ray server hardware with a new server. You are upgrading the Oracle Linux operating system on the Sun Ray server as part of the Sun Ray Software upgrade. In all of these cases, you will need to add the /var/tmp/SUNWut.upgrade/ preserve_version.tar.gz backup file to the newly installed or upgraded server before you start the utsetup script. The utsetup script automatically restores the configuration data in the /var/tmp/ SUNWut.upgrade/preserve_version.tar.gz after it installs the Sun Ray Software. The utpreserve script in the Sun Ray Software image directory preserves the following information: X user settings Sun Ray data store


How to Preserve Sun Ray Software Configuration Data

Authentication Manager configuration files utslaunch properties Failover group information Kiosk mode configuration Group name used by the Windows connector The utpreserve script does not preserve the following information: The Sun Ray server's network and DHCP configuration settings (utadm configuration information). You must reconfigure those settings after upgrading the Sun Ray Server Software. The /etc/pam.conf is not saved. You need to back up and restore this file manually.

Before You Begin

Depending on the size of your configuration, this procedure, including the operating system software upgrade, might take anywhere from five minutes to several hours or even more to complete. Note Running the utpreserve script stops all Sun Ray daemons and services, including the Sun Ray data store, causing users to lose all of their sessions, both active and disconnected. Make sure to inform them of your plans.

1. Change directory to the unzipped Sun Ray Software media pack. 2. Preserve the Sun Ray configuration:
# ./utpreserve

The utpreserve script warns that it will stop all Sun Ray services, consequently terminating all user sessions, and asks whether it should continue. If you answer y, the utpreserve script: Stops the Sun Ray services and the Sun Ray data store daemon. Lists the files that are saved. Tars and compresses the entire list of files as the /var/tmp/SUNWut.upgrade/ preserve_version.tar.gz file, where version is the currently installed version of Sun Ray Software. Indicates that a log file containing notices of errors is available at /var/adm/log/ utpreserve.year_month_date_hour:minute:second.log for Oracle Solaris or /var/log/ utpreserve.year_month_date_hour:minute:second.log for Oracle Linux where year, month, and so on are represented by numeric values reflecting the time utpreserve was started. Recommends that the /var/tmp/SUNWut.upgrade/preserve_version.tar.gz file be moved to a safe location.


How to Preserve Sun Ray Software Configuration Data

Note If you have modified the /etc/pam.conf in a previous version of Sun Ray Software, your changes might be lost when Sun Ray Software is upgraded. To avoid losing your modifications, be sure to save a copy before performing the update, then use the saved copy to restore your earlier modifications.


Chapter 4. Admin GUI and Commands

Table of Contents
4.1. Sun Ray Software Commands ................................................................................................... 4.1.1. How to Set Up Access to the Sun Ray Software Man Pages ............................................. 4.2. Administration Tool (Admin GUI) ................................................................................................ 4.2.1. Administrative Name and Password ................................................................................. 4.2.2. Admin GUI Tab Descriptions ........................................................................................... 4.3. How to Log In to the Administration Tool (Admin GUI) ................................................................. 4.4. How to Change the Admin GUI Locale ....................................................................................... 4.5. How to Change the Admin GUI to English Locale ....................................................................... 4.6. How to Change the Admin GUI Timeout ..................................................................................... 4.7. How to Enable or Disable Multiple Administration Accounts (Oracle Linux) .................................... 4.7.1. How to Configure Admin GUI Privileges for UNIX Users (Oracle Linux) .............................. 4.7.2. How to Limit Admin GUI Privileges to the Admin User (Oracle Linux) ................................. 4.8. How to Enable or Disable Multiple Administration Accounts (Oracle Solaris) .................................. 4.8.1. How to Configure Admin GUI Privileges for UNIX Users (Oracle Solaris) ............................ 4.8.2. How to Limit Admin GUI Privileges to the Admin User (Oracle Solaris) ............................... 4.9. How to Audit Admin GUI Sessions ............................................................................................. This chapter provides the list of Sun Ray Software commands and details about the Sun Ray Software Administration GUI, known as the Admin GUI. 53 56 56 57 57 59 60 60 60 61 61 61 62 62 62 62

4.1. Sun Ray Software Commands

Table 4.1, Sun Ray Software Commands lists the important commands used to administer the Sun Ray environment. For further information, see the man page for the command in question. The Sun Ray Software commands are located in the /opt/SUNWut/bin and /opt/SUNWut/sbin directories. Add these directories to your PATH variable, so you don't need to provide the full path when using the commands. Table 4.1. Sun Ray Software Commands Command utaction utadm utadminuser utamghadm utaudio utcapture utcard Definition Execute commands when a Sun Ray Client session is connected, disconnected, or terminated. Manage the private network, shared network, and DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) configuration for the Sun Ray interconnect. Add, list, and delete UNIX user names from the list of users authorized to administer Sun Ray services. The list is stored in the Sun Ray data store. Configure or disable regional hotdesking, which enables users to access their sessions across multiple failover groups. Enable Sun Ray audio services. Monitor packets sent and dropped between the Sun Ray server and the Sun Ray Clients. Enable the configuration of different types of smart cards in the Sun Ray data store.


Sun Ray Software Commands

Command utconfig utcrypto utdesktop utdetach

Definition Perform the initial configuration of the Sun Ray server and supporting administration framework software. Configure the Sun Ray server security. Manage Sun Ray Clients connected to the Sun Ray server on which the command is run. Disconnect the current non-smart card mobile session or authenticated smart card session from its respective Sun Ray Client. The session is not destroyed but put into a detached state. The session can be accessed again only after authentication. When Remote Hotdesk Authentication (RHA) is disabled (through utpolicy or the Admin GUI), utdetach affects only authenticated smart card sessions and non-smart card mobile sessions. Enable or disable Sun Ray device services. The services include USB devices connected through USB ports, embedded serial ports, clipboard, internal smart card reader in the Sun Ray Client, and the scbus protocol. Manage Sun Ray mass storage. Convert the port number for the Sun Ray data store service to the new default port on servers in a failover group, then forces all servers in the group to restart Sun Ray services. Eject media from a removable storage media device. Manage firmware versions on the Sun Ray Clients. Install the Sun Ray Operating Software (Sun Ray Client firmware). Force the download of new firmware to a Sun Ray Client running older firmware than its server. Refresh the firmware level on the Sun Ray Clients to the level available on the Sun Ray servers in a failover group. It then forces all the Sun Ray Clients within the group to restart. Uninstall the Sun Ray Operating Software (Sun Ray Client firmware). Create a hashed version of a password used for authenticating the enabling or disabling of the Configuration GUI. Manage a group-wide list of explicit destinations for Sun Ray group membership announcements. Set the failover group signature for a group of Sun Ray servers. The utgroupsig command also sets the Sun data store rootpw used by Sun Ray to a value based on the group signature. Although utgroupsig sets the rootpw in the utdsd.conf file, it does not set the admin password, which is a separate entity, in the data store. View the failover status information for the local server or for the named server. The information that the command displays is specific to that server at the time the command is run. Install, upgrade, and remove the Sun Ray Software. Manage Sun Ray Client device keys for authentication. Modify the state of certain locking modifier keys on a user's keyboard.


utdiskadm utdssync

uteject utfwadm utfwinstall utfwload utfwsync

utfwuninstall uthashpwd utgmtarget utgroupsig


utinstall utkeyadm utkeylock


Sun Ray Software Commands

Command utkiosk

Definition Import or export kiosk configuration information into the data store. It also supports storage of multiple named kiosk session configurations in the data store. Set the session type associated with a token, to select a kiosk session configuration for a token associated with a kiosk session, or to query the session type and kiosk session currently associated with a token. Manage Sun Ray device licenses. Manage multihead groups using a CLI. Manage multihead groups using a GUI. Mount a file system on a Sun Ray mass storage device. Set and report the policy configuration of the Sun Ray Authentication Manager, utauthd. Save existing Sun Ray Software configuration data to the /var/tmp/ SUNWut.upgrade directory. Change the Sun Ray administrator password (also known as the UT admin password) used by the Web-based and command-line administration applications. Display a Sun Ray Client's current parameter values. Add, remove, and configure token readers. Display the version of the Sun Ray Software and the Sun Ray Operating Software installed on the server. Configure the Sun Ray data store server to enable replication of administered data from a designated primary server to each secondary server in a failover group. The data stores of the secondary servers remain synchronized automatically unless there is a power outage. Control the resolution and refresh rate of the video monitor signal (persistent monitor settings) produced by the Sun Ray Client. Create, delete, and view resolution definitions, that is, monitor signal timing definitions for monitors attached to Sun Ray Clients. Resize user's screen to its optimal size, which is useful for hotdesking. Present the output of utswitch -l as a list of servers in the current host group, to be used for reconnection of the current Sun Ray Client. A user can either select a server from this list or specify a server not in the current host group by typing its full name in the utselect text box. List and manage Sun Ray sessions on the local Sun Ray server. View and change Sun Ray Client settings. Open the Sun Ray Settings GUI to view or change audio and visual settings for the Sun Ray Client. Run all the appropriate commands, including utinstall and utconfig, in the appropriate sequence to install and configure a Sun Ray server. Start Sun Ray services. Stop Sun Ray services.


utlicenseadm utmhadm utmhconfig utmount utpolicy utpreserve utpw

utquery utreader utrelease utreplica

utresadm utresdef utscreenresize utselect

utsession utset utsettings utsetup utstart utstop


How to Set Up Access to the Sun Ray Software Man Pages

Command utswitch utumount utuser

Definition Switch a Sun Ray Client session to another Sun Ray server. The utswitch command can also list existing sessions for the current token. Unmount a file system from a Sun Ray mass storage device. Report Sun Ray user token registrations and manage those registrations. The utuser command is able to obtain smart card token values from Sun Ray Clients that are configured as dedicated token reader devices. Send a message or an audio file to users having an Xnewt or Xsun (X server unique to Sun Ray) process. The messages can be sent in email and displayed in a pop-up window. Assemble information about display number, token, logged-in user, and the like, in a compact format. Manage X server configuration parameters for users of Sun Ray Client sessions. Lock a Sun Ray desktop session.


utwho utxconfig utxlock

4.1.1. How to Set Up Access to the Sun Ray Software Man Pages
Add the following paths to the MANPATH environment variable: /opt/SUNWut/man /opt/SUNWkio/man /opt/SUNWuttsc/man /opt/SUNWuttscwrap/man

4.2. Administration Tool (Admin GUI)

The Sun Ray Administration Tool (Admin GUI) is organized around primary Sun Ray objects such as servers, sessions, desktop units, and tokens. Each type of object has a dedicated tab that provides related functionality. Figure 4.1, Admin GUI Home Screen shows the home screen.


Administrative Name and Password

Figure 4.1. Admin GUI Home Screen

4.2.1. Administrative Name and Password

The default user name for the administration account is admin. The password is set during the Sun Ray server configuration. If you can't remember the administration password, you can use the utconfig -w command to reconfigure the administration software, including the password. To change the administration password, use the Advanced tab in the Admin GUI. To allow another user account to perform administrative functions, see How to Enable or Disable Multiple Administration Accounts (Oracle Linux) or How to Enable or Disable Multiple Administration Accounts (Oracle Solaris).

4.2.2. Admin GUI Tab Descriptions

Table 4.2, Admin GUI Tab Descriptions describes tabs provided with the Admin GUI. Table 4.2. Admin GUI Tab Descriptions Tab Servers Functions From the Servers tab, you can do the following tasks: List all of the servers in the failover group.


Admin GUI Tab Descriptions


Functions Display the host group's network connectivity status. Show the host group's installed Sun Ray packages. Display details about each server. Perform a warm restart of Sun Ray services on a local or failover group basis. A warm restart does not terminate sessions prior to the restart. Perform a cold restart of Sun Ray services on a local or failover group basis. A cold restart terminates all sessions on the selected servers prior to the restart.


From the Sessions tab, you can do the following tasks: List all the sessions, sorted by user sessions and idle sessions. Use the search function to find specific sessions such as those running on a single server or sessions where a specific user is logged in. Select a session's server to display details about the server or client and to select and terminate sessions.

Desktop Units

From the Desktop Units tab, which includes the Sun Ray Clients and Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients, you can do the following tasks: List all registered clients. List all connected clients. List all clients configured as token readers. List all clients participating in multihead groups.


From the Tokens tab, you can do the following tasks: Manage the tokens associated with users. Manage the pseudo-tokens associated with clients.


The Advanced tab includes the following subtabs: Security Subtab From the Security subtab, you can disable and re-enable security settings, such as encryption of communication between client and server, server authentication, security mode, and device access. System Policy Subtab From the System Policy subtab, you can regulate authentication manager policy settings, such as: Access for card users and non-card users, which includes enabling Kiosk Mode, Oracle Virtual Desktop Client access, or Mobile Sessions. Enabling Client Authentication Enabling the Multihead feature,


How to Log In to the Administration Tool (Admin GUI)


Functions Session Access when Hotdesking Kiosk Mode Subtab From the Kiosk Mode subtab, you can configure Kiosk Mode for your system. Card Probe Order Subtab From the Card Probe Order subtab, you can rearrange the order that smart cards are probed. You can move the cards that are used most frequently to the top of the list. Data Store Password Subtab From the Data Store Password subtab, you can change the password for the administrator account.

Log Files

From the Log Files tab, you can do the following tasks: View system messages. View authentication events. View administration events. View mount messages. View storage messages.

All actions performed within the Admin GUI that modify system settings are logged in an audit trail.

4.3. How to Log In to the Administration Tool (Admin GUI)

This procedure describes how to log in to the Sun Ray Administration tool. Note If your Admin GUI session is inactive for 30 minutes, you must log in again. To change the timeout value, see Section 4.6, How to Change the Admin GUI Timeout. 1. Log in to your Sun Ray server's console or to any client attached to it. 2. Open a browser window and type the following URL:

Note If you specified a different port number when you configured the Sun Ray Software, use that port number in the URL. If you enabled secure communication, the browser might be redirected to a secure port. The default secure port is 1661. 3. In the User Name window, type the administrator user name and click OK. 4. In the password challenge screen, type the administration password and click OK. The Sun Ray Administration tool appears.


How to Change the Admin GUI Locale

If you get a message denying access, check the following items: You are running a browser on a Sun Ray server or one of its clients. The browser is not using a different machine as an HTTP proxy server. If you get a blank browser page: To access the Admin GUI from a system instead of the Sun Ray server, you must have remote access enabled (it is disabled by default). To enable remote access to the Admin GUI, unconfigure the Admin GUI using the utconfig -w -u command and then run utconfig -w to reconfigure. Choose Yes to enable remote access.

4.4. How to Change the Admin GUI Locale

To display the locale correctly in the Admin GUI, change your browser's language preferences to the desired locale.

4.5. How to Change the Admin GUI to English Locale

This procedure describes how to change the Admin GUI to display English if it is displaying an undesired language. 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Export the English locale.
export LC_ALL=C

3. Stop the web admin services.

/etc/init.d/utwadmin stop

4. Start the web admin services.

/etc/init.d/utwadmin start

For a more permanent solution, you can remove the non-English Sun Ray Software packages from the server. The following example removes the French packages and restarts the web admin services.
# /etc/init.d/utwadmin stop # pkgrm SUNWfuta SUNWfutwa SUNWfutwh SUNWfutwl # /etc/init.d/utwadmin start

4.6. How to Change the Admin GUI Timeout

This procedure describes how to change the timeout for the Admin GUI. By default, the Admin GUI timeout value is 30 minutes. 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Edit the /etc/opt/SUNWut/webadmin/webadmin.conf configuration file. 3. Change the following timeout value:
... # The session timeout (specified in minutes) session.timeout=30


How to Enable or Disable Multiple Administration Accounts (Oracle Linux)


4. Restart the webadmin program.

# /opt/SUNWut/lib/utwebadmin restart

This tool automatically updates the web.xml file used by the web server hosting the Admin GUI.

4.7. How to Enable or Disable Multiple Administration Accounts (Oracle Linux)

The Sun Ray server administrator can allow any valid UNIX user ID, which has been added to the utadmin authorized user list, to administer Sun Ray services using the Admin GUI. An audit trail of activity on these accounts is provided. The utadminuser command enables you to add existing UNIX users to the utadmin authorized user list. Authentication for accounts with administrative privileges is based on the PAM authentication framework.

4.7.1. How to Configure Admin GUI Privileges for UNIX Users (Oracle Linux)
Use the following procedure to configure the Sun Ray Admin GUI to allow access by the UNIX users in the utadmin authorized user list instead of the default admin account. Once you enable Admin GUI privileges for authorized users, you can add or remove users to the utadmin authorized list to manage access to the Admin GUI. 1. For each UNIX user that needs authorization to the Admin GUI, add the user to the authorized user list.
# utadminuser -a username

You can run the utadminuser command without any options to list the current authorized users or with the -d option to delete a user. 2. Add the following auth entries to the /etc/pam.d/utadmingui file:
#%PAM-1.0 # BEGIN: added to utadmingui by SunRay Server Software -- utadmingui auth include system-auth # END: added to utadmingui by SunRay Server Software -- utadmingui

Note Make sure to include the comment lines, which are needed for the cleanup to work properly.

4.7.2. How to Limit Admin GUI Privileges to the Admin User (Oracle Linux)
To limit Admin GUI privileges to the default admin user, replace the PAM entries in the /etc/pam.d/ utadmingui file with the module.
# BEGIN: added to utadmingui by SunRay Server Software -- utadmingui auth sufficient /opt/SUNWut/lib/ # END: added to utadmingui by SunRay Server Software -- utadmingui

Note Make sure to include the comment lines, which are needed for the cleanup to work properly. 61

How to Enable or Disable Multiple Administration Accounts (Oracle Solaris)

4.8. How to Enable or Disable Multiple Administration Accounts (Oracle Solaris)

The Sun Ray server administrator can allow any valid UNIX user ID which has been added to the utadmin authorized user list to administer Sun Ray services using the Admin GUI. An audit trail of activity on these accounts is provided. The utadminuser command enables you to add existing UNIX users to the utadmin authorized user list. Authentication for accounts with administrative privileges is based on the PAM authentication framework.

4.8.1. How to Configure Admin GUI Privileges for UNIX Users (Oracle Solaris)
Use the following procedure to configure the Sun Ray Admin GUI to allow access by the UNIX users in the utadmin authorized user list instead of the default admin account. Once you enable Admin GUI privileges for authorized users, you can add or remove users to the utadmin authorized list to manage access to the Admin GUI. 1. For each UNIX user that needs authorization to the Admin GUI, add the user to the authorized user list.
# utadminuser -a username

You can run the utadminuser command without any options to list the current authorized users or with the -d option to delete a user. 2. Modify the /etc/pam.conf file to use the other authentication PAM stack auth entries to create the PAM stack for utadmingui
# BEGIN: added to utadmingui by SunRay Server Software -- utadmingui utadmingui auth requisite utadmingui auth required utadmingui auth required utadmingui auth required

Note Make sure to include the comment line, which is needed for the cleanup to work properly.

4.8.2. How to Limit Admin GUI Privileges to the Admin User (Oracle Solaris)
To limit Admin GUI privileges to the default admin user, modify the /etc/pam.conf file and replace the PAM stack for utadmingui with the module.
# BEGIN: added to utadmingui by SunRay Server Software -- utadmingui utadmingui auth sufficient /opt/SUNWut/lib/

Note Make sure to include the comment line, which is needed for the cleanup to work properly.

4.9. How to Audit Admin GUI Sessions

The administration framework provides an audit trail of the Admin GUI. The audit trail is an audit log of the activities performed by multiple administration accounts. All events that modify system settings are logged in the audit trail. Sun Ray Software uses the syslog implementation.


How to Audit Admin GUI Sessions

The events are logged in the following log file:


All audit events are prefixed with the keyword utadt:: so you can filter events from the messages file. For example, session termination from the Admin GUI generates the following audit event:
Jun 6 18:49:51 sunrayserver usersession[17421]: [ID 521130] utadt:: username= / {demo} hostname={sunrayserver} service={Sessions} cmd={/opt/SUNWut/lib/utrcmd sunrayserver /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utsession -x -d 4 -t / Cyberflex_Access_FullCrypto.1047750b1e0e -k 2>&P1} message={terminated User "Cyberflex_Access_FullCrypto.1047750b1e0e" with display number="4" on "sunrayserver"} status={0} return_val={0}

where: username = User's UNIX ID hostname = Host on which the command is executed service = Name of the service being executed cmd = Name of the command being executed message = Details about the action being performed



Chapter 5. Sun Ray Server and Networking

Table of Contents
5.1. Log Files ................................................................................................................................... 5.2. How to Start or Stop Sun Ray Services ...................................................................................... 5.2.1. How to Stop Sun Ray Services ....................................................................................... 5.2.2. How to Start Sun Ray Services (Warm Restart) ................................................................ 5.2.3. How to Start Sun Ray Services (Cold Restart) .................................................................. 5.3. How to Check and Fix Corrupted Configuration Files (Oracle Solaris) ........................................... 5.4. How to Unconfigure a Sun Ray Server ....................................................................................... 5.5. How to Disconnect a Sun Ray Server From the Interconnect ....................................................... 5.6. User Fields in the Sun Ray Data Store ....................................................................................... 5.7. Network Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 5.7.1. Network Load ................................................................................................................. 5.7.2. The utcapture Utility .................................................................................................... 5.7.3. utcapture Examples .................................................................................................... 5.7.4. The utquery Command ................................................................................................. This chapter provides information about administering the Sun Ray server, including log files and managing Sun Ray services. Network troubleshooting information is also provided. 65 67 67 67 67 67 69 69 69 70 70 70 71 71

5.1. Log Files

Significant activity occurring on the Sun Ray server is logged and saved. The server stores this information in text files. The structure and content of the various messages written to these files and other Sun Ray Software log files is arbitrary and might change at any time. The messages do not provide a stable interface for programmatic consumption. Table 5.1, Sun Ray Server Log Files describes the log files that are maintained on the Sun Ray server. Table 5.1. Sun Ray Server Log Files Log File Administration Path /var/opt/SUNWut/log/admin_log Description Lists operations performed during server administration. This log is updated daily. Archived files are stored on the system for up to one week and are annotated using numeric extensions, for example, from file name admin_log.0 to admin_log.5. Lists events logged from the Authentication Manager. The auth_log file is updated up to a limit of 10 every time the server's authentication policy is changed or started. The archived authentication files are annotated using numeric extensions, for example, from auth_log.0 to auth_log.9.




Log Files

Log File


Description Lists mount messages for mass storage devices. The archived utmountd files are annotated using numeric extensions, for example, from utmountd.log.0 to utmountd.log.9. Lists mass storage device events. The archived storage files are annotated using numeric extensions, for example, from utstoraged.log.0 to utstoraged.log.9. Lists events from the server's clients, including details of registering, inserting, or removing smart cards. This file is updated daily. Archived files are stored up to seven days or 3.5 MB, annotated with numeric extensions, for example, from messages.0 to messages.5. When using a shared network (LAN) with external DHCP server support (configured network using utadm L on), logging for each event type is disabled unless the LogXXX value and the LogHost value are set. See Table 13.1, Sun Ray Client Configuration Parameters (.parms) for details.

Automatic Mounting /var/opt/SUNWut/log/ utmountd.log

Mass Storage Devices

/var/opt/SUNWut/log/ utstoraged.log



Web Administration /var/opt/SUNWut/log/ utwebadmin.log Windows connector /var/opt/SUNWut/log/ uttscpd.log

Lists web administration-related messages. The archived log files are annotated with numeric extensions. Lists Windows connector messages.

Table 5.2, Sun Ray Server Installation and Configuration Log Files list the specific installation and configuration logs files. Table 5.2. Sun Ray Server Installation and Configuration Log Files Log File Activation Path /var/adm/log/utctl.* (Oracle Solaris) /var/log/SUNWut/utctl.* (Oracle Linux) Installation /var/adm/log/utinstall.* (Oracle Solaris) /var/log/utinstall.* (Oracle Linux) Setup /var/adm/log/utsetup.* (Oracle Solaris) List events logged during installation/ configuration when performed by utsetup. Description List events logged during post-installation product activation. The archived log files are annotated with time stamp extensions. List events logged during installation. The archived log files are annotated with time stamp extensions.


How to Start or Stop Sun Ray Services

Log File

Path /var/log/SUNWut/utsetup.* (Oracle Linux)

Description The archived log files are annotated with time stamp extensions.

5.2. How to Start or Stop Sun Ray Services

The following procedures describe how to start and stop the Sun Ray services. There are many situations when Sun Ray services need to be restarted, such as when you change one of the configuration parameters in the Sun Ray data store.

5.2.1. How to Stop Sun Ray Services

1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Stop the Sun Ray services.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstop

Once stopped, the Sun Ray services will not restart even after the server is rebooted. You must use the utstart command to start Sun Ray services.

5.2.2. How to Start Sun Ray Services (Warm Restart)

This procedure, known as a warm restart, starts Sun Ray services without clearing existing sessions. Note A disconnect will occur for a brief time on active Sun Ray Clients before they reconnect again. 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Start the Sun Ray services.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart

5.2.3. How to Start Sun Ray Services (Cold Restart)

This procedure, known as a cold restart, starts Sun Ray services and clears existing sessions. Note Be sure to notify your users before performing a cold restart, which terminates all existing sessions on a server. To restart Sun Ray services without terminating sessions, perform a warm restart. 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Start the Sun Ray services.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart -c

5.3. How to Check and Fix Corrupted Configuration Files (Oracle Solaris)
If the dtlogin daemon cannot start the Xsun or Xnewt server properly, the following configuration files might be corrupted: 67

How to Check and Fix Corrupted Configuration Files (Oracle Solaris)

/etc/dt/config/Xservers /etc/dt/config/Xconfig The following procedure explains how to correct this problem. Note This procedure shows output from a simplified example. Your output may have tens of lines between the BEGIN SUNRAY CONFIGURATION and END SUNRAY CONFIGURATION comments. 1. As a user of the Sun Ray server, open a shell window and compare the /usr/dt/config/Xservers and /etc/dt/config/Xservers files.
% diff /usr/dt/config/Xservers /etc/dt/config/Xservers

This command compares a known good file with the suspect file. The output should be similar to the following example.
106a107,130 > # BEGIN SUNRAY CONFIGURATION > :3 SunRay local@none /etc/opt/SUNWut/basedir/lib/utxsun :3 -nobanner . . > :18 SunRay local@none /etc/opt/SUNWut/basedir/lib/utxsun :18 -nobanner > # END SUNRAY CONFIGURATION

The first line of output contains 106a107,130. The 106 means that the two files are identical to the 106th line of the files. The a107,130 means that the information on lines 107 through 130 of the second file would have to be added to the first file to make it the same as the second file. If your output shows the first three digits to be a number less than 100, the /etc/dt/config/ Xservers file is corrupt. 2. Compare the /usr/dt/config/Xconfig and /etc/dt/config/Xconfig files.
% diff /usr/dt/config/Xconfig /etc/dt/config/Xconfig

The output should be similar to the following example.

156a157,180 > # BEGIN SUNRAY CONFIGURATION > Dtlogin.*_8.environment: SUN_SUNRAY_TOKEN=ZeroAdmin.m1.at88sc1608.6d0400aa . . > Dtlogin.*_9.environment: SUN_SUNRAY_TOKEN=ZeroAdmin.m1.at88sc1608.a10100aa > # END SUNRAY CONFIGURATION

If your output shows the first three digits to be a number less than 154, the /etc/dt/config/ Xconfig file is corrupt. 3. If either file is corrupted, continue this procedure to replace the configuration files. 4. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server and shut down the Sun Ray Client services. Note Replacing the Xservers file requires shutting down all Sun Ray Client services. Remember to inform users of the outage. 68

How to Unconfigure a Sun Ray Server

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstop

5. Replace the Xservers and Xconfig files as appropriate.

# /bin/cp -p /usr/dt/config/Xservers /etc/dt/config/Xservers # /bin/cp -p /usr/dt/config/Xconfig /etc/dt/config/Xconfig

Note For headless servers, comment out or remove the :0 entry from the Xservers file. 6. Re-initialize the authentication policy.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart -c

The extra lines within the previous Xservers and Xconfig files are automatically rebuilt.

5.4. How to Unconfigure a Sun Ray Server

1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Remove the replication configuration.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utreplica -u

3. Unconfigure Sun Ray Software.

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utconfig -u

4. Answer y to all the prompts.

5.5. How to Disconnect a Sun Ray Server From the Interconnect

Note This procedure disconnects users from their sessions on the Sun Ray server. Make sure users terminate their sessions before you continue. 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Disconnect the Sun Ray server from the Sun Ray interconnect.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -r

Note (Oracle Solaris Only) If you press Ctrl-C while performing utadm configuration, the Admin GUI may not function correctly the next time you invoke it. To correct this condition, use the dhtadm -R command.

5.6. User Fields in the Sun Ray Data Store

The Sun Ray data store is a a private data store service used for access to Sun Ray Software administration and configuration data. The data store is useful for maintaining consistency across failover groups. Table 5.3, Sun Ray Data Store User Fields describes the user fields in the Sun Ray data store.


Network Troubleshooting

Table 5.3. Sun Ray Data Store User Fields Fields Token ID Description User's unique token type and ID. For smart cards, this value is a manufacturer type and the card's serial ID. For clients, this value is the type "pseudo" and the client's Ethernet address. Examples: mondex.9998007668077709 pseudo.080020861234 Name of the Sun Ray server that the user is using. This setting is optional. Sun Ray server's communication port. This field should generally be set to 7007. This setting is optional. User's name. Any additional information you want to associate with the user, for example, an employee or department number. This setting is optional.

Server Name Server Port User Name Other Info

5.7. Network Troubleshooting

This section describes some potential reasons for slow network performance and the tools to help troubleshoot network problems. To help you tune the network performance in a Sun Ray environment, see Chapter 21, Performance Tuning.

5.7.1. Network Load

In situations where network load or packet loss is too high, network cables or switch equipment might be defective in very rare cases. 1. Verify that network connections are 100F. 2. Use utcapture to assess network latency and packet loss. As latency and packet loss increase, performance suffers.

5.7.2. The utcapture Utility

The utcapture utility connects to the Sun Ray Authentication Manager and reports packet loss statistics and round-trip latency timings for each client connected to this server. See the utcapture man page to learn more about this command. Table 5.4, utcapture Output describes the information that utcapture outputs. Table 5.4. utcapture Output Data Element TERMINALID TIMESTAMP TOTAL PACKET TOTAL LOSS BYTES SENT Description The MAC address of the client. The time the loss occurred in year-month-day-hour-minute-second format, for example, 20041229112512. Total number of packets sent from the server to the client. Total number of packets reported as lost by the client. Total number of bytes sent from the server to the client.


utcapture Examples


Description Percentage of packets lost between the current and previous polling interval. Time in milliseconds for a round trip from the client to the server.

5.7.3. utcapture Examples

The following command captures data every 15 seconds from the Authentication Manager running on the local host and then writes it to stdout if any change occurs in packet loss for a client.
% utcapture -h |

The following command captures data every 15 seconds from the Authentication Manager running on the local host and then writes it to stdout.
% utcapture -r > raw.out

The following command captures data every 15 seconds from the Authentication Manager running on server5118.eng and then writes the output to stdout if any change occurs in packet loss for the client with ID 080020a893cb or 080020b34231.
% utcapture -s sunray_server5118.eng 080020a893cb 080020b34231

The following command processes the raw data from the input file raw-out.txt and then writes to stdout the data only for those clients that had packet loss.
% utcapture -i raw-out.txt

5.7.4. The utquery Command

The utquery command interrogates a client and displays the client's initialization parameters with the IP addresses of the DHCP services that supplied those parameters. This command can be helpful in determining whether a client was able to obtain the parameters that were expected in a particular deployment and in determining specific DHCP servers that contributed to the clients initialization. See the utquery man page to learn more about this command.



Chapter 6. Failover Groups

Table of Contents
6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. Failover Groups Overview .......................................................................................................... 73 Failover Process ........................................................................................................................ 74 Load Balancing .......................................................................................................................... 74 Mixing Different Sun Ray Servers ............................................................................................... 74 Authentication Requirements ...................................................................................................... 75 Dedicated Primary Servers for Data Store .................................................................................. 75 Setting Up a Failover Group ....................................................................................................... 75 6.7.1. How to Configure a Primary Server ................................................................................. 76 6.7.2. How to Add a Secondary Server ..................................................................................... 76 6.7.3. How to Synchronize Primary and Secondary Sun Ray Servers .......................................... 77 6.7.4. How to Change the Group Manager Signature ................................................................. 77 6.8. Additional Failover Group Tasks ................................................................................................. 78 6.8.1. How to Take a Server Offline and Online ......................................................................... 78 6.8.2. How to Disable Load Balancing ....................................................................................... 78 6.8.3. How to Show the Current Sun Ray Data Store Replication Configuration ............................ 78 6.8.4. How to Remove the Replication Configuration .................................................................. 78 6.8.5. How to View the Failover Group Status ............................................................................ 78 6.9. Recovery Issues and Procedures ............................................................................................... 79 6.9.1. How to Rebuild the Primary Server's Administration Data Store ......................................... 79 6.9.2. How to Replace the Primary Server with a Secondary Server ............................................ 80 6.9.3. Secondary Server Recovery ............................................................................................ 80 6.10. Group Manager Details ............................................................................................................ 80 6.10.1. Group Manager Configuration ........................................................................................ 81 This chapter describes how to setup and manage a failover group.

6.1. Failover Groups Overview

A failover group consists of two or more servers that provide users with a high level of availability in case one server becomes unavailable. When a server in a failover group becomes unavailable, whether for maintenance, a power outage, or any other reason, each Sun Ray Client connected to it reconnects to another server in the failover group that has an existing session for the client's current token. If the client can't find an existing session for the current token, it connects to a server selected by the load balancing algorithm. This server presents a login screen to the user, who then logs in to create a new session. The session on the failed server is lost. A failover group consists of a primary server and one or more secondary servers, configured with the utreplica command. Each Sun Ray server hosts its own local Sun Ray data store. However, only read access is permitted on the local data stores. Any data changes (write access) are first written on the primary server and later replicated on the secondary servers' Sun Ray data stores. Servers in a failover group authenticate (or learn to trust) one another by using a common group signature, a key used to sign messages sent between servers in the group. The group signature must be configured, using the utgroupsig command, to be identical on each server. You can use the utgstatus command or the Servers tab in the Admin GUI to see the status of all servers in a failover group. The following server modes affect how the server participates in a failover group:


Failover Process

Online: The server participates in the normal session creation process controlled by the load balancing algorithm in the failover group. Offline: The server does not participate in load balancing any more (the load balancing algorithm does not select this server for new sessions), although sessions can still be created on it, either explicitly, through the use of the utswitch or utselect command, or implicitly, if all other servers are down. When using a failover group, clients are automatically redirected to servers based on load balancing before sessions are created. However, users can use the utselect or utswitch commands for manual redirection. The utselect GUI is the preferred method to use for server selection. For more information, see the utselect man page. For more information about how to set up multiple failover groups that use regional hotdesking, see Chapter 9, Hotdesking.

6.2. Failover Process

For the Sun Ray Software, the Group Manager manages the failover process. For every server in a failover group, the Group Manager does the following actions: Detects the presence of other Sun Ray servers belonging to the same group. Monitors the availability (liveness) of the other servers. Exchanges information about allocation of sessions and server load for load balancing purposes. Facilitates the redirection of clients to other servers when needed.

6.3. Load Balancing

When a server in a failover group fails, the Group Manager on each remaining server distributes the failed server's clients to create new sessions among the remaining servers. When the Group Manager receives a token from a Sun Ray Client for which no server owns an existing session, it redirects the client. This redirection is determined according to the result of a load-sensitive session placement lottery conducted among the servers in the group, based on each server's capacity (number and speed of its CPUs), load, number of sessions, and other factors. Note Load balancing is handled automatically, as described. The administrator may choose to turn load balancing off but cannot assign values or otherwise modify the algorithm.

6.4. Mixing Different Sun Ray Servers

There may be situations when you need to mix different Sun Ray servers in a failover group, either based on the hardware architecure, operating system, or Sun Ray Software version. The following list describes which mix of Sun Ray servers are supported in a failover group. Mixing SPARC-based and x86-based servers running Oracle Solaris in the same failover group is supported. Mixing servers running Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux in the same failover group is not supported.


Authentication Requirements

Mixing servers running different versions of Sun Ray Software is supported. However, this is not recommended for long-term use in a production environment. Failover groups that use more than one version of Sun Ray Software will be unable to use all the features provided in the latest releases. Note When multiple versions of Sun Ray Software are used in a failover group, the primary server should run the oldest of the versions in use. Otherwise, the presence of a newer feature on the primary server might prevent proper replication of the Sun Ray data store to secondary servers that are running older versions. If a Sun Ray environment has Unix desktop users, then all the Sun Ray servers in the failover group should run the same version of the operating system. Otherwise, using different Gnome desktop versions from the same home directory can lead to a corrupted desktop state.

6.5. Authentication Requirements

All of the servers in a failover group should use the same authentication mechanism and name service. For example, a failover group should not use one server with NIS authentication and other servers with NIS+ authentication. If a failover group does have different authentication mechanisms, the servers might fail to obtain their existing non-smart card mobile (NSCM) sessions if a username contains the same characters but the case is different, for example, ps121664, PS121664, or Ps121664.

6.6. Dedicated Primary Servers for Data Store

When configuring failover groups, the Sun Ray data store is automatically configured to enable replication of the Sun Ray administration data across the primary and secondary Sun Ray servers. In large failover groups, significant loads may be pushed onto the primary server from various sources. In addition, runaway processes from user applications on the primary can degrade the health of the entire failover group. Failover groups of more than four servers should have a dedicated primary server solely devoted to serve the Sun Ray data store. For example, a dedicated primary server should not host any Sun Ray sessions. To configure the primary server so that it serves only the Sun Ray data store, use the utadm -f command to take the server offline. Secondary servers should always serve user sessions and the data store.

6.7. Setting Up a Failover Group

Use the following procedures to set up a Failover Group. 1. Set up server addresses and client addresses. This step is needed only when using a private network or a when using a Sun Ray server that provides DHCP services. See Chapter 20, Alternate Network Configurations for details. 2. Configure a primary server. 3. Add secondary servers. 4. Synchronize the primary and secondary servers. 5. Change the group manager signature. 75

How to Configure a Primary Server

6.7.1. How to Configure a Primary Server

Layered administration of the failover group takes place on the primary server, where the master copy of the Sun Ray data store resides. The utreplica command designates a primary server, advises the server of its administration primary status, and tells it the host names of all the secondary servers. The term primary server reflects the replication relationship, not the failover order.

Before You Begin

Configure the primary server before you add the secondary servers. (Oracle Linux Only) If a common home directory is mounted on machines with different GNOME versions, conflicts between or among the versions cause unpredictable behavior. Do not try to use multiple GNOME versions with a common home directory.

1. Become superuser on the primary Sun Ray server. 2. Configure this server as the primary Sun Ray server and identify all secondary servers.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utreplica -p secondary-server1 [secondary-server2...]

where secondary_server1 [secondary_server2...] is a space-separated list of unique host names of the secondary servers. When the script ends, a log file is available at: For Oracle Solaris:

For Oracle Linux:


6.7.2. How to Add a Secondary Server

The secondary servers in the group store a replicated version of the primary server's administration data. Use the utreplica command to advise each secondary server of its secondary status and also the host name of the primary server for the group. Adding or removing secondary servers requires services to be restarted on the primary server. 1. If the secondary server has not been configured on the primary server, become superuser on the primary server and rerun the utreplica command with the new secondary server.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utreplica -p -a secondary-server1 [secondary-server2...]

where secondary_server1 [secondary_server2...] is a space-separated list of unique host names of the secondary servers. 2. Become superuser on the secondary server. 3. Add the secondary server.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utreplica -s primary-server


How to Synchronize Primary and Secondary Sun Ray Servers

where primary-server is the host name of the primary server.

6.7.3. How to Synchronize Primary and Secondary Sun Ray Servers

Log files for Sun Ray servers contain time-stamped error messages that can be difficult to interpret if the time is out of sync. To make troubleshooting easier, make sure that all secondary servers periodically synchronize with their primary server. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is the recommended protocol to synchronize primary and secondary servers. With NTP, you can synchronize to an absolute time source and it provides additional synchronization capabilities. In some deployments, the simpler TIME protocol configured through the rdate command may be sufficient. Note Both the NTP and TIME protocols are disabled by default on Oracle Solaris servers.

6.7.4. How to Change the Group Manager Signature

The utconfig command asks for a group manager signature if you chose to configure for failover. The signature, which is stored in the /etc/opt/SUNWut/gmSignature file, must be the same on all servers in the group. The location can be changed in the gmSignatureFile property of the auth.props file. To form a fully functional failover group, the signature file must meet the following criteria: Owned by root with only root permissions Contain at least eight characters, in which at least two characters are letters and at least one character is not Note For slightly better security, use long passwords.

1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Start the utgroupsig command.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utgroupsig

You are prompted for the signature. 3. Enter the signature twice identically for acceptance. 4. For each Sun Ray server in the group, repeat this procedure. Note Be sure to use the utgroupsig command rather than any other method to provide the signature. utgroupsig also ensures proper internal replication.


Additional Failover Group Tasks

6.8. Additional Failover Group Tasks

6.8.1. How to Take a Server Offline and Online
Being able to take servers offline makes maintenance easier. In an offline state, no new sessions are created. However, old sessions continue to exist and can be reactivated unless the Sun Ray Software is affected. Take a server offline:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -f

Take a server online:

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -n

6.8.2. How to Disable Load Balancing

In the auth.props file, set enableLoadBalancing to false.

6.8.3. How to Show the Current Sun Ray Data Store Replication Configuration
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utreplica -l

The result indicates whether the server is stand-alone, primary (with the secondary host names), or secondary (with the primary host name).

6.8.4. How to Remove the Replication Configuration

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utreplica -u

6.8.5. How to View the Failover Group Status

Note Sun Ray server broadcasts do not traverse routers or servers other than Sun Ray servers.

Command-Line Steps
View the failover group status for the local Sun Ray server:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utgstatus

Admin GUI Steps

1. Click the Servers tab. 2. Select a server name to display its Server Details screen. 3. Click View Network Status. The Network Status screen is displayed. The Network Status screen provides information on group membership and network connectivity for trusted servers, which are those servers in the same failover group.


Recovery Issues and Procedures

6.9. Recovery Issues and Procedures

If one of the servers of a failover group fails, the remaining group members operate from the administration data that existed prior to the failure. The recovery procedure depends on the severity of the failure and whether a primary or secondary server has failed. Note When the primary server fails, you cannot make administrative changes to the system. For replication to work, all changes must succeed on the primary server.

6.9.1. How to Rebuild the Primary Server's Administration Data Store

Use this procedure to rebuild the primary server's data store from a secondary server, and is performed on the server that was the primary server after it is fully operational again. This procedure uses the same host name for the replacement server. The following procedure Caution Be sure to set umask appropriately before running utldbmcat. Otherwise, unprivileged users can gain access to the utadmin password. 1. On one of the secondary servers, capture the current data store to a file called /tmp/store
# /opt/SUNWut/srds/lib/utldbmcat /var/opt/SUNWut/srds/dbm.ut/id2entry.dbb > /tmp/store

This command provides an LDIF format file of the current data store. 2. Use FTP to send this file to the /tmp directory on the primary server. 3. Follow the Sun Ray Software installation instructions. 4. After running utinstall, configure the server as a primary server for the group. Make sure that you use the same admin password and group signature.
# utconfig : # utreplica -p secondary-server1 [secondary-server2...]

5. Shut down the Sun Ray services, including the data store.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstop

6. Restore the data.

# /opt/SUNWut/srds/lib/utldif2ldbm -c -j 10 -i /tmp/store

This command populates the primary server and synchronizes its data with the secondary server. The replacement server is now ready for operation as the primary server. 7. Restart Sun Ray services.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart -c

8. (Optional) Confirm that the data store is repopulated. 79

How to Replace the Primary Server with a Secondary Server

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utuser -l

9. (Optional) Perform any additional configuration procedures.

6.9.2. How to Replace the Primary Server with a Secondary Server

Note This procedure is also known as promoting a secondary server to primary. 1. Choose a server in the existing failover group to be promoted and configure it as the primary server.
# utreplica -u # utreplica -p secondary-server1 [secondary-server2...]

2. Reconfigure each of the remaining secondary servers in the failover group to use the new primary server:
# utreplica -u # utreplica -s new-primary-server

This command resynchronizes the secondary server with the new primary server. Note This process may take some time to complete, depending on the size of the data store. Since Sun Ray services will be offline during this procedure, you may want to schedule your secondary servers' downtime accordingly. Be sure to perform this procedure on each secondary server in the failover group.

6.9.3. Secondary Server Recovery

If a secondary server fails, administration of the group can continue. A log of updates is maintained and applied automatically to the secondary server once it has recovered. If the secondary server needs to be reinstalled, repeat the steps described in the Sun Ray Software installation instructions.

6.10. Group Manager Details

Every server has a group manager module that monitors availability and facilitates redirection. It is coupled with the Authentication Manager. In setting policies, the Authentication Manager uses the selected authentication modules and decides what tokens are valid and which users have access. Caution The same policy must exist on every server in the failover group or undesirable results might occur. The Group Managers create maps of the failover group topology by exchanging keepalive messages among themselves. These keepalive messages are sent to a UDP port (typically 7009) on all of the configured network interfaces. The keepalive message contains enough information for each Sun Ray server to construct a list of servers and the common subnets that each server can access. In addition, the Group Manager tracks the last time that a keepalive message was received from each server on each interface.


Group Manager Configuration

The keepalive message contains the following information about the server: Server's host name Server's primary IP address Elapsed time since the server was booted IP information for every interface the server can reach Machine information, such as the number and speed of CPUs, configured RAM, and so on Load information, such as the CPU and memory utilization, number of sessions, and so on The last two items are used to facilitate load balancing. The information maintained by the Group Manager is used primarily for server selection when a token is presented. The server and subnet information is used to determine the servers to which a given client can connect. These servers are queried about sessions belonging to the token. Servers whose last keepalive message is older than the timeout are deleted from the list, because either the network connection or the server is probably down.

6.10.1. Group Manager Configuration

The Authentication Manager configuration file, /etc/opt/SUNWut/auth.props, contains properties used by the Group Manager at runtime. The properties are: gmport gmKeepAliveInterval enableGroupManager enableLoadBalancing enableMulticast multicastTTL gmSignatureFile gmDebug gmTarget Note These properties have default values that are rarely changed. Only very knowledgeable Sun support personnel should direct customers to change these values to help tune or debug their systems. Any properties that are changed must be changed for all servers in the failover group because the auth.props file must be the same on all servers in a failover group. Property changes do not take effect until the Authentication Manager is restarted, which you can do by performing a warm restart of the Sun Ray services.



Chapter 7. Sessions and Tokens

Table of Contents
7.1. Sessions .................................................................................................................................... 83 7.1.1. Authentication Manager ................................................................................................... 84 7.1.2. Session Manager ............................................................................................................ 84 7.2. Tokens ...................................................................................................................................... 85 7.2.1. Registering Tokens ......................................................................................................... 86 7.2.2. How to Register a Token ................................................................................................ 86 7.2.3. How to Register a Pseudo-Token .................................................................................... 86 7.2.4. How to Enable, Disable, or Delete a Token ...................................................................... 87 7.3. Token Readers .......................................................................................................................... 87 7.3.1. How to Configure a Token Reader ................................................................................... 87 7.3.2. How to Locate a Token Reader ....................................................................................... 88 7.3.3. How to Get a Token ID From a Token Reader ................................................................. 88 7.4. Session Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 89 7.4.1. Problem: The dtlogin daemon cannot start the Xsun server properly. ............................. 89 This chapter provides details on Sun Ray sessions and tokens used to manage the sessions.

7.1. Sessions
Sun Ray sessions are groups of services or applications that are associated with an authentication token and controlled by the Session Manager. They reside on a Sun Ray server and can be directed to any Sun Ray Client. Sessions can be in one of two states, Connected or Disconnected: Connected: Every session with a connected status is displayed on client. The session is automatically disconnected when the user removes the smart card or explicitly switches the client to a different session, for example, with the utswitch or utselect commands. Disconnected: These sessions are still executed on a server but are not connected to a client and, consequently, are not displayed. However, a user can reconnect to a disconnected session, for example by inserting a smart card containing the appropriate token into the card reader on a client. This changes the session's state to connected and causes it to be displayed on that client. Sessions can further be grouped into two categories: Idle sessions: These sessions typically display only a login screen (or login greeter such as dtlogin) where no user has been logged in yet. The lifetime of these sessions is controlled by the Sun Ray system. For example, disconnected idle sessions are automatically terminated (reaped off) by the system after a specific time interval. User sessions (or non-idle sessions): These are sessions with UNIX users logged in. Users may start up additional applications from within the sessions, thus potentially consuming a lot of system resources. User sessions are therefore of more interest to administrators than idle sessions. To free system resources, monitor the number of long-running disconnected user sessions and, when appropriate, terminate sessions that are no longer in use.


Authentication Manager

7.1.1. Authentication Manager

The Authentication Manager implements chosen policies for identifying and authenticating users on Sun Ray Clients using pluggable components called modules to verify user identities, and implements site access policies defined by the administrator. It also supplies an audit trail of the actions of users who have been granted administrative privileges for Sun Ray services. The Authentication Manager is not visible to users. The interaction between the Authentication Manager and the client is shown in Figure 7.1, Authentication and Session Manager Interaction and works as follows: 1. A user accesses a client. 2. The client sends the user's token information to the Authentication Manager and requests access. If the user inserts a smart card in the client, the card's type and ID are used as the token. If not, the client's Ethernet address is used as a pseudo-token. 3. Based on the policy defined by the system administration, the Authentication Manager accepts or denies the access request. 4. If the user's access request is accepted, the Authentication Manager tells the Session Manager to start an X Windows session, which displays the login screen. Oracle Solaris implementations use the dtlogin screen. Oracle Linux implementations use the Gnome Display Manager (GDM). Figure 7.1. Authentication and Session Manager Interaction

If no Sun Ray server is found to provide a session (see Chapter 2, Planning a Sun Ray Network Environment), the client sends a broadcast request for any Authentication Manager on its subnet.

7.1.2. Session Manager

The Session Manager interacts with the Authentication Manager and directs services to the user. A service is any application that can connect directly to the Sun Ray client. Such applications can include audio, video, Xservers, and device control of the client. For example, dtmail is not a service because it is accessed through an Xserver rather than directly.



The Session Manager is used at startup for services, for managing screen space, and as a rendezvous for the Authentication Manager. The Session Manager keeps track of sessions and services by mapping services to sessions and binding and unbinding related services to or from a specific client. The Session Manager takes authentication only from authorized Authentication Managers listed in the /etc/opt/SUNWut/auth.permit file. The following sequence describes how the process starts, ends, and restarts: 1. After a user's token is authenticated, the Authentication Manager determines whether a session exists for that token. If a session does not exist, the Authentication Manager asks the Session Manager to create a session and then starts the appropriate services for the session according to the authentication policy decisions taken by the administrator. Creating a session usually requires starting an Xserver process for the session. 2. When services are started, they join the session explicitly by contacting the Session Manager. 3. The Authentication Manager informs the Session Manager that the session associated with the token is to be connected to a specific Sun Ray Client. The Session Manager then informs each service in the session that it must connect directly to the client. 4. The user can then interact with the session. The Session Manager mediates control of the screen space between competing services in a session and notifies the services of changes in screen space allocation. 5. When the user removes the smart card, or presses Shift-Pause in an NSCM session, or power cycles the client, or is inactive for longer than the screen lock idle timeout interval, the Authentication Manager determines that the session associated with that token must be disconnected from that client. The Authentication Manager notifies the Session Manager, which in turn notifies all the services in the session and any USB devices to disconnect. 6. When the user re-inserts the smart card, or logs in again to get access to an NSCM session, the Authentication Manager requests the Session Manager to create a new temporary session and then uses it to authenticate the user. This is known as Remote Hotdesk Authentication (RHA). After the user has been authenticated, the Sun Ray Client is connected directly to the user's session. Note RHA does not apply to anonymous Kiosk Mode or to token readers. Sun Ray Software can be configured to turn this security policy feature off. The Session Manager is consulted only if the state of the session changes or if other services are added. When a user's token is no longer mapped to a client, for example, when a card is removed, the Session Manager disconnects the services from the client, but the services remain active on the server. For example, programs attached to the Xserver continue to run although their output is not visible. The Session Manager daemon must continue running. To verify that the Session Manager daemon is running, use the ps command and look for utsessiond. If the Authentication Manager quits, the Session Manager disconnects all the authorized sessions and requires them to be reauthenticated. These services are disconnected but still active. If the Session Manager is disrupted, it restarts automatically. Each service contacts the Session Manager to request reattachment to a particular session.

7.2. Tokens
As described earlier, the Authentication Manager implements the chosen policies for identifying and authenticating users on Sun Ray Clients. Tokens are the key piece for this process.


Registering Tokens

Sun Ray tokens are authentication keys used to associate a session with a user. A token is a string that consist of a token type and an identifier. If a user inserts a smart card into a client, the card's type and identifier are used as the token (for example mondex.9998007668077709). If the user is not using a smart card, the token type pseudo and the client's identifier (MAC address) are supplied as the token (for example pseudo.080020861234). The initial token is used to check access rights and to determine the user's session. During this process, the token is eventually translated into other token types (such as escape token, auth token, etc.) used internally by the Sun Ray system. As an administrator, you rarely need to deal with these internal token types, focusing instead on the initial tokens provided on smart cards or as pseudo-tokens.

7.2.1. Registering Tokens

You can also register smart card tokens and pseudo-tokens in the Sun Ray data store to assign them to specific users (also known as token owners). Although it requires more setup and administration to register smart cards, there a number of reasons to register tokens: Storing the owner's name as well as any other information that helps you to manage tokens in your organization. Creating alias tokens to enable users to access the same session with multiple tokens. For example, if a user loses a smart card, you can register a new smart card as a replacement. This will be an alias token. Overriding the group-wide kiosk mode setting specified on the System Policy page. If kiosk mode functionality has been configured on your system, you can also specify, for each token, whether the user should be directed to a regular (non-kiosk) session or a Kiosk session when the token is inserted. Much like the utuser command, the Tokens tab in the Admin GUI lists all tokens currently registered in the Sun Ray data store. You can search for specific tokens by entering a search string that includes parts of either the token identifier, owner, or other information. The Search menu enables you to limit the scope of the search further, so that it is also possible to display all currently used tokens, regardless of their registration. The Policy tab (under the Advanced tab) makes it possible to define high-level access rules for either smart card access or pseudo-token access as well as access rights for registered tokens (see the Policy help page). You can administer tokens through the utuser command or the Admin GUI.

7.2.2. How to Register a Token

This procedure describes how to register a token using the Admin GUI. 1. Click the Tokens tab. 2. Select a token to display that token's properties. 3. Click the New button. 4. Type an identifier or select a token reader.

7.2.3. How to Register a Pseudo-Token

This procedure describes how to register a pseudo-token with the Admin GUI. 1. Click the Desktop Units tab.


How to Enable, Disable, or Delete a Token

2. Select any Desktop Unit Identifier to view properties for that client. 3. On the Desktop Unit Properties page, click View Token Details. 4. Click the Edit button to display the Edit Token Properties page. 5. Provide details such as ownership and to specify a session type: Default, Kiosk, or Regular.

7.2.4. How to Enable, Disable, or Delete a Token

This procedure describes how to enable, disable, or delete a token with the Admin GUI. 1. Select the token's identifier on the Token Properties page. 2. Click the Enable, Disable, or Delete button.

7.3. Token Readers

A token reader is a specific Sun Ray Client that you can set up to administer user's tokens, such as registering smart cards. This token reader is not the same as hardware devices into which users insert their smart cards, which are typically called smart card readers. Site administrators can use these token readers to administer Sun Ray tokens, such as assigning a token to a user (token owner). Sun Ray Software provides a way to designate one or more specific Sun Ray Clients as dedicated token readers. A dedicated token reader is not used for normal Sun Ray services, so it does not need a keyboard, mouse, or monitor. Inserting a smart card in a token reader does not enable hotdesking. It does allow the administrator to assign the card to a user. When you enable an authentication policy with registered users or token owners, be sure to specify smart card IDs for them. To use token readers with regional hotdesking based on Sun Ray pseudo-tokens, use the Site-specific Mapping Library. Figure 7.2, Token Reader Setup shows that the second client is used as a token reader. Figure 7.2. Token Reader Setup

7.3.1. How to Configure a Token Reader

Command Line Steps
The utreader command enables a client to be used as a token reader for registering smart cards. When a client is configured as a token reader, inserting or removing a smart card does not initiate session mobility. Any session connected to that client remains connected to it regardless of card movement events.


How to Locate a Token Reader

Token reader mode is useful when you want to determine the raw token ID of a smart card. To configure the Sun Ray Client with MAC address 0800204c121c as a token reader:
# utreader -a 0800204c121c

To re-enable the Sun Ray Client with MAC address 0800204c121c to recognize card movement events and perform session mobility based on the smart card inserted into the client:
# utreader -d 0800204c121c

To unconfigure all token readers on this server:

# utreader -c

Admin GUI Steps

1. Click the Desktop Units tab. 2. Click the identifier of the client that you want to use as a token reader. 3. On the Desktop Units Properties window, click Edit. 4. On the Edit Desktop Unit Properties window, select the Token Reader option. 5. Click the OK button. The client you have selected is now set up to read smart card tokens. 6. Restart Sun Ray services. The client is now a token reader.

7.3.2. How to Locate a Token Reader

This procedure describes how to locate a token reader using the Admin GUI. 1. Click the Desktop Units tab. 2. Select Token Readers from the drop-down list. 3. Click the Search button. The default search finds all possible matches. To change the search criteria, type text in the Search text box.

7.3.3. How to Get a Token ID From a Token Reader

You can access the token card reader by invoking utuser -r from any server in the relevant failover group. Type the following command:
# utuser -r token-reader

where token-reader is the MAC address of the client containing the smart card whose ID you want to read. Insert the smart card into the client and run the utuser command. This command queries the client for the smart card token's ID and, if successful, displays it. For example:


Session Troubleshooting

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utuser -r 08002086e18f Insert token into token reader '08002086e18f' and press return. Read token ID 'mondex.9998007668077709'

7.4. Session Troubleshooting

The Sun Ray administration model has seven types of user sessions: Default - Normal user login Register - User self-registration Kiosk - Anonymous user operation Insert card - User smart card required Card error - Unrecognized user smart card type No entry - User's smart card token is blocked Session Refused - The server refuses to grant a session to a client that does not meet the server's security requirements The Default, Register, and Kiosk session types have normal login processes. When a problem occurs, investigate the following: Sun Ray server configuration files. However, the Sun Ray Software itself modifies some configuration files. In most cases, these changes are identified with Sun Ray Software specific comments. Do not change these modifications. Any X server startup files that have been modified dtlogin status Although the last four session types display icons on the Sun Ray Client, they do not have login processes. If the user removes and reinserts the smart card immediately, the icon disappears but the Wait for Session OSD icon remains. These session types and their OSDs do not cause concern. The user can perform one of the following actions: Insert a recognized smart card in the correct orientation Ask the Sun Ray administrator to grant access Ask the Sun Ray administrator to download the correct firmware

7.4.1. Problem: The dtlogin daemon cannot start the Xsun server properly.
See Section 5.3, How to Check and Fix Corrupted Configuration Files (Oracle Solaris).



Chapter 8. Smart Card Services

Table of Contents
8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 8.5. 8.6. 8.7. Smart Card Bus Protocol ........................................................................................................... Smart Card Probe Order ............................................................................................................ How to Enable Smart Card Services .......................................................................................... How to Add a Smart Card Configuration File ............................................................................... How to Change the Smart Card Probe Order .............................................................................. How to Change the Smart Card Bus Protocol ............................................................................. Troubleshooting Smart Card Services ......................................................................................... 8.7.1. Smart Card Transaction Problems ................................................................................... 8.8. Setting Up External USB Smart Card Readers ............................................................................ 8.8.1. Installation ...................................................................................................................... 8.8.2. Uninstallation .................................................................................................................. 8.8.3. Known Problems and Limitations ..................................................................................... This chapter provides details about the smart card services provided by Sun Ray Software. Note Previous to the Sun Ray Software 5.2 release, smart card services were provided by the PC/SC-lite add-on component. In this release, smart card services are automatically installed as part of the Sun Ray Software product. Sun Ray Software automatically provides smart card services, such as smart card authentication, through the PC/SC-lite API. PC/SC (Personal Computer/Smart Card) is the standard framework for smart card device access on multiple OS platforms. Smart card services are only available on Oracle Solaris-based Sun Ray servers. For the latest list of smart cards tested with Sun Ray Software, see the Smart Cards for Hotdesking page on the Oracle Technology Network. Smart card services include interoperability with the integrated Sun Ray smart card readers on the Sun Ray Clients. External USB readers are supported with the CCID handler, which can be downloaded separately. See Section 8.8, Setting Up External USB Smart Card Readers for details. Custom applications are frequently used to provide the following solutions: Strong smart card-based authenticated logins and PKCS#11 S/MIME digital signature message signing and encryption All Sun Ray 2 Series Clients and Sun Ray 3 Series Clients support smart cards that operate at all three of the ISO-7816 defined Vcc voltages of 1.8 Volts (Class C), 3 Volts (Class B), and 5 Volts (Class A). The client firmware automatically chooses the most appropriate voltage to operate the card. There are no administrator settings available or required to control this feature. 91 92 92 93 93 94 94 94 95 95 95 96

8.1. Smart Card Bus Protocol

Sun Ray Software uses a customized smart card bus protocol, called scbus, to exchange smart card transactions between a Sun Ray server and its clients. Previous to Sun Ray Software 5.3, there was only one version of the scbus protocol, which is referred to as scbus v1. With Sun Ray Software 5.3, scbus v2 is available and it provides the following enhancements:


Smart Card Probe Order

Extended APDU support (ISO-7816-4 2005 rev) Compliance with the PC/SC 2.0 IFD Handler API Smart card services for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients Protocol and parameters selection (PPS) for Sun Ray 3 Series Clients The scbus v2 protocol is supported on all Sun Ray 2 Series Clients, Sun Ray 3 Series Clients, and Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients version 3.1 or later. Sun Ray 1 Series Clients do not support the scbus v2 protocol. If the scbus v2 protocol is enabled on a Sun Ray server, Sun Ray 1 Series Clients will not be able to use smart card services either natively on Oracle Solaris or through the Windows connector. Note The scbus v2 protocol does not work with external USB smart card readers connected to Sun Ray Clients. By default, scbus v1 is enabled. See Section 8.6, How to Change the Smart Card Bus Protocol for changing the scbus version.

8.2. Smart Card Probe Order

Sun Ray Software supports smart cards from different vendors. Information about smart card types is extracted from vendor-supplied configuration files, which are located in the: /etc/opt/SUNWut/ smartcard directory. All files end with a .cfg suffix, as in, acme_card.cfg. The order in which smart cards are inspected is called the probe order. Every time a smart card is inserted into a Sun Ray Client, the Sun Ray server tries to identify the card type using the specified probe order. The utcard command or the Advanced->Card Probe Order page in the Admin GUI enables you to set up a group-wide probe order, which is stored in the Sun Ray data store. Only smart cards whose types are found in the probe order list are accepted. You can add or remove smart card types from this list to restrict session access to specific card types. In the absence of a group-wide probe order, the Sun Ray server uses the local probe order defined in the /etc/opt/SUNWut/smartcard/probe_order.conf file. If no local probe order has been set up, a default probe order is used. Changes in smart card probe order require Sun Ray services to be restarted.

8.3. How to Enable Smart Card Services

By default, smart card services, including the smart card readers, are enabled. This procedure describes how to enable smart card services if they are disabled. You can use the utdevadm command or the Advanced->Security page on the Admin GUI to check if smart card services are enabled.

Admin GUI Steps

1. Click the Advanced tab. 2. Click the Security subtab. 3. Select the Internal Smart Card Reader option in the Devices section. 4. Restart Sun Ray services using the Cold Restart button on the Servers page.

Command Line Steps

1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server.


How to Add a Smart Card Configuration File

2. Enable Smart Card services

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utdevadm -e -s internal_smartcard_reader

3. Restart the Sun Ray services.

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart -c

8.4. How to Add a Smart Card Configuration File

This procedure describes how to add a smart card configuration file to the Sun Ray data store. Once added, the configuration file is automatically assigned the last position in the smart card probe order. 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Copy the smart card configuration file to the /etc/opt/SUNWut/smartcard directory. The filename must end with a .cfg suffix. 3. Add the smart card configuration file.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utcard -a filename

4. Restart the Sun Ray services.

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart -c

5. Verify that the card was added.

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utcard -l

8.5. How to Change the Smart Card Probe Order

Admin GUI Steps
1. Click the Advanced tab. 2. Click the Card Probe Order subtab. 3. Change the order of the smart cards. 4. Click Set Probe Order. 5. Restart Sun Ray services using the Cold Restart button on the Servers page.

Command Line Steps

1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. List the current order of the smart cards.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utcard -l

3. Change the probe order of a smart card.

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utcard -r name,version,new-position

4. Restart the Sun Ray services for the new order to take effect.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart -c


How to Change the Smart Card Bus Protocol

8.6. How to Change the Smart Card Bus Protocol

By default, scbus v1 is enabled on the Sun Ray server. Choose the scbus version based on your environment: scbus v1 - Specify if managing Sun Ray Clients running Sun Ray Software 5.2 firmware or earlier. scbus v2 - Specify if managing Sun Ray Clients running Sun Ray Operating Software 11.0 or later or if managing Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients version 3.1 or later.

Admin GUI Steps

1. Click the Advanced tab. 2. Click the Security subtab. 3. In the Devices section, choose the scbus version in the Internal Smart Card Reader field under the Devices section. 4. Click Save. 5. Restart Sun Ray services using the Cold Restart button located on the Servers page.

Command Line Steps

1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Change the smart card bus protocol.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utdevadm -p scbus -v version-number

where version-number can be v1 or v2. You can use the -p scbus with no other options to view the current scbus version set on the Sun Ray server. 3. Restart the Sun Ray services for the new protocol to take effect.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart -c

8.7. Troubleshooting Smart Card Services

Here are some basic checks to make when troubleshooting smart card services. Are the smart card services enabled? See Section 8.3, How to Enable Smart Card Services for details. Is the expected smart card bus protocol configured? See Section 8.6, How to Change the Smart Card Bus Protocol for details. Are the appropriate smart card configuration files available? See Section 8.4, How to Add a Smart Card Configuration File for details. Is the expected smart card probe order configured? See Section 8.5, How to Change the Smart Card Probe Order for details. Check for any core dumps in the /tmp/SUNWut/pcscd directory.

8.7.1. Smart Card Transaction Problems

Here are some potential problems and workarounds when using authenticated smart cards.


Setting Up External USB Smart Card Readers

When a smart card transaction is occurring on a Sun Ray Client (smart card LED is flashing), avoid hotdesking or resetting the Sun Ray Client. If a problem occurs, you may have to log out of the session. If you reset a Sun Ray Client that has smart card-related applications currently running, the applications may freeze for up to two minutes or the smart cards may be inaccessible for up to two minutes. The applications should recover without user intervention. When hotdesking with a Windows connector session running, the PIN dialog may fail to display. You will get a password prompt. If this happens, log out of the Windows session, restart the Windows connector session, and log into Windows again. When rapidly hotdesking a Sun Ray Client, it may fail to recognize the smart card and OSD icon 63 will display instead of the session. Remove and reinsert the card to resolve the issue.

8.8. Setting Up External USB Smart Card Readers

Sun Ray Software supports the CCID IFD handler V1.3.10, which provides access to external CCIDcompliant USB smart card readers connected to Sun Ray Clients. CCID IFD handler V1.3.10 is a Sun Ray implementation of the Interface Device Handler (IFD) for the PC/SC-lite API. When used in conjunction with the smart card services provided by the Sun Ray Software, this CCID IFD handler enables PC/SCcompliant applications and middleware to use external USB smart card readers on Sun Ray Clients. The scbus v1 protocol must be enabled, because the scbus v2 protocol does not work with external USB smart card readers connected to Sun Ray Clients. Also, the CCID IFD handler is not supported on Sun Ray servers running Oracle Linux.

8.8.1. Installation
Follow these instructions to install the CCID IFD handler. Note To install the CCID IFD handler in an Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions environment, perform the installation as root from ADMIN_LOW (global zone). 1. Download and unpack the CCID IFD handler. Note The CCID IFD Handler is not provided with the Sun Ray Software 5.3 release. However, you can download the PC/SC-lite 1.3 component from the 5.1.1 Media Pack, which includes the CCID IFD Handler v1.3.10 distribution. Only the CCID IFD handler needs to be installed. PC/SC-lite is already installed with Sun Ray Software 5.3. 2. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 3. Install the CCID IFD handler:
# svcadm disable pcscd # /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d . SUNWusb-scrdr # svcadm enable pcscd

8.8.2. Uninstallation
Follow these instructions to remove the CCID IFD handler.


Known Problems and Limitations

Note To uninstall the CCID IFD handler from an Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions environment, perform the uninstallation as root from ADMIN_LOW (global zone). 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Uninstall the CCID IFD handler:
# svcadm disable pcscd # /usr/sbin/pkgrm SUNWusb-scrdr # svcadm enable pcscd

8.8.3. Known Problems and Limitations Session Mobility, Resetting, or Power-cycling a Sun Ray Client Can Freeze Applications
Session mobility, resetting, or power-cycling the Sun Ray Client while using an external smart card reader is not supported in this release and can cause applications to freeze, or simply to lose track of the external reader. PC/SC-lite USB Enumeration Delays on Clients

Currently, there is a delay of a few seconds before external USB readers become visible to PC/SClite client applications. This delay occurs whenever a PC/SC-lite instance is started for a user session as well as any other time the USB bus needs to be re-enumerated. Specifically, an enumeration delay where external USB readers are not immediately visible to an application occur under the following circumstances: The first time a PC/SC-lite instance is started. That is, when an application attempts to access PC/SClite from within a given session for the first time. Whenever a PC/SC-lite instance is automatically restarted after the PC/SC-lite self-terminates due to an idle period of inactivity. This is similar to the first case. Whenever a Session Mobility event occurs, it causes a delay in reader visibility while external USB readers on the target Sun Ray Client are re-enumerated. Session Mobility is not currently supported by the CCID IFD handler for external USB readers on Sun Rays Clients. Resetting or power-cycling the Sun Ray Client in a Sun Ray session. Enumeration Delay Causes Problems for Some Applications

Certain applications, such as the Windows Smart Card login over the Windows connector, are not designed to accommodate enumeration delays associated with the USB hotplug model. Such applications do not see readers that appear after they have initially scanned the PC/SC-lite reader list. In other words, readers that appear late may be missed by an application due to any of the scenarios described above. Sometimes applications will use the first reader they find. On Sun Ray Clients, this is invariably the internal reader, unless that reader has been disabled with the following command:
# utdevadm -d -s internal_smartcard_reader

An additional solution is to ensure that the USB reader list is visible to the application before the application scans the reader list. One way to address this is by preventing PC/SC-lite instances from timing out after a pre-specified idle period. You can disable the instance timeout by editing the /etc/smartcard/pcscd-


Known Problems and Limitations

SunRay.conf file and changing the INSTANCE_TIMEOUT parameter to -1. The shipping default value is 600 seconds (10 minutes). When you disable inactivity timeouts by changing INSTANCE_TIMEOUT, PC/SC-lite instances stay around until the user's session is terminated, which can mean that many PC/SC-lite processes may be in the process table, using system resources. We currently have no data on how much of an impact that might cause as the number of user sessions on a system grows (i.e., we have insufficient data on how that scales). In many cases, it may not be a problem at all, except that the process table will be more cluttered with inactive processes than otherwise.



Chapter 9. Hotdesking
Table of Contents
9.1. Hotdesking Overview ................................................................................................................. 99 9.2. Hotdesking Without Smart Cards ................................................................................................ 99 9.2.1. NSCM and Failover Groups ........................................................................................... 100 9.2.2. How to Enable NSCM Sessions ..................................................................................... 100 9.2.3. How to Log in to an NSCM Session ............................................................................... 101 9.3. Regional Hotdesking ................................................................................................................ 102 9.3.1. Regional Hotdesking Process ........................................................................................ 103 9.3.2. Regional Hotdesking Site Requirements ......................................................................... 103 9.3.3. Providing Site Integration Logic ...................................................................................... 103 9.3.4. How to Configure a Site-specific Mapping Library ........................................................... 103 9.3.5. How to Use Token Readers with Regional Hotdesking .................................................... 104 9.3.6. How to Configure the Sample Data Store ....................................................................... 104 9.4. Remote Hotdesk Authentication (RHA) ...................................................................................... 105 9.4.1. How to Disable Remote Hotdesk Authentication ............................................................. 106 9.4.2. How to Re-enable Remote Hotdesk Authentication ......................................................... 106 This chapter describes how to configure regional hotdesking and hotdesking without smart cards.

9.1. Hotdesking Overview

A Sun Ray session is a group of services controlled by a Session Manager and associated with a user through an authentication token. The sessions reside on a server rather than on the desktop. Because Sun Ray Clients are stateless, a session can be directed or redirected to any Sun Ray Client on the appropriate network or subnetwork when a user logs in or inserts a smart card. Hotdesking, or session mobility, is the ability for a user to remove a smart card, insert it into any other client within a failover group, and have the user's session "follow" the user, thus allowing the user to have instantaneous access to the user's windowing environment and current applications from multiple clients. Every Sun Ray Client is equipped with a smart card reader, and hotdesking is configured and enabled by default. Sun Ray Software also provides Non-Smart Card Mobility (NSCM), or hotdesking without smart cards.

9.2. Hotdesking Without Smart Cards

Configuring Sun Ray Software with non-smart card mobility (NSCM) sessions provides the benefits of hotdesking without the use of smart cards. This section explains NSCM sessions, how to configure them, and how to enable users to access their Sun Ray sessions across multiple failover groups. NSCM can use regional hotdesking and it automatically provides similar protection as remote hotdesk authentication (RHA). In an NSCM session, the user can: Type a user name and password instead of inserting a smart card. Type the utdetach command instead of removing a smart card. If a user does not want to use the NSCM session, inserting a smart card causes the session to be disconnected and replaced by a smart card session.


NSCM and Failover Groups

9.2.1. NSCM and Failover Groups

The user login experience for NSCM sessions may be different than expected when systems are configured as part of a failover group. The following situations might produce unfamiliar behavior: Load Balancing Between Servers - If server A is heavily loaded when a user logs into it with the NSCM GUI, the server redirects the user to server B. Switching Between Servers - A user with a session on server A who wants to switch to a session on server B invokes the utselect GUI to access the other session. In doing so, the user is required to log in with the NSCM GUI. Users familiar with the ease of the utselect GUI might be displeased that another login is necessary. Escape Token Sessions - The user bypasses the NSCM GUI by clicking the Exit button and logs into server A using dtlogin. The user now has a standard escape token session and invokes the utselect GUI to switch to server B, causing the NSCM GUI to be presented again. The user must click Exit again to get to the escape token session on server B. Users accustomed to switching rapidly might find this behavior annoying.

9.2.2. How to Enable NSCM Sessions

This procedure describes how to enable NCSM sessions by using the Admin GUI or the utpolicy command.

Admin GUI Steps

1. Use the utwall command to inform your users that all active and detached sessions will be lost. For example:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utwall -d -t 'System policy will change in 10 minutes. All active and detached sessions will be lost. Please save all data and terminate your session now.' ALL

The following message is displayed in a pop-up window for all users:

System policy will change in 10 minutes. All active and detached sessions will be lost. Please save all data and terminate your session now.

2. Log in to the Admin GUI. 3. Go to the System Policy tab. 4. In the Non-Card Users panel, select the Enabled option next to Mobile Sessions. 5. Go to the Servers tab. 6. Click Cold Restart to restart Sun Ray services and terminate all users' sessions.

Command Line Steps

1. Use the utwall command to inform your users that all active and detached sessions will be lost. For example: 100

How to Log in to an NSCM Session

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utwall -d -t 'System policy will change in 10 minutes. All active and detached sessions will be lost. Please save all data and terminate your session now.' ALL

The following message is displayed in a pop-up window for all users:

System policy will change in 10 minutes. All active and detached sessions will be lost. Please save all data and terminate your session now.

2. As superuser, type the utpolicy command with the -M argument for your authentication policy. For example:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -a -M -s both -r both

This example configures the Authentication Manager to allow self-registration of users both with or without smart cards, and NSCM sessions are enabled. 3. Initialize Sun Ray services by restarting the Authentication Manager on the server, including each secondary Sun Ray server if in a failover group.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart -c

This command clears all active and detached sessions.

9.2.3. How to Log in to an NSCM Session

1. Type your user name into the user entry field. Figure 9.1. NSCM Login Dialog Box User Field

2. Type your password into the password field. Figure 9.2. NSCM Login Dialog Box Password Field


Regional Hotdesking

An Options menu is available for Oracle Solaris. Right clicking the Options menu displays a panel with the following options: QuickLogin - Applicable only to a new session only. Selecting Off enables the user to log in with the same options available through dtlogin. Selecting On enables the user to bypass the option selection phase. QuickLogin is on by default. Exit - Selecting Exit temporarily disables the NSCM session. An escape token session is started, and the dialog box is replaced by the dtlogin screen. A user without a valid account in this server group can exit to the dtlogin dialog and attempt a remote X (XDMCP) login to some other server where that user has a valid account. Note When using Oracle Linux, the Oracle Linux login screen may briefly display before the desktop is presented. No action is necessary. If no NSCM session exists for this user, the Authentication Manager creates an NSCM session token with the format: mobile.IEEE802-MACID. Session Redirection

The user might be redirected to another server for the following reasons: If the Sun Ray server is part of a failover group, the load-balancing algorithm might redirect the user to another Sun Ray server. If the user has an NSCM session on a different Sun Ray server in a failover group, the user will be redirected to the server with the most current NSCM session. The Sun Ray Mobile Session Login dialog box is redisplayed with the host name of the new Sun Ray server. The user must retype the user name and password.

9.3. Regional Hotdesking

Regional hotdesking, previously referred to as Automatic Multi-Group Hotdesking (AMGH), is required when users need to move from one location to another, such as between corporate headquarters and various branch offices, and they want access to their existing session across multiple failover groups. Multiple failover groups are useful for various reasons, such as: Availability - It is sometimes advantageous to have multiple, geographically-separate locations, each with a failover group, so that if an outage occurs at one location, another location can continue to function. Organizational Policies - Some sites have different administrative policies at different locations. It can be advantageous to keep separate failover groups at these locations. For further technical detail, please refer to the utamghadm(8), ut_amgh_get_server_list(3), and ut_amgh_script_interface(3) man pages. Note Regional hotdesking is not enabled for multihead groups.


Regional Hotdesking Process

9.3.1. Regional Hotdesking Process

Once regional hotdesking is configured, user login information and sessions are handled as follows: 1. When a smart card is inserted or removed from the system or a user logs in via the greeter GUI, parameters such as the user name (if known at the time), smart card token, and terminal identifier are passed to a piece of site integration logic. 2. The site-integration software uses these parameters to determine to which Sun Ray servers it should direct the Sun Ray Client. 3. If the smart card token is associated with a local session, then that session gets preference, and regional hotdesking is not invoked. 4. Otherwise, the regional hotdesking software redirects the Sun Ray Client to connect to the appropriate Sun Ray server. Thus, if the user has an existing session, the client connects to that session; if not, the regional hotdesking software creates a new session for that user.

9.3.2. Regional Hotdesking Site Requirements

To use regional hotdesking, a site must provide some site integration logic that can utilize enterprise data to determine which users or Sun Ray Clients should connect to which failover groups. This is ordinarily provided through the use of a dynamic C library or a shell script that implements a particular interface used by regional hotdesking software. Sun Ray Software provides some reference code that you use as an example or adapt as required. An administrator must configure the regional hotdesking software to utilize a specified library or shell script, then implement the PAM stack of the login applications, as described below. Note To ensure continuous operation, be sure to include enough servers in the target group to provide availability for session location and placement in the event that a particular server becomes unavailable. Two servers should be minimally sufficient for most sites; three servers provide a conservative margin of error.

9.3.3. Providing Site Integration Logic

To determine where given Sun Ray Clients or users should be connected when creating or accessing sessions, you must utilize enterprise data. Sun Ray Software includes the following software for this purpose: Man pages, such as ut_amgh_get_server_list(3), which describe the appropriate C API for a shared library implementation. A shell-script API, ut_amgh_script_interface(3), which can be used as an alternative. Reference C code and script code, located at /opt/SUNWutref/amgh. This code can serve as example or be directly adapted for use. A functional Makefile.

9.3.4. How to Configure a Site-specific Mapping Library

For each site, you must determine what mapping library to use. It may be a site-specific implementation, or one of the sample implementations provided with the Sun Ray Software.


How to Use Token Readers with Regional Hotdesking

Note If you are using Oracle Linux, library mapping for the 32-bit platform should be / opt/SUNWutref/amgh/lib, as shown below, and library mapping for the 64-bit platform should be /opt/SUNWutref/amgh/lib64. After configuring the library, you must perform a cold restart of the Sun Ray services using either the utstart CLI or the Admin GUI. How to Configure the Token-based Mapping Implementation Provided as a Sample
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utamghadm -l /opt/SUNWutref/amgh/lib/

How to Configure the User Name-based Mapping Implementation Provided as a Sample

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utamghadm -l /opt/SUNWutref/amgh/lib/

How to Configure a Script-based Back-end Mapping

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utamghadm -s /opt/SUNWutref/amgh/utamghref_script

9.3.5. How to Use Token Readers with Regional Hotdesking

To utilize token readers with regional hotdesking based on Sun Ray pseudo-tokens, use the Site-specific Mapping Library to produce the desired behavior for them. Configured token readers should have the following value formats: Key insert_token token Value pseudo.MAC_address TerminalId.MAC_address

If a registered policy is in place, use the insert_token key instead of the token key, which is not globally unique. Note The RHA security feature does not affect token readers. It is assumed that token readers are deployed in physically secure environments.

9.3.6. How to Configure the Sample Data Store

Each site must configure a data store to contain site-specific mapping information for regional hotdesking. This data store is used by the site mapping library to determine whether regional hotdesking should be initiated for the parameters presented. The data store can be a simple flat file. The sample implementations included with the Sun Ray Software require a simple flat file configuration. To create the back-end database file under /opt/SUNWutref/amgh/back_end_db on the Sun Ray server, do the following: For a token-based mapping, use entries of the form:
token=XXXXXXX [username=XXXXX] host=XXXXX

Comments (lines beginning with #) are ignored. 104

Remote Hotdesk Authentication (RHA)

username is optional. If the same token is associated with more than one non-null username, an error is returned. For a user name-based mapping, use entries of the form:
username=XXXXX host=XXXXX

Comments (lines beginning with #) are ignored. Key/value pairs other than those mentioned above are ignored. The order of key/value pairs is not significant. For a combined mapping, use entries of the form:
Any combination of TOKEN BASED and USERNAME BASED lines.

Comments (lines beginning with #) are ignored. A token match is attempted first. If no token match is made (or if no username is included in the matches) the user is prompted for a username. A lookup is made for this username. If there is no match, a local session is created; otherwise, the Sun Ray Client is forwarded to the first host reported as available. A sample line for this file would look like the following:
token=MicroPayflex.5001436700130100 username=user1 host=ray-207

9.4. Remote Hotdesk Authentication (RHA)

By default, when a user hotdesks, the desktop's screen lock is activated and the user is forced to authenticate again. However, screen locks are inherently insecure in a number of ways. Remote Hotdesk Authentication (RHA) is designed to provide a more secure hotdesk environment instead of the authentication performed by a desktop screen lock in the user's existing session. The "Remote" in RHA refers to the fact that the hotdesk authentication step takes place outside the user's existing session and applications cannot interfer with the authentication. From a user's perspective, there is minimal change if Remote Hotdesk Authentication is enabled. When RHA is enabled and a reconnection is attempted, the Sun Ray Software creates a temporary new session for the client and uses that session to present an authentication dialog to the user. (This RHA dialog looks very similar to the NSCM authentication dialog.) After the user successfully authenticates through the dialog, the temporary session is dismissed and the user's existing session is connected to the client. For environments where the in-session screen lock provides acceptable security or where no hotdesk authentication is desired, you can configure Sun Ray Software to disable the RHA security feature. RHA is enabled for smart cards by default and NSCM automatically provides similar protection as RHA. Authentication does not apply to anonymous Kiosk Mode. Note The RHA security feature does not affect token readers. It is assumed that token readers are deployed in physically secure environments.


How to Disable Remote Hotdesk Authentication

9.4.1. How to Disable Remote Hotdesk Authentication

Note Disabling the RHA feature may present a security risk under some circumstances. 1. To disable RHA configuration for a group, type the following command: For example, if your policy allows smart cards and non-smart card logins and failover groups, use the following command and options to disable RHA:
# utpolicy -a -z both -g -D

2. Perform a cold restart of the Sun Ray services:

# utstart -c

9.4.2. How to Re-enable Remote Hotdesk Authentication

1. Restate your policy using utpolicy without the -D option. For example, to reinstate a policy that allows smart cards and non-smart card logins and failover groups with RHA, use the following command and options:
# utpolicy -a -z both -g

2. Perform a cold restart of the Sun Ray services:

# utstart -c


Chapter 10. Kiosk Mode

Table of Contents
10.1. Kiosk Overview ...................................................................................................................... 107 10.2. Kiosk Mode Security and Failover Considerations .................................................................... 108 10.3. Kiosk User Accounts .............................................................................................................. 108 10.3.1. Characteristics ............................................................................................................. 108 10.3.2. Restrictions and Safe Guards ...................................................................................... 109 10.3.3. Administering the Kiosk User Pool ............................................................................... 109 10.4. Session Type Components ..................................................................................................... 110 10.4.1. Session Descriptor ...................................................................................................... 110 10.4.2. Session Script ............................................................................................................. 110 10.5. How to Configure Kiosk Mode and User Accounts ................................................................... 110 10.6. How to Add Kiosk User Accounts ........................................................................................... 110 10.7. How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type ........................................................................ 111 10.8. How to Enable and Disable Kiosk Mode ................................................................................. 114 10.8.1. Unconfiguring Kiosk Mode Disables Kiosk Policy .......................................................... 115 10.9. How to Override the Default Kiosk Mode Policy ....................................................................... 115 10.10. Configuring the Windows Connector Kiosk Session Type ....................................................... 117 10.10.1. How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type for the Windows Connector ................... 118 10.11. Configuring the VMware View Connector Kiosk Session Type ................................................ 120 10.11.1. How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type for the VMware View Connector ............. 120 This chapter describes the kiosk mode functionality provided by the Sun Ray Software.

10.1. Kiosk Overview

Sun Ray Software offers two modes of operation: Regular mode - Delivers a desktop based on the platform that is installed on the Sun Ray server. For instance, if the Sun Ray Software is installed on Oracle Linux, users get an Oracle Linux desktop using either Gnome or KDE. Users authenticate on this platform and traditionally execute applications located on the platform. Kiosk mode - Delivers an almost unlimited variety of desktops or applications to users, even though the actual desktop or application may be running elsewhere. Kiosk mode bypasses the normal authentication methods of the Sun Ray server platform and runs anything that the administrator defines. By creating customized session types, a kiosk session can be anything from a full screen instance of a Firefox web browser to a full screen Windows 7 desktop running in a virtual machine. By default, Sun Ray Software provides the following pre-defined session types that you can configure for users. Sun Ray Connector for Windows OS - Provides a windows desktop through the Windows connector. VMware View Manager Session - Provides a Windows virtual machine through the VMware View connector. Sun Java Desktop System 3 - Provides a locked-down Oracle Solaris desktop environment that can run other applications (Oracle Solaris-based Sun Ray server only). Common Desktop Environment (Obsolete) - Provides a locked-down Oracle Solaris desktop environment that can run other applications (Oracle Solaris-based Sun Ray server only).


Kiosk Mode Security and Failover Considerations

Kiosk mode can also provide unauthenticated access for settings such as public kiosks, where users cannot be expected to provide authentication credentials.

10.2. Kiosk Mode Security and Failover Considerations

Because kiosk mode bypasses the system login mechanism, you must consider the security of the applications added to the user environment. Many custom applications provide built-in security, but applications that do not are not suitable for kiosk mode. For example, adding an application such as xterm provides users with access to a command-line interface from a kiosk mode session. This access is not desirable in a public environment and is not advised. However, using a custom application for a call center is perfectly acceptable. In a failover environment, the kiosk mode administrative settings are copied from the primary server to the secondary servers. Be sure that all application descriptors and executable paths added to the kiosk mode sessions are copied across the servers in the failover group. For example, if a Mozilla application is added to the sessions with the executable path /usr/sfw/bin/mozilla, make sure that the path to the binary is available to all servers in the failover group. One way to ensure that sessions and applications are available on all servers in a failover group is to put them into a shared network directory, which is available on all hosts in the failover group. You can do this through a highly available file share, such as the Oracle Solaris Cluster product.

10.3. Kiosk User Accounts

All computer applications must run under some type of user account and kiosk sessions are no different. To enable real users to access applications without requiring the need to authenticate to the underlying operating system of the Sun Ray Software, kiosk mode manages a pool of local user accounts. If the kiosk service determines that an administrator has configured the system policy or the current token ID to run a kiosk session, unauthenticated access to the system is granted. While kiosk user accounts do not correspond to a real user, their role in kiosk mode allows a real user to use the applications defined by the administrator in a unauthenticated manner. Without a kiosk user account, a kiosk session cannot run. See Section 10.5, How to Configure Kiosk Mode and User Accounts for details on setting up kiosk mode user accounts.

10.3.1. Characteristics
Kiosk user accounts have the following characteristics: A default naming scheme of utkux, where x is a range from 0 to N-1 and N is the specified number of kiosk user accounts to create. A different naming prefix can be chosen if the default of utku has risk of a collision. UID by default starts at 150000 (starting UID can be specified). UID range must be contiguous. Home directories are located in /var/opt/SUNWkio/home/$USER. Local accounts only (/etc/passwd). Centralized NIS or LDAP kiosk user accounts are not supported.


Restrictions and Safe Guards

Note If an account named utku* exists in a centralized name service like NIS or LDAP, configuring kiosk user accounts will fail. You must either remove that host from the name service or temporarily reconfigure the server to use only files for user and groups through the nsswitch.conf file.

10.3.2. Restrictions and Safe Guards

To limit the impact a kiosk user can have on the system and prevent unauthenticated access from becoming uncontrolled access, the following restrictions and safe guards are placed on kiosk user accounts: Kiosk user accounts are locked for normal logins (GDM, SSH, Telnet, etc). Kiosk user accounts belong to a local Unix group (utkiosk) that has minimal rights on the system. No two sessions use the same kiosk user account at the same time on the same server. The home directory associated with a kiosk user account is completely cleared after a session ends. The home directory associated with a kiosk user account is created and then populated from the prototypes directory when a session is started. Residual processes owned by the kiosk user account are killed when a kiosk session ends and before a new session is started. All files in the /tmp and /var/tmp directories owned by the kiosk user account are deleted when a kiosk session ends and before a new session is started.

10.3.3. Administering the Kiosk User Pool

If you need to change the number of kiosk user accounts after the initial Sun Ray Software installation and configuration, you can manage the user pool after the initial configuration using the kioskuseradm command located in the /opt/SUNWkio/bin directory. With this command, you can view the pool settings, see how many kiosk user accounts are in use, and modify the pool settings such as adding or decreasing the number of kiosk user accounts. You can increase or decrease the pool of users while kiosk sessions are active, but changing other pools settings such as group membership or UID range requires that no kiosk sessions are active. Note The kiosk user accounts in the kiosk user pool must have contiguous user IDs. If any user accounts were added after the configuration of the initial pool of kiosk user accounts, you cannot use the kioskuseradm extend command. The extend option relies on kiosk user accounts with contiguous user IDs. To work around this issue, you must delete all the kiosk user accounts and recreate them by using the kioskuseradm modify command. This process requires you to stop the Sun Ray services on the Sun Ray server. If you have a failover group, performing these steps on each Sun Ray server separately will avoid user downtime.


Session Type Components

10.4. Session Type Components

A session type is a collection of scripts and files used to deliver a kiosk session to a user, such as the predefined Sun Ray Connector for Windows OS session type. Each session type has a session descriptor and a session script, which are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWkio/sessions directory.

10.4.1. Session Descriptor

The session descriptor defines a number of attributes useful for the administration and launching of the session. Table 10.1, Kiosk Session Descriptors provides the list of key session descriptors. Table 10.1. Kiosk Session Descriptors Kiosk Session Descriptors KIOSK_SESSION_EXEC KIOSK_SESSION_LABEL KIOSK_SESSION_DESCRIPTION KIOSK_SESSION_ARGS Identifies default session script arguments. Descriptor Description Identifies the location of the session script. Identify a label and description respectively to be used by the Admin GUI.

10.4.2. Session Script

The session script is used to launch the session type, and it is usually a simple wrapper of an executable. Both uttsc and specific session type arguments are accepted by session scripts, and you can specify them through the Admin GUI when configuring the session type. Any uttsc arguments are simply passed directly to the Windows connector and not processed by the session script. Other arguments specific to the session type are processed by the session script. Each kiosk session type supports a different set of arguments.

10.5. How to Configure Kiosk Mode and User Accounts

As part of the initial configuration during the Sun Ray Software installation, you are given the opportunity to initially configure kiosk mode, which consists of configuring the kiosk user accounts. See Section 10.3, Kiosk User Accounts for more information. If you don't initially configure kiosk mode, you can always use the utconfig -k command to configure it later. You can also perform additional kiosk mode account management tasks by using the kioskuseradm command.

10.6. How to Add Kiosk User Accounts

This procedure describes how to add more kiosk user accounts to the user account pool. You can increase the number of kiosk user accounts even while there are existing kiosk sessions. See Section 10.3, Kiosk User Accounts for more details. Note The kiosk user accounts in the kiosk user pool must have contiguous user IDs. If any user accounts were added after the configuration of the initial pool of kiosk user accounts, you cannot use the kioskuseradm extend command. The extend option relies on kiosk user accounts with contiguous user IDs.


How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type

To work around this issue, you must delete all the kiosk user accounts and recreate them by using the kioskuseradm delete and kioskuseradm create commands, respectively. This process requires you to stop the Sun Ray services on the Sun Ray server. If you have a failover group, performing these steps on each Sun Ray server separately will avoid user downtime. 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Increase the number of kiosk user accounts.
# /opt/SUNWkio/bin/kioskuseradm extend -c number_of_new_users

10.7. How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type

This procedure describes how to configure a kiosk mode session type, which determines what type of session is launched in kiosk mode. You can use the Admin GUI to configure a kiosk mode session type. On the Kiosk Mode tab, accessed from the Advanced tab, you can choose a predefined session type. You can also specify other general properties that control kiosk mode behavior, such as Timeout, Maximum CPU Usage, and Maximum VM Size. Some session types allow additional kiosk applications to be launched. Not all session types support this ability. For example, a kiosk full-screen web browser session does not need to have this capability. The applications table on the Kiosk Mode tab page is displayed or hidden depending on what session type is selected. You can add a new kiosk application by clicking the New button in the applications table and specify it using either a predefined application descriptor file or by specifying the path to an executable or an application descriptor on the server. All predefined application descriptors are located in the /etc/opt/ SUNWkio/applications directory. For a detailed explanation of kiosk mode functionality, see the kiosk man page. To configure the pre-defined session types, the following procedures are provided: Section 10.10.1, How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type for the Windows Connector Section 10.11.1, How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type for the VMware View Connector

Admin GUI Steps

Note Kiosk session and application configuration data created with the Admin GUI is stored as the default kiosk session type under the name session. To store nondefault kiosk session types, use the utkiosk command on the command line. 1. Click the Advanced tab. 2. Click the Kiosk Mode tab from the Advanced tab, as shown in Figure 10.1, Edit Kiosk Mode Screen.


Admin GUI Steps

Figure 10.1. Edit Kiosk Mode Screen

3. Click the Edit button. 4. Select your preferred Kiosk Session (Session Type) from the drop-down list. 5. Provide appropriate values for the remaining settings, which are described in Table 10.2, ulimit Settings. For more information, see the ulimit man page. Note Choosing unsuitable values for ulimit settings could cause kiosk sessions to start incorrectly or to crash due to lack of resources. Table 10.2. ulimit Settings Value Timeout Description Indicates the number of seconds after which a disconnected session will be terminated. If you provide no value for this setting, termination of disconnected sessions will be disabled. Indicates the maximum number of CPU seconds per process for kiosk sessions. By default, the system default is applied to all kiosk sessions.

Maximum CPU Time


Command Line Steps

Value Maximum VM Size Maximum Number of Files Maximum File Size Locale Arguments

Description Indicates the maximum Virtual Memory size per process for kiosk sessions. By default, the system default is applied to all kiosk sessions. Indicates the maximum number of open files per process for kiosk sessions. By default, the system default is applied to all kiosk sessions. Indicates the maximum file size per process for kiosk sessions. By default, the system default is applied to all kiosk sessions. Indicates the locale to be used by the kiosk session. By default, the system default is applied to all kiosk sessions. Indicates a list of arguments that should be passed to kiosk sessions as they start. This setting is specific to the kiosk session. For more information about supported arguments, consult the session-specific documentation for your selected session.

6. Click OK. Changes to the kiosk mode settings are applied automatically to kiosk sessions started after you configure the session type. You do not have to restart Sun Ray services for changes to take effect.

Command Line Steps

1. Create a session configuration file. a. To start with an existing configuration, export the settings to a file. For example:
utkiosk -e session -s > mysession.conf

b. Edit the mysession.conf file. See the session.conf man page for a description of available settings. The following example uses the Sun Ray Windows Connector kiosk session:

2. If applicable, create an application list file. If you are using a kiosk session that can serve as a container for multiple applications, you should create an application list file. a. To start with existing settings, export the application list to a file:
utkiosk -e session -a > myapps.list

b. Edit the myapps.list file. See the kiosk man page for a description of application list files. 3. Import your settings into the Sun Ray data store. To import your session settings without an application list as the default session configuration:
utkiosk -i session -f mysession.conf

To import your session settings and application list as the default session configuration:


How to Enable and Disable Kiosk Mode

utkiosk -i session -f mysession.conf -A myapps.list

To import your session settings as non-default session configuration:

utkiosk -i MySpecialSession -f mysession.conf

10.8. How to Enable and Disable Kiosk Mode

Kiosk mode can be enabled as the default session type for smart card users, non-smart card users, or both. When kiosk mode is enabled for a class of tokens, this choice can be overridden for individual tokens. For example, when kiosk mode is enabled for card users, regular non-kiosk session access can be configured for individual cards. Alternatively, a kiosk session other than the default kiosk session can be configured for individual tokens. Enabling and disabling kiosk mode for individual tokens is described in Section 10.9, How to Override the Default Kiosk Mode Policy. Before enabling kiosk mode, you must configure the kiosk mode user accounts.

Admin GUI Steps

Kiosk mode functionality can be enabled and disabled from the System Policy section of the Advanced tab, which provides options to enable kiosk mode for smart card users, non-smart card users, or both.

Command-Line Steps
1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Enable a kiosk mode through the utpolicy -k command. The following options determine whether access to the Sun Ray server is granted to certain tokens:
-z both/pseudo/card

-r both/pseudo/card [-s both/pseudo/card]

The -k both/pseudo/card option determines whether some or all of the granted sessions are kiosk sessions.

How to Enable Kiosk Mode for All Users (Smart Card and Non-Smart Card)
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -a -M -s both -r both -k both

All users are directed to kiosk sessions.

How to Allow Only Smart Card Sessions in Kiosk Mode

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -z card -k card

All sessions are in kiosk mode and available only to smart card users unless you specify overrides.

How to Enable Kiosk Mode for Smart Card Users Only

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -a -M -s both -r both -k card

Only smart card users are directed to kiosk sessions.


Unconfiguring Kiosk Mode Disables Kiosk Policy

How to Enable Kiosk Mode for Non-Smart Card Users Only

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -a -s both -r both -k pseudo

Only non-smart card users are directed to kiosk sessions.

How to Enable Regular Sessions for Smart Card Users and Kiosk Sessions for Non-Smart Card Users
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -z both -k pseudo

Smart card sessions are non-kiosk (ordinary login) sessions. Non-smart card sessions are kiosk sessions.

How to Enable Regular Sessions for Registered Smart Cards and Kiosk Sessions for Non-Smart Card Users
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -r card -z pseudo -k pseudo

Non-kiosk smart card sessions are allowed only for registered tokens. Non-smart card sessions are kiosk sessions.

How to Enable Kiosk Sessions for Registered Smart Cards and Regular Sessions on Registered Clients
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -r both -s both -k card

Smart card sessions are kiosk sessions, non-smart card sessions are non-kiosk (ordinary login) sessions. Users can self-register smart card tokens and clients.

How to Allow Only Card Sessions in Kiosk Mode

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -z card -k card

All sessions are in kiosk mode and available only to smart card users unless you specify overrides.

10.8.1. Unconfiguring Kiosk Mode Disables Kiosk Policy

If Kiosk mode is enabled for smart card and/or for non-card sessions, then disabling Kiosk mode (using utconfig -u -k) also disables the Kiosk policy. This behavior may be surprising in a failover group, where the Kiosk policy is disabled for the entire group when Kiosk Mode is unconfigured on any server in the group. Before unconfiguring Kiosk Mode on any host in a failover group, disable the Kiosk policy, and perform a cold restart of the server group. To perform maintenance tasks on Kiosk user accounts without unconfiguring Kiosk Mode completely, use the /opt/SUNWkio/bin/kioskuseradm tool instead of utconfig.

10.9. How to Override the Default Kiosk Mode Policy

You might need to assign a different authentication policy setting for a particular smart card or Sun Ray Client, or subset of smart cards or Sun Ray Clients. Only registered tokens can be assigned policy overrides.


Admin GUI Steps

Admin GUI Steps

Note The Edit Token Properties page does not show whether a non-default kiosk session has been assigned to a token. If you use the Admin GUI to assign a kiosk session type to a token, the default kiosk session configuration is used for that token. 1. Click the Tokens tab. 2. Select the token of interest from the list of tokens. This token can be a card owner's smart card token or a pseudo-token associated with a client's MAC address. However, only registered tokens can be overridden. For more information, see Chapter 7, Sessions and Tokens. 3. Click Edit. Figure 10.2. Edit Token Properties Screen

4. Select the desired Session Type from the list of available session types. The available session types are Default, Kiosk, and Regular. Select Default to prevent the kiosk mode policy from being overridden for this token.


Command-Line Steps

Select Kiosk to use a kiosk session for this token regardless of the kiosk mode policy. Select Regular to ensure that a kiosk session is not used for this token regardless of the kiosk mode policy. 5. Click OK.

Command-Line Steps
Use the utkioskoverride command to override the policy.

The following examples demonstrate how to override the kiosk mode policy from the command line. For more detailed information about overriding kiosk mode policy, see the utkioskoverride man page.

How to Enable Kiosk Sessions Regardless of the Kiosk Mode Policy for a Registered Smart Card
To enable kiosk sessions regardless of the kiosk mode policy for the registered smart card MicroPayFlex.12345678:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utkioskoverride -s kiosk -r MicroPayFlex.12345678

How to Disable Kiosk Session Regardless of the Kiosk Mode Policy for a Registered Smart Card
To disable kiosk sessions regardless of the kiosk mode policy for the registered smart card MicroPayFlex.12345678:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utkioskoverride -s regular -r MicroPayFlex.12345678

How to Disable Kiosk Sessions Regardless of the Kiosk Mode Policy for a Logical Token
To disable kiosk sessions regardless of the kiosk mode policy for the logical token user.12345678:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utkioskoverride -s regular -t user.12345678

How to Assign and Enable a Non-Default Kiosk Session

To assign and enable the non-default kiosk session MySession2, stored using utkiosk, to the logical token user.12345678, regardless of the kiosk mode policy:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utkioskoverride -s kiosk -c MySession2 -t user.123456-78

10.10. Configuring the Windows Connector Kiosk Session Type

By using kiosk mode, you can set up a Sun Ray Client to behave just like a Windows system, which means users will not have to interact with the Oracle Solaris or Oracle Linux login screen and no longer need to specify the uttsc command. Sun Ray Software provides a pre-defined Windows connector session type (called the Sun Ray Connector for Windows OS), which can be set up to provide the Windows connector kiosk session to users. The core components of the Windows connector session type are: Session descriptor - /etc/opt/SUNWkio/sessions/uttsc.conf Session script - /etc/opt/SUNWkio/sessions/uttsc/uttsc Added applications are not supported.


How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type for the Windows Connector

The /opt/SUNWuttsc/bin/uttsc script is used to launch the Windows connector. This script provides a simple wrapper for the uttsc executable. A two-minute timeout is imposed on Windows sessions that remain at the Windows login screen. When this timeout elapses, the associated Windows session is terminated and the Windows connector terminates subsequently. If no Windows login takes place, the client appears to reset every two minutes. To avoid the two-minute timeout, the session script supports its own timeout mechanism, which is initiated when the script detects that the Windows connector has terminated. If the session script timeout interval has not elapsed, the session script relaunches the Windows connector. If the session script timeout has elapsed, the session script terminates, and the Kiosk session also terminate as a result. The timeout may be specified as a session script argument. It has a default value of 30 minutes.

10.10.1. How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type for the Windows Connector
1. Log in to the Admin GUI. 2. Click the Advanced tab and Kiosk Mode sub-tab. Then click Edit. 3. Choose Sun Ray Connector for Windows OS from the Session (Session Type) menu, as shown in Figure 10.3, Edit Kiosk Mode Screen for Windows Connector. Figure 10.3. Edit Kiosk Mode Screen for Windows Connector


How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type for the Windows Connector

Note Once the Windows connector session is selected, most of the fields on the main Kiosk page are not available. The Applications list is not available because the Windows connector session does not support the addition of applications. 4. Add session arguments to the Arguments field at the bottom in the format:
[session-type-arguments] [-- uttsc-arguments] myhost.mydomain

The arguments accepted are shown in Table 10.3, Kiosk Session Arguments for Windows Connector. Table 10.3. Kiosk Session Arguments for Windows Connector Argument -t timeout Description Sets the value of a timeout interval (in seconds) after which the session script will terminate in the event of a Windows connector termination. If Windows connector terminates before the timeout has elapsed it will be restarted by the session script. The default value for timeout is 1800 (30 minutes). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate that the session script should never restart the Windows connector. Disables the default behavior of starting uttsc with the m -b options. This option disables full screen mode and enables the pull-down header. Specify any valid uttsc arguments. For detailed information on these options, refer to the uttsc man page. The -m and -b uttsc arguments are used by default. These arguments enable full-screen mode and disable the pull-down header respectively. The minimal required argument is the host name, so the field should contain, at minimum, myhost.mydomain. The following example line specifies: A 10-minute timeout (specified in seconds) until the session is cycled if the user does not log in Printer forwarding Smart card redirection Optimized Windows connector hotdesking behavior
-t 600 -- -r printer:officelaser -r scard:on -O


-- uttsc-arguments myhost.mydomain

5. Configure the server to use Kiosk Mode for card and non-card users. a. Click the System Policy sub-tab on the Advanced menu. b. Enable Kiosk Mode for both card and non-card users. 6. Click Save. 119

Configuring the VMware View Connector Kiosk Session Type

All new or restarted sessions matching the policy configuration to use kiosk mode will access the new session type.

10.11. Configuring the VMware View Connector Kiosk Session Type

The following steps use the Admin GUI to configure the Sun Ray server to automatically provide direct access to their Windows desktops through the VMware View connector. For more information about setting up the VMware View connector environment, see Chapter 19, VMware View Connector.

10.11.1. How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type for the VMware View Connector
1. Log in to the Admin GUI. 2. Click the Advanced tab and Kiosk Mode sub-tab. Then click Edit. 3. Choose VMware View Manager Session from the Session (Session Type) menu. 4. Modify the session parameters. 5. Add session arguments to the Arguments field at the bottom in the format:
[session-type-arguments] [-- uttsc-arguments]

The arguments accepted are: Table 10.4. Kiosk Session Arguments for VMware View Connector Argument -s server -https -http -p port-number -t seconds Description VMware View Connection Server hostname. Use SSL connection to VMware View Connection Server (default). Do not use SSL connection to VMware View Connection Server. VMware View Connection Server port number. If no smart card is used, the length of inactivity before the user is automatically logged out of the desktop selection dialog. Default value is 3 minutes. Users are automatically forwarded to their desktop if there is only one desktop. This flag disables this behavior. This domain name will be preselected in the login screen, if available. Specify any valid uttsc arguments. For detailed information on these options, refer to the uttsc man page.

-no-auto-login -d domain -- uttsc-arguments

Note The Sun Ray Software is capable of supporting Windows Network Level Authentication (NLA), but VMware View does not support NLA on non-Windows based View clients. You must use the standard RDP authentication with VMware View. To configure RDP authentication, enable RDP authentication on the guest OS and add the -N off option to the uttsc arguments field. 6. Configure the server to use Kiosk Mode for card and non-card users.


How to Configure a Kiosk Mode Session Type for the VMware View Connector

a. Click the System Policy sub-tab on the Advanced menu. b. Enable Kiosk Mode for both card and non-card users. 7. Click Save. All new or restarted sessions matching the policy configuration to use kiosk mode will access the new session type.



Chapter 11. Security

Table of Contents
11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. 11.5. 11.6. Security Overview .................................................................................................................. 123 Encryption and Authentication ................................................................................................. 123 Security Modes ...................................................................................................................... 124 Client Key Management ......................................................................................................... 125 Key Fingerprint ...................................................................................................................... 126 Displaying Security Status ...................................................................................................... 126 11.6.1. How to Display Security Status for a Sun Ray Client ..................................................... 126 11.6.2. How to Display Security Status for All Sessions ............................................................ 126 11.7. Managing Client Keys ............................................................................................................ 127 11.7.1. How to Confirm a Specific Client Key ........................................................................... 127 11.7.2. How to Confirm All Unconfirmed Client Keys ................................................................ 128 11.7.3. How to Display a Client's Fingerprint Key from a Sun Ray Client .................................... 128 11.7.4. How to Display All Client Keys ..................................................................................... 128 11.7.5. How to Display All Keys for a Specific Client ................................................................ 129 11.7.6. How to Delete a Specific Client Key ............................................................................. 129 11.7.7. How to Delete All Client Keys for a Specific Client ........................................................ 130 11.8. Managing Client Authentication ............................................................................................... 130 11.8.1. How to Disable Client Authentication ............................................................................ 130 11.8.2. How to Force Client Authentication From All Clients ...................................................... 130 11.8.3. How to Deny Access to Clients With Unconfirmed Keys ................................................ 131 11.9. Server and Client Authentication Troubleshooting .................................................................... 131 11.9.1. Error Messages ........................................................................................................... 131 This chapter provides details on security in a Sun Ray environment.

11.1. Security Overview

When configuring the security for a Sun Ray environment, you should evaluate the security requirements. You can choose one of the following security policies between the Sun Ray server and clients: Enable encryption for upstream traffic only Enable encryption for downstream traffic only Enable bidirectional encryption Enable server authentication Disable client authentication Additionally, you must decide whether to enable hard security mode for encryption and client authentication. You can use the utcrypto command or the Admin GUI to configure the encryption option, authentication option, and security mode.

11.2. Encryption and Authentication

By default, data packets between the Sun Ray server and client are sent "in the clear." This policy means that outsiders can easily "snoop" the traffic and recover vital and private user information, which malicious


Security Modes

users might misuse. To avoid this type of attack, Sun Ray Software administrators can enable traffic encryption through the ARCFOUR encryption algorithm. The ARCFOUR encryption algorithm, selected for its speed and relatively low CPU overhead, supports a higher level (128-bit) of security between Sun Ray services and clients. However, encryption alone does not provide complete security. Spoofing a Sun Ray server or a Sun Ray Client and posing as either is still possible, if not necessarily easy. Here are some examples: A man-in-the-middle attack, in which an impostor claims to be the Sun Ray server for the clients and pretends to be the client for the server. The imposter then intercepts all messages and has access to all secure data. Manipulating a client to pretend to be another client in order to gain access to sessions connected to the spoofed client. Server and client authentication provided by Sun Ray Software can resolve these types of attacks. Server authentication uses a single pre-configured, public-private key pair in the Sun Ray Software and firmware, and client authentication uses an automatically generated public-private key pair in every client. Sun Ray Software uses the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) to verify that clients are communicating with a valid Sun Ray server and that the server is communicating with a legitimate client. This authentication scheme is not completely foolproof, but it mitigates trivial man-in-the-middle attacks and makes spoofing Sun Ray servers or Sun Ray Clients harder for attackers. Enabling encryption and authentication is optional. The system or network administrator can configure it based on site requirements. By default only client authentication is enabled.

11.3. Security Modes

When you configure encryption and client authentication, you must decide between hard and soft security modes. Security mode can be configured separately for encryption requirements including server authentication and for client authentication requirements. Security mode settings are intended for compatibility with older firmware, which did not support the affected security feature. Hard Security Mode - Hard security mode ensures that every session is secure. If security requirements cannot be met, the session is refused. Soft Security Mode - Soft security mode ensures that connection requests are granted even for Sun Ray Clients that don't support the configured security requirements. If security requirements cannot be met, the session is granted but not secure. By default, the security modes for encryption and client authentication are both set to soft, which allows unauthenticated and unencrypted access to Sun Ray Clients running older firmware. Note Security mode settings don't apply to Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients. Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients will always be treated as if hard security mode for encryption or authentication is in effect. Table 11.1, Security Modes describes what happens when the different security modes are used.


Client Key Management

Table 11.1. Security Modes Situation Encryption - The Sun Ray Client does not support encryption or server authentication because of old firmware. Hard Security Mode Sun Ray server denies the session. Soft Security Mode Sun Ray server grants the client a nonsecure session. The user must then decide whether to continue using a nonsecure session. Sun Ray server grants the client a nonsecure session. Sun Ray server denies the session.

Client Authentication - The Sun Ray Client Sun Ray server does not support client authentication denies the because of old firmware. session. Client Authentication - The client supports Sun Ray server authentication, but the authentication fails. denies the session.

11.4. Client Key Management

A client (a Sun Ray Client or Oracle Virtual Desktop Client) that supports client authentication has a publicprivate key pair for client authentication. The key pair for a client is generated when the client first boots with the appropriate firmware. Note Older versions of firmware or the firmware that is preinstalled on Sun Ray Clients delivered from the factory do not generate keys and do not support client authentication. To help you identify preinstalled firmware, note that versions of preinstalled firmware start with MfgPkg. You must update the firmware on the Sun Ray Clients in order to have keys generated. When a client connects to a server and client authentication is enabled, the client sends its public key and a client identifier to the server. For a Sun Ray Client, the client identifier is its MAC address. Initially the server can verify only that the client is the owner of the submitted key, but it cannot verify that the client legitimately uses the submitted client ID. The Sun Ray server stores a list of known clients and their public keys in the Sun Ray data store. A stored key can be marked as confirmed to indicate that authenticity of the key for the given client has been confirmed through human intervention. As long as no key has been marked confirmed for a client, the client authentication feature can ensure only that a client identifier is not used by multiple different clients with different keys. Only when the key has been verified and marked confirmed can the client authentication actually authenticate the identity of the client. Note Keys for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients are not stored in the data store and they are not displayed by the utkeyadm command or Admin GUI. Instead, an Oracle Virtual Desktop Client uses its key fingerprint as a client identifier so that the authenticity of the key for the given ID is established automatically. For more information, see Section 11.5, Key Fingerprint. By default, a client with an unconfirmed key is granted a session unless the identity of the client has been used with a different key. Multiple keys submitted for a client might indicate an attack on sessions for this client, so session access is denied for this client. A user needs to explicitly confirm one of the keys as being authentic to re-enable access for the client. 125

Key Fingerprint

You can select a stricter policy that requires authenticated client identities and denies access to any client whose key is not verified and confirmed by using the utpolicy command or the Admin GUI. If you choose to use this policy, you must explicitly mark the key for every new client as 'confirmed' before the client can be used. To use this policy to full effect, you should also set the client authentication mode to 'hard' in the security configuration. You can use the utkeyadm command to manage client identities and their associated keys. All keys that are used for a client are listed by the key management tools. With the utkeyadm command, you can perform the following actions: List keys associated to known clients and their status Confirm a client key after verifying its authenticity. If multiple unconfirmed keys are stored for a client, all other keys are deleted when one is confirmed as authentic. Delete invalid or stale key entries Export key data for all or selected client identities for backup and for transfer to other Sun Ray server instances Import key data that has been exported on this or another Sun Ray server instance You can also view, confirm, or delete associated keys for a client through the client's Desktop Properties page in the Admin GUI.

11.5. Key Fingerprint

A key fingerprint is a name for a key and it is what the user can see. A key fingerprint is generated by an MD5 hash based on the public key data. You can view the key fingerprint for a client in the key panel. To display the key panel, press Stop-K on a Sun keyboard or Ctrl-Pause-K on a non-Sun or PC keyboard. To verify the authenticity of a client key, you can compare the key fingerprint displayed in the client's key panel with the one shown by the utkeyadm command for the same client.

11.6. Displaying Security Status

11.6.1. How to Display Security Status for a Sun Ray Client
Once a connection has been successfully established between a client and a server, you can display a client's security status by pressing Stop-N (or Ctrl-Pause-N) to display a security status icon and the Sun Ray Client's MAC. For a description of OSD icons and their respective codes, see Chapter 16, Sun Ray Client Troubleshooting Icons.

11.6.2. How to Display Security Status for All Sessions

To display the security status for all sessions on a Sun Ray server, type the following command:
# utsession -p

Output similar to the following example will be displayed.

Token ID Registered Name Unix ID Disp State


Managing Client Keys

Payflex.0000074500000202 ??? ??? 2 IEA Micropayflex.000003540004545 ??? ??? 3 D

The State column displays the encrypted/authenticated state of the session, as shown in Table 11.2, utsession State Descriptions Table 11.2. utsession State Descriptions State Column Value E A C U X Description Encrypted session Server is authenticated Authenticated client with confirmed identity, including software clients with automatically confirmed keys Authenticated clients with unconfirmed identity. Such connections might not have regular session access if the current policy requires a confirmed identity. Clients that have successfully authenticated with an unconfirmed key, but that key is in conflict with other equally unconfirmed keys that have been used with the same client ID. Clients that have a conflicting key will not be granted session access and you need to confirm one of the known keys as authentic in order to admit the affected clients again.

For more information, see the utsession man page. Note A multihead group might have clients at different firmware levels. The utsession output shows the lowest security level across the set of all clients participating in the multihead group. For example, if at least one of the clients does not support encryption or authentication, the session will be marked as not encrypted or not authenticated.

11.7. Managing Client Keys

11.7.1. How to Confirm a Specific Client Key
This procedure is required if a client receives a Keyerror (49) or Session Refused (50) icon due to conflicting or unconfirmed keys. Once the key is confirmed, you must disconnect the client by rebooting or inserting and removing a smart card to access a session after the change.

Before You Begin

View the unconfirmed keys (key fingerprints) for all or specific clients. To determine whether an unconfirmed client key really belongs to that client, display the key fingerprint for the client by pressing Stop-K.

Command-Line Steps
# 1 # 1 utkeyadm -a -c IEEE802.000000ee0d6b key confirmed . utkeyadm -a -c IEEE802.00000f85f52f -k 1c:d4:b9:31:9d:f0:00:ba:db:ad:65:6c:8e:80:4d:b3 key confirmed .


How to Confirm All Unconfirmed Client Keys

Admin GUI Steps

1. Go to the Desktop Unit Properties page for a single client. 2. In the Client Keys table, select a single key and click Confirm.

11.7.2. How to Confirm All Unconfirmed Client Keys

If you are certain that all clients requiring key confirmation have been connected to the server group (their genuine keys are stored on the server) and if you are certain that no unwanted clients have keys stored on the server, then you can summarily confirm all known unconfirmed keys. If conflicting keys exist for a client, that client will be skipped. 1. Display all the client keys.
# utkeyadm -l -H

For example:
# utkeyadm -l -H CID TYPE KEY-FINGERPRINT STATUS IEEE802.00000adc1a7a DSA* 4f:98:25:60:3b:fe:00:ba:db:ad:56:32:c3:e2:8b:3e IEEE802.00000f85f52f DSA* 1c:d4:b9:31:9d:f0:00:ba:db:ad:65:6c:8e:80:4d:b3 IEEE802.00000f85f52f DSA* 4f:98:25:60:3b:fe:00:ba:db:ad:56:32:c3:e2:8b:3e IEEE802.00000fe4d445 DSA* 13:d0:d4:47:aa:7f:00:ba:db:ad:26:3a:17:25:11:24 IEEE802.000000ee0d6b DSA* d0:d7:d0:57:12:18:00:ba:db:ad:b7:0f:5a:c0:8b:13

confirmed unconfirmed unconfirmed unconfirmed unconfirmed

2. Confirm all unconfirmed client keys.

# utkeyadm -a -U Skipping cid=IEEE802.00000f85f52f: Multiple (2) keys found. 2 keys confirmed.

Using the previous example, the unconfirmed client keys for IEEE802.00000fe4d445 and IEEE802.000000ee0d6b are confirmed.

11.7.3. How to Display a Client's Fingerprint Key from a Sun Ray Client
To display the key fingerprint for a client, press the Stop-K key combination on a Sun keyboard or CtrlPause-K on a non-Sun or PC keyboard. If the key panel does not display, the client might have old firmware installed that doesn't support client authentication. If the message No key available is displayed, the client still has preinstalled MfgPkg firmware or a bug exists.

11.7.4. How to Display All Client Keys

This procedure shows how to display client keys in the data store. For additional options to display client keys, see the utkeyadm man page.

Command Line Steps

Use the utkeyadm command.
# utkeyadm -l -H

For example:


How to Display All Keys for a Specific Client

# utkeyadm -l -H CID TYPE KEY-FINGERPRINT STATUS IEEE802.00000adc1a7a DSA* 4f:98:25:60:3b:fe:00:ba:db:ad:56:32:c3:e2:8b:3e IEEE802.00000f85f52f DSA* 1c:d4:b9:31:9d:f0:00:ba:db:ad:65:6c:8e:80:4d:b3 IEEE802.00000f85f52f DSA* 4f:98:25:60:3b:fe:00:ba:db:ad:56:32:c3:e2:8b:3e IEEE802.00000fe4d445 DSA* 13:d0:d4:47:aa:7f:00:ba:db:ad:26:3a:17:25:11:24 IEEE802.000000ee0d6b DSA* d0:d7:d0:57:12:18:00:ba:db:ad:b7:0f:5a:c0:8b:13

confirmed unconfirmed unconfirmed unconfirmed unconfirmed

Admin GUI Steps

For multiple clients, click the Desktop Units tab. The Client Key Status column indicates whether the client has a key in a confirmed or unconfirmed status, whether the client has multiple unconfirmed keys creating a conflict, or whether a key exists for the client. The possible Client Key Status values are None, Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Conflict, Automatic, or Invalid.

11.7.5. How to Display All Keys for a Specific Client

This procedure shows how to display client keys in the data store. For additional options to display client keys, see the utkeyadm man page.

Command-Line Steps
Use the utkeyadm command.
# utkeyadm [-l|-L] -c cid -H

where cid is the desktop ID of the client and -L displays additional auditing information.

The following example displays all keys for the IEEE802.0003ba0d93af client with additional auditing information.
# utkeyadm -L -c IEEE802.0003ba0d93af -H CID TYPE KEY-FINGERPRINT STATUS CREATED CONFIRMED CONFIRMED BY IEEE802.0003ba0d93af DSA* 4f:98:25:60:3b:fe:d6:f8:fb:38:56:32:c3:e2:8b:3e unconfirmed 2009-06-01 05:08:50 UTC -

Admin GUI Steps

For a single client, go to the Desktop Unit Properties page. The Client Keys table shows the known keys and their status for the client.

11.7.6. How to Delete a Specific Client Key

To delete a specific client key, use the following command:
# utkeyadm -d -c cid -k key-id

where cid is the desktop ID of the desktop to which the key belongs and key-id is the key fingerprint. For example:
# utkeyadm -d -c IEEE802.00000f85f52f -k 1c:d4:b9:31:9d:f0:00:ba:db:ad:65:6c:8e:80:4d:b3 1 key deleted .


How to Delete All Client Keys for a Specific Client

11.7.7. How to Delete All Client Keys for a Specific Client

To delete all client keys for a specific client, type the following command:
# utkeyadm -d -c cid

where cid is the desktop id of the desktop to which the keys belong. For example:
# utkeyadm -d -c IEEE802.00000f85f52f 2 keys deleted.

11.8. Managing Client Authentication

11.8.1. How to Disable Client Authentication
Some reasons to disable client authentication are: Reduce administrative overhead: At the cost of security, disabling client authentication saves time required to manage client keys on the servers. Eliminate log messages during upgrade: If you upgrade a Sun Ray server in a failover group with older servers, the upgraded server will repeatedly produce log messages indicated that it cannot store key data and the server will treat all keys as unconfirmed. Client authentication should be enabled once the entire group is upgraded. Note Disabling client authentication creates a security risk. Make sure you understand the consequences before disabling client authentication.

Before You Begin

Disabling client authentication applies to all future connections without restarting the Sun Ray server.

Command-Line Steps
Use the following command to disable client authentication:
# utcrypto -a auth_up_type=none

Use -m instead of -a if a non-default security policy already exists. To enable client authentication, set the auth_up_type value to default.

Admin GUI Steps

On the Advanced->Security page, deselect Client Authentication and click Save.

11.8.2. How to Force Client Authentication From All Clients

If you don't need to allow access to clients running older versions of firmware, you can improve security by requiring client authentication from all clients.

Command-Line Steps
Use the following command to force client authentication.


How to Deny Access to Clients With Unconfirmed Keys

# utcrypto -m auth_up_type=DSA auth_mode=hard

Use -a instead of -m if a non-default security policy already exists.

Admin GUI Steps

1. Navigate to the the Advanced->Security page. 2. Select the Client Authentication option and select Hard as the Security Mode. 3. Click Save.

11.8.3. How to Deny Access to Clients With Unconfirmed Keys

Sun Ray Client keys are initially considered unconfirmed and need to be confirmed as authentic for the specific client by human intervention. Oracle Virtual Desktop Client keys are always considered automatically confirmed (auto-confirmed), because the ID by which a Desktop Access Client is identified is uniquely derived from its key. The following procedure sets the policy that a confirmed key is required before access to a client is granted. To enact a stronger policy, you should also set up the security policy to require client authentication from all clients, as described in Section 11.8.2, How to Force Client Authentication From All Clients.

Command-Line Steps
1. View the current policies:
# utpolicy Current Policy: -a -g -z both -k pseudo -u pseudo

2. Set the client authentication policy with the -c option:

# utpolicy -a -g -z both -k pseudo -u pseudo -c

3. Restart the Sun Ray services:

# utstart

Admin GUI Steps

1. On the Advanced->System Policy tab page, select the Client Key Confirmation Required option in the Client Authentication section. 2. Restart all servers in the server group.

11.9. Server and Client Authentication Troubleshooting

11.9.1. Error Messages
Errors in authentication are reported in the following log files: Installation logs: /var/adm/log (Oracle Solaris only)


Error Messages

/var/log (Oracle Linux only) Configuration logs: /var/adm/log (Oracle Solaris only) /var/log/SUNWut (Oracle Linux only) General log files: /var/opt/SUNWut/log /var/opt/SUNWut/srds/log /var/opt/SUNWut/srds/replog Messages logged into /var/opt/SUNWut/log/messages are delivered through the syslog service described in the syslogd man page. The general format of these messages is:
timestamp thread_name message_class message

For example:
May 7 15:01:57 e47c utauthd: [ID 293833] Worker3 NOTICE: SESSION_OK pseudo.080020f8a5ee

Message components are defined as follows: timestamp format: hours:minutes:seconds thread_name: Worker# - Handles client authentication, access control, and session monitoring. Messages with the same thread name are related. The exception occurs when a Worker# thread disconnects a client and then purges the connection information from memory. After a Worker# DESTROY message, the next use of that Worker# thread name has no relation to previous uses of the thread name. In other words, thread names are reused. SessionManager# - Communicates with utsessiondon on behalf of a Worker# thread. AdminJobQ - Used in the implementation to wrap a library that would not otherwise be thread-safe. CallBack# - Communicates with applications such as utload. WatchID - Used to poll data or terminals from connections Terminator - Cleans up terminal sessions Group Manager - Main group manager thread message_class: CLIENT_ERROR - Indicates unexpected behavior from a client. These messages can be generated during normal operation if a client is rebooted. CONFIG_ERROR - Indicates a system configuration error. The Authentication Manager exits after this error is detected. NOTICE - Indicates a normal event.


Error Messages

UNEXPECTED - Logs events or conditions that were not anticipated for normal operation but are not fatal. DEBUG - Occurs only if explicitly enabled and is used by the development team. Debug messages can reveal session IDs, which must be kept secret to ensure proper security. Table 11.3. Server and Client Authentication Error Message Examples Error class CLIENT_ERROR Message ...Exception ... : cannot send keepAliveInf ...keepAlive timeout duplicate key: invalid key: CONFIG_ERROR attempt to instantiate CallBack 2nd time. AuthModule.load Cannot find module NOTICE Description Error encountered while attempting to send a keepalive message to a client. A client has failed to respond within the allotted time. The session is being disconnected. Client does not properly implement the authentication protocol. Client does not properly implement the authentication protocol. Program error. Problem encountered while loading configuration module. Program or installation error.

"discarding response: " + param No controlling application is present to receive client response. "NOT_CLAIMED PARAMETERS: " + param ...authentication module(s) loaded. ...DISCONNECT ... A token was not claimed by any authentication module. Notification that authentication modules have loaded. Normal notification of disconnection.


"CallBack: malformed command" Bad syntax from a user application such as utload or utidle. .../ ... read/0:" + ie .../ ... read/1: ... Exception ... .../... protocolError: ... Possible program error. Error encountered while reading messages from the client. Various protocol violations are reported with this message. This error condition is also a way for utauthd to force the client to reset.



Chapter 12. Multiple Monitor Configurations

Table of Contents
12.1. Multi-Monitor .......................................................................................................................... 12.1.1. Hotdesking and Multi-Monitor Configurations ................................................................ 12.1.2. How to Automatically Set a Client's Multi-Monitor Configuration ...................................... 12.1.3. Using xrandr to Set a Specific Multi-Monitor Configuration ........................................... 12.2. Multihead Groups ................................................................................................................... 12.2.1. Creating a Multihead Group ......................................................................................... 12.2.2. Multihead Group Screen Indicator ................................................................................ 12.2.3. Creating a Single Screen Across Several Monitors (Xinerama) ....................................... 12.2.4. How to Create a New Multihead Group ........................................................................ 12.2.5. How to Enable the Multihead Group Policy ................................................................... 12.2.6. How to Manually Set Multihead Group Screen Dimensions ............................................ 12.2.7. How to Manually Set Multihead Group Geometry .......................................................... 12.2.8. How to Disable Multihead Group for a Session ............................................................. 12.2.9. How to Enable and Disable Xinerama .......................................................................... 12.2.10. How to Disconnect a Secondary Client ....................................................................... This chapter describes how to administer two different types of monitor configurations that Sun Ray Software supports: multi-monitor and multihead groups. A multi-monitor configuration supports multiple monitors connected to the dual video connectors on a Sun Ray 2FS or Sun Ray 3 Plus Client. A multihead group configuration enables you to merge and control multiple Sun Ray Clients, referred to in this context as heads, and their screens using a single keyboard and mouse attached to a primary client. 135 136 136 136 139 140 140 140 141 141 142 142 143 143 144

12.1. Multi-Monitor
This section describes the multi-monitor support for the Sun Ray 2FS and Sun Ray 3 Plus Clients with dual video connectors. Figure 12.1, Multi-monitor Example shows a Sun Ray 3 Plus Client using the multimonitor feature and the Windows connector. Figure 12.1. Multi-monitor Example


Hotdesking and Multi-Monitor Configurations

The multi-monitor support is provided by the X Resize, Rotate, and Reflect (RandR) 1.2 extension, which provides a way to use the multiple monitors as one screen. Features include: Configuration changes can be applied dynamically to a session. Application windows are aware of monitor boundaries to avoid placement issues. No size restrictions. Hotdesking is supported to other clients with different monitor resolutions, whether they are smaller or larger. RandR 1.2 support is provided with the default Xserver, Xnewt, which is automatically installed and configured with the Sun Ray Software. The optimal multi-monitor configuration is applied automatically when a Sun Ray Client sessions starts, unless the utxconfig -r command is used to set the DIMENSIONS parameter. In that case, the utxconfig value will be used to size the screen. The utscreenresize -s all command is available to automatically set a client's multi-monitor configuration using the optimal resolutions. To specifically set a client's multi-monitor configuration, you must use the xrandr command. Note The gnome-display-properties GUI monitor configuration tool should not be used on Oracle Solaris or Oracle Linux. Using this tool may adversely affect the client's RandR 1.2 configuration.

12.1.1. Hotdesking and Multi-Monitor Configurations

The multi-monitor configuration is preserved after hotdesking. If the new client's monitor configuration is different, the previous configuration is used as best as possible. After hotdesking, you can use the utscreenresize -s all command to change the multi-monitor configuration to reflect the new client. You can create a utaction script to automatically run the utscreensize command when a client hotdesks, so a client's multi-monitor configuration is automatically changed to the optimal resolutions. For details, refer to Section 18.15.1, How to Enable Automatic Windows Desktop Resizing During Hotdesking. Although this procedure is located in the Windows connector chapter, it also applies to Oracle Solaris or Oracle Linux desktops.

12.1.2. How to Automatically Set a Client's Multi-Monitor Configuration

The following command automatically set a client's multi-monitor configuration using the optimal resolutions.
utscreenresize -s all

12.1.3. Using xrandr to Set a Specific Multi-Monitor Configuration

There may be times when you want to create a specific multi-monitor configuration for a client. This example shows how to use the xrandr command to view and set a specific multi-monitor configuration. For more details, refer to the xrandr man page. Note Sun Ray Software provides an updated version of the xrandr command for Oracle Linux, and it is installed in the /opt/SUNWut/bin directory during the installation 136

Using xrandr to Set a Specific Multi-Monitor Configuration

process. The /opt/SUNWut/bin/xrandr command provides the required functionality for the Sun Ray Software environment. Issuing the xrandr command without any options shows a client's current multi-monitor configuration. For example, here is the xrandr output for a session created on a client with one monitor displaying at 1280x1024 resolution:
(use /opt/SUNWut/bin/xrandr on Oracle Linux) % xrandr Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1280 x 1024, maximum 10240 x 10240 DVI1 connected 1280x1024+0+0 (normal left inverted right) 361mm x 288mm 1280x1024 0.0*+ 3840x2400 0.0 3200x2400 0.0 2560x2048 0.0 2560x1600 0.0 2560x1440 0.0 2048x1536 0.0 2048x1152 0.0 1920x1200 0.0 1920x1080 0.0 1680x1050 0.0 1600x1200 0.0 1600x1024 0.0 1600x900 0.0 1440x900 0.0 1400x1050 0.0 1368x768 0.0 1280x960 0.0 1280x800 0.0 1280x720 0.0 1152x900 0.0 1024x768 0.0 800x600 0.0 640x480 0.0

In this output, the Screen line provides the current overall screen resolution (1280x1024) and the available maximum resolution (10240x10240). There is a single Output named DVI1 that shows a 1280x1024 monitor connected to the client's DVI port (or the first DVI port on a dual-DVI client). All dimensions available for this Output are listed, although many of them may not be possible on this particular monitor. The current mode is indicated by a '*' and the optimal mode indicated with a '+'. After hotdesking to a dual-monitor client, the client's Screen configuration does not change, but the RandR information is updated to reflect optimal modes. For example, hotdesking to a client with 1600x1200 and 1920x1200 monitors would show the following xrandr output:
(use /opt/SUNWut/bin/xrandr on Oracle Linux) % xrandr Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1280 x 1024, maximum 10240 x 10240 DVI1 connected 1280x1024+0+0 (normal left inverted right) 451mm x 338mm 1600x1200 0.0 + 3840x2400 0.0 3200x2400 0.0 2560x2048 0.0 2560x1600 0.0 2560x1440 0.0 2048x1536 0.0 2048x1152 0.0 1920x1200 0.0 1920x1080 0.0 1680x1050 0.0 1600x1024 0.0 1600x900 0.0 1440x900 0.0


Using xrandr to Set a Specific Multi-Monitor Configuration

1400x1050 0.0 1368x768 0.0 1280x1024 0.0* 1280x960 0.0 1280x800 0.0 1280x720 0.0 1152x900 0.0 1024x768 0.0 800x600 0.0 640x480 0.0 DVI2 connected (normal left inverted right) 1920x1200 0.0 + 3840x2400 0.0 3200x2400 0.0 2560x2048 0.0 2560x1600 0.0 2560x1440 0.0 2048x1536 0.0 2048x1152 0.0 1920x1080 0.0 1680x1050 0.0 1600x1200 0.0 1600x1024 0.0 1600x900 0.0 1440x900 0.0 1400x1050 0.0 1368x768 0.0 1280x1024 0.0 1280x960 0.0 1280x800 0.0 1280x720 0.0 1152x900 0.0 1024x768 0.0 800x600 0.0 640x480 0.0

For this new client, two Outputs are listed, DVI1 and DVI2. Although DVI2 is "connected," it is not configured with a current mode. Both Outputs have their optimal modes indicated with a '+', but DVI1 still has 1280x1024 as its current mode. The best way to reconfigure this Screen with the optimal modes for both DVI1 and DVI2 would be to use the utscreenresize command described in the previous section. However, if you wanted to select specific resolutions for each monitor, you would need to use the --output option of the xrandr command. For example, if you wanted both monitors to use 1600x1200, you would issue the following xrandr command:
(use /opt/SUNWut/bin/xrandr on Oracle Linux) % xrandr --output DVI1 --mode 1600x1200 --output DVI2 --mode 1600x1200 --right-of DVI1

Here is the new multi-monitor configuration, with both DVI1 and DVI2 at 1600x1200 resolution and DVI2 starting at 1600,0 on the screen:
(use /opt/SUNWut/bin/xrandr on Oracle Linux) % xrandr Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 3200 x 1200, maximum 10240 x 10240 DVI1 connected 1600x1200+0+0 (normal left inverted right) 451mm x 338mm 1600x1200 0.0*+ 3840x2400 0.0 3200x2400 0.0 2560x2048 0.0 2560x1600 0.0 2560x1440 0.0 2048x1536 0.0 2048x1152 0.0 1920x1200 0.0


Multihead Groups

1920x1080 0.0 1680x1050 0.0 1600x1024 0.0 1600x900 0.0 1440x900 0.0 1400x1050 0.0 1368x768 0.0 1280x1024 0.0 1280x960 0.0 1280x800 0.0 1280x720 0.0 1152x900 0.0 1024x768 0.0 800x600 0.0 640x480 0.0 DVI2 connected 1920x1200+1600+0 (normal left inverted right) 541mm x 338mm 1920x1200 0.0 + 3840x2400 0.0 3200x2400 0.0 2560x2048 0.0 2560x1600 0.0 2560x1440 0.0 2048x1536 0.0 2048x1152 0.0 1920x1080 0.0 1680x1050 0.0 1600x1200 0.0* 1600x1024 0.0 1600x900 0.0 1440x900 0.0 1400x1050 0.0 1368x768 0.0 1280x1024 0.0 1280x960 0.0 1280x800 0.0 1280x720 0.0 1152x900 0.0 1024x768 0.0 800x600 0.0 640x480 0.0

Note that 1920x1200 is still marked as "optimal" for DVI2, but it is currently using 1600x1200.

12.2. Multihead Groups

A multihead group configuration enables you to merge and control multiple Sun Ray Clients, referred to in this context as heads, and their screens using a single keyboard and mouse attached to a primary client. The maximum number of clients that can be connected to a single Sun Ray session as a multihead group is 16, and a multihead group can be composed of virtually any mix of Sun Ray Clients. If you use clients that support up to two monitors, such as the Sun Ray 2FS Client or Sun Ray 3i Client, then a multihead group can control as many as 32 monitors. Each Sun Ray Client presents an X screen of the multihead X display. All peripherals are attached to the primary client. The remaining clients, called the secondary clients, provide the additional displays. If a secondary client tries to connect when the primary client is not available, a Waiting for Primary icon is displayed on the secondary client until the primary client is discovered. Ordinarily, a multihead group session has a separate desktop toolbar and separate workspaces on each monitor. Windows cannot be moved from one monitor to another within the multihead group. Xinerama, by contrast, enables all the monitors in a multihead group to be treated as a single screen. See Section 12.2.9, How to Enable and Disable Xinerama for more details.


Creating a Multihead Group

If you hotdesk from a multihead group to a Sun Ray Client that is not part of a multihead group, you can still view all the screens created in the original multihead group on the single screen by panning to each screen in turn. This action is called screen flipping.

12.2.1. Creating a Multihead Group

There are two main steps to create a multihead group: Create the multihead group using the utmhconfig (GUI) or utmhadm command. The command must be run on the primary client. You can use a smart card to identify the terminals. Enable the multihead policy using either the utpolicy command or the Admin GUI. Note the following limitations: The Sun Ray 2FS and Sun Ray 3 Plus Clients are designed to run a single display across two monitors without additional configuration, using a single frame buffer for two monitors, always treating them as a single, unified display surface to be controlled with a single mouse and keyboard and displayed to the X server as a single screen. Video acceleration works only on the primary client. In a multihead group, the audio stream is directed only to the primary client, so audio/video synchronization is provided only on the primary client. Regional hotdesking is not enabled for multihead groups.

12.2.2. Multihead Group Screen Indicator

When the multihead feature is used, a small window indicating the current session on each screen is displayed, with the current screen highlighted for easy identification. This window is automatically displayed for users during session creation. For example, Figure 12.2, Multihead Group Screen Indicator indicates that the user is on the second screen of a three-screen display. Figure 12.2. Multihead Group Screen Indicator

12.2.3. Creating a Single Screen Across Several Monitors (Xinerama)

The Xinerama extension to X11 creates a single large screen displayed across several monitors. With Xinerama, only one toolbar is displayed, and a window can be moved smoothly from one part of the screen to the next. When Xinerama is enabled, the RandR extension is automatically disabled. For CDE desktop sessions, a single CDE toolbar and set of workspaces manages the configured monitors. A window including the CDE toolbar itself can span monitors, because the monitor displays are still within the same screen. See Section 12.2.9, How to Enable and Disable Xinerama for more details. Xinerama can also be used with the Windows connector uttsc command.


How to Create a New Multihead Group

12.2.4. How to Create a New Multihead Group

1. On the primary client, start the Multi-head Administration GUI.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utmhconfig

2. On the initial screen, click Create New Group. Figure 12.3. utmhconfig Home Screen

The Create New Multiheaded Group dialog box is displayed. The number of rows and the number of columns you provide are displayed as the group geometry when the group is created. 3. Follow the instructions in the wizard to complete the procedure. The main step in the wizard is to select the clients within the multihead group and insert a smart card in each Sun Ray Client in turn to establish the order of the group. 4. Click the Finish button. 5. Exit the session or disconnect by removing your card. 6. Enable the Multihead policy. See Section 12.2.5, How to Enable the Multihead Group Policy for more details.

12.2.5. How to Enable the Multihead Group Policy

Command-Line Steps
The following command enables the multihead group policy for the failover group and restarts the Sun Ray Software with the new policy on the local server without disrupting existing sessions.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -a -m -g your_policy_flags


How to Manually Set Multihead Group Screen Dimensions

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart

Note Issue the utstart command on every server in the failover group.

Admin GUI Steps

1. Click the Advanced tab. 2. Click the System Policy tab. 3. Select the Multihead Feature Enabled option. 4. Click the Save button. If a system restart is needed, an advisory message will display.

12.2.6. How to Manually Set Multihead Group Screen Dimensions

Screen dimensions for the multihead group are automatically set, by default, to the largest dimension supported by the primary client. To override the automatic sizing of screen dimensions, use the utxconfig -r command. Note If explicit screen dimensions are chosen, or if the resolutions of the monitors differ, you may have problems with unwanted on-screen movement called panning, or large black bands around the visible screen area. How to Override Automatic Sizing of Screen Dimensions

% utxconfig -r widthxheight

For example:
% utxconfig -r 1280x1024 How to Restore Automatic Sizing Behavior on the Next Login

% utxconfig -r auto

12.2.7. How to Manually Set Multihead Group Geometry

A multihead group can have its screens arranged in various configurations. For example, a user can arrange a multihead group of four screens as two rows of two screens (2x2) or as a single row of four screens (4x1). By default, when a user logs into a multihead group, the session uses the number of screens available. The layout or geometry of these displays is generated automatically. When the mouse pointer is moved past the edge between two screens, it moves from one screen to the next. The geometry of the multihead group determines which screen is displayed at that moment. You can use the utxconfig -R command to manipulate the automatic geometry. How to Override the Automatic Geometry

% utxconfig -R columnsxrows


How to Disable Multihead Group for a Session How to Restore the Automatic Geometry on the Next Login

% utxconfig -R auto

12.2.8. How to Disable Multihead Group for a Session

% utxconfig -m off

12.2.9. How to Enable and Disable Xinerama

Users can enable or disable Xinerama as part of their X preferences. The utxconfig command handles this setting on an individual token basis. The user must log off for the changes to take effect. When Xinerama is enabled, the RandR extension is automatically disabled. Note Video acceleration is not available for Xinerama sessions. Video played without video acceleration can be dragged from one Sun Ray Client to another or can span multiple clients. Note Xinerama tends to consume noticeable amounts of CPU, memory, and network bandwidth. For optimal performance, set the shmsys:shminfo_shmmax parameter in the /etc/system file to at least LARGEST_NUMBER_OF_HEADS * width * height * 4. How to Enable Xinerama

1. Log in to the Sun Ray session. 2. Enable Xinerama.
% utxconfig -x on

3. Log off the session and log back in for the changes to take effect. How to Disable Xinerama

1. Log in to the Sun Ray session. 2. Disable Xinerama.
% utxconfig -x off

3. Log off the session and log back in for the changes to take effect. How to Enable Xinerama as Default for All Clients

1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Enable Xinerama for all clients.
# utxconfig -a -x on

If users are currently logged in, they need to log off the session and log back in for the changes to take effect. 143

How to Disconnect a Secondary Client

12.2.10. How to Disconnect a Secondary Client

If you disconnect the secondary clients without deleting the multihead group to which they belong, the screens are not displayed on the single primary client. The primary client is still part of the multihead group, and the mouse cursor can appear to get lost when it goes to the disconnected secondary client. To recover from this situation, you can do one of the following actions: 1. Reconnect the missing client. 2. Delete the multihead group using the utmhconfig or utmhadm command. 3. Replace the missing client. 4. Create a new multihead group that incorporates the replacement client.


Chapter 13. Sun Ray Clients

Table of Contents
13.1. How to Centralize Sun Ray Client Configurations (.parms) ....................................................... 146 13.2. Sun Ray Client Hot Keys ....................................................................................................... 148 13.2.1. How to Configure the Utility Hot Keys .......................................................................... 149 13.3. How to Change Sun Ray Client Audio and Display Settings (Sun Ray Settings GUI) .................. 151 13.4. How to List Available Sun Ray Servers ................................................................................... 152 13.5. How to List the Available Clients ............................................................................................ 153 13.6. How to Display Sun Ray Client Information ............................................................................. 153 13.7. How to Redirect a Sun Ray Client Session ............................................................................. 154 13.7.1. How to Manually Redirect to a Different Sun Ray Server (utselect) ................................. 154 13.7.2. How to Manually Redirect to a Different Sun Ray Server (utswitch) ................................ 155 13.8. How to Disconnect a Sun Ray Client Session ......................................................................... 155 13.9. How to Terminate a Sun Ray Client Session ........................................................................... 155 13.10. How to Power Cycle a Sun Ray Client .................................................................................. 156 13.11. How to Enable or Disable XRender ....................................................................................... 156 13.12. How to Disable Screen Blanking on a Sun Ray Client ............................................................ 156 13.12.1. How to Disable Screen Blanking for All Sun Ray Sessions ........................................... 157 13.13. How to Modify Screen Resolutions ........................................................................................ 158 13.14. How to Enable the NumLock Key for All Sun Ray Sessions .................................................... 158 13.15. How To Identify a Hung Session ........................................................................................... 159 13.16. How To Kill a Hung Session ................................................................................................. 159 13.17. How to Limit Administrative Privileges for Non-root Users (Oracle Linux) ................................. 160 13.18. Keyboard Country Codes ...................................................................................................... 160 13.19. Sun Ray Client Boot Process ............................................................................................... 161 13.20. Audio Output Troubleshooting ............................................................................................... 164 13.20.1. Audio Frequencies Used With Applications ................................................................. 164 13.20.2. Tracking Audio Sessions ............................................................................................ 164 13.20.3. Audio Device Emulation ............................................................................................. 165 13.20.4. Problem: Audio is not working .................................................................................... 165 13.20.5. Problem: Audio is not working when playing Adobe Flash Videos on an Oracle Linux Desktop .................................................................................................................................. 165 13.20.6. Problem: Audio is not working with Firefox .................................................................. 166 13.20.7. Problem: An application ignores the $AUDIODEV environment variable ........................ 166 13.20.8. xmms Player Configuration (Oracle Linux) ................................................................... 166 This chapter provides information about managing Sun Ray Clients and provides a list of typical procedures when using a Sun Ray Client. To start a session on a Sun Ray Client once it is properly configured, all you need to do is power on the Sun Ray client, log in after it boots, and wait for the desktop to display. The following chapters also provide more specific administration information for Sun Ray Clients: Chapter 14, Sun Ray Client Firmware Chapter 16, Sun Ray Client Troubleshooting Icons Chapter 15, Sun Ray Client Peripherals


How to Centralize Sun Ray Client Configurations (.parms)

13.1. How to Centralize Sun Ray Client Configurations (.parms)

Once a Sun Ray Client discovers the firmware server, it downloads its corresponding *.parms file. This file contains the firmware revision, which is checked against the client to make sure its firmware is upto-date. The .parms file can also be used to centralize and provide other Sun Ray Client configuration values, such as the servers keyword used to specify the Sun Ray servers if the sunray-servers DNS entry isn't used. See Table 13.1, Sun Ray Client Configuration Parameters (.parms) for the list of configuration values. By default, utsetup creates an initial set of .parms files for each Sun Ray model type. You can use the -i option of the utfwadm command and a template file to centralized updates for all the .parms file. The key/value entries in the template will be appended to each model-specific .parms file.

1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Create the /tftpboot directory on the Sun Ray server if it does not exist already.
# mkdir /tftpboot

3. Create the template for the .parms file. This template is a text file with key/value pairs, and it can be located anywhere on your file system. It is common practice to store it in the /tftpboot directory. In this example, the file is named srsconfig, and it resides in the /tftpboot directory.
# vi /tftpboot/srconfig

See Table 13.1, Sun Ray Client Configuration Parameters (.parms) for the list of key/value pairs that you can add to the .parms file. 4. Use the utfwadm command to update the .parms files. The utfwadm command automatically uses the latest firmware installed on the Sun Ray server. Again, the following example uses /tftpboot/srsconfig for the template file location.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utfwadm -AaV -i /tftpboot/srconfig

Table 13.1, Sun Ray Client Configuration Parameters (.parms) lists the key/value pairs. Additional key/value pairs included in the .parms files are in key=value format, with case sensitivity and no spaces allowed. Options that take values of 0 or 1 have a default value of 0 if not specified. The following table lists the options that are allowed. For details on the options that can be used to configure the .parms files, see the utfwadm man page. Table 13.1. Sun Ray Client Configuration Parameters (.parms) Key bandwidth=bits_per_second cmdcashsize=size Description Sets the maximum bandwidth limit used by the Sun Ray Client, in bits per second. Sets the command cache used to store the list of recent commands, in Kbytes. Default value is 512 Kbytes, maximum value is 8192 Kbytes, and a zero value disables the command cache. When set to 1, forces compression on. Default is 1 (compression on).

compress=[0 | 1]


How to Centralize Sun Ray Client Configurations (.parms)

Key fastload=[0 | 1]

Description When set to 1, forces the maximum TFTP transfer size if the TFTP server supports it. The default is 512-byte packets. Over a high latency connection, using this setting typically doubles the speed of firmware downloads. When set to 1, forces full duplex setting.

fulldup=[0 | 1]

enablegui=[force | none | hashed-passwd | prompt Enables or disables the Configuration GUI. | off] These keywords should be changed only with the utfwadm -G or utfwadm -g command, disablegui=[force | none | hashed-passwd | prompt respectively. See Chapter 14, Sun Ray Client | off] Firmware for details. kbcountry=code Forces the keyboard country code number (keyboard map) for a non-U.S. USB keyboard that reports a country code value of 0. This value can also be set on the Advanced menu of the Configuration GUI. See Section 13.18, Keyboard Country Codes for the list of code numbers. LogXXX= Sets the logging level for various classes of logging events, where XXX is one of Appl, Vid, USB, Net, or Kern. Valid values are 1 through 7, with 7 providing the most detailed logging output. A separate entry must be specified for each type. The logging information is saved in the /var/opt/ SUNWut/log/messages file on the LogHost. When using a shared network (LAN) with external DHCP server support (configured network using utadm -L on), logging for each event type is disabled unless the LogXXX value and the LogHost value are set. LogHost= The Sun Ray server where logging output is saved when one or more LogXXX entries are specified. Valid value is a resolvable DSN host name or an IP address of a Sun Ray server. When using a failover group, the primary Sun Ray server should be specified. When set to 1, does not permit lossy compression to be used. Sets the network MTU. The value used is the minimum of those supplied from various sources. Sets how much time a Sun Ray 3 Series Client will be idle before it turns off. The default power off time is 30 minutes. Setting poweroff=0 disables the power off feature. When the power off feature is enabled, the firmware enforces a minimum power off value of 10 minutes and a maximum power off

lossless=[0 | 1] MTU= poweroff=


Sun Ray Client Hot Keys


Description value of 30 days. The value for the power off feature is in minutes. For example, poweroff=15 sets the idle power off timer to 15 minutes.


Permissible values are inorder or random. Selects a server from the server list either starting at the beginning or at random, respectively. Specifies a comma-separated mixture of host names or IP addresses indicating the available session servers. Specifies an alternative combination of modifier keys to perform the same function as the Stop key on the Sun keyboard or the Ctrl-Pause key sequence. By default, this alternative combination is Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Meta. See Section 13.2, Sun Ray Client Hot Keys for details. The value of keyn can be any combination of the Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Meta keys, but at least two of the keys must be used. For example, you can set this value to Ctrl-Alt or Meta-Ctrl-Shift. If this parameter is set to none, the alternative key combination is disabled. Note that the Meta key has different names on different keyboards: on a PC keyboard, it is the "Windows" key, and on a Mac keyboard, it is the "Command" key.


stopkeys=[keyn[-keyn]* | none]

stopqon=[0 | 1]

When set to 1, enables the Stop-Q key sequence to be used to disconnect a Sun Ray Client from a server, in particular, if it's using a VPN connection. When set to 1, disables the ability to use the utload program to force a Sun Ray Client to load firmware. When set to 1, disables the input source on the front of a Sun Ray 270 Client, and it locks the monitor into displaying only the client output.

utloadoff=[0 | 1] videoindisable=[0 | 1]

13.2. Sun Ray Client Hot Keys

For a Sun Ray Client, there are a number of predefined hot keys that can trigger an activity or event on a client, which are shown in Table 13.2, Sun Ray Client Hot Keys. The key sequences can be either an Oracle-specific key combination (using keys that might exist only on Oracle keyboards) or by an alternative key combination that does not require Oracle-specific keys. The activities controlled by these hot keys are specific to a Sun Ray Client. Desktop software running in the Sun Ray session might provide a separate keyboard shortcut facility that provides additional hot keys for desktop activities, perhaps including the ability to launch certain programs.


How to Configure the Utility Hot Keys

By default,the alternative prefix key combinations are Ctrl-Pause and Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Meta. The Ctrl-Pause key sequence is used throughout this documentation. The Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Meta key combination can be changed through the Advanced menu of the Configuration GUI (Enter Alternative STOP modifiers) or the stopkeys keyword in the .parms file. It can be set to any combination of the four keys, but at least two must be used. Note The Meta key has different names on different keyboards: on a PC keyboard, it is the "Windows" key, and on a Mac keyboard, it is the "Command" key. Table 13.2. Sun Ray Client Hot Keys Oracle-specific Hot Key Mute Softer Louder Non-Oracle Hot Key Ctrl-Pause-CursorDown Ctrl-Pause-CursorLeft Ctrl-Pause-CursorRight Action Mute and unmute audio. Decreases the audio volume. Increases the audio volume. Displays the Sun Ray Client's MAC and IP addresses and server IP address. Power cycles the Sun Ray Client. On an Oracle keyboard, the Power key has a crescent moon glyph and is positioned at the top right corner of the keyboard. Clears any local configuration data on the Sun Ray Client. Enables or disables the On-Screen Display (OSD) troubleshooting icons when a Sun Ray Client boots. Opens the Configuration GUI to modify how to initialize the client. The Configuration GUI must be enabled on the client. Displays the Sun Ray Client's model, MAC address, and firmware version. Terminates a session. This hot key cannot be reconfigured to another value, but it can be disabled. For details, see the utxconfig man page. Terminates the process that has taken control of the X server.

Mute-Softer-Louder or Ctrl-Pause-N Stop-N Ctrl-Power or Stop-A Ctrl-Pause-A

Stop-C Stop-O Stop-S or Stop-M

Ctrl-Pause-C Ctrl-Pause-O Ctrl-Pause-S or Ctrl-PauseM Ctrl-Pause-V Ctrl-Alt-Bksp-Bksp

Stop-V Ctrl-Alt-Bksp-Bksp



There are also hot keys used to launch the utsettings or utdetach Sun Ray utilities. You can configure these hot key sequences through your $HOME/ file, or they can be set by the administrator per a site-wide basis. See Section 13.2.1, How to Configure the Utility Hot Keys for details.

13.2.1. How to Configure the Utility Hot Keys

Hot keys can be configured to launch the utsettings or utdetach Sun Ray utilities. The scopes for these hot keys are as follows: System-wide default setting


How to Configure the Utility Hot Keys

User default setting System-wide mandatory setting To support these levels of customization, the Sun Ray Client at session startup examines the following property files in the order shown in Table 13.3, Sun Ray Settings Property Files. Table 13.3. Sun Ray Settings Property Files File /etc/opt/SUNWut/ Scope System Description This file contains the default properties. Any properties specified override any defaults built into the application itself. This file contains the user's preferred values, which override any application or system-wide defaults. This file contains system-wide mandatory settings that cannot be overridden by the user. These properties override any application, system-wide, or user defaults.





If your policy is for all users to use the same standard hot key, modify the system-wide mandatory defaults file to specify this standard key. This setting prevents users from specifying their own hot key preferences. The format of the hot key entry in these property files is utility_name.hotkey=value, where utility_name_is the name of the utility (currently either utsettings or utdetach) and value is a valid X keysym name preceded by one or more of the supported modifiers (Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Meta) in any order. Default values are shown in Table 13.4, Defaults for Configurable Hot Key Values. Table 13.4. Defaults for Configurable Hot Key Values Configuration Property Name utsettings.hotkey utdetach.hotkey Default Hot Key Action Shift-Props Shift-Pause Invokes the Sun Ray Settings GUI. Detaches the session from this Sun Ray Client. (Often used to to detach a non-smart card mobility session.) How to Change Utility Hot Key Settings for All Users
If you don't want your users to use the default hot keys to launch the utilities, you can set up the systemwide defaults file to specify different hot keys. Users can still specify their preferences in the user defaults file. 1. As superuser, open the /etc/opt/SUNWut/ file in a text editor. Note If you want to make the change mandatory for all users even if they have user defaults set, change the value in the /etc/opt/SUNWut/ file.


How to Change Sun Ray Client Audio and Display Settings (Sun Ray Settings GUI)

2. Locate the original hot key entry for the utility you want to change and place a # in front of it to comment it out. For example:
# utdetach.hotkey=Shift Pause

3. Type the new hot key property after the first statement. For example:
utdetach.hotkey=Alt F9

4. Save the file. 5. Log out and log back in to enable the new hot key. How to Change the Utility Hot Key Settings for a Single User
A user's hot key settings override any system-wide default settings, unless they are mandatory. 1. In the user's home directory, create the file. Note Make sure that the user owns and can read this file. 2. Add a line to the file with the value for the hot key. For example:
utsettings.hotkey=Shift F8

3. Save the file. 4. Log out and log back in to enable the new hot key.

13.3. How to Change Sun Ray Client Audio and Display Settings (Sun Ray Settings GUI)
The Sun Ray Settings GUI enables you to view and change the audio and display settings for a Sun Ray Client that you are currently logged into. The utset command provides a non-GUI mechanism for reporting and modifying Sun Ray Client settings. For details, refer to the utset man page. 1. Press the Settings hot key or run the utsettings command. The default Settings hot key combination is Shift-Props, but this assignment can be reconfigured as described in Section 13.2.1, How to Configure the Utility Hot Keys. The Sun Ray Settings GUI is displayed, as shown in Figure 13.1, Sun Ray Settings GUI.


How to List Available Sun Ray Servers

Figure 13.1. Sun Ray Settings GUI

2. Use the Category menu to view the Audio Output, Audio Input, Display, or Video settings panels. 3. To change a setting, move the appropriate scroll bar, checkbox, or pull-down menu. Changes to the monitor signal timing through the Resolution/Refresh Rate setting require confirmation before and after the change is applied to the client. All other changes take effect immediately. 4. Dismiss the Sun Ray Settings GUI. If the window was launched by the Settings hot key, press the hot key again or apply the window manager's close action to that window. If the window was launched by invoking utsettings directly, apply the window manager's close action to that window.

13.4. How to List Available Sun Ray Servers

In a shell window on the Sun Ray Client, type the following command:
% utswitch -l

Sun Ray servers within the current server group that are available to the client are displayed.


How to List the Available Clients

13.5. How to List the Available Clients

This procedure describes how to list all the available Sun Ray Clients and Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients on the the Sun Ray server.

Command-Line Steps
1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Display all the available clients.
# utdesktop -l

Admin GUI Steps

1. Start the Admin GUI. 2. Click the Desktop Units tab. The list of available clients are displayed. You can use the drop-down menu and Search field to display the specific clients you want to view.

13.6. How to Display Sun Ray Client Information

This procedure describes how to view information about registered Sun Ray Clients, including their client ID and installed firmware. If you have access to the physical Sun Ray Client, you can press Stop-V to view the client's current information. To display information about Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients, including their client IDs, see Chapter 17, Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients.

Command-Line Steps
1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Display information about a client.
# utdesktop -p clientID

where clientID is is a Sun Ray Client's MAC address. You can use the utdesktop -l command to list all the Sun Ray Clients and their client IDs.

Admin GUI Steps

Note To facilitate the searching process, you can use the Admin GUI to edit Sun Ray Client properties. Click the DTU Identifier and then click edit. You can then provide a location or other information. 1. Click the Desktop Units tab. 2. From the Desktop Units tab, choose the information to display: To display information about a specific Sun Ray Client, click on the DTU Identifier (MAC address) or enter a search string in the text field.


How to Redirect a Sun Ray Client Session

To display information about a group of Sun Ray Clients, select an option from the drop-down menu (All Connected Desktop Units, Token Readers, or Multihead Groups) and/or enter a search string in the text field to narrow your search.

13.7. How to Redirect a Sun Ray Client Session

A Sun Ray Client session is automatically redirected to the appropriate Sun Ray server based on the following situations: Failover group redirection occurs after token insertion. Regional Hotdesking redirection (if configured) occurs after token or user identification and before user authentication. To manually redirect a session to a different server, use the utselect GUI or the utswitch command.

13.7.1. How to Manually Redirect to a Different Sun Ray Server (utselect)

From a shell window on the Sun Ray Client, type the following command:
% utselect

The selections in the window are sorted in order of the most current to least current active sessions for the token ID. As shown in Figure 13.2, Server Selection (utselect) GUI, the Server column lists the servers accessible from the Sun Ray Client. The Session column reports the DISPLAY variable X session number on the server if one exists. In the Status column, Up indicates that the server is available. The first server in the list is selected by default. Select a server from the list or type the name of a server in the Enter server field. If a server without an existing session is selected, a new session is created on that server. Figure 13.2. Server Selection (utselect) GUI


How to Manually Redirect to a Different Sun Ray Server (utswitch)

13.7.2. How to Manually Redirect to a Different Sun Ray Server (utswitch)

In a shell window on the Sun Ray Client, type the following command:
% utswitch -h host

where host is the host name or IP address of the Sun Ray server to which the selected client is redirected.

13.8. How to Disconnect a Sun Ray Client Session

When you disconnect a Sun Ray Client session, the client stops displaying the user's desktop and requires authentication to re-access the session again in most situations. Disconnecting a session is important for security reasons when you have to leave a client unattended. When using smart cards, the session disconnects when you remove the smart card from the client. For NSCM and RHA sessions, you can disconnect a client session through any of the following methods: (Oracle Solaris only) Lock the desktop through the current desktop manager. For example, in the Java Desktop System, choose Launch->Lock Screen. Locking the desktop forces the session to disconnect. A disconnect will also occur if the desktop screen lock idle time interval is exceeded. Locking an Oracle Linux desktop locks only the desktop and does not disconnect the session. If a new user wants needs to use the Sun Ray Client where the desktop is locked, the user must reset the client to disconnect the session and make the client available for use. So, for Oracle Linux deskops, using the utdetach command is recommended. Use the utdetach command:
% /opt/SUNWut/bin/utdetach

Press Shift-Pause. To change the disconnect hot key combination, see Section 13.2, Sun Ray Client Hot Keys. Note The hot key combination does not work with a full-screen Windows session. Connect to your session through another client, either by inserting your smart card and authenticating to RHA or by logging in through NSCM.

13.9. How to Terminate a Sun Ray Client Session

To terminate the current session and the current X server process, perform one of the following actions: Log out from your current desktop session. Press the key combination Ctrl-Alt-Bksp-Bksp. A momentary delay might occur before the session terminates. Note Use Ctrl-Alt-Bksp-Bksp only for emergencies when you are unable to log out from the desktop. When using this method, applications will not have the opportunity to exit properly and save data, and some application data corruption might result.


How to Power Cycle a Sun Ray Client

13.10. How to Power Cycle a Sun Ray Client

To power cycle a Sun Ray Client with a hard reset: Disconnect and then reconnect the power cord. Press the power button if one is available. To power cycle a Sun Ray Client with a soft reset, press Ctrl-Power or Stop-A. The Power key at the right side of the top row of an Oracle Type 6 or Type 7 keyboard has a crescent moon icon. Therefore, the soft reset key sequence is often called Ctrl-Moon.

13.11. How to Enable or Disable XRender

Sun Ray Software includes the Xserver process, Xnewt, as the default Xserver. Xnewt also includes the capability to use the X Rendering Extension (Render), which allows applications on a client to use a rendering model based on Porter-Duff compositing. XRender is enabled by default because many new X applications require XRender to improve performance or to even function properly. However, some applications use of XRender may conflict with optimizations in the Sun Ray protocol and create an increase in both CPU loading and network bandwidth consumption. In these instances, the applications may see a performance benefit by disabling the XRender extension. By default, XRender is enabled. If a Sun Ray Client experiences performance degradation with a particular application, use the following procedure to disable XRender. Note After enabling or disabling XRender, you must restart your current Sun Ray session (Ctrl-Alt-Bksp-Bksp) for the change to take affect. Or, you can log out from your current session and log back in. To disable XRender on a client:
% utxconfig -n off

To enable XRender on a client:

% utxconfig -n on

Note You can use the -A option to supersede all user configured and system default settings.

13.12. How to Disable Screen Blanking on a Sun Ray Client

There may be times when you do not want your Sun Ray Client in power saving mode, during which the screen goes blank after a specific period of nonuse. Power management is a feature of the Sun Ray Software and it is enabled by default. There are a couple of ways to disable power saving mode. To Disable Power Saving Mode... Then... At the desktop environment level, Refer to your desktop documentation about how to disable the power management feature or the screensaver feature.


How to Disable Screen Blanking for All Sun Ray Sessions

To Disable Power Saving Mode... Then... Here are some examples: Use the xset s noblank;xset s 0 0;xset s off command. For Oracle Solaris, make sure that xscreensaver (JDS) or dtsession (CDE) is disabled or configured to not blank or lock the screen. If active, xscreensaver overrides any settings you have made using the xset command. See the xscreensaver(1) man page for details. For Oracle Linux, make sure that gnome-screensaver is disabled or configured to not blank or lock the screen. See the gnome-screensavercommand(1) man page for details. From the Sun Ray Client level, Set the Advanced->Video->Blanking parameter to 0 in the Configuration GUI, if enabled. For more details, see Section 14.5, How to Modify a Sun Ray Client's Local Configuration (Configuration GUI).

13.12.1. How to Disable Screen Blanking for All Sun Ray Sessions
The following procedure describes how to disable screen blanking for all Sun Ray sessions. Note This configuration works for all kiosk sessions, but it does not work for sessions using the Gnome Display Manager through a regular session mode. 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Change directory to the session initialization directory. Oracle Solaris:
# cd /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d

Oracle Linux:
# cd /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d

3. Create the following customized script (the script is called in this procedure).
#!/bin/sh # This script disables the X Server from blanking # For both Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux # Check for OS and add the path to xset for Oracle Solaris TheOS=`uname` if [ "$TheOS" = "SunOS" ];then PATH=$PATH:/usr/openwin/bin;export PATH fi # Disable the Xserver from screen blanking xset s noblank;xset s 0 0;xset s off

Note The script name should have the 0050. prefix to make sure it is run at the appropriate time.


How to Modify Screen Resolutions

Note For Oracle Linux, the script name must have the .sh extension, otherwise the script will not get sourced. 4. Save the script and make the script executable for everyone.
# chmod 775

5. Start a new session, so the script gets sourced.

13.13. How to Modify Screen Resolutions

You can modify your client's screen resolution settings by invoking the utsettings command. Any resolution selection made within a session remains effective whenever the session is displayed on that particular Sun Ray Client. The selection is not lost if the unit goes into power-save mode or is powercycled; however, the resolution settings selected through the utsettings command apply only to the client where the command is run. When you move to another Sun Ray Client, the resolution settings do not accompany you to the new client, but the settings remain effective for your session on the original client if you return to the session through hotdesking. If the session is associated with a personal mobile token, such as a smart card or an NSCM credential, a message displays offering to make the selected timing permanent. If you accept that offer, then the timing is retained and reused on your subsequent personal mobile token sessions on the same client. In addition, the administrator can use the utresadm command to arrange for particular monitor timing to be used in the following situations: Whenever a specific token is presented on a specific client On a specific client regardless of the token that is presented at the client On all clients regardless of the token that is presented at the client Any conflict among settings is resolved in favor of the most specific configuration rule. That is, a configuration record for a specific token at a specific Sun Ray Client takes precedence over a record for any token at that specific client, and a configuration record for any token at a specific client takes precedence over a record for any token at any client. For further details, see the utsettings and utresadm man pages.

13.14. How to Enable the NumLock Key for All Sun Ray Sessions
The utkeylock command can modify the state of certain locking modifier keys on a user's keyboard. Currently, only the NumLock key is supported. This command may be useful to invoke during session creation to enable NumLock for users who expect NumLock to be on by default, which is typical for Windows PCs. By default, the NumLock key is disabled on a Sun Ray Client. Note This configuration works for all kiosk sessions, but it does not work for sessions using the Gnome Display Manager through a regular session mode. The following procedure describes how to enable the NumLock key for all Sun Ray sessions.


How To Identify a Hung Session

1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Change directory to the session initialization directory. Oracle Solaris:
# cd /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d

Oracle Linux:
# cd /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d

3. Create one of the following customized scripts based on the result you want (the script is called in this procedure). Enable the NumLock key when a session initializes.
#!/bin/sh # Enable NumLock key for each session /opt/SUNWut/bin/utkeylock -n on

Enable the NumLock key when a session initializes and on all subsequent connections through hotdesking.
#!/bin/sh # Enable NumLock key on and make sure it stays on each time a user hotdesks /opt/SUNWut/bin/utaction -i -c "/opt/SUNWut/bin/utkeylock -n on" &

Note The script name should have the 0050. prefix to make sure it is run at the appropriate time. Note For Oracle Linux, the script name must have the .sh extension, otherwise the script will not get sourced. 4. Save the script and make the script executable for everyone.
# chmod 775

5. Start a new session, so the script gets sourced.

13.15. How To Identify a Hung Session

1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Type the following command:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utdesktop -l -w

13.16. How To Kill a Hung Session

1. Become superuser 2. Type the following command:


How to Limit Administrative Privileges for Non-root Users (Oracle Linux)

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utsession -k -t token

13.17. How to Limit Administrative Privileges for Non-root Users (Oracle Linux)
Many Oracle Linux systems come configured with liberal administrative privileges for non-root users. These privileges should not be made available to users who log in using a Sun Ray Client. To limit administrative access, do the following: Review the man pages for pam_console, console.perms, and console.apps. Edit the /etc/security/console.perms file to remove display numbers from the definition of console. If a definition exists for xconsole, it should be removed. For example, a line that reads:
<console>=tty[0-9][0-9]* vc/[0-9][0-9]* :[0-9]?[0-9] :[0-9]

should instead read:

<console>=tty[0-9][0-9]* vc/[0-9][0-9]*

And a line such as the following example should be removed:

<xconsole>=:[0-9]?[0-9] :[0-9]

13.18. Keyboard Country Codes

A keyboard country code is a number representing a specific USB keyboard map that can be set in the Sun Ray Client firmware to provide better non-US keyboard support. This code is needed if the keyboard returns a country code of 0. The code can be set through the Configuration GUI or the .parms file. Note There is currently no way to get the keyboard type information for a Sun Ray Client. This is the list of valid keyboard country codes. 1 Arabic 2 Belgian 3 Canada_Bi 4 French-Canadian 5 Czech 6 Denmark 7 Finnish 8 France 9 Germany


Sun Ray Client Boot Process

10 Greek 12 Hungarian 14 Italy 15 Japan 16 Korea 17 Latin-American 18 Netherland 19 Norway 21 Polish 22 Portugal 23 Russia 24 Slovakian 25 Spain 26 Sweden 27 Switzerland 28 Switzerland_Ge 30 Taiwan 31 TurkeyQ 32 UK-English 33 US-English 35 TurkeyF

13.19. Sun Ray Client Boot Process

This process flow shows how a Sun Ray Client obtains its basic network parameters, firmware server, and session server. Many of the configuration options listed in this process flow are described in Chapter 20, Alternate Network Configurations. Note The Configuration GUI must be enabled on the client for the user to locally configure the Sun Ray parameters. Locally configured parameter values override network values with the exception of MTU, which is always the minimum of the values seen. 1. Power unit on. 2. Read local configuration (from Configuration GUI), if present. a. netType = STATIC IP OR DHCP OR Auto-config (IPv6)


Sun Ray Client Boot Process

b. If netType is STATIC IP, use locally configured values for IP Address Net mask Broadcast address Router MTU 3. Bring up the network interface. a. If any networking values missing, then perform DHCP. b. If AuthSrvr value is not defined, then perform DHCP_INFORM request. c. Merge any local values, DHCP vendor options, and DHCP_INFORM values (local values override DHCP except MTU, which is minimum of values seen). d. If XDispMgr was given by DHCP AND no AltAuth vendor option was found, then set AltAuth to XDispMgr (option 49) values. 4. Read Configuration Parameter file (model.parms file) on firmware server. a. Try to find the firmware servers that contain .parms file, in order: i. Locally configured value

ii. DHCP vendor option (FWSrvr) iii. Option 66 (TftpSrvr) IP Address or DNS name iv. DNS lookup of "sunray-config-servers" (if mapped to multiple addresses, choose one randomly) b. Download the .parms file. i. Search for SunRayPx.MAC.parms.

ii. Search for SunRayPx.parms. c. Parse the .parms file. parms.version = firmware version parms.revision = max supported hardware revision parms.barrier = barrier value of server firmware parms.BarrierLevel = barrier override value parms.servers = server list = inorder | random d. If .parms file was successfully parsed OR firmware server was obtained by locally configured value, then go to Step 5.


Sun Ray Client Boot Process

Note If a locally configured firmware server is unreachable or the correct configuration parameter file does not exist, the Sun Ray client will not attempt any of the other methods in Step 4 to locate configuration parameter files. This setup prevents the unintentional loading of a different firmware version than is provided by the locally designated firmware server. e. If no .parms file found AND not at end of firmware server list, then go to Step 4 and pick next firmware server on the list. f. If no firmware servers left to try, then set following values: parms.version = DHCP vendor option NewTVer (set to NULL string if none provided by DHCP) parms.BarrierLevel = DHCP BarrierLevel (set to current_barrier if none provided by DHCP) set parms.revision to current_revision set parms.barrier to current_barrier set = inorder 5. Determine if there is new firmware to load. If: parms.version is not equal to the current firmware version AND parms.version is not equal to "_NONE_" AND parms.revision is >= to current hardware revision AND either parms.barrier is >= to parms.BarrierLevel or parms.barrier is >= current firmware's barrier level Then: a. Download firmware. b. Write firmware to flash. c. Reboot. Else: No firmware is loaded. 6. Determine a Sun Ray server to connect to. a. If AlthAuth/AuthSrvr/parms.servers are all empty, then set server_list to "sunray-servers". Otherwise set server_list to parms.servers. b. If untried server_list addresses are left, then: i. Select a name in order (or randomly if


Audio Output Troubleshooting

ii. Translate the name to a list of IP addresses (either DNS lookup, or IP address notation). iii. Select an address from the list in order (or randomly if iv. Set that the broadcast address was seen if the selected address is the broadcast address, and select the next address. v. Go to Step 6h. c. If untried AltAuth addresses are left, then: i. Select an address in order (or randomly if

ii. Set that the broadcast address was seen if the selected address is the broadcast address, and select the next address iii. Go to Step 6h. d. If AuthSrvr is defined, then: i. Set address to AuthSrvr.

ii. Go to Step 6h. e. If broadcast address was seen, then perform broadcast protocol. f. If broadcast response received, then: i. Set selected address to responder.

ii. Go to Step 6h. g. Timeout in 30 seconds and reboot. h. Try to connect to selected address. i. If connection fails, then go to Step 6b.

7. Sun Ray Client is connected.

13.20. Audio Output Troubleshooting

This section provides troubleshooting information for audio output on the Sun Ray Clients.

13.20.1. Audio Frequencies Used With Applications

A Sun Ray Client uses whatever audio frequency an application needs, which enables you to configure application audio requirements to help reduce bandwidth and increase scalability. For example, if a VoIP application requests 8kHz mono, a Sun Ray client will transmit only 8kHz mono.

13.20.2. Tracking Audio Sessions

Each time a user logs in to a Sun Ray Client, a script automatically assigns the $AUDIODEV environment variable to that session. One utaudio process is assigned to each session. Refer to the utaudio and audio man pages for more information.


Audio Device Emulation

13.20.3. Audio Device Emulation

During hotdesking, an emulated audio device follows the user to the new session. The name of the emulated device is carried in the $AUDIODEV environment variable. It is the responsibility of the audio application to inspect $AUDIODEV and direct its output to that device. The emulated audio devices are created as device nodes in the /tmp/SUNWut/dev/utaudio directory. This directory tree is recreated at boot time. Note Do not remove the /tmp/SUNWut/dev/utaudio directory. If you delete this directory, users with utaudio sessions cannot use their audio pseudo device nodes.

13.20.4. Problem: Audio is not working

Use the Sun audio keys (top right of keyboard) and check the volume and mute buttons. Display the Sun Ray session's audio settings:
$ utsettings

and verify that the audio output is selected properly, for example, for headphones or speakers. Make sure the volume is not muted in your desktop session. Try a set of external speakers plugged into the Sun Ray Client's audio out or headphones port. If that works, the Sun Ray Client might have a broken speaker. To test whether the audio is working, type the following:
$ cat audiofile > $AUDIODEV

Oracle Solaris provides suitable sample PCM-encoded audio files in /usr/share/audio/samples/ au, so for instance this command:
$ cat /usr/share/audio/samples/au/ > $AUDIODEV

should produce the sound of a gong. Linux generally does not provide PCM-encoded audio files. If you can not locate a suitable file then this command can be used to generate a continuous tone:
$ perl -e 'foreach(-8..8){push(@v,pack("n",4*$_))} while(1){print @v}' > $AUDIODEV

If the cat or perl command hangs, you might need to quit any other applications that are currently trying to play audio, for example, a browser.

13.20.5. Problem: Audio is not working when playing Adobe Flash Videos on an Oracle Linux Desktop
This problem is likely occurring because you are using the latest releases of Firefox or Adobe Flash Player, which provide only ALSA sound support. Oracle Linux versions supported by Sun Ray Software provide only OSS sound support. For a workaround to this problem, see Knowledge Article 1464502.1. 165

Problem: Audio is not working with Firefox

13.20.6. Problem: Audio is not working with Firefox

Check the current release of the Flash plugin and make sure it is at version 9.0.r125 or later. To check the Flash plugin version, type about:plugins as the URL in the browser. Try quitting Firefox and explicitly restart it in a terminal window. If all else fails, quit Firefox, go to your .mozilla directory, and rename the "firefox" directory to something else, for example, firefox.jan09. Then, restart Firefox and see whether the audio works with a completely clean configuration. If the audio works with the clean configuration, then something is wrong in your browser's previous configuration.

13.20.7. Problem: An application ignores the $AUDIODEV environment variable

Some applications fail to honor $AUDIODEV and unconditionally use a specific audio device node such as /dev/audio or /dev/dsp. To work around this shortcoming, Sun Ray Software provides a preloadable shared library that can be used to interpose on an application and redirect its activities to the device specified by $AUDIODEV. To put this redirection into effect: 1. Navigate to the shell or wrapper from which you started the audio player. 2. Set the environment variable LD_PRELOAD in the player application's environment to refer to the interposer:
$ $ export LD_PRELOAD

3. Restart the application.

13.20.8. xmms Player Configuration (Oracle Linux)

To configure an xmms player to play mp3 files, perform the following steps: 1. Change the preferences on xmms output plugin to add more buffering. 2. Change the buffer size to 10000 ms and the Pre-Buffer percent to 90. When you run xmms, from command line or menu, click on the O (letter O) on the left side of the panel to bring up the Preferences menu. 3. Under the Audio I/O Plugins button, select Output Plugin OSS Driver and click Configure. 4. Select Buffering. a. The default Buffer size is 3000 ms. Change this to 10000 ms. b. The default Pre-buffer percent is 25. Change this to 90. 5. Click OK, then click OK on the Preferences panel. 6. Exit xmms and restart it.


Chapter 14. Sun Ray Client Firmware

Table of Contents
14.1. 14.2. 14.3. 14.4. 14.5. Firmware Overview ................................................................................................................ 167 Firmware Server Discovery ..................................................................................................... 168 How to Update Firmware on Sun Ray Clients .......................................................................... 168 How to Enable and Disable the Configuration GUI on All Sun Ray Clients ................................. 169 How to Modify a Sun Ray Client's Local Configuration (Configuration GUI) ................................ 171 14.5.1. Trival File System ....................................................................................................... 171 14.5.2. Configuration GUI Menu Descriptions ........................................................................... 172 14.5.3. How to Load a Remote Configuration File .................................................................... 177 14.6. VPN Support .......................................................................................................................... 179 14.6.1. How to Configure VPN Using Cisco Hybrid Authentication ............................................. 180 14.7. 802.1x Authentication ............................................................................................................. 181 14.7.1. How to Configure and Enable 802.1x Authentication on a Sun Ray Client ....................... 181 14.8. How to Display Firmware Versions for All Currently Connected Sun Ray Clients ........................ 183 14.9. How to Display the Firmware Version from a Sun Ray Client .................................................... 183 14.10. How to Synchronize the Sun Ray Client Firmware ................................................................. 183 14.11. How to Disable All Sun Ray Client Firmware Updates ............................................................ 183 This chapter describes how to manage the Sun Ray Operating Software (firmware) on Sun Ray Clients. With the Sun Ray Software 5.3 release, the Sun Ray Operating Software must be downloaded and installed separately from My Oracle Support. The firmware is now officially called Sun Ray Operating Software, but the term "firmware" will continue to be used throughout the documentation.

14.1. Firmware Overview

Every Sun Ray Client contains a firmware module that handles the following items: Power-on self test (POST) Client initialization Authentication Low-level input and output, such as keyboard, mouse, and display information. To accommodate customers with differing requirements for flexibility and security, the Sun Ray Client firmware can be used in two ways: Default mode where the firmware uses the configuration provided by the Sun Ray server's .parms file. Local configuration mode where the firmware uses the Sun Ray Client's local configuration that a user can update through a Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool, called the Sun Ray Local Configuration GUI or Configuration GUI (previously called the Pop-up GUI). A Sun Ray Client's local configuration values are checked first during the Sun Ray Client initialization, so this mode enables users to individually configure a Sun Ray Client's behavior at the local level. To make the Configuration GUI available to users on Sun Ray Clients, you must specifically enable it with the utfwadm command.


Firmware Server Discovery

14.2. Firmware Server Discovery

Starting with Sun Ray Software 5.3, the firmware for Sun Ray Clients (called Sun Ray Operating Software) must be downloaded and installed separately on Sun Ray servers. Any Sun Ray server providing the latest Sun Ray Operating Software for Sun Ray Clients is considered a firmware server. For details, see Section 3.2.4, Installing Firmware Before Sun Ray Software Installation. When a Sun Ray Client boots in a properly configured environment, it checks with a firmware server to determine if it needs a Sun Ray Operating Software update. A Sun Ray Client's firmware server is discovered in the following order: 1. Locally configured value (configured through Configuration GUI) 2. DHCP Sun Ray vendor option (FWSrvr) 3. Generic DHCP option 66 (TftpSrvr) (IP Address or DNS name) 4. DNS lookup of sunray-config-servers (if mapped to multiple addresses, choose one randomly) Each of these values are attempted in order until one succeeds. Although it is the last value attempted, the DNS lookup is the recommended firmware discovery configuration, as described below. If the local configuration value is used and fails, none of the others are attempted. This prevents the overwriting of custom-configured firmware in a situation where the controlling firmware server happens to be temporarily unresponsive. See Section 13.19, Sun Ray Client Boot Process for more details on how a Sun Ray Client finds its firmware server. Once a firmware server is discovered by a Sun Ray Client, the client retrieves a parameter file (.parms) via TFTP. This file is used by the client to determine if its currently installed Sun Ray Operating Software is older than the version on the firmware server. If so, the newer firmware is automatically downloaded and installed on the client. In the event of an error in the firmware download, error messages through OSD display icons (if enabled) provide additional information that can be useful in diagnosing and correcting the problem. See Chapter 16, Sun Ray Client Troubleshooting Icons for details. Note By default, a client's firmware uses the configuration provided by the Sun Ray server's .parms file, which provides a centralized mechanism to administer firmware. However, you can enable the Configuration GUI on a client, which enables users to modify a Sun Ray Client's local configuration. See Chapter 14, Sun Ray Client Firmware for details.

14.3. How to Update Firmware on Sun Ray Clients

Note This separate procedure is not needed if you install and update the firmware as part of a Sun Ray Software installation. This procedure shows how to download and install the latest Sun Ray Operating Software (firmware) on a Sun Ray server and update the server's .parms files with the new firmware. Once the firmware server is updated, the Sun Ray Clients using that firmware server will download and update the new firmware on their next reboot. This procedure is provided for Sun Ray servers that have been configured on a shared network (LAN) with external DHCP server support. For alternate network configuration, see the examples after the procedure.


How to Enable and Disable the Configuration GUI on All Sun Ray Clients

If you need to enable the Configuration GUI on Sun Ray Clients once their firmware is updated, see Section 14.4, How to Enable and Disable the Configuration GUI on All Sun Ray Clients. 1. Download and unzip the latest Sun Ray Operating Software and make it accessible to the Sun Ray server. See 2. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 3. Change directory to the unzipped firmware directory and install the firmware.
# ./utfwinstall

4. Make the firmware accessible to the Sun Ray Clients:

# utfwadm -AaV

This command is for a Sun Ray server configured on a shared network (LAN) with external DHCP server support (used utadm -L on for network configuration). See the examples following this procedure for alternate network configurations. 5. Power-cycle the Sun Ray Clients to update to the new firmware. Note You can also use the utfwload -l command to force all Sun Ray Clients to update to the new firmware if they have older firmware and they are connected to the Sun Ray server . 6. Repeat this procedure on each Sun Ray server in a failover group being used as a firmware server. Note To update firmware versions for a specific client, use the -e enetAddr option, where enetAddr is the MAC address of the client.

Alternate Network Configuration Examples

Use the following utfwadm command examples for alternate network configurations: On a shared network (LAN) with Sun Ray server DHCP support (used utadm -A subnet for network configuration)
# utfwadm -Aa -N all

On a private network (used utadm -a intf for network configuration):

# utfwadm -Aa -n all

14.4. How to Enable and Disable the Configuration GUI on All Sun Ray Clients
This procedure describes how to enable the Configuration GUI on all Sun Ray Clients, so users can locally configure how the clients initialize and boot. Enabling the Configuration GUI essentially enables the client to use its local configuration values first (if any) when initializing. 169

How to Enable and Disable the Configuration GUI on All Sun Ray Clients

In previous versions of the Sun Ray Software 5.2 release, two versions of firmware were shipped: one firmware with GUI capability and another firmware without GUI capability. Enabling the firmware with GUI capability was accomplished by loading the GUI firmware onto a Sun Ray Client. Now, the two firmware versions are combined into a single version, and additional control mechanisms are provided to enable or disable the Configuration GUI. In order to provide a reasonable migration path from the previous configuration, the Configuration GUI will be enabled automatically if there is any local configuration defined on the Sun Ray Client. The new control mechanisms provide a way for you to force the Configuration GUI on or off, or provide a way for each user to enable the Configuration GUI through the use of a password you define. Enabling or disabling the Configuration GUI is managed using two new keywords in the .parms files, enablegui and disablegui. In order to provide some security, there are also two new control files, SunRay.enableGUI and SunRay.disableGUI, that act like keys to unlock enabling or disabling the Configuration GUI. These control files must be installed along with the firmware and .parms files, and they must be readable by the managed Sun Ray clients. The utfwadm command has options to set these keywords and automatically install the control files, as needed. Once you enable the Configuration GUI on a Sun Ray Client, you can use the Configuration GUI to update the client's local configuration. See Section 14.5, How to Modify a Sun Ray Client's Local Configuration (Configuration GUI) for more information. 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Enable the Configuration GUI on Sun Ray Clients in a shared network (LAN) configuration with external DHCP support (configured network using utadm -L on):
# utfwadm -AaV -G GUI-control

The options for GUI-control are: The Configuration GUI cannot be enabled. This is the default option. Enables the Configuration GUI after using Stop-M or Stop-C on the client. No password is required. Enables the Configuration GUI. The hashed password that the user must enter to enable the Configuration GUI. This option requires you to get the generated hashed password from the uthashpwd command, which takes a password from standard input and prints the hashed result. Prompts you to enter the password that the user must enter to enable the Configuration GUI. The password is processed by the uthashpwd command and the resulting value is assigned to the enablegui value. This command updates the enablegui keyword in the .parms file. For more details, see the utfwadm man page. Note The -g option disables the Configuration GUI and accepts the same options. 3. Power-cycle the clients to put the new firmware mode into effect. 4. Repeat these steps on each Sun Ray server in a failover group.

off none force hashed-passwd



How to Modify a Sun Ray Client's Local Configuration (Configuration GUI)

Note To enable the Configuration GUI for a specific client, use the -e enetAddr option, where enetAddr is the MAC address of the client.

Alternate Network Configuration Examples

Use the following utfwadm command examples for alternate network configurations: On a shared network (LAN) with Sun Ray server DHCP support (configured network using utadm -A subnet):
# utfwadm -Aa -N all -G GUI-control

On a private network (configured network using utadm -a intf):

# utfwadm -Aa -n all -G GUI-control

14.5. How to Modify a Sun Ray Client's Local Configuration (Configuration GUI)
Sun Ray Software provides optional functionality to modify a Sun Ray Client's local configuration through a Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool. A Sun Ray Client's local configuration is checked first before using the configuration from the Sun Ray server, so this enables you to individually configure a Sun Ray Client's behavior at the local level. Most of the firmware values are stored in the Sun Ray Client's flash memory. Certain control key combinations are used to invoke the Configuration GUI, which enables you to examine and set the local configuration values. The Configuration GUI enables several features that require the ability to set and store configuration information on the Sun Ray Client itself, including: Non-DHCP network configuration for standalone operation, when configuring local DHCP operation is impossible Local configuration of Sun Ray specific parameters, such as server list, firmware server, MTU, and bandwidth limits DNS servers and domain name for DNS bootstrapping VPN configuration 802.1x configuration The firmware server specified in a client's local configuration is the default server used to provide configuration information for download, such as certificate files, .pcf files, the .parms file, and configuration files.

14.5.1. Trival File System

The Trivial File System is a file system provided in a Sun Ray Client's firmware used to store specific configuration files and certificates/keys for features such as VPN or 802.1x authentication. You can copy files to a Sun Ray Client's Trivial File System through the file copy entry in a remote configuration file. See Table 14.3, Remote Configuration File Key Values for details. Files stored in the firmware's Trivial File System are typed by the directory in which they are placed. The current directories and types are:


Configuration GUI Menu Descriptions

/wpa - wpa_supplicant configuration files /certs - X509 certificates /keys - Public/private keys /profiles - Cisco VPN configuration profiles (.pcf files) In addition to the files that you copy to the firmware's Trivial File System, other files may be created by some configuration operations.

14.5.2. Configuration GUI Menu Descriptions

Table 14.1, Configuration GUI Main Menu Items and Table 14.2, Configuration GUI Advanced Menu Items provide descriptions for the Configuration GUI menu items. Press one of the following key combinations on a Sun Ray Client to open the Configuration GUI and display the main menu: Stop-S or Ctrl-Pause-S Stop-M or Ctrl-Pause-M Some of the menus have an Exit entry, but the Escape key always invokes one level higher than the current menu. Escape at the top level prompts for any changes to be saved or discarded. If changes have been written to the flash memory, the Escape key resets the Sun Ray Client. Table 14.1. Configuration GUI Main Menu Items Main Menu Item VPN Setup Menu Item Descriptions Cisco EzVPN authentication model Enable - On/Off Import profile - Profile name Peer type - Cisco or Netscreen (Juniper Networks) Auth method - Xauth, Preshared, or Hybrid Peer - Gateway peer (name or IP address) Group - Group name Set Group Key Username - Xauth user name (if static) Set Password - Xauth password (if static) Set PIN - If the PIN has been set, the user is prompted for it before a locally stored Xauth user name and password are used. Advanced DH Group - Diffie-Hellman group PFS Group


Configuration GUI Menu Descriptions

Main Menu Item

Menu Item Descriptions IKE Lifetime - IKE Phase 1 lifetime IPsec Lifetime Dead Peer Detection Session timeout - Idle timeout, after which VPN connection is dropped Save - Save the VPN configuration.

802.1x Configuration Enable and initialize - Enables 802.1x authentication. If you choose this menu item and the wired.conf file does not exist. you are prompted to create the file in the Sun Ray Client firmware and the Sun Ray Client reboots if you accept. The reboot is required to complete the 802.1x initialization. After rebooting, choose Configure to add configuration values to the wired.conf file. Disable - Disable 802.1x authentication. This menu item removes the wired.conf file from the Sun Ray Client firmware. The Sun Ray Client must reboot to complete the process. Configure - Provides a list of configuration values that can be changed in the wired.conf file. All string values, including file names, need to be enclosed in double quotes, otherwise, they will be parsed as hexadecimal strings. You can specify NULL (without quotes) in a field to represent a variable that has no value and causes a value to be cleared. Selections for file names (keys or certificates) are displayed as a list of the available files of the correct type from the corresponding directories, including the NULL selection. The full description of these values are provided in the wpa_supplicant example configuration file. ssid - SSID (network name). This value is fixed as "wired" and it cannot be changed. key_mgmt - List of accepted authentication protocols. Values include NONE (no authentication) or IEEE8021X (perform 802.1x using EAP authentication). eap - List of acceptable Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) methods. Only one value can be specified. Values include MD5, TLS, MSCHAPV2, PEAP, TTLS, GTC, and OTP. ca_cert - File path to the certificate file in the /certs directory, with one or more trusted CA certificates, used for EAP-TLS/TTLS/PEAP. anonymous_identity - Anonymous identy string for EAP that supports a different tunneled identity, such as EAP-TTLS and EAP-PEAP. If this is defined, it is used as the initial EAP identity, and "identity" is used in any phase 2 protocol. identity - Identity string for EAP password - Password string for EAP.


Configuration GUI Menu Descriptions

Main Menu Item

Menu Item Descriptions private_key - File path to the client private key file in the /keys directory. (No private_key_passwd needs to be defined, as the private key is stored in the Sun Ray Client flash memory that cannot be accessed.) client_cert - File path to a client certificate file in the /certs directory, for example, for EAP-TLS. phase2 - Inner authentication parameters. This field enables you to specify the internal authentication mode for EAP-PEAP or EAP-TTLS. Example values include "auth=xxx" or "autheap=xxx", where xxx is the selected inner authentication mode. If this value is not set, then any available authentication mode is allowed. ca_cert2 - File path to certificate file in the /certs directory for use in phase 2 authentication. private_key2 - File path to client private key file in the /keys directory for use in phase 2 authentication. client_cert2 - File path to client certificate file in the /certs directory for use in phase 2 authentication. Note: A certificate with a passphrase is not supported.

VPN Profiles

Download Profile File Remove Profile File Show Profiles Clear All Profile Files


Download Certificate File Remove Certificate File Show Certificates Clear All Certificate Files Note: A certificate with a passphrase is not supported.


Server list - A list of comma-separated server names or IP addresses Firmware server - Name or IP address

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is the default transport and server-nameor-IP specifies the default server used to provide configuration information for download, including certificate files, .pcf files, .parms file, firmware, and configuration files. When using TFTP, the files must be accessible from the TFTP server. On Oracle Solaris, the files must be located in the server's /tftpboot directory. When


Configuration GUI Menu Descriptions

Main Menu Item

Menu Item Descriptions using HTTP, the files must be located in or linked to the web server's document directory. Log host - IP address of syslog host

Network TCP/IP

Network configuration - IPv4 (default) or IPv6 Auto (available for IPv6) DHCP - MTU (available for IPv4) Static - IP address, netmask, router, broadcast address, MTU (IPv4) or IP address, Prefix Length, Router, MTU (IPv6)


Domain name - One only DNS server list - List of IP addresses


Set if network connection requires a simple HTTP authentication before it can be used. Enable/Disable switch Port number

Security Status Advanced Clear Configuration Exit

Set password (lock configuration under password control) Version (equivalent to Stop-V) See below. Equivalent to Stop-C. Exit the Configuration GUI.

Table 14.2. Configuration GUI Advanced Menu Items Main Menu Item Download Configuration Description Prompts for a server name and the file name of a remote configuration file to be downloaded from the server, in the form:

This field can be overwritten when selected. Pressing Return causes the corresponding remote configuration file to be read and the configuration values parsed and set on the client. For configuration values, see Table 14.3, Remote Configuration File Key Values. On success, the user is prompted to save the values. Otherwise, the previous menu is displayed. No other error indications are given. The default transport used is TFTP and the default port is the corresponding port for the transport, 69 for TFTP and 80 for HTTP. The default server is the firmware server value in the local configuration (if server-name-or-IP is not defined) and the default file name is config.MAC, where MAC is the unit's MAC address in upper-case hexadecimal. When using TFTP, the remote configuration file must be accessible from the specified TFTP server. On Oracle Solaris, the remote configuration


Configuration GUI Menu Descriptions

Main Menu Item

Description file must be located in the server's /tftpboot directory. When using HTTP, the remote configuration file must be located in or linked to the web server's document directory. A keyboard country code (keyboard map) that is applied to a keyboard that returns a country code of 0, for use with non-U.S. USB keyboards that do not report a country code. For the list of valid keyboard country code values, see Section 13.18, Keyboard Country Codes. The maximum amount of network bandwidth in bits per second that a given client will use. Enables or disables the ability to terminate a session by pressing Stop-Q. This feature is useful when you want to terminate a VPN connection and leave the Sun Ray in an inactive state. Pressing the Escape key after the session has terminated reboots the Sun Ray Client. Sets a tag sent from the Sun Ray Client to the Xserver telling it to enable compression regardless of available bandwidth. Disables the use of lossy compression for image data. Disables the ability to explicitly force a firmware load into a Sun Ray Client. In this way, firmware can be tightly controlled using .parms files or DHCP parameters. Allows the Sun Ray Client to operate correctly when the network port that it is connected to does not auto-negotiate. In that case, the auto-negotiation results in the Sun Ray running at half duplex, which significantly impacts network performance. This setting allows the Sun Ray to operate with better performance in this situation. If set, the Sun Ray Client uses the maximum TFTP transfer size if the TFTP server supports it. Over a high latency connection, this setting typically doubles the speed of firmware downloads. There are no disadvantages to enabling fast downloads on low latency LANs. This parameter is disabled by default and the transfer size is set at 512byte packets. It is disabled by default for backwards compatibility with TFTP servers that might not support the more advanced protocol. If this parameter were on by default and a firmware download were to fail, there would be no way to recover.

Keyboard Country Code

Bandwidth Limit Session Disconnect (Stop-Q)

Force Compression Lossless Compression Disallow utload

Force Full Duplex

Enable Fast Download

Power Off Timer

Energy star power off feature for Sun Ray 3 Series Clients. The value for the power off feature is in minutes. The default power off time is 30 minutes. A value of 0 disables the power off feature. Specifies an alternative combination of modifier keys to perform the same function as the Stop key on the Sun keyboard or the Ctrl-Pause key sequence on non-Sun keyboards. By default, this alternative combination is Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Meta. See Section 13.2, Sun Ray Client Hot Keys for details. You can change Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Meta to any other combination of the same keys, but at least two of the keys must be used. For example, you can set this value to Ctrl-Alt or Meta-Ctrl-Shift. If this parameter is set to none, the alternative key combination is disabled.

Enter Alternate STOP modifiers


How to Load a Remote Configuration File

Main Menu Item

Description Note that the Meta key has different names on different keyboards: on a PC keyboard, it is the "Windows" key, and on a Mac keyboard, it is the "Command" key. Specifies the size, in Kbytes, of the command cache look-back buffer. This area is used to store a list of recent commands used by the firmware, and the commands are replayed from the cache if used again. The default value is 512 Kbytes, maximum value is 8192 Kbytes, and a zero value disables the command cache. Blanking - Specifies the blanking timeout, which is the time until the screen is put to sleep, in minutes. Specify 0 to disable. Sun Ray 270 Client only. If set, turns off the input selector on the front of the client and locks the monitor so that it displays only the Sun Ray output. This feature prevents users from connecting a PC to the VGA video input connector on a client and using it as a monitor.

Command Cache Size

Video Video input disable

14.5.3. How to Load a Remote Configuration File

To help avoid error-prone manual entry of local configuration data or to help configure a lot of Sun Ray Clients more quickly, you can use the Download Configuration menu item to download a pre-defined remote configuration file from a server via TFTP or HTTP. The keywords shown in Table 14.3, Remote Configuration File Key Values correspond to configuration values that can be set from the Configuration GUI menus. To group items that are logically related, some of the keywords take the form family.field. Table 14.3. Remote Configuration File Key Values Key Values target-filepath=file-to-copy (file copy entry) Description You can copy configuration files and certificates/keys to the firmware's Trivial File System by using a file copy entry. A file copy entry follows the normal key=value format, except the key used is the absolute path name of the target file and it must begin with a "/" character. The value used is the configuration file to be copied, which needs to be located in the same location as the remote configuration file. You can use the file copy entries for both VPN and wpa_supplicant configuration files. For example, the file copy entry /wpa/wired.conf=wired_config will copy the file wired_config from the configuration server to the /wpa/ wired.conf file on the Sun Ray Client. Once you add all the necessary file copy entries, you can choose Advanced->Download Configuration in the Configuration GUI to download the remote configuration file and copy the files specified. See Section 14.5.1, Trival File System for more information. VPN/IPsec Submenu vpn.enabled vpn.peer vpn.key vpn.user vpn.passwd Enable toggle Remote gateway name/IP address VPN group VPN key Xauth user Xauth password


How to Load a Remote Configuration File

Key Values vpn.peertype vpn.authtype vpn.dhgroup vpn.pfsgroup vpn.lifetime vpn.ipsectime vpn.dpdswitch vpn.killtime DNS Submenu dns.domain dns.servers Servers Submenu servers tftpserver loghost Security Submenu password Network Submenu network TCP/IP Submenu ip.ip ip.mask ip.bcast ip.router ip.mtu ip.type TCP/IPv6 Submenu ip.ip6 ip.prefix ip.router ip.mtu ip.type Advanced Submenu kbcountry bandwidth stopqon compress

Description PIN lock for use of user/passwd Cisco or Netscreen Xauth, Preshared, or Hybrid Diffie-Hellman group to use PFS group to use Lifetime of IKE connection Lifetime of IPsec connection Dead peer detection Idle timeout value to drop VPN connection. Domain name Server list (comma-separated IP addresses) Sun Ray server Firmware (TFTP) server Syslog host Set administrator password Type of network (IPv4 or IPv6) Static IPv4 address Static netmask Static broadcast address Static router MTU IP address source (DHCP or Static) Static IPv6 address Static IPv6 prefix Static router MTU IP address source (Auto or Static) Keyboard country code Bandwidth limit in bits per second. Enable (1) or Disable (0) Stop-Q for disconnect Force compression on when 1


VPN Support

Key Values lossless utloadoff fastload fulldup poweroff stopkeys cmdcachesize videoindisable

Description Force use of lossless compression when 1 Disallow use of utload to force firmware download when 1 Force maximum TFTP transfer rate when 1 Force full-duplex when 1 Poweroff time in minutes Change alternate combination of keys used for Stop key Command cache size Disable input selector of Sun Ray 270 Client when 1

The format of the file is a set of key=value lines, each terminated by a newline character, which are parsed and the corresponding configuration items set (see the sample file below). No whitespace is permitted. Key values are case-sensitive and should be always lower case, as listed above. Setting a keyword to have a null value results in the configuration value being cleared in the local configuration. Sample VPN Configuration File

vpn.enabled=1 vpn.key=abcabcabc vpn.user=johndoe vpn.passwd=xyzxyzxyxzy servers=sunray3,sunray4,sunray2

14.6. VPN Support

Sun Ray Clients are able to provide a VPN solution for remote users. The IPsec capability in the Sun Ray Client firmware enables the Sun Ray Client to act as a VPN endpoint device. The most commonly used encryption, authentication, and key exchange mechanisms are supported, along with Cisco extensions that enable a Sun Ray Client to interoperate with Cisco gateways that support the Cisco EzVPN protocol. Sun Ray Clients currently support IPSec VPN concentrators from Cisco and Netscreen (Juniper). The security model is identical to that of the Cisco software VPN client. Using a common group name and key for the initial IKE phase one authentication exchange, the client authenticates the user individually with the Cisco Xauth protocol, either by presenting a fixed user name and password stored in flash memory or by requiring the entry of a user name and one-time password generated by a token card. VPN support relies on the Configuration GUI and the following implementations are supported: Cisco Hybrid authentication Certificates using OpenSSL Cisco PSK hash for Hybrid authentication Cisco gateway load balancing redirection from first connection Gateway setting that allows or disallows stored passwords Cisco Profile Configuration File (.pcf) files, including decrypting the encrypted group password Ability to load certificates and .pcf files over the network


How to Configure VPN Using Cisco Hybrid Authentication

Gateway setting for Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) Configuration of authentication mode (preshared, Hybrid, or XAUTH) IKE fragmentation for large negotiation packets To protect the use of stored authentication information, the VPN configuration includes a PIN entry. This feature enables two-factor authentication for Sun Ray at Home VPN deployments. Note You can also copy VPN configuration and certificate files to the firmware by using the file copy entry in a remote configuration file. See Table 14.3, Remote Configuration File Key Values for details.

14.6.1. How to Configure VPN Using Cisco Hybrid Authentication

This procedures describes the steps to modify the Configuration GUI to use Cisco Hybrid authentication. The procedure assumes that the Sun Ray Client has access to an appropriate server supplying the necessary configuration files. 1. Press Stop-M or Ctrl-Pause-M to open the Configuration GUI. 2. Choose Certificates->Load Certificate File. Enter the URL of a file containing the root certificate in PEM format, which is used to sign the gateway certificates. Exit the menu. 3. Choose VPN Profiles->Load Profile File. Load any appropriate Cisco .pcf files. Exit the menu. 4. Choose VPN Setup->Import VPN profile. Cycle through the existing .pcf files by hitting Enter until the desired profile is selected. The values from this file will be populated into the submenu entries, but they will not be stored until the values are saved. Cycling back to the initial entry with no .pcf file selected will restore the initial values. 5. Set more values in the VPN-Setup menu. Set Enable to on. Set any other VPN values desired, such as Username. Save the VPN settings. 6. (Optional) Choose Advanced->Download Configuration to download the VPN settings The new Auth method is specified in the configuration file as "vpn.authmethod", and the valid values are case-insensitive "xauth", "preshared", and "hybrid". 7. Enter ESC from the main menu and save the Configuration GUI settings. The Sun Ray Client will reboot and try to make the VPN connection.


802.1x Authentication

14.7. 802.1x Authentication

The 802.1x authentication feature in the Sun Ray Client firmware is based on an Open Source project called wpa_supplicant, which is described at With the 802.1x authentication feature, Sun Ray Clients can be configured to provide proper credentials to successfully authenticate and gain access to the local area network under 802.1x access control. Sun Ray Clients support the Extensible Authentication Protocol Modes: MD5, TLS, MSCHAPV2, PEAP, TTLS, GTC, and OTP. wpa_supplicant supports the implementation of the WPA supplicant protocol for wireless authentication, which includes the 802.1x port authentication protocol. As a result, the configuration of 802.1x depends on the mechanisms and configuration file format provided by wpa_supplicant. Note Although the WPA supplicant protocol is primarily targeted for wireless authentication, Sun Ray Clients do not currently supported wireless operation. wpa_supplicant uses a main configuration file to configure the 802.1x authentication, along with a few secondary files containing certificates and public/private key pairs. The main configuration file used with the Sun Ray Software is named wired.conf. In order for wpa_supplicant to access the configuration files, you need to copy them to the Sun Ray Client firmware's Trivial File System by using file copy entries in a remote configuration file. See Table 14.3, Remote Configuration File Key Values for details. The wired.conf file must be present on a Sun Ray Client in order to start the wpa_supplicant component and to attempt 802.1x authentication. The presence or absence of this configuration file is the primary mechanism used to enable or disable wpa_supplicant. The 802.1x Configuration menu item in the Configuraiton GUI enables you to manage the wired.conf file, which uses only a reduced set of configuration values required for various authentication modes of 802.1x. The configuration options are further refined depending on the particular Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) mode selected. See Table 14.1, Configuration GUI Main Menu Items for details. Currently, private keys cannot be generated on the Sun Ray Client itself, so you must generate the private keys and corresponding certificates by other means and provide them through the remote configuration file. If you create and modify the wired.conf file outside of the Configuration GUI, make sure the appropriate fields are provided and the file is formatted correctly. The file must have the single network definition of ssid="wired" included. If the wired.conf file does not follow the expected format, wpa_supplicant will fail to operate correctly. See the contents of the wired.conf file in the following example.

14.7.1. How to Configure and Enable 802.1x Authentication on a Sun Ray Client
This procedure describes how to configure and enable 802.1x authentication on a Sun Ray Client. The steps include examples to set up an 802.1x authentication using the EAP-TLS mode of operation. Note The configuration files listed in the procedure must be available in the same location as the remote configuration file, which is usually the firmware server defined in the local configuration. 1. Create the configuration files for wpa_supplicant, including the main configuration file, wired.conf, and the secondary files containing certificates and public/private keys.


How to Configure and Enable 802.1x Authentication on a Sun Ray Client

For the list of valid wired.conf values, see the 802.1x Configuration menu descriptions in Table 14.1, Configuration GUI Main Menu Items. Here are some examples of secondary files and the wired.conf file. someca_cert.pem - a Certificate Authority root certificate from "someca"

sunray_key.pem - a RSA key pair for the Sun Ray Client

-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----MIICXAIBAAKBgQCvGwBJjv/Uzp81QAd9B9uqehZqmS9BVA9xcfJtNf6Feou3FnKE 8tHcCISAXFdujYZSqhzcInzn/ZWnKk2cRQl8//IupuMcwPi10QebBmXhxfrTTW5L .... FEmkooUWFa6mUpAcpQJBANCe64twQ3RjNfIc3n4LpCEPgw7y5pgk8xmKIDiSZ/+U XwJQ4gpzmsakaZWBEcdxrJWkK6chvcFcwcfAN7rkOBc= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

sunray_cert.pem - a client certificate for the Sun Ray Client RSA key, signed by "someca"

wired.conf - wpa_supplicant configuration file for 802.1x/EAP-TLS

network={ ssid="wired" key_mgmt=IEEE8021X eap=TLS ca_cert="/certs/someca.pem" identity="[email protected]" private_key="/keys/sunray.pem" client_cert="/certs/sunray.pem" }

2. Create a remote configuration file with the needed file assignment entries, which will be used to copy the wpa_supplicant configuration files to the Sun Ray Client. Here is an example of a remote configuration file:
/certs/someca.pem=someca_cert.pem /keys/sunray.pem=sunray_key.pem /certs/sunray.pem=sunray_cert.pem /wpa/wired.conf=wired.conf

The /wpa/wired.conf=wired.conf entry is required. 3. Download the remote configuration file to a Sun Ray Client by choosing Advanced->Download Configuration in the Configuration GUI.


How to Display Firmware Versions for All Currently Connected Sun Ray Clients

Once the wired.conf file is loaded, 802.1x authentication is automatically enabled if the key_mgmt key is set to IEEE8021X. 4. (Optional) Make changes to the wired.conf file by choosing 802.1x Configuration in the Configuration GUI. 5. Plug the Sun Ray Client into a port that provides 802.1x authentication and test the authentication. See Section 16.12, (20) 802.1x Authentication Icon for informaton about possible error codes or status messages.

14.8. How to Display Firmware Versions for All Currently Connected Sun Ray Clients
1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server 2. Display the firmware versions.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utfwload -a

You can also use the utquery -d command.

14.9. How to Display the Firmware Version from a Sun Ray Client
Press Stop-V or Ctrl-Pause-V.

14.10. How to Synchronize the Sun Ray Client Firmware

This procedure uses the utfwsync command to synchronize the currently installed and configured firmware on a Sun Ray server with all the other Sun Ray servers in its failover group and to enable firmware updates to occur on the Sun Ray Clients. This command also forces a reboot on all the Sun Ray Clients to update to the new firmware if needed. The utfwsync command is primarily used during a Sun Ray Software upgrade 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Synchronize the Sun Ray Client firmware.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utfwsync

The Sun Ray Clients reboot themselves and update to the new firmware if needed.

14.11. How to Disable All Sun Ray Client Firmware Updates

This procedure is needed when upgrading Sun Ray Software on Sun Ray servers in a failover group. 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Disable all firmware updates. For a shared network (LAN) with external DHCP server support (used utadm -L on for network configuration)
# ./utfwadm -D -a -V


How to Disable All Sun Ray Client Firmware Updates

For a shared network (LAN) with Sun Ray server DHCP support (used utadm -A subnet for network configuration) For a private network (used utadm -a intf for network configuration)

# ./utfwadm -D -a -N all

# ./utfwadm -D -a -n all


Chapter 15. Sun Ray Client Peripherals

Table of Contents
15.1. Peripherals Overview ............................................................................................................. 185 15.2. USB Headsets ....................................................................................................................... 186 15.2.1. Tested USB Headsets ................................................................................................. 186 15.2.2. Tested Applications ..................................................................................................... 186 15.2.3. Additional Notes .......................................................................................................... 187 15.3. USB Operations Failing After Idle Timeout Limit ...................................................................... 187 15.4. Device Nodes and USB Peripherals ........................................................................................ 187 15.5. Device Node Paths ................................................................................................................ 188 15.6. Device Links .......................................................................................................................... 188 15.7. Device Node Ownership ......................................................................................................... 188 15.8. Hotdesking and Device Node Ownership ................................................................................. 189 15.9. Enabling and Disabling Device Services .................................................................................. 189 15.10. Mass Storage Devices .......................................................................................................... 189 15.10.1. Device Nodes and Links (Oracle Solaris) .................................................................... 189 15.10.2. Device Nodes and Links (Oracle Linux) ...................................................................... 190 15.10.3. Mount Points ............................................................................................................. 190 15.10.4. Device Ownership and Hotdesking ............................................................................. 190 15.10.5. Mass Storage Devices and Idle Sessions ................................................................... 190 15.10.6. Commands for Common Disk Operation (Oracle Solaris) ............................................. 191 15.10.7. Commands for Common Disk Operation (Oracle Linux) ............................................... 191 15.11. How to Determine the Current State of Device Services ......................................................... 192 15.12. How to Enable or Disable USB Services ............................................................................... 192 15.13. How to Unmount a Mass Storage Device From a Client ......................................................... 192 15.14. Troubleshooting USB Storage ............................................................................................... 192 15.14.1. Problem: Device nodes are not created. ..................................................................... 192 15.14.2. Problem: The device is not automatically mounted. ..................................................... 192 15.14.3. Problem: The device is not automatically unmounted. .................................................. 193 15.15. Setting Up Printers ............................................................................................................... 193 15.15.1. How to Set Up an Attached PostScript Printer (Oracle Solaris) ..................................... 193 15.15.2. How to Set Up an Attached PostScript Printer (Oracle Linux) ....................................... 194 15.15.3. How to Set Up an Attached Non-PostScript Printer ..................................................... 195 15.16. How to Set Up Serial Attached Devices ................................................................................ 196 15.17. How to Enable Applications to Access USB Devices .............................................................. 196 This chapter describes how to access end-user devices connected to a Sun Ray Client's serial or USB ports.

15.1. Peripherals Overview

Note This chapter does not provide information about the USB redirection feature that is provided with the Windows connector, which is the recommended way to access USB devices connected to Sun Ray Clients. See Section 18.6, USB Device Redirection for details. Using mass storage devices without the USB redirection Windows component provides much lower performance on Oracle Linux than Oracle Solaris due to the


USB Headsets

design of the Linux mass storage subsystem. Use USB redirection for optimum performance with mass storage devices. When you connect a peripheral to a Sun Ray Client, a device node is created that you can use to access the device. Sun Ray Software works with various mass storage devices such as flash disks, memory card readers, zip drives, and hard drives on Sun Ray Clients. Data CDs and DVDs can be read but not written. Other end-user peripherals such as USB headsets can also be used. For the latest list of peripherals tested to work with Sun Ray Software, see the Sun Ray Peripherals List.

15.2. USB Headsets

There are a number of USB headsets that have been tested to work on Sun Ray 2 Series and Sun Ray 3 Series Clients. Once the latest firmware is installed on a Sun Ray Client, no other special installation is required for USB headsets to work. When using USB headsets in a Windows session (uttsc), the USB redirection feature is not required. However, for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, you do need to install the Audio Input component. See Section 18.4, Audio Input for details. For some USB headsets, you must use the utsettings command (Sun Ray Settings GUI) to change the mute and volume settings, even though there may be inline buttons or controls on the headset. For most of the USB headsets, the Sun Ray Settings GUI can be used to adjust the audio settings. See Section 13.3, How to Change Sun Ray Client Audio and Display Settings (Sun Ray Settings GUI) for details.

15.2.1. Tested USB Headsets

For the list of tested USB Headsets, see the Sun Ray Peripherals List. Note When using a USB headset in a Window session (uttsc command or fullscreen Windows kiosk mode), the Sun Ray Settings GUI is not available. In this situation, use the audio settings from the Windows desktop. Note When using the Sun Ray Settings GUI, setting Mic Gain to 0 or de-selecting the Microphone button will not mute the microphone. To ensure the microphone is muted, disable the audio input in your application. When using uttsc, sound input redirection from the Sun Ray Client to the Windows server is disabled by default, which means the microphone is muted for all applications running on the Windows server. You need to use the uttsc -r soundin: option to enable it.

15.2.2. Tested Applications

The following applications have been tested to work with USB headsets when using a remote desktop session through the Windows connector: Skype 5.2 - Windows 7, Windows XP Ekiga - Windows 7


Additional Notes

Adobe ConnectNow - Windows 7

15.2.3. Additional Notes

When both an analog headset and a USB headset are connected to a Sun Ray Client, the USB headset is used. Only one USB headset per Sun Ray Client is supported. If more than one USB headset is connected to a Sun Ray Client at the same time, the last USB headset connected will work. Disconnecting any one of the USB headsets will cause the audio to switch back to the Sun Ray Client's built-in audio device. Connecting two different USB audio devices to a Sun Ray Client is not supported. For example, connecting one USB speaker and one USB microphone to a Sun Ray Client is not supported. A USB headset and a Sun Ray Client's built-in speaker cannot provide audio output at the same time. When using the uttsc command, you can use the -r sound: and -r soundin: options of the uttsc command to change the sample rate quality of the audio input or output for a Windows session.

15.3. USB Operations Failing After Idle Timeout Limit

If a user fails to access a given session for longer than the screen lock idle timeout interval while an application is accessing a USB device -- for instance, while copying a large number of files to or from a USB flash drive -- the session will be locked. With RHA, NSCM, and authenticated smart cards, this means the session detaches and all USB devices disconnect from the session. This can interrupt or abort the application's access to the device. The following workarounds are available: Advise users to monitor their USB device usage to avoid being timed out Set the timeout interval value high enough to allow I/O to complete before the interval elapses Disable the screen saver Disable RHA Note The last two alternatives are less desirable because they each remove a level of security.

15.4. Device Nodes and USB Peripherals

Sun Ray Software creates a device directory called IEEE802.MACID in the /tmp/SUNWut/ units directory. This directory contains the MAC address for each client on the interconnect. The IEEE802.MACID directory for each client contains dev and devices directories. The Sun Ray dev directory contains a representation of the logical topology of the devices connected to the client. The Sun Ray devices directory contains a representation of the physical topology of some of the devices connected to the client. Note Sun Ray Software does not create device nodes for every USB device. Some USB device drivers export their device interfaces through other mechanisms than a traditional UNIX device node.


Device Node Paths

Directories correspond to buses and hubs, and files correspond to ports. Hub directories are named according to the port on the upstream hub into which they are attached.

15.5. Device Node Paths

In Sun Ray devices, device nodes are created for each serial or printer port on an attached USB device. The device nodes are created in the hub directory corresponding to the hub to which they are attached. The nodes are named as follows:

If the USB device has multiple identical ports (for example, two serial ports), the name is followed by :n where n is a numerical index, starting at 1. The following example is a typical device node path:

Here are the definitions of the naming conventions. Term physical-topology Definition The physical-topology is hub@port/hub@port and so on. The port refers to the port on the parent hub into which the device or child hub is plugged. The printer and terminal name in the Sun Ray devices directory is manufacturer,model@port with a colon separating the numerical index when the string just described is not unique in the directory. The printer and terminal name in the Sun Ray dev directory is the manufacturer and serial number concatenated with an alphabetic index when the serial number is not unique.

printer-name-1, terminal-name-1

printer-name-2, terminal-name-2

15.6. Device Links

Device links are created under the dev directory. A link to each serial node is created in dev/term, and a link to each parallel node is created in dev/printers. Typical device links are:
/tmp/SUNWut/units/IEEE802.080020cf428a/dev/term/manufacturer_name-67a /tmp/SUNWut/units/IEEE802.080020cf428a/dev/printers/1608b-64

The variable is manufacturer_name-serial_numberindex where index is an increasing alphabetical character, starting at a. If the manufacturer name is not available, the USB vendor and product ID numbers are used for the name of the device link.

15.7. Device Node Ownership

Some device nodes are owned by the user whose session is active on the client, while others might be owned by root or by other users that had previously active sessions on the client. Device permissions, access controls and ownership rules are determined by the class of device. For serial devices, only the user whose session is active on the client or the superuser have permission to use the attached device. If no user has an active session, superuser owns the serial device nodes. This rule might not be applicable for other classes of USB devices connected to the client.


Hotdesking and Device Node Ownership

15.8. Hotdesking and Device Node Ownership

The following description of the behavior of USB devices when sessions are connected and disconnected from a client applies only to USB serial devices. Other device classes may have different semantics regarding ownership and device lease times. Changing the active session on a client changes the ownership of the device nodes to the user associated with the new session. A session change occurs whenever a user inserts or removes a smart card from a client or logs into a session. In a failover environment, you can use the utselect or utswitch command to change a session. A session change causes all devices currently open by a non-root user to be closed after 15 seconds. Any input to or output from any affected device results in an error. For a serial device node, if the original session is restored within 15 seconds, the ownership is not relinquished, and input and output continue uninterrupted. Devices currently opened by the superuser, including normal printing, remain unaffected by a session change.

15.9. Enabling and Disabling Device Services

Sun Ray device services can be enabled and disabled with the utdevadm command line tool or with the Admin GUI. Sun Ray device services include USB devices connected through USB ports, internal serial ports, and internal smart card readers on the Sun Ray Client. Device services can also be administered from the Security tab on the Admin GUI Advanced tab. When the internal serial service is disabled, users cannot access the embedded serial ports on their Sun Ray Clients. When the internal smart card reader service is disabled, users cannot access the internal smart card reader through the PC/SC or SCF interfaces for reading or writing. However, this condition does not affect session access or hotdesking with unauthenticated smart cards. When the USB service is disabled, users cannot access any devices connected to USB ports. This situation does not affect HID devices such as the keyboard, mouse, or barcode reader. After installation of the Sun Ray Software, all device services are enabled by default. You can use the utdevadm command to enable or disable device services only in the configured mode, that is, after the Sun Ray Data store is activated. This configuration affects all the servers in a group and all the clients connected to that group. For more information, see the following related tasks. The other device services can be enabled or disabled with the same syntax. Section 15.11, How to Determine the Current State of Device Services Section 15.12, How to Enable or Disable USB Services

15.10. Mass Storage Devices

15.10.1. Device Nodes and Links (Oracle Solaris)
Mass storage devices have two types of device nodes, block and raw, which are created in the client's device directory. A link to the block device is created in the client's dev/dsk directory and a link to the raw device is created in the dev/rdsk directory.


Device Nodes and Links (Oracle Linux)

Device links have a suffix denoting their slice number. Slice s2 is known as the backup slice, signifying the complete disk. Other slices are numbered accordingly on the file system on the disk. For UFS disks, slice numbers are derived from the disk label. For FAT disks, slices (partitions in this case) are numbered starting from s0. Disk operations such as format or eject should be directed at slice s2. Partition operations such as mount or fstyp should be directed at the individual slice concerned. See Section 15.10.5, Mass Storage Devices and Idle Sessions for examples.

15.10.2. Device Nodes and Links (Oracle Linux)

Mass storage device nodes are block special nodes. They are created in the dev/dsk directory. Note that for mass storage devices, device nodes are not created in the devices directory and no device links are created. Device nodes are named with a partition identifier suffix. The device node representing the whole disk does not have such a suffix. For example: disk3p2 represents partition 2 of disk3. disk3 represents the whole disk. Disk operations such as eject should be directed at the whole disk. Partition operations such as mount should be directed at individual partitions. See Table 15.2, Commands for Common Disk Operation (Oracle Linux) for examples.

15.10.3. Mount Points

When a mass storage device is plugged into the client, if it has an OS-recognizable file system, it is automatically mounted on a directory under the user's mount parent directory. The mount parent directory is located in $DTDEVROOT/mnt/. The user can also locate mount points by using the -l option of the utdiskadm command.
% utdiskadm -l

15.10.4. Device Ownership and Hotdesking

When the user's session disconnects from the client, the user loses access rights to the mass storage device, and all pending I/O to the device halts. This situation can cause the data on the device to be corrupted. Users should use utdiskadm -r to unmount all file systems safely before hotdesking or unplugging the disk from the client. They should also close all references to files and directories in the mount point to ensure that the device in question is not busy.

15.10.5. Mass Storage Devices and Idle Sessions

If you are using Remote Hotdesk Authentication (RHA), Non-Smart Card Mobility (NSCM), or smart cardbased authentication, long I/O operations might fail when using mass storage devices on Sun Ray Clients. If these types of sessions become idle due to keyboard and mouse inactivity long enough to activate the screen lock, the session is detached. The user loses access to the storage device, causing any I/O in progress to halt, and data may become corrupted. To avoid this situation, the following options are available: Maintain keyboard or mouse activity Increase the screen lock idle time sufficiently to allow I/O operations to complete Disable the screen lock program


Commands for Common Disk Operation (Oracle Solaris)

Disable the NSCM or RHA policies Find an alternative way to perform the I/O operation more securely, for example, plug the device directly into the Sun Ray server in a locked server room Note Some of these options have security and convenience implications that should be carefully weighed against the timeout issue to determine what is best for your site.

15.10.6. Commands for Common Disk Operation (Oracle Solaris)

Table 15.1, Commands for Common Disk Operation (Oracle Solaris) is a summary of common disk operations and the commands used to perform them. Refer to the Oracle Solaris documentation and man pages for more information on the individual commands. Table 15.1. Commands for Common Disk Operation (Oracle Solaris) Operation Format Create file system Create UFS file system Mount Unmount Prepare to unplug Eject media Create fdisk table Repair file system Display file system capacity Display slice capacity List devices prtvtoc Path of backup slice $UTDEVROOT/dev/rdsk/ disk3s2 Path of backup slice $UTDEVROOT/dev/rdsk/ disk3s2 None Command rmformat mkfs newfs Device Name Argument Examples (SPARC) Device Name Argument Examples (x86)

Path of whole disk $UTDEVROOT/ Path of whole disk $UTDEVROOT/ dev/rdsk/disk3s2 dev/rdsk/disk3p0 Path of partition $UTDEVROOT/ dev/rdsk/disk3s0 Path of slice $UTDEVROOT/dev/ rdsk/disk3s0 Path of partition $UTDEVROOT/ dev/rdsk/disk3p1 Path of slice $UTDEVROOT/dev/ rdsk/disk3s0 Partition name disk3p1 Mount point $DTDEVROOT/mnt/ label1 Device alias disk3 Device alias disk3 Device alias disk3

utdiskadm -m Partition name disk3s0 utdiskadm -u Mount point $DTDEVROOT/mnt/ label1 utdiskadm -r Device alias disk3 utdiskadm -e Device alias disk3 fdisk fsck

Check for media utdiskadm -c Device alias disk3

Path of whole disk $UTDEVROOT/ Path of whole disk $UTDEVROOT/ dev/rdsk/disk3s2 dev/rdsk/disk3p0 Path of raw slice $UTDEVROOT/ dev/rdsk/disk3s0 Mount point $DTDEVROOT/mnt/ label1 Path of raw partition $UTDEVROOT/dev/rdsk/ disk3p1 Mount point $DTDEVROOT/mnt/ label1

df -k

utdiskadm -l None

15.10.7. Commands for Common Disk Operation (Oracle Linux)

Table 15.2, Commands for Common Disk Operation (Oracle Linux) is a summary of common disk operations and the commands used to perform them.


How to Determine the Current State of Device Services

Table 15.2. Commands for Common Disk Operation (Oracle Linux) Operation Create file system Mount Unmount Prepare to unplug Eject media Check for media Create fdisk table Repair file system Display file system capacity List devices utdiskadm -l None Command mkfs utdiskadm -m utdiskadm -u utdiskadm -r utdiskadm -e utdiskadm -c fdisk fsck df -k Device Name Argument Examples Path of partition $UTDEVROOT/dev/dsk/disk3p1 Partition name disk3p1 Mount point $DTDEVROOT/mnt/label1 Device alias disk3 Device alias disk3 Device alias disk3 Path of whole disk $UTDEVROOT/dev/dsk/disk3 Path of partition $UTDEVROOT/dev/dsk/disk3p1 Mount point $DTDEVROOT/mnt/label1

15.11. How to Determine the Current State of Device Services

The utdevadm command displays the enabled or disabled state of device services.
# utdevadm

15.12. How to Enable or Disable USB Services

To enable USB services, use the utdevadm command.
# utdevadm -e -s usb

To disable USB services, use the utdevadm command.

# utdevadm -d -s usb

15.13. How to Unmount a Mass Storage Device From a Client

Note Oracle Linux does not immediately write data to disks. Failure to run utdiskadm r before unplugging mass storage devices will cause loss of data and stale mount points. Make sure to run utdiskadm -r before unplugging any mass storage device.
% /opt/SUNWut/bin/utdiskadm -r device_name

15.14. Troubleshooting USB Storage

15.14.1. Problem: Device nodes are not created.
Check the log file /var/opt/SUNWut/log/utstoraged.log for a message about why device nodes were not created. Some mass storage device types are not supported.

15.14.2. Problem: The device is not automatically mounted.

Check the log file /var/opt/SUNWut/log/utmountd.log for an error message.


Problem: The device is not automatically unmounted.

This condition occurs when the Sun Ray operating system does not recognize the storage devices's file system.

15.14.3. Problem: The device is not automatically unmounted.

This condition occurs when a user still has an open reference to the mount point at the time the storage device is unplugged or the user's session is disconnected. The mount point becomes a stale mount point and persists until the system is rebooted or until the administrator removes it. How to Find and Remove Stale Mount Points

1. Search for stale mount points:
# utdiskadm -s

2. For each stale mount point, close all references to the mount point. 3. For each stale mount point, terminate all processes that refer to the mount point. 4. Remove the mount point.
# umount stale_mount_path

15.15. Setting Up Printers

This section provides instructions on how to setup PostScript and non-attached PostScript printers that are attached to the Sun Ray Client. For details on how to print from Windows while using the Windows connector, see Chapter 18, Windows Connector.

15.15.1. How to Set Up an Attached PostScript Printer (Oracle Solaris)

Sun Ray Software works with PostScript printers connected directly to a USB port on the Sun Ray Client. For non-PostScript printer support, refer to Section 15.15.3, How to Set Up an Attached Non-PostScript Printer. Note The printer naming conventions in Sun Ray Software differ from those in an Oracle Solaris operating environment. Note The lp subsystem opens the device node as superuser for each print request, so print jobs are not affected by hotdesking. Starting a print queue on a printer attached to a Sun Ray Client, either directly or through an adapter, is the same process as starting a print queue in Oracle Solaris. 1. On the Sun Ray Client where the printer is attached, log in to a new session as superuser (root). 2. To determine the MAC address of the Client, press the three audio option keys to the left of the power key in the upper right corner of the keyboard. The alphanumeric string displayed below the connection icon is the MAC address. 3. To locate the Sun Ray Client, type: 193

How to Set Up an Attached PostScript Printer (Oracle Linux)

# cd /tmp/SUNWut/units/*MAC_address # pwd /tmp/SUNWut/units/IEEE802.MACID

The path to the extended MAC address for your particular Sun Ray Client is displayed. 4. Locate the port for the printer by typing:
# cd dev/printers # pwd /tmp/SUNWut/units/IEEE802.MACID/dev/printers # ls printer-node-name

5. In the directory, locate the printer node. 6. Add the new printer. a. Start the Oracle Solaris Print Manager.
# /usr/sbin/printmgr &

b. Click OK to choose files for repository. c. Go to Printer -> New Attached Printer. d. Type the following information: Printer name: printername Description (optional) Printer port Printer make Printer model Choose Other to type the printer port path name. To locate the printer port, refer to Step 4. 7. Verify that the printer has been set up correctly.
# lpstat -d printername

15.15.2. How to Set Up an Attached PostScript Printer (Oracle Linux)

Sun Ray Software works with PostScript printers connected directly to a USB port on the Sun Ray Client. For non-PostScript printer support, refer to Section 15.15.3, How to Set Up an Attached Non-PostScript Printer. Note The lp subsystem opens the device node as superuser for each print request, so print jobs are not affected by hotdesking. The following generic instructions might vary slightly from one operating system implementation to another, but they should provide enough information to enable an administrator to set up basic printing services. 1. On the Sun Ray Client where the printer is attached, log in to a new session as superuser (root).


How to Set Up an Attached Non-PostScript Printer

2. To determine the MAC address of the client, press the three audio option keys to the left of the power key in the upper right corner of the keyboard. The alphanumeric string displayed below the connection icon is the MAC address. 3. Locate the Sun Ray Client.
# cd /tmp/SUNWut/units/*MAC_address # pwd /tmp/SUNWut/units/IEEE802.MACID

The path to the extended MAC address for your particular Sun Ray Client is displayed. 4. Locate the port for the printer.
# cd dev/printers # pwd /tmp/SUNWut/units/IEEE802.MACID/dev/printers # ls printer-node-name

5. In the directory, locate the printer node. 6. Use the Oracle Linux administration tools to set up the printer. Choose Other so that you can provide the device node from Step 4. 7. Verify that the printer has been set up correctly.
# lpstat -d printername

8. Create a soft link to the Sun Ray printer node in /dev/usb For example, if the device node is /tmp/SUNWut/units/IEEE802.mac-address/dev/printers/device_node, you would use the following command:
# ln -s /tmp/SUNWut/units/IEEE802.mac-address/dev/printers/device_node /dev/usb/sunray-printer

Use this soft link (/dev/usb/sunray-printer) as the Device URI while creating the print queue. 9. Update /etc/cups/cupsd.conf to set the RunAsUser property to No. 10. Restart the cups daemon.
# /etc/init.d/cups restart

15.15.3. How to Set Up an Attached Non-PostScript Printer

Printers that do not use PostScript, such as engineering plotters, are best supported by third-party software. Low-cost inkjet printers require third-party software such as the following: Easy Software's ESP PrintPro, available from Ghostscript, available from Vividata PShop, available from Check with the vendors for pricing and the precise printer models supported.


How to Set Up Serial Attached Devices

15.16. How to Set Up Serial Attached Devices

To use serial attached devices with a client, you must attach them to the internal serial ports. Symbolic links to the serial port device nodes are located under $UTDEVROOT/dev/term. Built-in ports are named "a" or "b", and serial adapter ports have longer descriptive names. Serial ports become unowned during hotdesking, so you should make sure any serial port activity is stopped before removing your smart card or resetting the client. Note All serial ports except port A on the Sun Ray 170 support full handshaking and standard UNIX semantics. Port A on the Sun Ray 170 has no hardware handshaking pins, so it can't be used when a hardware handshake is required.

15.17. How to Enable Applications to Access USB Devices

libusb is an open-source userland USB API/library that enables an application to access USB devices. libusb has been implemented for a number of operating environments, including Linux, BSD, MacOS, and Windows, as well as for Oracle Solaris and Sun Ray environments. libusb applications can run on any operating environment that supports libusb. For further information, see /usr/sfw/share/doc/libusb/libusb.txt or the libusbut man page. There are some open source applications that make use of libusb support and enable users to access devices, such as the SANE project ( for scanners. To find more open source applications, see


Chapter 16. Sun Ray Client Troubleshooting Icons

Table of Contents
16.1. On-Screen Display (OSD) Icons ............................................................................................. 16.2. Server Policy Icons ................................................................................................................ 16.3. Troubleshooting Icon Quick Reference .................................................................................... 16.4. DHCP State Codes ................................................................................................................ 16.5. Power LEDs .......................................................................................................................... 16.6. (1) Sun Ray Client Startup Icon .............................................................................................. 16.7. (2) Firmware Download in Progress Icon ................................................................................. 16.8. (3) Updating Firmware Icon .................................................................................................... 16.9. (4) Firmware Download Diagnostics Icon ................................................................................. 16.10. (15) Session Refused Icon ................................................................................................... 16.11. (16) Bus Busy Icon .............................................................................................................. 16.12. (20) 802.1x Authentication Icon ............................................................................................. 16.13. (21) Network Connection Verified Icon .................................................................................. 16.14. (22) Waiting to Connect to Authentication Manager Icon ........................................................ 16.15. (23) No Ethernet Signal Icon ................................................................................................ 16.16. (25) Redirection Icon ............................................................................................................ 16.17. (26) Wait for Session Icon .................................................................................................... 16.18. (27) DHCP Broadcast Failure Icon ........................................................................................ 16.19. (28) Establishing VPN Connection Icon ................................................................................. 16.20. (29) VPN Connection Established Icon .................................................................................. 16.21. (30) VPN Connection Error ................................................................................................... 16.22. (31-34) Ethernet Address Icon .............................................................................................. 16.23. (41-44) Ethernet Address Icon .............................................................................................. 16.24. (46) No Access to Server Icon .............................................................................................. 16.25. (47) No Access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients Icon .......................................................... 16.26. (48) No Access: Registration Required Icon .......................................................................... 16.27. (49) No Access: Key Rejected Icon ....................................................................................... 16.28. (50) No Access: Security Policy Violation Icon ....................................................................... 16.29. (51-54) Ethernet Address Icon .............................................................................................. 16.30. (60) Insert Card Icon ............................................................................................................ 16.31. (61) Waiting for Primary Sun Ray Client Icon ......................................................................... 16.32. (62) Token Reader Icon ....................................................................................................... 16.33. (63) Card Error Icon ............................................................................................................. 16.34. (64) Waiting For Access Icon ................................................................................................ This chapter provides details on the troubleshooting icons that display when a Sun Ray Client boots. 197 198 199 202 202 203 203 204 204 206 206 207 207 208 209 210 210 211 211 212 212 212 213 214 214 214 215 215 215 215 216 216 216 217

16.1. On-Screen Display (OSD) Icons

When a Sun Ray Client boots, a spinning wheel icon is displayed by default. To show the details of the boot process and to help identify problems, you can enable the on-screen display (OSD) icons by pressing Stop-O (or Ctrl-Pause-O on non-Sun keyboards). This condition persists across reboots, so if you want to disable the OSD icons, you need to press Stop-O again. OSD icons are also displayed if you simultaneously press the three audio keys, if a warning or error occurs on the Sun Ray Client while it boots, or if a state change does not occur for more than ten seconds. If you see older versions of the icons, the firmware has not been upgraded or is failing. To make sure that the Sun Ray Client is using the latest firmware, see Chapter 14, Sun Ray Client Firmware.


Server Policy Icons

OSD icons are shown as rectangular, light grey icons, such as the following example: Figure 16.1. On-Screen Display Icon Example

OSD icons can display even if the client is not connected to a server, and they typically provide the following detailed information: A unique graphic Ethernet address IP address of the Sun Ray Client Status of link to Sun Ray server IP address of authentication server Numeric code for icon message Alphabetic code for DHCP State Encryption and authentication information, when appropriate Alphabetic code for Firmware Download Error Codes

16.2. Server Policy Icons

Server policy icons indicate a problem based on a specific server policy that needs attention. They are sent by the server in place of a regular session, they may be overlaid by a concurrent client state OSD icon, and they are not available if the client is behind a NAT router. Server policy icons are shown as dark grey icons, such as the following example:


Troubleshooting Icon Quick Reference

Figure 16.2. Server Policy Icon Example

16.3. Troubleshooting Icon Quick Reference

Note Press the Mute-Softer-Louder keys or Ctrl-Pause-N keys simultaneously to display the current network status. Table 16.1. Troubleshooting Icon Quick Reference Icon Code (Click for More Information) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 General Category Startup Firmware Download Firmware Download Firmware Download Session Connection Session Connection Smart Card Smart Card USB Meaning Sun Ray Client is starting up and is waiting for Ethernet link. Sun Ray Client is downloading new firmware. Sun Ray Client is updating its firmware. Either the download or update of new firmware has failed. There is no session to connect with the Sun Ray. The server is denying access to the Sun Ray. Local PIN entry to the smart card has failed. In local smart card PIN entry mode. There is an "overcurrent" condition on the USB bus, that is, the total number of devices draws too much current. Consider using a powered hub. The server is authenticated and the graphic/ keyboard network connections are encrypted. The server is not authenticated and the graphic/keyboard network connections are encrypted. The server is authenticated and the graphic/ keyboard network connections are not encrypted.

11 12

Network Status Network Status


Network Status


Troubleshooting Icon Quick Reference

Icon Code (Click for More Information) 14

General Category Network Status

Meaning The server is not authenticated and the graphic/keyboard network connections are not encrypted. Sun Ray Client is refusing to talk to the server due to the server's refusal or inability to authenticate or encrypt the network connection. USB bus is busy servicing a high-speed device, and the keyboard or mouse might not be responsive to user input. Sun Ray Client is attempting 802.1x authentication and this icon indicates the current progress. Sun Ray Client is booting up and is waiting for DHCP IP address and parameter assignment. Sun Ray Client is booting up and is waiting for the initial connection to a Sun Ray server. The connection between the Sun Ray Client and the network is down. Check the network drop cable. If the network drop cable is okay, check the network switch. Sun Ray Client has disconnected from the previous server. Sun Ray Client is being redirected to a new server. Sun Ray Client has connected to the server and is waiting for graphics traffic. Sun Ray Client is broadcasting to locate a Sun Ray server since either it was not provided with Sun Ray specific DHCP parameters or all of the specified servers are not responding. VPN connection being attempted. VPN connection established. VPN connection error. The network link is up, the server is authenticated, and graphics/keyboard network connections are not encrypted. The network link is up, the server is not authenticated, and graphics/keyboard network connections are encrypted. The network link is up, the server is authenticated, and graphics/keyboard are encrypted.


Session Connection







22 23

Startup Network Status

24 25 26 27

Session Connection Session Connection Session Connection Startup

28 29 30 31

Startup Startup Startup Network Status


Network Status


Network Status


Troubleshooting Icon Quick Reference

Icon Code (Click for More Information) 34

General Category Network Status

Meaning The network link is up, the server is not authenticated, and graphics/keyboard are not encrypted. Sun Ray Client has been disconnected from its server, either by a STOP-Q session disconnect event or by the VPN session timeout value having been set and exceeded. The server is authenticated, the client is authenticated, and the graphic/keyboard network connections are encrypted. The server is not authenticated, the client is authenticated, and the graphic/keyboard network connections are encrypted. The server is authenticated, the client is authenticated, and the graphic/keyboard network connections are not encrypted. The server is not authenticated, the client is authenticated, and the graphic/keyboard network connections are not encrypted. No access to server. No access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients. No access: registration required. No access: client key is rejected. No access: security policy violation. The network link is up, the server is authenticated, the client is authenticated, and graphics/keyboard network connections are not encrypted. The network link is up, the server is not authenticated, the client is authenticated, and graphics/keyboard network connections are encrypted. The network link is up, the server is authenticated, the client is authenticated, and graphics/keyboard are encrypted. The network link is up, the server is not authenticated, the client is authenticated, and graphics/keyboard are not encrypted. Insert card. If the site's authentication policy allows access only by card, this icon is displayed to prompt the user to insert a card. Access without a card is disabled. Waiting for primary Sun Ray Client. The client is a secondary client in a multihead




Network Status


Network Status


Network Status


Network Status

46 47 48 49 50 51

Server Policy Server Policy Server Policy Server Policy Server Policy Network Status


Network Status


Network Status


Network Status


Server Policy


Server Policy


DHCP State Codes

Icon Code (Click for More Information)

General Category

Meaning group, and the primary client is not currently connected.


Server Policy

Token reader. The Sun Ray Client is a token reader. When a site policy disallows pseudosessions, a Sun Ray Client configured as a token reader displays the Token Reader icon instead of the Login dialog box. Smart card not recognized. The smart card is not recognized by the Sun Ray server or there is a reader error. Waiting for session access. Access is temporarily denied, but the Sun Ray Client automatically retries when this condition is resolved.


Server Policy


Server Policy

16.4. DHCP State Codes

Some icons also show a state code after the number to provide more information, which are described in Table 16.2, DHCP State Codes. Table 16.2. DHCP State Codes DHCP State Code A B C D Meaning DHCP only provided IP address with no additional parameters. DHCP provided IP address, subnet mask, and router, but Sun Ray vendor-specific parameters are missing. DHCP provided IP address and Sun Ray vendor-specific parameters, but subnet mask and router are missing. DHCP provided all expected parameters.

16.5. Power LEDs

Table 16.3, Power LEDs lists the actions to take based on the state of the power LED on Sun Ray Clients. Table 16.3. Power LEDs Sun Ray Client Hardware State Off Green Amber Blinking Action to Take Check to see whether the Sun Ray Client is plugged in. Replace the Sun Ray Client. Normal operation. Hardware fault. Replace the Sun Ray Client. PROM is corrupted. Check that firmware downloads are configured and enabled, then power cycle the Sun Ray Client.


(1) Sun Ray Client Startup Icon

Sun Ray Client Hardware State Card reader LED remains on even when card is removed

Action to Take Card reader hardware problem. Replace the Sun Ray Client.

16.6. (1) Sun Ray Client Startup Icon

The Sun Ray Client Startup icon indicates that the Sun Ray Client has passed the power-on self test but has not yet detected an Ethernet signal. The icon is displayed for a few seconds as part of the normal startup process. When an Ethernet signal is detected, the Network Connection Verified (21) OSD is displayed. Problem: The Sun Ray Client Startup OSD is displayed for more than 10 seconds. Check that the Ethernet cable is plugged into the Sun Ray Client correctly and that the other end is plugged in to the correct hub, switch, or network outlet. If the Sun Ray Client is connected through a hub or a switch, verify that the hub or switch is powered on and configured correctly. A link LED on the switch or hub indicates that the connection is alive.

16.7. (2) Firmware Download in Progress Icon

The Firmware Download in Progress icon indicates that the Sun Ray Client is downloading new firmware from a Sun Ray server. The following message is also displayed: Reading firmware.


(3) Updating Firmware Icon

Downloading the firmware takes less than a minute. If you interrupt the download, the Sun Ray Client has to download the new firmware the next time it reboots. Note When downloading the firmware on Sun Ray 2 Series Clients, pixel artifacts fill the screen. This is normal.

16.8. (3) Updating Firmware Icon

The Updating Firmware icon indicates that the downloaded firmware is being updated on the Sun Ray Client. The following messages are also displayed: Erasing flash. DO NOT POWER OFF! Programming flash. DO NOT POWER OFF! The Sun Ray Client reboots after updating the firmware. Caution Do not interrupt the firmware update. Interrupting the firmware update may make the Sun Ray Client unusable. Note If there is an additional firmware update for the internal smart card controller, the Updating Firmware icon is displayed again and the smart card LED flashes while the update occurs. The following message is also displayed: Programming Smart Card Controller. DO NOT POWER OFF!. The Sun Ray Client reboots after updating the firmware for the internal smart card controller. Note When updating Sun Ray 2 Series Clients, pixel artifacts fill the screen during the update. This is normal.

16.9. (4) Firmware Download Diagnostics Icon

The Firmware Download icon is displayed with a code or a message when an error occurs during a download of firmware. The following table lists the error codes. These error messages appear in English even in localized versions of Sun Ray Software.


(4) Firmware Download Diagnostics Icon

Table 16.4, Firmware Download Error Codes and Messages lists the firmware download error codes and messages. Firmware download error codes are valid only with OSD icon 4. Table 16.4. Firmware Download Error Codes and Messages Error Code E F G H I J K L M N O Error Message FW Load: No server FW Load: Name too long FW Load: Bad read FW Load: Bad signature FW Load: Failed decompression FW Load: Invalid module type FW Load: Version mismatch FW Load: Not enough memory FW Load: Prevented by barrier FW Load: Invalid HW version FW Load: Flash write error

The Firmware Download with a 4 error code icon is displayed when the Sun Ray Client fails to download new firmware. The message "FW Load: Prevented by barrier" indicates that the Sun Ray Client already has a later version of the firmware. In the syslog, the following message indicates that a barrier level has been set to prevent Sun Ray Clients from downloading an earlier version of the firmware.
Firmware upgrade/downgrade not allowed! Barrier is 310 Firmware level is 0

Check /var/opt/SUNWut/log/messages to confirm that your configuration is set up properly.


(15) Session Refused Icon

16.10. (15) Session Refused Icon

The Session Refused icons are displayed during a possible security breach because authentication has failed. Problem: Icon shows the 15D message. The Sun Ray Client is refusing to connect to a server because it is unable to verify the validity of the Sun Ray server. This error can occur only if an unknown Sun Ray server tries to emulate a valid Sun Ray server. This situation is a session security breach. Problem: Icon shows the 50D message. The Sun Ray server is refusing to grant a session to the Sun Ray Client because the client is unable to fulfill the server's security requirements. Upgrade the Sun Ray Client's firmware version. This error can occur with firmware versions earlier than 2.0 when the server is configured for hard security mode. As an alternative, determine whether your site requires hard security mode. If not, the session can be enabled with soft security mode.

16.11. (16) Bus Busy Icon


(20) 802.1x Authentication Icon

The Bus Busy OSD indicates that the Sun Ray USB bus is servicing a high-speed device and the keyboard or mouse might not be responsive to user input. This icon is displayed during an unusually long print job and disappears when the job is done. No action is needed unless killing the print job is necessary.

16.12. (20) 802.1x Authentication Icon

Table 16.5, 802.1x Authentication Error Codes and Messages lists the 802.1x authentication error codes and messages. During the authentication, you may be prompted to provide required wpa_supplicant values that are not defined, such as passwords. Also, wpa_authentication status messages are displayed as the authentication progresses. Table 16.5. 802.1x Authentication Error Codes and Messages Error Code A-D E F G H Error Message Authentication has completed 802.1x initialized Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) started EAP succeeded EAP failed

16.13. (21) Network Connection Verified Icon

The Network Connection Verified icon indicates that the Sun Ray Client has detected the Ethernet carrier but has not yet received its initial parameters or IP address from the DHCP server. The icon is displayed for a few seconds as part of the normal startup process. After the DHCP server has allocated an IP address, the icon is updated with the Sun Ray Client's assigned IP address. When the network connection is verified, the Sun Ray Client connects to the Sun Ray server. Problem: The icon is displayed for more than 10 seconds. Verify that the DHCP server is running and has not run out of IP addresses to assign to clients. Verify that the DHCP server is configured properly for network parameters.


(22) Waiting to Connect to Authentication Manager Icon

Problem: The icon displays an IP address and an icon message, either 21A or 21B, depending on whether the Sun Ray server is on a LAN network or a dedicated interconnect. This condition occurs when the Sun Ray Client receives an IP address from the DHCP but no other parameters. The Sun Ray Client issues a DHCP_INFORM request to obtain the Sun Ray-specific parameters. Code 21 A indicates that the Sun Ray Client received an IP address and is waiting for a response to its DHCP inform request. Code 21 B indicates that the Sun Ray Client received an IP address and IP router and is waiting for a response to its DHCP inform request. If no response is received, the Sun Ray Client continues the startup process using only the IP address. In a private interconnect or simple LAN configuration, the Sun Ray Client can function successfully. However, performance of the Sun Ray Client might be affected. If the Sun Ray Client is part of a complex LAN configuration, it can fail later in the start up process because it requires the additional parameters and Sun Ray-specific vendor options to handle network operations, such as when a Sun Ray Client is located several hops away from the Sun Ray server's subnet. Continue with the startup process, if possible, and at the next opportunity, do the following: For LAN configurations with other non-Sun Ray DHCP services but no bootp proxy agent, verify the DHCP server and the Sun Ray vendor tags. For routed configurations, verify that the bootp proxy agent is configured correctly in the Sun Ray Client's subnet and that it points to one of the Sun Ray servers in the failover group. For non-routed private interconnect configurations, the Sun Ray server performs the functions of a DHCP server. Verify that it is configured properly for DHCP services. When the Sun Ray Client concludes the interaction with the DHCP server, it connects to a Sun Ray server and then interacts with the server's Authentication Manager, indicated by the Waiting to Connect to Authentication Manager OSD. Occasionally, the Sun Ray Client is first routed to another Sun Ray server. In this case, the Redirection OSD icon is displayed for a few seconds and then, as the Sun Ray Client interacts with the new server's Authentication Manager, the Waiting to Connect to Authentication Manager OSD is displayed.

16.14. (22) Waiting to Connect to Authentication Manager Icon


(23) No Ethernet Signal Icon

The Waiting to Connect to Authentication Manager icon indicates that the Sun Ray Client has received its parameters from the DHCP server and it has connected to the Sun Ray server but has not yet completed it authentication. The icon is displayed for a few seconds as part of the normal startup process. Problem: The icon displays for more than 10 seconds or the Sun Ray Client resets after the icon is displayed. Verify that Sun Ray services, including the Authentication Manager, are running on the Sun Ray server. In a LAN configuration or other routed environment: Verify that the Sun Ray Client's IP address can reach the Authentication Manager. Verify that the Sun Ray Client's routing information, received from the Sun Ray server, is correct. Verify that the bootp proxy agent is configured correctly in the Sun Ray Client's subnet and that it points to one of the Sun Ray servers in the failover group. Run utquery for the Sun Ray Client's IP address to see the parameters that the Sun Ray Client received. If the parameters do not include an AuthSrvr parameter, the DHCP server might not have sent the Sun Ray parameters or the parameters might not be correct. To confirm that the DHCP server can be reached, check the value of the DHCPServer parameter. To confirm that the DHCP server sends the proper Sun Ray-specific parameter values, check the value of the INFORMServer parameter. If a value is incorrect, look at your bootp relay configurations and DHCP server configurations for network and Sun Ray parameters. For details of these parameters, see the utquery man page. To restart DHCP on a Oracle Solaris server, type the following as superuser:
# /etc/init.d/dhcp stop # /etc/init.d/dhcp start

16.15. (23) No Ethernet Signal Icon

The No Ethernet Signal OSD indicates that the Sun Ray Client had an Ethernet address and an IP address but later lost the Ethernet signal. Check that the Ethernet cable has not become unplugged from the Sun Ray Client or from the switch or network outlet.


(25) Redirection Icon

If the Sun Ray Client is connected through a hub or switch, make sure that the hub or switch is still powered on.

16.16. (25) Redirection Icon

The Redirection OSD indicates that the Sun Ray Client is being redirected to a new Sun Ray server. This redirection can occur for any of several reasons, including load balancing. The icon is displayed for a few seconds while the Sun Ray Client connects to the new Sun Ray server and then the Waiting to Connect to Authentication Manager OSD is displayed.

16.17. (26) Wait for Session Icon

The Wait for Session OSD indicates that the Sun Ray Client is waiting for its X Window session. The icon is displayed for a few seconds as part of the normal startup process. If this icon is displayed for a long time, display traffic from the server is not arriving to the client. Some possible reasons for this problem are: The network (routers, switches, firewalls) is not correctly transmitting UDP traffic from the server to the client. The server is attempting to display one of the Server Policy icons, but the client is behind a NAT router or gateway.


(27) DHCP Broadcast Failure Icon

The X server (Xnewt or Xsun) that is the source of the display traffic on the Sun Ray server side is not working properly. It might be crashed or hung. The display manager (dtlogin on Oracle Solaris or gdm on Oracle Linux) has failed to start an X server for the session. It might be crashed, hung, or not configured properly. If you suspect that dtlogin configuration files have been corrupted, see Section 5.3, How to Check and Fix Corrupted Configuration Files (Oracle Solaris).

16.18. (27) DHCP Broadcast Failure Icon

The DHCP Broadcast Failure icon is displayed if the Sun Ray Client is attempting to locate a Sun Ray server and either no servers respond or the Sun Ray-specific DHCP parameters are not correct.

16.19. (28) Establishing VPN Connection Icon

The Establishing VPN Connection icon is displayed while a Sun Ray Client is trying to connect to the Sun Ray server through a VPN connection. This icon can also include one of the following state codes shown in Table 16.6, VPN Connection State Codes. Table 16.6. VPN Connection State Codes State Code E Meaning VPN Phase 1 IKE initiated.


(29) VPN Connection Established Icon

State Code F G H I

Meaning VPN Phase 1 IKE complete. VPN connection expired. VPN Phase 2 initiated. VPN Phase 2 complete.

16.20. (29) VPN Connection Established Icon

When the VPN connection is established, the VPN Connection Established icon is displayed.

16.21. (30) VPN Connection Error

There is a problem with the VPN connection. Make sure you VPN configuration is valid. See Chapter 14, Sun Ray Client Firmware for more information.

16.22. (31-34) Ethernet Address Icon


(41-44) Ethernet Address Icon

The Ethernet Address OSD shows the Ethernet address, the assigned IP address, the connected server, encryption status, DHCP state, link speed and link mode. To display current information about the Ethernet link, do one of the following at any time. On a Sun keyboard, press the three audio volume keys simultaneously. To get the same effect on a nonSun keyboard, press Ctrl-Pause-N. Disconnect and reconnect the Ethernet cable. A value of 10 indicates a link speed of 10 Mbps; 100 indicates 100 Mbps. A value of F indicates that the link mode is full duplex. A value of H indicates half-duplex mode.

16.23. (41-44) Ethernet Address Icon

The 41-44 icons are the same as the 31-34 icons. The only difference is the level of the current authentication. See Table 16.1, Troubleshooting Icon Quick Reference for more information for a description of each icon.


(46) No Access to Server Icon

16.24. (46) No Access to Server Icon

This icon usually displays if the policy disallows card access and a card is inserted.

16.25. (47) No Access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients Icon

This icon indicates that access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients is disabled. To enable access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients, refer to the Oracle Virtual Desktop Client documentation.

16.26. (48) No Access: Registration Required Icon

The card or Sun Ray Client is not registered. If ATI is configured for a site, the ATI script is run when this icon is first displayed. If the script registers the card, this state might not last long.


(49) No Access: Key Rejected Icon

16.27. (49) No Access: Key Rejected Icon

This icon is displayed if only confirmed keys are allowed access by policy. It might be displayed if there is a key conflict, but other icons might display instead.

16.28. (50) No Access: Security Policy Violation Icon

This icon is displayed if the client is running old firmware that does not support encryption or client authentication and the server has "hard" security mode set. This icon might also display in other securityrelated cases, such as key conflict or failed key validation, but other icons might display instead.

16.29. (51-54) Ethernet Address Icon

The 51-54 icons are the same as the 31-34 icons. The only difference is the level of the current authentication. See Table 16.1, Troubleshooting Icon Quick Reference for more information for a description of each icon.

16.30. (60) Insert Card Icon


(61) Waiting for Primary Sun Ray Client Icon

If the site's authentication policy allows access only by card, this icon is displayed to prompt the user to insert a card. Access without card is disabled.

16.31. (61) Waiting for Primary Sun Ray Client Icon

The Sun Ray Client is a secondary client in a multihead group, and the primary client is not currently connected.

16.32. (62) Token Reader Icon

The Sun Ray Client is a token reader. When a site policy disallows pseudo-sessions, a Sun Ray Client configured as a token reader displays the Token Reader icon instead of the Login dialog box.

16.33. (63) Card Error Icon

The smart card is not recognized by the Sun Ray server or there is a reader error. The following reasons may include: The Sun Ray Client is running an older firmware.


(64) Waiting For Access Icon

The smart card's contacts are dirty, the contacts on the smart card reader are dirty, or the card is not properly inserted. The smart card is malfunctioning. The Sun Ray server is not configured to read this type of smart card or an error exists in the configuration file. To fix this problem, try one of the following actions: Upgrade the firmware on the Sun Ray Client. Clean the smart card. Replace the smart card. Verify that the Sun Ray server has the appropriate smart card configuration files installed and configured.

16.34. (64) Waiting For Access Icon

This icon indicates that the server is not allowing access at the current time. This problem occurs when a Sun Ray Client loses power or the network connection to the server is interrupted and the smart card from the Sun Ray Client is inserted into a different Sun Ray Client before the server has timed out the lost connection. Because the old connection is still active, new connections using the same smart card are unable to gain access. When this conditions occurs, the server checks the status of the old connection. After the time reserved for this check has elapsed (an initial default of 10 seconds), the Sun Ray Client connection is restarted and the condition should be automatically resolved. Either the session access is granted or the Sun Ray Client remains in this Waiting for Access state (64). If a Sun Ray Client continues to remain in this state, the same token is being used with another connection. Specifically, two physical tokens (smart card, Sun Ray Client, Oracle Virtual Desktop Client profile) are trying to connect to the same session. Possible reasons for this issue include the following: A security incident where a copied or fake smart card is used to gain access to the session. A security incident where a copy of an Oracle Virtual Desktop Client profile is used to gain access to the session. This situation might also indicate a user error. Oracle Virtual Desktop Client profile files should not be copied to a different computer or user account. A registered token policy is in effect, alias tokens have been configured, and an alias token is still connected to the session the user is trying to access. If access is denied because of a currently


(64) Waiting For Access Icon

connected alias token, the connected alias token needs to be disconnected to regain access. For example, the aliased smart card must be removed from its Sun Ray Client.


Chapter 17. Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients

Table of Contents
17.1. Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients Overview ................................................................................. 219 17.2. How to Enable Access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients ......................................................... 219 17.3. How to Enable the Clipboard Service for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients .................................... 221 17.4. Client ID Differences Between Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients and Sun Ray Clients .................... 221 17.5. How to Display Client ID Information ....................................................................................... 222 17.6. How to Change the Keyboard Country Code ........................................................................... 223 17.7. Oracle Virtual Desktop Client Troubleshooting ......................................................................... 223 17.7.1. Connection Problems When Using a VPN or WAN ....................................................... 223 17.7.2. Screen Rendering Problems ........................................................................................ 224 17.7.3. How to Set the Logging Level ...................................................................................... 224 17.7.4. How to Change the Log File Location .......................................................................... 224 17.7.5. How to Diagnose Connection Problems ........................................................................ 225 This chapter describes how to enable access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients, explains client ID differences with Sun Ray Clients, and provides troubleshooting information.

17.1. Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients Overview

An Oracle Virtual Desktop Client is a software version of a Sun Ray Client. The Oracle Virtual Desktop Client application runs on an ordinary PC or laptop computer and provides a Sun Ray session in a desktop window. It is supported and can be installed on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and the iPad. An Oracle Virtual Desktop Client supports most of the standard Sun Ray Client functionality. Instead of relying only on a Sun Ray Client for session access, a user can install and run the Oracle Virtual Desktop Client application on a laptop or a desktop. This is useful, for example, if users use a Sun Ray Client at the office, but they want to access the same Sun Ray session at home from their laptop or desktop. Note Most Sun Ray Client references in this document also apply to Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients, unless otherwise specified. The Oracle Virtual Desktop Client product is not provided with the Sun Ray Software media image. It must be downloaded separately, which is available from the Sun Ray Products Download page at http:// See the Oracle Virtual Desktop Client documentation ( for detailed information about the Oracle Virtual Desktop Client application and its command-line equivalent, the ovdc command.

17.2. How to Enable Access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients

This procedure describes how to enable access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients either through the utpolicy command or the Admin GUI. By default, access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients is disabled on a Sun Ray server. You might also need to configure firewall settings as follows:


How to Enable Access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients

Client computers. Ensure that firewall settings on the client computers allow Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients to access the Internet. Sun Ray servers. See Section 3.1.13, Ports and Protocols for information on the ports used by Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients. Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients can be used to access both smart card sessions and non-smart card sessions. Session mobility, or hotdesking, is supported with or without smart cards. Note The following procedures use a warm restart of Sun Ray services. If you disable access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients, use a cold restart.

Admin GUI Steps

1. Click the Advanced tab. 2. Click the Security subtab. 3. Select the Oracle Virtual Desktop Client option in the Card Users and Non-Card Users sections. This enables both smart card and non-smart card sessions. 4. Restart all servers in the server group using the Warm Restart button.

Command Line Steps

1. View the current policy. Use the utpolicy command, as follows:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy Current Policy: -a -g -z both -M

Note The -M option enables non-smart card mobile (NSCM) sessions. 2. Edit the current policy, to enable access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients. Do one of the following: a. To enable both smart card and non-smart card sessions, add the -u both option to your policy options.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -a -g -z both -M -u both

b. To enable only non-smart card sessions, add the -u pseudo option to your policy options.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -a -g -z both -M -u pseudo

c. To enable only smart card sessions, add the -u card option to your policy options.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -a -g -z both -M -u card

3. Restart the Sun Ray services.


How to Enable the Clipboard Service for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart

After enabling or disabling access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients, a restart of Sun Ray services in the server group is required.

17.3. How to Enable the Clipboard Service for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients
This procedure describes how to enable copy and paste text between an application running in an Oracle Virtual Desktop Client session and an application running on the local desktop. When enabled, Oracle Virtual Desktop Client users can copy and paste text between an application running in an Oracle Virtual Desktop Client session and an application running on the local desktop. Copying and pasting Unicode characters is supported. For the copy and paste functionality to work, the clipboard service must be enabled on the Sun Ray server and clipboard sharing must be enabled on the Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients. You can use the utdevadm command or the Advanced->Security page on the Admin GUI to check if the clipboard service is enabled. Note This feature is not available on Sun Ray servers running Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions. Follow these steps to enable the clipboard service on the Sun Ray server.

Admin GUI Steps

1. Click the Advanced tab. 2. Click the Security subtab. 3. Select the Oracle Virtual Desktop Client Clipboard option in the Devices section. 4. Restart Sun Ray services using the Warm Restart button on the Servers page.

Command Line Steps

1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Enable the clipboard service on Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utdevadm -e -s clipboard

3. Restart the Sun Ray services.

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart

17.4. Client ID Differences Between Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients and Sun Ray Clients
If you have existing scripts using the Sun Ray Software commands, or you plan to create scripts, you must be aware of the client ID differences between Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients and Sun Ray Clients. All clients are represented in the Sun Ray Software administration tools by a client ID, also called CID, terminal CID, or client identifier. A client ID has both a full ID and a short ID version:


How to Display Client ID Information

Full client ID: Short client ID: id-part The namespace value is a tag that determines the format of the id-part value. Short client IDs are usually used and accepted because the current namespaces, one for Sun Ray Clients and one for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients, use different id-part formats. The full client ID is used to help distinguish between these different types of clients more easily. See Table 17.1, Oracle Virtual Desktop Client ID Details for the details of the client ID. Table 17.1. Oracle Virtual Desktop Client ID Details Client Sun Ray Client Oracle Virtual Desktop Client Note The client key is part of an Oracle Virtual Desktop Client profile, so every Oracle Virtual Desktop Client profile has its own client ID. See Table 17.2, Example Sun Ray Client IDs and Table 17.3, Example Oracle Virtual Desktop Client IDs for examples of client IDs. Table 17.2. Example Sun Ray Client IDs Short ID 0003badc1b9d 00144f85f52f 080020b5ca55 Full CID IEEE802.0003badc1b9d IEEE802.00144f85f52f IEEE802.080020b5ca55 namespace Value IEEE802 MD5 id-part Meaning MAC address of DTU MD5 hash of client key id-part Format 12 hex digits 32 hex digits

Table 17.3. Example Oracle Virtual Desktop Client IDs Short ID 1bd97b44ea9458fac256a7a778a282fe d8b3a4eb29497e0c6fbb0f2a810267f5 Full CID MD5.1bd97b44ea9458fac256a7a778a282fe MD5.d8b3a4eb29497e0c6fbb0f2a810267f5

17.5. How to Display Client ID Information

To display the client ID for Oracle Virtual Desktop Client, use the -i or --clientid command option of the ovdc command, as follows:
ovdc -i ovdc --clientid

Note The format of the client ID for an Oracle Virtual Desktop Client is different to the client ID for a Sun Ray Client. See Section 17.4, Client ID Differences Between Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients and Sun Ray Clients for more information.


How to Change the Keyboard Country Code

17.6. How to Change the Keyboard Country Code

The Oracle Virtual Desktop Client application automatically detects the keyboard country code from the operating system on the client computer. In some cases, you might want to change the keyboard country code. For example, if the correct key strokes are not being sent to the Sun Ray server. To change the keyboard country code, do the following: 1. Go to the Keyboard tab in the Oracle Virtual Desktop Client settings tabs. 2. Type a number from 0 to 255 in the Keyboard Country Code field. Valid country codes are listed in the file in the /usr/openwin/share/etc/keytables directory on a Oracle Solaris-based Sun Ray server. For the list of keyboard country codes, see Section 13.18, Keyboard Country Codes. .

17.7. Oracle Virtual Desktop Client Troubleshooting

This section provides troubleshooting information for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients.

17.7.1. Connection Problems When Using a VPN or WAN

The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is the maximum packet size for connections. By default, the MTU is set to 1500 bytes. If you experience problems when using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or a wide area network (WAN), the MTU setting might be too high for your network. To diagnose the correct MTU setting for your network, use the ping command to find the largest packet size that can be transmitted successfully. On Windows platforms:
ping server-name -l bytes -f

where server-name is the name of the Sun Ray server and bytes is the packet size. On Mac OS X platforms:
ping -s bytes -D server-name

where server-name is the name of the Sun Ray server and bytes is the packet size. On Linux platforms:
ping server-name -s bytes

where server-name is the name of the Sun Ray server and bytes is the packet size. To calculate the MTU setting, add eight bytes to the packet size. To set the MTU, either change the setting on the Network tab or run the following command:
ovdc --mtu bytes server-name


Screen Rendering Problems

where bytes is the MTU, in bytes and server-name is the name of the Sun Ray server.

17.7.2. Screen Rendering Problems

Screen rendering problems, such as slow screen redraw or blocks of black pixels, can occur if the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) setting is too high for the network. The MTU is the maximum packet size for connections. By default, the MTU is set to 1500 bytes. See Section 17.7.1, Connection Problems When Using a VPN or WAN for details of how to diagnose the correct MTU setting for your network.

17.7.3. How to Set the Logging Level

To help you to diagnose problems with Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients, you can increase the logging level. Table 17.4, Oracle Virtual Desktop Client Logging Levels shows the available logging levels. Table 17.4. Oracle Virtual Desktop Client Logging Levels Level 0 1 2 3 Description No logging Critical messages Warnings Informational messages

By default, the logging level is 0, which sets logging to off. You can also set the logging domains (categories to log) with the --logging-domains option, but all logging domains are logged by default. The logging level is cumulative. For example, the maximum logging level 3 includes informational messages, warnings, and critical messages. To set the logging level, run the following command:
ovdc --logging-level num server-name

where num is the logging level and server-name is the name of the Sun Ray server. For example, to record warnings and critical messages for a connection to the Sun Ray server, run the following command:
ovdc --logging-level 2

17.7.4. How to Change the Log File Location

By default, log messages are written to a .log text file on the client computer. The .log file is named after the profile used. For example, the log file for the default profile is called default.log. The default location of the log file depends on the installation platform, as follows: Microsoft Windows XP platforms C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\OVDC\profilename.log Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows 7 platforms C:\Users\username\AppData \Roaming\OVDC\profilename.log


How to Diagnose Connection Problems

Mac OS X platforms $HOME/.OVDC/profilename.log Linux platforms $HOME/.OVDC/profilename.log If you use the --profile command option to specify the path to a profile, the log file is created automatically in the same directory as the profile. In the following example, log messages are written to the C:\temp\fullscreen.log file.
ovdc --profile C:\temp\fullscreen Using the --logfile Command Option

You can use the --logfile command option to change the name and location of the log file. If the path to the log file contains spaces, surround the path with straight quotation marks ("). The following example uses the default profile and writes log messages to the mylog.txt file in the default location.
ovdc --logfile mylog.txt

The following example uses the default profile and writes log messages to the C:\temp\logfile.txt file.
ovdc --logfile C:\temp\logfile.txt

The following example uses the C:\profiles\fullscreen profile and writes log messages to the C: \temp\logfile.txt file.
ovdc --profile C:\profiles\fullscreen --logfile C:\temp\logfile.txt

The following example uses the C:\profiles\fullscreen profile and writes log messages to the mylog.txt file in the default location.
ovdc --profile C:\profiles\fullscreen --logfile mylog.txt

17.7.5. How to Diagnose Connection Problems

Sun Ray Software uses a combination of the on-screen display (OSD) icons and localized error messages to display the status of a connection. The OSD icons can be used to diagnose connection problems with Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients. See Chapter 16, Sun Ray Client Troubleshooting Icons for details about the available OSD icons.



Chapter 18. Windows Connector

Table of Contents
18.1. Windows Connector Overview ................................................................................................ 228 18.2. Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 230 18.3. Using the Windows Connector ................................................................................................ 230 18.3.1. How to Start a Windows Session ................................................................................. 231 18.3.2. How to Start a Windows Session Within Java Desktop System (JDS) ............................. 233 18.3.3. How to Lock a Windows Session ................................................................................. 233 18.3.4. How to Set Up Access to the uttsc Command ............................................................ 234 18.3.5. How to Set Up a Desktop Shortcut to Start a Windows Session ..................................... 234 18.3.6. How to Separate Settings for Session Locale and Keyboard Layout ............................... 234 18.4. Audio Input ............................................................................................................................ 234 18.4.1. Enabling Audio Input on Windows 7 Enterprise ............................................................. 235 18.5. Video Acceleration ................................................................................................................. 235 18.5.1. Video Acceleration Requirements ................................................................................. 235 18.5.2. Videos Accelerated ...................................................................................................... 236 18.5.3. Audio Accelerated ....................................................................................................... 237 18.5.4. Additional Notes .......................................................................................................... 238 18.5.5. Video Acceleration Troubleshooting .............................................................................. 239 18.6. USB Device Redirection ......................................................................................................... 244 18.6.1. Device Access ............................................................................................................ 244 18.6.2. Supported Configurations ............................................................................................. 244 18.6.3. Tested USB Devices ................................................................................................... 244 18.6.4. Additional Notes .......................................................................................................... 245 18.6.5. How to Add USB Drivers to a Virtual Machine .............................................................. 245 18.6.6. USB Redirection Troubleshooting ................................................................................. 246 18.7. Hotdesking ............................................................................................................................. 248 18.7.1. Hotdesking Behavior .................................................................................................... 248 18.7.2. Location Awareness .................................................................................................... 248 18.8. Session Directory ................................................................................................................... 250 18.9. Network Security .................................................................................................................... 251 18.9.1. Built-in RDP Network Security ...................................................................................... 251 18.9.2. Enhanced Network Security ......................................................................................... 251 18.10. Auto-reconnect ..................................................................................................................... 252 18.11. Compression ........................................................................................................................ 253 18.11.1. How to Disable Compression ..................................................................................... 253 18.12. Licensing ............................................................................................................................. 253 18.12.1. Per-user Mode Versus Per-device Mode ..................................................................... 253 18.13. Smart Cards ........................................................................................................................ 254 18.13.1. How to Enable Smart Card Redirection on a Per-Connection Basis .............................. 254 18.13.2. How to Set Up Smart Card Login for Windows ............................................................ 255 18.14. Multi-Monitor Support ........................................................................................................... 255 18.15. Desktop Resizing ................................................................................................................. 255 18.15.1. How to Enable Automatic Windows Desktop Resizing During Hotdesking ..................... 256 18.16. Printing ................................................................................................................................ 257 18.16.1. How to Set Up Print Queues (Oracle Solaris) .............................................................. 257 18.16.2. How to Set Up Print Queues (Oracle Linux) ................................................................ 257 18.16.3. How to Make Sun Ray Printers Available to a Windows Session .................................. 258 18.16.4. How to Maintain the Printer Cache File ...................................................................... 259


Windows Connector Overview

18.16.5. How to Set Up Follow-Me Printing .............................................................................. 18.16.6. Printers Troubleshooting ............................................................................................ 18.17. uttsc Error Messages ........................................................................................................ 18.17.1. General Troubleshooting ............................................................................................ This chapter provides information about managing the Windows connector.

259 260 261 262

18.1. Windows Connector Overview

Note Previous to the Sun Ray Software 5.2 release, the Windows connector was known as Sun Ray Connector for Windows OS or SRWC, and it had to be separately installed. In this release, the Windows connector is automatically installed as part of the Sun Ray Software product. The Windows connector is a Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client that enables Sun Ray users to access applications running on remote Microsoft Windows systems. This client is especially useful to those who are accustomed to Windows-based applications or who want to access documents in certain formats from a Sun Ray Client. Users can access their Windows desktop on a Sun Ray Client at full screen or in a window. Kiosk mode is the recommended way to configure the Windows connector. By using kiosk mode, you can set up a Sun Ray Client to behave just like a Windows system, which means users do not have to interact with the Oracle Solaris or Oracle Linux login screen and they do not need to specify the uttsc command. See Chapter 10, Kiosk Mode for more information. As stated, the Windows connector mediates between the Sun Ray Client and a Windows system. It uses the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to communicate with the Windows system and the Appliance Link Protocol (ALP) to communicate with the Sun Ray Client, as shown in Figure 18.1, Windows Connector Overview.


Windows Connector Overview

Figure 18.1. Windows Connector Overview

Once the Windows connector is configured, a user has to use the uttsc command to connect to a Windows system if the kiosk mode is not configured. The user can modify the command to accommodate a variety of preferences or options, such as specifying screen size or a list of available printers. Table 18.1, Windows Connector Features lists the features provided by the Windows connector. Table 18.1. Windows Connector Features Feature Section 18.6, USB Device Redirection Section 18.5, Video Acceleration Section 18.4, Audio Input Clipboard Description Enables users to access USB devices connected to a Sun Ray Client from their Windows sessions, provided that the appropriate device drivers are installed on the Windows system. The Windows connector provides features to increase the performance for video streams and Adobe Flash content. The support provided is dependent on the Windows OS. Users can play sound files on their Sun Ray Clients (audio out) with audio applications located on the Windows system. Recording from the Sun Ray Client to the Windows system (audio in) is also supported. The Windows connector enables cut-and-paste text functionality between Windows applications and the applications running on the Oracle Solaris or Oracle Linux desktop. Copying and pasting is enabled for all supported languages, including double-byte languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. The Windows connector does not support copying and pasting functionality for Rich Text Format. The following behaviors, although similar, are caused by limitations in different applications:




Description Once a copy-and-paste operation has been performed from a dtterm window, subsequent copy-and-paste operations from the same window to a Windows application always show the data from the first such operation. Cut-and-paste operations do not work from dtpad to Windows applications. Cut-and-paste menu options do not work correctly in transfers from StarOffice applications.

Section 18.11, Compression

The Windows connector uses RDP bulk compression to compress data between the Sun Ray server, which runs the Windows connector, and the Windows system.

Section 18.9, Network The Windows connector uses RSA Security's RC4 cipher, which encrypts data of Security varying size with a 56-bit or a 128-bit key, to secure all data being transferred to and from the Windows system. Alternatively, using TLS/SSL or CredSSP through the enhanced network security option, all traffic is encrypted as per protocol specifications and system configuration. Local Drive Mapping File systems from removable media devices, such as flash drives, can be connected to the Sun Ray Client's USB ports and mapped to the Windows environment, where they are displayed as locally mounted drives. Any file can be mounted and mapped from the Sun Ray environment to the Windows environment. In most cases, USB redirection should be used instead. From a Windows session, a user can print from a Windows application using any of the following configurations: a network printer or a locally attached printer on the Windows system, a network printer or a locally-attached printer on the Sun Ray server, or a local printer attached to the Sun Ray Client. Users can access the serial devices connected to a Sun Ray Client from their Windows sessions. Serial devices can be connected either directly to the serial ports on a Sun Ray Client or by means of a serial adapter.

Section 18.16, Printing

Serial Port Mapping

Section 18.8, Session The Windows connector supports server session reconnection based on Directory load balancing information and the Session Directory, a database that keeps track of which users are running which sessions on which Windows systems. Session Directory functionality enables users to reconnect automatically to the right Windows session. Terminal services session load balancing is handled transparently by the Windows Terminal Server. Section 18.13, Smart Cards The Windows connector uses the PC/SC framework to enable applications on the Windows system to access smart cards inserted in the Sun Ray Client. Typically, this feature is used to provide two-factor authentication with digital certificates or to permit the use of electronic signatures or other information stored on a smart card.

18.2. Requirements
For the list of supported Windows remote desktops, see Section 3.1.3, Windows Remote Desktop Support.

18.3. Using the Windows Connector

This section describes how to start a Windows session on a Sun Ray Client or an Oracle Virtual Desktop Client. The Windows connector and the remote Windows system must be configured beforehand. You can


How to Start a Windows Session

configure the Windows connector as part of the Sun Ray Software installation or through the utconfig -c command. By default, remote desktop services is not enabled on a Windows system, so you must specifically enable it. See the Windows documentation for details. The uttsc command enables you to establish a remote connection with a Windows system through the Windows connector. An alternative uttscwrap command is also provided for users that use JDS on Oracle Solaris. Many of the functions provided by a local Windows desktop are provided with a Windows session on a client, including the ability to access USB devices connected directly to a Sun Ray Client using USB redirection.

18.3.1. How to Start a Windows Session

Once the Windows connector has been configured, you can start a Windows session on a Sun Ray Client from a Windows system. 1. Log in to a Sun Ray Client. 2. Start a Windows session on a Windows system.
% /opt/SUNWuttsc/bin/uttsc options hostname.domain

If the Windows system is in the same domain as the Sun Ray Client, you do not have to specify the domain name. However, if you prefer, you may specify the full IP address instead of hostname.domain. Issuing the uttsc command with no options except the name or address of a Windows system displays a Windows session on the Sun Ray Client, as shown in Figure 18.2, Windows Connector (uttsc) Example.


How to Start a Windows Session

Figure 18.2. Windows Connector (uttsc) Example

The default screen size is 640 x 480 pixels. To display a session in full-screen mode or to modify it in other ways, see the uttsc(1) man page. Example of uttsc Commands

Log in as user, enable 24-bit color, set resolution to 1024x768, turn sound quality on high, and connect to the Windows system
uttsc -u user -A 24 -g 1024x768 -r sound:high

Log in as user, enable full screen, enable 24-bit color, disables access to the RDP pull-down menu, and connect to the Windows system at
uttsc -u user -A 24 -m -b

Log in as user, enable 24-bit color, set resolution to 1024x768, enable sound quality to high, enable 2 factor authentication, and connect to the Windows system at
uttsc -u user -A 24 -g 1024x768 -r sound:high -r scard:on

Log in as user, enable 24-bit color, set resolution to 1024x768, enable sound quality to high, map the home directory to Windows H: drive, and connect to the Windows system at


How to Start a Windows Session Within Java Desktop System (JDS)

uttsc -u user -A 24 -g 1024x768 -r sound:high -r disk:H=path

Enable full screen session with smart card authentication enabled and connect to the Windows system windows_system:
uttsc -r scard:on -m windows_system

18.3.2. How to Start a Windows Session Within Java Desktop System (JDS)
The Sun Java Desktop System (JDS) integration package for the Oracle Solaris operating system delivers the command uttscwrap command, which improves integration of the Windows connector with the JDS desktop on Oracle Solaris. The JDS integration package is included in the Supplemental folder of the Sun Ray Software Media Pack. See Section, Installing the JDS Integration Package (Oracle Solaris) for detailed installation instructions. The uttscwrap command provides a login dialog that enables you to input credentials for passwordbased authentication (username/domain/password). The credentials can be saved through the dialog for subsequent invocations. At the next launch, the dialog displays the credentials. Note uttscwrap is designed for credential caching for password-based authentication only. It cannot be used with smart card authentication. For smart card authentication, use the uttsc command. Credentials are saved separately for each Windows system and application combination. This convention enables you to save different credentials in the following ways: For different applications on the same server For different applications on different servers For different server sessions with no applications launched Any new credentials saved for a server or application replace previously saved credentials. To use the uttscwrap command, specify the same parameters as the uttsc command line.

1. Log in to a Sun Ray Client. 2. Start a Windows session on a Windows system.
% /opt/SUNWuttscwrap/bin/uttscwrap options hostname.domain

If the Windows system is in the same domain as the Sun Ray desktop, you do not have to specify the domain name. However, if you prefer, you may specify the full IP address instead of hostname.domain.

18.3.3. How to Lock a Windows Session

This procedure describes how to lock a Windows session when a session moves away from a given Sun Ray Client. Note Implementation of this feature relies on technology not available by default, and it uses non-public Sun Ray interfaces as well as the use of certain public Sun


How to Set Up Access to the uttsc Command

Ray interfaces for purposes other than their intended use. For these reasons, this feature is not provided as a supported feature. A commonly used approach to implement session locking is to send the lockscreen keystrokes to the Windows Session using xvkbd, which is invoked by utaction. You can invoke the utaction command from an Xsession.d or xinitrc.d script as follows:
#!/bin/sh XVKBD=/usr/openwin/bin/xvkdb /opt/SUNWut/bin/utaction -d "$XVKBD -text 'Ml'" &

Because xvkbd is not available by default, you should modify the XVKBD setting in the example so that it correctly identifies the installation location of xvkbd. Note The keystroke sequence Ml activates the Windows lock for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 sessions. You might need to substitute a different keystroke sequence for other Windows versions.

18.3.4. How to Set Up Access to the uttsc Command

To access the uttsc command directly, add the following entry to your PATH variable:
/opt/SUNWuttsc/bin, /opt/SUNWuttsc/sbin, /opt/SUNWuttscwrap/bin

The /opt/SUNWuttscwrap/bin path is required only if you are using the JDS integration package.

18.3.5. How to Set Up a Desktop Shortcut to Start a Windows Session

A graphical user interface is not available for the Windows connector at this time. However, you can set up a launcher to create a desktop icon or menu item to connect to the Windows session. For details about how to set up launchers, consult the desktop documentation for your operating system.

18.3.6. How to Separate Settings for Session Locale and Keyboard Layout
The Windows connector provides the ability to separate settings for the session local and keyboard layout. The -G option specifies the language/locale for the session and the -Y option specifies the keyboard layout used to process the keyboard input. For example, you can specify the nl-NL Dutch locale with a US international keyboard layout as follows: uttsc -G nl-NL -Y en-US:INT. See the uttsc man page for more details. The -l option is still available and sets both the language/ locale and keyboard layout.

18.4. Audio Input

Audio input redirection connects the audio streams captured on a Sun Ray Client to a Windows session. When a user connects an analog audio input device (such as a microphone or headset) to a physical Sun Ray Client, the Windows connector automatically detects and redirects the audio stream to the user's Windows desktop. See Section 15.2, USB Headsets for details on using USB headsets. Audio input through RDP is not supported for Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, so you must install the audio input Windows connector component. For Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008, audio input is automatically provided.


Enabling Audio Input on Windows 7 Enterprise

Audio input is disabled by default. You can enable audio input by using the following uttsc option:
-r soundin:[low|medium|high|off]

Note Audio input is not available through VPN connections.

18.4.1. Enabling Audio Input on Windows 7 Enterprise

Windows 7 Enterprise has audio capture disabled by default. Audio capture must be enabled for the audio input feature to work properly. To enable audio capture on Windows 7 Enterprise, see Microsoft knowledge article 2020918.

18.5. Video Acceleration

This section describes the video acceleration features provided with Sun Ray Software. The available features depend on the Windows desktop and the Sun Ray Client being used. Video acceleration improves the user experience for video playback on the client devices. And, by using compressed video streams and client-side rendering, video acceleration also reduces server CPU cycles and network bandwidth when providing multimedia content.

18.5.1. Video Acceleration Requirements

Video acceleration is available on Windows desktop sessions when the following requirements are met. Table 18.2. Video Acceleration Requirements Windows Desktop Windows 7, 2008, XP, and 2003 Windows 7 and 2008 Windows XP and 2003 Video Type Required Applications 32-bit Internet Explorer 8 and 9 Adobe Flash Player MPEG-2 and VC-1 video Windows Media Player 10, 11, or 12 None None Required Windows Connector Component Adobe Flash acceleration component Additional ThirdParty Components None

Adobe Flash content

MPEG-2, H.264, Windows Media and VC-1 video Player 10, 11, or 12

Multimedia redirection Audio/Video demuxer component for MPEG-2 and H.264 videos (for example, MatroskaSplitter). This is required because Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 do not decode MPEG-2 and H.264 natively.

Note For Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008, all video players should benefit from the heuristic video detection and acceleration algorithm provided by Sun Ray Software.


Videos Accelerated

18.5.2. Videos Accelerated

Video acceleration is provided up to a maximum resolution size based on what Sun Ray Client is being used, as specified in the following tables. Note The maximum resolution sizes listed in the following tables indicate the largest video size that can be used for a reliable user experience on local area networks. The final frame rate provided on the Sun Ray Client is a combination of video content, encoded bitrate, network conditions, upstream software performance, and pipeline efficiency. Table 18.3. Video Acceleration on Sun Ray 2 Clients Windows Desktop Windows 7, 2008, XP, and 2003 Windows 7 and 2008 Windows XP and 2003 Video Type Adobe Flash content MPEG-2 and VC-1 MPEG-2 H.264 Profiles n/a n/a Main Profile Main Level Baseline Profile Level 2.0 Extended Profile minus Data Partitioning Main Profile minus CABAC Entropy Coding VC-1 Simple Profile Low and Medium Level Main Profile Low, Medium, and High Level 352x288 320x240 Maximum Resolution Size 1024x768 352x288 720x480 352x288

Advanced Profile Level 0, 352x288 1, 2, and 3 Table 18.4. Video Acceleration on Sun Ray 3 and 3i Clients Windows Desktop Windows 7, 2008, XP, and 2003 Windows 7 and 2008 Windows XP and 2003 Video Type Adobe Flash content MPEG-2 and VC-1 MPEG-2 H.264 Profiles n/a n/a Main Profile Main Level Baseline Profile Level 2.0 Extended Profile minus Data Partitioning Maximum Resolution Size 1024x768 352x288 720x480 720x480


Audio Accelerated

Windows Desktop

Video Type

Profiles Main Profile minus CABAC Entropy Coding

Maximum Resolution Size


Simple Profile Low and 720x480 Medium Level Main Profile Low, Medium, and High Level Advanced Profile Level 0, 1, and 2

Table 18.5. Video Acceleration on Sun Ray 3 Plus Clients Windows Desktop Windows 7, 2008, XP, and 2003 Windows 7 and 2008 Windows XP and 2003 Video Codec Adobe Flash content MPEG-2 and VC-1 MPEG-2 H.264 Profiles n/a n/a Main Profile Main Level Baseline Profile Level 2.0 Extended Profile minus Data Partitioning Main Profile minus CABAC Entropy Coding VC-1 Simple Profile Low and 1280x720 Medium Level Main Profile Low, Medium, and High Level Advanced Profile Level 0, 1, and 2 Maximum Resolution Size 1280x720 352x288 1280x720 1280x720

18.5.3. Audio Accelerated

The following audio codecs are decoded to increase audio performance when using Windows XP and Windows Server 2003: AAC MPEG WMA


Additional Notes

18.5.4. Additional Notes

Here are some additional notes and restrictions when using video acceleration on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003: Some video playback features in Windows Media Player may not work due to decoding video remotely from the host where the player is running. This includes frame-by-frame playback, variable speed playback, repeat mode, the Playlist option, skin mode, moving the slider backward and forward multiple times, and quitting Windows Media Player while playing a video. Multimedia redirection is not supported in Xinerama sessions (using a single screen across several monitors). For more information about Xinerama, see Section 18.14, Multi-Monitor Support. The volume controller in the Windows task bar cannot be used when playing videos with Windows Media Player. The Mute button and volume slider in the Windows Media Player do not work while playing videos in a Windows session connected from a Sun Ray server running Oracle Linux. Multimedia redirection is not supported in a Windows Session Directory environment. Third-party video decoders can be installed on the same Windows system as the multimedia redirection component, but the decoders will not be used by the multimedia redirection component when streaming video. Creating video content at 15 fps may provide better overall results. Using Windows Media Player to change volume levels will also change the volume level on other applications. The Windows connector does not provide a per-application volume setting. Pausing a video in Windows Media Player will mute other applications. When resuming the video, the volume level for Windows Media Player and other applications will be set back to the Window Media Player's current volume setting. Any volume level changes made during video playback with the volume keys on the Sun Ray Client are ignored. Here are some important notes and restrictions when using video acceleration on all Windows desktops: Playing windowless Adobe Flash content with Adobe Flash Player 11 in Internet Explorer 9 is not supported. Playing video while a copy operation is in progress is not supported. Playing video from a USB flash disk attached to a Sun Ray Client is not supported. Playing multiple videos simultaneously with Windows Media Player or Internet Explorer is not supported. Adobe Flash content playback performance may not be comparable to a stand-alone desktop environment because of various network latency and lossy video compression issues. The audio and video may become out-of-sync during Adobe Flash playback on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. Adobe Flash acceleration is not supported in Xinerama sessions (using a single screen across several monitors). For more information about using Xinerama, see Section 18.14, Multi-Monitor Support. Adobe Flash acceleration and Multimedia redirection are supported only on the primary head of a multihead configuration.


Video Acceleration Troubleshooting

If you hotdesk a client while currently playing a video, the audio and video may become out-of-sync or a run-time error may occur. The workaround is to restart Windows Media Player or Internet Explorer and replay the video. This is a current issue with the MS-RDP client. See Section, Windows Media Player Error During Session Reconnection for an example of the Windows Media Player error message. When using 64-bit versions of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008, a task bar pop-up menu will display behind any Adobe Flash playback area that covers the menu area. If this happens, you need to move the playback area to access the pop-up menu. Adobe Flash playback problems may occur when using Adobe Flash Player 11 on Windows Server 2003. Try using Adobe Flash Player 10.x instead. Third-party software providing similar media acceleration may conflict with the Flash Acceleration component and make it unusable. To make the Flash Acceleration work properly in this situation, you need to uninstall the third-party software and remove/reinstall the Windows connector components on the Windows system.

18.5.5. Video Acceleration Troubleshooting

This section provides troubleshooting information for the video acceleration feature. How to Enable Video Acceleration Logging

When video acceleration is in use and if logging is enabled, video acceleration status messages and performance statistics are logged in the following files: /var/dt/Xerrors (Oracle Solaris 10) /var/log/gdm/$DISPLAY.log (Oracle Linux) Video acceleration logging is disabled by default.

1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Enable video acceleration logging:
# kill -USR2 Xnewt-pid

Note To disable messages, use the same command. The Xnewt-pid value is the Xnewt process ID for an individual Sun Ray session. You can find the Xnewt process ID by using the following commands: For Oracle Solaris:
# ps -aef | grep Xnewt | grep userid

For Oracle Linux:

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utsession -p | grep userid # ps -aef | grep Xnewt | grep ":display"

Where display is the session display number listed from the utsession command.


Video Acceleration Troubleshooting Video Acceleration Status Messages

The video acceleration status messages identify the rendering mechanism used to display the video content on the client. The video acceleration status messages have the following format:
Display display-id Video port Id video-port-id stream Id stream-id status-message

Here is an example of a status message:

Display :3.0 Video port Id 91 stream Id 3 Compressed: H.264

You can use the Video port Id and stream Id values to find the corresponding performance statistics for the video stream, as described in Section, Video Acceleration Performance Statistics. In a multihead configuration, Display indicates the head on which the video is being played. For example, Display :3.1 and Display :3.2. And, each head's Video port Id is in a different range. Table 18.6, Video Acceleration Status Messages provides the list of the video acceleration status messages. Table 18.6. Video Acceleration Status Messages Message Compressed: MPEG-1 Audio Compressed: MPEG-1/2 Video Compressed: VC-1 Compressed: WMA Compressed: H.264 Compressed: AAC Compressed: JPEG-D Start of a compressed video stream (Adobe Flash acceleration). This message is also provided when improved rendering occurs on Windows 7 and 2008. A compressed video stream tried to connect to a client that does not support decoding, either because of the hardware or outdated firmware. The Sun Ray Client signalled an error and the acceleration feature is resending the video header buffers. Start of an XVideo stream. Note that the XVideo protocol does not require start/stop, so an application may send multiple streams without a new debug message. An XVideo stream is using the low bandwidth logic or the bandwidth has increased so it is resuming the normal logic. The session running a video stream has been hotdesked. Comments Start of a compressed video stream (multimedia redirection).

Compressed: codec hotdesked firmware does not support compressed video Compressed: codec error. Replaying headers. YUV: YV12 YUV: I420 YUV: YV12 low bandwidth on YUV: YV12 low bandwidth ended YUV: YV12 hotdesked or swapped codec hotdesked or swapped

If Adobe Flash acceleration has occurred (indicated by the video acceleration icon), but there are no status messages in the log file, then the Adobe Flash content was decompressed on the Sun Ray server and displayed through the X11 API.


Video Acceleration Troubleshooting Video Acceleration Performance Statistics

In addition to the general status messages logged for video acceleration, performance statistics for each video stream are logged at approximately one second intervals. The performance statistics can quickly increase the size of the log file by approximately 100 bytes for each second a video runs (or more for larger videos). Here is an example output of the performance statistics:
XvEnc +delta XvEnc +1.054 tpf 145 idle XvEnc +1.099 tpf 238 idle XvEnc +1.007 tpf 202 idle XvEnc +1.005 tpf 209 idle XvEnc +1.038 tpf 151 idle XvEnc +1.068 tpf 174 idle XvEnc +1.009 tpf 156 idle XvEnc +1.001 tpf 110 idle XvEnc +1.117 tpf 10 idle XvEnc +1.003 tpf 0 idle XvEnc +1.103 tpf 0 idle XvEnc +1.102 tpf 0 idle XvEnc +1.010 XvEnc +1.000 XvEnc +1.000 scrn prt strm codec WxH @ X:Y avg fps frames dropped lost overflow ms tpf dtu idle :3.0 91 3 JPEG-D(h) 640x390 @ 24:302 26 fps 0 drop 0 lost 0 oflow 18 :3.0 91 3 JPEG-D(h) 640x390 @ 24:302 28 fps 0 drop 0 lost 0 oflow 3 :3.0 91 3 JPEG-D(h) 640x390 @ 24:302 31 fps 0 drop 0 lost 0 oflow 3 :3.0 91 3 JPEG-D(h) 640x390 @ 24:302 28 fps 2 (d) drop 0 lost 0 oflow 21 :3.0 91 3 JPEG-D(h) 640x390 @ 24:302 27 fps 5 (d) drop 0 lost 0 oflow 38 :3.0 91 3 MPEG-1/2 Video(se) 352x240 @ 46:96 25 fps 0 drop 0 lost 0 oflow -1 :3.0 91 3 MPEG-1/2 Video(se) 352x240 @ 54:232 30 fps 0 drop 0 lost 0 oflow -1 :3.0 91 3 MPEG-1/2 Video(se) 352x240 @ 54:232 30 fps 0 drop 0 lost 0 oflow -1 :3.0 91 3 H.264(se) 320x240 @ 70:232 14 (22 d) fps 8 (r) drop 0 lost 0 oflow -1 :3.0 91 3 H.264(se) 320x240 @ 70:232 15 (31 d) fps 16 (r) drop 0 lost 0 oflow -1 :3.0 91 3 H.264(se) 320x240 @ 70:232 16 (30 d) fps 14 (r) drop 0 lost 0 oflow -1 :3.0 91 3 H.264(se) 320x240 @ 70:232 17 (36 d) fps 19 (r) drop 0 lost 0 oflow -1 :3.0 91 3 VC-1(se) 321x240 @ 70:232 15 fps 0 drop 0 lost 0 oflow -1 tpf 115 idle :3.0 91 3 VC-1(se) 321x240 @ 70:232 15 fps 0 drop 0 lost 0 oflow -1 tpf 143 idle :3.0 91 3 VC-1(se) 321x240 @ 70:232 15 fps 0 drop 0 lost 0 oflow -1 tpf 125 idle

The column titles in the output are as follows: XvEnc - The name of the accelerated video path. +delta - The delta time (in seconds) from the previous performance entry for the video. This value may be higher (+3) in the first entry when the video is buffering. scrn - The screen on which the video is displaying. prt - The video port ID the video is using. Use this value to find the corresponding status message. strm - The stream ID of the video. Use this value to find the corresponding status message. codec - The video's codec and whether it is using software or hardware decoding. Values include (s) for software decoding without extended firmware, (h) for hardware decoding with extended firmware, and (se) software decoding with extended firmware. WxH - The width by height of the video's output size. X:Y - The X and Y coordinates of the video window's upper-left corner on the screen. avg fps - The average frames per second for the last measured second of the video stream. Examples include: 21 fps = 21 fps rendered


Video Acceleration Troubleshooting

17 (26 d) fps = 26 fps were decoded but only 17 were rendered to the screen frames dropped - Used by Oracle support. frames lost - Used by Oracle support. overflow - Used by Oracle support. ms tpf - Used by Oracle support. dtu idle - The average amount of idle time on the Sun Ray Client's CPU. This value ranges from 0-254. How to Verify that Video Acceleration is Active

When video acceleration is active, a video acceleration taskbar icon is displayed in the Windows desktop taskbar. It is displayed on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 with multimedia redirection enabled and on all Windows platforms with Adobe Flash acceleration enabled. Hovering the mouse over the icon displays the type of acceleration, the media type, and size, as shown in the following screenshots. Figure 18.3. Verifying Video Acceleration is Active (Multimedia Redirection)

Figure 18.4. Verifying Video Acceleration is Active (Adobe Flash Acceleration)


Video Acceleration Troubleshooting Adobe Flash Acceleration Not Working (Icon Not Displaying)

Check the following: Make sure the Adobe Flash acceleration Windows component is installed on the Windows system. See Section 3.2.6, How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System for the details. Make sure that Internet Explorer has the "Third party browser extensions" option enabled, which is located in the Advanced tab of Tools->Internet Options. Audio/Video is Out of Sync When Playing VC-1 Movies

If the video acceleration play icon tool tip shows Audio:NONE instead of Audio:PCM, the audio device for the Windows Media Player is not configured properly.

Delete the following Windows registry key to revert back to the default audio device for the Windows Media Player:

Caution Always back up the registry on the Windows system before modifying registry keys. Windows Media Player Error During Session Reconnection

If a Windows connector session is relaunched or hotdesked while a supported media format clip is playing, a Windows Media Player error alert box might be displayed, as shown in Figure 18.5, Windows Media Player Error During Session Reconnection. Figure 18.5. Windows Media Player Error During Session Reconnection

Restart Windows Media Player and replay the video. How to Disable Multimedia Redirection

By default, multimedia redirection is enabled when using the uttsc command. The standard RDP protocol is used for video and audio when the multimedia redirection feature is disabled. To disable multimedia redirection, use the -M off option when issuing the uttsc command.


USB Device Redirection

% uttsc -M off other_uttsc_options How to Disable Adobe Flash Acceleration

By default, Adobe Flash acceleration is enabled when using the uttsc command. The standard RDP protocol is used for Adobe Flash content when the Adobe Flash acceleration feature is disabled. To disable Adobe Flash acceleration, use the -F off option when issuing the uttsc command.
% uttsc -F off other_uttsc_options

18.6. USB Device Redirection

The USB redirection feature enables users to access USB devices connected to a Sun Ray Client from their Windows sessions, provided that the appropriate device drivers are installed on the Windows system. Once you install the USB redirection component and add USB Drivers to the Virtual Machines (when needed), users can simply plug in and access the USB devices from their Sun Ray Client. Note Human Interface Devices (HID) such as keyboards and mice do not use the USB redirection component. The USB device service is enabled by default on the Sun Ray server, which enables the USB redirection functionality to work on the clients. You can use the utdevadm command or the Advanced->Security page on the Admin GUI to check if the USB device service is enabled.

18.6.1. Device Access

The accessibility of USB devices through USB redirection is determined by what Windows operating system you are using for the remote desktop connection. When using the single-user Windows XP or Windows 7 platforms, the USB devices connected to a client are accessible only to the user logged into the client's Windows session. When using the Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 platforms, the USB devices connected to a client are accessible and visible to all desktops running on the Windows system. Sharing USB devices between multiple clients does not require any additional setup. Users are always prompted to verify if it is acceptable to share their USB device with others.

18.6.2. Supported Configurations

For the list of supported Windows operating systems, see Section 3.1.3, Windows Remote Desktop Support. USB redirection is available through the following configurations: Windows connector in kiosk mode VMware View connector in kiosk mode

18.6.3. Tested USB Devices

For the list of USB devices tested to work with the USB redirection feature, see the Sun Ray Peripherals List on the Oracle Technology Network.


Additional Notes

Note USB headsets do not require or use USB redirection. See Section 15.2, USB Headsets for details.

18.6.4. Additional Notes

Devices should be connected to a user's session only after a Windows session is established. When users exit their session, the device should be disconnected. If a device is connected before a Windows session is established and the device is not available in the Windows session, hotplugging the device will make it available to the Windows session. Before disconnecting a USB device being used through USB redirection during a live Windows session, users must follow the same steps to safely remove the USB device as if the device were directly connected to Windows. There is no limit to the number of USB devices that USB redirection can support on a client. A USB hub can be used to expand the number of physical USB ports if needed. USB external smart card readers cannot be used for session authentication with USB redirection. The following scenarios might lead to data corruption on the device: Hotplugging a device during data transfer Hotdesking during data transfer If the session is disconnected for any reason Some unpowered USB devices may draw more current than what is supported by the Sun Ray Client. If you see the icon shown in Figure 18.6, USB Redirection Overcurrent Icon, then the device may not work properly. Figure 18.6. USB Redirection Overcurrent Icon

Writing files to USB flash drives with Oracle Linux may take longer than expected. This reduced performance is because of the 1 Kbyte block size and the file synchronization mechanism of Oracle Linux. Writing files to USB secure flash drives may require administrator permissions on the Windows system.

18.6.5. How to Add USB Drivers to a Virtual Machine

If your Virtual Machine (VM) does not have the USB driver installed by default, you must install the driver for USB device redirection to work properly. Examples of VMs that require this step include VMWare ESX and Hyper-V Server. This procedure should be done before the USB redirection feature is installed. For details on installing the USB redirection feature, see Section 3.2.6, How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System.


USB Redirection Troubleshooting

1. Make sure the Windows system has access to the Windows XP ISO used to create the VM. 2. Copy the usbd.sy_ file from the Windows XP ISO to the VM. For 32-bit:
cp ISO-image\i386\usbd.sy_ \windows\system32\drivers

For 64-bit:
cp ISO-image\amd64\usbd.sy_ \windows\system32\drivers

3. Change to the drivers directory.

cd \windows\system32\drivers

4. Install the USB drivers.

expand usbd.sy_ usbd.sys

5. Reboot the VM.

18.6.6. USB Redirection Troubleshooting

Here is a list of questions if USB redirection is not working. Is the USB redirection taskbar icon displayed in the Window's System Tray. Are you using a tested USB device? Check the Sun Ray Peripherals List for the list of tested USB devices. Are you using USB redirection in a supported configuration. See Section 18.6.2, Supported Configurations for details. Is the USB device service enabled on the Sun Ray server? Use the utdevadm command or the Advanced->Security page on the Admin GUI to check if the USB device service is enabled. Are you using a USB device that draws more current than what is supported by the Sun Ray Client. If there is a power problem with the device, the overcurrent icon is displayed, as shown in Figure 18.6, USB Redirection Overcurrent Icon. Was the USB device was plugged in after the Windows session was established? If not, disconnect the USB device and plug it in again. Are you using a USB external smart card reader for session authentication. If so, this will produce unpredictable behaviors. Is the device driver for the USB device configured properly in the Windows Device Manager? If the device driver is not configured properly, a yellow question mark is displayed next to the USB device's entry in the Device Manager. You must install the device driver for the USB device on the Windows system. Are the USB redirection device drivers (utSrServerBus and utSrDtuBus) configured properly in the Windows Device Manager? Figure 18.7, Verifying USB Redirection in Windows Device Manager shows that the USB redirection component is configured properly (utSrServerBus under Device Manager/System devices and utSrDtuBus under Device Manager/Universal Serial Bus controllers). If they are missing, you must


USB Redirection Troubleshooting

reinstall the USB redirection component. See Section 3.2.6, How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System for details. Figure 18.7. Verifying USB Redirection in Windows Device Manager How to Verify that USB Redirection is Active

When USB redirection is active and running in a session, a USB redirection taskbar icon is displayed in the Windows desktop taskbar, as shown in Figure 18.8, Verifying USB Redirection is Active. Figure 18.8. Verifying USB Redirection is Active

When you see this icon, you can connect USB devices to the Sun Ray Client. If you don't see this icon but you know the component is installed, run the following command on the Windows system to restart the USB redirection component:
C:\Program Files\Oracle\Sun Ray\utUsbRedirector\utUsbRedirector.exe USB Redirection Log File

By default, the /var/opt/SUNWut/log/uttscpd.log log file provides some USB redirection error messages. To enable full debug information for USB redirection, perform the following steps: 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Uncomment the USB_DEBUG_ON variable in the /etc/init.d/uttscp file and make sure it is set to something like "-D 20"

3. Restart the Windows connector proxy daemon.

# /opt/SUNWuttsc/sbin/uttscrestart Tracer Utility

The tracer utility enables you to capture the log information for the USB redirection activities. Note that these log files are not in a human readable format.



Note The tracer utility output should be sent to Oracle support. The output is not intended for customer diagnosis. To use the tracer utility: 1. Log in as the administrator account on the Windows system. 2. Choose Run from the Start menu. 3. Start the tracing utility using the following command:
C:Program Files\Oracle\SunRay\utUsbTraceController\uttrace start [-s filesize]

This example shows the location of the uttrace command based on the default installation. The -s filesize option specifies the size of the log file before the log output rotates to a new file. filesize must be specified in Mbytes. Default is 500 Mbytes. 4. Log in as the user account and replicate the issue. 5. Stop the tracing utility using the following command:
C:Program Files\Oracle\SunRay\utUsbTraceController\uttrace stop

The tracer utility log files are located in the following directory:
C:Program Files\Oracle\SunRay\Logs

The tracer utility log files have the following format:

trace log (YYYY-MM-DD)-(HH-MM-SS>)-1.etl

18.7. Hotdesking
This section describes the various ways you can manage a Windows session when hotdesking occurs.

18.7.1. Hotdesking Behavior

The uttsc command enables you to specify what happens to the Windows session when a user hotdesks to another client. You can set this behavior by using the -H option. The modes include: -H reconnect - If the remote desktop server is configured in Device Client Access License Mode, the remote desktop session gets disconnected and reconnected. The user might have to re-enter credentials. This is the default mode. -H nodisconnect - The remote desktop session remains connected. Previously the -O option. -H autoreconnect - The remote desktop server disconnects and reconnects if the user hotdesks to a different Sun Ray Client. The user does not have to re-enter credentials, and the client name and IP address get updated on the remote desktop server. This option requires the auto-reconnect feature to be enabled.

18.7.2. Location Awareness

Location awareness is a feature that provides additional hotdesking capabilities for a Windows session, which enables you to:


Location Awareness

Obtain the unique client's name in a Windows session after session startup or even after hotdesking. The client's name is forwarded during hotdesking. Set up actions through commands or scripts to execute in a Windows session when the associated client session disconnects and reconnects during hotdesking. Actions set up for reconnection also occur at session startup. Note In the context of the Windows connector, the client name is the Sun Ray Client's or Oracle Virtual Desktop Client's ID, also known as the DTU ID. In some situations, this feature replaces the need to use the utaction at the Sun Ray server operating system level, such as setting up follow-me printing. To enable this feature, you must install the Client Information Agent on the Windows system using the Sun Ray Windows Components installer, which is described in Section 3.2.6, How to Install the Windows Connector Components on a Windows System. Once installed, location awareness is enabled by default and is automatically used when a Windows session starts. Obtaining a Client's Name in a Windows Session

The location awareness feature enables you to obtain a client's name after session startup or even after hotdesking. The client name can be used for various configuration scenarios. You can obtain a client's name in the following ways: The %CLIENTNAME% environment variable. The HKCU\Volatile Environment\CLIENTNAME registry key. Using the GetComputerName() function in a Windows desktop session. Using the WTSSessionQueryInformation() function in a Terminal Services session. Setting Up Actions for a Windows Session

The location awareness feature enables you to set up commands or scripts to execute in a Windows session when the associated client session disconnects or reconnects during hotdesking, and when a Windows session starts. To do this as administrator, specify one or more registry values, name=data pairs, to the following registry keys:

For 32-bit systems

For session disconnects - HKLM\Software\Oracle\Sun Ray\ClientInfoAgent \DisconnectActions For session reconnects and session startup - HKLM\Software\Oracle\Sun Ray \ClientInfoAgent\ReconnectActions

For 64-bit systems

For session disconnects - HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Oracle\Sun Ray\ClientInfoAgent \DisconnectActions For session reconnects and session startup - HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Oracle\Sun Ray \ClientInfoAgent\ReconnectActions


Session Directory

Caution Always back up the registry on the Window system before modifying registry keys. Here are some examples of registry values for the registry keys mentioned above, where the Commandn name is used to imply order.
Command1=notepad.exe Command2=wscript.exe c:\tmp\myscript.vbs

The data value specifies the command or script to be executed, and you can specify either a 'String' or REG_SZ value type. For an executable command, such as a .exe file, you can specify an absolute path. If you do not provide a path, the executable is searched for in the following order: the current directory, the Windows system directory, the Windows directory, and the directories in the PATH environment. For a script, you should specify the script to be run in an interpreter or shell and the script path must be absolute. For example cmd.exe /c c:\foo\script.bat or wscript.exe c:\foo\script2.vbs Location Awareness Examples

There are a number of ways to use location awareness for real-world situations. Here are just a few examples. A health care provider requires access to the locale printer in each patient's room. By using the ReconnectActions registry key, you can specify a script to run whenever a health care provider logs in to a room's Sun Ray Client. For this situation, you would need to create a script to read the new client's name (Sun Ray Client's unique ID), perform a lookup to determine the printer in the room, and configure the Window session's default printer to be the room's printer. You could also use the DisconnectActions registry key to run another script that removes the currently configured printer when the health care provider disconnects from the Sun Ray Client. An instructor wants to automatically display the student's daily syllabus and lab instructions when the students log in. Since you know the client's name of the Sun Ray Clients in the training room, you can set up a script to automatically display the training content when the students log in to any of the Sun Ray Clients in the classroom. Again, this script would be run by the ReconnectActions registry key.

18.8. Session Directory

The Windows connector supports server session reconnection based on load-balancing information and the Session Directory, a database that keeps track of which users are running which sessions on which Windows system. Session Directory functionality enables Windows connector users to reconnect automatically to the right Windows session. Both IP address-based and token-based reconnection are supported. However, token-based redirection requires the use of a hardware-based load balancer for Windows systems configured as a server farm. The capacity to use server farms and load balancing enables Windows systems to accommodate a larger number of Sun Ray users and clients. Note To participate in a Session Directory-enabled server farm, the Windows systems must run Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition, Windows Server 2003 R2


Network Security

Data Center edition, or Windows 2008. Session Directory is an optional component that can be configured to use Microsoft proprietary or third-party load balancing products. Terminal services session load balancing is handled transparently by the Windows Terminal Server. For details about setting up and managing a Session Directory and load balancing, refer to the Microsoft documentation.

18.9. Network Security

To secure all data being transferred to and from the Windows server, the Windows connector supports built-in RDP network security and enhanced network security options. The built-in RDP security uses the RC4 cipher, which encrypts data of varying size with a 56-bit or a 128-bit key. The enhanced network security options include TLS/SSL (with optional server verification) and Network Level Authentication (NLA) using CredSSP.

18.9.1. Built-in RDP Network Security

The Windows connector uses RSA Security's RC4 cipher to secure all data being transferred to and from the Windows system. This cipher encrypts data of varying size with a 56-bit or a 128-bit key. Table 18.7, Encryption Levels for Network Security lists the four levels of encryption that can be configured on the Windows system. Table 18.7. Encryption Levels for Network Security Level Low Client-compatible High Description All data from client to server is encrypted based on maximum key strength supported by the client. All data between client and server in both directions is encrypted based on the maximum key strength supported by the client. All data between the client and server in both directions is encrypted based on the server's maximum key strength. Clients that do not support this strength of encryption cannot connect. FIPS-compliant encryption is not supported. Note Data encryption is bidirectional except at the Low setting, which encrypts data only from the client to the server.


18.9.2. Enhanced Network Security

The enhanced network security options include TLS/SSL (with optional server verification) and Network Level Authentication (NLA) using CredSSP. These options protect the Windows session from malicious users and software before a full session connection is established. For TLS/SSL support, the RDP host must be running Windows Server 2003, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008. And, in order to connect to a Windows host with TLS/SSL peer verification enabled (-j VerifyPeer:on), you must add the root certificate to the client's OpenSSL cert store or specify an



additional search path/PEM file by using the -j CAPath:path or -j CAfile:pem-file options of the uttsc command. For NLA support, the RDP host must be running Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2, and you must use the u and -p options with the uttsc command. For both TLS/SSL and NLA support, the Windows system's security layer must be configured as "SSL (TLS 1.0)" or "Negotiate." Table 18.8, Command Line Examples for Enhanced Network Security provides a list of uttsc command line examples that show which security mechanism is used when the Windows Remote Desktop Service is configured to negotiate with the client. A result of "RDP" means that the built-in RDP security is used. Table 18.8. Command Line Examples for Enhanced Network Security uttsc Command Line Examples -u user -p Windows XP RDP Windows Server 2003 SSL/TLS SSL/TLS SSL/TLS RDP Windows 7 NLA SSL/TLS NLA RDP Windows Server 2008 NLA SSL/TLS NLA RDP

-u user -j VerifyPeer:on RDP -u user -j VerifyPeer:on RDP -p -N off RDP

You can enforce NLA security on a Windows system. For example, when using Windows Server 2008, select the following option on the Remote tab of the System Properties window: "Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (more secure)". With this option selected, users must use the -u and -p options with the uttsc command to connect to the server. TLS/SSL connections require a certificate to be present on the Windows system. If that is not the case, the connection might fall back to the built-in RDP security (if allowed) or fail.

18.10. Auto-reconnect
The auto-reconnect feature enables a Windows session to reestablish a network connection if it is unexpectedly disconnected. When you are disconnected from a Window session, the Windows connector displays an icon on your screen, as shown in Figure 18.9, Auto-reconnect Icon. Figure 18.9. Auto-reconnect Icon



By default, the Windows connector attempts to reconnect six times before ending the connection. You can control the number of reconnects through the -U number option of the uttsc command. Specifying -U 0 disables the auto-reconnect feature. Note You can also use the -S timeout option, in seconds, to specify the interval for auto-reconnect to detect network loss.

18.11. Compression
The Windows connector uses RDP bulk compression to compress data between the Sun Ray server, which runs the Windows connector, and the Windows system. Compression is enabled by default.

18.11.1. How to Disable Compression

You can be disable compression on a per-connection basis. To disable compression, use the -z option of the uttsc command.

18.12. Licensing
Microsoft Terminal Services licensing information is stored in the Sun Ray data store automatically upon Windows session startup, using the existing LDAP schema. No administrator setup or intervention is required. Licenses can be administered, such as listing and deleting licenses, with the utlicenseadm command. See the utlicenseadm man page for details. The Windows connector supports both per-user and per-device Terminal Server Client Access Licenses (TS-CAL): Per-user mode - The user's hotdesking experience is virtually seamless. Per-device mode - The user must reauthenticate every time they hotdesk to a different client to ensure correct TS-CAL license handling. Note If you access terminal server functionality provided by Microsoft operating system products, you need to purchase additional licenses to use such products. Consult the license agreements for the Microsoft operating system products that you are using to determine which licenses you must acquire. Currently, information regarding Terminal Services can be found at: windowsserver2008/en/us/how-to-buy.aspx

18.12.1. Per-user Mode Versus Per-device Mode

To show the different behavior between the per-user and per-device modes, let's start with the user logging into a Sun Ray session with a smart card and opening a connection to a Windows session. Table 18.9, Windows Licensing Modes shows what happens next when the user removes the smart card and inserts it again.


Smart Cards

Table 18.9. Windows Licensing Modes The User Removes the Smart Card and... Reinserts the Smart Card in the same client. Per-user Mode Per-device Mode

The user is instantly reconnected to the The user is instantly reconnected to the existing Windows session. existing Windows session.

Inserts the Smart Card in a The user is instantly reconnected to the The Windows login screen prompts the user different client. existing Windows session. for username and password, after which the user is reconnected to the existing Windows session. Other features and services are similarly affected. For example: Windows Media Player stops playing audio/ video file, although the application is still active on the Windows session. The user needs to replay the audio/video file. Any serial port transfer is stopped. All the command line options specified remain valid. Note You can use the -H nodisconnect option of the uttsc command to prevent the Windows connector from disconnecting upon detection of hotdesking events. Note With the -H nodisconnect option, the Windows connector does not disconnect and reconnect when a hotdesk event occurs, nor does it refresh licenses on different clients. Instead, it uses the original license granted upon connection to the first client. This behavior might cause you to inadvertently violate your Microsoft Terminal Server license agreement. Because you have full responsibility for license compliance, be aware of the danger and use the -H nodisconnect option only with caution.

18.13. Smart Cards

In addition to normal Sun Ray smart card functionality, such as hotdesking, the Windows connector enables additional smart card functionality, such as the following: Strong, two-factor authentication for access control with digital certificates PIN-based logins Digital signing, encrypting, and decrypting of email messages from Windows-based email clients For this purpose, the Windows connector uses the smart card services on the Sun Ray server and smart card middleware on the Windows system. See Chapter 8, Smart Card Services for more information about the smart card services provided with Sun Ray Software. See Microsoft's Smart Card documentation at:

18.13.1. How to Enable Smart Card Redirection on a Per-Connection Basis

Smart card redirection is disabled by default. To enable smart card redirection, use the -r scard:on of the uttsc command.


How to Set Up Smart Card Login for Windows

18.13.2. How to Set Up Smart Card Login for Windows

This procedure describes how to set up smart card login for Windows. 1. Set up Active Directory and Certification Authority (CA) on the Windows system. 2. Install the smart card middleware product on the Windows system. Note If you use ActivClient middleware, set the Disable PIN Obfuscation option to Yes through the ActivClient user console on the Windows system. 3. Enroll the necessary certificates onto the smart card using either a Sun Ray token reader or an external smart card reader connected to the Windows system.

18.14. Multi-Monitor Support

Sun Ray Software supports specific multiple monitor configurations as described in Chapter 12, Multiple Monitor Configurations. When using the Windows connector, the following monitor configurations are supported by the multi-monitor feature on a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 remote desktop session: A multi-monitor configuration on a Sun Ray Client with dual video connectors, specifically a Sun Ray 2FS Client or Sun Ray Client 3 Plus Client. You must specify the -X xrandr option of the uttsc command. A multi-monitor configuration with Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients. The default -X xinerama option of the uttsc command is used. A multihead group configuration with Xinerama enabled. Two monitors connected to Sun Ray 2FS Clients or Sun Ray 3 Plus Clients in a multihead group will be enumerated to Windows as a single monitor with the combined dimensions of the two monitors. The default -X xinerama option of the uttsc command is used. Note When playing a video in the primary display, the video will stop playing if you drag the video window to the secondary display. This is a limitation in Windows. The Xinerama enumeration is enabled by default for the Windows connector. To disable this feature, use the -X off option of the uttsc command. Refer to the uttsc man page for more information about the X option. For detailed information about how to configure the remote desktop session to use multiple monitors, see Configure Monitor Settings for a Remote Session. The supported configurations for multihead group size and geometry are the same when using a Windows session. If you want to span the remote desktop session across multiple monitors, you can use the full screen mode (-m option of the uttsc command) together with a multihead group.

18.15. Desktop Resizing

The Windows connector enables you to resize the desktop in a Windows sessions running in both fullscreen and windowed mode on Sun Ray Clients. This feature is called desktop resizing. You can also enable automatic desktop resizing during hotdesking for all kiosk sessions through the utaction command.


How to Enable Automatic Windows Desktop Resizing During Hotdesking

By default, desktop resizing is disabled. You can enable desktop resizing by using the -f all option of the uttsc command when you initiate a windows session. There are other specific desktop resizing options, which are detailed in the uttsc man page. If you enable desktop resizing in windowed mode (-g option), you can resize the Windows session window by dragging the edge of the window. The size of the Windows desktop is automatically updated. If you enable desktop resizing in fullscreen mode (-m option), you can use the /opt/SUNWut/bin/ utscreenresize -s all command to automatically resize the desktop using the optimal resolutions. Note Desktkop resizing will not work if the Xinerama extension is enabled. See Section 12.2.9, How to Enable and Disable Xinerama for more details.

18.15.1. How to Enable Automatic Windows Desktop Resizing During Hotdesking

One of the key reasons to enable desktop resizing is during hotdesking. When a user hotdesks to another client, the goal is to set the Windows desktop to the optimal size on the new client. You can use the following procedure to set up automatic desktop resizing during hotdesking for all kiosk sessions, which uses the utaction and a shell script that invokes the utscreenresize command. This procedure assumes that the Windows session is invoked with the -f and -m options. 1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server. 2. Change directory to the session initialization directory. Oracle Solaris:
# cd /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d

Oracle Linux:
# cd /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d

3. Create the following customized script to enable automatic desktop resizing (the script is called in this procedure).
#!/bin/sh # Enable automatic Windows desktop resizing each time a user hotdesks /opt/SUNWut/bin/utaction -i -c "/opt/SUNWut/bin/utscreenresize -s all" &

Note The script name should have the 0050. prefix to make sure it is run at the appropriate time. Note For Oracle Linux, the script name must have the .sh extension, otherwise the script will not get sourced. 4. Save the script and make the script executable for everyone.
# chmod 775



5. Start a new session, so the script gets sourced. For the details about configuring a Kiosk session, see Section 10.10, Configuring the Windows Connector Kiosk Session Type.

18.16. Printing
The Windows connector supports printing for the following printer configurations: Network printers visible on the Windows system Network printers visible on the Sun Ray server Local printers attached to the Windows system Local printers attached to the Sun Ray server Local printers attached to the client Here are some important notes about setting up printers for the Windows connector. Network printers are not affected by hotdesking. Printers connected to clients are available for printing from any client connected to the same Sun Ray server. For printers accessible through the Sun Ray server (network visible or local), you need to perform some initial configuration to make the printers accessible through the Windows connector.

18.16.1. How to Set Up Print Queues (Oracle Solaris)

This procedure describes how to set up a raw print queue on a Sun Ray server running Oracle Solaris so that a Windows system can access it. This procedure is typically needed for printers locally attached to the Sun Ray server. If a network printer is visible on the Sun Ray server, this typically indicates that the queue has been set up already and you should not have to perform this task. These instructions pertain to raw print queues, which are print queues configured without a printer driver. Please consult your operating system documentation for instructions about setting up queues for PostScript drivers. See also the lp and lpadmin man pages. 1. Specify the printer and printer device node using the lpadmin command.
# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p printer-name \ -v /tmp/SUNWut/units/IEEE802.mac-address/dev/printers/device-node

2. Enable the print queue.

# /usr/bin/enable printer-name

3. Accept the print queue.

# /usr/sbin/accept printer-name

To update the Windows session with the available print queues on the Sun Ray server, you must restart the Windows connector with the relevant print queues specified on the command line. See Section 18.16.3, How to Make Sun Ray Printers Available to a Windows Session for details.

18.16.2. How to Set Up Print Queues (Oracle Linux)

This procedure describes how to set up a raw print queue on a Sun Ray server running Oracle Linux, so that it can be accessed by a Windows system. This procedure is typically needed for printers locally attached to the Sun Ray server.


How to Make Sun Ray Printers Available to a Windows Session

If a network printer is visible on the Sun Ray server, the queue has been set up already and you should not have to perform this task. These instructions pertain to raw print queues, which is a print queue configured without a printer driver. Please consult your operating system documentation for instructions on setting up queues for PostScript drivers. See also the lp and lpadmin man pages. 1. Uncomment the following line from the /etc/cups/mime.convs file:
application/octet-stream application/vnd.cups-raw 0 -

2. Uncomment the following line from the /etc/cups/mime.types file:


3. Restart the cups daemon.

# /etc/init.d/cups restart

4. Create a soft link to the Sun Ray printer node in /dev/usb For example, if the device node is /tmp/SUNWut/units/IEEE802.mac-address/dev/ printers/device-node, then use the following command:
# ln -s /tmp/SUNWut/units/IEEE802.mac-address/dev/printers/device-node \ /dev/usb/sunray-printer

Use this soft link (/dev/usb/sunray-printer) as the Device URI while creating the print queue. Note After rebooting, you might have to create the /dev/usb directory and re-create the soft link. 5. To complete the procedure, set up a raw print queue.
# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p printer-name -E -v usb:/dev/usb/sunray-printer

To update the Windows session with the available print queues on the Sun Ray server, you must restart the Windows connector with the relevant print queues specified on the command line. See Section 18.16.3, How to Make Sun Ray Printers Available to a Windows Session for details.

18.16.3. How to Make Sun Ray Printers Available to a Windows Session

The Windows session is aware only of the print queues specified in the command line when the Windows connector is started. To update the Windows session with the available print queues on the Sun Ray server, you must restart the Windows connector with the relevant print queues specified on the command line.

Before You Begin

Make sure the print queues are set up on the Sun Ray server. See Section 18.16.1, How to Set Up Print Queues (Oracle Solaris) and Section 18.16.2, How to Set Up Print Queues (Oracle Linux) for details. Printer data is created on the Windows system, so make sure to specify the name of the printer's Windows driver and install it on the Windows system. If you make a printer available without specifying a driver, the Windows connector defaults to a PostScript driver. To find the printer driver name on a Windows system, check the Windows Registry key at:


How to Maintain the Printer Cache File

/Control/Print/Environments/Windows NT x86/Drivers/Version-3

All the printer drivers installed on the system are displayed on this list.

To specify a printer's Windows driver:
% /opt/SUNWuttsc/bin/uttsc -r printer:printer-name="windows-printer-driver-name" hostname.domain

where printer-name is a valid raw print queue on the Sun Ray server and windows-printerdriver-name is the name of the printer exactly as shown on the Windows server. Double quotes are required around the name of the printer. To make a printer available without specifying a driver:
% /opt/SUNWuttsc/bin/uttsc -r printer:printer-name hostname.domain

where printer-name is a valid raw print queue on the Sun Ray server. To make multiple printers available:
% /opt/SUNWuttsc/bin/uttsc -r printer:printer1=driver1,printer2=driver2 hostname.domain

18.16.4. How to Maintain the Printer Cache File

The Sun Ray server maintains a cache in the Sun Ray data store of printer configurations that users set up on the Windows system. The Sun Ray server presents the appropriate configuration to the Windows system when a user reconnects using the Windows connector. The uttscprinteradm command helps administrators to maintain this information. It can be used to list the available information and to perform cleanup in case of user or printer deletion. See the uttscprinteradm man page for further information.

18.16.5. How to Set Up Follow-Me Printing

This procedure describes how to set up Follow-Me Printing, which retains the user's default printer for a Windows session regardless of the Sun Ray Client being used. Note Implementation of Follow-Me Printing relies on technology not available by default and non-public Sun Ray interfaces as well as the use of certain public Sun Ray interfaces for purposes other than their intended use. For these reasons, this feature is not a supported feature. 1. For each Sun Ray Client of interest, specify a printer in the Sun Ray data store. a. Log in to the Admin GUI. b. Click Desktop Units. c. Click the Sun Ray Client for which you want to set up Follow-Me Printing. d. Click Edit and add the printer's name to the Other Information field. 2. Create a shell script that queries the printer name stored in the Sun Ray data store for the current Sun Ray Client and writes that name to the user's $HOME/.printers file.


Printers Troubleshooting

For example:
#!/bin/sh if [ 'uname' = Linux ] ; then theFlag="-P" fi theMACAddress='cd $theFlag $UTDEVROOT ; /bin/pwd | sed 's/.*?............?/1/'' thePrinter='/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utdesktop -o | grep $theMACAddress | /usr/bin/awk -F, '{print $3}'' echo "_default $thePrinter" > $HOME/.printers

3. Use utaction to invoke the script above on an initial connection and subsequently whenever a user moves from one Sun Ray Client to another. Provide the following scripts based on the user's login manager: dtlogin login manager - Xsession.d script Gnome Display Manager (GDM) - xinitrc.d script For example, you might create the script /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/1100.SUNWut for dtlogin or /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/1100.SUNWut for GDM as follows:
#!/bin/sh /opt/SUNWut/bin/utaction -i -c path-to-script &

where path-to-script is the path to the script you created to retrieve the printer name in step 2. Note The name 1100.SUNWut is chosen purposely in this case to ensure that the script is run or sourced after the existing script 0100.SUNWut. The 0100.SUNWut script is responsible for setting $UTDEVROOT, which is needed by the first sample script in step 2. Note For information about the bundled gdmgreeter, see the kiosk man page. 4. Modify your Kiosk session script arguments to redirect the printer to Windows. You may modify these arguments through the Admin GUI. In this example you need to add the argument -r printer:_default to the existing arguments, resulting in an argument list similar to the following:
-t 1800 -- -m -b -r printer:_default myHost

where myHost corresponds to the server argument passed to uttsc.

18.16.6. Printers Troubleshooting Problem: "Failed to open the printer port" message.
Verify that the printer node used for configuring the printer has been created and is available under /tmp/ SUNWut/units/IEEE802.macid/dev/printers. If the printer node is not available, reboot the client.


uttsc Error Messages

18.17. uttsc Error Messages

Table 18.10, uttsc Error Messages provides the list of uttsc error messages. Table 18.10. uttsc Error Messages Message Error (%d): Unable to establish data store connection. Comments The Windows connector was unable to open a connection to the Sun Ray data store. Ensure that the Sun Ray data store has been configured for Sun Ray software and is reachable. Also, ensure that the Windows connector has been successfully configured before launching it. The Windows connector could not determine the Sun Ray Software version information. Ensure that the correct version is installed and configured successfully. Ensure that the correct version of Sun Ray Software is installed.

Error(%d): Unable to determine SRSS version.

Error(%d): Unable to launch Sun Ray Connector. Only SRSS x.x and above are supported.

Sun Ray session is not connected, please try again. Ensure that the Windows connector is being launched from a valid connected Sun Ray session. Cannot obtain client MAC address. The Windows connector was unable to contact the Sun Ray Authentication Manager to retrieve the client's MAC address. Ensure that this daemon is reachable.

Error: Sun Ray Token ID cannot be determined. Sun The Windows connector was launched from a nonRay Connector can only be launched from a Sun Sun Ray session (for example, telnet or console). Ray session. It can only be launched from a connected client session. Unable to create new audio device. Using default audio device. utaudio failed to create a new audio device. Check the messages logged by utaudio for more information. The Windows connector will try to use the default audio device for the session. On Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions platforms, if the default audio device is not allocated, then the Windows connector will not be able to use any new audio device or the default audio device. In this case, the Windows connector session will proceed but without audio support. If uttscadm has not been run before the Windows connector is launched, the printer preferences as sent by the Windows system will not be stored and hence cannot later be reused. This error is not fatal. The session will continue to be launched. Make sure the proxy daemon (uttscpd) is up and running. If the Windows connector is launched before uttscadm has been run to configure it, then the Windows connector proxy is not reachable. This message occurs only on Oracle Solaris systems.

Device device_name is not allocated. Audio will not work in this session. Continuing..

Warning. Printer preferences will not be stored. Please run uttscadm to complete configuration before launching Sun Ray Connector.

Unable to connect to Sun Ray Connector Proxy. Please ensure uttscadm has been run before launching the Windows connector.


General Troubleshooting

Message Unable to launch Sun Ray Connector. Please ensure utconfig has been run before launching the Sun Ray Connector.

Comments If the Windows connector is launched without having configured Sun Ray data store using utconfig (from Sun Ray Software), then the connector cannot be used.

18.17.1. General Troubleshooting Problem: Unexpected Time Zone Value
uttsc only considers time zones listed in /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo/tab/ (for Oracle Solaris) and /usr/share/zoneinfo/ (for Oracle Linux), as valid zones that can be converted into the equivalent time zones in the Windows session. If the time zone is set to a value other than those defined in these files, then the time zone value in the Windows session can be unexpected.


Chapter 19. VMware View Connector

Table of Contents
19.1. 19.2. 19.3. 19.4. 19.5. 19.6. 19.7. VMware View Connector Overview ......................................................................................... 263 Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 263 Configuring the VMware View Connector Session Type ........................................................... 263 Disabling Connection Tunneling .............................................................................................. 264 Configuring VMware View Manager to Accept Non-SSL Connections ........................................ 264 Enabling SSL ......................................................................................................................... 264 VMware View Connector Troubleshooting ............................................................................... 265 19.7.1. Error Messages ........................................................................................................... 265

This chapter describes how to configure the VMware View connector, which enables Sun Ray Client users to connect to Windows virtual machines through the VMware View Manager.

19.1. VMware View Connector Overview

The Sun Ray Software provides a Sun Ray kiosk session type for VMware View that enables users to connect to their virtual machines with their Active Directory user name and password. The user does not have to reenter their password at the Windows login screen. The Sun Ray Clients are a certified VMware View and VMware Virtual Desktop Manager (VDM) client solution. They are listed in VMware's Hardware Compatibility Guide at compatibility. For an overview of the complete virtualization solution, refer to the VMware View documentation. Note Previous to the Sun Ray Software 5.2 release, the VMware View connector was known as the Sun Ray Connector for VMWare View Manager (SRVC) add-on component. In this release, the VMware View connector is automatically installed as part of the Sun Ray Software product.

19.2. Requirements
The following VMware View releases are supported by Sun Ray Software: VMware View 5.0 VMware View 4.6 VMware View 4.5 VMware View 4.0 VMware View 3.1 For the list of supported Windows remote desktops, see Section 3.1.3, Windows Remote Desktop Support.

19.3. Configuring the VMware View Connector Session Type

See Chapter 10, Kiosk Mode for details.


Disabling Connection Tunneling

19.4. Disabling Connection Tunneling

The VMware View connector does not support tunneled connections to VMware provided virtual machines. The following steps describe how to disable connection tunneling. This procedure is based on the VMware View 5.0 release. 1. Log in to the VMware View Administrator. 2. From the View Configuration menu in the left-hand navigation pane, click Servers. 3. From the Servers panel, select the appropriate View Connection Server and click Edit. 4. From the Edit View Connection Server Settings pop-up screen, deselect Use Secure Tunnel connection to desktop. 5. Click OK.

19.5. Configuring VMware View Manager to Accept Non-SSL Connections

If (Secure Sockets Layer) SSL is not required, the following steps describe how to configure VMware View Manager so that the Vmware View connector can connect to it without using SSL. This procedure is based on the VMware View 5.0 release. 1. Log in to the VMware View Administrator. 2. From the View Configuration menu in the left-hand navigation pane, click Global Settings. 3. Click Edit. 4. Deselect Require SSL for client connections and View Administrator in the pop-up screen. 5. Click OK.

19.6. Enabling SSL

The default SSL certificate created from the VMware View Manager installation must be replaced in order to enable the VMware View connector to connect to the system. The following steps assume that you have generated and stored a new certificate on the VMware View Connection server. Refer to VMware View Manager documentation for more details. 1. Export the certificate from the keystore on the VMware View Connection server:
# keytool -export -keystore keys.p12 -storetype pkcs12 -file vmware.cer

2. Copy the vmware.cer file to the Sun Ray server. 3. Import the certificate into a keystore on the Sun Ray server:
# keytool -import -file vmware.cer -trustcacerts -v -keystore \ /etc/opt/SUNWkio/sessions/vdm/keystore

4. Edit the kiosk script (/etc/opt/SUNWkio/sessions/vdm/vdm) and modify the line that begins with javaKeyStorePass= to include the password for the keystore.


VMware View Connector Troubleshooting

5. Restart the Sun Ray server via the Admin GUI. Note The administrator may choose to import the certificate into the default keystore of the server's Java installation instead of following steps 3 and 4. If this is done, the kiosk script must be modified and all references to javaKeyStore and javaKeyStorePass should be removed.

19.7. VMware View Connector Troubleshooting

In the event the software does not work as expected, look at the log messages located in the Sun Ray server's /var/opt/SUNWut/log/messages file. Error messages related to the VMware View connector begin with kiosk:vdm. There may also be useful information in the /var/dt/Xerrors file.

19.7.1. Error Messages Error connecting to VDM trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty
The SSL certificate is not set up correctly on the Sun Ray server. Solution: See Section 19.6, Enabling SSL. This desktop is currently not available. Please try connecting to this desktop again later, or contact your system administrator. The desktop sources for this desktop are not responding. Please try connecting to the desktop again later, or contact your system administrator.
The desktop is not set up properly or is already in use. For example: Someone is logged into the machine (over remote desktop or via the console in VMware vCenter). The machine is powering on/off, or suspending. No free desktops exist for that user. VMware View Agent is not installed on the desktop, or it is not working correctly. Check that the desktop status is available in the VMware View Connection Server. Active Directory and/or DNS is not set up properly on the desktop. There is a network communication problem between VMware View Connection Server and the desktop. A Windows firewall is blocking connections to the desktop. Connection tunneling is required to connect to the desktop, but it is not supported by this client.
Connection tunneling is not supported by the VMware View connector. Solution: See Section 19.4, Disabling Connection Tunneling.


Error Messages Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

An incorrect version of Java software is in use. Solution: Install Java version 1.5 or 1.6. Desktop tries to open, but immediately disconnects

Diagnose the problem further. Solution: Try to connect to the desktop manually from the Sun Ray server using the /opt/SUNWuttsc/ bin/uttsc desktop-IP command. A remote desktop connection to the virtual machine should open. If it fails, it can provide an error message with further information.


Chapter 20. Alternate Network Configurations

Table of Contents
20.1. Alternate Network Configurations Overview ............................................................................. 267 20.2. Updating the Default /etc/hosts File Before Configuring Sun Ray Network (Oracle Linux) ....... 268 20.3. Using a Shared Network Configuration Without External DHCP Services ................................... 268 20.3.1. Shared Network Configuration Worksheet ..................................................................... 268 20.3.2. How to Configure a Sun Ray Server on a Shared Network to Provide DHCP Services ...... 269 20.3.3. How to List the Current Network Configuration .............................................................. 270 20.3.4. How to Delete a LAN Subnet ....................................................................................... 270 20.3.5. Example Shared Network Setups ................................................................................. 271 20.4. Using a Private Network Configuration .................................................................................... 279 20.4.1. Private Network Configuration Worksheet ..................................................................... 280 20.4.2. How to Configure a Sun Ray Server in a Private Network .............................................. 282 20.4.3. How to List the Current Network Configuration .............................................................. 283 20.4.4. How to Print a Private Network Configuration ............................................................... 283 20.4.5. How to Delete an Interface .......................................................................................... 284 20.4.6. Example Private Network Setup ................................................................................... 284 20.5. Sun Ray Client Initialization Requirements Using DHCP .......................................................... 287 20.5.1. DHCP Basics .............................................................................................................. 287 20.5.2. DHCP Parameter Discovery ......................................................................................... 289 20.5.3. DHCP Relay Agent ..................................................................................................... 289 20.5.4. Simplifying DHCP Configuration of Remote Sun Ray Clients .......................................... 289 20.5.5. Standard DHCP Parameters ........................................................................................ 290 20.5.6. Vendor-specific DHCP Options .................................................................................... 291 20.5.7. Encapsulated Options .................................................................................................. 293 20.6. Failover Groups ..................................................................................................................... 294 20.6.1. Network Topologies ..................................................................................................... 294 20.6.2. Setting Up IP Addressing ............................................................................................. 296 20.6.3. Sun Ray Server Failover Group Worksheet .................................................................. 300 This chapter provides alternative network configurations that are supported for Sun Ray Software.

20.1. Alternate Network Configurations Overview

In the alternate network configurations, the Sun Ray server is also used as a DHCP server. Using a shared network configuration with external DHCP services is the recommended way to set up a Sun Ray environment, which is described in Chapter 2, Planning a Sun Ray Network Environment. The utadm command is used to manage the Sun Ray network interfaces. Note the following information: If the IP addresses and DHCP configuration data are not set up properly when the interfaces are configured, then the failover feature will not work as expected. In particular, configuring the Sun Ray server's interconnect IP address as a duplicate of any other server's interconnect IP address may cause the Sun Ray Authentication Manager to generate "Out of Memory" errors. If you make manual changes to your DHCP configuration, you will have to make them again whenever you run utadm or utfwadm. (Oracle Solaris only) If you press CTRL-C while performing utadm configuration, utadm might not function correctly the next time it is invoked. To correct this condition, type dhtadm -R.


Updating the Default /etc/hosts File Before Configuring Sun Ray Network (Oracle Linux)

20.2. Updating the Default /etc/hosts File Before Configuring Sun Ray Network (Oracle Linux)
The utadm command is not able to parse the default /etc/hosts file when trying to configure the Sun Ray network. The following error may occur when using the utadm -a or utadm -A commands on an Oracle Linux-based Sun Ray server:
Error: host IP address must be set. Set host IP address and try again

On Oracle Linux systems, you must make sure that the system's host name specified during the Oracle Linux installation is configured properly in the /etc/hosts file. The system's host name must be on a separate line in the /etc/hosts file with an IP address matching the host's primary IP address. Here is an example of an etc/hosts file that contains the system's host name, srshost, on the same line as localhost: ::1 srshost localhost.localdomain localhost localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

The srshost host name must be on its own line for the utadm command to work: ::1 localhost.localdomain localhost localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 srshost

20.3. Using a Shared Network Configuration Without External DHCP Services

If you have a shared network configuration where DHCP services are not available, the Sun Ray server can be configured to provide those services. This configuration adds more complexity to the initial and ongoing Sun Ray network administration. See Chapter 2, Planning a Sun Ray Network Environment for overall information about using shared networks with available DHCP services. You can use the utadm -A subnet command to configure a Sun Ray server to provide DHCP services. The Sun Ray server can be configured to respond with network/IP information, device configuration information, or both.

20.3.1. Shared Network Configuration Worksheet

Fill out Table 20.1, Shared Network Configuration Worksheet, so that the information is readily available during the actual configuration process. This worksheet is for configuring a Sun Ray server in a shared network without an external DHCP service. Values that are provided in italics are only examples and should not be used. Values provided in normal font are defaults and can be used. Superscripted numbers Note The blank rows in the worksheets are provided for you to add additional information about your environment if you choose to print the worksheets.

refer to footnotes at the end of each section.


How to Configure a Sun Ray Server on a Shared Network to Provide DHCP Services

Table 20.1. Shared Network Configuration Worksheet Aspect or Variable Configuring the Sun Ray interconnect interface using utadm Subnetwork Host address Net mask Net address Host name
(1) (1)

Default Value, Example, or (Other) (Provide the start time) hostnameinterface-name

Your Primary Server Value

Your Secondary Server Value

If the Sun Ray server is used for IP address allocation: First Sun Ray Client address Firmware server Router
(3) (3) (2) (2) X (yes or no) filename

Number of Sun Ray Client addresses

Specify additional server list? (optional) If yes, filename Or, Server IP address
(1) (2)

These values are different for each Sun Ray server, even if that server is part of a failover group.

These values must be unique among the servers in a failover group. The following guidelines can help you determine what addresses to allocate for each Sun Ray server: X = (Number of clients/(Number of servers - 1)) - 1. First unit address for primary server= Last unit address for all servers = X + first unit address. If last unit address is greater than 240, reduce to 240. First unit address for secondary servers = 1 + last unit address of previous server. If first unit address is greater than 239, configure for a class B network. Example: 120 clients, 4 servers. X= 39.

These values are the same as the interface host address by default.

20.3.2. How to Configure a Sun Ray Server on a Shared Network to Provide DHCP Services
This procedure shows how to configure a Sun Ray Server to provide DHCP services to Sun Ray Clients. 1. Log in as the superuser of the Sun Ray server. 2. Configure the Sun Ray LAN subnet:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -A subnet#

where subnet# is the identifying number of the subnet, such as


How to List the Current Network Configuration

The utadm script begins configuring DHCP for the Sun Ray interconnect, restarts the DHCP daemon, and configures the interface. The script then lists the default values and asks whether they are acceptable. Note If the IP addresses and DHCP configuration data are not set up correctly when the interfaces are configured, the failover feature cannot work properly. In particular, configuring the Sun Ray server's subnet IP address as a duplicate of any other server's subnet IP address may cause the Sun Ray Authentication Manager to issue Out of Memory errors. 3. Evaluate the default values. If you are satisfied with the default values and the server is not part of a failover group, answer y. Otherwise, answer n and accept whatever default values are shown by pressing Return or provide the correct values from the worksheet. The utadm script prompts for the following: New netmask ( New first Sun Ray Client address ( Total number of Sun Ray Client addresses New authorization server address ( New firmware server address ( New router address ( An additional server list. If you answer yes, it requests either a file name (_filename_) or a server IP address ( 4. The utadm script again lists the configuration values and asks whether they are acceptable. If not, answer n and revise the answers you provided in Step 3. If the values are correct, answer y. The utadm script configures the Sun Ray Client firmware versions and restarts the DHCP daemon. 5. Repeat this procedure for each of the secondary servers in your failover group. 6. If a router is between the Sun Ray server and the Clients, configure bootp forwarding in the routers.

20.3.3. How to List the Current Network Configuration

# utadm -l

20.3.4. How to Delete a LAN Subnet

# utadm -D subnet#


Example Shared Network Setups

20.3.5. Example Shared Network Setups

The following section presents an example of a Sun Ray Client deployment on shared networks B, C, and D as shown in Figure 20.1, Example of Alternate Shared Network Topology. Figure 20.1. Example of Alternate Shared Network Topology


Example Shared Network Setups Deployment on a Directly Connected Shared Subnet

Subnet B in Figure 20.1, Example of Alternate Shared Network Topology is a directly connected shared subnet that uses IP addresses in the range The Sun Ray server helios is attached to the interconnect through its hme0 network interface, which has been assigned the IP address The answers to the three predeployment questions are as follows: From which DHCP server will Clients on this subnet get their basic IP networking parameters? In a shared subnet scenario, you must choose whether a DHCP service on the Sun Ray server or some external DHCP service will provide the client with basic network parameters. If the enterprise already has a DHCP infrastructure that covers this subnet, it probably supplies basic network parameters. If no such infrastructure exists, configure the Sun Ray server to provide basic network parameters. From which DHCP server will clients on this subnet get additional configuration parameters to support features such as firmware download? The administrator must choose whether to supply additional configuration parameters to the client and, if so, whether to use a DHCP service on the Sun Ray server or some external DHCP service for this purpose. On a directly connected shared subnet, it is possible to deploy clients without providing additional parameters at all, but this configuration is not desirable because it deprives the client of a number of features, including the ability to download new firmware. Administrators of an already established DHCP infrastructure might be unable or unwilling to reconfigure that infrastructure to provide additional Sun Ray configuration parameters, so having the Sun Ray server provide these parameters is usually more convenient. This setup can be desirable even when the established infrastructure is capable of delivering the additional parameters. This setup enables SRSS commands to be used to manage the values of the additional configuration parameters when those values need to be changed in response to software upgrades or patch installations on the Sun Ray server. For instance, a patch that delivers new client firmware could automatically update the firmware version string that is delivered to the client. However, if the firmware version parameter is supplied by some external DHCP service, an administrator must manually edit the firmware version parameter string in the external DHCP configuration rules to reflect the new firmware version delivered by the patch. This activity is time-consuming and error-prone, as well as unnecessary. How will clients on this subnet locate their Sun Ray server? Use one of the optional additional configuration parameters to report the location of the Sun Ray server to the client. If additional configuration parameters are not supplied to the client at all, the client has no indication of the location of any Sun Ray server. In these circumstances, the client attempts to discover the location of a Sun Ray server by using a broadcast-based mechanism. However, the clients broadcast packets propagate only on the local subnet so, in the case of a remote subnet, the broadcast cannot reach the Sun Ray server, and contact cannot be established. The following examples illustrate two configurations of the directly connected shared subnet. In the first example, the Sun Ray server delivers both basic networking parameters and additional parameters. In the second example, an external DHCP service supplies basic networking parameters but no additional parameters are provided to the client, which must establish contact with the Sun Ray server through its local subnet broadcast discovery mechanism. The most likely case, where an external DHCP service provides basic networking parameter and the Sun Ray server provides additional parameters, is illustrated by an example in Section, Deployment on a Remote Subnet. 272

Example Shared Network Setups Directly Connected Shared Subnet: Example 1

In this example, the answers to the three predeployment questions are as follows: From which DHCP server will clients on this subnet get their basic IP networking parameters? From the Sun Ray server. From which DHCP server will clients on this subnet get additional configuration parameters to support features such as firmware download? From the Sun Ray server. How will clients on this subnet locate their Sun Ray server? The clients will be informed of the location of the Sun Ray server through an additional configuration parameter delivered when Sun Ray services are restarted. 1. Configure the Sun Ray server to provide both basic and additional parameters to the shared subnet. DHCP service for clients on a shared subnet is configured through the utadm -A subnet command. In this example, the shared subnet has network number, so the appropriate command is utadm -A
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -A Selected values for subnetwork "" net mask: no IP addresses offered auth server list: firmware server: router: Accept as is? ([Y]/N): n netmask: (cannot be changed - system defined netmask) Do you want to offer IP addresses for this subnet? (Y/[N]): y new first Sun Ray address: [] number of Sun Ray addresses to allocate: [55] 20 new auth server list: [] To read auth server list from file, enter file name: Auth server IP address (enter <CR> to end list): If no server in the auth server list responds, should an auth server be located by broadcasting on the network? ([Y]/N): new firmware server: [] new router: [] Selected values for subnetwork "" net mask: first unit address: last unit address: auth server: firmware server: router: auth server list: Accept as is? ([Y]/N): ### Building network tables - this will take a few minutes ### Configuring firmware version for Sun Ray All the units served by "helios" on the network interface, running firmware other than version "2.0_37.b,REV=2002." will be upgraded at their next power-on. ### Configuring Sun Ray Logging Functions ### stopped DHCP daemon ### started DHCP daemon #


Example Shared Network Setups

The default values initially suggested by utadm were not appropriate. Specifically, this server would not have offered any IP addresses on the subnet because utadm assumes that basic networking parameters, including IP addresses, are provided by some external DHCP service when the client is located on a shared subnet. In this example, however, the Sun Ray server is required to provide IP addresses, so the administrator replied n to the first "Accept as is?" prompt and was given the opportunity to provide alternative values for the various parameters. Twenty IP addresses, starting at, were made available for allocation to DHCP clients on this subnet. 2. Restart Sun Ray services on the Sun Ray server by issuing the utstart command to fully activate Sun Ray services on the shared subnet.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart A warm restart has been initiated... messages will be logged to /var/opt/SUNWut/log/messages. Directly Connected Shared Subnet: Example 2

In this example, the answers to the three predeployment questions are as follows: From which DHCP server will clients on this subnet get their basic IP networking parameters? From an external DHCP service. From which DHCP server will clients on this subnet get additional configuration parameters to support features such as firmware download? The clients will not be supplied with additional parameters. How will clients on this subnet locate their Sun Ray server? By using the local subnet broadcast discovery mechanism. In this example, the Sun Ray server does not participate in client initialization at all. Configuration steps are still required on the Sun Ray server because it responds by default only to clients located on directly connected dedicated interconnects. It responds to clients on shared subnets only if the utadm -L on command has been executed. Running the utadm -A subnet command to activate DHCP on the Sun Ray server for a shared subnet, as in this example, implicitly executes utadm -L on. If utadm -A subnet has not been run, the administrator must run utadm -L on manually to enable the server to offer sessions to clients on the shared subnet. 1. Configure the external DHCP service. Determining how to configure the external DHCP infrastructure to provide basic networking parameters to the clients on this subnet is beyond the scope of this document. Note the following guidelines: If the external DHCP service does not have its own direct connection to this subnet, the administrator must configure a DHCP Relay Agent to deliver DHCP traffic on this subnet to the external DHCP service. The most likely location for such a Relay Agent would be on a router in this subnet, in this case, the router named r22-59 in Figure 20.1, Example of Alternate Shared Network Topology. For a brief introduction to this topic, refer to Section 20.5, Sun Ray Client Initialization Requirements Using DHCP. An existing external DHCP service might need to have its IP address allocation for this subnet increased in order to support the new clients. This requirement applies whenever additional DHCP clients are placed on a subnet. You might also want to reduce the lease time of addresses on this subnet so that addresses become eligible for reuse quickly.


Example Shared Network Setups

2. Configure the Sun Ray server to accept client connections from shared subnets by running the following command:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -L on ### Turning on Sun Ray LAN connection NOTE: utstart must be run before LAN connections will be allowed

3. Restart Sun Ray services on the Sun Ray server by issuing the utstart command to fully activate Sun Ray services on the shared subnet.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart A warm restart has been initiated... messages will be logged to /var/opt/SUNWut/log/messages. Deployment on a Remote Subnet

Subnets C and D in Figure 20.1, Example of Alternate Shared Network Topology are remote shared subnets. Subnet C uses IP addresses in the range Subnet D uses IP addresses in the range The Sun Ray server named helios has no direct attachment to either of these subnets. This characteristic defines them as remote. The answers to the three predeployment questions are as follows: From which DHCP server will clients on this subnet get their basic IP networking parameters? In a shared subnet scenario, the administrator must choose whether a DHCP service on the Sun Ray server or some external DHCP service will provide the client with basic network parameters. If the enterprise already has a DHCP infrastructure that covers this subnet, it probably supplies basic network parameters. If no such infrastructure exists, configure the Sun Ray server to provide basic network parameters. From which DHCP server will clients on this subnet get additional configuration parameters to support features such as firmware download? The administrator must choose whether additional configuration parameters will be supplied to the client, and, if so, whether they will be supplied by a DHCP service on the Sun Ray server or by some external DHCP service. Administrators of an established DHCP infrastructure might be unable or unwilling to reconfigure it to provide additional Sun Ray configuration parameters, so having the Sun Ray server provide them is usually more convenient. This setup can be desirable even when the established infrastructure is capable of delivering the additional parameters. This setup enables you to use Sun Ray Software commands to manage the values of the additional configuration parameters, when those values need to be changed in response to software upgrades or patch installations on the Sun Ray server. For instance, a patch that delivers new client firmware could automatically update the firmware version string delivered to the client. However, if the firmware version parameter is supplied by some external DHCP service, an administrator must manually edit the firmware version parameter string in the external DHCP configuration rules to reflect the new firmware version delivered by the patch. This kind of activity is time-consuming and error-prone as well as unnecessary. How will clients on this subnet locate their Sun Ray server? Use one of the optional additional configuration parameters to report the location of the Sun Ray server to the client. If additional configuration parameters are not supplied to the client at all, the client cannot locate a Sun Ray server, so it tries to discover the location of a Sun Ray server by using a broadcast275

Example Shared Network Setups

based mechanism. However, the clients broadcast packets propagate only on the local subnet so they cannot reach a Sun Ray server located on a remote subnet, and cannot establish contact. The next two examples illustrate representative remote shared subnet configurations. In the first example, an external DHCP service provides basic networking parameters, and the Sun Ray server provides additional parameters. This configuration is by far the most likely for a Sun Ray deployment in an enterprise that has an established DHCP infrastructure. In the second example, basic networking parameters and a bare minimum of additional parameters, just enough to enable the client to contact a Sun Ray server, are supplied by an external DHCP. In this case, the DHCP service is in a Cisco router. This scenario is less than ideal. No firmware parameters are delivered to the client, so it cannot download new firmware. The administrator must make some other arrangement to provide the client with new firmware, for instance, by rotating it off this subnet periodically onto an interconnect or onto some other shared subnet where a full set of additional configuration parameters is offered. Remote Shared Subnet: Example 1

In this example, in which clients are deployed on subnet C in Figure 20.1, Example of Alternate Shared Network Topology, the answers to the three predeployment questions are as follows: From which DHCP server will clients on this subnet get their basic IP networking parameters? From an external DHCP service. From which DHCP server will clients on this subnet get additional configuration parameters to support features such as firmware download? From the Sun Ray server. How will clients on this subnet locate their Sun Ray server? The clients will be informed of the location of the Sun Ray server through an additional configuration parameter delivered once Sun Ray services are restarted. Use the utadm -A subnet command as follows to configure DHCP service for clients on a shared subnet. 1. Configure the external DHCP service. Determining how to configure the external DHCP infrastructure to provide basic networking parameters to the clients on this subnet is beyond the scope of this document. Note the following guidelines: If the external DHCP service does not have its own direct connection to this subnet, the administrator must configure a DHCP Relay Agent to deliver DHCP traffic on this subnet to the external DHCP service. The most likely location for such a Relay Agent would be on a router in this subnet, in this case, the router named r22-59 in Figure 20.1, Example of Alternate Shared Network Topology. For a brief introduction to this topic, refer to Section 20.5, Sun Ray Client Initialization Requirements Using DHCP. An existing external DHCP service might need to have its IP address allocation increased for this subnet to support the new clients. This requirement applies whenever additional DHCP clients are placed on a subnet. You might also want to reduce the lease time of addresses on this subnet so that addresses become eligible for re-use quickly. 2. Arrange to deliver DHCP traffic to the Sun Ray server.


Example Shared Network Setups

Because the Sun Ray server does not have its own direct connection to this subnet, the administrator must configure a DHCP Relay Agent to deliver the subnet's DHCP traffic to the Sun Ray server. The most likely location for such a Relay Agent would be on a router in this subnet, in this case, the router named r22-59 in Figure 20.1, Example of Alternate Shared Network Topology. For a brief introduction to this topic, refer to Section 20.5, Sun Ray Client Initialization Requirements Using DHCP. If r22-59 is running the Cisco IOS, the ip helper-address command can be used to activate its DHCP Relay Agent to relay DHCP broadcasts from its 10/100 Ethernet port number 4 to the Sun Ray server at
r22-59> interface fastethernet 4 r22-59> ip helper-address r22-59>

If the external DHCP service also lacks a connection to this subnet, configure a DHCP Relay Agent to forward requests from the client to the following services: The external DHCP service so that the client can obtain basic networking parameters The DHCP service on the Sun Ray server so that the client can obtain additional parameters The Cisco IOS ip helper-address command accepts multiple relay destination addresses, so if, for example, the external DHCP service could be contacted at on subnet B in Figure 20.1, Example of Alternate Shared Network Topology, the appropriate sequence would be:
r22-59> interface fastethernet 4 r22-59> ip helper-address r22-59>

Note Details of the IOS interaction vary according to the specific release of IOS, the model of the router, and the hardware installed in the router. 3. Configure the Sun Ray server to provide additional parameters to the shared subnet. Use the utadm -A subnet command to configure DHCP service for clients on a shared subnet. In this example, the shared subnet has network number, so the appropriate command is utadm -A
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -A Selected values for subnetwork "" net mask: no IP addresses offered auth server list: firmware server: router: Accept as is? ([Y]/N): n new netmask:[] Do you want to offer IP addresses for this subnet? (Y/[N]): new auth server list: [] To read auth server list from file, enter file name: Auth server IP address (enter <CR> to end list): If no server in the auth server list responds, should an auth server be located by broadcasting on the network? ([Y]/N): new firmware server: [] new router: [] Selected values for subnetwork ""


Example Shared Network Setups

net mask: no IP addresses offered auth server list: firmware server: router: Accept as is? ([Y]/N): ### Building network tables - this will take a few minutes ### Configuring firmware version for Sun Ray All the units served by "helios" on the network interface, running firmware other than version "2.0_37.b,REV=2002." will be upgraded at their next power-on. ### Configuring Sun Ray Logging Functions ### stopped DHCP daemon ### started DHCP daemon #

In this example, the default values initially suggested by utadm were not appropriate. Specifically, the default router address to be used by clients on this subnet was not correct because utadm guesses that the address of the default router for any shared subnet will have a host part equal to 1. This was a great guess for the directly connected subnet B in Figure 20.1, Example of Alternate Shared Network Topology, but it is not correct for subnet C. The appropriate router address for clients on this subnet is (port 4 of router r22-59), so the administrator replied n to the first Accept as is? prompt and was given the opportunity to provide alternative values for the various parameters. 4. Restart Sun Ray services on the Sun Ray server by issuing the utstart command to fully activate Sun Ray services on the shared subnet.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart A warm restart has been initiated... messages will be logged to /var/opt/SUNWut/log/messages. Remote Shared Subnet: Example 2

In this example, deploying clients on subnet D in Figure 20.1, Example of Alternate Shared Network Topology, the answers to the three predeployment questions are as follows: From which DHCP server will clients on this subnet get their basic IP networking parameters? From an external DHCP service. From which DHCP server will clients on this subnet get additional configuration parameters to support features such as firmware download? The clients will not be supplied with the additional parameters required to support firmware download or to activate other advanced client features. How will clients on this subnet locate their Sun Ray server? The external DHCP service will supply a single additional parameter to inform the client of the location of a Sun Ray server. In this example, the Sun Ray server does not participate in client initialization at all. Configuration steps are still required on the Sun Ray server because it responds by default only to clients located on directly connected dedicated interconnects. It responds to clients on shared subnets only if the utadm -L on command has been executed. Running the utadm -A subnet command to activate DHCP on the Sun Ray server for a shared subnet, as in this example, implicitly executes utadm -L on. If utadm A subnet has not been run, the administrator must run utadm -L on manually to enable the server to offer sessions to clients on the shared subnet.


Using a Private Network Configuration

1. Configure the external DHCP service. Determining how to configure the external DHCP infrastructure to provide basic networking parameters to the clients on this subnet is beyond the scope of this document. However, for this example, assume that DHCP service is provided by Cisco IOS-based router r22-71 in Figure 20.1, Example of Alternate Shared Network Topology, attached to the subnet through its 10/100 Ethernet port 3. This router can be configured to provide basic networking parameters and the location of a Sun Ray server as follows:
r22-71> interface fastethernet 3 r22-71> ip dhcp excluded-address r22-71> ip dhcp pool CLIENT r22-71/dhcp> import all r22-71/dhcp> network r22-71/dhcp> default-router r22-71/dhcp> option 49 ip r22-71/dhcp> lease 0 2 r22-71/dhcp> ^Z r22-71>

Note Details of the IOS interaction vary according to the specific release of IOS, the model of router and the hardware installed in the router. DHCP option 49, the standard option of the X Window Display Manager, identifies as the address of a Sun Ray server. In the absence of AltAuth and Auth-Srvr vendor-specific options, the client tries to find a Sun Ray server by broadcasting on the local subnet. If the broadcasts evoke no response, the client uses the address supplied in t option of the X Window Display Manager. Note This example is an unorthodox use of the option of the X Window Display Manager, but in a remote subnet deployment where vendor-specific options can not be delivered, it might be the only way of putting a client in touch with a server. 2. Configure the Sun Ray server to accept client connections from shared subnets by running utadm -L on.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -L on ### Turning on Sun Ray LAN connection NOTE: utstart must be run before LAN connections will be allowed #

3. Restart Sun Ray services on the Sun Ray server by issuing the utstart command to fully activate Sun Ray services on the shared subnet.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart A warm restart has been initiated... messages will be logged to /var/opt/SUNWut/log/messages.

20.4. Using a Private Network Configuration

This section provides information about using a private network configuration for a Sun Ray environment. This is a supported configuration, but it adds more complexity to the initial and ongoing Sun Ray network administration. A private network configuration meets the following criteria: A private network segment is connected to one of the interfaces of the Sun Ray server.


Private Network Configuration Worksheet

The Sun Ray server handles all the Sun Ray Client's IP and device configurations. The Sun Ray server defines the subnet's characteristics (such as the IP range and subnet). Only Sun Ray Clients are connected to the subnet. The Sun Ray server provides DHCP services. The private network is configured by using the utadm -a interface command. Figure 20.2, Private Network Example shows an example of a private network configuration. Figure 20.2. Private Network Example

20.4.1. Private Network Configuration Worksheet

Fill out Table 20.2, Private Network Configuration Worksheet, so that the information is readily available during the actual configuration process. This worksheet is for configuring a Sun Ray server in a private network. Values that are provided in italics are only examples and should not be used. Values provided in normal font are defaults and can be used. Superscripted numbers Note The blank rows in the worksheets are provided for you to add additional information about your environment if you choose to print the worksheets. Table 20.2. Private Network Configuration Worksheet Aspect or Variable Configuring the Sun Ray interconnect interface using utadm Default Value, Example, or (Other) (Provide the start time) Your Primary Server Value Your Secondary Server Value

refer to footnotes at the end of each section.


Private Network Configuration Worksheet

Aspect or Variable Interface name

Default Value, Example, or (Other) hme1 (Oracle Solaris), eth1 (Oracle Linux)

Your Primary Server Value

Your Secondary Server Value

Host address Net mask Net address Host name


(1) hostname-interfacename

If the Sun Ray server is used for IP address allocation: First Sun Ray Client address Number of Sun Ray Client addresses Firmware server Router
(3) (3) (2) X (yes or no) filename (Provide the start time) adminpass /opt/apachetomcat 1660 (yes or no) (yes or no) (yes or no) utku utkiosk 150000 25 (yes or no) signature1

Specify additional server list? (optional) If yes, filename Or, Server IP address Configuring Sun Ray Software using utconfig Admin password Configure Admin GUI? If yes, then: Apache Tomcat installation directory Sun Ray admin server port number Enable remote administration? (optional) Enable secure connection? (optional) Configure Kiosk Mode? (optional) If yes, User prefix Group name User ID range start Number of users

Configure failover group? (optional) If yes, Failover group signature

(1) (2)

These values are different for each Sun Ray server, even if that server is part of a failover group.

These values must be unique among the servers in a failover group. The following guidelines can help you determine what addresses to allocate for each Sun Ray server: X = (Number of clients/(Number of servers - 1)) - 1 First unit address for primary server=


How to Configure a Sun Ray Server in a Private Network

Last unit address for all servers = X + first unit address. If last unit address is greater than 240, reduce to 240. First unit address for secondary servers = 1 + last unit address of previous server. If first unit address is greater than 239, configure for a class B network. Example: 120 clients, 4 servers. X= 39
(3) (4)

These values are the same as the interface host address by default. The value entered for the number of users is the greater of:

The total number of Sun Ray Clients The total number of disconnected and active sessions

This signature^ must be the same for every Sun Ray server in a failover group. The signature requires at least one numeric character.

20.4.2. How to Configure a Sun Ray Server in a Private Network

This procedure shows how to configure a Sun Ray server in a private network. 1. Log in as the superuser of the Sun Ray server, either locally or remotely. Note Make sure that the /etc/hosts file contains the IP address of the system host name. 2. Configure the Sun Ray interconnect interface:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -a interface-name

where interface-name is the name of the interface to the Sun Ray interconnect, for example: hme1, qfe0, or ge0 (Oracle Solaris) or eth1 (Oracle Linux). The utadm script begins configuring DHCP for the Sun Ray interconnect, restarts the DHCP daemon, and configures the interface. The script then lists the default values and asks whether they are acceptable. Note If the IP addresses and DHCP configuration data are not set up correctly when the interfaces are configured, the failover feature cannot work properly. In particular, configuring the Sun Ray server's interconnect IP address as a duplicate of any other server's interconnect IP address may cause the Sun Ray Authentication Manager to generate Out of Memory errors. 3. Evaluate the default values: If you are satisfied with the default values, and the server is not part of a failover group, answer y. Otherwise, answer n and accept whatever default values are shown by pressing Return, or provide the correct values from the worksheet. The utadm script prompts for the following: New host address ( New netmask (


How to List the Current Network Configuration

New host name (hostname-interface-name) Offer IP addresses for this interface? ([Y]/N) New first Sun Ray Client address ( Total number of Sun Ray Client address (X) New authorization server address ( New firmware server address ( New router address ( An additional server list. If you answer yes, it requests either a file name (filename) or a Server IP Address ( 4. The utadm script again lists the configuration values and asks whether they are acceptable. If not, answer n and revise the answers provided in Step 3. If the values are correct, answer y. The following Sun Ray files are configured: For Oracle Solaris:
/etc/hostname.interface-name /etc/inet/hosts /etc/inet/netmasks /etc/inet/networks

For Oracle Linux:

/etc/opt/SUNWut/net/dhcp/SunRay-options /etc/opt/SUNWut/net/dhcp/SunRay-interface-eth1 /etc/opt/SUNWut/net/hostname.eth1 /etc/hosts /etc/opt/SUNWut/net/netmasks /etc/opt/SUNWut/net/networks /etc/dhcpd.conf

The utadm script configures the Sun Ray Client firmware versions and restarts the DHCP daemon. 5. Repeat this procedure for each of the secondary servers in your failover group.

20.4.3. How to List the Current Network Configuration

# utadm -l

20.4.4. How to Print a Private Network Configuration

# utadm -p

For each interface, this command displays the host name, network, netmask, and number of IP addresses assigned to Sun Ray Clients by DHCP. Note Sun Ray servers require static IP addresses; therefore, they cannot be DHCP clients.


How to Delete an Interface

20.4.5. How to Delete an Interface

# utadm -d interface_name

This command deletes the entries that were made in the hosts, networks, and netmasks files and deactivates the interface as a Sun Ray interconnect.

20.4.6. Example Private Network Setup

The following section presents an example of a Sun Ray Client deployment on the private network interconnect A (directly-connected dedicated interconnect) as shown in Figure 20.3, Example of Alternate Private Network Topology.


Example Private Network Setup

Figure 20.3. Example of Alternate Private Network Topology

Subnet A is a private network. Its subnet will use IP addresses in the range The Sun Ray server named helios is attached to the interconnect through its qfe2 network interface, which will be assigned the IP address


Example Private Network Setup

In an interconnect scenario, the DHCP service on the Sun Ray server always provides both basic networking parameters and additional configuration parameters to the Sun Ray Client. The answers to the three predeployment questions are as follows: From which DHCP server will clients on this subnet get their basic IP networking parameters? On a directly connected dedicated interconnect, basic networking parameters are always supplied by the DHCP service on the Sun Ray server. From which DHCP server will clients on this subnet get additional configuration parameters to support features such as firmware download? On a directly connected dedicated interconnect, additional configuration parameters are always supplied by the DHCP service on the Sun Ray server. How will clients on this subnet locate their Sun Ray server? On a directly connected dedicated interconnect, the Sun Ray Client is always notified of the location of the Sun Ray server through an additional configuration parameter supplied when Sun Ray services are restarted. This example shows the DHCP service for the directly connected dedicated interconnect A shown in Figure 20.3, Example of Alternate Private Network Topology. 1. Configure the Sun Ray server to provide both basic and additional parameters to the interconnect. Use the utadm -a interface-name command to configure DHCP service for clients on an interconnect. In this example, the interconnect is attached through interface qfe2:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -a qfe2 ### Configuring /etc/nsswitch.conf ### Configuring Service information for Sun Ray ### Disabling Routing ### configuring qfe2 interface at subnet Selected values for interface "qfe2" host address: net mask: net address: host name: helios-qfe2 net name: SunRay-qfe2 first unit address: last unit address: auth server list: firmware server: router: Accept as is? ([Y]/N): n new host address: [] new netmask: [] new host name: [helios-qfe2] Do you want to offer IP addresses for this interface? ([Y]/N): new first Sun Ray address: [] number of Sun Ray addresses to allocate: [239] new auth server list: [] To read auth server list from file, enter file name: Auth server IP address (enter <CR> to end list): If no server in the auth server list responds, should an auth server be located by broadcasting on the network? ([Y]/N): new firmware server: [] new router: [] Selected values for interface "qfe2" host address: net mask: net address:


Sun Ray Client Initialization Requirements Using DHCP

host name: helios-qfe2 net name: SunRay-qfe2 first unit address: last unit address: auth server list: firmware server: 1 router: Accept as is? ([Y]/N): ### successfully set up "/etc/hostname.qfe2" file ### successfully set up "/etc/inet/hosts" file ### successfully set up "/etc/inet/netmasks" file ### successfully set up "/etc/inet/networks" file ### finished install of "qfe2" interface ### Building network tables - this will take a few minutes ### Configuring firmware version for Sun Ray All the units served by "helios" on the network interface, running firmware other than version "2.0_37.b,REV=2002." will be upgraded at their next power-on. ### Configuring Sun Ray Logging Functions DHCP is not currently running, should I start it? ([Y]/N): ### started DHCP daemon #

In this example, the default values initially suggested by utadm were not appropriate. Specifically, the suggested value for the server's IP address on the interconnect was not the desired value. The administrator replied n to the first "Accept as is?" prompt and was given the opportunity to provide alternative values for the various parameters. 2. Restart Sun Ray services on the Sun Ray server by issuing the utstart command to fully activate Sun Ray services on the newly defined interconnect.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utstart A warm restart has been initiated... messages will be logged to /var/opt/SUNWut/log/messages.

20.5. Sun Ray Client Initialization Requirements Using DHCP

Because Sun Ray Clients are stateless, they rely entirely on network services to provide the configuration data they need to complete their initialization. Each Sun Ray Client must first acquire basic network parameters, such as a valid IP address, on the network to which it is connected. The Sun Ray Client can also be supplied with additional configuration information to support advanced product features, such as the ability to update the Sun Ray Client firmware and to report exception conditions to a syslog service. The Sun Ray Client must locate and contact a Sun Ray server that can offer desktop services to the Sun Ray user. The Sun Ray Client uses the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to obtain this information.

20.5.1. DHCP Basics

The Sun Ray Client is a DHCP client that solicits configuration information by broadcasting DHCP packets on the network. The requested information is supplied by one or more DHCP servers in response to the client's solicitations. DHCP service may be provided by a DHCP server process executing on a Sun Ray server, by DHCP server processes executing on other systems, or by some combination of the two. Any conforming implementation of a DHCP service can be used to satisfy the DHCP requirements of the Sun 287

DHCP Basics

Ray Client. The Oracle Solaris DHCP service is one such implementation. Third-party implementations executing on non-Sun platforms can also be configured to deliver information to Sun Ray Clients. The DHCP protocol defines a number of standard options that can be used to inform the client of a variety of common network capabilities. DHCP also allows a number of vendor-specific options that carry information that is meaningful only to individual products. For more information, see Table 20.4, Alternate Vendor-Specific DHCP Options. The Sun Ray Client depends on a small number of standard options to establish its basic network parameters. It depends on several standard and vendor-specific options to provide the additional information that constitutes a complete client configuration. If these additional configuration parameters are not supplied, the client cannot perform certain activities, the most important of which is the downloading of new Sun Ray Client firmware. Table 20.4, Alternate Vendor-Specific DHCP Options lists the vendorspecific options. Note If an administrator chooses not to make this additional configuration information available to the Sun Ray Clients, a procedure must be established to deliver firmware updates to them. One solution would be a small, dedicated interconnect on one Sun Ray server. Then, the administrator can transfer the clients one-by-one when new firmware becomes available on the server, for example, through a patch or Sun Ray product upgrade. The location of the Sun Ray server is usually conveyed to the Sun Ray Client through one of a pair of DHCP vendor-specific options, AuthSrvr and AltAuth. If the Sun Ray Client does not receive this information, it uses a broadcast-based discovery mechanism to find a Sun Ray server on its subnet. If the broadcast-based discovery mechanism fails, the Sun Ray Client interprets the DHCP standard option (option 49) of the X Window Display Manager as a list of Sun Ray server addresses where it attempts to contact Sun Ray services. This feature can simplify the DHCP configuration of LAN-deployed Sun Rays by removing the need for a DHCP vendor option to carry this information. Table 20.3, DHCP Service Parameters Available provides the list of available DHCP service parameters. Table 20.3. DHCP Service Parameters Available Parameters Sun Ray Server DHCP Service External DHCP Service With Vendor-Specific Options Yes Yes External DHCP Service Without Vendor-Specific Options Yes No No DHCP Service

Basic network parameters


No No

Additional Yes parameters (for firmware download, etc.) Sun Ray server location Yes


Yes, through Yes, through broadcast discovery broadcast discovery or the X Display Manager standard option


DHCP Parameter Discovery

20.5.2. DHCP Parameter Discovery

DHCP enables two stages of parameter discovery. The initial DHCPDISCOVER stage discovers basic network parameters. This stage may be followed by a DHCPINFORM, which finds additional information that was not provided during DHCPDISCOVER. All Sun Ray Clients must have access to at least one DHCP service, which provides network parameters in response to a DHCPDISCOVER request from the client. Sun Ray Clients can exploit the DHCPINFORM feature, which enables full configuration of the client, even when an external DHCP service that is not capable of providing complete configuration data provides the network parameters of the Sun Ray Client.

20.5.3. DHCP Relay Agent

The Sun Ray Client sends DHCP requests as broadcast packets that propagate only on the local LAN segment or subnet. If the Sun Ray Client resides on the same subnet as the DHCP server, the DHCP server can see the broadcast packet and respond with the information the Sun Ray Client needs. If the Sun Ray Client resides on a different subnet than the DHCP server, the client must depend on a local DHCP Relay Agent to collect the broadcast packet and forward it to the DHCP server. Depending on the physical network topology and DHCP server strategy, the administrator might need to configure a DHCP Relay Agent on each subnetwork to which Sun Ray clients are connected. Many IP routers provide DHCP Relay Agent capability. If a deployment plan requires the use of a DHCP Relay Agent and the administrator decides to activate this capability on a router, the appropriate instructions can be found in the router documentation, usually under the heading of "DHCP Relay" or "BOOTP forwarding." DHCP is derived from an earlier protocol called BOOTP. Some documentation uses these names interchangeably. In certain cases, an existing enterprise DHCP service provides the Sun Ray Client with its IP address while a Sun Ray server provides it with firmware version details and Sun Ray server location. If a deployment plan calls for DHCP parameters to be provided to the client by multiple servers, and none of those servers is connected to the subnet where the client resides, the DHCP Relay Agent should be configured so that the clients subnet can deliver broadcasts to all the DHCP servers. For example, in routers controlled by a Cisco IOS Executive, the ip helper-address command activates a DHCP Relay Agent. Specifying multiple arguments to the ip helper-address command enables relaying to multiple DHCP servers. For more information, see Section, Deployment on a Remote Subnet.

20.5.4. Simplifying DHCP Configuration of Remote Sun Ray Clients

You can simplify the DHCP configuration of Sun Ray Clients at remote sites by using the X Window System Display Manager option to supply a list of available Sun Ray servers. This option eliminates the need for Sun Ray vendor options as well as the need to forward DHCPINFORM requests to a Sun Ray server. For a more complete treatment of network configuration, including DHCP and vendor-specific options, see Table 20.3, DHCP Service Parameters Available and Table 20.4, Alternate Vendor-Specific DHCP Options. The following example is a sample DHCP configuration for a Cisco IOS-based router.
ip dhcp excluded-address ip dhcp pool CLIENT import all network default-router option 26 hex 0556 option 49 ip lease 0 2

Option 49, the X Window System Display Manager option, lists IP addresses and as Sun Ray servers. The Sun Ray Client tries to connect to those servers when it


Standard DHCP Parameters

receives a DHCP response from the router. Option 26 sets the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU), which defines the maximum packet size for the Sun Ray connections, in this case, 1366 bytes rather than the default Ethernet MTU of 1500 bytes. This setting is necessary to provide space for the IPSec headers to implement a virtual private network (VPN) connection. The DHCP service, either directly from an ISP or from a home firewall, is also required to assign the router its IP address behind the firewall. The router's WAN port either plugs directly into the DSL/Cable modem or into the home firewall or gateway. The Sun Ray Client then plugs into one of the four LAN ports on the router. A VPN router plugged directly into the DSL or cable modem can be connected only to a Sun Ray Client. If the router has been configured to supply DHCP parameters to the Sun Ray Client, it will instruct the client to try to connect to the appropriate Sun Ray server. The router should start a VPN tunnel when it is plugged in, which it should always be on. Each router should be connected to the VPN gateway and programmed with a user name based on an user's ID and a random password. The VPN gateway should be configured to allow only Sun Ray traffic to pass, and only to a limited number of hosts, so that users cannot connect anything else to the LAN side of the router and then connect into the corporate network. However, users may connect more than one Sun Ray Client. Whenever a VPN or other tunnel is being used, you need to take account of the IP MTU across the path between the server and the Sun Ray Client. The VPN typically packs additional control data into each packet, which reduces the available space for application data. The latest Sun Ray firmware attempts to compensate for this reduction automatically, but this process is not always possible. Make sure that the Sun Ray Client has the latest firmware. Installing the latest patch on the server is not sufficient. You must also make sure that the client was configured to update its firmware and then check that the update occurred. If the Sun Ray Client has the latest firmware but the problem still occurs, then the client must be set to work with a reduced MTU. You can update the client through whatever mechanism you use to give the Sun Ray its basic configuration data, such as DHCP, TFTP or, if the client is running GUI-capable firmware, local configuration on the Sun Ray Client itself. The site should know what the effective MTU is across the VPN. If not, see any available technical archives or the ThinkThin blog on If a precise MTU is not important, then a low estimate, such as 1350 (the standard value is 1500), should be sufficient to let you verify that MTU is the cause of the problem. After you update and restart the Sun Ray Client, the client reports the new MTU value to the server, and the server adjusts its packet-construction strategy to fit within that MTU. The client should no longer send Sun Ray traffic that is too big to be delivered in one piece through the VPN tunnel. Note Local settings on the Sun Ray Client generally override values obtained from other sources, such as .parms files or DHCP. Therefore, you must provide the ability to clear a setting so that the value from a .parms file is not overridden and can be used for configuration. For numeric values, include an empty field. For switch settings, click the Clear button when modifying a setting. The utquery output from a client reflects the values that are defined in the local configuration.

20.5.5. Standard DHCP Parameters

A set of Sun Ray Clients can be started with only standard DHCP parameters, shifting the burden of defining the server list to the Domain Name Service (DNS) and firmware management to TFTP.


Vendor-specific DHCP Options

If sunray-config-servers and sunray-servers are defined appropriately by the DNS serving a set of remote Sun Rays Clients, no extra DHCP parameters are required other than basic network information. A DNS client incorporated in the firmware allows many values to be names rather than IP addresses. Most values can be either a name or an IP address. If a name is specified, the DNS lookup appends the configured domain name. Components are stripped successively until the lookup succeeds or only two components are left in the domain name. If none of those lookups succeed, the name is looked up by itself. If the name itself ends with a dot character ("."), the name is taken to be a rooted name, and it is looked up without domain name components appended. DHCP option 66 (TFTP server name) is supported as an alternative to the FWSrvr vendor-specific option listed in Section 20.5.6, Vendor-specific DHCP Options. This string value must either be a single IP address or a DNS host name that resolves to a list of IP addresses. If it is a list of IP addresses, one is chosen randomly. A firmware maintenance mechanism creates *.parms files in /tftpboot (one for each model type), which are read in lieu of using the NewTVer DHCP vendor option. Thus, remote firmware upgrades are possible without DHCP access to the NewTVer value. The *.parms files contain the version, hardware revision, and barrier levels, eliminating unnecessary file reads in cases where the barrier would have prevented writing the firmware to flash memory. For details on options that can be used to configure the .parms files, see the utfwadm man page. A default DNS name for the firmware server, sunray-config-servers, is used when neither option 66 nor FWSrvr given. Defining this name in DNS provides the firmware server address without DHCP options, just DNS servers and domain name. Inclusion of servers=_server name list_ and select=inorder|random in the *.parms files enables specification of a list of server names and specification of whether the names should be used in order, or at random. If a name resolves to multiple addresses, an IP address is chosen according to the select keyword. When neither a server list nor an AltAuth list is provided, the default name sunray-servers is looked up in DNS and the list of IP addresses is used in place of the AltAuth list. In the event of an error in the firmware download, error messages provide additional information that can be useful in diagnosing and correcting the problem. See Chapter 16, Sun Ray Client Troubleshooting Icons. Also, during DNS lookups, a status line in the OSD icon shows the name being looked up and, if one is found, the IP address.

20.5.6. Vendor-specific DHCP Options

Table 20.4, Alternate Vendor-Specific DHCP Options lists the vendor-specific DHCP options that Sun Ray defines and uses. Table 20.4. Alternate Vendor-Specific DHCP Options Option Parameter Code Name 21 AuthSrvr Client Class Data Type Required? Granularity Max Comments Count Mandatory 1 1 Single Sun Ray server IP addresses Sun Ray server port







Vendor-specific DHCP Options

Option Parameter Code Name 23 NewTVer

Client Class

Data Type Required? Granularity Max Comments Count Optional 1 0 Desired firmware version Syslog server IP address Log level for kernel Log level for network Log level for USB Log level for video Log level for firmware application Bandwidth cap, value is bits per second Firmware TFTP server IP address Obsolete. Do not use. Sun Ray server interface name Obsolete. Do not use. List of Sun Ray server IP addresses Firmware Download: barrier level






25 26 27 28 29

LogKern LogNet LogUSB LogVid LogAppl


Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1









32 33


Optional Optional

4 1

1 0

34 35

NewTFlags AltAuth


Optional Optional

4 1

1 0



Mandatory 4

The client can perform its basic functions even if none of these options are delivered during initialization, but some advanced client features do not become active unless certain options are delivered to the client. In particular:


Encapsulated Options

AltAuth and AuthSrvr indicate the IP addresses of Sun Ray servers. Addresses in the AltAuth list are tried in order until a connection is established. Current firmware ignores AuthSrvr if AltAuth is provided, but always specify AuthSrvr for the benefit of old (pre Sun Ray Server Software 1.3) firmware, which cannot handle the AltAuth option. If neither of these options is supplied, the client tries to locate a Sun Ray server by sending broadcasts on the local subnet. The client tries to contact a Sun Ray server at the address supplied in the option of the X Window Display Manager if that option has been provided. NewTVer and FWSrvr must both be provided in order for the client to attempt a firmware download. NewTVer contains the name of the firmware version that the client should use. If this name does not match the name of the firmware version that the client is actually running, the client tries to download the desired firmware from a TFTP server at the address given by FWSrvr. LogHost must be specified in order for the client to report messages through the syslog protocol. Reporting thresholds for major client subsystems are controlled by the LogKern, LogNet, LogUSB, LogVid, and LogAppl options. Note Because the message formats, contents, and thresholds are intended for use only by service personnel, they are not documented here. The DHCP Client Class name for all Sun Ray vendor-specific options is SUNW.NewT.SUNW. The client cites this name in DHCP requests so that the server can respond with the appropriate set of vendorspecific options. This mechanism guarantees that the client is not sent vendor options defined for some other type of equipment and that other equipment is not sent options that are meaningful only to the client.

20.5.7. Encapsulated Options

For each parameter name, there is a vendor ID, an option code, an option type, and an indication as to whether the parameter is mandatory. Vendor-specific options are delivered through encapsulated options in DHCP. Encapsulated options are somewhat more complicated, as illustrated in the following DHCPINFORM response, or DHCPACK, which shows the taxonomy of the bytes in the vendor-specific information portion.
2b 4a 17 1d 32 2e 30 .......: .+J..2.0 0140 5f 31 39 2e 63 2c 52 45 56 3d 32 30 0150 39 2e 30 36 2e 31 35 2e 35 34 21 04 0160 1f 04 81 92 3a 88 15 04 81 92 3a 88 0170 01 06 1b 01 06 1a 01 06 19 01 06 18 0180 88 16 02 1b 61 30 68 1d 04 32 6d 01 81 2e 65 06 92 30 30 1c 3a _19.c,RE 9.06.15. ....:... ........ V=2002.0 54!.hme0 ..:..... .......:

Note In this description, hexadecimal values are preceded by 0x and followed by their decimal value, after an = sign, as in 0x2b=43. The first byte is the option code. The next byte represents the encapsulated option length, that is, the number of bytes that make up the option value. The next one or more bytes make up the multi-byte option value. The option value is followed by another encapsulated option code, and so on. 293

Failover Groups

The example begins with 0x2b=43, the DHCP option for vendor-specific information. It has a length of 0x4a=74 bytes, which is the total number of bytes that follow. These bytes contain the encapsulated vendor options. The remainder of the example represents the value of the vendor-specific information options. The first byte contains the first encapsulated option, whose value is 0x17=23, and the NewTVer option, whose value type is ASCII. The next byte is 0x1d=29, which is the length of the NewTVer string. These options are followed by 29 bytes that represent the string itself. The ASCII interpretation at the right of the DHCPACK, is 2.0_19.c,REV=2002. This is the end of the first encapsulated option. The next byte is the beginning of the next option, Intf, represented by 0x21=33. The next byte, the length, is 0x04=4, and the next four bytes are the ASCII value hme0. That's the end of the second encapsulated option. The next byte is 0x1f=31, which represents the FWSrvr parameter, whose function is to indicate the IP address of the firmware TFTP server. The next byte is the length, 4, which is always be true for an IP address. The hexadecimal value is 0x81 0x92 0x3a 0x88, which corresponds to the IP address

20.6. Failover Groups

This section provides information about configuring a failover group in a network configuration when using a private network or when using a Sun Ray server as a DHCP server. If you have Sun Ray dedicated interconnects, all services required by Sun Ray clients should be provided by multiple, redundant servers to ensure continuity of Sun Ray service in the case of a network or system failure. For example, you must configure DHCP (IP address assignment and configuration) or DNS (name resolution) on all servers. Note The failover feature cannot work properly if the IP addresses and DHCP configuration data are not set up properly when the interfaces are configured. In particular, if any Sun Ray server's interconnect IP address is a duplicate of any other server's interconnect IP address, the Sun Ray Authentication Manager will fail to operate properly.

20.6.1. Network Topologies

A failover group can consist of servers in either a common, dedicated interconnect or servers within a LAN. However, the servers in a failover group must still be able to reach one another, using multicast or broadcast, over at least one shared subnet. Servers in a group authenticate (or "trust") one another using a common group signature. The group signature is a key used to sign messages sent between servers in the group. This key must be configured to be identical on each server. When a dedicated interconnect is used, all servers in the failover group should have access to, and be accessible by, all the Sun Ray Clients on a given sub-net. Routers should not be attached to a dedicated interconnect. The failover environment supports the same interconnect topologies that are supported by a single-server Sun Ray environment; however, switches should be multicast-enabled. If multicast does not work in your network, you may use broadcast instead. To disable multicast, use the enableMulticast property in the auth.props file. In special cases, you may configure an explicit list of group servers using utgmtarget. For example, you would use utgmtarget to integrate servers on a different subnet into a failover group. Communication to these servers use unicast. Note that adding such a server to the group will require a restart of the entire server group.


Network Topologies

Figure 20.4, Simple Failover Group shows a simple failover group setup. Figure 20.4. Simple Failover Group

When a server in a failover group fails for any reason, each Sun Ray Client connected to that server reconnects to another server in the same failover group. The failover occurs at the user authentication level: the client connects to a previously existing session for the user's token. If session exists, the client connects to a server selected by the load-balancing algorithm. This server then presents a login screen to the user, and the user must relogin to create a new session. The state of the session on the failed server is lost. Figure 20.5, Redundant Failover Group shows an example of a redundant failover group.


Setting Up IP Addressing

Figure 20.5. Redundant Failover Group

The redundant failover group, shown in the illustration above, can provide maximum resources to a few Sun Ray Clients. The server sr47 is the primary Sun Ray server, and sr48 is the secondary Sun Ray server; other secondary servers (sr49, sr50, and so on) are not shown.

20.6.2. Setting Up IP Addressing

You can use the utadm command to set up a DHCP server. The default DHCP setup configures each interface for 225 hosts and uses private network addresses for the Sun Ray interconnect. For more information, see the utadm man page. Before setting up IP addressing, you must decide upon an addressing scheme. The following examples discuss setting up class C and class B addresses. Setting Up Server and Client Addresses

The loss of a server usually implies the loss of its DHCP service and its allocation of IP addresses. Therefore, more DHCP addresses must be available from the address pool than the number of Sun Ray Clients. Consider the situation of 5 servers and 100 Sun Ray Clients. If one of the servers fails, the remaining DHCP servers must have enough available addresses so that every "orphaned" Sun Ray Client is assigned a new working address. Table 20.5, Configuring 5 Servers for 100 clients lists configuration settings used to configure 5 servers for 100 Sun Ray Clients, accommodating the failure of two servers (class C) or four servers (class B).


Setting Up IP Addressing

Table 20.5. Configuring 5 Servers for 100 clients CLASS C (2 Servers Fail) Servers serverA serverB serverC serverD serverE Interface Address Client Address Range to to to to to CLASS B (4 Servers Fail) Interface Address Client Address Range to to to to to

The formula for address allocation is: address range (AR) = number of clients/(total servers - failed servers). For example, in the case of the loss of two servers, each DHCP server must be given a range of 100/(5-2) = 34 addresses. Ideally, each server would have an address for each client. This setup requires a class B network. Consider these conditions: If AR multiplied by the total number of servers is less than or equal to 225, configure for a class C network If AR multiplied by the total number of servers is greater than 225, configure for a class B network Note If all available DHCP addresses are allocated, a Sun Ray Client could request an address and still not find one available, perhaps because another unit has been allocated IP addresses by multiple servers. To prevent this condition, provide each DHCP server with enough addresses to serve all the Sun Ray Clients in a failover group. Server Addresses

Server IP addresses assigned for the Sun Ray interconnect should all be unique. Use the utadm tool to assign them. When the Sun Ray Client boots, it sends a DHCP broadcast request to all possible servers on the network interface. One or more servers respond with an IP address allocated from its range of addresses. The client accepts the first IP address that it receives and configures itself to send and receive at that address. The accepted DHCP response also contains information about the IP address and port numbers of the Authentication Managers on the server that sent the response. The client then tries to establish a TCP connection to an Authentication Manager on that server. If it is unable to connect, it uses a protocol similar to DHCP, in which it uses a broadcast message to ask the Authentication Managers to identify themselves. The client then tries to connect to the Authentication Managers that respond in the order in which the responses are received.


Setting Up IP Addressing

Note For the broadcast feature to be enabled, the broadcast address ( must be the last one in the list. Any addresses after the broadcast address are ignored. If the local server is not on the list, Sun Ray Clients cannot attempt to contact it. Once a TCP connection to an Authentication Manager has been established, the client presents its token. The token is either a pseudo-token representing the individual client (its unique Ethernet address) or a smart card. The Session Manager then starts an X Window/X server session and binds the token to that session. The Authentication Manager then sends a query to all the other Authentication Managers on the same subnet and asks for information about existing sessions for the token. The other Authentication Managers respond, indicating whether a session for the token exists and the last time the token was connected to the session. The requesting Authentication Manager selects the server with the latest connection time and redirects the client to that server. If no session is found for the token, the requesting Authentication Manager selects the server with the lightest load and redirects the token to that server. A new session is created for the token. The Authentication Manager enables both implicit (smart card) and explicit switching. Configuring DHCP

In a large IP network, a DHCP server distributes the IP addresses and other configuration information for interfaces on that network. Coexistence of the Sun Ray Server With Other DHCP Servers
The Sun Ray DHCP server can coexist with DHCP servers on other subnets, provided that you isolate the Sun Ray DHCP server from other DHCP traffic. Verify that all routers on the network are configured not to relay DHCP requests, which is the default behavior for most routers. Caution If the IP addresses and DHCP configuration data are not set up correctly when the interfaces are configured, the failover feature cannot work properly. In particular, configuring the Sun Ray server's interconnect IP address as a duplicate of any other server's interconnect IP address may cause the Sun Ray Authentication Manager to issue "Out of Memory" errors. Administering Other Clients

If the Sun Ray server has multiple interfaces, one of which is the Sun Ray interconnect, the Sun Ray DHCP server should be able to manage both the Sun Ray interconnect and the other interfaces without cross-interference. How to Set Up IP Addressing on Multiple Servers, Each with One Sun Ray Interface
1. Log in to the Sun Ray server as superuser and, open a shell window. Type:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -a interface_name


Setting Up IP Addressing

where interface_name is the name of the Sun Ray network interface to be configured; for example, hme[0-9], qfe[0-9], or ge[0-9]. You must be logged on as superuser to run this command. The utadm script configures the interface (for example, hme1) at the subnet (in this example, 128). The script displays default values, such as the following:
Selected values for interface "hme1" host address: net mask: net address: host name: serverB-hme1 net name: SunRay-hme1 first unit address: last unit address: auth server list: firmware server: router: |

The default values are the same for each server in a failover group. Certain values must be changed to be unique to each server. 2. When you are asked to accept the default values, type n
Accept as is? ([Y]/N): n

3. Change the second server's IP address to a unique value, in this case
new host address: [] |

4. Accept the default values for netmask, host name, and net name:
new netmask: [] new host name: [serverB-hme1]

5. Change the client address ranges for the interconnect to unique values. For example:
Do you want to offer IP addresses for this interface? [Y/N]: new first Sun Ray address: [] number of Sun Ray addresses to allocate: [205] 34

6. Accept the default firmware server and router values:

new firmware server: [] new router: []

The utadm script asks if you want to specify an authentication server list:
auth server list: To read auth server list from file, enter file name: Auth server IP address (enter <CR> to end list): If no server in the auth server list responds, should an auth server be located by broadcasting on the network? ([Y]/N):

These servers are specified by a file containing a space-delimited list of server IP addresses or by manually entering the server IP addresses. The newly selected values for interface hme1 are displayed:
Selected values for interface "hme1" host address: net mask: net address: host name: serverB-hme1


Sun Ray Server Failover Group Worksheet

net name: SunRay-hme1 first unit address: last unit address: auth server list: firmware server: router:

7. If these are correct, accept the new values:

Accept as is? ([Y]/N): y

8. Stop and restart the server and power cycle the clients to download the firmware. Table 20.6, utadm Available Options lists the options available for the utadm command. For additional information, see the utadm man page. Table 20.6. utadm Available Options Option -c -r -A subnetwork Definition Create a framework for the Sun Ray interconnect. Remove all Sun Ray interconnects. Configure the subnetwork specified as a Sun Ray sub-network. This option only configures the DHCP service to allocate IP address and/or to provide Sun Ray parameters to Sun Ray clients. It also will automatically turn on support for LAN connections from a shared subnetwork. Add interface_name as Sun Ray interconnect. Delete the subnetwork specified form the list of configured Sun Ray subnetworks. Delete interface_name as Sun Ray interconnect. Print the current configuration for all the Sun Ray subnetworks, including remote subnetworks. Print the current configuration. Take a server offline Bring a server online Print the current configuration in a machine-readable format

-a interface_name -D subnetwork -d interface_name -l -p -f -n -x

20.6.3. Sun Ray Server Failover Group Worksheet

Fill out Table 20.7, Sun Ray Server Failover Group Worksheet and Table 20.8, First and Last Unit Address in a Failover Group, so that the information is readily available during the actual configuration process. Values that are provided in italics are only examples and should not be used. Values provided in normal font are defaults and can be used. Superscripted numbers Note The blank rows in the worksheets are provided for you to add additional information about your environment if you choose to print the worksheets. If you are configuring for a failover group, fill in this portion of the worksheet:

refer to footnotes at the end of each section.


Sun Ray Server Failover Group Worksheet

Table 20.7. Sun Ray Server Failover Group Worksheet Aspect or Variable Default Value, Your Primary Example, or (Other) Server Value Your Secondary Server Value

Configuring the Sun Ray server hierarchy (Provide the start using utreplica (required for failover groups) time) Primary Sun Ray server host name
(1) (1)

primary-server secondary-server

Secondary Sun Ray server host name


These values are different for each Sun Ray server, even if that server is part of a failover group.

Table 20.8. First and Last Unit Address in a Failover Group Server Primary Secondary Secondary Secondary Note If you forget the address range, use utadm -l to list the addresses you specified or utadm -p to print them. First Unit Address Last Unit Address



Chapter 21. Performance Tuning

Table of Contents
21.1. Configuring Network Performance for Sun Ray 3 Series Clients ............................................... 303 21.2. How to Improve Sun Ray Client Performance by Decreasing Buffering on the Network Switch (Oracle Solaris) ............................................................................................................................... 303 21.3. Improving Sun Ray Client Start-Up Time by Disabling Spanning Tree Protocol on the Network Switch ............................................................................................................................................ 304 21.4. Applications ........................................................................................................................... 304 21.5. Tuning the Java Desktop System ........................................................................................... 304 21.6. Excessive Disk Swapping ....................................................................................................... 305 21.7. Screensaver Resource Consumption ...................................................................................... 305 21.7.1. How to Disable Screensavers (Oracle Solaris) .............................................................. 305 This chapter provides tuning information for a Sun Ray environment.

21.1. Configuring Network Performance for Sun Ray 3 Series Clients

To gain optimal network performance for Sun Ray 3 Series Clients, enable link-level flow control (IEEE 802.3 link pause) on the network switches to which the clients are connected.

21.2. How to Improve Sun Ray Client Performance by Decreasing Buffering on the Network Switch (Oracle Solaris)
Some network switches do not work well with Sun Ray Clients when the server-side connection is configured to run at 1 Gbps. Because the Sun Ray Clients run at 100 Mbps and the data is sent from the X Windows server in periodic bursts, these switches are required to buffer a certain amount of data. This situation can happen even when the average data rate from the X server is well under 100 Mbps. The X server is programmed in such a way that a certain allowed amount of data is sent at tick intervals. The original implementation had 50 ticks per second. The X server is allowed to send at a certain specific rate granted by the Sun Ray Client. For example, if the Sun Ray Client's grant is 40 Mbps, it can send 5 MB per second in bursts that are sent every 1/50th of a second. This means that at each tick, the server can send 100 KB of data at a rate of 1 Gbps. This rate would cause a queue buildup in the switch of close to 100 KB, which would then drain out at 100 Mbps over the next 1/50th of a second. The first action to mitigate this type of issue is to increase the number of ticks per second to 100 per second from 50. Thus, in the example above, the X server would send 50 KB every 10 ms rather than 100 KB every 20 ms. This setting would improve the situation considerably, but the problem would still remain. The 100 ticks per second rate was chosen because it corresponded to the normal resolution of the timer in Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux. To increase the number of ticks per second beyond 100, the operating system's timer must also be increased. For Oracle Solaris, use the following procedure.

1. Open the /etc/system file. 2. Add the following command:


Improving Sun Ray Client Start-Up Time by Disabling Spanning Tree Protocol on the Network Switch

set hires_tick=1

3. Save and close the file. 4. Reboot the system. The hires_tick=1 setting increases the system timer resolution to 1000 ticks per second. Because the X server code uses the system setting, the X server's bursts of data now use the same value, 1000 ticks = 1 second, that is, 1 tick = 1 ms. In the example, using the new tick duration results in the X server sending 5 KB of data every 1 ms. Because the change to the tick duration decreases the amount of buffering required on the network switch, the performance of the Sun Ray Clients should improve.

21.3. Improving Sun Ray Client Start-Up Time by Disabling Spanning Tree Protocol on the Network Switch
The Sun Ray Clients are designed to power on and be fully operational in a very short time--typically less than 10 seconds. Some network switches have initial configurations that can cause this start-up time to be considerably longer, often taking 30 seconds or longer to achieve a fully working state. Longer start-on times typically are due to the configuration of the Ethernet switch that implements capabilities not needed in the Sun Ray environment. The most common of these capabilities is enabling the spanning tree protocol, which is designed to detect and compensate for loops in the network. In the Sun Ray environment, the spanning tree protocol should be disabled or deferred for ports connected directly to the Sun Ray Clients. Some manufacturers support a feature that immediately puts a port into the spanning tree forwarding mode. This feature is an acceptable alternative to disabling the spanning tree protocol on the port. If the spanning tree protocol is disabled and the start-up time is still excessive, contact the switch manufacturer to determine if there are other features or proprietary protocols that might be interfering with the Sun Ray Client. Some switches might have features designed into the switch that cannot be changed; if this is the case, then it may not be possible to reduce the start-up time.

21.4. Applications
Some applications, such as intensive 3-D visual simulations, might run very slowly on a Sun Ray Client. Applications that use double-buffering such as pseudo-stereo viewers and applications that use highfrequency dynamic color table flips on 8-bit visual displays might not show the proper result. Turn off antialiasing to save screen resources. Install interactive applications such as web browsers and OpenOffice and PC interoperability tools such as Citrix and Sun Secure Global Desktop (SGD) software on the Sun Ray server. The applications benefit from faster transport of commands to the Sun Rays X server and network traffic is reduced. If an application can be configured to use shared memory instead of DGA or OpenGL(R), using shared memory results in improved performance.

21.5. Tuning the Java Desktop System

To tune desktop performance, use solid backdrops and wireframe window moves.


Excessive Disk Swapping

For more instructions and recommendations, refer to the following information: Java Desktop System documentation GNOME Performance Enhancement Tips for the Oracle Solaris Platform GNOME Performance Script for Oracle Solaris

21.6. Excessive Disk Swapping

If the Sun Ray server does not have enough virtual memory available, the X Window server instance does not start and the user experiences a slow response. When virtual memory is insufficient, the Sun Ray server performs excessive disk swapping. To determine whether the Sun Ray server is swapping to disk excessively, use the vmstat command:
# vmstat 5

If excessive swapping is occurring, the system might be undersized or overutilized. The solution is to add more memory or increase the size of the swap partition.

21.7. Screensaver Resource Consumption

Many graphics-intensive screensaver programs consume large amounts of CPU, memory, and network bandwidth. To avoid excessive resource consumption on the Sun Ray servers, disable them.

21.7.1. How to Disable Screensavers (Oracle Solaris)

Remove the screensaver packages.
# pkgrm SUNWxscreensaver-hacks # pkgrm SUNWxscreensaver-hacks-gl

If the SUNWxscreensaver-hacks-gl package is not removed successfully, remove the gl package and then remove the SUNWxscreensaver-hacks-gl package.



Appendix A. Third Party Licenses

This chapter includes the licenses for the third-party products included with the Sun Ray Software.
FreeBSD ------Copyright 1994-2009 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE FREEBSD PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FREEBSD PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. ========================================================================================== libcurl -------Copyright (c) 1996 - 2010, Daniel Stenberg, <[email protected]>. All rights reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright holder. ========================================================================================== SSCEP --------Copyright (c) 2003 Jarkko Turkulainen. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.


THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JARKKO TURKULAINEN ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JARKKO TURKULAINEN BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ========================================================================================== wpa_supplicant ----------------Oracle elects to license all wpa_suppliant code under the BSD license. /* * WPA Supplicant * Copyright (c) 2003-2009, Jouni Malinen <[email protected]> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of BSD * license. * * See README and COPYING for more details. * * This file implements functions for registering and unregistering * %wpa_supplicant interfaces. In addition, this file contains number of * functions for managing network connections. */ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name(s) of the above-listed copyright holder(s) nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. wpa_supp/ctrl_iface_dbus.h /* * WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface * Copyright (c) 2006, Dan Williams <[email protected]> and Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as


* published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of BSD * license. * * See README and COPYING for more details. */ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name(s) of the above-listed copyright holder(s) nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. wpa_supp/mlme.h /* * WPA Supplicant - Client mode MLME * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Jouni Malinen <[email protected]> * Copyright (c) 2004, Instant802 Networks, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of BSD * license. * * See README and COPYING for more details. */ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name(s) of the above-listed copyright holder(s) nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS


"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. common/ieee802_11_defs.h /* * WPA Supplicant - Client mode MLME * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Jouni Malinen <[email protected]> * Copyright (c) 2004, Instant802 Networks, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of BSD * license. * * See README and COPYING for more details. */ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name(s) of the above-listed copyright holder(s) nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ========================================================================================== libXrandr --------Copyright 2000, Compaq Computer Corporation, Copyright 2002, Hewlett Packard, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Compaq or HP not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior


permission. HP makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. HP DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL HP BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ========================================================================================== xrandr -----Copyright 2001 Keith Packard, member of The XFree86 Project, Inc. Copyright 2002 Hewlett Packard Company, Inc. Copyright 2006 Intel Corporation Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the copyright holders not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. The copyright holders make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ========================================================================================== OpenSSL ------OpenSSL License Copyright (c) 1998-2008 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (" 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact [email protected]. 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL" nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written permission of the OpenSSL Project. 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND



Original SSLeay License Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young ([email protected]) All rights reserved. This package is an SSL implementation written by Eric Young ([email protected]). The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms except that the holder is Tim Hudson ([email protected]). Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in the code are not to be removed. If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution as the author of the parts of the library used. This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: "This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ([email protected])" The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library being used are not cryptographic related :-). 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson ([email protected])" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be copied and put under another distribution licence [including the GNU Public Licence.] ========================================================================================== Assembly instructions for JPEG compression on x86: -------------------------------------------------The assembly code has a different license than the rest of the TurboJpeg package and it is listed in simd/


Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB Copyright 2010 D. R. Commander Based on x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library - version 1.02 Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. ========================================================================================== The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software: ------------------------------------------LEGAL ISSUES ============ In plain English: 1. We don't promise that this software works. (But if you find any bugs, please let us know!) 2. You can use this software for whatever you want. You don't have to pay us. 3. You may not pretend that you wrote this software. If you use it in a program, you must acknowledge somewhere in your documentation that you've used the IJG code. In legalese: The authors make NO WARRANTY or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this software, its quality, accuracy, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. This software is provided "AS IS", and you, its user, assume the entire risk as to its quality and accuracy. This software is copyright (C) 1991-2010, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding. All Rights Reserved except as specified below. Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software (or portions thereof) for any purpose, without fee, subject to these conditions: (1) If any part of the source code for this software is distributed, then this README file must be included, with this copyright and no-warranty notice unaltered; and any additions, deletions, or changes to the original files must be clearly indicated in accompanying documentation. (2) If only executable code is distributed, then the accompanying documentation must state that "this software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group". (3) Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts full responsibility for any undesirable consequences; the authors accept NO LIABILITY for damages of any kind. These conditions apply to any software derived from or based on the IJG code, not just to the unmodified library. If you use our work, you ought to acknowledge us. Permission is NOT granted for the use of any IJG author's name or company name in advertising or publicity relating to this software or products derived from it. This software may be referred to only as "the Independent JPEG Group's software".


We specifically permit and encourage the use of this software as the basis of commercial products, provided that all warranty or liability claims are assumed by the product vendor. ansi2knr.c is included in this distribution by permission of L. Peter Deutsch, sole proprietor of its copyright holder, Aladdin Enterprises of Menlo Park, CA. ansi2knr.c is NOT covered by the above copyright and conditions, but instead by the usual distribution terms of the Free Software Foundation; principally, that you must include source code if you redistribute it. (See the file ansi2knr.c for full details.) However, since ansi2knr.c is not needed as part of any program generated from the IJG code, this does not limit you more than the foregoing paragraphs do. The Unix configuration script "configure" was produced with GNU Autoconf. It is copyright by the Free Software Foundation but is freely distributable. The same holds for its supporting scripts (config.guess, config.sub, Another support script, install-sh, is copyright by X Consortium but is also freely distributable. The IJG distribution formerly included code to read and write GIF files. To avoid entanglement with the Unisys LZW patent, GIF reading support has been removed altogether, and the GIF writer has been simplified to produce "uncompressed GIFs". This technique does not use the LZW algorithm; the resulting GIF files are larger than usual, but are readable by all standard GIF decoders. We are required to state that "The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated." ========================================================================================== JPEG Encoding: -------------The libjpeg-turbo toplevel license text is this: Some of the optimizations to the Huffman encoder (jchuff.c) and decoder (jdhuff.c) were borrowed from VirtualGL, and thus any distribution of libjpeg-turbo which includes those optimizations must, as a whole, be subject to the terms of the wxWindows Library Licence, Version 3.1. A copy of this license can be found in this directory under LICENSE.txt. The wxWindows Library License is based on the LGPL but includes provisions which allow the Library to be statically linked into proprietary libraries and applications without requiring the resulting binaries to be distributed under the terms of the LGPL. The rest of the source code, apart from the Huffman codec optimizations, falls under a less restrictive, BSD-style license (see README.) You can choose to distribute libjpeg-turbo, as a whole, under this BSD-style license by simply replacing the optimized jchuff.c and jdhuff.c with their unoptimized counterparts from the libjpeg v6b source. We only use the code that falls under the less restrictive BSD style license, the text for that is: LEGAL ISSUES ============ In plain English: 1. We don't promise that this software works. (But if you find any bugs, please let us know!) 2. You can use this software for whatever you want. You don't have to pay us. 3. You may not pretend that you wrote this software. If you use it in a program, you must acknowledge somewhere in your documentation that you've used the IJG code. In legalese: The authors make NO WARRANTY or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this software, its quality, accuracy, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. This software is provided "AS IS", and you, its user, assume the entire risk as to its quality and accuracy. This software is copyright (C) 1991-1998, Thomas G. Lane.


All Rights Reserved except as specified below. Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software (or portions thereof) for any purpose, without fee, subject to these conditions: (1) If any part of the source code for this software is distributed, then this README file must be included, with this copyright and no-warranty notice unaltered; and any additions, deletions, or changes to the original files must be clearly indicated in accompanying documentation. (2) If only executable code is distributed, then the accompanying documentation must state that "this software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group". (3) Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts full responsibility for any undesirable consequences; the authors accept NO LIABILITY for damages of any kind. These conditions apply to any software derived from or based on the IJG code, not just to the unmodified library. If you use our work, you ought to acknowledge us. Permission is NOT granted for the use of any IJG author's name or company name in advertising or publicity relating to this software or products derived from it. This software may be referred to only as "the Independent JPEG Group's software". We specifically permit and encourage the use of this software as the basis of commercial products, provided that all warranty or liability claims are assumed by the product vendor. ansi2knr.c is included in this distribution by permission of L. Peter Deutsch, sole proprietor of its copyright holder, Aladdin Enterprises of Menlo Park, CA. ansi2knr.c is NOT covered by the above copyright and conditions, but instead by the usual distribution terms of the Free Software Foundation; principally, that you must include source code if you redistribute it. (See the file ansi2knr.c for full details.) However, since ansi2knr.c is not needed as part of any program generated from the IJG code, this does not limit you more than the foregoing paragraphs do. The Unix configuration script "configure" was produced with GNU Autoconf. It is copyright by the Free Software Foundation but is freely distributable. The same holds for its supporting scripts (config.guess, config.sub, ltconfig, Another support script, install-sh, is copyright by M.I.T. but is also freely distributable. It appears that the arithmetic coding option of the JPEG spec is covered by patents owned by IBM, AT&T, and Mitsubishi. Hence arithmetic coding cannot legally be used without obtaining one or more licenses. For this reason, support for arithmetic coding has been removed from the free JPEG software. (Since arithmetic coding provides only a marginal gain over the unpatented Huffman mode, it is unlikely that very many implementations will support it.) So far as we are aware, there are no patent restrictions on the remaining code. The IJG distribution formerly included code to read and write GIF files. To avoid entanglement with the Unisys LZW patent, GIF reading support has been removed altogether, and the GIF writer has been simplified to produce "uncompressed GIFs". This technique does not use the LZW algorithm; the resulting GIF files are larger than usual, but are readable by all standard GIF decoders. We are required to state that "The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated." ========================================================================================== Cryptolib: ---------* * * * * * * This is version 1.2 of CryptoLib The authors of this software are Jack Lacy, Don Mitchell and Matt Blaze Copyright (c) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 by AT&T. Permission to use, copy, and modify this software without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ?

modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting documentation for such software. NOTE: Some of the algorithms in cryptolib may be covered by patents. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that any required licenses are obtained.



1. Rijmen.x: Vincent Rijmen "This code is hereby placed in the public domain" 2. MD5.c: RSA Data Security Inc., 1991 3. des_xxx and podd.c: Eric Young 1995-98 (various similar but not identical forms and years depending on the source module) Copies of the notices in the code follow: ============================================================= 1. Vincent Rijmen "This code is hereby placed in the public domain" -----/* * @author Vincent Rijmen * @author Antoon Bosselaers * @author Paulo Barreto * * This code is hereby placed in the public domain. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ ============================================================= 2. RSA Data Security Inc., 1991 -----/* MD5C.C - RSA Data Security, Inc., MD5 message-digest algorithm */ /* Copyright (C) 1991, RSA Data Security, Inc. All rights reserved. License to copy and use this software is granted provided that it is identified as the "RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm" in all material mentioning or referencing this software or this function. License is also granted to make and use derivative works provided that such works are identified as "derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm" in all material mentioning or referencing the derived work. RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning either the merchantability of this software or the suitability of this software for any particular purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty of any kind. These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this documentation and/or software. */


============================================================= 3. Eric Young 1995-98 (various forms and years depending on the source module) Eric Young 1 -----des.h /* $NetBSD: des.h,v 1.5 2001/09/09 11:01:02 tls Exp $ */ /* $KAME: des.h,v 1.7 2000/09/18 20:59:21 itojun Exp $ */ /* lib/des/des.h */ /* Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Eric Young ([email protected]) * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of an SSL implementation written * by Eric Young ([email protected]). * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL * specification. This library and applications are * FREE FOR COMMERCIAL AND NON-COMMERCIAL USE * as long as the following conditions are aheared to. * * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in * the code are not to be removed. If this code is used in a product, * Eric Young should be given attribution as the author of the parts used. * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Eric Young ([email protected]) * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be * copied and put under another distribution licence * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */ Eric Young 2 ------------------------des_cbc.c /* * * * * * Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young ([email protected]) All rights reserved. This package is an SSL implementation written by Eric Young ([email protected]). The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.


* * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ([email protected]). * * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in * the code are not to be removed. * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution * as the author of the parts of the library used. * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * "This product includes cryptographic software written by * Eric Young ([email protected])" * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library * being used are not cryptographic related :-) . * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson ([email protected])" * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be * copied and put under another distribution licence * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */ Eric Young 3 ------------/* /* /* /* * * * * * * * * * $NetBSD: des_ecb.c,v 1.7 2002/11/02 07:19:51 perry Exp $ */ $KAME: des_ecb.c,v 1.5 2000/11/06 13:58:08 itojun Exp $ */ crypto/des/ecb_enc.c */ Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young ([email protected]) All rights reserved. This file is part of an SSL implementation written by Eric Young ([email protected]). The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL specification. This library and applications are FREE FOR COMMERCIAL AND NON-COMMERCIAL USE as long as the following conditions are aheared to.


* Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in * the code are not to be removed. If this code is used in a product, * Eric Young should be given attribution as the author of the parts used. * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Eric Young ([email protected]) * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be * copied and put under another distribution licence * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */ Eric Young 4 -----------------/* crypto/des/des_enc.c */ /* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young ([email protected]) * All rights reserved. * * This package is an SSL implementation written * by Eric Young ([email protected]). * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. * * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ([email protected]). * * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in * the code are not to be removed. * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution * as the author of the parts of the library used. * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright


* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * "This product includes cryptographic software written by * Eric Young ([email protected])" * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library * being used are not cryptographic related :-) . * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson ([email protected])" * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be * copied and put under another distribution licence * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */ Eric Young 5 -----------/* $NetBSD: des_locl.h,v 1.4 2001/09/09 11:01:02 tls Exp $ */ /* $KAME: des_locl.h,v 1.6 2000/11/06 13:58:09 itojun Exp $ */ /* crypto/des/des_locl.h */ /* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ([email protected]) * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of an SSL implementation written * by Eric Young ([email protected]). * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL * specification. This library and applications are * FREE FOR COMMERCIAL AND NON-COMMERCIAL USE * as long as the following conditions are aheared to. * * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in * the code are not to be removed. If this code is used in a product, * Eric Young should be given attribution as the author of the parts used. * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Eric Young ([email protected]) * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE


* ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be * copied and put under another distribution licence * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */ Eric Young 6 -------------------/* $NetBSD: des_setkey.c,v 1.8 2002/11/07 07:04:13 thorpej Exp $ */ /* $KAME: des_setkey.c,v 1.6 2001/07/03 14:27:53 itojun Exp $ */ /* crypto/des/set_key.c */ /* Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Eric Young ([email protected]) * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of an SSL implementation written * by Eric Young ([email protected]). * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL * specification. This library and applications are * FREE FOR COMMERCIAL AND NON-COMMERCIAL USE * as long as the following conditions are aheared to. * * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in * the code are not to be removed. If this code is used in a product, * Eric Young should be given attribution as the author of the parts used. * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Eric Young ([email protected]) * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be * copied and put under another distribution licence * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */


Eric Young 7 ----------------------/* $NetBSD: podd.h,v 1.1 2000/06/14 19:45:36 thorpej Exp $ */ /* $KAME: podd.h,v 1.3 2000/03/27 04:36:34 sumikawa Exp $ */ /* crypto/des/podd.h */ /* Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Eric Young ([email protected]) * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of an SSL implementation written * by Eric Young ([email protected]). * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL * specification. This library and applications are * FREE FOR COMMERCIAL AND NON-COMMERCIAL USE * as long as the following conditions are aheared to. * * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in * the code are not to be removed. If this code is used in a product, * Eric Young should be given attribution as the author of the parts used. * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Eric Young ([email protected]) * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be * copied and put under another distribution licence * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */ ========================================================================================== libusb: ------Oracle elects to license libusb under the BSD license. Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Johannes Erdfelt This file (and only this file) may alternatively be licensed under the BSD license as well, read LICENSE for details. Redistribution and permitted provided 1. Redistributions conditions and the use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are that the following conditions are met: of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of following disclaimer.


2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ========================================================================================== XWindow: -------Copyright 1987, 1998? The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.? IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* The panoramix components contained the following notice */ /***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1991, 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,


publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.? IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Digital Equipment Corporation shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Digital Equipment Corporation. Newer files in the distribution have licenses similar to this one, except the author/organization may be different: /* ?* Copyright ? 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation ?* Copyright ? 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company ?* Copyright ? 2006 Intel Corporation ?* ?* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its ?* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that ?* the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright ?* notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and ?* that the name of the copyright holders not be used in advertising or ?* publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, ?* written prior permission.? The copyright holders make no representations ?* about the suitability of this software for any purpose.? It is provided "as ?* is" without express or implied warranty. ?* ?* THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, ?* INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO ?* EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR ?* CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, ?* DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER ?* TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE ?* OF THIS SOFTWARE. ?* ?* Author: ? Jim Gettys, Hewlett-Packard Company, Inc. ?*????????? Keith Packard, Intel Corporation ? */ ========================================================================================== TurboJPEG: ---------Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Julian Smart, Robert Roebling et al Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this licence document, but changing it is not allowed. WXWINDOWS LIBRARY LICENCE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Licence, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public Licence for more details.


You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public Licence along with this software, usually in a file named COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. EXCEPTION NOTICE 1. As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give permission for additional uses of the text contained in this release of the library as licenced under the wxWindows Library Licence, applying either version 3.1 of the Licence, or (at your option) any later version of the Licence as published by the copyright holders of version 3.1 of the Licence document. 2. The exception is that you may use, copy, link, modify and distribute under your own terms, binary object code versions of works based on the Library. 3. If you copy code from files distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence or the GNU Library General Public Licence into a copy of this library, as this licence permits, the exception does not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete this exception notice from such code and/or adjust the licensing conditions notice accordingly. 4. If you write modifications of your own for this library, it is your choice whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. If you do not wish that, you must delete the exception notice from such code and/or adjust the licensing conditions notice accordingly. ========================================================================================== IPSEC ipsec_tools: -----------------* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998 WIDE Project. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ Some files have: /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Emmanuel Dreyfus * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions


* are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ and some files have: /* * Copyright (C) 2004 SuSE Linux AG, Nuernberg, Germany. * Contributed by: Michal Ludvig , SUSE Labs * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ ========================================================================================== PC/SC-lite: ----------Copyright (c) 1999-2003 David Corcoran All rights reserved. Redistribution and permitted provided 1. Redistributions conditions and the 2. Redistributions use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are that the following conditions are met: of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of following disclaimer. in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of


conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. Changes to this license can be made only by the copyright author with explicit written consent. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ==========================================================================================



Appendix B. Glossary
A alias token An alias token enables a card owner to access the same Sun Ray session with more than one physical token. This setup can be useful, for example, when a user needs a duplicate smart card. ALP The Sun Appliance Link Protocol, a suite of network protocols that enable communication between Sun Ray servers and Sun Ray Clients. AMGH Automatic Multigroup Hotdesking. See regional hotdesking. authentication policy The Authentication Manager, using the selected authentication modules, decides what tokens are valid and which users, as token owners, have access to the system and sessions. authentication token Although all tokens are used by the Authentication Manager to grant or deny access to Sun Ray sessions, this term usually refers to a user's smart card token. See token. B backplane bandwidth Sometimes also referred to as switch fabric. A switch's backplane is the pipe through which data flows from an input port to an output port. Backplane bandwidth usually refers to the aggregate bandwidth available amongst all ports within a switch. barrier mechanism To prevent clients from downloading firmware that is older than the firmware they already have, the administrator can set a barrier mechanism. The barrier mechanism symbol BarrierLevel is defined by default in the DHCP table of Sun Ray servers. bpp Bits per pixel. C CAM Controlled Access Mode, was renamed to kiosk mode. card reader See token reader. client See Sun Ray Client. client ID The unique identifier for a client. For Sun Ray Clients, it is the client's MAC address. For Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients, it is an MD5 hash of the client key. Client ID is also referred to as CID, terminal CID, client identifier, or desktop ID. client key An automatically generated public-private key pair that represents a Sun Ray Client or an Oracle Virtual Desktop Client. A client key is used to authenticate the device when it connects to a server.


client-server A common way to describe network services and the user processes (programs) of those services. codec A device or program capable of encoding or decoding a digital data stream or signal. cold restart See restart. Configuration GUI A tool to modify a Sun Ray Client's local configuration for initialization and booting. D DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, which is a means of distributing IP addresses and initial parameters to the clients. display One or more screens from a single Sun Ray session. DTU See Sun Ray Client. F failover The process of transferring processes from a failed Sun Ray server to a functional Sun Ray server. failover group Two or more Sun Ray servers configured to provide continuity of service in the event of a network or system failure. Sometimes abbreviated as FOG or HA (for high availability). The term high availability refers to the benefit of this type of configuration; the term failover group refers to the functionality. firmware A small piece of software residing on Sun Ray Clients that handles power-on self test (POST), client initialization, authentication, and low-level input an output. See Sun Ray Operating Software. firmware barrier See barrier mechanism. FOG See failover group. fps Frames per second. frame buffer Video output device that drives the video display. See virtual frame buffer. G group-wide Across a failover group. H HA High availability. See failover group.


head A Sun Ray Client, with one or two monitors, used in a multihead group. high availability See failover group. hotdesking The ability for a user to remove a smart card, insert it into any other client within a failover group, and have the user's session "follow" the user, thus allowing the user to have instantaneous access to the user's windowing environment and current applications from multiple clients. hot key A predefined key that causes an activity to occur. For example, a hot key is used to display the Settings screen on the Sun Ray Client. hot-pluggable A property of a hardware component that can be inserted into or removed from a system that is powered on. USB devices connected to Sun Ray Clients are hot-pluggable. I idle session A session that is running on a Sun Ray server but to which no user (identified by a smart card token or a pseudo-token) is logged in. K keyboard country code A number representing a specific USB keyboard map that can be set in the Sun Ray client firmware to provide better Non-US keyboard support. This code is used if the keyboard returns a country code of 0. kiosk mode A facility to deliver an almost unlimited variety of desktops or applications to users, even though the actual desktop or application may be running elsewhere. Kiosk mode bypasses the normal authentication methods of the platform and runs anything that the administrator defines. Kiosk sessions are configured through a Kiosk session type. kiosk session A user session running in kiosk mode. Also called kiosk mode session. kiosk session type A set of scripts and configuration files, which are described by a kiosk session descriptor file. A kiosk session type defines the kind of user session that will run in kiosk mode. A session type is sometimes referred to as a session configuration. M mobile token If mobile sessions are enabled, a user can log into an existing session from different locations without a smart card, in which case the user name is associated with the session. This type of pseudo-token is called a mobile token. mobility For the purposes of the Sun Ray Software, the property of a session that allows it to follow a user from one client to another within a server group. On the Sun Ray system, mobility requires the use of a smart card or other identifying mechanism.


monitor The physical monitor connected to a client. MTU Maximum Transmission Unit, used to specify the number of bytes in the largest packet a network can transmit. multicasting The process of enabling communication between Sun Ray servers over their Sun Ray network interfaces in a failover environment. multihead group A type of multiple monitor configuration that enables you to merge and control multiple Sun Ray Clients, referred to in this context as heads, and their screens using a single keyboard and mouse attached to a primary client. multi-monitor A type of multiple monitor configuration that supports multiple monitors connected to the dual video connectors on a Sun Ray 2FS or Sun Ray 3 Plus Client. By using RandR 1.2, the multiple monitors are managed as one screen. N network latency The time delay associated with moving information through a network. Interactive applications such as voice, video displays and multimedia applications are sensitive to these delays. non-smart card mobility NCSM. A mobile session on a Sun Ray Client that does not rely on a smart card. NSCM requires a policy that allows pseudo-token. NSCM See non-smart card mobility. O offline A specific mode for a server in a failover group, which means the server does not participate in load balancing any more (the load balancing algorithm does not select this server for new sessions). New sessions can still be manually created on it. Oracle Virtual Desktop Client A software application that runs on a common client operating system and provides the ability to connect to a desktop session running on a Sun Ray server. It is a software version of a Sun Ray Client. The desktop running the application is also referred to as an Oracle Virtual Desktop Client in this document. OSD On-screen display. The Sun Ray Client uses OSD icons to alert the user about potential start-up or connectivity problems. output A single instance of a physical monitor. Each output has a physical video connector. P PAM Pluggable Authentication Module. A set of dynamically loadable objects that gives system administrators the flexibility of choosing among available user authentication services.


PAM session A single PAM handle and runtime state associated with all PAM items, data, and the like. policy See authentication policy. Pop-up GUI See configuration GUI. power cycling Using the power cord to restart a client. private network A network configuration where Sun Ray Clients are directly connected to the Sun Ray server, that is, the server has a network interface connected to the subnet and the server is devoted entirely to carrying Sun Ray traffic. Also known as directly-connected dedicated interconnect or private interconnect. pseudo-session A Sun Ray session associated with a pseudo-token rather than a smart card token. pseudo-token A user accessing a Sun Ray session without a smart card is identified by the client's built-in type and MAC address, known as a pseudo-token. See token. R RDP Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol. regional hotdesking Enables users to access their sessions across wider domains and greater physical distances. You can enable this feature by defining how user sessions are mapped to an expanded list of servers in multiple failover groups. Originally known as Automatic Multigroup Hotdesking (AMGH). restart Sun Ray services can be restarted either from the utstart command or with the Warm Restart or Cold Restart buttons through the Admin GUI. A cold restart terminates all Sun Ray sessions; a warm restart does not. RDS Remote Desktop Services. Formally known as Terminal Services. See Windows Terminal Services. RHA Remote Hotdesk Authentication, a security enhancement that requires Sun Ray Software authentication before users can reconnect to an existing session. RHA does not apply to kiosk sessions, which are designed for anonymous access without authentication. RHA policy can be administered either through the Admin GUI or with the utpolicy command. S screen A monitor or group of monitors that show a single desktop to a user. A screen can be provided by a single monitor or by multiple monitors on a Sun Ray Client with dual video connectors, such as the Sun Ray 3 Plus Client. A multihead group can also show a single desktop when using Xinerama. screen flipping The ability to pan to individual screens that were originally created by a multihead group on a client with a single head.


service For the purposes of Sun Ray Software, any application that can directly connect to the Sun Ray Client. It can include audio, video, X servers, access to other machines, and device control of the client. session A group of services associated with an authentication token. A session may be associated with a token embedded on a smart card. See token. session mobility See mobility. smart card Generically, a plastic card containing a microprocessor capable of making calculations. Smart cards that can be used to initiate or connect to Sun Ray sessions contain identifiers such as the card type and ID. Smart card tokens may also be registered in the Sun Ray data store, either by the Sun Ray administrator or, if the administrator chooses, by the user. smart card-based authentication Using a smart card to authenticate a card holder based on credentials supplied by the card and authentication information from the card holder, such as a PIN or biometric data. smart card-based session mobility Using a smart card to provide a unique token ID and token type that enables Sun Ray Software to locate the card holder's session. In some cases, card holders might be required to authenticate themselves using smart card-based authentication. smart token An authentication token contained on a smart card. See token. Sun Ray Client A hardware client that obtains a desktop session from a Sun Ray server. The software client counterpart is called an Oracle Virtual Desktop Client. Previously referred to as Sun Ray thin clients, Sun Ray virtual display terminals, and Sun Ray DTUs (Desktop Terminal Units). Sun Ray Operating Software The name of the Sun Ray Client firmware. See firmware. Sun Ray system The Sun Ray system consists of Sun Ray Clients, servers, server software, and the physical networks that connect them. T thin client Thin clients remotely access some resources of a computer server such as compute power and large memory capacity. The Sun Ray Clients rely on the server for all computing power and storage. token The Sun Ray system requires each user to present a token that the Authentication Manager uses to allow or deny access to the system and to sessions. A token consists of a type and an ID. If the user uses a smart card, the smart card's type and ID are used as the token. If the user is not using a smart card, the client's built-in type and ID (the unit's Ethernet, or MAC, address) are used instead as a pseudo-token. If mobile sessions are enabled, a user can log into an existing session from different locations without a smart card, in which case the user name is associated with the session. A pseudotoken used for mobile sessions is called a mobile token. Alias tokens can also be created to enable users to access the same session with more than one physical token.


token reader A Sun Ray Client that is dedicated to reading smart cards and returning their identifiers, which can be associated with card owners (that is, with users). trusted-server Servers in the same failover group that "trust" one another through a common group signature. U user session A session that is running on a Sun Ray server and to which a user, identified by a smart card token or a pseudo toke, is logged in. V video acceleration A feature provided in the Windows connector to improve video playback performance, which consists of the multimedia redirection and Adobe Flash acceleration components. virtual desktop A virtual machine containing a desktop instance that is executed and managed within the virtual desktop infrastructure, usually a Windows desktop accessed through RDP. VMware View connector Enables Sun Ray Client users to connect to Windows virtual machines through the VMware View Manager. virtual frame buffer A region of memory on the Sun Ray server that contains the current state of a user's display. W warm restart See restart. Windows connector A Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client that enables Sun Ray users to access applications running on remote Microsoft Windows systems. Windows system A generic term used throughout the Sun Ray Software documentation to indicate a remote desktop server running the Windows OS that can be accessed remotely from a Sun Ray Client using the Windows connector. See Windows Terminal Services for the different ways a remote desktop is provided based on the Windows OS. Windows Terminal Services A Microsoft Windows component that makes Windows applications and desktops accessible to remote users and clients. Depending on the Windows release, this feature may be called Terminal Services, Remote Desktop Services, or Remote Desktop Connection. X X server A process that controls a bitmap display device in an X Window System. It performs operations on request from client applications. Sun Ray Software contains two X servers: Xsun, which was the default Xserver in previous versions of Sun Ray Software, and Xnewt, which is the default Xserver for Sun Ray Software. Xnewt enables the latest multimedia capabilities.


Xinerama An extension to the X Window System that enables the use of two or more monitors as one large virtual display. Xinerama mode allows the display of a single desktop across multiple monitors. Xnewt The default X server for Sun Ray Software on Oracle Solaris. xrandr The X Resize, Rotate and Reflect extension to the X Window System, which enables clients to resize, rotate, and change screen resolution settings dynamically. For Sun Ray Software, this extension is especially useful when a user hotdesks to Sun Ray Clients that use monitors of different sizes or resolutions than the one where a given session began.


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