Bridgeside Bulletin: Sunday 21st April, 2013 Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year C

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FnoM 1ur Pns1ons Drsk

As you would be well aware the clergy of the diocese

spent some of the past week gathered at Kincumber
for our Clergy Conference. It was a wonderful
opportunity for us to gather together with Bishop Bill,
and to, quite simply, spend me together looking at
things that impact on the diocese and on us as a

The few days we were together, with a fairly relaxed
schedule of input, discussion and socialising, le me
with a very powerful reminder that although we can
somemes think were in this Chrisan journey all by
ourselves the opposite is in fact true. We are never
aloneGod accompanies us, and we are also joined
by our brothers and sisters who also seek to walk the
walk of being Chrisan.

Over the coming years, as the Royal Commission gets
underway, and we face the revelaons of the past
that will undoubtedly come to light, there may be a
temptaon to throw up our hands and say its all to
hard. And if we had to face that as individuals that
may well be true.

But we dont.

We dont face the future as individuals. We face the
future, and all that it brings, as the Body of Christ,
united by something we dont fully understand, but
which enables us to face anything that comes our way.
As the community of faith, the Body of Christ here in
ForsterTuncurry, we have all we need in order to face
the future together: the Word of God, the Eucharist,
the Community.

We do not need to be afraid. We do not need to
throw up our hands in surrender. We do not need to
be perturbed by what we read and hear. Together,
and strengthened by the Lords presence with us, we
can face all that comes our way. Yes, the past has held
Fr Andrew Doohan (Parish Priest)
Mr Greg Byrne (Pastoral Associate)
Mrs Sharon Fowle (Administraon)
Sr Kathryn McCabe (Aboriginal Catholic Ministry)

The Parish Oce is at the rear of the Parish Hall and is
staed on Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 4pm.

33 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428
PO Box 67, Forster NSW 2428
P: (02) 6554 6304
F: (02) 6554 6425
E: [email protected] or
[email protected] (Fr Andrew)

Holy Name Parish School (K6)
Mr Mark Mowbray (Principal)

41 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428
PO Box 243, Forster NSW 2428
P: (02) 6554 6504
F: (02) 6554 8895
E: [email protected]

Items for inclusion in Bridgeside Bullen can be sent
to the Parish Oce or Fr Andrew, preferably by email
or wrien note, by midday on Thursday.

Bapsms are celebrated on Sundays, either during
any of our Sunday Masses or aer the 9am Mass.
Bapsmal Preparaon meengs are held on the
second Monday of each month at 7pm in the Meeng
Rooms of the Parish Hall at Forster. Please contact the
Parish Oce for more details, or visit the Parish

Weddings are celebrated by arrangement and with at
least three (and preferably more) months noce.
Please contact Fr Andrew for more details, or visit the
Parish website.
Sunday 21st April, 2013
Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year C
Bridgeside Bulletin
The weekly bullen of the Catholic community of
Forster and Tuncurry
Holy Name of Jesus Parish Church
33 Lake Street, Forster
St Mary, Star of the Sea Church
Cnr Kent & Peel Streets, Tuncurry
Proclaiming Christ to the communies of Forster, Tuncurry and the surrounding districts
Find the
Parish on
Tur Pnnisu Dinnv(for the week ahead)
Tue (23/4) 9am Chrisan Meditaon
(Bob 6555 5914)
12pm Funeral Mass for Marn
Dunn @ Tuncurry
3:30pm Holy Hour @ Tuncurry
4:30pm Mass @ Tuncurry
5:30pm Chrisan Meditaon
(Bob 6555 5914)

Wed (24/4) AM Fr Andrew to Newcastle
for Clergy Fund
meengNo Mass today
11:15 Novena to Our Lady of
Perpetual Help @ Forster
7:30pm Men Alive group @

Thu (25/4) 8:30am Mass @ Forster

Fri (26/4) 9:30am Mass @ Forster

Sat (27/4) 8:30am Reconciliaon @
9am Mass @ Tuncurry
4:45pm Reconciliaon @ Forster
(unl 5:15pm)
6pm Mass @ Tuncurry

Sun (28/4) 7am Mass @ Tuncurry
9am Mass @ Forster
shameful acts, and we have much to repent of as
Church, but the past doesnt have to determine our
futureand with Gods grace, it wont.

The subject of the current Special and Royal
Commissions wasnt the major topic of conversaon
during the Clergy Conference. We also connued to
look at the requirements for Work Health and Safety
that are being introduced within the Diocese, and
therefore our parish (see the story on page 5). Again
the requirements might seem daunng and
burdensome, backed up by some fairly s legal
sancons, but there really is a good moral reason for
complying with the requirements: we want everyone
to be safe!

So while we might think this is onerous, we really just
want to make sure that everyone is safe, and so I
would simply ask that we all band together to make
sure that we are all exactly that.

This Sunday marks the annual day when we are called
to pray, in a parcular way, for vocaons to the
Ordained and Consecrated Life (see the story on
page 3). As a sacramental Church, this is, of course,
something we should be praying for regularly, but also
seeking to do something praccal like recognising
these vocaons as valid choices for young people and
encouraging young people to at least consider the

As this World Day of Prayer for Vocaons is the 50th
such day, you will nd in this weeks edion of the
Bridgeside Bullen (on pages 6 & 7) the leer from
(the now Emeritus) Pope Benedict XVI, wrien last
October in preparaon for today. I would commend it
to your prayerful reading.

And lastly, lest you think the expanded version of the
Bridgeside Bullen is a permanent change, let me say
up front that no, its not. From me to mesuch as
this weekendthere may be a need for an expanded
edion, but it will be rare, and hopefully on the
occasions when it is used be a source of some good
informaon and/or reading material.

Unl next week
Fr Andrew
Pnnisu Exro
Would you like to know which groups are operang
within our Parish? Are you looking to get involved in
Parish life but are not sure how? All the groups
currently operang in the Parish will be on display at
the 2013 Parish Expo, which will take place in the
Parish Hall on Sunday 5th May aer the 9am Mass.
Groups are invited to set up their display on Saturday
from 12.30pm.

Come along and see whats happening, and perhaps
you might like to get involved in something you see
Father, I wish that, where I am,
those you gave me may also be
with me,
that they may see the glory
that you gave me, alleluia.
Pnnisu DiNNrn
The Parish Dinner will be held on Friday 17th May at
6pm for 7pm at the Box Fish Restaurant. Tickets are
$30 per head, and will be available aer Masses this
weekend. Ticket numbers are strictly limited, so early
purchase is advised.

Our guest speakers on the night will come from
Hearelt Hope, a local Chrisan charity that is
reaching out parcularly to Vanuata and Uganda.
We welcome to our community of faith those who will
be bapsed with water and the Holy Spirit this

Vogue Nichelle Kreutz, the daughter of Caroline;
Airlia Michelle CoultonDonnelly, the daughter of
Desmond and Michelle; and
Nakoda Mary Ryan, daughter of Ronald and Stacey.
IN voun cunni1v, rtrnsr rnnv ron:

Those recently deceased
Maureen Buckman, Philomena Maloney

Those whose anniversaries occur about now
Ross Presgrave, Sam Lewis

All those in our community who are sick
Wonto Dnv or Pnnvrn ron Vocn1ioNs
This Sunday marks the 50th World Day of Prayer for
Vocaons to the ordained and consecrated life.
Throughout the world the Church is invited to pray for
all those who are called to a life of service to God and
the Church through to vocaon of Ordained or
Consecrated Life. Pope Emeritus Benedict asked us to
reect on the theme of Vocaons as a sign of hope
founded in faith. This is a call to generosity of heart
and spirit. Lets pray together on this day for those
who may be discerning a call to the ordained or
consecrated life that they may do so with a generous
and open heart.

Sacred Heart Cathedral Hamilton will be hosng a
Holy Hour with Benedicon for Vocaons today
Sunday 21st April from 3pm to 4pm. All welcome.
Tur MrN Ativr Gnours
There are two Men Alive groups meeng in our Parish:

the morning group will next meet on Wednesday
1st May aer 9am Mass; and
the evening group will next meet on Wednesday
24th April at 7:30pm.

New members always welcome. Enquiries at the
Cn1uotic Scuoot ENnotMrN1s
The annual enrolment period for Catholic schools.
Enrolments for the school year 2014 are now open,
and the enrolment period will close at the end of May,
2013. For more informaon about enrolments at Holy
Name Parish School, please contact the School Oce
on 6554 6504.
2013 Nn1ioNnt rCoNrrnrNcr
The 8
Naonal eConference will be held on Thursday
16 May from 10:30am 2:30pm, focusing on the
Gospel of St Mark: A Crucied and Risen Messiah with
keynote educators Fr Francis Moloney sdb and Sr
Michele Connolly rsj.

Our Parish will be hosng the event here. Please bring
your own lunch; tea and coee will be provided.
Registraons for the eConference are essenal and
can be made via the Parish Oce.
Srcutnn FnnNciscnNs
The Secular Franciscans will next meet on Wednesday
1st May, coming together for the 9am Mass,
followed by a cuppa at 9:30am and then the meeng.
DrrrrNiNc Oun Fni1u Vioro Srnirs
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference have
produced the Deepening Our Faith video series as an
introducon to the Compendium of the Catechism of
the Catholic Church. The nal morning session will be
held on 2nd May and will look at the topic of Prayer.
The session will commence aer the 9am Mass, will
run for about an hour, and will be held in the Meeng
Room of the Parish Oce.

Evening SessionsAdvanced Noce
These sessions will be repeated over four weeks
commencing on Thursday 2nd May at 7pm in the
Meeng Room of the Parish Oce. For more
informaon contact the Parish Oce.
Pnnisu Rnrrtr
Tickets are now available aer Sunday Masses at both
Forster and Tuncurry in a rae to support the ongoing
maintenance of both our church buildings. Prizes
include a dinner for two at Blackies Restaurant
Tuncurry, a beaded doll, and boles of wine. Tickets
are $2 each or 3 for $5. For more informaon or to
arrange ckets please contact Val Ross on 6555 7263.
Assis1 n S1uorN1
Supported by St Vincent de Paul, this program which
aims to break the cycle of poverty provides funding to
educate a student in Pakistan or the Philippines for
one year. Payment request forms are available from
the rear of the church. Please support this worthwhile
TunNk vou ron voun GrNrnosi1v
This year our Parish contributed $1,579.30 to the
Good Friday collecon for the Holy Land and donated
$4,392.65 to Project Compassion.
Wun1 1ur Cuuncu iN Aus1nntin is SnviNc
For those with access to the internet it is easy to stay
in touch with what the Catholic Church is saying on
issues of public importance in Australiasimply visit
the Churchs website ( and go to
the Media Centre for the latest media releases and
public statements.
Hosri1nt & HoMr Visi1s
We rely on family and friends to inform us about
those who are unwell in our community. If you know
of anyone needing a visit or Communion in hospital or
home please contact the Parish Oce.
Monr TunN Wonos
The Diocesan Liturgy Council, the CSO RE and
Spirituality Department, and East Maitland Parish
invite you to a Year of Grace and Year of Faith twilight
gathering on Monday 13 May at 4.45pm in the Toohey
Room at the Diocesan Oces.

This twilight gathering will feature a presentaon by
Helen Kearney, Ministry Coordinator at All Saints
College, St Marys Campus and a member of the
Diocesan Liturgy Council reecng on our use of
symbol and ritual to enable children, Gen Y, Gen Z and
all people of faith to contemplate the face of Christ,
will be followed by some me for reecon and
discussion. Helen gave this presentaon at the
Australian Academy of Liturgy Conference in Hobart
earlier this year.

For further informaon contact Jenny Harris, P: 4979
1328 E: [email protected]
EcuMrNicnt PrN1rcos1 Srnvicr
The Combined Churches in ForsterTuncurry will be
celebrang the Feast of Pentecost on Sunday 19th
May commencing at 6pm in the Forster Uning
Church. Fr Andrew will be the Speaker at the Service.

All are most welcome to aend, and you are asked to
bring a plate to share for supper.
Ctosunr or Fons1rn Nicu1 MiNis1nv
The Night Ministry has now closed, having
represented the combined churches of the Forster
Tuncurry area for over eight years, providing free
sausage sandwiches in the Forster CBD to young
people wandering the streets late on Friday nights.
They sought to be a calming inuence and to show the
love of God shines even in darkness. With the closure
of latenight venues and changing paerns of
entertainment preferred by young people over the
last couple of years, the need for Night Ministrys
presence declined.

Night ministry is proud of its achievements working on
behalf of the local churches with young people who
have lile contact with the message of the Gospel. All
our local churches can be proud of the faithful team
members giving their me and commitment at mes
when most of their Chrisan brothers and sisters were
tucked up in bed. Night Ministrys volunteers are
deeply grateful for the love and support from the
churches and church members, as well as businesses
and community members and groups, and
governments, during its years of ministry.

Night Ministrys trailer, shed and equipment have
been transferred to the Forster Bapst Church for us
in community outreach of various kinds, but it will also
be available for loan to other churches for ministry
work. Night Ministrys remaining funds have been
given to the Wallamba Ministers Associaon for
community ministry and outreach parcularly with
young people across the churches of the Forster
Tuncurry area.
EvrNiNc Pnnvrn & BrNroic1ioN
Our monthly celebraon of Solemn Evening Prayer
(Vespers from the Divine Oce) & Benedicon will
take place Sunday 5th May in the Tuncurry church
commencing at 5:30pm. All welcome.
DiocrsnN Rr1nrn1 ron YouNc Prortr
The Diocesan Council for Ministry with Young People
(DCMYP) is very excited to announce Be, Grow,
Show, a retreat that will guide young people in
discovering how to be a person of faith, who grows in
their faith, and who shows their faith. The retreat will
involve a series of talks and prayer experiences aimed
at the spiritual formaon of young people. The retreat
will be fun, engaging and a great way to meet other
people who are interested in their faith.

The Retreat is for those over sixteen (16+), and will
take place at the Kilaben Bay Conference Centre,
Wangi Road, Kilaben Bay from 17th to 19th May. The
cost is $60, which covers food and retreat materials.
The Diocese is covering the cost of accommodaon.

Registraons will open shortly, and people interested
in aending should contact the DCMYP team via email
([email protected]).
Hrtr Rrquinro A1 Mnss
Have you ever considered becoming more involved in
our Mass? If you are available to proclaim the Word of
God, be a Commentator, a Sacristan or a Minister of
Communion please contact the Parish Oce as soon
as possible. We really need your help.

If you are unsure of what is involved and would like to
know more, please speak with Fr Andrew.
TunNk You To Oun GnnorNrns
A big thank you to our hardworking team of gardeners
who worked extra hard this week leaving our grounds
looking immaculate.

The next maintenance day will take place on Thursday
9th May, starng at Tuncurry at 8am and then
moving on to Forster, where the day will conclude
with a cuppa. More volunteers are always most
welcome. For more informaon, contact Howard on
6557 6826.
The ANZAC Day Dawn Service will take place at 6am at
the War Memorial, Tuncurry.

The ANZAC Day March will commence at 10:10am
from behind the Westpac Bank in Memorial Drive,
Forster, and move to the War Memorial in Lile
Street, Forster for a Service at 11am.

Our Parish Mass on ANZAC Day will be celebrated at
the slightly earlier me of 8:30am on Thursday.
Wonk Hrnt1u nNo Snrr1v
During last weeks Clergy Conference there was
another presentaon from Diocesan sta on the
requirements of the new Work Health and Safety
legislaon that is now in eect in New South Wales.

Over a period of me this may require some changes
in the way we do things in the Parish, and all of us will
be asked to be involved in helping to make our parish
facilies, and our parish acvies, as safe as possible
for all of us and our visitors.

If there are any parishioners who would like to be part
of a small team that would help me coordinate this
process, we would love to hear from you. There will
be training made available through the Diocese later
in the year and early next year to assist parish teams
in implemenng the new requirements. If there is any
one who might be interested in assisng, please make
contact with Fr Andrew.
Au1uMN Rrrtrc1ioN Dnv
The Tenison Woods Educaon Centre invites you to an
Autumn Reecon Day with Louise Gannon rsj on
Saturday 27th April from 10am to 3pm at the Tenison
Woods Educaon Centre, St Josephs Convent, New
England Highway, Lochinvar.

For more informaon contact Maureen or Margaret,
phone 4930 9601 or email [email protected].
ANNunt MuMs Nicu1 Ou1
Enjoy predinner drinks and dinner in the comfort and
strength of your unity as Mums at the annual Mums
Night Out at the Tenison Woods Educaon Centre,
New England Highway, Lochinvar on Monday 8th May
from 5:30pm to 9pm. The guest speakers will be Sally
Lavis and Benita Tait, and the night is yours at a cost of

For more informaon contact TWEC, phone 4930 9601
or email [email protected].
MissioN: ONr Hrnn1 MnNv Voicrs
Catholic Religious Australia, in conjuncon with
Catholic Mission, is convening the Mission: one heart
many voices Conference to be held from Monday 29th
April to Wednesday 1st May at the Sydney Congress
Hall, 140 Elizabeth Street, Sydney.

For more informaon phone 1800 257 296 or visit the
Vn1icnN II: Tur Bic CouNcit
The Broken Bay Instute is hosng a seminar with Fr
Stephen Bevans svd, tled Vacan II: The Big Council
on Thursday 2nd May from 9am to 1pm at the
Caroline Chisholm Centre, 423 Pennant Hills Road,
Pennant Hills.

The seminar will cover the context of Vacan II; the
history of the development of the documents; and the
theology contained in the documents.

For more informaon contact BBI, phone 9847 0030
or email [email protected].
Tur Gnrn1 Gnncr: RrcriviNc Vn1icnN II
The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney is hosng a major
naonal conference from Monday 20th May to
Thursday 23rd May entled The Great Grace:
Receiving Vacan II Today. The conference will take
place in mulple venues around Sydney.

For more informaon visit the Conference website at
Mrssncr or 1ur Hotv Fn1urn ron 1ur
501u Wonto Dnv or Pnnvrn ron


Theme: Vocaons as a sign of hope founded in faith

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

On the occasion of the 50
World Day of Prayer for
Vocaons, to be held on 21 April 2013, the Fourth
Sunday of Easter, I want to invite you to reect on the
theme: Vocaons as a sign of hope founded in faith,
which happily occurs during the Year of Faith, the year
marking the 50
anniversary of the opening of the
Second Vacan Council. While the Council was in
session, the Servant of God, Paul VI, instuted this day
of worldwide prayer to God the Father, asking him to
connue to send workers for his Church (cf. Mt 9:38).
The problem of having a sucient number of
priests, as the Pope stated at the me, has an
immediate impact on all of the faithful: not simply
because they depend on it for the religious future of
Chrisan society, but also because this problem is the
precise and inescapable indicator of the vitality of
faith and love of individual parish and diocesan
communies, and the evidence of the moral health of
Chrisan families. Wherever numerous vocaons to
the priesthood and consecrated life are to be found,
that is where people are living the Gospel with
generosity (Paul VI, Radio Message, 11 April 1964).

During the intervening decades, the various Chrisan
communies all over the world have gathered each
year on the Fourth Sunday of Easter, united in prayer,
to ask from God the gi of holy vocaons and to
propose once again, for the reecon of all, the
urgent need to respond to the divine call. Indeed, this
signicant annual event has fostered a strong
commitment to placing the importance of vocaons to
the priesthood and the consecrated life ever more at
the centre of the spirituality, prayer and pastoral
acon of the faithful.

Hope is the expectaon of something posive in the
future, yet at the same me it must sustain our
present existence, which is oen marked by
dissasfacon and failures. On what is our hope
founded? Looking at the history of the people of
Israel, recounted in the Old Testament, we see one
element that constantly emerges, especially in mes
of parcular diculty like the me of the Exile, an
element found especially in the wrings of the
prophets, namely remembrance of Gods promises to
the Patriarchs: a remembrance that invites us to
imitate the exemplary atude of Abraham, who, as
Saint Paul reminds us, believed, hoping against hope,
that he would become the father of many naons,
according to what was said, Thus shall your
descendants be" (Rom 4:18). One consoling and
enlightening truth which emerges from the whole of
salvaon history, then, is Gods faithfulness to the
covenant that he entered into, renewing it whenever
man infringed it through indelity and sin, from the
me of the ood (cf. Gen 8:2122) to that of the
Exodus and the journey through the desert (cf. Dt 9:7).
That same faithfulness led him to seal the new and
eternal covenant with man, through the blood of his
Son, who died and rose again for our salvaon.

At every moment, especially the most dicult ones,
the Lords faithfulness is always the authenc driving
force of salvaon history, which arouses the hearts of
men and women and conrms them in the hope of
one day reaching the promised land. This is where
we nd the sure foundaon of every hope: God never
abandons us and he remains true to his word. For that
reason, in every situaon, whether posive or
negave, we can nourish a rm hope and pray with
the psalmist: Only in God can my soul nd rest; my
hope comes from him (Ps 62:6). To have hope,
therefore, is the equivalent of trusng in God who is
faithful, who keeps the promises of the covenant.
Faith and hope, then, are closely related. Hope in
fact is a key word in biblical faith, to the extent that in
certain passages the words faith and hope seem
to be interchangeable. In this way, the Leer to the
Hebrews makes a direct connecon between the
unwavering profession of hope (10:23) and the
fullness of faith (10:22). Similarly, when the First
Leer of Saint Peter exhorts the Chrisans to be
always ready to give an account of the logos the
meaning and raonale of their hope (cf. 3:15),
hope is the equivalent of faith (Spe Salvi, 2).

Dear Brothers and Sisters, what exactly is Gods
faithfulness, to which we adhere with unwavering
hope? It is his love! He, the Father, pours his love into
our innermost self through the Holy Spirit (cf. Rom
5:5). And this love, fully manifested in Jesus Christ,
engages with our existence and demands a response
in terms of what each individual wants to do with his
or her life, and what he or she is prepared to oer in
order to live it to the full. The love of God somemes
follows paths one could never have imagined, but it
always reaches those who are willing to be found.
Hope is nourished, then, by this certainty: We
ourselves have known and believed in the love that
God has for us (1 Jn 4:16). This deep, demanding
love, which penetrates well below the surface, gives
us courage; it gives us hope in our lifes journey and in
our future; it makes us trust in ourselves, in history
and in other people. I want to speak parcularly to the
young and I say to you once again: What would your
life be without this love? God takes care of men and
women from creaon to the end of me, when he will
bring his plan of salvaon to compleon. In the Risen
Lord we have the certainty of our hope! (Address to
Young People of the Diocese of San Marino
Montefeltro, 19 June 2011).

Just as he did during his earthly existence, so today
the risen Jesus walks along the streets of our life and
sees us immersed in our acvies, with all our desires
and our needs. In the midst of our everyday
circumstances he connues to speak to us; he calls us
to live our life with him, for only he is capable of
sasfying our thirst for hope. He lives now among the
community of disciples that is the Church, and sll
today calls people to follow him. The call can come at
any moment. Today too, Jesus connues to say,
Come, follow me (Mk 10:21). Accepng his
invitaon means no longer choosing our own path.
Following him means immersing our own will in the
will of Jesus, truly giving him priority, giving him pride
of place in every area of our lives: in the family, at
work, in our personal interests, in ourselves. It means
handing over our very lives to Him, living in profound
inmacy with Him, entering through Him into
communion with the Father in the Holy Spirit, and
consequently with our brothers and sisters. This
communion of life with Jesus is the privileged seng
in which we can experience hope and in which life will
be full and free.

Vocaons to the priesthood and the consecrated life
are born out of the experience of a personal
encounter with Christ, out of sincere and condent
dialogue with him, so as to enter into his will. It is
necessary, therefore, to grow in the experience of
faith, understood as a profound relaonship with
Jesus, as inner aenveness to his voice which is
heard deep within us. This process, which enables us
to respond posively to Gods call, is possible in
Chrisan communies where the faith is lived
intensely, where generous witness is given of
adherence to the Gospel, where there is a strong
sense of mission which leads people to make the total
gi of self for the Kingdom of God, nourished by
recourse to the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist,
and by a fervent life of prayer. This laer must on the
one hand be something very personal, an encounter
between my inmate self and God, the living God. On
the other hand it must be constantly guided and
enlightened by the great prayers of the Church and of
the saints, by liturgical prayer, in which the Lord
teaches us again and again how to pray
properly. (Spe Salvi, 34).

Deep and constant prayer brings about growth in the
faith of the Chrisan community, in the unceasingly
renewed certainty that God never abandons his
people and that he sustains them by raising up
parcular vocaons to the priesthood and the
consecrated life so that they can be signs of hope for
the world. Indeed, priests and religious are called to
give themselves uncondionally to the People of God,
in a service of love for the Gospel and the Church,
serving that rm hope which can only come from an
openness to the divine. By means of the witness of
their faith and apostolic zeal, therefore, they can
transmit, especially to the younger generaons, a
strong desire to respond generously and promptly to
Christ who calls them to follow him more closely.
Whenever a disciple of Jesus accepts the divine call to
dedicate himself to the priestly ministry or to the
consecrated life, we witness one of the most mature
fruits of the Chrisan community, which helps us to
look with parcular trust and hope to the future of the
Church and to her commitment to evangelizaon. This
constantly requires new workers to preach the Gospel,
to celebrate the Eucharist and the Sacrament of
Reconciliaon. So let there be commied priests, who
know how to accompany young people as
companions on the journey, helping them, on lifes
oen tortuous and dicult path, to recognize Christ,
the Way, the Truth and the Life (cf. Jn 14:6), telling
them, with Gospel courage, how beauful it is to serve
God, the Chrisan community, ones brothers and
sisters. Let there be priests who manifest the
fruiulness of an enthusiasc commitment, which
gives a sense of completeness to their lives, because it
is founded on faith in him who loved us rst (cf. 1 Jn

Equally, I hope that young people, who are presented
with so many supercial and ephemeral opons, will
be able to culvate a desire for what is truly worthy,
for loy objecves, radical choices, service to others in
imitaon of Jesus. Dear young people, do not be afraid
to follow him and to walk the demanding and
courageous paths of charity and generous
commitment! In that way you will be happy to serve,
you will be witnesses of a joy that the world cannot
give, you will be living ames of an innite and eternal
love, you will learn to give an account of the hope
that is within you (1 Pt 3:15)!

From the Vacan, 6 October 2012
Oun Li1uncv Toonv

Responsorial Psalm
Response: We are his people, the sheep of his ock.

Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness.
Come before him, singing for joy.

Know that he, the Lord, is God.
He made us, we belong to him,
we are his people, the sheep of his ock.

Indeed, how good is the Lord,
eternal his merciful love.
He is faithful from age to age.

Gospel Acclamaon
Alleluia, alleluia!
I am the good shepherd, says the Lord;
I know my sheep, and mine know me.
Cn1uotic Lrnorn & Cn1uotic Wrrktv
The Catholic Leader and Catholic Weekly newspapers
are available in the churches at a cost of $2 each.
Scnir1unr RrnoiNcs

Today Acts 13:14, 4352
Apocalypse 7:9, 1417
John 10:2730
Monday Acts 11:118
John 10:110
Tuesday Acts 11:1926
John 10:2230
Wednesday Acts 12:2413:5
John 12:4450
Thursday Wisdom 3:19 or Isaiah 9:16; 1
Corinthians 1:1825 or Ephesians
2:1318; John 12:2328 or 14:2329
Friday Acts 9:120
John 6:5259
Saturday Acts 9:3142
John 6:6069
Next Sunday Acts 14:2127
Apocalypse 21:15
John 13:3135
SitrNcr iN 1ur Li1uncv
We observe silence during our liturgy (on Sundays and
weekdays) at the following mes:

1. During the Penitenal Act, aer the Presider invites
us to prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred
mysteries, in order to recollect ourselves;
2. During the Collect, aer the invitaon of the
Presider to Let us pray, again in order to recollect
ourselves; and
3. During the Liturgy of the Word, at the conclusion of
the rst & second reading and the homily, in order
that we might meditate on what we have heard.
Oun Pnnisu Cottrc1ioNs
a) The Parish Collecon, providing for the needs of the
parish and its ministry, is taken up during the
presentaon and preparaon of the gis (the
oertory). This is the envelope collecon.

b) The Diocesan Clergy Collecon, providing for the
remuneraon and support of the clergy of the
diocese, will be taken up aer communion (during the
Thanksgiving Hymn or a similar me).
RrcriviNc CoMMuNioN
So that we might receive Communion in a t and
proper way, please be aware of the following:

When we process forward to receive Communion,
we have been asked by the Australian Bishops to
adopt a common and unied gesture of reverence
before doing so. In Australia that gesture is a bow
of the head and shoulders (GIRM, 160). Any other
form of reverence, including a genuecon, should
therefore be avoided.
Communion by selfinncon (selfdipping) is
never permied, since we receive Communion and
never take Communion. Please refrain from this
inappropriate acon.
We regret that we do not have the physical
facilies to oer communion while kneeling, and
respecully ask you to refrain from kneeling to
receive Communion while part of the procession,
since this is contrary to the nature of the
Communion procession itself. Your cooperaon in
meeng this request is very much appreciated, and
we thank you for your consideraon.
IN1rncrssonv Pnnvrn Gnour
To request prayers for someone, or to join the Group,
please contact Bob Cashman on 6555 5914 leaving
your name and contact details.
Pno1rc1ivr Covrns ron Dnitv Missnts
Mary Grieg has produced some vinyl covers for the
new Daily Missals which may be purchased from the
Parish Oce for $5 each.
INronMFni1u nNo Lirr Mn11rns
Free copies of Inform can be found at the rear of the

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