Written Assignment Feedback Form
Written Assignment Feedback Form
Written Assignment Feedback Form
B 70-79%
Material presented is strongly linked to task; comprehension of task is high.
C 60-69%
Sound conceptual development, problems encountered have been satisfactorily solved, resulting in well-presented work Well researched with good use of material. Most information is appropriate, consistent and supportive of the conclusions drawn. Sources of information acknowledged. Relevant concepts, etc. applied in a generally appropriate and thoughtful way. No major misunderstandings ; logical connections between ideas; no serious omissions. Sequence and structure are logical and easy to follow. Introductory and concluding sections used effectively.
D 50-59%
Broadly completed but some parts are superficially treated, misunderstood or nearly overlooked.
Conclusions are fully supported by appropriate and well organised data. May be some minor omissions. Sources fully referenced.
Generally accurate and appropriate; some incomplete, unsupported or inconsistent information. Requires greater effort at substantiation and wider research. Generally very limited application; some misunderstanding or quite superficial treatment.
Creative or reflective processing of theories; understanding of how and why they are used; critical and evaluative thinking.
Critical or evaluative thinking about how concepts/theories are applied; little inaccuracy or misunderstanding.
Structure and sequence are used effectively to help integrate ideas or support logical argument. Soundly structured throughout. Powerful, confident and precise use of language; mastery of style and tone. Near perfect acknowledgement of sources throughout the paper
Ideas are sequenced in a logically satisfying way; connections between different themes or sections are well made.
Well enough structured to make sense; could be better organised and more tightly focused upon the topic. Instances of irrelevance or confusion. Spelling, punctuation & grammar generally satisfactory but likely to need attention. Poor referencing
Language use demonstrates precision and expressiveness as well as clarity. Evidence of appropriate citation of work
Language is generally sound and clear throughout. Some evidence of appropriate citation of work.