Rail Resistance
Rail Resistance
Rail Resistance
Fundamental Formula
A quadratic formula has been used for over 80 years to approximate rail vehicle resistance von Borries Formel, Leitzmann Formel, Barbier and Davis worked on this equation
R = A + BV + CV 2
where R is the rail vehicle resistance (N), V is the velocity of the vehicle (m/s), and A (N), B (N s/m) and C ( Ns 2 / m 2 ) are regression coefcients obtained by tting test data to the Davis equation
Transportation Engineering (A.A. Trani) 2
The coefcients A and B in the Davis The coefcient C accounts for air
equation account for mass and mechanical resistance resistance (proportional to the square of the speed) the years for various rail systems and congurations . A few examples are shown in the following pages.
Transportation Engineering (A.A. Trani)
20 KV 2 Ru = 0.6 + + 0.01V + w wn
where: Ru is the resistance in lb/ton, w is the weight per axle (W/n), n is the number of axles, W is the total car weight on rails (tons), V is the speed in miles per hour and K is a drag coefcient Values of K are 0.07 for conventional equipment, 0.0935 for containers and 0.16 for trailers on atcars
Transportation Engineering (A.A. Trani) 4
Mg RG ( kN ) = X
where: RG is the resistance (kN) due to gradients, M is the mass of the train in metric tons, g is the acceleration due to gravity (m/s2) and X is the gradient in the form 1 in X (for example: a grade of 3% is expressed as X = 1/0.03 = 33.33 in the formula above)
Transportation Engineering (A.A. Trani) 5
k rc ( kN / t ) = 0.01 Rc
where: rc is the resistance due to curvature (kN/ton), k is dimensionless parameter depending upon the train (varies from 500 to 1200), RC is the curve radius in a horizontal plane (meters).
Application of Davis Equation to a High-Speed Rail System (Japan Shinkansen Series 200) per Rochard and Schmid1
where: R is the total resistance (kN), V is the speed of the train (m/s) train
review of Methods to Measure and Calculate Train Resistances (Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers,Vol. 214 Part F)
Transportation Engineering (A.A. Trani) 7
% Script to estimate the total resistance of a Series 200 train % Equations provided by Rochard and Schmid (2000) % Coefcients of Davis equation applied to Japanese Shinkansen system % Series 200 A = 8.202; % units are kN B = 0.10656; % units are kN s/m C = 0.0119322; % units are kN s-s/m-m % Create a speed vector V = 0:1:90; % speed in meters/second % Calculate Resistance (in KiloNewtons) according to modied Davis equation R = A + B * V + C * V.^2; % Make a plot of total resistance vs speed plot(V,R,'o--') xlabel(' Speed (m/s)') ylabel('Resistance (kN)') title('Reisistance of Series 200 Shinkansen Rail System')
Transportation Engineering (A.A. Trani) 8
the engine, T is the tractive force or effort, is the efciency in converting power output to tractive force and V is the velocity of the vehicle
Transportation Engineering (A.A. Trani) 10
P T = 2650 V
% in kN
Tractive Force
rail system will reach its maximum velocity at 82.8 m/s (298 km/hr)
The value of efciency has been assumed to The plot applies to level ground (zero