Aqa His2m W QP Jan09
Aqa His2m W QP Jan09
Aqa His2m W QP Jan09
Unit 2M
1.30 pm to 3.00 pm
Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Write the information required on the front of your answer book. The Examining Body for this paper is AQA. The Paper Reference is HIS2M. Answer two questions. Answer Question 1 and either Question 2 or Question 3. Information The marks for questions are shown in brackets. The maximum mark for this paper is 72. There are 36 marks for each question. You will be marked on your ability to: use good English organise information clearly use specialist vocabulary where appropriate.
2 Answer Question 1 and either Question 2 or Question 3. 1 Study the following source material and then answer the questions which follow. Source A 5 Berlin, September 2, 1934 I miss the old Berlin, the carefree civilized air. Now the constant Heil Hitlers, clicking of heels, troopers or black-coated S.S. guards marching up and down the street irritate me, though there are not nearly so many brownshirts about since the S.A. purge. A colleague and I have had some walks and twice have had to duck into stores to avoid either having to salute the standard of some passing S.A. or S.S. battalion or getting beaten up for not doing so.
Source B
Adapted from W L SHIRER, Berlin Diary: the Journal of a Foreign Correspondent, 19341941, 1941
Source C 5
The main reason for support was the personal popularity of Hitler. He offered something different to each class and struck a chord with the widespread disillusionment with the Weimar Republic. But the main reason for his popularity and this may seem surprising was that he was seen as a moderate. After all, he made sure that his political changes were technically constitutional. There was considerable unease about the Nazi movement, especially its thuggish tendencies, but Hitler was perceived as a moderate who would tame the radicals. For this reason he was seen practically as a hero after the Night of the Long Knives in 1934.
Hitler began by giving a detailed account of the origin and suppression of Rhms S.A. plot. The Reich Chancellor stressed that lightning action had been necessary, otherwise many thousands of people would have been in danger of being wiped out. The Defence Minister thanked the Fhrer in the name of the Reich Cabinet and the army for his courageous action, which had saved the German people from civil war. The Fhrer had shown greatness as a statesman and a soldier. This had aroused in the hearts of the Cabinet and the whole German people a vow of devotion and loyalty in this grave hour.
Adapted from the Vlkischer Beobachter, a Nazi newspaper, 5 July, 1934, reporting on a Reich Cabinet meeting held two days before
How far did Nazi control in Germany depend on terror and intimidation by the end of 1934?
Explain how far the views in Source B differ from those in Source A in relation to the reactions to Nazi rule of those living in Germany in 1934. (12 marks)
(24 marks)
Explain why Hitler replaced the trade unions with the German Labour Front.
The lives of German workers and peasants improved as a result of Nazi policies in the years 1933 to 1939. Explain why you agree or disagree with this view. (24 marks)
(12 marks)
3 (a) (b)
Explain why the invasion of the USSR changed the lives of those living in Germany in the years 1941 and 1942. (12 marks) In the later stages of the war Hitler still commanded widespread support. Explain why you agree or disagree with this view. (24 marks)
Turn over
Question 1 Source A: W L SHIRER, Berlin Diary: the Journal of a Foreign Correspondent, 19341941, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1941. By permission of The William L Shirer Literary Trust. Question 1 Source C: S LEE, Hitler and Nazi Germany, Routledge, 1998 Copyright 2009 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. SA9838/Jan09/HIS2M
Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright-holders have been unsuccessful and AQA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgements in future papers if notified.