Lab2 Land Suitabilityk
Lab2 Land Suitabilityk
Lab2 Land Suitabilityk
Introduction Why use dozens of tables and charts when the information can be clearly understood in a single image? Land suitability is determined by both the . tness of the land for a particular use (Steiner 1983), and the values and interests of the stakeholders in a region (BojorquezTapia et al. 1994). In fact, land-use decisions depend upon the socioeconomic activities and the character of the involved social organizations (Malczewski and Ogryczak 1995). However, environmental con icts appear whenever diOEerent sectors with incompatible activities compete for available land (Bojorquez-Tapia et al. 1994 ). Environmental con icts over the allocation of land have resulted in laws and policies that require public participation in decision making. A land suitability assessment is a planning tool for the design of a land-usepattern that prevents environmental con icts through the segregation of competing land-uses (Eastman et al. 1993). It is a decision problem under multiple criteria and multiple objectives that, when adapted into a geographical information system (GIS), produces a land-use pattern that minimizes con icts and maximizes consensus among the stakeholders (Eastman et al. 1993, Malczewski et al. 1997 ). Therefore, a successful land suitability assessment depends on how the activities and interactions of the relevant interest groups are included into the analysis (Malczewski et al. 1997), and how the decision rules are constructed in a way that all of the stakeholders land-use criteria are satis. ed (Eastman et al. 1993). Hence, GIS-based assessments have to include the three land-use decision elements at the regional scale (Smith et al. 1995): (1) the distribution of land cover, population, and human activities over the landscape, or infrastructure; (2) the social organizations present in a region, or structure, and (3) the ideas, values, and attitudes that people have about the particular uses of the land, or superstructure . Broadly dened, land-use suitability analysisaims at identifying the most appropriate spatial pattern for future land uses according tospecify requirements, preferences, or predictors of some activity. . The analysis can involve few steps of processes like: Objectives Before stating the practical, conceptual model has been setup in order to find the most suitable area for developemtn. The first criteria in the conceptual model is to find the main objectives. Thus, the main objectives for this practicals is to fingd the best suitability area for new development area. but, to meet the objectives, several information need to get and basically the common question and answer are as follow: Question: How we measure what is the best area for development? But the answer is depend on the opinion of respected expertise.the expertise will consider and give weightaged of each criteria and we as the GIS expert is expected to use,manipulate and analyze the information and the data to produce the ranked suitability map which showing the rancked of each area
which stretch from the best area to the worst area for development. Luckily, in this practical, all the valuable information which link to the most important criteria to build the area have been given. According to the information, to answer the question before is as follow: Answer: the most preferable and suitable to locate the development area to adjacent or near to the road so that the accec of building is easyier. Furthermore, the development area also must far from the river or water stream because the development or urbanization will cause pollution and disrupt the water resources within the area. it is preferable to find the area on relatively flat land that might be due stability of the area or the cost to build the area. the area also must be far from the built up area to avoid congested and air pollution within the area. The reason behind the selected criteria can be more, but these area only several basic consideration done in order to find the most suitable area for development only for the purpose of the practical. After finding the answer, it is crucial to exploring the inputs datasets to give insights about the area in wwhich we want to built the development and so on. Then the last part is to perform the analysis by using ArcGis software to create the suitability map which cosists of creating necessary layers( in this example, layers are slope, layers of road network, distance from built up area and river layers.the expected outcome or end product of the practical is to produce a map that that shows potential sites that
could be suitable for building a new development area. the map produces must shows each of the potential sites in rank (ranked best to worst).
The main procedures involve in performing analysis are as follow: 1. developing a set of goals/objectives2. determining the criteria (and sub-criteria) to meet the objectives 3. reclassifying data to form preference and providing weightage 4. determining areas of preference by combining the weighted criteriap Procedure 1. as mentioned above, bove, the main objectives of the practicalis to set up the land suitability map for development for spatial analysis purposes. Before that, the layers of slope, river, built up area and road network should be created. Each of the layer is created one by one and will be explained in details. 2. The first layer is road layer. Open the Arctoolbox> Analyst tools> Proximity>Multiple Ring Buffer. The purpose is to create multiple buffers at specied distances around the input features; in this case is road. The list of the buffer distance are 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000. Meanwhile the Output_Feature_class is saved in :D and the folder is named as road_buff. 3. When using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension it is important to create raster dataset because the Spatial Analyst performs operations on square cells only. A raster is composed of an array of equally spaced,sized cells that are arranged in rows and column. The vactor data which consists of road or l=polygon data will be converted into raster dataset. To convert, click on Conversion> To Raster> Polygon To Raster. The value_field parameter is set to Distance, the out_rasterdataset as road_raster and the cell_assignment is set to CELL_CENTER which the polygon which overlaps the center of the cell yields the attribute to assign to the cells. Meanwhile, the cellsize irefers to the size of the cell for the output raster datasetand is set to 20. Then click Ok and right click> Identify to see the information of createdraster dataset. 4. Then the process isreclassifying, which we can modify the values an input raster and save the changes to a new output raster. The main reason of this process is to reclassifying values to a common scale to get the weightage rank of each respected area.First, Click the Spatial Analyst dropdown arrow> Reclassify> cClassification and change the Classes. the nearest distance to the road is the most suitable criteria to be build and change it to 9.Meanwhile, the farthest is the most unfavaurable critea, thus put the value of 1.The reclassification table is shown below. Then, the name for the output is specified as road_rank and click Ok
5. Then, the same steps are repeated for the built up area. the layer is started by buffering all the polygon. But during the Reclassifying the data, the farthest built up area to the development area would be the best criteria for development, thus we assigned the value of 1000 as 1. Meanwhile, the closest built up area to the targeted area is set up to 1. The,output name is specified as BU_rank
6. Road network
2. Leave the Input raster and the Output measurement as the default values. 3. Accept the default location for the value of the Output raster parameter, but type slope_out for the name. A meaningful output name, slope_out, has been provided to help locate this data later in exercise 3. 4. For the Z factor, type 0.3048 to convert the z-values to the same unit of measure as the x,y units (from feet to meters). 5. Click OK.
7. 8.
Discussion ancial problems of producers issues had to be excluded from the GIS analysis). Nonetheless, results show that, despite its di culties, the participatory planning workshop was a practical mechanism for incorporating the sectoral issues and concerns into the assessment. The role of experts was important in the whole
procedure because they acted as technical advisors to the sectors. As the participatory planning workshop progressed, such technical advise enabled the representatives to be aware of the importance of the issues, and assured the sharing of basic information among the sectors. Moreover, the specialists were able to interpret the requirements for each activity into a format useful for the spatial analysis. Later, the interaction of the specialist group and the core group ensured an appropriate representation of the sectors in the suitability analysis. Another important factor in the process was the simplicity of the GIS-application developed for this case study. The multi-criteria/multi-objective procedure allowed the stakeholder representatives and decision makers to understand land suitability assessment, and enabled them to reach a general agreement on the results. It was uncomplicated for the public to grasp the weighted linear combination because of its plain arithmetic, while understanding the numerical classi. cation was intuitive, although mathematically complex. Furthermore, the risk of misinterpreting the stakeholders criteria or introducing biases into the analysis was diminished by the whole procedure because it fostered strict de. nitions of issues and variables.
A. Defining Factors Urban land-use suitability can be influenced by the large numbers of environmental, economic and social factors [28]. There is no particular mechanism for defining evaluation criteria for multi criteria decision making. To be able to accurately define all aspects of the decision problem, there is generally a need for a large number of criteria. Choosing a small number of criteria might result in over simplifications. On the other hand, each evaluation criterion must be comprehensive and measurable and the set must be complete (cover all aspects of the problem), operational (meaningful in analysis), decomposable (broken into parts to simplify the process), non-redundant (avoid double counting) and minimalAlso, the selection process has to be particular to the problem at hand and depend on the characteristics of the system that is analysed. After establishing a set of criteria in which to decompose the decision problem, the (spatial) criteria should be presented in the form of information layers (maps). So, in the next stage, maps with different scales from various governmental departments were collected and projected into the standard projection system (WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_39N) and converted into grids with a pixel size of 30m30m. Totally, 15 factors were selected for the assessment. The 15 criteria and their sub-criteria that have been used are mentioned in Table . These include slope, aspect, elevation, geology, soil attributes, climate types, ground water depth (m), wind speed (knots), vegetation type, distance from: (1) rivers (m), (2) fault lines (m), (3) existing land uses such as industries and mines (m), (4) urban infrastructures and power supply facilities such as power plants, gas lines and power lines (m), (5) the main roads (m) and (6) residential and urban areas (m) [1], [3], [11], [12], [13], [14], [19], [20], [21], [26][28]. Topography factors such as aspect, elevation and slope are important in urban land use planning. For instance, the sites on or near cliffs and high elevation areas are not suitable for housing development because development in these areas costs a lot for the government. Particularly supplying the high elevation areas by facilities like roads, water supply, electricity, and so on, are much more costl