Android Diskless
Android Diskless
Android Diskless
AbstractIn this paper we propose the Android Diskless System, which provides a set of tools to boot and manage diskless computers on a LAN. The motive is to use old computers, still in good conditions but without a hard drive, for a general purpose environment such as school labs or small businesses like cyber cafes. The resulting solution allows users to connect to the Internet, store their data, play games, and interact with documents (pdf, doc, xls, ppt) and media, which is the common use of computer nowadays. At the end of paper the reader will nd benchmark tests applied to the system demostrating that there are no remarkable differences in performance between diskless and standard Android systems and also that other diskless GNU/Linux solutions arent as efcient as ours for our purpose. Index TermsAndroid, diskless clients, obsolete computers.
N the 1960s, the expected market availability for specic computer chips was between 20 and 25 years; today its between 2 and 5. Called the dark side of Moores Law, which states that the number of transistors on a chip doubles every 18 to 20 months: poor planning for parts obsolescence causes companies to spend progressively more in dealing with the effects of aging systemswhich leaves even less money for new investment, thus creating a downward spiral of maintenance costs and delayed upgrades[1]. This trend affects in a greater share the public sector of development countries that can not afford renewing their hardware when it becomes obsolete and must extend the useful life of computers as long as they are functional. A good option in solving this problem is the use of diskless clients using a Linux-based operating system (OS) since Linux developers claim that a diskless client using their OS could have a lifespan of more than 300 years without any hardware or software upgrades[2].
more popular than all other Linux distributions joined together. Android was also designed to optimize the use of memory and hardware resources[5] and has a great number of free applications that could provide a good set of tools in everyday computing. There are some projects, such as LTSP[6] or Zentyal[7], that provide tools to manage diskless computers and thin clients. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is still no project that allows Android to run on a computer without a hard drive. Another aim is to use only free and open source software to make the solution more suitable for developing countries which are the most affected by the problems of aging technologies. This paper presents the design and implementation of a diskless computer network using the Android OS. Section II discusses projects and papers related to this investigation, Section III describes the basic design of our system, Section IV details a proof-of-concept prototype that we have implemented. Section V depicts tests results of our diskless systems benchmarking and Section VI concludes this paper.
II. R ELATED W ORK . There are some projects that aim to provide a solution to the aging technologies issue such as the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE) which is an extremely fastperforming and energy-saving desktop environment, that can be installed on many Linux distributions including Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu and also runs on OpenSolaris and BSD[8]. LXDE has a good performance even on a personal computer produced back in 1999 but its design and information architecture is based on MS Windows 98/2000, a paradigm that has evolved in the last ten years and is getting obsolete with the new concepts of desktop enviroments that can be seen in Plasma from KDE, GNOME Shell, the Windows 8 Desktop and the launcher of Android 4. The Virtual Smartphone over IP work of Eric Y. Chen and Mistutaka Itoh reveals a platform to empower smartphones with cloud computer processing in a model close to the thin clients architecture[9]. Even when the aim of that investigation if far from ours, there are some elements to take into consideration in their platform such as the use of Network File System (NFS) to provide the nodes of an external storage directory. Also the paper Implementation of a Diskless Cluster Computing Environment in a Computer Classroom of Chao-Tung Yang, Wen-Feng Hsieh and Hung-Yen Chen was reviewed to select the server side technologies for our system.
Android 1,34% iOS 4,61% Linux 0,95% Windows 85,65% Mac 5,88% Other 2,12%
Fig. 1: OS market share[3], [4]. In order to select a Linux-based OS for diskless clients it is necessary to study the OSs market share (Figure 1), which brings us to the conclusion that the Android OS is
III. S YSTEM OVERVIEW. The functioning of diskless computers on Linux based OS can be implemented in two ways: with the processing on the server side, as thin clients, or with the processing on the client side. Both of them share the same boot sequence (Figure 2).
The client asks for an IP address NO
The init process of the initrd mounts the root le system that is shared over the network
NFS, This protocol is used by diskless nodes for all persistent le storage. It operates in the same manner as an SD card holds data for physical smart-phones. Since the NFS is easily scalable, it practically provides each client an unlimited le storage[9]. The solution can be easily scaled by separating the services one per server without making any changes to the software.
IV. I MPLEMENTATION . A. Android modications. As a proof-of-concept to make the clients OS we used the rst release candidate of the version 4.0.3 of Android x86 project[12] to which we added the modules to support NBD, NFS and SWAP memory space2 in the Linux kernel layer (Figure 4).
Fig. 2: Boot sequence of a diskless computer1 . After the last step of booting, the client can connect to a server through any protocol (e.g. VNC, RDP, SSH or XDMCP) that allows running graphical applications remotely (server side processing) or it can login locally (client side processing).
Intel(R ) Xeon(R ) C PU 1.86G H z / R AM 2G B Intel(R ) Xeon(T M ) C PU 3.20G H z / R AM 2G B
Fig. 4: Kernel layer of Android system architecture[14]. The init script of the initrd was modied to locate the root le system, the user data image and the swap space in the remote server. This scripts functions are based on Busybox applets, so nbd-client, swaponoff and nfs mount support were included in Busybox.
# get IP udhcpc -s /sbin/ -i eth0 # create nbd devices for i in 1 2 3; do mknod /dev/nbd$i b 43 $i; done # The variables $SERVER, $DATA_PORT # and $SWAP_PORT are passed to # the script via kernel command line nbd-client "$SERVER" 9000 /dev/nbd0 if ! [[ -z "$DATA_PORT" ]];then nbd-client $SERVER $DATA_PORT /dev/nbd1 export DATA=/dev/nbd1 fi if ! [[ -z "$SWAP_PORT" ]];then nbd-client $SERVER $SWAP_PORT /dev/nbd2 swapon /dev/nbd2 fi # check the remote root file system check_root /dev/nbd0
Server side
Fig. 3: Clients/Server test using GNU/Linux For this investigation we chose the client side processing because it is less expensive since it supports a better ratio of clients per server without crashing (Figure 3). The proposed Android Diskless System architecture is just like any other thin client network implementation. It is composed of a number of diskless computers connected to a server or servers that provide: DHCP, which is the main service since it provides the clients with all the necessary information to boot using the network. Advanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol (ATFTP), to share the PXE boot-loaders conguration les, the Linux kernel and its initial RAM disk (initrd). It was selected among all other TFTP servers since it supports a congurable amount of client connections. Network Block Devices (NBD). A service which presents a remote resource as local to the client [11]. Using it our system shares the root le system and a swap memory space to the clients.
Linux initial RAM disk (initrd) is a temporary root le system that is mounted during system boot to support the two-state boot process. The initrd contains various executables and drivers that permit the real root le system to be mounted, after which the initrd RAM disk is unmounted and its memory freed[10].
1 The
As shown in Sample Code 1 the root lesystem is exported to all clients throughout the same port (9000), the swap space and the user data image are shared among each node through different ports that are provided to the init process in the kernels command line. As a result of this, 1) clients share the same le system but never the user data or swap space.
The ADB tool can be used from any computer to administrate an Android OS, so our system includes security measures to make this service accessible only from the administration server. To ensure this we added netlter support to the kernel layer (Figure 4) and the iptables applet to the Busybox program that runs on the Initrd. On the init process all connections to the ADBs port (5555) are rejected unless they come from the management server. V. E VALUATION .
A. Benchmarking. To demonstrate that the Android Diskless System could run awlessly on very old computers turned into diskless nodes we used the tool 0xbench from 0xlabs which is an open source benchmarking suite with 16 tests included[16]. Results were compared with their counterparts on the same computers with a hard drive. TABLE I: Benchmarking tests on ASUS P4P800.
NFS server
Grants access to the folders matching the folder name with the IP address given by the DHCP server
Diskless Client
Tries to mount a NFS folder which have it's MAC address as name
Fig. 5: External storage mount process. The init script is powered with a function that takes the MAC address of the network interface and the NFS server IP and mounts the NFS folder with the name MAC as the external storage directory. In order to ensure a rst security level the DHCP server always gives the same IP address to the computers using the clients MAC as its key and the NFS server grants access to the folder with the name MAC only to this IP. Therefore no single computer has access to the storage of another (Figure 5). B. Clients administration tool.
SciMath Composite Fast Fourier Transform Jacobi Successive Over relaxation Monte Carlo integration Sparse matrix multiply Dense LU matrix factorization 2D Canvas Redraw Draw Circle Draw Rect Draw Arc Draw Text Draw Image 3D GL Cube GL Teapot GL Blending GL Fog
Diskless s 14.0648279348993 8.23625260632359 25.483430443781 3.16193276747629 14.7126428415382 18.7298810153771 fps 60.012127 58.91174 29.417336 52.293583 59.745113 15.1775 59.56045 39.21261 63.730804 63.554623
Using a SEAGATE ATA ST3500418AS hard drive 14.0780899274729 8.23874281784106 25.591729622668 3.19931657785062 14.7126428415382 18.6480177774666 60.084198 57.539078 31.284286 52.17073 59.677807 15.153122 59.558086 39.21261 63.593002 63.60514
Fig. 6: Administrations tool prototype interface. We created a tool based on the Android Debug Bridge (ADB)[15] to manage all the diskless clients. This tool provides a way to easily manage applications, reboot and halt the remote system in all the clients at the same time or one by one. Clients administration tool (Figure 6) components description: 1) IP addresses list for all the clients that are running. 2) Check-box to select the clients to which apply actions. 3) Storage space indicator for each client. 4) Action buttons.
As shown in TABLE I there is no remarkable difference in the performance of diskless nodes compared to that of standard computers. Other series of tests were applied to compare the performance of our system against a GNU/Linux distribution running without a hardrive. The OS customization to these test was done using Ubuntu 10.04 and LXDE as the desktop environment. Figures 7, 8 and 9 depict the results: CPU usage is almost the same in both OS, with maximun values of 51% for Android and 47% for LXDE and an average of 8.9% and 9.9% respectively. I/O output requests made by the OS are signicant at boot time, reaching values of 10500Kb/s for our system and 2800Kb/s for the other, but once their boot processes are completed the average is insignicant for both approaches. Even when the difference between RAM used in both systems has an average of 24% the trend of Android memory consumption is to oscillate from 70% to 80% while the other system trends to increase progressively
which could take it in a longer experiment to exceed Androids consumption level. VI. C ONCLUSIONS AND F URTHER W ORK There are currently 475843 applications in the Android market from which 27% are targeted as low quality applications, 348993 are free and 128343 are downloadable by payment[17], [18]. In the upcoming future there will be Android applications for all the purposes of a common user. The Android Diskless System discussed in this paper can be used in classroms, libraries, navigation points, kiosks or even in Arcade machines using those apps. Our aproach is as good as any other GNU/Linux for diskless computers, but carries with it the new concepts of desktop enviroments, uses the most popular Linux based OS and provides tools to manage almost every setting of the diskless nodes. The next step in this investigation will be to create custom roms for specic environments such as schools or libraries and test them in real envioronments to demostrate the factibility of the proyect. Meanwhile we will wait the release of Android 5 Jelly Bean, which will have native support for desktop computers, to integrate it to the Android Diskless solution. R EFERENCES
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Android LXDE
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Android LXDE
90 80 Memory usage percent 70 60 50 40 30 0
00:05 00:30 00:55 01:20 01:45 02:10 02:35 03:00 03:25 03:50 04:15 04:40 05:05 05:30 05:55 06:20 06:45 07:10 07:35 08:00 08:25 08:50 09:15 09:40 10:05 10:30 10:55 11:20 11:45 12:10 12:35 13:00 13:25 13:50 14:15 14:40 15:05 15:30
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Time MM:SS
Android LXDE