An Experiment of Reengineering Technology To Support Military Communication in A Strategic Environment

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An Experiment of Reengineering Technology to Support

Military Communication in a Strategic Environment

Terry C. House
Nova Southeastern University
[email protected]

Abstract development and design of global satellite communications

systems. Soon after, in April 1965 the first communication
This research tested a reengineering approach to achieving satellite, INTELAT-I (Early Bird) was launched into space.
Secure RBAC in a dynamic communication environment. In This system was capable of carrying 240 voice channels
order to defend the United States against enemies foreign with a life span of 18 years; however, the satellite became
and domestic; it is crucial that scientist and combat inactive after 3 years [8]. Today’s satellite technology is
operators collaborate to create innovative processes from efficient and productive on an international level.
existing technology and implement the best communication
equipment available. 21 years technology experience in a
military environment supports this research and contributes 1.1. Satellite processes and background data
a collaboration of different systems that could revolutionize
the existing government communication process. The The most widely used satellite systems for
Mobile Secure Role Base Access Control Network is a communications are the Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO) and
system composed of several other technologies designed to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellation. During this
access secure global databases via wireless and wired investigation, the Inmarsat and Globalstar systems are the
communication platforms [2]. This research involved the subjects of comparison and analysis for this study. The
development of a Database network, for wireless vs. wired Globalstar satellite constellation system consists of 48 active
access connectivity. Forty database access scenarios were satellites and 4 orbiting spares, at a height of 876 miles
tested during day and night hours, for performance above the earth. This particular set of LEO satellites orbit
analysis. After compiling the results of the experimental the earth at 3.4 kms. Per second; however, the Inmarsat-3
process, it was evident that the Iridium Satellite gateway constellation system consists of only five satellites [8]. Each
was ineffective as a communication service to access the satellite individually covers 1/3 of the earth’s surface at a
database in a global strategic environment. height of 22,000 miles, while traveling at the speed of the
earth’s rotation. Therefore, any satellite placed in
1. Introduction geosynchronous orbit would appear from the earth as a
stationary object. Two of the most powerful data systems
The “Mobile Role Base Access Control” (MS-Ro-BAC) available today are Globalstar and Inmarsat. Each system
Approach includes several systems reengineered as a boast data rates of 56 – 64 kilo bits per second (kbs.), while
seamless working process to promote an alternative connected to their various data gateway terrestrial stations
technique to communicating on a global level. This process [12].
consists of a single unit system, databases, wireless satellite
modems, wired servers and network connections. Each
system supports the basic ability of a client to access 2. Problem statement
strategic information from different databases anywhere in
the world. [2]. Satellite technology was initially designed to The current WiFi approach used in the military, DoD and
support the National Oceanic and Atmospheric civilian sector does not incorporate a formal template and
Administration (NOAA). This organization supported two model to conduct GEO Satellite data transmission for
systems of orbiting terrestrial bodies: Polar and client/server interaction using a Role Based Access Control
Geosynchronous Orbits. The first satellite system known as (RBAC) interface. Such deficiencies create dangerous
Television and Infrared Observation Experimental Satellite latency problems and security vulnerabilities when sending
(TIROS) propelled into space April 1, 1960. Later, the and receiving strategic information in a global setting. This
International Telecommunications Satellite Corporation is true particularly in the fight against terrorism, where a
(INTELAT) was founded by 11 nations to monitor the mobile global system may be the primary means of secure
communications in a covert and austere environment [4] operable technology center if the primary location wasn’t
and [7]. feasible or appropriate for the required experiments.
4.3. Industry engineering support
3. Current research significance Design engineers of Iridium technology corporations, as
well as US. Army Special Operations Communicators were
A credible standardized framework to access and submit instrumental in their support for this research [1].
information via LEO & GEO Satellite-ATM TCP/IP The US Military is currently using Iridium SATCOM
networks in a global environment is the relevance of this technology around the world, particularly in Iraq and
research. The significant contribution to the field of Afghanistan; however, the data rate is approximately nine
information technology is the development and kbs. in addition, the quality of service is poor Professional
implementation of a proven methodology designed to send interviews and real-world experience was very helpful when
data in a global client to server, secure RBAC framework. ensuring the experimentation and analysis process was
Many global communication systems can benefit from rigorous and substantiated through the IT industry’s current
architectural design templates for hardware and software professionals and end users [8].
requirements that maximize the data quality and throughput
with minimum latency; therefore, reducing the data
transmission time and enhancing the throughput of 4.2. Relational RBAC role inheritance
information between the client and server [3].
In Figure 1. The CMDR0 is the base model design for
implementing a RBAC system. CMDR1 and CMDR2 both
4. Iridium engineering experimentation encompass CMDR0’s privileges; however, they both have
independent features as well. The CMDR3 design adds the
These research experiments involved Iridium satellite ability of inheritance to the overall model. This indicates
technology, in an independently funded laboratory in roles can inherit permissions from other roles in the data
Fayetteville, NC. The experiments involved 20-year veteran base system as seen in Figure 7 and 8. [5] and [9].
military Special Operations personnel from Fort Bragg NC.
Such experimentation proved the Iridium data
communication system is incapable of supporting the
bandwidth and communication requirements of MS-Ro-
BAC Network. In Figures 2, 3 and 4. The results of the
experimental tests illustrate the lengthy delay and time
response for client server interaction. Figure 4. Depicts the
higher quality of service (QOS) during the ‘day hours’
rather than the night. The outcome of the experiments are
favorable for daytime transmissions, rather than in the
Figure 1. Relationship model of hierarchy
twilight hours. These results represent the overall
inefficiency of the Iridium satellite gateway for data
communication service [6], [7] and [8].

4.1. Laboratory configuration

Components of the research laboratory consist of various

software products: three servers, five desktop nodes, two
mobile laptop computers, and two routers with wireless
capability, private IP address, two hubs, DSL Internet
capability, software, hardware for Inmarsat HSD and
Globalstar Satellite connectivity. Each scenario
incorporated in the research has become the standard Figure 2. Wireless ‘night’ data results
template topology, of how to best use the technology to
maximize the quality of service (QOS) over GEO & LEO
satellite technology [7]. The researcher is a fulltime
professor of computer science and has access to fully
Inmarsat and Globalstar technology, measurable data and
results can ensue; thus, supporting the international
community with reusable models and templates for any
satellite-ATM system to send and receive data in a global
environment [13]. Because of the various implementation
techniques to mobile connectivity using GEO & LEO
satellite data communications, the quality and throughput of
either technology can possibly improve through rigorous
testing and implementation techniques.
Figure 3. Wireless ‘day’ data results

5.2. Research inquiries

Current experiments will satisfy a minimum of five

questions in response to section II of this manuscript: 1.
what is a credible standard for the client and server database
configuration. 2. How will the client interface appear to the
user while interfacing with the database? 3. What
architectural model is used for hardware and software
Figure 4. ‘Wireless day vs. night,’ compatibility analysis? 4. What standard template(s) will
measure the quality and throughput of each system? 5.
What are the test scenarios for measuring the quality of
5. Summary of iridium reengineering GEO & LEO data communication system of the 21st
Century? “in press. [13].”
This research tested a different approach to Secure
RBAC in a post 911 environment. In order to defend the
United States against enemies foreign and domestic; it is 5.3. System components and processes
crucial that combat forces are equipped with the best
communication equipment available. 21 years technology The system case is lightweight and very durable where
experience in a military environment supports this research field use is applicable. A small keyboard and GUI is
and contributes an ideology that could revolutionize the available to send and receive data. There are two USB ports
government communication process [5]. The ‘‘Mobile to assist with uploading and downloading of files. A
Secure Role Base Access Control’’ (MS-Ro-BAC) Network proprietary operating system (OS) that is similar to the
is a system designed to access secure global databases via Microsoft Pentium 4 processor New Generation Secure
wireless communication platforms [2]. This research Computing Base (NGSCB) will control the mobile device.
involved the development of a (MS-Ro-BAC) Database, for A wireless network radio will sustain MEO satellite
wireless vs. wired access connectivity. Proprietary software connectivity [12]. Biometric thumbprint and retina scan
was developed for authenticating with the server system. 40 requirements are part of the access authorization process
database access scenarios were tested during day and night when initiating the boot process. The device is capable of
hours, for performance. The Iridium Satellite gateway was connecting directly to a static computing base that is not
ineffective as a communication service to efficiently access secure or as an independent system. Standard Wi-Fi
the database in a global strategic environment. “in press. communication electronics are standard in the hardware
[6].’’ architecture; this authorizes the user to communicate with
other MS-Ro-BAC users through satellite connectivity. This
5.1. Current Inmarsat & Globalstar research device should remain in a secure location with trusted
personnel only. The immediate contribution to the
computing community is the ability of this device to connect
The current research goals are to develop a standardized fellow users in an ad-hoc global network environment. To
template and model to initiate data communications contact higher-level individuals, the lower level user can set
between a secure mobile-client and database server by flags for senior users to contact them in a hierarchical
satellite network. This investigation attempts to abstract the structure [13]. Encrypted software and hardware technology
most efficient topology design and to maximize bandwidth in the device require authentication with the operating
and quality. By conducting comparison analysis research systems at all times during data transmission. The
via the proprietary software will support chat abilities, instant
messaging and file transfers through secure VPN encrypted user must submit a thumb and retina scan, and then login to
format [9]. the interface with user-name and password. The network
software will initiate the “tracker program” that will survey
the entire network for fellow MS-Ro-BAC devices and
5.4. The reengineered Interface device begin the handshake process. After completing the system
authorization process, the user will receive a graphical user
Figure 5. Illustrates the MS-Ro-BAC device physical interface that depicts all activated MS-Ro-BAC devices. “in
connection attributes. The case measures approximately 132 press. [6].” Standard graphics and data come standard on
sq. inches and 1.5 inches thick. Position 1 indicates the rear every machine to decrease the message size, redundancy
panel input areas for network and fiber optic connections. and increase the bandwidth speed during transmission [9].
Position 2 indicates the USB ports. Position 3 indicates the
areas for an external monitor and keyboard connection.
Position 4 designates the thumbprint (T) and retina scan (R) 5.5. Communication and authorization process
location. Position 5 indicates various system indicators and
control buttons. Position 6 depicts the satellite antenna for Figure 6. Provides insight into the methodology of the
MEO Satellite device operations. Position 7 (C) portrays a communication process and access authorization. This
digital camera. In the future, field commanders can securely design ensures participants in one classification cannot
network with higher headquarters and subordinates as soon penetrate data of higher authorization levels. In distributed
as each individual’s device has entered the MEO network Compartments (DISCOM) 1, 2 and 3 the letters stand for
and successfully authenticated their systems hardware and the following: s = Subject (users, databases), o = Objects
software. After a satisfactory handshake, the secure (files, etc.), p = Privileges, r = Resource Pool (CPU,
connection allows for a client-server exchange of data [6]. computing power), h = Handles (names or code names
used for users). Notice that D1 has direct connectivity to
D2 and D3; this gives direct control and access to both
DISCOMs [6].

Figure 5. MS-Ro-BAC network device

This device has three modes: (1) Deployed

independently for MEO satellite connectivity from any
location in the world. (2) Configured for normal unsecured Figure 6. RBAC Inheritance formula [8].
use not connected to a wired or wireless network. (3) The
least favorable use of the device is coupling with non-
trusted static computer peripherals; keyboards, monitors The proprietary software instantly reads the RBAC
and external storage devices. The preferred implementation information of other devices and places each device in the
of the device is a standalone Satellite Virtual Private hierarchy structure in which they have access. Therefore, if
Network (VPN) communication system. Figure 7. Illustrates four users logged in and the head Governor (D1) was not
how each device activates and automatically authenticates there, each user becomes a peer-to-peer connection. In a
through inheritance of junior roles where access is lower MS-
than the requestor’s clearance levels. Once initiated, the
R-BAC infrastructure, the main DISCOM in Washington
is “Big Brother” (BB). Management of lower DISCOMs is resides in a monitoring position. The duplicate image of
the job of lower ranking Controllers. BB has authority over BB ensures covert channels do not exist to senior
every DISCOM and its individual users. BB can DISCOMs. This code design is transparent to the users [3].
immediately suspend any user’s rights without the
permission of their local DISCOM controller or governor.
BB creates an instance of itself to share information and
chat with subordinate leaders. In Figure 7. Washington
required procedure for D1 to receive information from
subordinate objects. Objects D1.1, through D1.4 are
examples of other countries in theatre: Iraq, Iran, Kuwait
and Jordon [4].

Figure 7. B. Brother Conferencing with


Figure 8. A MEO network with four subordinates.

6. System hardware and software
6.1. Reengineering advantages
The MS-Ro-BAC Device will include various types of
proprietary middleware, firmware and authentication At the time of this manuscript’s publication, there is not
programs to ensure file transfers are secure. Each device a communication system and network, which provides the
incorporates a retina and finger print scanner to identify the operability of the Mobile Secure Role Based Access Control
device user. A login name and password is required to Device. The conventional and Special Operations
access the systems application environment. The device community has not incorporated such a device as well.
includes encrypted conferencing software with integrated There are existing systems that support one or two aspects
middleware to ensure authorized users are the only of the MS-Ro-BAC implementation; however, they are not
recipients and senders of secure information. The highly capable of instantly linking individual users in a Virtual
encrypted Object Oriented Data Module (OODM) ensures Private Network around the world. This device will not
the “no write-up” restrictions of subordinates’ users are require a constellation of new celestial bodies; it will
enforced. Public Key Infrastructure software will digitally correlate with existing government MEO or civilian
sign and encrypt files automatically before transmission. network satellites that are presently in orbit [11].
This dynamic approach to satellite communications allows Information security through hardware and software
several devices to correspond at anytime without the authentication provides a sound way to ensure only
supervision of higher level DISCOMs. An aggressive anti- authorized devices can receive and send data. The MS-Ro-
virus defense algorithm will ensure the device maintains BAC Device incorporates AI biometric systems to maintain
system integrity before initiating connectivity with other the integrity of the authorized and unauthorized users [4].
devices [3].
The software allows the senior most roles to acquire the 6.2. Reengineering disadvantages
permissions of their junior users. However, this ideology
extends beyond inheritance of permissions. The hierarchical
The negative aspects of the MS-Ro-BAC system do not
model is responsible for the theory of Role-sets of
over-shadow the positive advantages of providing crucial
authorized users and permissions. Role-sets are objects
information around the world in a timely manner. Lack of
grouped together under one class that authorizes multiple
financial support will prohibit the adoption and full
role positions to the selected users of that set. The
development of the global accessible system. The
permissions assigned to that role are basic and dynamic as
government’s desire for a new system to perform the task
needed by the RBAC Governor or BB [7]. The basic
that four separate machines can presently accommodate,
essentials in a Core RBAC interaction are: (1) Users
may not be feasible. Funding has always inhibited the
(USERS), (2) Roles (ROLES), (3) objects (OBS), operations
progress of new evolving technology [7]. Another
(OPS), and permissions (PRMS). Senior managers assign
disadvantage is poor reception during electrical storms or
roles and permissions to each user. Washington [9] and [7].
the absence of a 24 hour satellite ‘foot print’. Such
Figure 8. Illustrates the Middle East DISCOM and four problems could prove disastrous for field agents or military
local stations within its command sector. D1.0 is an maneuvering units. The required bandwidth and throughput
instance of D1. In the diagram, a one directional arrow to support the MIS-Ro-BAC Device would degrade the
symbolizes the ‘no write up’ rule for preventing covert current satellite’s ability to support their existing
channels to unauthorized devices: D1. There is a two-way communication tasks. Most importantly, if unauthorized
communication channel, depicted by a two-headed arrow, individuals acquire the system, it is possible to freeze the
between D1 and its instance D10. This illustrates the current state of all registers and reverse-engineer some
aspects of the hardware and obtain classified information.
However, AI security software will hopefully detect and [6] T. C. House, “Client Server Access: Wired vs. wireless LEO
defeat such attempts [11]. satellite-ATM connectivity; a (MS-Ro-BAC) experiment” CIS
2005, Part II, LNAI 3802, IEEE. pp. 719-724, December 2005.

7. Conclusion [7] T. C. House, “Mobile secure role base access control device”,
Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon: Mobile devices and
Continued research and development of the MS-Ro-BAC communications track. 2005, pp. 542.
device is currently in progress, which includes proprietary
software program design and testing. The significance of
this research was to investigate different areas of RBAC, [8] M. Nynchama and S. Osborn. “Access Rights Administration
with the intent of producing a comprehensible proposal that in Role Based Security Systems”. Database Security, VIII: Status
and Prospects, 2000, pp. 37-56.
will enhance the transmission and reception of information
in a timely manner. The research has suggested a secure
design and architectural framework for a Mobile Secure [9] G. Neuman. “Design and Implementation of a Flexible
RBAC Device. The momentous principles of this RBAC-Service in an Object Oriented Scripting Language” ACM
manuscript are strategic security and information Workshop on Role Based Access Control, 2001, pp. 12-18.
processing in a post 911 environment. The advantages of [10] Robert A. & Nelson, P.E. “President of satellite engineering
implementing a device with such operability would research corporation”. Interview with a satellite engineering
revolutionize the IT industry and secure combat forces and consulting firm, Bethesda, MD. 23 April 2005.
Department of Defense employees around the world. The
MS-Ro-BAC Network will ensure portability and ease of [11] R. Sandhu. “Role-Based Access Control”, Proceedings of the
data transfers within overt and covert government 10th IEEE, Conference on Computer Security Applications
December20, pp. 3-6.
organizations or private corporations on a global scale.
Critical areas of desired research and development are MEO
satellite technology that will support Wi-Fi MS-Ro-BAC [12] R. Sandhu, “Role Activation Hierarchies”, Of ACM
communications and a visual system for private viewing of Workshop on Role-Based Access Fairfax VA, 2001, pp. 11-12.
classified information while in a non-classified environment
[5], [7] and [11].
[13] R. Simon, And R. Zurko. “Separation of Duty in Role Based
Access Control Environments”, New Security Paradigms
Workshop. 2001, pp. 11-17.
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