An Experiment of Reengineering Technology To Support Military Communication in A Strategic Environment
An Experiment of Reengineering Technology To Support Military Communication in A Strategic Environment
An Experiment of Reengineering Technology To Support Military Communication in A Strategic Environment
7. Conclusion [7] T. C. House, “Mobile secure role base access control device”,
Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon: Mobile devices and
Continued research and development of the MS-Ro-BAC communications track. 2005, pp. 542.
device is currently in progress, which includes proprietary
software program design and testing. The significance of
this research was to investigate different areas of RBAC, [8] M. Nynchama and S. Osborn. “Access Rights Administration
with the intent of producing a comprehensible proposal that in Role Based Security Systems”. Database Security, VIII: Status
and Prospects, 2000, pp. 37-56.
will enhance the transmission and reception of information
in a timely manner. The research has suggested a secure
design and architectural framework for a Mobile Secure [9] G. Neuman. “Design and Implementation of a Flexible
RBAC Device. The momentous principles of this RBAC-Service in an Object Oriented Scripting Language” ACM
manuscript are strategic security and information Workshop on Role Based Access Control, 2001, pp. 12-18.
processing in a post 911 environment. The advantages of [10] Robert A. & Nelson, P.E. “President of satellite engineering
implementing a device with such operability would research corporation”. Interview with a satellite engineering
revolutionize the IT industry and secure combat forces and consulting firm, Bethesda, MD. 23 April 2005.
Department of Defense employees around the world. The
MS-Ro-BAC Network will ensure portability and ease of [11] R. Sandhu. “Role-Based Access Control”, Proceedings of the
data transfers within overt and covert government 10th IEEE, Conference on Computer Security Applications
December20, pp. 3-6.
organizations or private corporations on a global scale.
Critical areas of desired research and development are MEO
satellite technology that will support Wi-Fi MS-Ro-BAC [12] R. Sandhu, “Role Activation Hierarchies”, Of ACM
communications and a visual system for private viewing of Workshop on Role-Based Access Fairfax VA, 2001, pp. 11-12.
classified information while in a non-classified environment
[5], [7] and [11].
[13] R. Simon, And R. Zurko. “Separation of Duty in Role Based
Access Control Environments”, New Security Paradigms
Workshop. 2001, pp. 11-17.
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