Natox - Natural Facelift

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phend Pharmaceuticals

A Double Blind Placebo controlled Study

To ascertain the effects on vertical frown lines and rhytids with a cream expressed in a diluted electromagnetically charged Botulinum Toxin formulation

Phend Pharmaceuticals SA Pty Ltd - P.O.Box 98006, Sloane Park, Sandton, 2152 South Africa Tel +2711 706-7946 Fax +2711 706-4262

phend Pharmaceuticals

A summary of the Study: NATOX has been shown through a placebo controlled double blind study to reverse visual facial creases, vertical frown lines and rhytids within three weeks and with continued use further diminish overall facial creases, without adverse side effect. By encompassing sub molecular electro magnetic energy and frequency fields that form part of uniquely structured semi conducting molecular crystals on highly diluted energized Botulinum Toxin, it has confirmed a previous hypothesis of the ability, at quantum level of the signature frequency markers, to retard the neurotransmitter function of acetylcholine, without the physical presence of low dose allopathic potencies of injectable Botulinum Toxin. A group of participants applied NATOX medicated creams, whilst a separate group of participants applied a placebo base cream only. Double blind study prerequisites applied throughout. Neither participants nor researchers knew the contents of the creams used and therefore results were not artificially changed or altered. The problem to be solved in this study is the finding of a treatment for rhytids that is non-invasive, safe and cost effective without the complications due to the injection treatment of frown lines, such as local muscles paralysis, eyelid ptosis as well as eye irritation, double vision and drooping eyebrows. The study required the use of quantum signature frequencies as an expectation that these composites would present results in patients. The strength used, entailed induction of Botulinum Toxin whilst undergoing serial magnetic field energy discharges at pre determined frequencies. The basis of this supposition is entrenched in the theories of quantum mechanics which utilizes particle signature frequencies to induce encoded effects without the starting material (Botulinum Toxin) to physical be present in the final solution. Both low frequency was used and incorporated into the base cream so that acute or short term causation of wrinkles could be treated. A high discharge was used to treat long term causative factors in wrinkle foundation. Participants were instructed on the usage of the cream and requested to comply without interruption for duration of the four month study. The 64 participants were chosen to be in an age group of 35 to 65 years old. These participants each had vertical frown lines of at least half a centimetre long. The control group received a placebo/unmedicated cream and the other received the NATOX cream. Measurements were taken both before and after the study using a vernier caliper and Canon digital camera. The study revealed that the initial length of the frown line did not influence the change in length. Longer initial frown lines did not show more change than did shorter ones after treatment. The deduction can be made that even newly developed wrinkles, usually of short length, should react positively to the treatment employed in this study. This is very important because the intention of developing a cream is that all of the wrinkles should become shorter. Participants in the NATOX Group had the greatest and most significant improvement in frown line length compared to the control group. The benefit of this study is that electromagtic discharges at specific frequencies was found to be effective in wrinkling shortening. The study shows that an inexpensive alternative to an invasive therapy or surgery, in wrinkle reduction has been found.
NATOX vs PLACEBO 0.22 0.215 MEAN DIFFERENCE 0.21 0.205 0.2 0.195 0.19 0.185 0.18 0.175 0.17 NATOX PLACEBO m/

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