This document is a complaint filed in United States District Court alleging copyright infringement and related claims. It was filed by Voom Group, Inc. against Incremento, Inc. dba Peaches and Cream and other defendants for copying and distributing fabric and garments featuring a design substantially similar to Voom's copyrighted "DARLA0112" design without authorization. Voom alleges willful infringement of its copyrights and related damages and seeks damages, injunctive relief, costs and attorney's fees.
This document is a complaint filed in United States District Court alleging copyright infringement and related claims. It was filed by Voom Group, Inc. against Incremento, Inc. dba Peaches and Cream and other defendants for copying and distributing fabric and garments featuring a design substantially similar to Voom's copyrighted "DARLA0112" design without authorization. Voom alleges willful infringement of its copyrights and related damages and seeks damages, injunctive relief, costs and attorney's fees.
This document is a complaint filed in United States District Court alleging copyright infringement and related claims. It was filed by Voom Group, Inc. against Incremento, Inc. dba Peaches and Cream and other defendants for copying and distributing fabric and garments featuring a design substantially similar to Voom's copyrighted "DARLA0112" design without authorization. Voom alleges willful infringement of its copyrights and related damages and seeks damages, injunctive relief, costs and attorney's fees.
This document is a complaint filed in United States District Court alleging copyright infringement and related claims. It was filed by Voom Group, Inc. against Incremento, Inc. dba Peaches and Cream and other defendants for copying and distributing fabric and garments featuring a design substantially similar to Voom's copyrighted "DARLA0112" design without authorization. Voom alleges willful infringement of its copyrights and related damages and seeks damages, injunctive relief, costs and attorney's fees.
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Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 1 of 18 Page ID #:16
1 HeeDong Chae Bar No. 263237
Chong Roh Bar No. 242437 2 East West Law Group . 3600 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2228 3 Los Angeles, CA 90010 Telephone: (213)387-3600 4 Facsllnile: (213) 387-3636 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff VOOM GROUP, INC. 6 7 8 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, WESTERN DIVISION 10 11 VOOM GROUP, INC. a California corporation, 12 13 vs. Plaintiff, .14 Incremento, Inc. dba Peaches and Cream, a California corporation; Textile One, Inc., 15 a California corporation; Your Runway, a California business form Unknown; Patzzi, 16 Inc. dba Codigo, a California corporation; BIEN a California business form 17 unlmown; Gilli, Inc., a California corporation; Hebron Textile Com., a . 18 California corporation and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, 19 Defendants. 20 ---------------------------- (YlC)- casYNo. [ vJ I COMPLAINT FOR COPYRIGHT J INFRINGEMENT CONTRIBUTORY AND VICARIOUS COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT, AND UNFAIR coMPETITION DEMAN;D FOR JURY TRIAL 21 Plaintiff, Voom Group, Inc., ("Voom") alleges follows: 22 JURISDICTION AND VENUE 23 1. This is a civil action seeldng damages and injunctive relief for copyright 24 infringement under the copyright laws of the United States (17 U.S.C. 101, et 25 seq.). 26 2. This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action 27 pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1331 and 1338(a). 28 3. This Court has personal jurisdiction over all the Defendants by virtUe of Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 2 of 18 Page ID #:17 1 their transacting, doing, and soliciting business in this District, and because a 2 substantial part of the relevant events occurred in this District and because a 3 substa:n,tial part of the property that is the subject of this action is situated here. 4 PARTIES 5 4. Plaintiff, Voom Group, Inc. ("Voom"), is a corporation organized and 6 existing under the laws of State of California, with its principal place of business at 7 in the County of Los Angeles. 8 5. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that defendant, 9 Incremento, Inc. dba Peaches and Cream ("PNC") is a California corporation, with 10 principal place of business at 1015 S. Crocker St., Unit R3, Los Angeles, California 11 90021. 12 6. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that defendant 13 Textile One, Inc. ("Textile One") is a California corporation, with principal place of 14 business at 1383 E. 15th St., Los Angeles, California 90021. 15 7. Plaintiff is and believes, and thereon alleges, that defendant 16 Your Runway is a California business, legal form unknown, with place of business at 17 17351 Railroad St. #D, City of Industry, California 91748. 18 8. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that defendant 19 Patzzi, Inc. dba Codigo, is a California corporation, with principal place of business 20 at 1100 S. San Pedro St. Unit C-8, Los Angeles, California 90015. 21 9. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that defendant 22 EIEN Apparel ("EIEN") is a California business, legal form unknown, with place of 23 business at 735 E. 12th St., Suite 113, Los Angeles, California 90021. 24 10. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that defendant 25 Gilli, Inc. ("Gilli") is a California corporation, with place of business at 3 81 0 S. 26 Main St., Los Angeles, California 90037. 27 11. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that defendant 28 Hebron Textile Corp. ("Hebron") is a California corporation, with place of business 2 Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 3 of 18 Page ID #:18 1 at 1139 E. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90021. 2 12. Plaintiff is unaware of the true names and capacities, whether 3 individual, corporate, or otherwise, of the Defendants named herein as Does 1 4 through 10, inclusive, but is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that each of 5 the fictitiously named defendants engaged in, or is in some manner responsible for, 6 the wrongful conduct alleged herein. Plaintiff therefore sues these defendants by 7 such fictitious names and will amend this complaint to state their true names and 8 capacities when such names have been discovered. 9 10 FACTS COMMON TO ALL CLAIMS 11 13. This is an action fot copyright infringement, as well as contributory and 12 vicarious copyright infringement, and related state law claims arising from the 13 conduct of Defendants. 14 14. Voom is a leading designer of women's fashions. Voom's designs are 15 created and its designs are produced on its original clothing. 16 15. Voom launched its first line in 2002. Since that time, Voom designs 17 have been featured in national magazines being worn by celebrity talents such as 18 Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria, Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton, Miley Cyrus, Eve, Emmy 19 Rossum, Shannon Elizabeth and Jennifer Love Hewitt. 20 16. Voom is the owner of numerous copyright registrations filed with the 21 U.S. Copyright Office for its unique and original print and fabric designs (the "Voom 22 designs"). V oom Products bearing the V oom Designs have become widely 23 recognized for their distinctive and original style, and for their high quality of 24 manufacture. 25 17. As a result of the quality and reputation of the Voom Products and the 26 desirability and recognition of the Voom Designs, Voom has achieved an 27 outstanding reputation in the marketplace and among_ consumers. The Voom 28 Products and the Voom Designs have come to symbolize the reputation and goodwill 3 Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 4 of 18 Page ID #:19 1 ofVoom. 2 18. In2011, Voom createdthe Voom design, "DA;RLA0112," a sample of 3 which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A." Voom applied for and received a United 4 States copyright registration VA 1-809-710 for "DARLAO 112" A true and correct 5 copy of the registration certificate is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated 6 herein by refere4ce. 7 19. On information and belief, defendants, and each of them, purchased, 8 sold, manufactured, caused to be manufactured, imported, and! or distributed fabric 9 and/or garments comprised of fabric featuring a design that is at the very least, 10 substantially similar to Voom 's "DARLAO 112" copyright. 11 20. The substantial similarity between the Voom's "DARLA0112" 12 copyright and those of the fabric and/or garments of Defendant, and each of them, is 13 too striking to be the result of anything other than lawful copying. 14 21. Without authorization or license from Voom, Defendants, and each of 15 them, have coped and reproduced for sale or offer for sale, and are marketing, 16 promoting, displaying and distributing fabric and/or garments. 17 22. On information and belief, the conduct of defendants, and each of them, 18 has been willful, with knowledge ofVoom's rights and/or in reckless disregard of 19 them, and Defendants, and each of them are unlawfully profiting from the 20 unauthorized reproduction of the copyrighted Voom designs. 21 . FIRSTCLAIMFORRELIEF 22 (Copyright Infringement, 17 U.S.C. 501, et seq.) 23 23. V oom incorporates herein by e f ~ r e n c e all the allegations of paragraphs 24 1 through 22, inclusive. . . 25 24. Voom is the owner of the Voom Designs and the copyrights embodied 26 therein. 27 25. Defendants, and each of them, are not authorized by Voom to 28 reproduce, display, offer for sale or sell copies ofthe VoomDesigns. 4 Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 5 of 18 Page ID #:20 I 26. Voom has developed a reputation and goodwill in the unique 2 and original appearance of the Voom Designs and the Voom Products. 3 2 7. As a result of Defendants', and each of their willful and infringing 4 conduct, Voom has suffered damages in an amount not yet lmown but to be proven at 5 a trial of this action. 6 28. Voom will continue to be damaged by Defendants', and each of their 7 unauthorized conduct unless they are enjoined by this Court from any further 8 manufacture, display, promotion, distribution, offer for sale.or sale of the Infringing 9 Products. 1 0 29. V oom is informed and believes, and on that basis alleges, that 11 Defendants, and each of them, have realized profit by virtue of their infringement of 12 Voom's copyrights. 13 30. Voom has sustained economic damage as a result ofDefenclants', and 14 each oftheir, infringement ofVoom's copyrights in an amount to be proven at trial. 15 31. V oom is entitled to recover the actual damages it has suffered and/ or 16 any profits gained by Defendants, and each of them, that are attributable to their acts 17 of copyright infringement pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 504(b ). Alternatively, Voom is 18 entitled to the maximum statutory damages allowed under 17 U.S.C. 504(c) based 19 on Defendants', and each of their, willful acts of copyright ip.fringement. Voom will 20 make its election at the appropriate time before final judgment is rendered. 21 32. Voom is also entitled to recover its full costs and reasonable attorneys' 22 fees pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 505. 23 33. Voom is also entitled to an injunction pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 502 24 against co1_1tinuing reproduction, distribution, and/or display ofVoom's copyrighted 25 works by Defendants, and each 26 SECOND CLAIM: FOR RELIEF 27 (Contributory Copyright Infringement) 28 34. Voom incorporates herein by reference all the allegations of paragraphs 5 Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 6 of 18 Page ID #:21 1 1 through 33, inclusive. 2 35. At all times relevant herein, Defendants, and each of them, induced, 3 encouraged, assisted, facilitated and profited from the illegal reproduction and/ or 4 subsequent sales of product featuring V oom' s designs as alleged herein. - 5 36. Through their conduct as set forth herein, Defendants have engaged and 6 continued to engage in the business oflmowingly inducing, causing, and materially 7 contributing to the unauthorized reproductions and/or distributions 8 of the Voom's copyrighted material, thus contributing to the infringement ofVoom's 9 copyrights and exclusive rights under the Copyright Act. 10 3 7. The forgoing acts by Defendants have been willful, intentional, and 11 purposeful, in disregard of and indifference to the rights ofVoom. 12 38. Defendants' conduct, as set forth herein, constitutes contributory 13 infringement ofVoom's copyrights and exclusive rights under. the Copyright Act in 14 violation of 17 U.S.C. 106, 115, and 501. 15 3 9. As a direct and proximate result of the contributory infringements by 16 Defendants ofVoom's copyrights and exclusive rights under the Copyright Act, 17 Voom is entitled to damages and Defendants' profits pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 504(b) 18 for each infringement. Alternatively, Voom is entitled to the maximum statutory 19 damages pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 504( c) based on Defendants willful acts of 20 copyright infringement. Voom will make its election at the appropriate time before 21 final judgment is rendered. 22 40. Voom is also entitled to recover its full costs and reasonable attorneys' 23 fees pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 5os. 24 41. Voom is also entitled to an injunction pursuant to 17 U.S. C. 502 25 against continuing reproduction, distribution, and/or display ofVoom's copyrighted 26 works by Defendants. 27 THIRD CLAIM: FOR RELIEF 28 (Vicarious Copyright Infringement) 6 Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 7 of 18 Page ID #:22 1 42. Voom incorporates herein by reference all the allegations of paragraphs 2 1 through 41, inclusive. 3 43. At all times relevant herein, Defendants exercised control over the 4 fabric and/or garments which directly infringed upon Voom's copyrighted works, and 5 Defendants derived fmancial benefit from such fabric and/or garments. 6 44. The foregoing acts of infringement by Defendants have been willful, 7 intentional, and purposeful, in disregard of and indifference to the rights of V oom. 8 45. Defendants' conduct, as set forth herein, constitutes 9 infringement of Voom's copyrights and exclusive rights under the Copyright Act in 10 violation of 17 U.S.C. 106, 115, and 501. 11 46. As a direct and proximate result of the vicarious infringements by 12 Defendants ofVoom's copyrights exclusive rights under the Copyright Act, 13 Voom is entitled to damages and Defendants' profits pursuant to 17 U.S. C. 504(b) 14 for each infringement. Alternatively,. Voom is entitled to the maximum statutory 15 damages pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 504( c) based on Defendants' willful acts of 16 copyright infringement. V oom will make its election at the appropriate time before 17 final judgment is rendered. 18 4 7. Voom is also entitled to recover its full costs and reasonable attorneys' 19 fees. 17 U.S.C. 505. 20 48. Voom is also entitled to an injunction pursuant to 17 U.S. C. 502 21 against continuing reproduction, distribution, and/or display ofVoom's copyrighted 22 works by Defendants. 23 FOURTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF 24 (State Unfair Competition) 25 49. Voom incorporates herein by reference all the allegations of paragraphs 26 1 through 48, inclusive. 27 50. Defendants business practices as alleged herein constitute unfair 28 competition and unfair business practices and acts in violation of California Business 7 Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 8 of 18 Page ID #:23 1 & Professions Code 17200, et seq. 2 51. Pursuant to California Business & Professions Code 17203, Voom is 3 entitled to enjoin these practices. Without injunctive relief, Voom has no means by 4 which to control Defendants' unlawful copying and distribution ofVoom's 5 copyrighted works. V oom is therefore entitled to injunctive relief prohibiting 6 Defendants from continuing such acts of unfair competition. 7 52. Defendants' practices as alleged herein also constitute unfair 8 c.ompetition and unfair business practices under state common law. As a direct and 9 prpximate result of Defendants' infringing conduct, Voom has suffered and will 10 continue to suffer lost sales and profits in an a1,11ount not yet fully ascertained in an 11 amount to be proven at trial. 12 PRAYERFORRELIEF 13 WHEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, Voom prays for judgment as 14 follows: 15 1. A declaration that Defendants' unauthorized conduct violates Voom's 16 rights under common law and the Copyright Act; 17 2. Immediately and permanently enjoining Defendants, tlwir officers, 18 directors, agents, servants, employees, representatives, attorneys, related companies, 19 successors, assigns, and all others in active concert or participation with them from 20 copying a:nd reproducing or republishing any ofVoom's copyrighted works without 21 consent, and from otherwise infringing Voom's copyrights or other rights in any 22 manner; 23 3. An order for Defendants to account to Voom for all gains, profits, and 24 advantages derived by Defendants by their infringements ofVoom's copyrights or 25 such damages as are proper, and since Defendants intentionally infringed plaintiffs' 26 copyrights, and for award of the maximum allowable statutory damages in the 27 amount of$150,000.00 for each violation; 28 4. Award to Voom of actual and/or statutory damages for Defendants' .8 Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 9 of 18 Page ID #:24 1 copyright infringement in an amount to be determined at trial; 2 5. Award to Voom its costs, reasonable attorneys' fees, and disbursements 3 in this action, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 505; and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6. Awarding Voom such other and further relief as is just and proper. JURY DEMAND Plaintiff hereby demands a trial by jury on all issues so triable. Dated: March 27, 2013 East West Law Group B y : ~ HeeDong Chae ChongR:oh Attorneys for PlaintiffVOOM, INC. 9 Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 10 of 18 Page ID #:25 EXHIBIT A Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 11 of 18 Page ID #:26 Certificate of Registration This Certificate issued ltl!der the seal of fhe Copyright Office hi accordaqce title q, Unitccf States Cotfe, attests tbat.registratlqn i1as been for the work identified be1ow. Tlw lrtforll)atiort on ceitiJicate has been made a part ohhe Copyright Office records. Register of Copyrights, lJiiited States vf Atnet\ta N11rnber VA llf
January 19,2012 Title --........ Title ofWork: DARLAOI12 Completion/Publication -------------......... ----- of 9ompJetion: 201 t" . Date of 1st Publicati9n: August 22, 20 II Nation of lst Publication: Unitec! Author Author: VOOM GROUP, INC. Author Created: 2-D artwork Work made for hire: Yes of: Uri.ited iJoilrldled in: Unjted State$ Copyright Copyright Claimant: VOOM GROUP, INc. ll dE. 9th St.; Ste, Bi 413, !.tO$ ANQEi,ES, 9A 9oQ79, !Jnited Rights and Permis$iQn$ OrganiZation Name: VOOM GROUP, INC. Certification Nap:te: lANE Y1M Email: sale?S@voomhyj<>yhan.c.6m i 1 0 E. 9TB STREET, STE. B. i.iJ 3 kQS CA 90079 Name.: SEO'NO ROK KIM Date: 2QJI te.le.phPne: 213-627-8$33 Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 12 of 18 Page ID #:27 EXHIBITB Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 13 of 18 Page ID #:28 Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 14 of 18 Page ID #:29 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT TO UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE FOR DISCOVERY This case has been assigned to District Judge Dolly Gee and the assigned discovery Magistrate Judge is Michael Wilner. The case number on all documents filed with the Court should read as follows: CV13- 2321 DMG (MRWx) Pursuant to General Order 05-07 of the United States District Court for the Central District of California, the Magistrate Judge has been designated to hear discovery related motions. All discovery related motions should be noticed on the calendar of the Magistrate Judge NOTICE TO COUNSEL A copy of this notice must be served with the summons and complaint on all defendants (if a removal action is filed, a copy of this notice must be served on all plaintiffs). Su sequent documents must be filed at the following location: Western Division 312 N. Spring St., Rm. G-8 Los Angeles, CA 90012 U Southern Division 411 West Fourth St., Rm. 1-053 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4516 Failure to file at the proper location will result in your documents being returned to you. U Eastern Division 3470 Twelfth St., Rm. 134 Riverside, CA 92501 CV-18 (03/06) NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT TO UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE FOR DISCOVERY Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 15 of 18 Page ID #:30 HeeDong Chae Bar No. 263237 Chong Roh Bar No .. 242437 East West Law Group 3600 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2228 Los Angeles, CA 90010 Telephone: (213) 387-3600 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA VOOM GROUP, INC., a California corporation CASE NUMBER v. PLArNTIFF(S) ............. (;Jy_\ Incremento, Inc. dba Peaches and Cream, a California -} corporation; [SEE ATTACHED] SUMMONS DEFENDANT(S). TO: DEFENDANT(S): A lawsuit has been filed against you. Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it), you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached M complaint D amended complaint D counterclaim D cross-claim or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiffs attorney, HeeDong Chae, Esq. , whose address is EastWest Law Group, 3600 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2228, Los Angeles, CA90010 . Ifyou fail to do so, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. You also must file your answer or motion with the court. Clerk, U.S. District Cou Dated: APR ... 1 [Use 60 days if the defondant is the United States or a United States agency, or is an officer or employee of the United States. Allowed 60 days by Rule 12(a)(3)]. CV-OlA (10/11 SUMMONS Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 16 of 18 Page ID #:31 ATIACHMENT Textile One, Inc., a California co!J)oration; Your Runway, a California business form unknown; Patzzi, Inc. dba Cod!go, a California corporation; BIEN AQparel, a California business form unknown; Gilli, Inc., a Califorma corporation; Heoron Textile Corp., a California corporation and DOES 1 through fD, inclusive, Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 17 of 18 Page ID #:32 UNITED STATJ:S DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA CIVIL COVER SHEET . I. (a} PLAINTIFFS (Check box If you are representing yourself D } DEFENDANTS (Check box if you are representing yourself 0 ) Voom Group, Inc. (b) Attorneys (Firm Name, Address and Telephone Number. If you are representing yourself, provide same.) Chong Roh East West law Group 3600 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2228, los Angeles,CA 90010 213.387.3600 II . BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an X in one box only.) Incremento, Inc. db a Peaches and Cream; Textile One, Inc.; Patzzl,lnc. dba Codlgo; Gllli, Inc.; Hebron Textile,lnc.; EIEN Apparel; Your Runway (b) Attorneys (Firm Name, Address and Telephone Number. If you are representing provide same.) III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES-For Cases Only (Place an X In one box for plaintiff and one for defendant) 0 1. u.s, Government Plaintiff 18] 3. Federal Question (U.s. PTF PEF Incorporated or Principal Place PTF Citizen ofThls State 0 1 D 1 of Business In this State ffil 4 DEF 181 4 D 2. U.S. Government Defendant Government Not a Party) 0 4. Diversity (Indicate Citizenship of Parties In Item Ill) IV. ORIGIN (Place an X in one box only.) [gl 1. original D 2. Removed from O 3, Remanded from Proceeding State Court Appellate.Court Citizen of Another State Citizen or Subject of a Foreign Country D cJ 4, Reinstated or Reopened 02 02 Incorporated and Principal Place of Business In Another State 03 03 Foreign Nation 5. 1ransrerreo nom Anotner !>,MUlti District (Specify) O District litigation V. REQUESTED IN COMPLAINT: JURY DEMAND: 18] Yes 0 No (Check 11 Yes" only if demanded in complaint.) CLASS ACTION under F.R.Cv.P. 23: 0 Yes 18) No 0 MONEY DEMANDED IN COMPLAINT:$ D 5 D D 6 D VI. CAUSE OF ACTION (Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing and write a brief statement of cause. Do not cite jurisdictional statutes unless diversity.) 17 USC Section 101. Defendants have Infringed Plaintiff's United States copyright VII. NATURE OF SUIT (Place an X In one box only). OTHER STATUTES CONTRACT REAL PROPERTY CONT IMMIGRATION PRISONER PETITIONS PROPERTY RIGHTS 0 375 False Claims Act 0 11 o Insurance 0. 240Tortsto Land D 462 Naturalization Habeas Corpus: 181 820 Copyrights p 245 Tort Product Application 0 463 Allen Detainee D 400 State 0 120Marlne Liability 465 Other 0 510 Motions to Vacate 0 830Patent Reapportionment D Immigration Actions 0 130 Miller Act 290 All Other Real Sentence D 840 Trademark 0 410 Antitrust 0 0 530 General O 140 Negotiable SOCIAL SECURITY D 430 Banks and Banking Instrument 0 535 Death Penalty 0 861 HIA (1395fi} 0 450 Commerce/ICC 150 Recovery of Other: D 862 Black Lung (923} Rates/Etc. 0 540 Mandamus/Other 0 Overpayment & 0 460 Deportation Enforcement of 315 Airplane D 371 Truth In Lending 0 550 Civil Rights D 863 DIWC/DIWW (405 (g)) Judgment 0 0 470 Racketeer lnflu- Product Liability D 380 Other Personal 0 555 Prison Condition 0 864SSIDTitleXVI enced & Corrupt Org. 0 151 Medicare Act 0 320 Assault, Libel & Property Damage Slander i:J 385 Property Damage 560 Civil Detainee 0 865 RSI (405 (9)} 0 480 Consumer Credit 152 Recovery of 330 Fed. Employers' 0 Conditions of 0 490 Cable/Sat TV 0 Defaulted Student 0 Liability Product Liability Confinement FEDERAL TAX SUITS Loan (Ex d. Vet) BANKRUPTCY FORFEI U E ENALTY D 870 Taxes (U.s. Plaintiff or 0 850 Securities/Com D 340Marlne D 422Appeal28 625 Drug Related Defendant) 153 Recovery of modltles/Exchange . 0 Overpayment of 0 345 Marine Product usc 158 0 Seizure of Property 21 D 871IRSThlrd Party26 USC D 890 Other Statutory Vet. Benefits Liability 0 423 Wlthdrawai2B USC881 7609 Actions D 350 Motor Vehicle USC1?7 D 160 Stockholders' 0 891 Agricultural Acts Suits 355 Motor Vehicle CIVIL RIGHTS 0 6900ther D Product Liability 0 440 Other Civil Rights 0 893 Environmental 0 190Dther 360 Other Personal LABOR Matters D Injury 0 441 Voting 0 710 Fair Labor Standards 0 895 Freedomoflnfo. O 195 Contract 362 Personal Injury- D 442 Employment Act Act Product Liability 0 Med Malpratlce D 720 Labor/Mgmt. 0 896 Arbitration 365 Personal Injury- O 443 Housing/ Relations 196 Franchise D Product Liability Accomodations D 740 Railway labor Act REAL PROPERTY 899 Admin. Procedures 210 Land 367 Health Care/ 445 American with [j 751 Family and Medical 0 Act/Review of Appeal of 0 Condemnation O Pharmaceutical 0 Disabilities- leave Act Agency Decision Personal Injury Employment 0 220 Foreclosure Product Liability O 446 American with O 790 Other Labor 0 950 Constitutionality of 368 Asbestos Disabilities-Other Litigation State Statutes D 230Re 1\ rs Injury O 791 Employee Ret Inc, Security Act AFTER COMPLETING PAGE 1 OFFPRM CV-71, COMPLETE THE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON PAGE2. CV-71 (02/13) CNIL COVER SHEET Page 1 of2 5 6 1-- Case 2:13-cv-02321-DMG-MRW Document 1 Filed 04/01/13 Page 18 of 18 Page ID #:33 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA CIVIL COVER SHEET VIJI(a). IDENTICAL CASES: Has this action been previously filed In this court and dismissed, remanded or dosed7 Jg] NO lfyes,listcase number(s): VIII (b). RELATED CASES: Have any cases been previously filed ln this court that are related to the present case 7 Jgj NO If yes, Jist case number(s): Civil cases are deemed related ifa previously filed case and the present case: (Check all boxes that apply) O A. Arise from the same or closely related transactions, happenings, or events; or 0 B. Call for determination of the same or substantially related or similar questions of law and fact; or 0 C. For other reasons would entail substantial duplication of labor If heard by different judges; or 0 D. Involve the same patent, trademark or copyright and one of the factors Identified above In a, b or c also is present D .YES 0 YES IX. VENUE: (When completing the following Information, use an additional sheet If necessary.) (a) List the County In this District; California County outside of this District; State If other than California; or Foreign Country, In which EACH named plaintiff resides, 0 Check here If the government, Its agencies or employees Is a named plaintiff. If this box Is checked, go to Item (b). County In this District:* California County outside of this District; State, If other than California; or Foreign Countrv . Los Angeles (b) List the County In this District; California County outside of this District; State If other than California; or Foreign Country, In which EACH narned defendant resides. 0 Check here If the government, its agencies or employees is a named defendant. If this box is checked,.go to item (c), County in this District:* los Angeles California County outside ofthls District; State, If other than California; or Foreign Countrv (c) List the County in this District; California County outside ofthls District; State If other than California; or Foreign Country, In whlch EACH claim arose, NOTE: In land condemnation cases, use the location of the tract of land involved. County in this District:* California County outside of this District; State, If other than California; or Foreign Countrv Los Angeles " Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura, Santa Barbara, or San Lu1s Obispo Count1es Note: In land condemnation cases use the location of the tract of land involved X. SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY (OR SELFREPRESENTED LITIGANT): DATE: 2..,0,_,_1,_3----- Notice to Counsel/Parties: The CV71 (JS-44) Civil Cover Sheet and the Information con a ned herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States In September 1!174, is required pursuant to Local Rule 31 Js not filed but Is used by the Clerk of the Court for the purpose of statistics, venue and Initiating the civil docket sheet. (For more detailed lnstructlons,see separate instructions sheet). Key to Statistical codes relating to Social Security Cases: Nature of Suit Code Abbreviation Substantive Statement of Cause of Action 861 HIA B62 BL 863 DIWC 863 DIWW 864 SSID 865 RSI CV-71 (02/13) All claims for health insurance benefits (Medicare) under Title 18, Part A, of the Social Security Act, as amended. Also, Include claims by hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, etc., for certification as providers of services under the program, (42 U.S.C. 1!135FF(b)) All claims for "Black lung benefits under Title 4, Part B, of the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 196!1. (30 U.s.c, 923) All claims filed by Insured workers for disability Insurance benefits under Title 2 of the Social Security Act, as amended; plus all claims filed for child's Insurance benefits based on disability. (42 U.S.C. 405 (g)) All claims filed for widows or widowers lnsu ranee benefits based on disability under Title 2 of the Social Security Act, as amended. (42 U.S. C. 405 (g)) All claims for supplemental security Income payments based upon disability flied under Title 16 of the Social Security Act, as amended. - All claims for retirement (olq age) and survivors benefits under Title 2 of the Social Security Act, as amended, (42 u.s.c, 405 (g)) . CIVIL COVER SHEET Page 2 of2