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Instruction Manual PHYSICS LABORATORY (ASP 202)

National Institute of Technology Meghalaya Department of Physics

Amal Medhi 2013

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1 Instructions to Students 2 References 3 Experiment 1: Study of Hall Eect 4 Experiment 2: Plancks constant using photoelectric eect 5 Experiment 3: Electrical resistivity and band gap of semiconductors 6 Experiment 4: Verication of Stefan-Boltzmann Law 7 Experiment 5: Unknown resistance by Post oce box 8 Experiment 6: Unknown low resistance by Carey Foster bridge 9 Experiment 7: Youngs modulus of elasticity of a beam by bending 10 Experiment 8: Newtons ring experiment 11 Experiment 9: Diraction grating experiment

1 3 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 35 39


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Instructions to Students

Physics is an experimental science. Advancements in physics throughout its history have come about mainly driven by experiments. For you, the physics lab will be an opportunity to have some fun with some hands-on experience with physics theories. Moreover, it will be an opportunity for you to develop and enhance your skills of experimental observation, data analysis and proper scientic documentation which are always important in a career in science and engineering. So please look forward to use your laboratory time for a gainful purpose. This manual will provide the basic theoretical backgrounds and detail procedures of various experiments that you will perform in the lab. Before that, here are some specic instructions for you to follow while carrying out the experiments. It also outlines the approach that will be undertaken in conducting the lab. Please read carefully the followings.

Specic Instructions
1. You are expected to complete one experiement in each class. For that to happen, you will have to come to the laboratory with certain initial preparation. The initial preparation will involve a prior study of the basic theory of the experiement you are going to take up as well as the procedure to perform it so as to have a rough idea of what to do. In addition, it will also involve a partial preparation of the lab report in advance as mentioned later in this section. 2. You must bring with you the following materials to the lab: This instruction manual, A4 size papers for writing the lab report, graph sheets if necessary, pen, pencil, measuring scale, calculator and any other stationary items required. On the very rst day of your lab class, bring also a le cover/folder with your name, roll no., brance name etc. writen on it clearly and submit it to the instructor. The folder will be used to store your laboratory reports regularly at the end of the classes. The folder with your reports will be kept in the laboratory and will be returned to you only after the course instructions are over. 3. The format of a lab report shall be as follows: (a) The rst sheet will contain your name, branch name, roll number, date and title of the experiment. The subsequent sheets will contain the followings in that order. (b) The objective of the experiment, apparatus needed, and a brief theory with working formulas and gures or diagrams whenever necessary. (c) Experimental observations. Data from experimental observations should be recorded in proper tabular format with well documented headings for the columns. The data 1

Instructions to Students tables should be preceded by the least counts of the instruments used to take the data and numerical value of any constant, if any, used in the table. (d) Graphs whenever applicable. (e) Relevant calculations, error analyses. (f) Final results along with error estimates. (g) Remarks if any. (h) Please DO NOT write the procedure of experiement anywhere. 4. As part of the initial preparation mentioned earlier, you are required come to the lab ready with the items 3(a) and 3(b) above already writen in your report sheets. This will save valuable lab time and help you to complete the rest of the experiment within the alloted time. 5. After the completion of your data recording, switch o any power suply etc. used and put back the components of the apparatus in their proper places. Complete the rest of the relevant calculations and hand over the nal report sheets to the instructor before leaving the lab. 6. Last but not the least - please handle the instruments with care and maintain utmost discipline and decorum in the lab.


This manual was prepared with helps from several books, documentation provided by the equipments vendors, and from several documents shared by others on the website. Though it is not possible to mention all the individual sources, cited below is a list of books which students may also nd helpful for further reading. 1. Fundamentals of Physics, D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 2001. 2. Concepts of Modern Physics, A. Beiser, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York, 2003. 3. Optics, A. Ghatak, Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1992. 4. Practical Physics, G. L. Squires, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985. 5. Laboratory Experiments in College Physics, C. H. Bernard and C. D. Epp, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1995. 6. Practical Physics, R. K. Shukla and A. Srivastava, New Age Internationa (P) Limited, Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.

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Experiment 1 Study of Hall Eect

To study Hall eect and determine the Hall coecient and hence the number density of majority charge carriers of a semiconductor sample.

A Hall eect experimental setup with the following components: electromagnet with power supply, Hall probe, semiconductor sample, current supply with ammeter, voltmeter etc.

When an electrical current passes through a sample placed in a magnetic eld, a voltage develops across the sample in a direction perpendicular to both the current and the magnetic eld. This is known as Hall eect. The basic experimental setup for study of Hall eect is shown in Fig. 1. A rectangular slab of a semiconducting sample with its width (w) along y -direction and thickness (d ) along z-direction is placed in a magnetic eld of strength B directed along the z-direction. Now

x z

Ey w ++++ + + + B



Fig. 1: Hall eect experiment (for +ve charge carriers) an electric current, IH is made to pass through the sample along its length by maintaining a potential dierence along x-direction. The corresponding current density is, Jx = IH wd (1)

Suppose that the charge carriers are positive, each having charge +q, and are moving along +x direction with velocity v . Then the Lorentz force experienced by the carriers due to the magnetic eld is, FB = q v B = (qvB)y 5 (2)

Experiment 1: Study of Hall Eect direction deects the positive charge carriers towards the bottom surface This force FB along y of the sample. This makes the bottom surface positively charged while leaving the top surface negatively charged. This accumulation of charges near the bottom and top surfaces of the along the y -direction. sample leads to the development of a transverse electric eld E = Ey y Force due to this electric eld, qE opposed the Lorentz force FB and prevents further charge accumulation. In the steady state condition, these two forces balance out each other and we get, qEy = qvB (3)

Now we dene a quantity called Hall coecient RH , as the ratio of the electric eld Ey to the current density Jx multiplied by magnetic eld B, that is RH = Ey Jx B = 1 nq (4)

where we have used Eq. (3) and the fact that Jx = nqv , n being the number density (m3 ) of charge carriers. In order to determine RH , we proceed as follows. Writing v = Jx /nq and multiplying both sides of Eq. (3) by wd , we get Ey wd = Jx wdB nq (5)

But Ew = VH , the voltage across the top and bottom surfaces called the Hall voltage and Jx wd = IH . This gives, VH = RH B IH d (6)

Therefore, if we measure the Hall voltage VH against Hall current IH for a xed magnetic eld B and plot VH versus IH , the curve will be a straight line with the slope m being, RH B (7) d The Hall coecient RH can be calculated from the value of this slope, m if the thickness d of the sample is known. Once RH is determined, the carrier density n can be calculated using Eq. (4). Now assume the situation where the charge carriers are negative with q = e. In that case, . The Lorentz for current direction along +x, the charges will be moving with velocity v = v x will still be along negative y direction as before. However this force, FB = q v B = (evB)y time, the bottom surface acquires negative polarity and consequently, the sign of the Hall voltage VH will be opposite to what was observed in case of positive charge. Thus for given directions of the Hall current and the magnetic eld, we can determine the type of charge carriers (whether +ve or -ve) by looking at the sign of the Hall voltage VH . m=

Experimental setup
The experimental setup is complete unit (Fig. 2) consisting of the followings - an electromagnet, constant current power supply, a Gauss and Tesla meter, a Hall current & voltage measurement unit and the sample connected with contact leads for passing Hall current and measuring Hall voltage. 6

Fig. 2: Hall eect measurement unit

1. Keep the poles of the electromagnet apart by a distance of around 20 mm. 2. Connect the electromagnet with the constant current power supply and switch on power. 3. Set a suitable magnetic eld (< 3 KGauss) by adjusting the magnetizing current. You can measure the magnetic eld using the Hall probe. You will have to keep the magnetic eld constant at, say B = 1 KG and B = 2 KG for two sets of measurements. 4. Insert the sample between the pole pieces of the electromagnet. 5. For the rst set of measurement, set the magnetic eld (+B) rst at, say B = 1 KG and keep it constant. 6. Switch on the Hall current IH through the sample and adjust it at around 5 mA. Measure the hall voltage VH . 7. Increase the Hall current IH at suitable steps (up to maximum 20 mA) and record VH against each IH . 8. Now reverse the direction of the magnetic eld (B) keeping its magnitude constant at the same value (1 KG in this case). 9. Record VH against IH for the same set values of IH as taken for +B. 10. Now for each current IH , calculate the average of two values of VH (+B) and VH (B). This cancels out oset voltage due to any misalignment in the sample contacts. 11. Plot a curve of VH versus IH and nd out its slope. 12. Calculate the Hall coecient, RH from the slope. 13. For the second set of measurement, increase the magnetic eld (+B) to say B = 2 KG and keep it constant. 14. Repeat steps 6-12. 15. Finally calculate the average RH and determine the number density n using Eq. (4). 7

Experiment 1: Study of Hall Eect

Thickness of the sample, d =

Table 1: Hall voltage VH as a function of Hall current IH , for B = 1 KG

Sl No. 1 2 3 . . . 8 . . . IH (in mA) 5 7 9 ... VH 1 (+B) (in mV) VH 2 (B) (in mV) Mean VH 2 | VH = |VH 1 2 IH (in A) Mean VH (in V)

Table 2: Hall voltage VH as a function of Hall current IH , for B = 2 KG

Sl No. 1 2 3 . . . 8 . . . IH (in mA) 5 7 9 ... VH 1 (+B) (in mV) VH 2 (B) (in mV) Mean VH 2 | VH = |VH 1 2 IH (in A) Mean VH (in V)

Plot two graphs of VH versus IH for the above two data tables and nd its slopes.

From the slopes of the above two IH VH curves, calculate the Hall coecient RH and nd the average of the two values obtained. Calculate the number density of majority charge carriers using Eq. (4) and assuming that q is equal to the charge of an electron.

Hall coecient of the given sample, RH = . Number density of majority charge carriers, n = (m3 ).


Experiment 2 Determination of Plancks constant

To determine the value of Plancks constant using photoelectric eect.

Plancks constant experimental unit consisting of a vacuum photo tube, light source, color lters, regulated voltage power supply, voltmeter, ammeter etc.

The phenomenon of emission of electrons from the surface of a material when light falls on it, is known as the photoelectric eect. The emitted electrons are called photoelectrons. A typical experimental setup for observing the photoelectric eect is shown in Fig. 1. Light falls on a target metal plate T enclosed in a vacuum tube and as a result electrons are ejected from the


Fig. 1: Photoelectric eect experiment surface of the plate. When the ejected electrons reach the collector electrode C placed opposite to T, an electric current, called photocurrent ows through the circuit. This photocurrent can be measured by an ammeter connected to the circuit. The kinetic energies of the emitted electrons can be estimated by applying a negative potential to the collector C and tuning the potential such that it is just enough to prevent the electrons from reaching the collector. This negative potential, V0 to C at which the photocurrent becomes zero, is called the stopping potential. Obviously, eV0 = Kmax 9 (1)

Experiment 2: Plancks constant using photoelectric eect where e is the electronic charge and Kmax is the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons. The photoelectric eect was rst explained by Einstein on the basis of quantum theory of light. According to it, light, i.e. electromagnetic radiation consists of discrete energy packets or energy quanta. Each energy packet behaves as particle and is called photon. The energy of a photon is given by, E = hf (2)

where h is called Plancks constant and f is the frequency of radiation. When the photons falls on metal surface, an electron can absorb the energy of a photon and acquire enough energy to escape the surface potential barrier (also called work function). The maximum kinetic energy with which the electron can eject out, according to the principle of energy conservation, is given by Kmax = hf Since Kmax = eV0 , the relationship can also be written as eV0 = hf (4) (3)

The above equation shows that a graph of V0 versus f will be a straight line with the slope being equal to h/e. Thus, if V0 is measured for dierent frequency f (colors) of incident light and V0 is plotted as a function of f , the value of Plancks constant h can be determined from the slope of the line.

Experimental setup
The Plancks constant measurement unit is shown in Fig. 2. It consists of a light source, a photo vacuum tube, DC voltmeter, DC ammeter and connecting ports. Also supplied along with the unit are four lters of dierent colors, e.g. violet, blue 1, blue 2 and yellow. The circuit diagram for the connections is displayed in the panel.

Fig. 2: Plancks constant measurement unit


1. Take the Plancks constant setup & x the photo vacuum tube at particular position. 2. Complete the circuit connections as shown in the diagram in the panel of the unit. 3. Set the range of the DC voltmeter at 200 mV and the ammeter at 2 A. 4. Connect the mains cord and switch on the power supply and light source. Now you can observe some value of current on ammeter. 5. First insert the red color lter in front of photo vacuum tube. 6. If the observed current is too low, then slide the photo vacuum tube towards light source till you get some appreciable current. Fix the photo tube at this distance (position 1). 7. Switch on the DC voltage source. 8. Now vary the DC voltage slowly by variable resistance pot and see the value of current. It should decrease as the voltage is increased. 9. When the current becomes zero, note the value of applied voltage by DC voltmeter. This is the stopping potential, V0 for the given color. 10. Switch o the DC voltage source. 11. Repeat steps 7-10 for the other color lters, e.g. orange, yellow, green and blue respectively, keeping the position of the photo vacuum tube xed. 12. Tabulate all the readings as indicated in Table 1. 13. Now reduce the distance between the light source and the photo vacuum tube to approximately half of what was taken in the above set of readings. This is position 2 of the photo tube. 14. Repeat steps 7-12 with the same set of color lters for position 2 of the photo tube. 15. The stopping potential, V0 should be same for both the positions of the photo tube. Find the mean V0 from the two values obtained for position 1 & 2 (see Table 1). 16. Plot a graph of V0 versus f (in 1012 Hz). 17. Find the slope of the best straight line t and from the slope, calculate h.

Velocity of ligh, c = 3 108 ms1 .


Experiment 2: Plancks constant using photoelectric eect

Table 1: Determination of V0 as a function of frequency, f .

Color of lter Wavelength, (109 m) Frequency, f = c/ (1012 Hz) Stopping potential, V0 (in V) with the with the Mean V0 photo tube in photo tube in position 1 position 2

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue

700 620 580 530 470

Plot a graph of V0 versus f from date in Table 1.

Value of e = 1.6 1019 C. Slope of the V0 -f graph, h =
h e

Value of Plancks constant from the experiment, h = .



Experiment 3 Electrical resistivity and band gap of semiconductors

To determine the electrical resistivity of a semiconductor as a function of temperature by four probe method and determine the band gap of the semiconductor.

Four probe measurement unit with oven, semiconducting sample, current source, voltmeter, ammeter etc.

By Ohms law, the electric eld intensity, E at a point in a material is proportional to the current density, J that it induces at that point. The proportionality constant is called electrical resistivity, of the material. That is, E = J (1)

For a sample with a long wire like geometry with uniform cross-sectional area, can be measured by simply passing a known current through the sample and measuring the voltage drop across it. This simple method has however several disadvantages. For example, it can not be applied to a sample with non-regular shapes, there could be errors due to contact resistance of the measuring leads, soldering the contact leads itself can be dicult for some samples etc. Also in case of semiconductors, the soldering process may results in injection of impurities into the sample thereby aecting its intrinsic electrical resistivity.

+ 1 2

V 3 4

Fig. 1: Four probe experiment arrangement Some of the above diculties can be overcome by employing a technique called four probe method. Consider a at semiconducting sample. In the four probe method, four pointed, 13

Experiment 3: Electrical resistivity and band gap of semiconductors collinear, equally spaced probes are placed in pressure contact with the plane surface of the sample (Fig. 1). A current is injected into the sample through the outer two probes (1 & 4). The resulting electric potential distribution is measured via the two inner probes (2 & 3). The voltage drop, V across probes 2 & 3 for a current I through probes 1 & 4, is given by a simple expression, if certain conditions are satised. The surface of the sample is assumed to be at with no surface leakage. The diameter of the contact between each probe and the sample should be small compared to the distance between the probes. Also the thickness, d of the sample is assumed to be much smaller than the distance, s between two probes. Under such conditions, it can be shown that, I ln 2 (2) V = d Therefore resistivity of the sample is, V d I ln 2 Now the temperature variation of resistivity of a semiconductor is given by, = = 0 exp Eg kT (3)


where Eg is the band gap of the semiconductor and k is Boltzmanns constant. Taking logarithm of both sides of the above equation, ln = 103 + ln 0 103 k T Eg


The factor 103 above is inserted for convenience. Thus a plot of ln as a function of 10 T is a straight line with the slope being equal to, Eg slope = 3 (6) 10 k Therefore, by determining the resistivity, of the sample at various temperatures T , we can 3 plot a graph of ln versus 10 T , and nd the band gap from the slope of the graph.

Experimental setup

Fig. 2: Band gap measurement unit The experimental setup (Fig. 2) consists of a measuring unit with current source, an LCD panel for reading current, voltage and temperature. A semiconductor sample connected with the four probe arrangement can be placed in an oven which can be heated by passing electrical current through it. The current source provides the probe current through the sample as well as the heating current to the oven. 14

1. Connect the band gap measurement unit to mains. 2. The sample crystal is attached with the probe arrangement. Place it in the oven. 3. Connect four probe (eight pin connector) to the given eight pin socket of measurement unit. 4. Connect the heater terminals (three pin socket) of the oven to the measurement unit. 5. Set the oven toggle switch at o position and current adjustment at the minimum. 6. At starting, current & voltage will be zero. The LCD display will show the current and the voltage along with the oven temperature. 7. Set some suitable value of low current to the probe, say 5 mA. Keep this current constant throughout the experiment. 8. Note down the voltage (between probes 2 & 3) and the temperature of the oven from the display (Table 1). 9. Switch on the oven current supply. Now temperature will increase slowly. 10. Record the value of voltage corresponding to a xed interval of temperature rise, say 5 C. 11. Take at least 8 readings for dierent values of temperatures. 12. Calculate the experimental resistivity using Eq. (3). 13. Express resistivity in units of Ohm-cm and temperature in Kelvin (K). 14. Plot ln versus 103 /T . Find the best linear t to the points (choose only the linear portion of the curve). 15. From the slope of the graph, calculate the band gap, Eg using Eq. (6).

Material of the given semiconductor sample = Germanium (Ge). Thickness of the sample, d = 0.23 mm. Distance between the probes, s = 2.0 mm. Value of Boltzmanns constant, k = 8.617 105 eV/K. 15

Experiment 3: Electrical resistivity and band gap of semiconductors Set constant current through the sample, I = .

Table 1: Resistivity as a function of temperature T

Sl No. 1 2 3 . . . 8 . . . ... Temperature (in C) Temperature, T (in K) Voltage, V (in V) Resistivity, (in Ohm-cm) 103 T ln

Plot a graphs of ln versus 103 /T . Find the best linear t to the points.

From the slope of the ln -103 /T curve, calculate the band gap, Eg using Eq. (6).

Band gap of the given semiconductor sample is Eg = .



Experiment 4 Verication of Stefan-Boltzmann Law

To verify Stefan-Boltzmann law of thermal radiation by electrical method.

Complete unit of Stefans law experimental setup consisting of an electrical circuit (Fig. 1) containing elements such as an electrical bulb with tungsten lament, voltage source, voltmeter, variable resistance etc.

The StefanBoltzmann law states that the energy radiated by a black body per second per unit surface area is given by, Prad = T 4 (W/m2 ) (1)

where T is the absolute temperature of the body and is called the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. If the body if not perfectly black, then the relationship is given by, Prad = T 4 (W/m2 ) (2)

where is called emissivity of the body ( < 1). Now consider a tungsten lament in an electric bulb being heated by passing electrical current through it. Let T be the absolute temperature of the lament and Ts be that of the surroundings. The lament emits thermal radiation due to its own temperature as well as absorbs some from the surroundings. The net rate of heat loss by the lament due to thermal radiation is, E = A (T Ts ) = C (T Ts ) where A is the surface area of the lament, C = A and the index = 4. If Ts can safely neglect the second term and write, E = CT

(3) T , then we (4)

The above energy loss by the lament due to radiation can be equated with the power dissipated by the electrical source in the lament resistance under the following circumstances. If the bulb is completely evacuated, there is no loss of heat by convection. Secondly, since the lament is in contact with a bad thermal conductor at the base of the bulb, the heat lost by conduction is small. Moreover the conduction heat depends linearly upon the temperature and 17

Experiment 4: Verication of Stefan-Boltzmann Law hence at very high temperature it will be much smaller than the radiated heat which goes as the fourth power of temperature. Therefore we can assume that the electrical power dissipated in the lament is lost completely in the form of thermal radiation and hence, E =P =VI (5)

Where P is the electrical power dissipated by the voltage source and is given by the voltage, V multiplied by the electric current I . Eq. (5) can be used to estimate the energy radiated by the lament. Thus we can study the Stefan-Boltzmann law by measuring the power radiated as a function of temperature, if we can estimate the temperature of the lament. The lament temperature can be estimated from its electrical resistance, R as follows. The relationship between the resistance and temperature of a tungsten lament can be expressed by the following empirical formula, Rt = R0 (1 + t + t 2 ) (6)

where t is the temperature in C. Rt and R0 are the resistances at temperatures t C and 0 C, respectively. The temperature coecients and for tungsten are given by, = 5.21 103 C1 and = 7.2 107 C2 (7)

In order to determine R0 , we use the known fact that the temperature of a tungsten lament when it just starts glowing is tg 527 C. Let Rg be its corresponding resistance. Using the numerical values of this temperature tg and the constants , in Eq. (6), we get R0 = Rg 3.95 (8)

Rg is determined by noting the voltage Vg and the current Ig at the glowing point, Rg = Vg /Ig . Now we can calculate the ratio Rt /R0 and solve Eq. (6) for t in terms of Rt /R0 , to get t= + 2 4 (1 Rt /R0 ) 2 (9)

The other solution is discarded because it will give rise to a negative t whereas Eq. (6) is valid for only t > 0 C. Thus once the value of Rt /R0 is determined, we can estimate the temperature, t C of the lament using Eq. (9). The corresponding absolute temperature is readily obtained by, T = t + 273 ( K) (10)

Now we can verify the Stefan-Boltzmann law as follows. Taking logarithm of both sides of Eq. (4), we get ln E = ln T + C , C = ln C = constant (11)

Therefore a graph of the quantity ln E as a function ln T is a straight line with the slope being . By estimating E as a function of T for a number of dierent values of T using means described above, we can plot the above graph and nd its slope. The graph should be a straight line and the slope should be = 4. 18

Fig. 1: Circuit diagram

Fig. 2: Stefans law trainer

Experimental setup
The experimental setup is a complete unit consisting of an electrical circuit containing elements such as an electrical bulb with tungsten lament, voltage source, voltmeter, variable resistance etc. (Fig. 2).

I. To nd the resistance of the bulb lament at 0 C
1. Connect the main cords to the mains. 2. Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. 1 through patch cords. 3. Switch on the unit. 4. Increase the DC voltage with the help of the variable resistance till the bulb beings to glow (i.e. the lament appears faint red). 5. Note the readings of Vg and Ig , i.e. the voltage and current at the time when the lament just begins to glow. 6. Calculate Rg = Vg /Ig . 7. Then calculate the resistance R0 of the lament at 0 C by using Eq. (8).

II. To nd the radiant power, E emitted by the lament as a function of temperature, T and verify Stefan-Boltzmann law
1. Starting again from a lower voltage, increase the DC voltage gradually till the bulb just begins to glow. 2. Note down the reading of current (in mA) corresponding to the given voltage (in volt) from the given ammeter and voltmeter. 3. Now increasing the voltage further, note down the readings of current at dierent values of voltages. 4. Tabulate all readings in the given observation table. 19

Experiment 4: Verication of Stefan-Boltzmann Law 5. Calculate Rt = V /I for dierent voltages i.e., for dierent temperatures t . 6. Calculate Rt /R0 for all values of Rt and then determine temperature T of the lament using Eq. (9) and (10). 7. Calculate the energy radiated/sec (E ) by the lament at each temperature by using Eq. (5). 8. Finally plot a graph between ln E versus ln T . Find its slope and verify whether it satises the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

Determination of R0 , the resistance of the lament at 0 C
Voltage across the lament at the glowing point, Vg = Current through the lament at the glowing point, Ig = Rg = R0 =
Vg Ig

= (in ) = (in )

Rg 3.95

Table 1: Determination of power, E radiated by the lament as a function of temperature, T

Sl No. 1 2 3 . . . 10 . . . Voltage, V (in Volt) Current, I (in mA) I (in A) Res., Rt = V /I (in ) Rt /R0 Temp., t (in C) Temp., T (in K) Radiated Power, E =VI (in W) ln(T ) ln(E )

Plot a graph of ln E versus ln T and nd out its slope, .

Result: Remark:


Experiment 5 Post oce box

To determine the value of an unknown resistance using Post Oce box.

A Post Oce box unit consisting of a Wheatstone bridge with variables resistances, galvanometer, voltage source, connecting wires etc.

A post oce (PO) box operates on the same principle as Wheatstones bridge which consists of four resistances R1 , R2 , R3 and R4 that are connected to each other as shown in the circuit diagram in Fig. 1. In this circuit, E is a voltage source, G is a galvanometer and K1 and K2 are two keys. If the values of the resistances are adjusted so that no current ows through the galvanometer (balance condition), then the resistances R1 , R2 , R3 and R4 satisfy the relationship, R1 R3 = R2 R4 (1)

A PO box is a compact form of the Wheatstone bridge where the resistances with bride arms

Fig. 1: Wheatstones bridge

are inbuilt in a single unit and can be varied conveniently. Two of its arms have resistances which can be set to be at values 0, 10, 100 and 1000 alternately. These two arms are 21

Experiment 5: Unknown resistance by Post oce box used establish the ratio between the two sides of the bridge and are called ratio arms. A third bride arm is connected to a variable resistance which can be given a value from 0 to about 10 k in convenient steps. The fourth arm can be connected to an unknown resistance whose value needs to be determined. If R4 = Rx is the unknown resistance in the fourth arm and R1 , R2 , R3 are the other three resistances when the Wheatstone bride is in balanced condition, then from Eq. (1) we get, Rx = R2 R R1 3 (2)

Experimental setup
The PO box experimental unit is as shown in Fig. 2. It has a DC voltage source, a galvanometer,

Fig. 2: PO Box

Wheatstone bride arms with resistances R1 , R2 , R3 and Rx . R1 and R2 are the ratio arms each of which can be set at 0, 10, 100 and 1000. R3 is connected at a variable resistance which consists of six resistances in series. These six resistances are identied by the six dial knobs near the arm R3 . Each of these six resistances can be varied with the help of the knobs and given values as indicated in the panels. The total resistance R3 is the series combination of all these six individual resistances. The arm Rx can be connected to a variable potentiometer resistor which acts as an unknown resistance.

1. Connect the -ve terminal of the DC voltage to I terminal and the +ve terminal to J terminal of the bridge (Fig. 2). 2. Connect Galvanometers +ve and -ve terminals to M and N terminals respectively. 3. Connect K & L terminals of variable resistance to E & G (R3 ) terminals of bridge. 4. Connect O & P terminals of unknown resistance to H & F (Rx ) terminals of bridge. 22

5. Set all rotaries at 0. 6. Keep the key K1 in O position. 7. Switch On power. 8. Set the resistance Rx at an some value (preferably below 1 k) by rotating its dial Knob. 9. Then set resistances R1 and R2 at 10. 10. Switch on the key K1 and observe the deection on galvanometer. 11. Adjust the value of R3 in steps of 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10k as per the requirement beginning from zero, till the null point is obtained in the galvanometer. 12. Note down the value of R3 in the given observation table. 13. Change the ratio R1 /R2 to 1/ 10 by setting R1 = 10 and R2 = 100. Repeat steps 11-12. 14. Change the ratio R1 /R2 to 1/ 100 by setting R1 = 10 and R2 = 1000. Repeat steps 11-12. 15. Change the ratio R1 /R2 to 10 by setting R1 = 100 and R2 = 10. Repeat steps 11-12. 16. Change the ratio R1 /R2 to 100 by setting R1 = 1000 and R2 = 10. Repeat steps 11-12. 17. For each of ratios R1 /R2 , calculate Rx using Eq. (2). 18. Find the mean Rx from the above values. 19. Determine the theoretical value of Rx with the help of dial knob as follows. Here the dial knob can rotates 10 times corresponding to 0 to 10 numbers, it is said to be main scale reading. A unit main scale reading corresponds to 1000. Its each rotation has 50 divisions and is said to be circular scale reading (least count = 10). For example, if there are 5 rotations by main scale it means the resistance on main scale is 5 5000. If the circular scale is at 30, it means the additional resistance on the circular scale is 30 10. And the value of Rx is 5000 + 300 = 5300. 20. Compare the the theoretical value of Rx with the experimentally obtained value.

Table 1: Determination of Rx for dierent values of the ratio R1 /R2
Sl No. 1 2 3 4 5 R1 () 10 10 10 100 1000 R2 () 10 100 1000 10 10 R3 () 100 1000
2 Rx = R R1 R3 ()




10 k

Total (R3 )


Experiment 5: Unknown resistance by Post oce box

For determination of theoretical value of Rx :

Main scale reading of the dial knob, m = . Circular scale reading of the dial knob, c = . Theoretical Rx = (m 1000 + c 10) = . . . .

1. Calculate the mean experimental value of Rx from Table 1. 2. Calculate the theoretical value of Rx . 3. Calculate the percentage deviation of the experimental value from its theoretical value.

Value of unknown resistance, Rx = Its theoretical value is = The experimental value is deviated by . . . % from the theoretical value.



Experiment 6 Carey Foster bridge

To determine the resistance per unit length of a Carey Foster bride wire and hence determine the value of an unknown low resistance.

Carey Foster bridge, galvanometer, two equal resistances (10 each), voltage source, connecting wires etc.

The Carey Foster bridge is an electrical circuit that can be used to measure very low resistances. It works on the same principle as Wheatstones bridge, which consists of four resistances R1 , R2 , R3 and R4 that are connected to each other as shown in the circuit diagram in Fig. 1. In this circuit, E is a voltage source, G is a galvanometer and K1 and K2 are two keys. If the values of the resistances are adjusted so that no current ows through the galvanometer (balance condition), then the resistances R1 , R2 , R3 and R4 satisfy the relationship, R1 R3 = R2 R4 (1)

In a meter bridge, two of the resistors, say R3 and R4 are replaced by a resistance wire of

Fig. 1: Wheatstones bridge

Fig. 2: Carey Foster bridge circuit diagram

one meter length and uniform cross sectional area xed on a meter scale. Point D is a sliding contact that can be moved along the wire, thus varying the magnitudes of R3 and R4 . The Carey Foster bridge is a modied form of the meter bride in which the eective length of the 25

Experiment 6: Unknown low resistance by Carey Foster bridge wire is considerably increased by connecting a resistance in series with each end of the wire. This increases accuracy of the bridge. The circuit diagram for the Carey Foster bridge is shown in Fig. 2. Two standard low resistances, P and Q, of 10 each are connected in the inner gaps 2 and 3. A known resistance, i.e., a fractional resistance box X and the unknown resistance Y whose resistance is to be determined are connected in the outer gaps 1 and 4, respectively. A one meter long resistance wire of uniform area of cross section is soldered to the ends of two copper strips. Since the wire has uniform cross-sectional area, the resistance per unit length is the same along the wire. A galvanometer G is connected between terminal B and the jockey D, which is in sliding contact that with the bridge wire. A voltage source is connected between terminals A and C. The four points A, B, C and D in Fig. 2 exactly corresponds to the similarly labeled points in the Wheatstones bridge circuit in Fig. 1. Therefore if the balance point is located at a distance l1 from E , then we get X + + l1 P = Q Y + + (100 l1 ) (2)

where is the resistance per unit length of the wire, and and are the resistances due to end corrections at the left and right ends. If now the positions of X and Y are interchanged and the balance point is found at a distance l2 from E , then Y + + l2 P = Q X + + (100 l2 ) From Eq. (2) and (3), we obtain X + + l1 Y + + l2 = Y + + (100 l1 ) X + + (100 l2 ) Adding 1 on both sides and simplifying, X + Y + + + 100 X + Y + + + 100 = Y + + (100 l1 ) X + + (100 l2 ) which gives, Y + + (100 l1 ) = X + + (100 l2 ) or, Y = X (l2 l1 ) (5) (4) (3)


Thus once we know l1 , l2 , and X then the unknown resistance Y can be determined using Eq. (6). In order to determine , put Y = 0 in Eq. (6) so as to get, = X l2 l1 (7)

Thus can be determined by short circuiting Y and measuring l1 and l2 .

I. To nd the resistance per unit length of the wire,
1. Make the circuit connections as shown in Fig. 2. Make sure that all connections are tight. 26

2. Connect the given resistances P and Q (10 each) in gaps 2 and 3. In this part, X is a fractional resistance box and Y is a short circuit (zero resistance). 3. Switch on power voltage source so that current ows through the circuit. 4. First set the resistance X at zero and see if the galvanometer shows opposite deections when the jockey is pressed at the two ends of the wire. Also check whether the null point is located around the middle of the bridge wire. If it is so, then the connections are likely correct. 5. Now set a small resistance in X , say X = 0.1 . 6. Locate the balance point. Record the distance of the balance point from the left end (point E) of the wire as length l1 . 7. Reverse the direction of current ow by interchanging the connections to the voltage source and again record the balance point l1 for the reverse current. Take average of l1 for direct and reverse current (see Table 1) in order to eliminate the eect of any thermo emf. 8. Increase resistance X in steps of 0.1 and repeat steps 6-7 each time. 9. Interchange the positions of X and the zero resistance Y and repeat steps 6-7 for the same set of resistance values for X . The corresponding balance point distance measured from the same end of the bride wire should be recorded as l2 in the data table.

II. To nd an unknown low resistance Y

1. Remove the short circuit and set the resistance Y at a small value as unknown resistance. 2. Repeat the entire sequence of steps 5-9 in part I of the procedure and ll up Table 2.

Table 1: Determination of of the Carey Foster bridge wire (with Y = 0)
Sl No. X () 0.1 0.2 0.3 ... Position of balance point with Y (= 0) in the right gap, l1 (cm) left gap, l2 (cm) mean reverse reverse mean direct direct l1 l2 current current current current l2 l1 (cm) = X/ (l2 l1 ) (cm1 )

1 2 3 . . . 8 . . .


Experiment 6: Unknown low resistance by Carey Foster bridge

Table 2: Determination of the unknown low resistance, Y

Sl No. X () 0.1 0.2 0.3 ... Position of balance point with Y in the right gap, l1 (cm) left gap, l2 (cm) reverse mean reverse mean direct direct l l2 current current 1 current current l2 l1 (cm) Y = X (l2 l1 ) ()

1 2 3 . . . 8 . . .

1. Calculate the value of (l2 l1 ) for each value of X in Table 1. 2. Calculate of the bride wire for each value of X in Table 1 using Eq. (7). 3. Calculate the mean from the values obtained in Table 1 for dierent X . 4. Using this mean value of in Eq. (6), calculate the unknown resistance Y for each row in Table 2. 5. Use these results to calculate the mean value of Y .

Resistance per unit length of bridge wire, = Value of the unknown low resistance, Y =



Experiment 7 Determination of Youngs modulus of elasticity

To determine the Youngs modulus of elasticity of the material of a sample beam by bending.

Sample beam supported at its two ends and loaded at the middle, a stand, weights, weight holder, spherometer etc.

Elasticity is the property of materials by virtue of which it tend to resist a deforming force and recover from a change of size or shape of the body on removal of the deforming force. When the deforming force is applied to a body in such a manner that its length is changed, then a longitudinal strain is produced in the body. Due to the elastic property, an internal restoring force is produced along the length of the body which opposes the deforming force. The magnitude of this force per unit cross-sectional area is called the normal stress. If the body is of length L and have uniform cross-sectional area A, and if a force F acting along the length of the body changes the length by l , then l Longitudinal strain = , L Normal stress = F A (1)

The Youngs modulus of elasticity of the material of the body is dened as, Y= Normal stress Longitudinal strain (Newton/m2 ) (2)

Now consider a material in the form of a rectangular beam supported horizontally by two knife edges at its two ends (Fig. 1). Let L be the length of the beam between the two points of contacts with the knife edges, b be its breadth and d be its depth. Let the beam be loaded at

Fig. 1: Beam supported at its two ends and loaded at the middle.


Experiment 7: Youngs modulus of elasticity of a beam by bending the middle point by a weight W = Mg , where M is the mass of the load and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The load produces a downward bending in the beam (Fig. 1). Let be the depression, i.e. downward displacement from the original position of the middle point of the beam. Then it can be shown that the Youngs modulus of elasticity of the material of the beam is, Y= From the above equation we can write, = MgL3 4bd 3 Y (4) MgL3 4bd 3 (3)

Now if 1 and 2 are the depressions corresponding to loads M1 and M2 respectively, then 2 1 = Or, gL3 (M2 M1 ) 4bd 3 Y gL3 M Y= 4bd 3


where = 2 1 and M = M2 M1 . Therefore, given a beam with arrangements as shown in Fig. 1, the Youngs modulus of elasticity Y can be determined by measuring as a function of M and using any of the Eq. (3) or Eq. (5).

Experimental setup
The experimental setup consists of a stand which can support the sample beam horizontally at its two ends (Fig. 2). The beam can be loaded at the middle by means of a weight holder. A spherometer mounted on a separate stand is used to measure the depression of the beam. The spherometer is connected with buzzer indicator which turns on when the tip of the spherometer leg touches the beam. There are three dierent sample beams with specications as follows.

Fig. 2: Experimental setup for Youngs modulus measurement Sample beam specications: Sample beam 1 2 3 Material Iron Brass Aluminum Length (in cm) 100 100 100 30 Breadth (in cm) 2.5 2.6 2.55 Depth (in cm) 0.6 0.5 0.5

1. Make sure that the sample beam placed horizontally on the stand is tightened to the stand properly. 2. Tighten the weight holder at the center of sample with the help of screw. The weight holder is free of any load at this point. 3. Place the spherometer stand near the center of sample. 4. Adjust the spherometer screw such that its main scale reading is nearly zero. 5. Adjust the height of the spherometer in its stand such that the spherometer leg just touches the top surface at the middle of the beam. 6. Once the adjustments have been done, turn the spherometer screw a little upward such that its leg now loses contact with the beam 7. Switch on power to the buzzer. 8. Now rotate the spherometer screw downward slowly and carefully such that the tip of its leg just touches the beam. At this point the buzzer circuit becomes complete and the buzzer begins to blow. 9. As soon as the buzzer begins to blow, stop rotating the spherometer screw and switch o power to the buzzer. 10. Note down the spherometer main scale reading, m and circular scale reading, s. The total reading is m + s L.C., where L.C. is the least count of the spherometer (see Table 1). Call this reading under no load condition as y0 . 11. Now place a 500 gm weight on the weight holder with a T-pin at the bottom. At this stage, the spherometer leg loses contact with the sample beam. 12. Switch on power to the buzzer. 13. Rotate the spherometer screw downward slowly and carefully again, until the buzzer begins to blow. As soon as the buzzer begins to blow, stop rotating the spherometer screw and switch o power to the buzzer. 14. Note down the spherometer readings again and evaluate the total y1 . 15. Calculate the depression, 1 = y1 y0 for the given load M = 500 gm and tabulate the value as shown in Table 1. 16. Place more 500 gm weights one by one for total weight up to 2.0 Kg. In each case, determine the depression n produced as indicated in steps 12-16. 17. Steps 7-16 above give the depression n of the beam as a function of load M for increasing load. Now determine n for the same values of M , but this time with decreasing load as follows. 18. With the previous total load still on the weight holder, rotate the spherometer screw upward so that there is sucient gap between the tip of the spherometer leg and the beam. At the point, the buzzer is in switched o condition. 31

Experiment 7: Youngs modulus of elasticity of a beam by bending 19. Switch on power to the buzzer. 20. Remove one 500 gm load from the holder. The middle point of the beam moves upward. 21. Rotate the spherometer screw downward slowly and carefully, until the buzzer begins to blow. As soon as the buzzer begins to blow, stop rotating the spherometer screw and switch o power to the buzzer. 22. Determine the total reading yn for the n-th value of load M and determine the corresponding depression n . 23. Keep removing more loads one by one until there is no more load and in each case determine yn and hence the corresponding depression n for the load M present in the holder by following the same procedure as indicated in steps 18-22. 24. Calculate the mean depression n for each load M from the values obtained for load increasing and load decreasing readings. 25. Insert the values mean depressions n and the corresponding loads M obtained above in Table 2. 26. Find the dierence in depression for a particular constant weight dierence, say M = 0.5 Kg as indicated in Table 2. 27. Calculate mean from the values obtained in step 26. 28. Calculate Youngs modulus of elasticity, Y by using these values of and M in Eq. (5).

From the supplied technical specications for the sample beam, Material of the sample beam = Length, L = Breadth, b = Depth, d = Least count of the spherometer is, L.C. = . . . mm. Abbreviations used: MSR = Main scale reading, CSR = Circular scale reading


Table 1: Determination of depression of the beam a function of load M .

Sl No., n Load M (in Kg) Spherometer readings and depression of the beam for load increasing load decreasing Total Total MSR n = n = y CSR yn = m + CSR n = m + (y y ) m (yn y0 ) n 0 s L.C. s L.C. s s (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Mean n (103 m)

MSR m (mm)

0 1 2 3 4

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Table 2: Determination of for a constant load dierence M

Sl No. 0 1 2 3 4 Load M (in Kg) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Depression n (in mm) 0 = 0.0 1 = . . . 2 = . . . 3 = . . . 4 = . . . Constant load dierence M (in Kg) (in mm) 1 0 = . . . 2 1 = . . . 3 2 = . . . 4 3 = . . . Mean (in mm) Mean (in m)


Calculate Y using Eq. (5) by taking the values of and M from Table 2.

Youngs modulus of elasticity of material name is, Y = . . . Nm2 .



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Experiment 8 Newtons ring experiment

To determine the wavelength of sodium light by measuring the diameters of Newtons rings.

Newtons ring assembly, microscope with horizontal measurement, sodium vapor lamp etc.

Newtons ring experiment involves producing an interference pattern of a light beam by getting it reected from the two surfaces of a circular thin lm whose thickness varies radially from a central point. The schematics of the arrangement is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of plano-convex lens (L) placed on top a plane glass plate (P). The lower surface of the lens and the upper surface of the glass plate encloses an air lm whose thickness increases radially from the point of contact (C) of these two surfaces. A parallel beam of light from the source falls on another

R Rd

d rn

Fig. 1: Newtons ring experiment

Fig. 2: Radius of a Newtons ring

glass plate (G) at an angle of 45 . The plate reects parts of the incident light towards the air lm between L and P. This beam gets reected from the upper and lower surface of the air lm and produces an interference pattern which can observed from above by a microscope. Due to the circular symmetry of the lm thickness, the interference pattern consists of concentric circular dark and bright fringes and are called Newtons rings. Now consider a ray of light incident nearly normally on the air lm at a point at distance r from the central point C. Let d be the thickness of the lm at this radial distance. The 35

Experiment 8: Newtons ring experiment ray gets reected partially from the top surface of the lm without any phase change. Part of the ray enters the air lm and get reected from the bottom surface with a phase change of . An additional phase dierence occurs due to the optical path dierence of 2d between these two components, where is the refractive index of the lm. For air, = 1. The conditions for destructive and constructive interference are therefore, 2d = n, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . (for minima) 1 2d = n + , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . (for maxima) 2 (1) (2)

where is the wavelength of the light. The radius of the circular fringes can be obtained as follows. Let rn be the radius of the n-th dark ring. From the construction of Fig. 2,
2 rn = R2 (R d )2 2Rd

(3) d , we have (4)

where R is the radius of the spherical surface of the plano-convex lens. Since R neglected the d 2 term from the above expression. From Eq. (1) and (3),
2 rn = nR

In experiments, it is easier to measure the diameter of a ring more accurately than to measure the radius. Therefore we express the above relation in terms of diameter. If Dn is the diameter of the n-th dark ring and Dn+p is that of the (n + p)-th ring, then we get from Eq. (4), =
2 D2 Dn +p n



Thus the wavelength, of the incident light can be determined by measuring the diameters of the Newtons ring formed.

Experimental setup

Fig. 3: Newtons ring experimental setup

Fig. 4: Newtons ring microscope

The experimental setup (Fig. 3) consists of a Newtons ring microscope (Fig. 4) which has two parts. There is a traveling microscope to observe and measure the diameter of the Newtons rings. The other part is a detachable Newtons ring assembly with a plano-convex lens on top of a glass plate. Another glass plate reects light from the source towards the lens. There is a sodium vapor lamp which acts as a source of monochromatic light. 36

1. Position the Newtons ring microscope and the sodium vapor lamb enclosure such that the enclosure opening directly faces the inclined glass plate (G in Fig. 1). The plate should be inclined at 45 with horizontal. 2. Connect the Power supply for Na Lamp to the mains. Then connect the cord of the light source box to the Power supply for Na Lamp. Then switch on the power supply. 3. Wait for some time till the lamp glow bright yellowish. 4. Determine the least count of the traveling microscope. The least count is the pitch of the screw divided by the number of circular scale divisions. 5. Adjust the microscope position follows. There are two knobs (2 & 4 in Fig. 4) provided in one side of the microscope for coarse lateral and coarse vertical movement of the microscope frame. Use these two knobs to bring the microscope frame on top of the Newtons ring lens. 6. There is another knob (1 in Fig. 4) in the other side of the microscope for ner vertical movement of the microscope tube. Use this ner knob to move the microscope tube to and fro vertically in order to have a clear view of the Newtons rings. Try to obtain a good contrast between the bright and dark circular fringes. 7. Bring the cross-wire of the microscope on top of the central dark fringe with the help of the traveling microscope screw knob (1 in Fig. 4). 8. Slide the cross-wire to the left till the cross-wire line which is perperndicular to the leftright direction, lies tangentially at the 20-th dark ring. Note down the main and circular scale readings (see Table 1). 9. Now slowly slide the microscope to the right and note down the readings when the crosswire line lies tangentially at the 16-th, 12-th, 8-th and 4-th dark ring respectively. 10. Keep sliding the microscope to the right and again note down the readings when the vertical cross-wire lies tangentially at the 4-th, 8-th, 12-th, 16-th and 20-th dark ring respectively. 11. Calculate the diameter, Dn of each ring from the dierence of the right side and left side readings for a particular (n-th) ring.
2 D 2 for two rings with p = 4. The value of n will be n = 12. Calculate the dierence Dn +p n 4, 8, 12, 16.

13. Calculate the wavelength, using Eq. (5) for the pairs of rings considered above. Finally calculate the mean wavelength.

Radius of curvature of the convex surface of the plano-convex lens, R = 200 cm 37

Experiment 8: Newtons ring experiment Least count of the traveling microscope screw, L.C. = . . . cm.

Abbreviations used: MSR = Main scale reading, CSR = Circular scale reading

Table 1: Determination of wavelength, from Newtons ring experiment.

Ring No., n Microscope readings with the cross-wire on the left of center on the right of center Total Total MSR MSR an = m + bn = m + CSR CSR m m s L.C. s L.C. s s (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Diameter of the ring Dn = bn an (cm)
2 D2 Dn +p n for p = 4

2 2 Dn +p Dn

Mean (A)

(cm2 )


(in A)

4 8 12 16 20

Calculate considering the dierent pairs of rings in Table 1 and nd the mean .

Wavelength of sodium light is, = . . . A.



Experiment 9 Diraction grating experiment

To determine the wavelength of laser using Diraction grating.

Diraction grating, laser light source, viewing screen, optical bench, stands etc.

A diraction grating is a transparent plate ruled with a very large number of closely spaced parallel opaque grooves. In principle, a grating can be thought of as a set of large number of identical equally spaced thin slits separated by opaque strips. Light passing through a grating produces a diraction pattern on a screen which can be analyzed to nd the positions of bright and dark regions. Consider a plane wavefront incident on a grating surface. Portions of the

Path diff. between two adjascent rays

Fig. 1: Path dierence in diraction grating wavefront falling on the slits will be transmitted through the grating. Now each point on a wavefront falling on a slit will act as a source of secondary wavefront. Rays coming out from these points interfere with each other producing a diraction pattern on a viewing screen placed behind the grating. Moreover, beams coming from dierent slits also interfere with each other producing a net intensity distribution of light which is resultant of both the diraction eect due each single slit and interference eect due to all the N slits. Now consider a setting in which the viewing screen is placed at large distance from the grating (Fraunhoer diraction class) so that the interfering rays can be considered almost parallel (Fig. 1). Consider parallel 39

Experiment 9: Diraction grating experiment rays emerging at an angle with the horizontal line from identical points in each slit as shown in Fig. 1. The path dierence between two such adjacent rays will be d sin , where d is the distance between two slits. It can shown that the intensity of the resultant wave obtained as a result of superposition of all such rays (emerging from all points from all slit wavefronts) is given by, sin2 sin2 N I = I0 2 sin2 where I0 is a constant. and are given by = b sin , = d sin (2) (1)

where b is the slit width and is the wavelength of light used. Thus the intensity, I will vary as a function of angle . For very large N , points of highest intensity, called principal maxima will be obtained when = m, that is when, d sin m = m, m = 0, 1, 2, . . . (principal maxima) (3)

The maxima for m = 0, 1, 2 . . . are called zeroth order, rst order, second order maxima and so on, respectively. If ym is the distance of the m-th principal maxima from the central maximum, and D ( ym ) is the distance between the grating and the screen, then the corresponding diraction angle can be estimated using, m = ym D (radian) (4)

In addition to the above principal maxima, there will be a number of minima and secondary maxima between two such principal maxima. Thus we can determine the wavelength, of the incident light from Eq. (3) by measuring the diraction angle of various order principal maxima obtained.

Experimental setup

Fig. 2: Diraction grating experimental setup The experimental setup (Fig. 2) consists of an optics bench, mounted on which are a laser source, a diraction grating and a viewing screen with two measuring scales engraved perpendicularly on it. 40

1. Mount the laser source on the sliding stand at 0cm mark of the optics bench. 2. Place the grating mounted on a stand at a suitable distance from the source so that laser light falls normally on it. 3. Place the viewing screen mounted on another stand at the other end of the bench. The screen should also face the laser source normally. 4. Adjust the heights of all the three elements so that they are aligned at a same height. 5. Switch on the laser source. See that the laser light falls on the transparent portion of the grating. 6. Adjust the distance between the diraction grating and the screen so that the light beam after passing through grating produces several bright spots on the screen. 7. Adjust the position of Laser so that the diraction spots fall along the scale of screen. 8. Adjust the position of screen and the grating so that the diraction spots are sharp and bright. 9. The brightest spot at the mid point is the central maxima and symmetrically situated on both sides of the central maxima there are multiple spots of diminishing intensity. 10. The rst bright spot on either side of the central maxima is the rst order maxima. Measure the distance between the center of central maxima and center of rst bright spot on the screen (Table 1). 11. The second bright spot on either side of the central maxima is the second order maxima. Measure the distance between the center of central maxima and center of second bright spot on the screen. 12. Repeat the same procedure for 3rd and 4th order maxima. 13. Calculate the distance between two slits, d from the number of lines per cm (N0 ) of the diraction grating. 14. Note down the distance, D between grating and screen. 15. Calculate the diraction angle m of the m-th principal maximum using Eq. (4). 16. Calculate using Eq. (3) for each order of maxima considered above and nd the mean value.

Number of lines of the diraction grating per cm, N0 = 3000. Distance between two grating slits, d =
1 N0

= . . . cm.

Distance between the grating and the screen, D = . . . cm.


Experiment 9: Diraction grating experiment

Table 1: Determination of wavelength, using diraction grating.

Sl No. Order of the maxima (m) Distance of the m-th maximum from center on the left of center ym (cm) on the right of center ym (cm) Mean, ym = (ym + ym )/ 2 (cm) Diraction sin m angle, m = ym /D (rad)

Wavelength, Mean =
d sin m m


(in A)

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Calculate considering the dierent m in Table 1 and nd the mean .

Wavelength of the used laser light is, = . . . A.



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