Enhancement of Rock Slope Engineering Practice Based On Findings of Landslide Studies

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Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative


GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 10 (TGN 10) Enhancement of Rock Slope Engineering Practice Based on Findings of Landslide Studies
Issue No.: 1 Revision: A Date: 1.7.2004 Page: 1 of 8

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SCOPE This Technical Guidance Note (TGN) presents some technical guidelines on selected aspects in respect of investigation, design, construction and maintenance of rock cut slopes, with particular reference to observations and lessons learnt from studies of engineered rock cut slope failures. It is intended to supplement the information given in Section 5 of the Geotechnical Manual for Slopes (GCO, 1984), Geoguide 2 (GCO, 1987), Sections 2 and 4 of Geoguide 3 (GCO, 1988), Section 5 of Geoguide 1 (GEO, 1993) and Sections 4 and 7 of the Highway Slope Manual (GEO, 2000). Any feedback on this TGN should be directed to Chief Geotechnical Engineer/Landslip Preventive Measures 1 of the GEO. TECHNICAL POLICY The technical guidelines promulgated in this TGN were agreed by GEO Geotechnical Control Conference (GCC) in November 2002. RELATED DOCUMENTS Evans, N.C. & Irfan, T.Y. (1991). Landslide Studies 1991 : Blast-induced Rock Slide at Shau Kei Wan, November 1991. Special Project Report No. SPR 6/91, Geotechnical Engineering Office, Hong Kong, 115 p. Geotechnical Control Office (1984). Geotechnical Manual for Slopes (Second edition). Geotechnical Control Office, Hong Kong, 295 p. Geotechnical Control Office (1987). Guide to Site Investigation (Geoguide 2). Geotechnical Control Office, Hong Kong, 353 p. Geotechnical Control Office (1988). Guide to Rock and Soil Descriptions (Geoguide 3). Geotechnical Control Office, Hong Kong, 189 p. Geotechnical Engineering Office (1993). Guide to Retaining Wall Design (Geoguide 1) (Second edition). Geotechnical Engineering Office, Hong Kong, 297 p. Geotechnical Engineering Office (2000). Engineering Office, Hong Kong, 114 p. Highway Slope Manual. Geotechnical


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Geotechnical Engineering Office (2001). Guidelines on Recognition of Geological Features Hosting, and Associated with, Silt- and Clay-rich Layers Affecting the Stability of Cut Slopes in Volcanic and Granitic Rocks. GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 4, Geotechnical Engineering Office, Hong Kong, 8 p.

[2998][C:\ TGN10-rock slope-final.doc][1.7.2004][THHH]

Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 10 (TGN 10) Enhancement of Rock Slope Engineering Practice Based on Findings of Landslide Studies
Issue No.: 1 Revision: A Date: 1.7.2004 Page: 2 of 8


Halcrow China Limited (2001). Detailed Study of Selected Landslides on Slope No. 11NE-D/C45, Hiu Ming Street, Kwun Tong. Landslide Study Report No. 7/2001, Geotechnical Engineering Office, Hong Kong, 96 p. Hencher, S.R. (1981). Report on Slope Failure at Yip Kan Street (11SW-D/C86) Aberdeen on 12th July 1981. Geotechnical Control Office Report No. GCO 16/81, Geotechnical Control Office, Hong Kong, 26 p. Leung, B.N., Leung, S.C. & Franks, C.A.M. (1999). Report on the Rock Slope Failure at Cut Slope 11NE-D/C7 along Sau Mau Ping Road on 4 December 1997. GEO Report No. 94, Geotechnical Engineering Office, Hong Kong, 69 p. Maunsell Geotechnical Services Ltd. (2002). Detailed Study of the 9 June 2001 Rockfall Incident at Slope No. 11NW-A/C58 at Castle Peak Road below Wah Yuen Tsuen. Landslide Study Report No. 4/2002, Geotechnical Engineering Office, Hong Kong, 72 p. TECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS GROUND INVESTIGATION An engineering geological model should be established for the site based on published information including geological maps, previous ground investigations and past studies (including area engineering geological studies such as those carried out by the GEO following the 1995 Fei Tsui Road and Shum Wan Road landslides), together with relevant landslide study reports. An initial appraisal should be made of the overall geological setting and likely regional structural domains in developing the engineering geological model. The model should be continually reviewed and refined in the light of additional information. Detailed engineering geological mapping should be carried out by geotechnical professionals with adequate engineering geological knowledge and local experience. The mapping should focus on inspection of exposures, including exposures in the vicinity of the site. Special emphasis should be given to identifying adverse geological features in the mapping of discontinuities. Attention should also be given to identifying dilated rock joints or open joints with infill or sediment which could indicate progressive slope deterioration and/or adverse groundwater conditions. The mapping should be done with reference to the insight gained from the initial appraisal of geological setting and likely regional structural domains. Particular care must be taken to ensure that apparently minor, but kinematically significant joint sets or individual joints are not overlooked. The relevance of the data to be collected should be critically considered




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Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 10 (TGN 10) Enhancement of Rock Slope Engineering Practice Based on Findings of Landslide Studies
Issue No.: 1 Revision: A Date: 1.7.2004 Page: 3 of 8

to avoid collection of large quantities of measurements that may have little relevance to stability assessment. The key is to ensure that the sample of joint measurements is representative of the overall picture. 4.1.4 Large-scale rock slope failures have occurred involving laterally persistent discontinuities such as sheeting joints. The key characteristics of such adverse geological features must be adequately mapped. The waviness of a sheeting joint could involve local steepening of the joint dip angle behind the slope face, which can be difficult to detect in practice. In case of concern, designers could consider specifying inclined drillholes to assist in the detection of such possible adverse feature. Slopes covered with hard surfacing will require surface stripping or window openings for mapping. Reference should also be made to photographs (e.g. from construction records or maintenance records) showing the condition of the rock slope prior to applying the hard surface cover, where available. Simple chainage markers as well as level markers should be established where practicable to facilitate clear reference to the locations of the mapped features. The frequent use of marked-up transparent overlays on photographs, including stereo-pairs where appropriate, to illustrate the key features mapped is recommended. An appreciation of the geological setting together with surface mapping will provide a basis for assessing the appropriate and cost-effective combination of investigation methods (e.g. drillholes, impression packer, acoustic televiewer, geophysical survey, piezometers and appropriate field tests). Site-specific laboratory tests may be carried out to characterise the operational shear strength where considered necessary. The assessment of the joint shear strength should take account of roughness and persistence of the joint, influence of any weak infill, etc. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The practice of relying on conventional stereographic projections and generalised assumptions about joint strength, groundwater, block size, etc. may not be adequate to cater for local weaknesses in the rock mass. Local variations in the slope surface profile that could make minor instabilities kinematically feasible may not be identified if generalised assumptions about the slope profile are made in stereographic analysis. Where appropriate, sensitivity analysis should be carried out to allow for local variations in the slope surface profile.


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[2998][C:\ TGN10-rock slope-final.doc][1.7.2004][THHH]

Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 10 (TGN 10) Enhancement of Rock Slope Engineering Practice Based on Findings of Landslide Studies
Issue No.: 1 Revision: A Date: 1.7.2004 Page: 4 of 8


Caution should be exercised to avoid over-reliance on simple statistical computer programs because kinematic analysis using joint sets derived from a contoured stereoplot may obscure the variability of discontinuity orientations. With the use of statistical computer programs, the significance of some of the infrequent but critical joints may be missed. Designers should be involved in the site mapping and examine the original uncontoured joint data to critically appraise the results of stereographic analysis. For an existing rock slope, designers should rely less on the stereoplots and more on field mapping to directly identify the problematic blocks. Designers should bear in mind that over-emphasis on the calculated Factors of Safety based on simplified assumptions could be misleading. Engineering judgement, together with detailed field mapping of the slope, is important in assessing and prescribing the necessary slope works. Large-scale engineering geological drawings and marked-up transparent overlays to photographs showing all salient features of the rock mass, including locations and extent of potentially unstable blocks and areas of seepage as well as dimensioned locations, extent and details of the proposed support and drainage measures should be prepared. The majority of failures of engineered rock cut slopes in Hong Kong involve minor rockfalls due to local adverse groundwater regimes and/or loose or unstable blocks. The latter may be associated with the presence of weaker, more weathered and/or closely jointed rock within a generally strong rock mass and these local features can be especially vulnerable to deterioration. Such minor rockfalls can be difficult to guard against in design. Although the chance of direct impact by a small rockfall is not high, the consequence in the event of direct impact could be serious given the nature of the material. A pragmatic approach is to provide suitable protective and mitigation measures such as rock mesh netting, rockfall fence, rock trap or rock ditch, rockfall barrier or buffer zone (where space permits) in order to mitigate the consequence and hence reduce the risk of minor rockfalls. Such provisions should be regarded as an integral part of the design in that minor rockfalls successfully retained by the above measures as intended should not be regarded as a failure taking into account the design mitigation measures. Specific unstable blocks and seepage locations should be dealt with by means of appropriate local support and drainage measures. However, in the case of a heavily jointed or intensely fractured rock mass, patterned rock dowelling in conjunction with prescriptive subsurface drainage measures and rock mesh netting could be an appropriate solution. The identification of the weaker parts of the rock mass and seepage locations requiring works can only be specified in detail once the rock face is exposed during construction. A hard cover, such as shotcrete, to the entire rock face is generally not necessary and should be avoided on aesthetic grounds. However, the provision of a hard cover (e.g. stone pitching) together with subsurface drainage measures to local patches of weaker rock mass to limit infiltration and deterioration may be justified from slope stability point of view, subject to appropriate landscape treatment.




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Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 10 (TGN 10) Enhancement of Rock Slope Engineering Practice Based on Findings of Landslide Studies
Issue No.: 1 Revision: A Date: 1.7.2004 Page: 5 of 8


As only a small amount of water is needed to fill up rock joints and lead to high cleft water pressure, extreme caution should be exercised in assessing the design groundwater condition. Sufficient subsurface drainage provisions should be prescribed in order to minimise the uncertainty and sensitivity associated with groundwater response in rock slopes. Concentrated surface runoff resulting from a hard cover (e.g. to the soil portion) above an exposed rock face with no drainage provisions at the junction of the two faces can contribute to promoting water ingress and deterioration. Adequate drainage measures should be provided to avoid excessive runoff being diverted to the exposed rock face. Consideration may be given to using baffle walls instead of U-channels on berms as the upstand can also serve to catch minor rockfalls. Alternatively, a flexible rockfall fence together with drainage provisions may be provided along the berm. Where space permits, a berm planter box or trough could be provided which will enhance slope appearance as well as assist to catch minor rockfalls. CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS Very often the design of the necessary works for both new and existing rock slopes can only be finalised during the construction stage. Design reviews during construction are critical to refine the preliminary design when the rock face is well exposed and more extensive access scaffolding is available for mapping. Design reviews during construction call for input by geotechnical professionals with adequate engineering geological knowledge and local experience. Design amendments (which may involve an increase or a reduction of the support or drainage measures), together with adequate documentation of the key assumptions and judgement made, should be undertaken as necessary. Site inspections by geotechnical professionals responsible for independent checking of the slope design should be carried out at critical stages of the works including site inspections to vet the design assumptions (and proposed design amendments as appropriate) based on the actual ground conditions encountered. Scaling of loose blocks must be carried out with care so as not to adversely affect the stability of the remainder of the rock face. Care is also needed during the removal of local hard surface cover as loose blocks may be present behind the cover. Where there is excessive grout loss during installation of rock dowels or bolts, voids or open joints behind the slope face could be filled up leading to blockage of subsurface flow paths. In such cases, the adequacy of subsurface drainage provisions should be re-appraised and additional measures provided as appropriate.



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[2998][C:\ TGN10-rock slope-final.doc][1.7.2004][THHH]

Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 10 (TGN 10) Enhancement of Rock Slope Engineering Practice Based on Findings of Landslide Studies
Issue No.: 1 Revision: A Date: 1.7.2004 Page: 6 of 8


In the formation of new rock cuts, care should be exercised where blasting or substantial rock breaking is to be carried out to minimise excessive fracturing of the rock mass. Potential hazards and mitigation measures should be identified as part of the blasting assessment and agreed method statements for the work should be strictly adhered to. Expanding agents for rock breaking should be used with due care; where these are used, adequate measures need to be taken to prevent uncontrolled flow which may adversely affect the stability of rock faces. As expanding agents can continue to expand for at least several days, time-dependent deterioration in stability can occur where there is uncontrolled or unintended flow of the expanding agents into joints. Adequate temporary rockfall mitigation measures such as catch fencing must be provided and where necessary closure of the affected facilities implemented during construction involving rock breaking or scaling operations, particularly in vulnerable situations (e.g. adjoining busy highways or occupied structures). Detailed as-built records should include large-scale engineering geological drawings (e.g. marked-up transparent overlays to photographs) depicting all the major geological features and dimensioned locations, extent and details of all support, drainage and mitigation measures. Photographic record of the exposed rock face should be made as part of the as-built record, especially where a surface cover (e.g. shotcrete to local weak zones or fibre-reinforced soil) is provided. MAINTENANCE Root wedging by vegetation may lead to opening up of rock joints which could become more susceptible to water ingress and deterioration. Where necessary, specialist advice should be sought on the appropriate treatment for trees, which should be included in the Maintenance Manual. Where there are adversely orientated rock blocks that are at risk of being dislodged by tree roots, consideration should be given to removing the rock blocks and, if judged necessary, the tree(s) too. Not all unplanned (e.g. natural) vegetation is necessarily detrimental to rock slope stability as parameters such as the type of vegetation, condition and orientation of rock joints, etc. need to be considered. Indiscriminate removal of all unplanned vegetation should be avoided. Where the rock face is covered with vegetation to the extent that a proper inspection of the rock face cannot be made, judgement should be exercised in assessing how much vegetation clearance or trimming is needed. In certain cases, it may be necessary to consider removing specific unplanned trees or shrubs on safety grounds. In such instance, appropriate means of effectively removing the unplanned vegetation, including the root system, should be adopted. Specialist advice should be sought as necessary to ensure that rapid re-growth detrimental to the stability of the slope does not occur.


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Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 10 (TGN 10) Enhancement of Rock Slope Engineering Practice Based on Findings of Landslide Studies
Issue No.: 1 Revision: A Date: 1.7.2004 Page: 7 of 8


Where improvement works such as scaling of loose blocks are recommended following an Engineer Inspection, details including the specific locations of the recommended works should be provided (e.g. shown on plan and marked-up photographs). Care should be taken in stipulating the details of any recommended sealing up of open joints which is intended to prevent water ingress from the top of the joints or provide protection against erosion of the weaker material along a joint. Blockage of flowpaths due to improper sealing which may lead to a build-up of cleft water pressure in the joint should be avoided. It is advisable to allow for a follow-up inspection after the completion of the recommended works to review the adequacy of the works and ensure that no other loose blocks are exposed following scaling and that the sealing of open joints has been done properly. ANNEXES Nil.

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(R K S Chan) Head, Geotechnical Engineering Office

[2998][C:\ TGN10-rock slope-final.doc][1.7.2004][THHH]

Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 10 (TGN 10) Enhancement of Rock Slope Engineering Practice Based on Findings of Landslide Studies
Issue No.: 1 Revision: A Date: 1.7.2004 Page: 8 of 8


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