Dan Schiller - Digital Capitalism in Crisis
Dan Schiller - Digital Capitalism in Crisis
Dan Schiller - Digital Capitalism in Crisis
Thanks to Susan G. Davis, Shinjoung Yeo and Yuezhi Zhao for their help with this text.
Copyright 2011 (Dan Schiller, [email protected]). Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd). Available at http://ijoc.org.
The concept of digital capitalism offers a way of clarifying the profoundly important role of communications and information in this global slump (Schiller, 1999). I developed this concept at a sharply different moment, during the late 1990s, as a corrective to the triumphalism then circulating around the socalled New Economy. Capital, I argued, remained at the center of the political economy even as the market system was restructured to accept a profitable informationintensive orientation. This remains true today. But circumstances have altered decisively. For the first time in 75
years, the world is mired in a downturn that originated in the developed market economiesthe slumps epicenter is the historical hub of information and communications technology (ICT) innovation (McNally, 2011; Walker, 2010). The theory of digital capitalism now must ask: How is the political economys escalating reliance on communications and information linked to todays crisis? And, moving from there: How may communications and information figure in its eventual resolution, as the global market system reorganizes? Information and Communications in Capitals SpatialTemporal Fix Our starting point is the 1970s. Responding to what was then the most severe downturn of the postwar era, U.S. elites sought to restore profitable market growth by developing what David Harvey (2003, pp. 8788) calls a spatiotemporal fix. Within the manysided and contingent process of reconstruction that followed, information and communications played an axial role. Consider first the 40year flood of capital into finance. encompass more than bankers avarice. supplied the enabling context. The roots of this financialization
Judith Stein (2010, p. 296) explains how, after the United States
abandoned the fixed peg of the Gold Standard, transnational corporations doing business in multiple national markets and currencies sought means of hedging risks arising from newly volatile exchange rates. Meanwhile, overcapacity and growing competition in the manufacturing industry placed pressure on corporations existing accumulation strategies, motivating a flight into financial vehicles. Stagnating wages, finally, stimulated household demand for credit and a willingness to take on debt (Harvey, 2010; Reich, 2010). Financialization emerged as an overarching economic syndrome (Brenner, 2009; Foster & Magdoff, 2009). Finance, in turn, became a site of massive ICT investment, to support both networked services and mathematically complex product innovations. From the late 1960s remake of Wall Street around Financial services companies computerized trading, and Citibank CEOs Walter Wristons (1979) subsequent encomiums to the information standard, we may trace an unbroken line to the present. constitute the second largest sectoral source of demand for ICTs, following the communications industry (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). And big banks may lavish greater resources on technology than tech companies themselves. In 2008, Citigroup employed 25,000 software developers and spent an estimated $4.9 billion on ICT (Guerrera, 2009). With the deregulation and increasing interlinkage of global finance, the new tools and products allowed risk to be repackaged and spread across the world. This dispersal of individual risk turned out,
however, to spread systemic risk: When the crisis erupted in an obscure corner of the U.S. market for mortgagebacked securities, networked crossborder financial chains circulated its lethal impulse outward instantaneously (IMF, 2009; Tett, 2011). A second crucial means of restoring profitable growth stemmed from the federal government and, in particular, from the U.S. Department of Defense. Coming out of World War II, corporate capital had allied with military agencies to launch what became a sustained technological revolution in information processing and communications. Project SAGE and the DEWline were formative examples. A decade or so later, the Vietnam War engendered new visions around the socalled electronic battlefield (Klare, 1972); visions of netcentric warfare became successively more grandiose. Internet era. ICTs have become intrinsic elements in the machinery of war (Schiller, 2008). Here is the Deputy Secretary of Defense (Lynn, 2010, p. 98), writing in a recent issue of Foreign Affairs: Information technology enables almost everything the U.S. military does: logistical President Reagans Star Wars, or Strategic Defense Initiative (Mosco, 1989), of course catapulted weapons spending into the
support and global command and control of forces, realtime provision of intelligence, and remote operations. Every one of these functions depends heavily on the militarys global communications backbone, which consists of 15,000 networks and seven million computing devices across hundreds of installations in dozens of countries. 90,000 people work full time to maintain it. In one estimate, the defense departments 2011 information technology (IT) budget exceeds $36 billion, approaching half of the federal governments overall spending on IT (IT Dashboard, 2010). The contradiction between this lethal hightech apparatus and humanitys need for peaceable reconstruction remains acute. The third and fourth vectors of ICT growth ran together as, in the wake of the 1970s profit squeeze, capital also broadly reorganized the system of production. One was directed at cutting labor costs. Crucial here was the innovation of lean production practices, in which ITheavy but employee light systems were introduced in an expanding series of work settings (Moody, 1997). Real wages in the United States dropped by 10% between 1978 and 1983, and, beginning in 1979, the value of U.S. labor power fell for the remainder of the century (McNally, 2011, pp. 36, 48). Contributing to the decline were concurrent attacks on unions, reduced government support for social services, downsizing, outsourcing and rapidly growing foreign direct investment (FDI). Attempts to reduce labor costs succeeded beyond the imagination of corporate leaders during the Nixon era. The flooding of the global market for labor power with a couple of billion peoplethroughout China, the old Soviet Bloc, and other parts of what was once a more independent Third World (Prashad, 2007)marks an outstanding feature of our times. Harvey (2010) underlines the profoundly contradictory result: Its success in pursuing wage repression means that capital must now contend with flagging consumer demand. Like financialization, however, newly accelerated FDI came about not only because of More than
capitals power but also because of its vulnerability. Renewed intercapitalist competition and deepening excess capacity drove capital to seek out new investment outlets for the surplus that was the crushing result of its own prior successes. Big companies had long been purchasing factories, offices, mines and plantations outside the U.S. domestic market (Appel, 2007). The motivations varied case by case: cheapened labor power, enhanced market access, new sources of natural resources. The nearinstant doubling of the worlds wage labor supply, however, gave strong new priority to corporate efforts to reorganize their production systems. Transnational corporations (TNCs) began to set up integrated crossborder supply chains to sell into multiple national marketsincluding the United States. that same country. No longer. As recently as 30 years ago, writes the No car or directorgeneral of the WTO (Lamy, 2011), products were assembled in one country, using inputs from Today the concept of country of origin is obsolete . . . commercial jet could now be built with inputs from just one country. Manufacturing of the iPhone, which has been welldocumented, links nine companies in seven countries (Asian Development Bank, 2010). In March 2011, Japans triplecatastropheearthquake, tsunami, and nuclear reactor meltdownswiftly engendered knockon effects as it began to interfere with justintime global supply chains in automobile and electronics production (Tett, 2011). Corporate information systems were repeatedly reengineered, in light of shifts in strategy, public policy, and networking technology. This internationalization of production (UNCTAD, 2010, p. xviii), however, remained hinged to information and communications technology. Corporate or enterprise networks indeed account for the lions share of all networkrelated spending (Parker & Taylor, 2010). A trade association reports (WITSA, 2010, p. 15) that consumer spending on ICTs comprises merely one third of the total marketbusiness and government accounted for more than twothirds. The consumer market, however, was and remains vital as a springboard into new territories of profit, in Gary Fields (2004) term. It accordingly constituted a fifth key site of change in response to the crisis of the 1970s. What I have called accelerated commodification (Schiller, 2007, pp. 3457) propelled a series of changes in and around communications, starting from a spectacular buildup of investment to upgrade and extend liberalized network infrastructures. Communications and the Enlargement of Commodity Culture Liberalization began in the giant U.S. domestic market but quickly moved beyond it. What had been a welfarist, typically governmentoperated, service was reorganized into a corporatecommercial function. Between 1988, when Chile privatized its incumbent telecommunications operator, and 2005, more than 80 less developed countries underwent privatization (World Bank, 2006, p. 7). Enormous system buildouts followed as surplus investment funds surged into the sector. Within countries where it had been prohibited or substantially restricted by the state, a major new outlet for transnational capital was secured. FDI flowing into the less developed countries telecommunications systems increased tenfold during the decade after 1990 (World Bank, 2006, p. 7).
Networks drew more investment in developing countrieshundreds of billions of dollarsthan any other industry (Verizon, 2010, p. 8). Foreign direct investment became a majorperhaps the majordriver of system development, and this tendency persisted after 2000, as greenfield projects replaced privatizations as the major growth nexus (World Bank, 2006, p. 17; World Bank, 2010). The Internet, as it became popular, both built on and further stimulated this investment. continuing cascade of new Internetenabled services and distribution channels has A
unprecedentedly wideranging market destabilization. One notable example is voiceover Internet protocol (VOIP). In a mere five years, Skype has become the worlds largest supplier of crossborder voice communications. Crossborder traffic routed by Skype . . . is projected to grow by an astonishing 45 billion minutes in 2010more than twice the volume added by all of the worlds phone companies, combined (TeleGeography, 2011). Another is the market shocks around wireless applications, as subscriptions approach 4.5 billion (Pignal, 2010), so that mobiles can function as a strategic platforma third screenalongside televisions and computers. The mythology of creative destruction overshadows a more fundamental feature: the unleashing of a rampant impulse to commodification. Consider feebased cultural commodities. Here a small group of companies, led by Apple, Amazon, Google, and Facebook has muscled in on longentrenched oligopolies over musical recording, books, games, and film (Naughton, 2011; Tabuchi, 2009; Waters, 2011). The interlopers have built new distribution systems around new software platforms and often proprietary equipmentiPhones, iPads, Kindles, XBoxes. As compact disc markets collapse, the handful of conglomerates whose music subsidiaries channel the lions share of global recording have had to cede profits to Apple. These conglomerates film subsidiaries still control traditional movie distribution, but now they must contend not only with dwindling DVD sales and illegal file sharing, but also Netflixs streaming service. These conglomerates publishing subsidiaries dominate the U.S. book trade; but this staid industry is now witnessing especially vicious struggles. Traditional publishers and bookstores must try to contend not only with Walmart, but also with Amazons killingly low retail prices and bullying tactics. Googles cutthroat strategy (now facing an unexpected judicial reverse and a counteroffensive by way of a proposed digital public library of America) has been predicated on the plunder of millions of volumes tended on behalf of the public by academic libraries and librarians (Auletta, 2009; Darnton, 2009a, 2009b, 2011; Helft, 2011; Vaidhyanathan, 2011). Feebased cultural commodities are recomposing as new products, sold via new distribution systems, as a new set of big owners emerges. A similar phenomenon is evident around advertiserdependent media services. YouTube, Googles TV unit purchased five years ago for $1.65 billion, may be leading a transition away from conventional television, but it is distinctly not transcending advertiser patronage; indeed, YouTube has undergone an obsequious redesign in order to bring it more fully in line with advertisers expectations (Schiller & Sandvig, 2010a; Stross, 2010). Facebook, too, is hard at work rebuilding its hugely popular service around the sales function. Facebook, noted the Financial Times just last year, is desperate to attract . . . brand advertisers (Bradshaw, 2010a, 2010b). That was then. Although uncertainties remain as to whether deeply engaged users will break the magic spell in order to absorb advertisements, marketers are stampeding onto Facebook (Bradshaw, 2011). ComScore (2011) reported in January that
Social networking sites, which now account for more than onethird of all display ad impressions, were a significant driver of growth in the display ad market in 2010. Market news fixes on these corporate struggles to master the commodity logic of a turbulent communications industry. The juggling of business models is intense as companies scurry to reorder and stabilize their revenue sourcesa trend aggravated by the slump.2 The churn of new product announcements, and the endless effort to calculate how market changes will impact on share prices, crowd out other considerations. Will Amazons Kindle keep pace with Apples iPad? Will an iPhone enabled Verizon overpower AT&T? Is Facebook led by a nice man? We may take better measure of this recomposition process by remembering that there are essentially three private options for launching and financing communications products and services: investment capital, advertising, and direct feeswhether they be subscriptions, licenses or rental charges. The rebuilding of the communications system around new technologies is overwhelmingly a story of how different enterprises and whole industries are casting about between these three models. Commodificationoften, recommodificationis, in one form or another, the common denominator. There are casualties. The travails of print journalism, which have been building for decades,
supply an instructive point of reference. Print ad revenue decreased by nearly half between 2000 and 2009, while newspapers online revenue makes up for just a fraction of the shortfall (Li, 2010; Peers, 2010). As online competition intensified, the downturn hit; strategic planning then gave way to emergency measures (Bradshaw, 2009). Journalists were laid off in droves, and the overall investment in newsgathering was radically cut. A grave threat is posed to original reporting.3 During 2010, for example, a few dozen fulltime U.S. foreign correspondents attempted to cover all of China (Bollinger, 2010). I dare not even ask how many of them speak Mandarin. This is where we might remember that a fourth possible revenue modelgovernment support has been ubiquitously deployed throughout the crisis. The United States has thrown trillions of dollars at banks, insurance companies and auto makers; and it will spend billions more to underwrite broadband service nationwide. Yet it has spent nothing at all to try to ensure the functioning of effective journalism. Why should it be a heresy to suggest that journalism merits public funding? threat posed by executive power to civil liberties.
An instinctual
answer is that government financial support threatens press freedom. One must always take seriously the But whose freedom of expression is endangered by
During the worst period to datethe first half of 2009ad spending, a halftrillion dollar global outlay,
fell by more than 10% in many developed countries (Pfanner, 2009). Sales of books by members of the Association of American Publishers dropped beneath their longterm sales trend line (Association of American Publishers, 2009).
Newspapers consumed 8% of Americans collective media time in 2008, but received 20% of total
advertising; the Internet garnered 29% of our media time, but attracted only 8% of advertising. Commercial air is being let out of one section of the apparatus of selling, and pumped into another (Auletta, 2009, p. 261). Newspaper executives decisions to rely ever more on advertising support looks, in this context, to have been a fundamental error.
government support? The majoritarian right of the public to access wideranging news and opinion? Or the property right of media owners to pursue commodification as they may choose? Accountability will attach to federal funding, and accountability in turn will encroach on the sanctity of proprietary accumulation by media conglomerates. In the historical source and current center of digital capitalism, such a transgression is deemed unacceptable. As this discussion suggests, the commodity logic of a restructured communications industry ramifies far beyond the cutandthrust of clashing business strategies. There are also other ramifications. Notably, does the crisis signify that the dynamism of digital capitalism is now exhausted? Renewed Growth Around Information and Communications? David Harvey (2010) makes an essential point: Crises are, as it were, the irrational rationalisers of an always unstable capitalism. . . . We have always to ask: What is it that is being rationalized here and what directions are the rationalizations taking, since these are what will define not only our manner of exit from the crisis but the future character of capitalism? (p. 71) In this connection it is again crucial, though Harvey doesn't do so, to revisit the role of communications and information. As it took shape, digital capitalism gave a fresh impulse to accumulation, andespecially during the 1990sencouraged a fetishistic belief in information as a growth zone and detoxifying agent (Mosco, 2004). This enthusiasm, to be sure, did not resolve capitalisms crisis tendenciesas has now been amply demonstrated. Yet perhaps the sector continues to harbor a rejuvenating potential. May information and communications still act as a pole of growth, in a reprise of their role a generation ago? valuecreating potential? In the U.S., declining annual per capita expenditures on home video, music, newspaper and magazines have been more than compensated for by increased spending on cable TV and new media, so that overall consumer media spending increased from $740 in 2003 to $901 in 2009 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011, Table 1130, p. 711). Similarly, while residential telephone service expenditures dropped sharply between 2001 and 2008, cell phone service outlays more than tripledso that total household telephone service expenditures still grew, from $914 to $1,127 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011, Table 1147, p. 720). One admittedly selfinterested market actor (ComScore, 2011) has called 2010 a very positive year for consumer Internet services. At the bottom of the downturn, Cisco held a stash approximating $20 billion; Microsoft, $19 billion; Google, $16 billion; Intel, $10 billion; and Apple, $26 billion (Vance, 2008; Waters, 2009). These hoards, which have since grown much larger, afford a measure of liquidityof maneuverabilitythat eludes capital based in less fortunate economic segments and geographic regions. Undoubtedly, some of these funds will go toward acquiring struggling competitors (Vance, 2008). Might the growth of these Will the crisis develop, or be managed, in such a way as to unleash this
gigantic hoards, however, also signify a lack of profitable investment opportunities even in the information sector? Blockages assuredly exist, but, as I argued (Schiller, 1999; Schiller, 2007) in Digital Capitalism, radical politicaleconomic change may yet transform activities historically provided mostly as social services into profitable commodities. This sectors prospective investment and profit potentials indeed have not been fully tapped. One helpful indicator pertains to the continuing modernization of network systems. Capital
expenditures on information processing equipment and software have been on an upward course for decades (Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2011),4 growing impressively as a proportion of all nonresidential fixed investment in equipment (as opposed to structures) between 1970 and 1990. During the 1990s, information technology investment increased by an astounding 18% per year, before falling after the Internet bubble popped (Council of Economic Advisors, 2010, p. 127). U.S. annual private investment in information processing equipment and software reportedly doubled between 1995 and 2009, growing 2.5 times faster than other U.S. private fixed investment (Council of Economic Advisors, 2011, p. 65). At $296 billion, according to the Census Bureaus 2008 Information Communication and Technology Survey (the latest year for which reliable data are available), capital investment in information and communications technology including commercial software accounted for some 36% of overall corporate spending on equipment (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). 5 The crisis has not eliminated the need by all industry segments, from manufacturing to finance to communications, for a continually modernized information infrastructure; and investment in information processing equipment and software remains a driver of overall economic growth, especially as capital investment has been diverted into finance (Council of Economic Advisors, 2011, pp. 21, 37). Communication infrastructure investment, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (2009, p. 13) tells us, plays an increasingly important role in total investment within a country. Network investment not only undergirds surging international Internet trafficby 55% in 2008, 60%, in 2009, and a projected 56% in 2010significantly ahead of the trend prior to the downturn
Grateful thanks to Valerie Strang, Chief of the Business Investment Branch, Company Statistics
Division, U.S. Census Bureau, and David Wasshausen Chief, Capital Stock Branch, Bureau of Economic Analysis, both of the U.S. Department of Commerce, for assistance in helping me to use these statistics. Neither of these individuals bears any responsibility for the uses to which I put their comments.
The statistics supplied by a different agency of the Commerce Department are even larger, chiefly
because they include inhouse production of software for inhouse use (Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2011). Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Economic Accounts, National Income and Product Accounts Table, Table 5.3.5. Private Fixed Investment by Type, Last Revised January 28, 2011. Retrieved February 4, 2011, from http://www.bea.gov/national/nipaweb/TableView.asp?SelectedTable=145&ViewSeries=NO&Java=no&Req uest3Place=N&3Place=N&FromView=YES&Freq=Year&FirstYear=2008&LastYear=2010&3Place=N&AllYear sChk=YES&Update=Update&JavaBox=no#Mid
(TeleGeography, 2009; TeleGeography 2010a, 2010b). In a less exact but more encompassing sense, network systems and applications also permit powerful corporate and state actors to prepare great tracts of sociocultural practicenotably, educationfor private investment; and to remake other sectors, such as medicine and agricultural biotechnology and energy distribution and road transport (Cookson, 2010; Council of Economic Advisors, 2011, pp. 6669), around a comparable profit impulse. In principle, fresh cycles of accumulation are feasible within this still expansionary zone. We must therefore look for signs, within the evolving crisis, of efforts to hasten and secure these extensions of the accumulation process. But how may this rationalization take shape? One thing is certain: it will be no mere
mechanical exercise. International developments underline that communications are becoming an arena of intensifying struggle to reshape the world political economy. The Geopolitics of Information The collapse of Soviet socialism, Chinas embrace of capitalism, and a concurrent acquiescence to U.S.originated neoliberal policies by elites throughout the least developed countries. The scale of capitals search for profitable sites of surplus absorption is now planetary: The universal market discussed 40 years ago by Harry Braverman (1974) has been actualized. The dominance of U.S. capital throughout the process merits emphasis. The transnational
supply of corporate routing equipment is led by Cisco, search engines and online video by Google, social networking by Facebook, and totemic smartphones and other consumer appliances by Apple. Intel dominates semiconductors; Oracle, business software; Microsoft, desktop operating systems. U.S.based companies are not only the leaders in supply, but also in demand and use: From Walmart to General Electric, U.S. corporations integration of Internetbased systems and applications set a global standard (Council of Economic Advisors, 2011, p. 65; Mann, 2006, p. 1). U.S.based new media have defined and occupied much of the newly global capitalist political economy, quickly attaining a scale that begs comparison. While there exist problems of measurement and valid comparison, consider that Skypes free Internet phone service claimed 560 million users in the year to June 30, 2010 (Gelles, 2010; TeleGeography, 2009). Midway through 2010, Facebook drew 500 million users; Microsoft, 789 million; Yahoo, 633 million (Waters, 2010). Google obtained more than a billion searches each day by 2009 (Kuhn, 2009). There is pronounced unevenness, requiring careful elaboration. But Facebook is visited by 92% of the Internet population in Turkey, 87% in Indonesia, and (merely) 67% in the United States (Waters, 2010). This goes far to explain how the company could be valued in January 2011 at $50 billion (Sorkin & Rush, 2011). These numbers compare favorably with those garnered by the very largest global television networks and, in addition, web services gain a competitive advantage through their unrivaled capacities for audience measurement and tracking (Chester, 2007). U.S.based companies have built up transnational media platforms that aspiring rivals will find difficult to dislodge.6
Communications and media thereby exemplify a larger trend. Between the 1970s and the 2000s, Nolan
and Zhang (2010, pp. 98, 107) show, across a wide range of industries the commanding heights of the world economy became occupied chiefly by large companies from the advanced economies, the most
United Statesbased capital and the U.S. state have mounted an offensive to retain dominance over this strategic pole of profitable growth (Schiller & Sandvig, 2011). But this is a struggle. New sites of economic dynamism and market strength have emerged. Geopolitical power is less concentrated than it was in the aftermath of the Soviet Unions collapse. There is fresh maneuvering room, because the United States, already overextended, has been additionally weakened by the crisis. Disagreements are intensifying over how the world political economy should be overhauled to resolve todays crisis. This lends a keen edge to the competition for mastery of the coveted sources of aboveaverage profitability, notably, communications and information. Developments in the Peoples Republic of China possess exceptional interest in this respect. Chinese leaders have succeeded in reserving their own national market in communications for homegrown, often stateaffiliated, companies (Han, 2011; Hong, 2011; Zhao, 2008; Zhao, 2010). Domestic suppliers and service providers are market leaders: from gaming site 4399 and game publisher Shanda to CCTV and Shanghai Media Group, from ecommerce giant Alibaba to social network sites Renren and Kaixin, to microblogger site Weibo, to online video site Youku, to network operators China Mobile and China Telecom, to news agency Xinhua, to PC manufacturer Lenovo and search engine Baidu. It is symptomatic that the top four web portalsSohu, Sina, Tencent, Neteaseclaimed nearly threequarters of the sectors revenue in 2009 (Deibert et. al., 2010, p. 453). Although it would be profoundly mistaken to view China as an autarky, and although advertising in particular exhibits substantial outside investment and influence, U.S. transnationals have been kept at arms length from service provision and many applications. The nature of this achievement should be specified. Chinese capital is not on a par with the U.S., European, and Japanesebased companies that in many markets have already built up transnational production and distribution chains (Nolan & Zhang, 2010).7 Only exceptionally have Chinese extraterritorial groups such as the network equipment vendor Huawei become global leaders (OBrien, 2009). Yet Chinas success in reserving its own national market in communications is remarkable in its own right. It constitutes a pronounced exception to the post-World War II historical pattern, in which national communications markets and audiovisual spaceseven in such countries as Brazil and France came to be dominated by TNCs. As well, it is occurring in the worlds second largest economy. China, furthermore, continues to enjoy high growth, even as stagnation and fiscal crisis persists throughout Europe, North America and Japan; and, finally, China may be poised to use economic policy to spur domestic consumption. China's sizzling communications market only adds to the allure; at latest count, the country boasted 450 million broadband users and 584 million wireless subscribers (TeleGeography
successful of which vastly expanded their international investment, building production networks across the globe and attaining unprecedented scale and market power.
Competition After the Financial Crisis, NLR 64, JulyAugust 2010, pages 97108. Growing Chinese foreign direct investment is occurring from a very modest base and, as Nolan and Zhang (2010) have underlined, these efforts to transnationalize are taking place in a field crowded with formidably entrenched corporate behemoths.
CommsUpdate, 2011a, 2011b). For this reason, developments in China's domestic market command outsized extraterritorial importance. Conflict over access to Chinese markets has therefore duly escalated (Schiller & Sandvig, 2010b). On one side, we see a major executive branch initiative to push forward the longstanding U.S. policy of free flow of information (Schiller & Sandvig, 2011). On the other side, we see newly assertive efforts by Chinese party-state leaders to build a transnational communications industry, and impressive (though so far unsuccessful) attempts by network vendor Huawei to gain entry into the U.S. market for advanced communications systems and service (Kirchgaessner & Hille, 2011). Giuseppe di Lampedusas (2007, p. 18) fictional formulation, in The Leopard, famously captured the kind of dominative logic that applies today: If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change. Still, this is not a sufficient endpoint. Movement within the political economy encompasses more than a mechanistic capital logic, however much of this logic may be revised to foreground digital sites of accumulation. We are living through a process of change whose character is both contingent and contested, and whose outcomes will be determined by the balance of social forces within particular societies and across the world. In order for digital capitalism to be reconstituted there will, as David Harvey (2010) concludes, . . . have to be wrenching and painful shifts in the geographical and sectoral locus of capitalist class power. The capitalist class cannot, if history is any guide, maintain its power without changing its character and moving accumulation on to a different trajectory and into new spaces (such as east Asia). (pp. 215216) Efforts will be made to impose additional concessions on already hard-pressed populations in lower-growth regions such as the United States and Western Europein living standards and in democratic liberties. Today, the offloading of debt from private financial institutions to government is being used as a basis for inflicting austerity budgets in Western Europe and the United States. As these exactions bite more deeply into social experience, there is every reason to forecast that popular opposition to capitals class project may intensify as indeed we have seen recently in Wisconsin and other Midwest states. That communications and information remain a pole of growth in itself gives little cause for celebration. Digital bits do not break free of social pathways, and, digital capitalism thus develops as its forbear didthrough episodes of crisis and boomand, as the people of the Middle East have been attempting to remind us, of opportunities for reconstruction along different lines.
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