The Spirit Sept 07

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6676 UTSA Blvd

San Antonio, TX 78249

September 2007

In This Issue
From Our Vicar Welcome New Members From the Bishops Warden Youth Group News Ministry Spotlight Guest Sunday Financial Update Good Sam Center Around the Community Clergy, Staff, Mission 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8

From Our Vicar...

A Letter from Camp

As I write this article, I am

at the Good Samaritan Summer Camp. We have 90 children ranging in age from seven to 16. They got off the buses just a few moments ago all smiles and wide-eyed as they stepped down onto the grass. Theyve entered into an environment they are not familiar with. Boy and girl counselors holding up signs and waving, hugs, hellos, were glad youre here A big fuss is made. The kids almost dont know what to make of it. Slowly and a bit unsure of themselves they make their way to their counselors and cabins, not sure if they should laugh or run back to the buses. As the next few days unfold, they will be loved and taught. Theyll swim, play and eat well. By Saturdays closing service they wont want to go home. Bonds will have been made that will last a long time. Next year they will want to come back and bring friends. The transformation taking place in them right this moment is subtle but profound. They are beginning to recognize that they count for something that perfect strangers can accept them before they even did anything to earn acceptance. Later tonight they will sing songs and worship with these same strangers, these
Continued on next page.

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Season of the Christian Year

May 27 Nov. 25

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The Spirit

counselors who have taken this summer to touch the lives of the next generation of Christians. They will have eaten dinner together, swum in the pool together, and unpacked their bags together. All the little things that we take for granted will be vehicles for Gods grace for the next 72 hours. Souls will have been blessed and lives will have been changed for camper and counselor alike. Camp Capers, where all this is happening, is one of many Christian camps in Texas. It is one of several Episcopal Camps in Texas and the only Episcopal Camp in our Diocese. This September 15-16 we celebrate 60 years of blessing childrens lives here. If you would like to be a part of that celebration go to our Diocesan website, In the meantime, pray for the children this summer who have been to our Camp. Pray especially for the children of the Good Samaritan Center who have found a corner of the Kingdom in the cabins of Camp Capers.

Editors note: For more information about Good Samaritan Community Services, see page 8.

We welcome to Holy Spirit the newest members of our family:

Beckie and Craig Hoaglin and children, Mikalah, and Emma Linda & Greg Boyett and children Anthony, Lauren and Robyn William and Michelle McCrary and children, William (Liam) and Therese "Tess" Jeanette Durkin Gage Pope and Melissa Somersett Mary and Bill Davidson Layman and Karen Hendrex Chris and Ashley Jackson and children, Leighton and Ansley

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From the Bishops Warden: What Holy Spirit Means to Me

As we look forward to our next Guest Sunday, I was thinking about

our church and what it means to me. This is not a perfect essay, but it's a start in articulating what makes Holy Spirit special to me. And like anything else, I can only spread the word about something I know, so I had to put my vague, ethereal feelings into solid, concrete words. In several ways, The Church of the Holy Spirit has been a lifesaver. By that, I mean that belonging to this group of people has helped me see the goodness God has created within me, especially at a time when I didn't see the point of my existence. Here, I've been given the opportunity to serve and give input. I've had opportunities to share my God-given gifts in ways I had never imagined. People here care about me. I'm noticed. I'm accepted. If I were missing for a while, someone would pick up the phone or send me an email. I believe it is the Spirit working in this community that makes it so. An important difference between our church and just a group of nice, caring people is the focus on having a relationship with God. Anyone who's been here for a little while can recognize the themes of prayer, study and worship. I know that this is a place where I can be nurtured in my spiritual growth through worship, music, direction, study and service. As I grow in spirit, I become less focused on myself, and more focused on being a kind, gentle, loving person who serves God. God gives me the strength to be gentle. I know that I can come to my priest, broken and ashamed, and be reminded that God is a loving and forgiving Father. I can be reminded that I can learn from the consequences of my actions. And as I'm dealing with the trials of life, I know that I am not alone. While no community is perfect, I have found that love can set many things right. I love this community. I believe God has a plan for us. I believe He has brought this particular group of people together for a reason. By spreading the good news of this community, we can spread the Good News of Christ!
Blessings, Erlinda Baker, Bishops Warden

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Our Middle School Youth Minister

Hello, Holy Spiriters!

I am so happy to be able to start some new

programs for our youth! As a precursor to my future writings, I was asked to write a short bio, so that you all know I am more than that girl that plays the violin. Sohere it is! I was born in the college town of Grinnell, Iowa, where my father, David, was a math professor, and my mother, a librarian. They were happy to have a playmate for their first child, Alex! Shortly after, we moved to Bolingbrook, Illinois, and then later, when I was three, to Glen Ellyn, Illinois. It was here that I began learning about the violin although I switched to the viola after a year (more opportunities!). From the age of nine and all through high school, I played in orchestra, taught some private lessons, and did lots of baby-sitting! I went to college at the University of Illinois, and majored in String Music Education. After my student teaching, I substitute taught and worked at my favorite sandwich shop, Potbelly Sandwich Works. Yum! Now, some of you are probably wondering how I ended up in Texas. A fellow String Music Education major friend of mine met Gene Dowdy while she was student teaching, and suggested looking into San Antonio. I looked into her lead, and found a job teaching at Rawlinson Middle School. That has now transitioned into me teaching private string lessons full-time and also home dcor through a direct sales business. I love listening to and playing all kinds of music, watching movies, knitting, and playing with my cat, Kajun, a 17-pound black Maine coon. Katy Reiner, Middle School Youth Minister

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Youth Activities and Events

The summer may be over but the merriment continues at Middle/

High School Youth group! We meet Wednesday evenings starting this September at 7:00 for an hour and a half of food, fun, fellowship, and faith building. Come check us out in the youth room. See you there! Other upcoming events: Rally Day: September 9 Young Musicians Group: Meetings September 9, 16, 23, and 30, from 5 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Mike Monroe, High School Youth Minister Katy Reiner, Middle School Youth Minister

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Ministry Spotlight: Greeters

ho are greeters and what do they do? Members of our Greeters Ministry faithfully show up 15 minutes early for church and welcome members and guests on assigned Sundays. Greeters ask visitors to sign the guest book, introduce them to other members, point visitors to coffee, childrens chapel or restrooms and give away gift bags. Greeters are the cheery, smiling folks that you see at the front porch before and after service.

Would you like to be a greeter, too? We have openings! Plus, this is a great way to get acquainted. Contact Linda Hadley (7671363) or Linda Constancio (265-1041) for more information. P.S. Everyone is a Greeter. When you see a new face at church, be sure to take a few minutes to introduce yourself and meet them. If you see a visitor at coffee hour please go talk to them. Remember, we were all visitors at one time!

Guest Sunday Sept. 9

We will again be focusing on bringing guests to Holy Spirit on Sept.

9. You may remember that Bishop Lillibridge challenged all churches in the diocese to sponsor two Guest Sundays this year. Our goal is to reach out to those seeking a church home and those seeking the light of Christ in their lives. Who do you know who is new to our community and seeking a church family? Who do you know who is not attending a church, but expresses a desire to? Who is going through troubled times and needs a lifeline thrown to them? Who is lonely and confused, and needs Christs comfort and guidance? Remember, our mission is to bring all to Christ.

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Want to help make this a successful event at Holy Spirit?

Bring a guest; dont be afraid to invite. Be a good host; introduce your friends. Help prepare for the event by volunteering.

There will be lots of excitement that Sunday because it is also Enrollment Sunday for Childrens Sunday School. Bring a guest with children and get them signed up for Sunday School, too! Contact Linda Hadley, 767-1363, with questions or to volunteer to help.

Financial Update
July income was lower than budget; however, expenses were also lower than budget resulting in a positive Operating Profit for the first time this year. Year-to-date contributions are now 10 percent higher than 2006. Expenses continue to be better than budget although we still have a deficit of $9,932 for the year and we are now $6,500 behind on our Year-to-date Apportionment Obligation.
July YTD Total Income Total Expense Operating Profit/(Loss) $129,190 $139,123 ($9,932) b/(w) Budget ($22,173) $15,649 ($6,524)

Our financial situation has stabilized.

We are seeing expense decreases because of staff reductions. Please stay current on your pledges as we will need to be current on our Apportionment Obligation by the end of 2007. Ken Olson, Treasurer

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Good Sam Center Expands to Valley

The Good Samaritan Center, newly renamed as

Good Samaritan Community Services (GSCS) has won a $5 million government contract as the Youth Workforce System (YWS) provider for the Rio Grande Valley for the next six years. The program, Get2Work, will serve more than 6,000 at-risk youth per year in Hidalgo, Starr and Willacy counties. The agency was awarded the contract by WorkFORCE solutions, the regional Texas Workforce Commission board for the Lower Rio Grande Valley, which is funded through a grant by the U.S. Department of Labor. Get2Work targets economically disadvantaged youth ages 14 to 21. Developed at the Good Samaritan Center in San Antonio in 2002, the goal of the program is to help these young people attain the life and academic skills to obtain and keep a job. A primary emphasis is placed on finishing high school or obtaining a GED. "For several years, it has been our goal to serve more than just our immediate neighbors in San Antonio by providing services throughout South Texas," said Jill Oettinger, executive director of the agency. To do that, the agency has involved several Episcopal churches in the Valley. The Rev. Bur Dobbins, vicar of St. Peter and St. Paul in Mission, is chairman of the board of directors who will oversee the program. "About 95 percent of the board members are Episcopalians," added Oettinger. Local churches will also be involved in mentoring the young people and in helping to place them in local jobs. In order to implement the Get2Work program in the Valley Good Samaritan Community Services has updated its name and mission to better reflect its expansion. The new name better represents GSCS' increased presence at 12 Workforce Centers in the region. For more information about the program (and GSCS), visit online at Reprinted from The Church News.

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Around the Community

Mens Group 6:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 10 in Spirit Deadline Change Bring The deadline for submitting the Parish Hall. something to burn on the grill articles for The Spirit has been and enjoy some good fellowship. changed to the 15th of the month preceding publication Episcopal Church Women 6:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 24 in the Parish Hall. All women are welcome. Free childcare provided. This month we will be making our Alternative Giving Christmas cards. Proceeds from the sale of these cards will be donated to the Woman at the Well House and Good Samaritan Community Services. Intercessory Prayer Please consider signing up for this important ministry. There are no meetings to add to our already busy schedules. All you need is a desire to pray for your fellow church members. The more people who sign up, the shorter the prayer lists! Contact Kitty Hamilton, email:, for more information or if you wish to continue participating in this ministry. God bless you!

New Service Times Some of our service times have changed: Sunday: Holy Eucharist: 10:00 a.m.; Christian Education: 8:45 a.m. (Adults) 9 a.m. (Children) NuSong Evening Service: 6:00 p.m. Tuesday: Evening Prayer: 5:30 p.m.

Meditative Prayer Meditative prayer is held on Thursdays in the Childrens Chapel located in the Education Building. Everyone is welcome. You may contact Karen Dodwell if you have any questions. Call her at 830-460-1502 or email her at

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Around the Community


Choir Concert Sept. 21 The choir will be performing at 7:00 p.m. at St. David's Episcopal Church, 1300 Wiltshire Ave. The concert is free, but donations will be accepted. The choir is always looking for new members! Tawni or James Garcia will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about becoming a member of the Holy Spirit choir. Call the church office at 6996460 for more information.

To the poor he proclaimed the good news of salvation; to prisoners, freedom; to the sorrowful, joy.
Eucharistic Prayer D

Becoming a Member of Holy Spirit Also, check out these choir-related websites: musicanova

Membership transfers are only necessary for those who are currently members of another Episcopal parish. Others wishing to join Holy Spirit can get a membership form from the Church Office or at the Information Table on Sundays. If you are new to the Episcopal Church, Newcomers and Inquirers Classes are available. For more information, please contact Ginger Campbell, Church Secretary, at 699-6460.


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The Spirit The Spirit is the monthly newsletter of the Church of the Holy Spirit, San Antonio, TX. The Spirit i s p u b l i s h e d monthly Feb.-June, and Sept.-Nov., with combined issues for the months of July and August, and Dec. and Jan. Send articles to Erlinda Baker Editor, The Spirit 6673 UTSA Blvd. San Antonio, TX 78249 Fax: 210-699-4701

Church of the Holy Spirit Clergy and Staff:

The Rev. Maurice (Reese) Friedman Vicar James E. and Tawni R. Garcia Music Ministers Ginger Campbell Church Secretary Kitty Hamilton Sexton Mike Monroe Youth Minister Jackie McCarthy Childrens Christian Education

Bishops Committee
Erlinda Baker Bishops Warden Gene Dowdy Junior Warden Ken Olson Treasurer

Submissions will be published according to timeliLinda Hadley New Member Ministry ness and relevance to the mission of the church.

Rose Hicks Secretary Larry Thorp

Newsletter deadlines are the 15th of the month preceding publication.

The Mission of the Church of the Holy Spirit

We exist to provide a peace-filled Community of worship, study, prayer, and

retreat to equip all the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the Body of Christ. We will do everything in our power and through our equipping by the Holy Spirit to live faithfully with each other and to carry out this calling. We count on Jesus' reconciling Love and Grace and will model our lives and the life of our Community around His example of sacrificial living.

Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit 6676 UTSA Blvd. San Antonio, TX 78249-1500

The Rev. Maurice L. Friedman, Vicar

Phone: 210.699.6460

Fax: 210.699.4701





Choir/Musica Nova:

Service Schedule for September

Sunday: Holy Eucharist: 10:00 a.m. Christian Education: 8:45 a.m. (Adults) 9 a.m. (Children) NuSong Evening Service: 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday Eucharist: 12:15 p.m.

Wednesday Eucharist and Healing Service: 6:30 p.m.

Evening Prayer: Monday 6 p.m. and Tuesday 5:30 p.m.

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