Jonathan S. Lefcheck: Education

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J O N A T H A N S.

University of Maryland
Center for Environmental Science
Cambridge, MD 21613 USA

2015 Ph.D., Marine Science
School of Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science,
The College of William & Mary, Gloucester Point, VA
2009 B.A., Biology
Colby College, Waterville, ME

2023- Research Scientist
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Cambridge. MD
2018- Tennenbaum Coordinating Scientist
2023 MarineGEO Network, Smithsonian Institution, Edgewater, MD

2017- Post-doctoral Researcher

2018 Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay, ME

2015- Post-doctoral Researcher

2017 Virginia Institute of Marine Science,
The College of William & Mary, Gloucester Point, VA

PUBLICATIONS *Graduate student †Undergraduate student

73. E. Woodworth†, A. Tian, K. Blaire, J. Pullen, J.S. Lefcheck, J.D. Parker. Media myopia influences public
interest in US invasive plants. Biological Invasions. Accepted.
72. M.J.S. Hensel, C.J. Patrick, R.J. Orth, D.J. Wilcox, W.C. Dennison, C. Gurbisz, M. Hannam, J.B. Landry, K.
Moore, R.R. Murphy, J. Testa, D.E. Weller, J.S. Lefcheck. (2023) Rise of Ruppia in Chesapeake Bay:
Climate change driven turnover of foundation species creates new threats and management
opportunities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(23): e2220678120. PDF
71. B. Peterson, S. Horii, J. Lefcheck, S. Heck*, C. Clapp, C. Nadeau, R. Hughes, P. Colorusso, B. Hancock, A.
Starke, B. Brooks. (2023) A Path Forward: Building Eelgrass Resilience along the Mid-Atlantic and New
England Coast. The Nature Conservancy: Proceedings of the Building Eelgrass Resilience in Mid-
Atlantic and New England Workshop Series. PDF
70. J.O. Olson, J.S. Lefcheck, M. Goodison, A. Lienesch, M. Ogburn. Fish size-spectra from imaging sonar
reveal variation in habitat use across nearshore coastal ecosystems. (2023) Marine Ecology Progress
Series 75:95-108. PDF
69. M.E. Malerba, M.D. Costa, D.A. Friess, L. Schuster, M.A. Young, D. Lagomasino, O. Serrano, S.M.
Hickey, P.H. York, M. Rasheed, J.S. Lefcheck, B. Radford, T.B. Atwood, D. Ierodiaconou, P. Macreadie.
Remote sensing for cost-effective blue carbon accounting. (2023) Earth-Science Reviews 238:104337.

Jonathan Lefcheck | CV

68. H.K. Morrissette, S.K. Baez, L. Beers, …, J.S. Lefcheck, …, S.W.J. Canty (and 35 others). Belize Blue
Carbon: establishing a national carbon stock estimate for mangrove ecosystems. (2023) Science of the
Total Environment 870: 161829. PDF
67. S.J. Brandl, J.S. Lefcheck, A.E. Bates, D.B. Rasher, T. Norin. A metabolic framework to examine the
assembly and functioning of animal communities. (2023) Biological Reviews 98(1): 1-18. PDF
66. L.M. Harper, J.S. Lefcheck, R. Whippo*, M.S. Jones, Z. Foltz, J.E. Duffy. Blinded by the bright: how
species-poor habitats contribute to regional biodiversity across a tropical seascape. (2022) Diversity
and Distributions 28(11): 2272-2285. Editor’s Choice. PDF
65. R.J. Orth, W.C. Dennison, D.J. Wilcox, R.A. Batuik, J.B. Landry, C. Gurbisz, J. Keisman, M. Hannam, J.S.
Lefcheck, R.R. Murphy, K.A. Moore, C.J. Patrick, J. Testa, D.E. Weller, M.F. Merritt. Data synthesis for
environmental management: A case study of Chesapeake Bay. (2022) Journal of Environmental
Management 321: 115901. PDF
64. J.E. Duffy, J.J. Stachowicz, P.L. Reynolds, …, J.S. Lefcheck, …, J.L. Olsen (and 36 others). A Pleistocene
legacy structures variation in modern eelgrass ecosystems. (2022) Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences 119(32): e2121425119. PDF
63. J.P. Quimbayo, F.C. Silva, C.R. Barreto, C.B. Pavone, J.S. Lefcheck, K. Leite, A.C. Figueiroa, E.C. Correia,
A.A.V. Flores. (2022) The COVID-19 pandemic alters illegal fishing activities inside and outside a marine
protected area. Current Biology 32(14): R765-R766. PDF
62. R.J. Orth, W.C. Dennison, C. Gurbisz, M. Hannam, J. Keisman, J.B. Landry, J.S. Lefcheck, K. Moore, R.R.
Murphy, C.J. Patrick, J. Testa, D. Weller, D. Wilcox, R. Batiuk. (2022) Long-term annual aerial surveys of
submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) support science, management, and restoration. Estuaries &
Coasts 45:1012–1027. PDF
61. A.P. Ramus*, J.S. Lefcheck, Z.T. Long. (2022) Foundational biodiversity effects propagate through
coastal food webs via multiple pathways. Ecology 103(11): e3796. PDF
60. R.S.C. Cooke, W. Gearty, A.S.A. Chapman*, J. Dunic*, G.J. Edgar, J.S. Lefcheck, G. Rilov, C.R. McClain,
R.D. Stuart-Smith, S.K. Lyons, A.E. Bates. (2022) Humans are disrupting a longstanding trophic-size
structure in vertebrates. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6: 684-692. PDF
59. K.J. Haynes, A.M. Liebhold, J.S. Lefcheck, R.S. Morin, G. Wang. (2022) Climate affects the outbreaks of
a forest defoliator indirectly through its tree hosts. Oecologia 198: 407-418. PDF
58. C.P. Gross*, J.E. Duffy, K.A. Hovel, …, J.S. Lefcheck, …, J.J. Stachowicz (and 35 others). (2022) The
biogeography of community assembly: latitude and predation drive variation in community trait
distribution in a guild of epifaunal crustaceans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20211762. PDF
57. J. Grinstead, P. Ortiz-Ramírez, X. Carreto-Guadarrama, A. Arrieta-Zamudi, A. Pratt, M. Cantú-Sánchez,
J. Lefcheck, D. Melamed (2022). Piecewise Structural Equation Modeling of the Quantity Implicature in
Child Language. Language and Speech 00238309211066086. PDF
56. Y.S. Esmaeili*, G.N. Corte, H.H. Checon, C.G. Bilatto, J.S. Lefcheck, A.C.Z. Amaral, A. Turra. (2022)
Revealing the drivers of taxonomic and functional diversity of nearshore fish assemblages:
implications for conservation priorities. Diversity and Distributions 28(8): 1597-1609. PDF

55. J.S. Lefcheck, G.J. Edgar, R.D. Stuart-Smith, A.E. Bates, C. Waldock, S.J. Brandl, S. Kinonmonth, S.D.
Ling, J.E. Duffy, D.B. Rasher, A.A. Agrawal. (2021) Species richness and identity are key determinants of
the biomass of global reef fish communities. Nature Communications 12: 6875. PDF | **Secretary’s
Research Prize, Smithsonian Institution

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54. E. Montes, J.S. Lefcheck, E.G. Castro, E. Klein, A.C. Mazzuco, G. Bigatti, C. Cordeiro, N. Simoes, E.
Macaya, N. Moity, E. Londoño-Cruz, B. Helmuth, E. Soto, B.D. Best, P. Miloslavich, F.E. Muller-Karger.
(2021) Optimizing large-scale biodiversity sampling effort: towards an unbalanced survey design.
Oceanography 34(2). PDF
53. C.J. Ritter, L.M. Harper, J.S. Lefcheck, V.J. Paul, R. Whippo, S. Jones, M.B. Ogburn, J.E. Duffy. (2021)
Patterns of consumption across a Caribbean seascape: Roles of habitat and consumer species
composition through time. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 742907. PDF
52. L. de Pablo†, J.S. Lefcheck, L. Harper, V. Paul, S. Jones, R. Whippo, J. Seeman, D. Kline, J.E. Duffy. (2021)
A doubling of coral cover on Carrie Bow Cay, Belize from 2014-2019. Scientific Reports 11: 19185. PDF
51. Y.S. Esmaeili*, G.N. Corte, H.H. Checon, T.R.C. Gomes, J.S. Lefcheck, A. Turra, A.C.Z. Amaral. (2021)
Comprehensive estimation of surf zone fish biodiversity requires traditional and newly-developed
sampling methods. Marine Ecology Progress Series 667: 131-144. PDF
50. G.N. Corte, H.H. Checon, Y.S. Esmaeili, J.S. Lefcheck, A.C.Z. Amaral. (2021) Mangrove fragments as key
coastal reservoirs of taxonomic and functional biodiversity. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 1573-
1593. PDF
49. I. Cano*, R.I. Sellares, J.S. Lefcheck, M. Villalpando, A. Croquer. (2021) Effects of herbivory by the
urchin Diadema antillarum on the early restoration success of the coral Acropora cervicornis in the
central Caribbean. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 539: 151541. PDF
48. J.G Monteiro, J.L. Jiménez, F. Gizzi, P. Přikryl, J.S. Lefcheck, R.S. Santos, J. Canning-Clode. (2021) Novel
approach to enhance coastal habitat and biotope mapping with drone aerial imagery analysis.
Scientific Reports 11: 574. PDF
47. C.E. Murphy†, R.J. Orth, J.S. Lefcheck. (2021) Habitat and distance structure seagrass epifaunal
communities: A regional scale assessment in Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries and Coasts 44(2): 442–452.
46. J.S. Lefcheck, B.W. Pfirmann, F.J. Fodrie, J.H. Grabowski, A.R. Hughes, A.R. Smyth. (2021) Consumption
rates vary based on the presence and type of oyster structure: a seasonal and latitudinal comparison.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 536: 151501. PDF
45. A.J. Pinsonneault, P.J. Neale, M. Tzortziou, E.A. Canuel, C.R. Pondell, H. Morrissette, J.S. Lefcheck, J.P.
Megonigal. (2021) Dissolved organic carbon sorption dynamics in tidal marsh soils. Limnology and
Oceanography 66(1): 214-225. PDF


44. K.M. Fraser*, J.S. Lefcheck, S.D. Ling, C. Mellin, R.D. Stuart-Smith, G.J. Edgar. (2020) Production of
mobile invertebrate communities on shallow reefs from temperate to tropical seas. Proceedings of the
Royal Society B 287: 20201798. PDF
43. G.J. Edgar, A. Cooper, S.C. Baker, …, J.S. Lefcheck, …R.D. Stuart-Smith (and 35 others). (2020) Reef Life
Survey: Establishing the ecological basis for conservation of shallow marine life. Biological
Conservation 252: 108855. PDF
42. M.A. Whalen, R. Whippo, J.J. Stachowicz, …, J.S. Lefcheck, …J.E. Duffy (and 61 others). (2020).
Climate drives the geography of marine consumption by changing predator communities. PNAS 117
(45): 28160-28166. PDF
41. Y. Hautier, P. Zhang, M. Loreau, … J.S. Lefcheck, … S. Wang (and 44 others). (2020) General
destabilizing effects of eutrophication on grassland productivity at multiple spatial scales. Nature
Communications 11: 5375. PDF

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40. R.J. Orth, J.S. Lefcheck, K.S. McGlathery, L. Aoki, M.L. Luckenbach, K.A. Moore, M.P.J. Oreska, R.
Snyder, D.J. Wilcox, B. Lusk. (2020) Restoration of seagrass habitat leads to rapid recovery of coastal
ecosystem services. Science Advances 6(41): eabc6434. PDF | *Science Highlight | The Conversation |
Le Monde | Smithsonian Magazine | Hakai Magazine
39. D.B. Rasher, R.S. Steneck, J. Halfar, K.J. Kroeker, J.B. Ries, M.T. Tinker, P.T.W. Chan, J. Fietzke, N.A.
Kamenos, B.H. Konar, J.S. Lefcheck, C.J.D. Norley, B.P. Weitzman, I.T. Westfield, J.A. Estes. (2020)
Keystone predators govern the pathway and pace of climate impacts in a subarctic marine ecosystem.
Science 369(6509): 1351-1354. PDF
38. C. Pimiento, F. Leprieur, D. Silvestro, J.S. Lefcheck, C. Albuoy, D.B. Rasher, M. Davis, J.-C. Svenning, J.N.
Griffin. (2020) Functional diversity and the fate of marine megafauna in the Anthropocene. Science
Advances 6(16): eaay7650. PDF
37. N.M. McLean, H.P. van der Jeugd, C.A.M. Van Turnhout, J.S. Lefcheck, M. van de Pol. (2020) Reduced
avian body condition due to global warming has little reproductive or population consequences. Oikos
129(5): 714-730. PDF

36. A.E. Bates, R.S.C. Cooke, M.I. Duncan, G.J. Edgar, J. Bruno, L. Benedetti-Cecchi, I.M. Côté, J.S. Lefcheck,
M.J. Costello, N. Barrett, T.J. Bird, P.B. Fenberg, R.D. Stuart-Smith. (2019) Climate resilience in marine
protected areas and the ‘Protection Paradox.’ Biological Conservation 236: 305-314. PDF
35. S.J Brandl, D.B. Rasher, I. Côté, J. Casey, E. Darling, J.S. Lefcheck, J.E. Duffy. (2019) Functioning coral
reefs for the future: eight core processes and the influence of biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the
Environment 17(80): 445-454. PDF
34. J.S. Lefcheck, B.B. Hughes, A.J. Johnson, B. Pfirrmann, D.B. Rasher, A.R. Smyth, B.L. Williams, M.W.
Beck, R.J. Orth. (2019) Are coastal habitats important nurseries? A meta-analysis. Conservation Letters
12(4): e12645. PDF | Press release
33. J.S. Lefcheck, A.A. Innes-Gold†, S.J. Brandl, R.S. Steneck, R. Torres, D.B. Rasher. (2019) Tropical fish
diversity enhances coral reef functioning across multiple scales. Science Advances 5(3): eaav6420. PDF
32. B. Gauzens, A. Barnes, D. Giling, J. Hines, M. Jochum, J.S. Lefcheck, B. Rosenbaum, S. Wang, U. Brose.
(2019) fluxweb: A R package to easily estimate energy fluxes in foodwebs. Methods in Ecology and
Evolution 10(2): 270-279. PDF

31. J.P. Richardson, J.S. Lefcheck, R.J Orth. (2018) Warming temperatures alter the relative abundance
and distribution of two co-occurring foundational seagrasses in Chesapeake Bay, USA. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 599: 65-74. PDF
30. J.B. Grace, D.J. Johnson, J.S. Lefcheck, J.E. Byrnes. (2018) Standardized effects in ecological models
containing binary outcomes. Ecosphere 9(6): e02283. PDF
29. S. Bornbusch†, J.S. Lefcheck, J.E. Duffy. (2018) Allometry of individual reproduction and defense in
eusocial colonies: A comparative approach to trade-offs in social sponge-dwelling Synalpheus shrimps.
PLoS ONE 13(3): e0193305. PDF | National Geographic
28. M. Dornelas, L.H. Antão, F. Moyes, …, J.S. Lefcheck, …, K. Zawada (and 248 others). (2017) BioTIME: A
database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecology and
Biogeography 27:760-786. PDF
27. J.S. Lefcheck, R.J. Orth, W.C. Dennison, D.J. Wilcox, R.R. Murphy, J. Keisman, C. Gurbisz, M. Hannam,
J.B. Landry, K. A. Moore, C.J. Patrick, J. Testa, D.E. Weller, R.A. Batuik. (2018) Long-term nutrient

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Jonathan Lefcheck | CV

reductions lead to the unprecedented recovery of a temperate coastal region. PNAS (115)14: 3658-
3662. PDF | **Cozzarelli Prize | Washington Post 1, 2 | NPR | PNAS Commentary
26. A.D. Barnes, M. Jochum, J.S. Lefcheck, N. Eisenhauer, C. Scherber, M.I. O’Connor, P. de Ruiter, U.
Brose. (2018) Energy flux: the link between multitrophic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 33(3): 186-197 PDF

25. G.J. Edgar, T.J. Alexander, J.S. Lefcheck, A.E. Bates, S.J. Kininmonth, R.J. Thomson, J.E. Duffy, M.J.
Costello, R.D. Stuart-Smith. (2017) Abundance and local-scale processes contribute to multi-phyla
global marine diversity gradients. Science Advances 3(10): e1700419. PDF | Press release
24. R.J. Orth, W.C. Dennison, J.S. Lefcheck, C. Gurbisz, M. Hannam, J. Keisman, J.B. Landry, K.A. Moore,
R.R. Murphy, C.J. Patrick, J. Testa, D.E. Weller, D.J. Wilcox. (2017) Submersed aquatic vegetation in
Chesapeake Bay: sentinel species in a changing world. BioScience 67(8): 698-712. PDF
23. R.J. Orth, J.S. Lefcheck, D.J. Wilcox. (2017) Boat propeller scarring of seagrass beds in lower
Chesapeake Bay, USA: Patterns, causes, recovery, and management. Estuaries & Coasts 40(6): 1666-
1676. PDF | AFS Research Brief | CESN Newsletter
22. J.S. Lefcheck, D.J. Wilcox, R.M. Murphy, S.R. Marion, R.J. Orth. (2017) Multiple stressors threaten a
critical foundational habitat, Zostera marina, in Chesapeake Bay, USA. Global Change Biology 23(9):
3474-3483. PDF | Press release | New York Times | Chesapeake Bay Journal
21. R.D. Stuart-Smith, G.J. Edgar, N.S. Barrett, …, J.S. Lefcheck, …, R. Thomson (and 18 others). (2017)
Assessing National Biodiversity Trends for Rocky and Coral Reefs through the Integration of Citizen
Science and Scientific Monitoring Programs. BioScience 67(2): 134-146. *Editor’s Choice. PDF
20. J.S. Lefcheck, S.R. Marion, R.J. Orth. (2017) Restored eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) as a refuge for
epifaunal biodiversity in mid-Western Atlantic coastal bays. Estuaries & Coasts 40(1): 200. PDF | CESN

19. J.S. Lefcheck, S.R. Marion, A.V. Lombana, R.J. Orth. (2016) Faunal communities are invariant to
fragmentation in experimental seagrass landscapes. PLoS ONE. 11(5): e0156550. PDF
18. J.E. Duffy, J.S. Lefcheck, R.D. Stuart-Smith, S.A. Navarette, G.J. Edgar. (2016) Biodiversity enhances
reef fish biomass and resistance to climate change. PNAS. 113(22): 6230–6235. PDF | Press release
17. E. Schmitt, M.W. Luckenbach, J.S. Lefcheck, R.J. Orth. (2016) Predator-prey interactions in a restored
eelgrass ecosystem: Strategies for maximizing success of a reintroduced species, Argopecten irradians.
Restoration Ecology 24(4): 558-565. PDF
16. J.S. Lefcheck, S.J. Brandl, P.L. Reynolds, A.R. Smyth, S.T. Meyer. (2016) Extending rapid ecosystem
function assessments to marine systems. TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution 31(4): 251-253. PDF
15. J.S. Lefcheck. (2016) piecewiseSEM: Piecewise structural equation modeling in R for ecology,
evolution, and systematics. Methods in Ecology & Evolution. 7(5): 573-579. PDF | Highly commended,
British Ecological Society

14. J.E. Duffy, S.L. Ziegler, J.E. Campbell, P. Bippus †, J.S. Lefcheck. (2015) Squidpops: A simple tool to
crowdsource a global map of marine predation intensity. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142994. PDF
13. J.S. Lefcheck, J.E. Duffy. (2015) Multitrophic functional diversity predicts ecosystem functioning in
experimental assemblages of estuarine consumers. Ecology 96(11): 2973-2983. PDF

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12. J.E. Duffy, P.L. Reynolds, C. Boström, J.A. Coyer, M. Cusson, S. Donadi, J.G. Douglass, J. Eklöf, A.
Engelen, B.K. Eriksson, S. Fredriksen, L. Gamfeldt, C. Gustafsson, G. Hoarau, M. Hori, K. Hovel, K. Iken,
J.S. Lefcheck, P. Moksnes, M. Nakaoka, M.I. O'Connor, J.L. Olsen, J.P. Richardson, J.L. Ruesink, E.E.
Sotka, J. Thormar, M.A. Whalen, J.J. Stachowicz. (2015) Biodiversity mediates top-down control in
eelgrass ecosystems: A global comparative experiment. Ecology Letters 18(7): 696-705. PDF | Press
11. J.S. Lefcheck, J.E.K. Byrnes, F. Isbell, L. Gamfeldt, J.H. Griffin, N. Eisenhauer, M.J.H. Hensel, A. Hector,
B.J. Cardinale, J.E. Duffy. (2015) Biodiversity enhances ecosystem multifunctionality across trophic
levels and habitats. Nature Communications 6: 6936. PDF | Press release
10. L. Gamfeldt, J.S. Lefcheck, J.E.K. Byrnes, J.E. Duffy, B.J. Cardinale, J.N. Griffin. (2015) Marine
biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: what’s known and what’s next. Oikos 124(3): 252-265.
*Editor’s Choice. PDF | Oikos Blog
9. R. Stuart-Smith, A.E. Bates, J.S. Lefcheck, J.E. Duffy, S.C. Baker, R.J. Thomson, J.F. Stuart-Smith, N.A.
Hill, S.J. Kininmonth, L. Airoldi, M.A. Becerro, S.J. Campbell, T.P. Dawson, S.A. Navarette, G.A. Soler,
E.M.A. Strain, T.J. Willis, G.J. Edgar. (2015) The potential of trait-based approaches to contribute to
marine conservation. Marine Policy 51: 148-150. PDF
8. J.S. Lefcheck, V.A.G. Bastazini, J.N. Griffin. (2015) Choosing and using traits in functional diversity
research. Environmental Conservation 42(2): 104-107. *Invited contribution. **Paper of the month.
PDF | Cambridge Blogs
7. J.E.K. Byrnes, J.S. Lefcheck, L. Gamfeldt, J.N. Griffin, F.I. Isbell., A. Hector. (2014) Multifunctionality
does not imply that all functions are positively correlated. PNAS. 111(51): E5490. PDF
6. T.J. Bird, A.E. Bates, J.S. Lefcheck, N.A. Hill, S. Wotherspoon, M. Krkosek, R. Stuart-Smith, J. Stuart-
Smith, G. Pecl, G.J. Edgar, R.J. Thomson, N. Barrett, S. Frusher. (2014) Statistical solutions for error and
bias in global citizen science datasets. Biological Conservation 173: 144-154. *Invited contribution. PDF
5. J.S. Lefcheck, J. van Montfrans, R.J. Orth, E.L. Schmitt, J.E. Duffy, M. Luckenbach. (2014) Epifaunal
invertebrates as predators of juvenile bay scallops (Argopectin irradians). Journal of Experimental
Marine Biology and Ecology 454: 18-25. PDF
4. J.E.K. Byrnes, L. Gamfeldt, F. Isbell, J.E. Duffy, J.S. Lefcheck, J.N. Griffin, A. Hector, B.J. Cardinale, D.U.
Hooper, L.E. Dee. (2014) Investigating the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem
multifunctionality: Challenges and solutions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5(2): 111-124. PDF
3. J.S. Lefcheck, A. Buchheister, K.M. Laumann, M. Stratton, K. Sobocinski, S. Chak, T.R. Clardy, P.L.
Reynolds, R.J. Latour, J.E. Duffy. (2014) Dimensions of biodiversity in Chesapeake Bay demersal fishes:
Patterns and drivers through space and time. Ecosphere 5(2): art14. PDF
2. R. Stuart-Smith, A.E. Bates, J.S. Lefcheck, J.E. Duffy, S.C. Baker, R.J. Thomson, J.F. Stuart-Smith, N.A.
Hill, S.J. Kininmonth, L. Airoldi, M.A. Becerro, S.J. Campbell, T.P. Dawson, S.A. Navarette, G.A. Soler,
E.M.A. Strain, T.J. Willis, G.J. Edgar. (2013) Integrating abundance and functional traits reveals new
global hotspots of fish diversity. Nature 501(7468): 539-542. PDF | Press release
1. J.S. Lefcheck, M.A. Whalen, T.M. Davenport, J.P. Stone, J.E. Duffy. (2013) Physiological effects of
dietary mixing on consumer fitness: A meta-analysis. Ecology 94(3): 565-527. PDF | Press release

IN REVISION (PDFs available upon request)

D. Cottrell*, J.S. Lefcheck, B.J. Peterson. Herbivory-induced facilitation increases from low to high
stress: an observational and experimental test in seagrass.

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C. Xu, B. Silliman, J. Chen, X. Li, M.S. Thomsen, Q. Zhang, J. Lee, J.S. Lefcheck, P. Daleo, B.B. Hughes,
H.P. Jones, R. Wang, S. Wang, C. Smith, X. Xi, A.H. Altieri, J. van de Koppel, T.M. Palmer, L. Lui, J. Wu,
Q. He. Managing trophic interactions to help restore a greener planet.
J. Wu, D. McCauley, Q. He, X. Li, A. Altieri, B. Silliman, J.S. Lefcheck, B. Li, H. Wang. A wide megafauna
gap undermines China’s expanding coastal ecosystem conservation.

IN REVIEW (PDFs available upon request)

H. Wang*, A.H. Altieri, J.S. Lefcheck, S.R. Valdez, R.J. Orth, J.E. Duffy, B.B. Hughes, B.R. Silliman, Q. He.
Building hope for seagrass ecosystem conservation in the Anthropocene.
B.L.H. Jones*, J.S. Lefcheck, S. Skoglund, V. Thunell, S. Bandeira, N.S. Jiddawi, J. Uku, M. Gullström, J.S.
Eklöf. Seagrass meadows as previously unrecognized reservoirs of micronutrients for human health.
Google Scholar Citations: 8485, h-index: 33, i10-index: 45


Pending: Developing a seagrass strategy for the Peconic Estuary Partnership. National Estuaries
Program, Environmental Protection Agency. Total requested: $75,000
2022- Investigation of temperature as a driver of stony coral tissue loss disease dynamics. Florida
2023 Department of Environmental Protection. Total subcontract: $11,231
2021- Modelling climate change impacts on Chesapeake Bay SAV. Chesapeake Bay Trust. Co-lead. Total
2022 subcontract: $11,231
2021- Mangrove and seagrass carbon storage estimates for Belize. Pew Charitable Trusts. Co-Principal
2022 Investigator. Total award: $226,490
2021- Investigation of temperature as a driver of stony coral tissue loss disease dynamics. Florida
2022 Department of Environmental Protection. Total subcontract: $11,231

2022 Contributor, Consonance Collective: “The Ocean’s Cry.”
2021 Consultant, KQED Deep Look: “Skeleton Shrimp Use 18 Appendages to Feed, Fight and...Frolic.”
2021 Interview, Hakai Magazine: “The Grass Is Greener in Virginia.”
2021 Interview, Chesapeake Bay Journal: “Last stand for eelgrass?”
2021 Co-author, Eastern Shellfish Growers Association Newsletter: “Does oyster aquaculture support
coastal food webs?” Feb 2021:
2021 Co-author, Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Newsletter: “Seagrasses: A half century of progress
and a look to the future.”
2021 Interview, Earth Optimism x This Study Shows Podcast:
2020 Interview, Smithsonian Magazine: “Prairies of the Sea.”

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2020 Co-author, The Conversation: “Restoring seagrasses can bring coastal bays back to life.”
2020 Interview, Hakai Magazine: “Do Fish Tummy Bugs Dictate Their Diets?”
2020 Interview, National Geographic Magazine: “In the Chesapeake Bay, saving seagrasses can fight ocean
2019 Interview, Session Sessions (PNAS Podcast).
2018 Interview, Washington Post: “The Chesapeake’s ‘secret garden’ is thriving again, but Trump could end
2018 Interview, Washington Post: “Why the Chesapeake Bay is the best in the world.”
2015 Interview, Daily Press: “VIMS ecologist finds biodiversity more important than ever.”
2013 Interview, Daily Press: “Study offers fresh approach to marine biodiversity.”

2023 Co-Instructor, Structural Equation Modeling, PR Statistics, Virtual.
2021 Co-Instructor, Structural Equation Modeling, PR Statistics, Virtual.
2019 Instructor, Structural Equation Modeling, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018 Instructor, Structural Equation Modeling, PR Statistics, Glasgow, UK.
2017 Co-instructor, Structural Equation Modeling, PR Statistics, Port Talbot, UK.
2017 Instructor, Meta-analysis in Ecology (MSCI 698, Spring). Virginia Institute of Marine Science, The
College of William & Mary
2017 Instructor, Structural Equation Modeling, Southampton University, UK.
2016 Instructor, Structural Equation Modeling. University of Göttingen, Germany.
2016 Instructor, Contemporary Topics in Ecology (MSCI 698, Spring). Virginia Institute of Marine Science,
The College of William & Mary
2015 Instructor, Undergraduate Research (MSCI 490, Fall, Spring). The College of William & Mary
2014 Co-instructor, Seagrass Ecosystem Ecology (MSCI 398, Spring), The College & William & Mary. Part of
networked class with two other universities. Press release
2012 Co-instructor, Dimensions of Biodiversity Distributed Graduate Seminar (MSCI 698). Virginia Institute
of Marine Science. Part of networked class with 13 other universities


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Post- Juan Pablo Quimbayo (2021-, Post-doctoral Fellow); Guilherme Corte (2021-, Visiting Post-doctoral
doc Fellow)

PhD Yasmina Esmaeili (2021-, PhD Fellow)

Under- Paola Granados (2021-2022, NSF REU), Kirsten Johnston (2020-2021), Luis de Pablo (2019-2020, NSF
grad REU), Claire Murphy (2016-2020), Annie Innes-Gold (2017, NSF REU), Nina Lesser (2016-2017), Teddy
Noll (2016-2017), Rachael Caron (2016-2017), Casey Maclean (2016-2017), Lauren Herbine (2014-
2017, W&M Monroe Scholar), Rachel Wimmer (2014-2016), Paige Bippus (2014, NSF REU), David
Godschalk (2014), Danielle Hall (2012-2014), Kyle Belfort (2012-2014), Sally Bornbusch (2012-2013),
Katelyn Jenkins (2012-2013)

ORAL PRESENTATIONS *Presenting author

2023 “From theory to the dinner plate: how seagrasses are progressing ecology and saving the planet.” J.S.
Lefcheck. (2023). Invited seminar. Rutgers University, New Jersey.
2023 “Climate on the move: How coastal ecosystems are shifting in response to a warming planet.” J.S.
Lefcheck. (2023). Invited seminar. Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York.
2023 “From theory to the dinner plate: how coastal ecosystems are progressing ecology and saving the
planet.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2023). Invited seminar. University of Maryland College Park, Maryland.
2022 “Piecewise structural equation modeling for natural systems.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2022). Invited seminar.
Ecological Forecasting Initiative/Ecological Society of America (Virtual).
2022 “From theory to the dinner plate: how seagrasses are progressing ecology and saving the planet.” J.S.
Lefcheck. (2022). Invited Seminar. University of São Paolo (Virtual).
2022 “The green and the blue: how coastal ecosystems are advancing ecology, helping society, and saving
the planet.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2022). Invited Seminar. University of Virgina, Boyce, Virginia.
2022 “Coastal Connections.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2022) Invited Panelist. Smithsonian Earth Optimism x Folklife
Festival, Washington, D.C.
2022 “Advances in piecewise estimation of path models.” J.C. Douma, J.S. Lefcheck. International Statistical
Ecology Conference, Cape Town, South Africa.
2022 “The green and the blue: how coastal ecosystems are advancing ecology, helping society, and saving
the planet.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2022). Invited Seminar. Gothenburg University, Gothenberg, Sweden.
2022 “Biodiversity enhances reef fish biomass with increasing spatial scale.” J.S. Lefcheck, R. Stuart-Smith,
G.J. Edgar, D.B. Rasher, J.E. Duffy, L. Gamfeldt. (2022) 50 th Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting,
Portsmouth, NH.
2022 “Seeding Hope: Seagrass Restoration on Virginia’s Eastern Shore.” (2022) Invited Speaker.
Zosterapalooza XXXI (Virtual).
2022 “The Green In The Blue: The Comeback Of The Chesapeake’s Underwater Grasses And What It Means
For The Bay.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2022) Invited Seminar. Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
2021 “The green in the blue: how coastal ecosystems are advancing ecology and saving the planet.” J.S.
Lefcheck. (2021) Invited Seminar. Brown University, Providence, RI.
2021 “Towards a global seagrass observing community for conservation and synthesis.” J.S. Lefcheck, M.
Portouroglou, L. Weatherdon, S. Pruckner, A. Kornbluth, J.E. Duffy. (2021) CERF 26th Biennial
Conference (Virtual).

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2021 “Marine Science and you can too! The power of global collaborations.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2021) Invited
lecturer. University of New Hampshire (Virtual).
2021 “Towards a Global Seagrass Monitoring Network: The past, present, and future of collaboration.” J.S.
Lefcheck. (2021) Invited Seminar. International Seagrass Biology Workshop Pre-event Seminar Series
2020 “To what extent do seagrass ecosystems support marine food webs? Maldives meadows within a
global context.” P. Roe*, J.S. Lefcheck, K. Mohamen, H. Nihad. (2020) Third Maldives Marine Science
2020 “Global trajectories of seagrass ecosystems into the 21st Century” J.S. Lefcheck. (2020) Organized
session. National Coastal and Estuarine Summit (Virtual).
2020 “From sea to sky: What cross-scale observations tell us about the human impacts on underwater
grasses.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2020) Invited seminar. University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
2019 “How to design a biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiment in 2019.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2019)
Invited lecturer. Brown University, Providence, RI.
2019 “Tropicalization of mid-western Atlantic coastal bays by pinfish: a combined ecological and
oceanographic perspective.” J.S. Lefcheck, F.J. Fodrie, D. Gong, M. Faulkner, R.J. Orth. (2019) CERF 25th
Biennial Conference, Mobile, AL.
2019 “From micro to macro: the functional role of biodiversity across scales.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2019) Invited
seminar. Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018 “Status and Trends of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in Chesapeake Bay: A Synthesis” W.C.
Dennison, J.S. Lefcheck, C. Gurbisz, R.J. Orth. (2018) Invited panelist. Chesapeake Research and
Modeling Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

2018 “Scaling up and digging deep: What new ideas about biodiversity can tell us about the functioning of
natural systems.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2018) Invited Seminar, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center,
Edgewater, MD.
2018 “High species richness enhances cover of a critical coastal habitat: Insight and mechanisms from 30
years of monitoring in Chesapeake Bay.” J.S. Lefcheck, C.J. Patrick, D.J. Wilcox, R.R. Murphy, J.
Keisman, D.E. Weller, W.C. Dennison, R.J. Orth. (2018) World Conference on Marine Biodiversity,
Montreal, Canada.
2018 “Scaling up and digging deep: What new ideas about biodiversity can tell us about the functioning of
ecosystems.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2018) Invited Seminar, Duke University, Beaufort, NC.
2017 “From the land to the sea: how human activities affect submersed aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake
Bay.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2017) Invited seminar, NOAA, Silver Spring, MD.
2017 “Scaling up and digging deep: What new ideas about biodiversity can tell us about the functioning of
ecosystems.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2017) Invited seminar, Wood’s Hole Oceanographic Institute, Falmouth,
2017 “Nutrient reductions promote Submersed Aquatic Vegetation: Thirty years of change in Chesapeake
Bay.” J.S. Lefcheck, C.J. Patrick*, R.J. Orth, W.C. Dennison, D.J. Wilcox, R.R. Murphy, J. Keisman, C.
Gurbisz, M. Hannam, J.B. Landry, K. A. Moore, C.J. Patrick, J. Testa, D.E. Weller, R.A. Batuik. (2017) 24th
Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting, Providence, RI.
2017 “Pinfish incursion: ecosystem consequences for mid-Atlantic seagrass meadows.” J.P. Richardson*, R.J.
Orth, J.S. Lefcheck. (2017) 24th Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting,
Providence, RI.

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2017 “Biodiversity in a changing world: from Amphipods to Zostera, and everything in between.” J.S.
Lefcheck. (2017) Invited seminar, University of Connecticut, Avery Point, CT.
2017 “Reinventing biodiversity: From the very small to the very large.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2017) Invited seminar,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
2017 “Frontiers in biodiversity: New paradigms, challenges, and solutions.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2017) Invited
seminar, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
2016 “Clearing the air about ‘multifunctionality’: what is it and what does it mean for ecosystem ecology?”
J.S. Lefcheck. (2016) Invited seminar. University of Lund, Sweden.
2016 “Frontiers in biodiversity: From buckets to the biosphere.” J.S. Lefcheck. (2016) Invited seminar,
University of Göttingen, Germany.
2015 “The bugs are back in town!” R.J. Orth*, S.R. Marion, J.S. Lefcheck. (2015) CERF 23rd Biennial
Conference, Portland, OR.
2015 “Functional recovery of an epifaunal invertebrate community associated with a restored eelgrass
bed.” J.S. Lefcheck, S.R. Marion, R.J. Orth. (2015)100th Ecological Society of America Meeting,
Baltimore, MD.
2015 “Top-down versus bottom-up control of a temperate eelgrass system: insights from a 15-year
ecological survey.” J.S. Lefcheck, J.P. Richardson, J.E. Duffy. (2015) 45th Benthic Ecology Meeting,
Quebec, Canada.
2014 “The ‘new’ diversity: global insights into the functional importance of biodiversity.” J.S. Lefcheck.
(2014) Invited seminar, Colby College, Waterville, ME.
2014 “Biodiversity drives ecosystem multifunctionality: a meta-analysis.” J.S. Lefcheck, J.E.K. Byrnes, F.
Isbell, L. Gamfeldt, J.N. Griffin, M. Hensel, B.J. Cardinale, D.U. Hooper, J.E. Duffy. (2014) 99th Ecological
Society of America Meeting, Sacramento, CA.
2014 “Size structure drivers of crustacean grazer epifauna in a Chesapeake Bay Zostera marina bed.”
Richardson, J. P.*, J. S. Lefcheck, S. L. Ziegler, J. E. Duffy. (2014) 43rd Benthic Ecology Meeting,
Jacksonville, FL.
2013 “Functional diversity and richness drive ecosystem functioning in experimental estuarine
communities.” J.S. Lefcheck, & J.E. Duffy. (2013) 42nd Benthic Ecology Meeting, Savannah, GA.
2013 “Bay scallop restoration and micropredators.” J.S. Lefcheck, J. van Montfrans, E. Schmitt, R.J. Orth, J.E.
Duffy, M. Luckenbach. (2013) Virginia SeaGrant Symposium, Richmond, VA.
2012 “Components of biodiversity in a Chesapeake Bay groundfish assemblage: A high-resolution analysis of
patterns and drivers.” J.S. Lefcheck, A. Buchheister, S. Chak, T. Clardy, K.M. Laumann, P. Reynolds, K.
Sobocinski, M. Stratton, J.E. Duffy. (2012) 97th Ecological Society of America Meeting, Portland, OR.
2012 “Biodiversity effects on provision of multiple ecosystem functions in marine systems: A meta-
analysis.” J.S. Lefcheck, L. Gamfeldt, J.E.K. Byrnes, J.N. Griffin, M. O’Connor, B.J. Cardinale, J.E. Duffy.
(2012) 41st Benthic Ecology Meeting, Norfolk, VA.

POSTER PRESENTATIONS *Presenting author † Undergraduate co-author

2019 “Drivers of regional-scale patterns of seagrass epifaunal invertebrates in the Chesapeake Bay, USA.” C.
Murphy*†, J.S. Lefcheck, R.J. Orth. CERF 25th Biennial Conference, Mobile, AL.
2015 “Factors affecting trophic control of community structure and ecosystem functioning in experimental
seagrass (Zostera marina L.) mesocosms.” D.R. Godschalk*†, J.S. Lefcheck, J.E. Duffy. (2015) 45th
Benthic Ecology Meeting, Quebec, Canada.

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2015 “Changes in faunal community structure after heat induced die-offs in a Chesapeake Bay eelgrass bed
(Zostera marina L.).” D.K. Hall*†, J.P. Richardson, J.E. Duffy, J.S. Lefcheck. (2015) 45th Benthic Ecology
Meeting, Quebec, Canada.
2014 “Shifts in mesograzer community structure following two major eelgrass die-offs in the Chesapeake
Bay.” Ziegler S. L.*, J. S. Lefcheck, J. P. Richardson and J. E. Duffy. (2014) 43rd Benthic Ecology Meeting,
Jacksonville, FL.
2013 “BioDiverse Perspectives: blogging to foster communication among graduate students.” J.S. Lefcheck,
V. Bastazini, F. Halliday*, H. Burgess, C. Robinson, R. Sewell-Nesteruk, C. Maranto, J. Parrish. (2013)
98th Ecological Society of America Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
2013 “Eelgrass and bay scallop restoration in Virginia’s coastal bays.” E.L. Schmitt*, R.J. Orth, M.
Luckenbach, K.A. Moore, S.R. Marion, D.J. Wilcox, J.S. Lefcheck, J.E. Duffy, D.B. Parrish, S. Bonniwell, A.
Curry, S. Fate, P. Smith, J. van Montfrans. (2013) 42nd Benthic Ecology Meeting, Savannah, GA.
2008 “Factors affecting trophic control of community structure and ecosystem functioning in experimental
seagrass mesocosms.” J.S. Lefcheck, J.E. Duffy, J.P. Richardson. (2008) 41 st American Geophysical
Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.


2022 Secretary’s Research Prize, Smithsonian Institution.
2019 Cozzarelli Prize for Scientific Excellence and Originality. Editorial Board of the Proceedings of National
Academy of Sciences. Press release
2015 Thatcher Prize for Excellence in Graduate and Professional Study. The College of William & Mary. Press
2013 Matthew Fontaine Maury Fellowship Award. Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Recognizes
interdisciplinary achievements in marine and environmental scholarship.
2012 VIMS Dean’s Fellowship Award. Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Recognizes excellence in research.
2011 VIMS Council Fellowship Award. Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Recognizes excellence in
2010 Kelly Watson Fellowship Award. Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Tuition and stipend awarded for
excellent performance in the first year of graduate school. Press release


Reviewer: Advances in Ecology, African Journal of Marine Science, American Naturalist, Aquatic
Ecology, Biological Conservation, BioScience, Botanica Marina, Conservation Biology, Ecological
Applications, Ecology, Ecology Letters, Environmental Conservation, Estuaries and Coasts, Frontiers in
Plant Science, Functional Ecology, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Ideas in Ecology and Evolution,
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Journal of Plant Ecology,
Marine Ecology Progress Series, Methods in Ecology & Evolution, Nature, Nature Climate Change,
Nature Communications, Nature Ecology & Evolution, Nature Scientific Reports, Oecologia, Oikos,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Science, Science
Advances | Publons Profile

2022 Assisted Evolution of Eelgrass to Mitigate Climate Impacts. The Nature Conservancy. Virtual.
2022 Incorporating Underwater Grasses into the Greenhouse Gas Inventory for North Carolina. Pew
Charitable Trusts. Virtual.

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2021 Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Synthesis Group (SAVSyn 2.0). Chesapeake Bay Program (EPA) and
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA.
2020- C-GRASS: Coordinated Global Research Assessment of Seagrass Systems. Scientific Committee on
Ocean Research, co-lead for Data Synthesis Group. Virtual.
2020- Steering Committee, National Alliance for Submersed Aquatic Vegetation (A-SAVE). Pew Charitable
Trusts. Virtual.
2017- sFDvent - A functional trait perspective on the global biodiversity of hydrothermal vent communities.
2018 German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv). Helle-Jena-Leipzig, Germany.
2016- Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Synthesis Group (SAVSyn), Chesapeake Bay Program (EPA) and
2017 University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Annapolis, Maryland.
2013 Summer Institute, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS). University of
California, Santa Barbara.
2011 Partner, Zostera Experimental Network (ZEN, Gloucester Point, Virginia.
2010- Biodiversity and the functioning of ecosystems: Translating results from model experiments into
2011 functional reality, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS). University of
California, Santa Barbara.

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