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Is 1572

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( Reaffirmed 1999 )

IS : 1572~1986

Indian Standard

( Second Revision )
Metallic and Non-metallic
Chairman DR R. C. SHARMA

Finishes Sectional Committee,

Eveready Flashlight Company,



Ministry of Defence ( R & D ) SHRI I. N. BHATIA ( Alternate ) SHRI A. T. BORATE Premier Automobiles Ltd, Bombay SHRI A. G. PRABHU ( Alternate ) SHRI M. S. CHAKRAVORTY Premier Metal Finishers ( P ) Ltd, Calcutta SHRI R. K. CHATTERJEE ( Alternate ) CHE;;;~E~METALLURGIST-I, RDSO, Ministry of Railways CHEMIST& METALLURGIST,ICF, MADRAS ( Alternate ) SHRI JAYENDRAK. DALA~ DR R. P. DAMBAL SHRI E. D. DHARMARAJ SHRI KAUSHIK GOKALDAS DR S. GURUVIAH SHRI S. KONGO~X SHRI P. R. RAO ( Alternate DR S. KRISHNAMURTHY

Kohinoor Electra-Gilders, Bombay Indian Telephone Industries Ltd, Bangalore Plateyell Prpcesses & Chemicals Ltd, Vadodara CZzF;g Mitra Phoenix Ltd, Bombay Institute Electrochemical Research ( CSIR ), Karaikudi Kongovi Electronics Pvt Ltd, Bangalore In personal capacity ( Shubhodayn


Road, Malleswaram
Ltd, Bangalore

38, XI Main West, Bangalore )

( Continued on page 2 )


Copyright 1987


This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.



( Continued from page 1) Members SHRIV.S. KULKARNI Representing

Grauer 8z Weil ( India ) Ltd, Bombay SHRI SUSHILGOINKA ( Alternate ) RMT Ltd, Bangalore SHRI M. PKABHAKAR MAHANDALE SHRI K. R. SATHYANARAYANA( Alternate ) Ministry of Defence ( DGI ) SHRI R. C. MATHUR SHRI M. R. GNASH ( Alternate ) T.I. Cycles of India, Ambattur, Madras SHIUK. L. MUTHU National Metallurgical Laboratory ( CSIR ), DR S. K. NARANG Jamshedpur Development Commissioner ( Small Industries SHRI R. S. RAGHAVAN Services Institute ), New Delhi Bharat Electronics Ltd, Bangalore SHRI R. SOMASEKHARA SHRI K. NAGESH ( Alternate ) Peico Electronics and Electricals Ltd, Pune DR J. VAID Director General, BIS ( Ex-officio Member ) SHRI K. RAOHAVENDRAN, Director ( Strut & Met )

SHRI S. K. GUPTA Deputy Director~( Met ), BIS

IS:1572 -1986

Indian Standard

/Second Revision)
( Second Revision ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 10 September 1986, after the draft finalized by the Metallic and Non-metallic Finishes Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structural and Metals Division Council. 0.2 This standard was first published in 1960, revised in 1968 and covered three grades of cadmium plating depending on thickness of the coating. In the first revision of the standard, thickness requirements had been modified keeping in view~the utility of the coatings and the trade practices followed in the country. Efforts have been made to include many details left out in the first revision to make the second revision a comprehensive one. Additional terms have also been included under terminology and limitations are referred to regarding finish and appearance under coating requirements. More details have been incorporated under information to be given by the purchaser and information regarding materials and manufacture, chromate passivation, test for coating, handling, inspection and packaging. A reference to barrel-plated items has also been made under Table 1, Note 2. 0.3 In view of its toxicity, cadmium should not be used as a coating for any article used as a food container or cooking utensil or for any article likely to come in contact with food or beverages. 0.3.1 Cadmium vapours and cadmium oxide fumes are highly toxic when inhaled. Therefore, cadmium plated articles must not be welded, spot-welded, soldered or otherwise strongly heated without adequate ventilation which will efficiently remove all toxic fumes. 0.3.2 Cadmium is subjected to corrosion by vapours which may be released by cardboard, wood, plastics, certain electrical insulating materials, paints and other organic substances. 3
0.1 This Indian Standard

JS : 1572 - 1986 0.3.3 Attention is drawn to the fact that readily soldered than electroplated zinc. electroplated cadmium is more

0.4 Like zinc, cadmium also protects steel cathodically, that is, by sacrificial protection in most environments. It is superior to zinc coatings in purely marine atmospheres. Chromate conversion coatings on cadmium provide additional protection against corrosion and should be applied unCadmium-plated articles to be less there is a reason to the contrary. painted may require alternative treatment such as phosphating to provide good adhesion. 0.4.1 Cadmuim react with alkalis. dissolves in most mineral acids but unlike zinc, does not

0.4.2 Chromate passivated cadmium coatings chromium which may irritate the skin and cause ulcers nylon or rubber hand-gloves may be used to prevent handling chromated cadmium-plated parts. This will print corrosion on cadmium coatings.

contain hexavalent on the skin. Cotton, skin ulceration while also prevent finger-

0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-1960. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. 0.6 General Information - This specification includes the whole range of iron and steel products as basis metals. Designers are advised, however, that all forms of iron and steel are not equally readily electroplated. Many castings can be satisfactorily plated, but are considered to be more difficult than forgings. Cadmium is mostly plated from a cyanide bath. Suitable pretreatments must be used to satisfactorily electrodeposit cadmium on difficult-to-plate substrates. Adequate precautions must be taken against the danger of hydrogen embrittlement. Attention is also drawn to the effects of the contour of the article to be plated. In general, the requirements for minimum thickness apply only to those portions of the article which may be described as significant surfaces. It helps to reduce process cost if the designer of an electroplated part consults a plating specialist before the design is finally issued for production. *Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ). 4

IS : 1572- 1986 1. SCOPE

standard covers requirements for elcctrodeposited cadmium coatings applied to iron or steel articles except for coatings applied to components having threads of basic major diameter from 1.25 to 12.5 mm and coatings applied to sheet or wire in the unfabricated form or to closecoiled springs.
1.1 This

1.2 Requirements are specified for appearance, thickness, adhesion, heat treatment before or after plating, precleaning standards and if the coating is chromate-passivated, the corrosion resistance. 2. TERMINOLOGY
2.0 For the purpose of this standard,

the following definitions shall apply. has to

2.1 Surface work.

The part of the surface on which the electroplater

2.2 Significant Surface - Significant surfaces are those surfaces, normally visible directly or by reflection, which are essential to the appearance or serviceability of the article when assembled in normal position, or which can be the source of corrosion products that deface visible surfaces on the assembled article and are subject to wear or corrosion or both, or surfaces on which the coating is otherwise functionally necessary.
NOTE 1 - The significant surface may be generally defined as that part of the visible surface which can be touched with a ball of diameter 20 mm or a diameter agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser. NOTE 2 - The designation of signilicant surface shall be agreed manufacturer and the purchaser and may be indicated in the drawings. upon by the

2.3 Non-significant Surfaces - Surfaces such as holes, recesses, bases of angles and similar areas where a controlled deposit ordinarily cannot be obtained, are designated as non-significant surfaces. 2.4 Minimum Local Thickness - This is defined as the lowest value of the coating thickness at any point on the significant surfaces. 2.5 Minimum Average Thickness - This is the average number of points on the significant surfaces. of thicknesses at a

2.6 Iridescent Passivation - When a stable and adherent chromate coating is formed over cadmium electrodeposits by reaction with an acidified dichromate solution under suitable pH and duration of passivation, producing more than one or two interference colours, the passivation is termed as iridescent passivation. 5


. 1986

treatment for relief of hydrogen 2.7 Post-Plating Treatment - Heat embrittlement, bright dipping, chromate passivation, dyeing, lacquering, painting or other organic coatings after plating, are termed post-plating treatments. 2.8 Hydrogen Embrittlement hydrogen into a metal. 3. COATING Embrittlement caused by the entry of



3.1 Manner of Specifying Requirements .- When ordering the electroplating of articles, the purchaser shall state the number of this standard, the date of issue, the class or service condition number and type ( see Table 1 ). If necessary, the purchaser shall include, on his part, if specified, the following. 3.1.1 Electroplating Application to High-Strength Steel, If Specified 3.1.2 Thickness, If Other than that SpeciJed in This Standard 3.1.3 Lustre 3.1.4 Location

qf SigniJcant Stirface IfSpeciJied

3.1.5 Corrosion Resistance Test,

3.1.6 Hydrogen Embrittlement Test, If Required 3.1.7 Sample Size for Inspection, If Other than the Specified 3.1.8 Supplementary Requirements, If Applicable order of increasing severity of 3.2 Grading of Service Conditions -In service conditions, numbers 1 to 3 have been allotted, to be referred to as Service Grade Numbers. The purchaser shall specify the service grade number and, if desired, also the classification number ( see 3.3 ). Typical service conditions which correspond to various service grade numbers have been explained in Appendix A, for guidance. 3.3 Classification of Coatings The classification number comprises: by

a ) Chemical symbol for the basis metal ( iron or steel ), Fe, followed an oblique stroke; b ) Chemical symbol far cadmium, Cd; local thickness ( micrometres

c ) A number indicating the minimum of the cadmium coating; and 6

IS : 1572 - 1986

d ) If appropriate, symbols indicating the presence of, and type (,if required), of the chromate conversion coating (see IS : 9839-1981*).
3.3.1 Example of Complete Classification Number - Fe/Cd 8 CA shall denote a coating on~iron or steel consisting of 8 micrometres of cadmium followed by A type chromate conversion coating, where

C refers to the chromate conversion coating, and A is the type of chromate conversion coating. 4. COATING REQUIREMENTS
4.1 Finish and Appearance 4.1.1 Over the significant surface, the plated article shall be free from clearly visible plating defects such as blisters, pits, roughness, nodules, cracks, burning or unplated areas and shall not be stained or discoloured. On articles, usually where a contact mark is inevitable, this contact mark is excluded for inspection of appearance. Superficial stains that result from rinsing or slight discolouration resulting from drying or heating operation to relieve hydrogen embrittlement shall not be the cause for rejection.
NOTE 1 -


Unless otherwise specified, the finish shall be bright, semi-bright The plated article shall, however, be clean and free from any damage.


NOTE 2 - Defects on fhe surface of the basis metal, such as scratches, porosity, pits, inclusions, cracks, roll marks and die marks may adversely affect the appearance of coatings applied thereto, ~despite the observance of the best electroplating practices. Accordingly, the electroplaters responsibility for defects in the coating resulting from such conditions shall be waived.

4.2 Thickness and Type of Cadmium Coating 4.2.1 Thickness - The minimum thickness of cadmium designated by the classification number (see 3.3).



4.2.2 Local Thickness - The minimum local thickness of the cadmium coating shall be measured at points on the significant surface as agreed to between the purchaser and the supplier and shall satisfy the requirements of Table 1. 4.2.3 Average Thickness -In cases where it is not possible to measure local thickness, the average thickness of cadmium coating shall satisfy the appropriate requirements of Table 1. *Specificationfor chromate conversion coatings an electroplated zinc and cadmium coatings.

IS: 1572- 1986


3.1,4.2.2, 42.3 and4.6) MINIMUM LOCALTHICKNESS (4) w 12 5 AVERAQE THICKNESS (5) pm

CLASSIFICA~ON NUMBER (3) Fe/Cd 12 Fe/Cd 8 Fe/Cd 5

ii) iii)

; 1


NOTE~~- In any particular environment, the protective value of a cadmium coating is directly proportional to its mass per unit area. The marked superiority shown by cadmium coatings over zinc coatings of equal thickness in the standard salt spray test cannot be taken as a fact valid for all the environments (zinc is superior in industrial environments whereas cadmium is superior in humid/marine atmospheres). NOTE 2 - Barrel-plated items like screws, nuts, bolts, etc, are usually plated according to classification Fe/Cd 5 and Fe/Cd 8. NOTE 3 - Average thickness is determined for small parts and fasteners where minimum local thickness cannot be determined.

4.3 Adhesion -

The coating shall continue to adhere

to the basis metal. semi-bright or

4.4 - Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, a bright, dull lustre shall be acceptable.

4.5 Corrosion Resistance - Corrosion resistance shall be carried out on parts which have not been after-treated with protective substances such as waxes, greases and oils or on parts chromized by the methods given in 7.2. 4.6 Coatings Appropriate to Each Service Grade Number - Table 1 gives the coating classification number, minimum local thickness and minimum average thickness appropriate for each service condition number. 5. BASIS METAL 5.1 Cleaning of Basis Metal - This standard does not specify requirements for the surface of the basis metal prior to electroplating but proper preparatory procedures and thorough cleaning of the basis metal shall be done in accordance with the procedure given in IS : 3194-1980* to ensure satisfactory adhesion and corrosion resistance performance of the coating. *Recommendedpractice for cleaning metals prior to electroplating 8
(first revision ).

IS : 1572 - 1986 6. HEAT TREATMENT

6.1 Heat treatment shall be performed

on certain basis metals to reduce the risk of damage by-hydrogen embrittlement. In all cases, the duration of heat treatment shall commence from the time at which the whole of each part attains the specified temperature.

6.1.1 Parts made from steels with maximum specified tensile strengths of 1 050 MPa or higher (corresponding hardness values of approximately 34 HRC, 340 HV or 325 HB) and surface-hardened parts shall require heat treatment. It is recommended thzt unless otherwise specified, steels having tensile strength greater than 1 450 MPa (corresponding hardness 45 HRC, 440 HV or 415 HB) should not be electroplated with cadmium by cDnventiona1 methods.

6.2 With the exception of surface-hardened parts, the heat treatment conditions shall be selected on the basis of the specified maximum tensile strength. Steels shall be categorized according to specified maximum tensile strength according to Table 2. If the steel specification is only in terms of minimum tensile strength, the corresponding maximum tensile strength shall be determined from Table 2.



i) -ii) iii) iv)

(2) MPa
lOOO<RmMin<1400 1 750 -=cRm Min




Rm Max Q 1050 1 050 < Rm Max < 1450 145Oc RmiUax< 1 800 -K Rm Max 1800


6.3 Stress-Relief-Before Plating - All steel parts having an ultimate tensile strength of 1 050 MPa (corresponding hardness 34 HRC, 340 HV or 325 HB approx) and above, and that have been machined, ground or coldformed, or cold-strengthened, shall be heat-treated for stress-relief. As a guide, they may be heat-treated at the highest temperature within the limit imposed by the tempering temperature for 30 minutes or maintained at a temperature of 190 to 220C for not less than 1 hour.


or other cold-working

NOTE I - If stress-relief is given after shot-peening processes, the temperature shall not exceed 230C.

NOTE 2 - Some steels which have been carburized, flame-hardened or inductionhardened, and subsequently ground would be impaired by the treatment given in Note 1 and should instead be stress-relieved at a lower temperature, for example,~at Guidance is given in Table 3. 170C for not less than 1 hour.








No. (1) i)


Rm Max

(2) MPa Rm Max < 1 050 1 050 < Rm Max < 1 450 1450<RmMax< 1800 1 800 < Rm Max

C N;t&ey;$red


ii) iii)

19&220 190-220 ;:

6.4 Heat-Treatment After Plating Hydrogen Embrittlement Relief ponents subject to fatigue or sustained loading stress in service and from severely cold-worked steels or nitrided steels or steels of strength of 1 050 MPa (corresponding hardness 34 HRC, 340 HV

Commade tensile

HB approx) or greater should given in Table 4.

be heat-treated

after plating.

or 325 Guidance is


MENT RELIEF AFTER ELECTROPLATING (excluding surface-hardened



TIME (4)

No. (1)

STRENGTH,Rm Max (2) (3)

ii) iii) iv)




Rm Max < 1050 1050 < Rm Max < 1450 1450<RmMax<1800 18OO<RmMax

190-220 190-220




- 1986

6.4.1 In case the heat-treatment temperature would be harmful, for example, to surface-hardened steels (except for nitrided steels), it may be necessary to apply a lower temperature for a longer time.
NOTE 1 - The baking should be done as soon as possible after electroplating and before any supplementary chemical treatment of the plated surfaces. The best time and temperature in some cases shall be established by experiment.
NOTE 2 - Electroplated springs and other parts subject to flexure shall not be flexed before hydrogen embrittlement relief treatment. Steel springs shall be treated in boiling water for not less than 2 hours. The spring rating may be affected at a higher temperature.

NOTE 3 - Other conditions of time and temperature may be specified and used if they have been shown to be effective for the particular part and are acceptable to the purchaser but parts shall not be heat-treated above their tempering temperature.

6.5 Activation Treatment - Electroplated surfaces passivated as a result of the baking operation shall be reactivated before receiving~a supplementary treatment. Surface intended for supplementary treatment, namely A, B, C and D types may by activated by immersion in a dilute acid solution. Surfaces shall be activated as soon as possible following baking and should be handled carefully to avoid contamination. 7. SUPPLEMENTARY

7.1 Chromate passivation of cadmium

plating should always be applied unless there is an agreement to the contrary. As it increases the protective value of cadmium plating, the articles are passivated after cadmium plating. If it is to be heat-treated, this should be done before passivation. 7.1.1 Chromate Conversion Coating - Chromate conversion coating on cadmium plating shall be done in accordance with IS : 9839-1981. If specified by the purchase order, chromate conversion coatings shall be further protected by organic protective coatings like water soluble lacquer, nitrocellulose lacquer or paint. 7.1.2 Phosphate Conversion Coating - Phosphate conversion coating shall be done in accordance with IS : 3618-1974t. If specified by the purchase order, this coating shall also be covered by painting. 7.2 Corrosion Resistance of Chromate Coating - The protective value of a chromate coating shall be determined by exposing the clean specimen to a 5 percent solution of salt spray and conducting the test in accordance with
*Specification coatings. tSpecification corrosion. for chromate conversion treatment coatings on electroplated of zinc and cadmium against

for phosphate

iron and steel for protection


IS : 6910-1985. The white corrosion product which is easily determinable by eyes: shall not emerge on the chromate coating surface within 48 hours. 7.2.1 Alternatively, other method, such as exposure to a humidity environment shall be used as given in IS : 8602-1977t. Break-down of the film, or the appearance of white corrosive products after 2 cycles of the test constitute failure to comply with this standard. 7.3 Appearance of Chromate Coating - The appearance of a chromate film on cadmium-plated parts may vary from olive drab, olive green shading to brown or bronze, iridescent yellowish green to practically colourless. In the case of iridescent passivation, the combination of colours may vary according to the process conditions like pH, conditions of the basis metal and cadmium deposit, temperature, time of reaction, agitation and composition of the passivation bath. 7.4 Covering - A chromate film should be free from bare patches. The presence of the film is verified by the test methods, for colourless and bleached passivation as prescribed in IS : 8602-19777.

7.5 Adhesion for Chromated Coatings - A chromate film shall be adherent. Its adhesion shall be tested by the method prescribed in IS : 8602-1977t.
Nope 1 - The cadmium surface is attacted by supplementary treatments, thereby diminishing the amount of metallic cadmium present. Therefore, it is recommended that no supplementary treatments be applied to cadmium coatings, having a minimum thickness of less than about 3 micrometres. surface is soft, the coloured chromate films are NOTE 2 - Since cadmium likely to be scratched when chromated cadmmm plated particles rub each other. Adequate case is taken to minimize such damages to the passivated film.



8.1 Out of each lot of similar parts, a number of samples shall be selected

at random. The size of the lot and the number of samples to be selected shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. All the samples selected shall be visually examined for any defects referred to in. 9. TEST SPECIMENS 9.1 If separate test specimens are used to represent the coated articles in a test, the specimens shall be same in nature, size and number and be processed as required in the purchasers order.
NOTE - Unless a need can be demonstrated, separately prepared specimens shall not be used in place of production items for non-destructive and visual examinations. *Method of testing corrosion resistance of electroplated and anodized aluminium coatings by acetic acid salt spray test (first revision ). tMethods of tests for chromate conversion coatings on zinc and cadmium surfaces.


IS : 1572 - 1986 9.2 Thickness and Adhesion Test Specimens - If separate specimens for thickness and adhesion tests are required, they shall be strips approximately 25 mm wide, 100 mm long and 1 mm thick.

9.3 Corrosion Resistance Test Specimens - If separate specimens for corrosion resistance tests are required, they shall be panels not less than 150 mm long, 100 mm wide and approximately 1 mm thick. 9.4 Hydrogen Embrittlement Test Specimens - If specimens are required, the configuration shall be specified by the purchaser.
10. TEST METHODS 10.1 Thickness 10.1.1 The local thickness of coating may by determined by the methods prescribed in IS : 3203-1982.

10.1.2 The method as given in Appendix B shall be used for determining average thickness in the case of cadmium coating on small articles as prescribed in 4.2.3.
NOTE1 - Other methods may also be used if it can be demonstrated uncertainty of the measurement with these methods is less than 10 percent. that the

Norn2If the coatings are rough or matt, the microscopical and profilometric methods may give unreliable results, and magnetic/eddy current methods may give measurements which are somewhat greater than those obtained on smooth coatings of the same mass.

10.1.3 Thickness measurements of cadmium coatings -may be made after application of the supplementary treatments. When methods as per IS : 3203-1982* (BNF jet test method ) are used, remove the supplementary treatment prior to testing. The chromate film may be removed by using a very mild abrasive (a paste of levigated alumina rubbed on with the finger). Phosphate coating is to be treated with a concentrated ( 28 % ) ammonia solution to quickly dissolve the phosphate coating without affecting the underlying cadmium.

10.2 Adhesion - Adhesion of the coating shall be such that when examined in accordance with Appendix C, the coating shall not show separation from the basis metal at the interface. 10.3 Msual Examination - Examine material for compliance with requirements of lustre (4.4) and appearance (4.1 and 7.3) after electroplating and passivation.
Methods of testing local thickness of electroplated coatings (
first revision ).


IS : 1572 - 1986 10.4 Conversion Coatings - Conversion coatings, if applied, shall be tested for the requirements and the methods given in 7.2 to 7.5. 11. -REJECTION 11.1 Coatings not conforming to this specification or to authorized fication shall be rejected. 12. PACKAGING AND PACKING


12.1 Presentation, packaging and packing methods for cadmium electroplated parts or articles employed by a supplier shall be such as to preclude damage during shipment and handling. 13. MARKING 13.1 The marking related to the coating shall include service grade and classification numbers as specified in this standard and the name or trademark of the manufacturer.

13.1.1 The coated article may also be marked with the Standard which shall relate to the coating of the article.


NOTE - The use of the Standard mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The BIS Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a testing and quality control which is devised and well-defined system of inspection, supervised by BIS and operated by the producer. BIS marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the BIS Certification Mark may be granted to manufacturers or processors may be obtained from the Bureaa of Indian Standards.


IS : 1572 - 1986

APPENDIX ( Clause 3.2 )

EXAMPLES OF SERVICE CONDITIONS CORRESPONDING TO EACH SERVICE NUMBER A-l. SERVICE GRADE NO. 3 A-l.1 Severe service conditions involving exposure to marine atmospheres and tropical conditions of high humidity. Some examples of articles subjected to such conditions are aircraft components and defence electronic components. A-2. SERVICE GRADE NO. 2 A-2.1 Moderate service conditions involving outdoor exposure under dry conditions. Some examples of articles subjected to such conditions are automobile parts and barrel-plated items. A-3. SERVICE GRADE NO. 1 A-3.1 Mild service conditions involving indoor dry conditions. Some examples of articles subjected to such conditions are domestic radio chassis and barrel-plated items.
Norm 1 - The conditions of exposure and use of electroplated steel are so varied that it is not possible to predict the average life of articles electroplated in accordance with Grades 3, 2 and 1. Such a selection should be based upon the experience of the manufacturers and users. It is recognized that uses exist :for which coatings thicker than those Norx2of Grade 3 may be required.

APPENDIX ( Clause 10.1.2 )

METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF AVERAGE THICKNESS B-l. STRIPPING SOLUTION El.1 Dissolve 20 g of antimony trioxide in 1 000 ml of cold, concentrated hydrochloric acid (sp gr 1.16).




determine the area of the plated part. Degrease it with an organic solvent, such as trichloroethylene, dry thoroughly and weigh to an accuracy of one part in 10 000. Then totally immerse it and turn it over so that the reagent has free access to all surfaces. After the effervescence has eased, remove the sample, immediately wash, wipe to remove the loose coating of antimony and immerse in clean acetone to remove any trapped water. Then remove the sample, dry by the process previously used and reweigh. NOTE1 - If the article is of a complex shape, an area should be agreed to
between the contracting parties. NOTE 2 - The presence of a chromate passivation film can be ignored in this test.

B-2.1 Accurately

B-3. CALCULATION B-3.1 The thickness of cadmium coating in micrometres

is given by

116 ---. where

103(mr - mz) .-___ _. A

original mass in g of the sample, m2 = final mass in g of the sample, and A =. area in mm2 of coating.
ml =

The above calculation

assumes a density of 8.65 g/cm* for cadmium.

APPENDIX ( Clause 10.2 )


area of not more than 650 mm2 of the plated surface, selected at the discretion of the inspector, rapidly and firmly with a smooth metal implement for 15 seconds. C-l.2 A suitable burnishing implement is a copper disc ( for example, a copper coin ) used edgewise, and broadside. The pressure shall be sufficient to burnish the film at every stroke, but not so great as to cut the deposit. A poor adhesion will be shown by the appearance of a loose blister which grows as the rubbing is continued. If the quality of the deposit is also poor, the blister may crack and the plating will peel away from the base metal. C-l.3 More than one area may be tested, if desired. 16

C-l.1 Rub an

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