Note Taking
Note Taking
Note Taking
A mind map connects ideas together visually Notetaking is the practice of writing pieces of information, often in an informal or unstructured manner. One major specific type of notetaking is the practice of writing in shorthand, which can allow large amounts of information to be put on paper very quickly. Notes are frequently written in notebooks, though any available piece of paper can suffice in many circumstancessome people are especially fond of Post-It notes, for instance. Notetaking is an important skill for students, especially at the college level. Many different forms are used to structure information and make it easier to find later. Computers, particularly tablet PCs and personal digital assistants (PDAs) are beginning to see wide use as notetaking devices. Professional Notetakers provide access to information for people who cannot take their own notes, in particular Deaf and hard of hearing people. Manual notetaking requires pen and paper and Electronic Notetaking (or Computer-Assisted Notetaking) requires laptops with special notetaking software. Professional Notetakers most frequently work in colleges and universities but also in workplace meetings, appointments, conferences, and training sessions. They are usually educated to degree level. In the UK they are increasingly expected to have a professional notetaking qualification, such as that offered by the Council for the Advancement of Communication with Deaf People (CACDP).
Note taking can help to record and organize information. Lecture learning is prominent in classrooms and note-taking influences the academic success of all high school and college students [1] and students usually spend about 80% of class time listening to lectures [2] The problem is that students typically record incomplete notes--usually 2040% of the important lecture ideas. In addition, approximately 80% of what is not noted is forgotten after two weeks and it is of vital importance that note-taking skills are taught [3] . Literature indicates [4]) that a significant gap between lecture speed delivery and writing speed makes a negative impact on number of units of information recorded and comprehension of the class material.
Why take lecture notes ? Did you ever wonder why instructors make such a big deal about taking notes during a class lecture ? Have you ever really thought about the importance of taking notes in class? In fact, it is just as important to take notes as you read your text assignments. See chapter on SQ3R.
Attend class regularly. Arrive on time. Keep up with reading assignments. Organize your notetaking materials ahead of time and come mentally prepared.
To be useful, notes must be arranged in some logical system that you understand and use. Notes should be legible and complete. Use the rewriting process to reformat them, reword them and to complete them. Notes should be paraphrased. Take the time to put them into your own words and understanding. Be brief. See the SQ3R section to learn about taking your own notes on the textbook assigned readings.
Review your notes as soon as possible after class. Review the notes from the previous class meeting while you sit and wait for the class to begin. Orient yourself for the upcoming lecture. You will be able to take more relevant and complete notes. Review each week's notes at the end of the week. Start preparing for the next unit test by spending 20 minutes each day throughout the time period assigned for that unit reviewing and reciting the relevant material. Extensive studies have shown that one's recall rises immediately after a learning period, such as a lecture, and then declines rapidly until after about twenty-four hours, recall has diminished by about 80%. However, the decline in recall can be dramatically reduced if one reinforces the learning by a short review within one hour. o The longer the period of time the greater the loss of recall; o the shorter the period of time, the lesser the loss of recall. What is the single most important way to prepare for a test? o Believe it or not, the single most effective way to prepare for a test is recitation. o Hearing your own voice summarizing the material and quizzing yourself on it will greatly reinforce your mental image of the subject. o Too many student think that the thing to do is to reread chapters. Boring! Right? o Studies have shown that about 80% of your study time can more profitably be spent in recitation rather than rereading.
A student needing to improve notetaking skills might check for additional information on these websites. Cornell Method of Notetaking Effective Notetaking
1. Come prepared for class. It might mean having to preview material to be covered during the next class meeting. Familiarity with a subject increases your ability to pick out key points. 2. Focus your attention on key points. It might mean having to make choices. Choose what you think is most important. Write down key words and phrases and revise your notes immediately after class. 3. Exchange notes with your classmates. Pool these notes and all involved will have a more complete set of notes. Exchange notes regularly if it proves beneficial. 4. Leave large empty spaces for filling in information you missed. Use symbols that will help you remember what is missing. 5. See the instructor after class. Take your notes with you and show the instructor what you missed. Ask questions. Suggest that he or she slow down. If that doesn't work, use the following suggestions. 6. Ask the instructor's permission to use a tape recorder in class. This option should be used only as a last resort. Remember, the best tool to use in the classroom is taking notes. That forces you to stay actively engaged in the lecture. 7. Take detailed notes on your reading , leaving plenty of room to add lecture notes to them. 8. Ask the instructor if he or she is giving the same lecture at another time. Hearing it again will help solidify your understanding of the material and help you fill in gaps in your notes. 9. Ask questions in class. Many instructors allow time for questions. Use this time to ask for clarification of difficult points or simply to fill in information you missed the first time. Most instructors will discuss the material in different words, perhaps adding illustrations, that will simplify the material.
Adapted from Ellis, Becoming a Master Student. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1994.
successful academically, students need to learn not only how to take notes, but also manage time, take tests, and read/write critically. ii. The Value of Supplemental Notes - Since student notes often contain gaps and errors, if they are supplemented by course outlines, teacher notes, or notes from other sources, students may remember more. Notes from other sources should not replace personal notes. On this point, Prof. Roszkowski of the University of Illinois has remarked, "Ninety percent of what [students] learn in class is in the process of writing their own class notes." (2000). Kesselman-Turkel and Peterson echo, "The very act of note taking helps you remember the ideas you're taking down. It's much more efficient than just listening or reading . . ." (1982:3). The Value of Review - Much of the benefit of note taking appears to come from review. The value of periodic review should be stressed, since weak students in particular often lack effective review skills. The Value of Goals - Note taking is most effective if students have a clear idea of what they are taking notes for. Note taking is a flexible tool which can be used in many ways. The strategy for taking and reviewing notes to merely remember facts differs from that needed to master higher level concepts. According to the University of Toronto Office of Student Affairs, students take better notes if they have a clear idea of their learning goals.
iii. iv.
Common Problems Students Have Taking Notes How well do most students take notes? A report by Palmatier and Bennett (1974) suggests most students are inefficient note takers. Moreover, even good "Although there is not a single correct students often fail to capture key way to take notes, some ways are less information in some lectures. Few effective than others." schools in Asia attempt to systematically teach note taking skills. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that Yorkey (1982) asserts many foreign students lack the necessary study skills to succeed at universities overseas. Although there is not a single correct way to take notes, some ways are less effective than others. Eight ineffective note taking behaviors and strategies are listed below. i. Writing Too Much - Some over-zealous note takers attempt to record everything without considering the content. A 1979 study by Bretzing and Kulhary points out that verbatim notes are of less value than condensed ones. Perhaps we should remember that note taking is a critical thinking activity which involves a process of sifting and condensing information. Good note takers know what to ignore as well as what to write. Writing Too Little - Some students simply do not take notes. Others merely jot down a few phrases. Such students are either apathetic or believe they can remember an entire presentation from one listening. Kruger and Dunning (1999) note how poor students in particular tend to overrate their ability to remember
information. One way teachers can help such students is to remind them to take notes. An even better way is to show them how to do so. Writing Incorrect Information - Foreign language students in particular tend to either mishear or record information incorrectly. As Doyon (2000) points out, many Asian students are too self-conscious to tell their instructors when they can't follow a lecture. One thing teachers can do to alleviate this is to encourage student peer mentoring (Murray, 1998). Also, writing down key points often helps. Though students may not bother to listen to a lecture if all of the information is written down, outline notes with information gaps and pre-listening questions can encourage task-based active listening (Ahmed, 1998). Not Storing Notes Well - Slate et al. (1998) has mentioned how many students simply take notes on loose scraps of paper instead of on notebooks. Such papers are easily misplaced. Many students also have problems locating information in their notebooks because their entries are not properly dated or arranged by subject. Several note taking approaches emphasize the importance of dating entries and placing them in clearly categorized sections of a notebook. Misquoting, Plagiarizing, or Not Citing References - Students preparing notes for reports need to understand how direct quotes, indirect quotes, and paraphrases differ. Many students do not understand how to cite references correctly. As Boehm (2000) has pointed out, Asian and African students in particular need to be educated about intellectual property rights and what constitutes plagiarism. Copying is rampant in Asia, and some students do not seem to understand plagiarism is unacceptable. Relying on Other Notes - As a supplement to regular classes and readings, notes from other sources can be beneficial. Kanaoka (1999) suggests that having several information sources can foster critical thinking skills for some students. However, students unaccustomed to sifting through several information sources may become confused by the abundance of contrasting data. The main problem with notes from multiple sources is that all too often mediocre students do not bother to read the original texts or attend the original lecture - they just count on prepared notes to make it through exams. Over reliance on Technology - As audio and video technology becomes increasingly compact, the temptation to depend on tape recorders or video cameras take notes increases. It should be stressed that recording information is merely one function of note taking. Condensing and reviewing information are also essential. These functions cannot be done by external technologies. Relying on mechanic devices to "catch everything" does not promote cognitive processing. People with tape recorders or video cameras often pay more attention to their microphones or camera lens than what is being said. Moreover, they need to relisten to a presentation to digest it. This is often an inefficient use of time. Not Reviewing Adequately - The importance of review has already been mentioned. Instead of reviewing frantically just before an exam, students are likely to gain more value by reviewing once or twice a week throughout a semester.
In addition to these problems, foreign language students may find it more comfortable to take notes in their native language. Is that counterproductive? That depends on the learning goals. If the goal is foreign language mastery, it may be worth taking notes in the target language. However, if the goal is to write things down quickly, code-switching might be an efficient strategy. Popular Note Taking Systems Dozens of different note taking systems exist. This paper described five which are currently popular. After outlining each system, key features are briefly compared. i. Pauk's System - In 1974 Pauk devised a note taking method using loose leaf notes with two columns. Often referred to as the "Cornell System", he suggests the main column be devoted to recording key ideas in paragraph form and the lefthand column be devoted to providing cues. After a lecture or reading, the main column should be checked and memory cues are added. Fig. 1 depicts some notes according to the Pauk system for a literature class.
Figure 1. Sample notes for Act I, Scene 1 of Richard II according to the Pauk system (1974).
When reviewing, the main column is covered. While reading the cues on the left-hand column, as much information as possible is recalled out loud. Subvocalizing the information, in Pauk's view, reinforces it. Persons reviewing their notes should actually try to say the information being recalled out loud. ii. Fry's System - Fry (1994) emphasizes the role of active listening in classroom note taking. He recommends students try to understand an instructor's preferred teaching style and gauge their verbal and nonverbal cues. For example, whereas some instructors tend to present key information early in a class, others do so at
the end. Salient characteristics of Fry's system include extensive abbreviations - vowels are eliminated in most words. Often, he suggests mapping out ideas graphically for notes. Fig. 2 offers notes from the first scene of Richard II according to a format recommended by Fry.
Figure 2. Graphic-mapping notes by the author for Act 1, Scene 1 of Richard II based on a system by Fry (1994).
Van Blerkom's System - Van Blerkom (1997) emphasizes that there are many different ways to take notes, and suggests that students gain experience with block-paragraph, graphic-mapping, timeline, and outline style notes. She recommends adding recall and/or question columns to most notes after a lecture is over. Though she recommends using extensive abbreviations, she doesn't go as far as Fry in advocating vowel elimination. Fig. 1 has already shown what paragraph style notes look like. Fig. 2 has offered an example of graphic-mapping notes. A glimpse of outline notes based on a format recommended by Van Blerkom appears in Fig 3. Notice how main ideas and sub-ideas are indented differently. In this format, it is necessary to consider how new ideas relate hierarchically to previous ideas. For well-organized lectures, such hierarchical outline notes can be of value. With presentations which jump around, however, other note taking formats might be more apt. One option is to use block-paragraph style notes for recording presentations, then graphic-mapping notes when reviewing them. Taking notes of notes is, in fact, often an effective review process.
Figure 3. Abridged outline notes for Act I, Scene 1 of Richard II based on a model by Van Blerkom (1997).
Anda dapat membangun sistem sebagai strategi belajar dan mencatat : Merekam* Mengurangi* Menceritakan* Merefleksikan* Meninjau (melihat kembali) Ambil halaman-halaman lepas buku catatan: Ini akan memungkinkan Anda menambah, membatalkan, dan merangkaikan kembali halaman-halaman dan materi-materi. Mulai setiap cacatan pembahasan dengan halaman penutup untuk ringkasan dan persiapan ujian. Halaman catatan khas: Tanggal & Kepala (bagian atas) Tanggal Klas/subyek atau judul atau nomor (misalnya, 3/34)
Rekam /catat di sini: identifikasi titik penting ide utama yang ditangkap Gunakan garis-garis besar peta konsep p Gunakan kata-kata dan gambar dan alinea sejauh itu menyerap informasi cepat. Hindarkan pengutipan kecuali kalau sangat penting.
mahasiswa Anda Mengurangkan Catatan sesudah Klas: Kata kunci/isyarat frase pertanyaan Jaringan informasi dari teks atau sumber lain Tinjauan: ringkasan halaman, khususnya isi yang menarik. Tinjauan catatan yang Anda buat dan ringkaskan di bawah halaman pada pembahasan studi berikutnya, dan sebelum membaca materi baru atau belajar untuk ujian. Gandakan halaman catatan untuk satu kuliah:
Ringkaskan setiap halaman di bawah halaman, Ringkaskan kuliah apakah di bagian penutup atau di akhir halaman.
Tinjauan berdasarkan ingatan apa yang Anda telah pelajari Gunakan kata-kata kunci dan pertanyaan dari margin sebelah kiri, berbicara melalui, atau ilustrasikan definisi, konsep, dan sebagainya. Ciptakan contoh Anda sendiri
Merefleksikan: Pertimbangkan!
Bagaimana hubungan ini dengan apa yang Anda ketahui sebelumnya? Catat terminologi esei dan temukan salah satu yang terbaik yang merujuk pada studi Anda: terapkan, bandingkan, diagram, evaluasi, dan sebagainya...
Dialihkan dari Walter Pauk (1989) dan Sistem Pencatatan di Cornell(Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH)
Note taking (or notetaking is the practice of writing pieces of information. DSchneider has the impression that Note taking includes the following:
lecture or a discussion
reading / on the Web in some systematic way. See also: literature review (since before and during a literature review, you may engage in note taking)
Record During the lecture, record as many facts and ideas as possible in the notes column. Reduce After the lecture, read through the notes taken and reduce to key words and phrases, or questions. The key words and phrases are used as cues to help recall the ideas and facts. The questions are to add clarity to the facts and ideas. Recite Using only the key words, phrases and questions in the cue word column recite the ideas and facts in the notes column. It is important that you are not just mechanically repeating, but using your own words. Reflect Based on the facts and ideas learnt, reflect upon how this fits in with what you already know, and how this knowledge can be applied. Review On a frequent basis, review your past notes by reciting and reflecting upon them. Recapitulate After you have reduced, recited and reflected upon your note, you should recapitulate each main idea using complete sentences at the bottom of the key word column.
See concept maps Mind maps (i.e. hierarchical trees) can also be used to take lecture notes in real time.
Charting is method that helps to summarize and see relations.
This teachnique can be used to chart out concepts found in the literature in order to prepare a literature review.
Put concepts on a row Each line represents an article and each cell can contain pointers and comments to a definition of concept Since normal paper is not wide enough, DSchneider thinks that one should use either a huge sheet of page (flip chart size) or use a wordprocessor or spreadsheet.
SQ3R is a note taking method from readings Rowntree (1976: 40-64) outlines what he calls the 'SQ3R' approach to reading and note taking from text. He suggests that students should use the following activities in order to get the most from a reading in the most efficient way. 1. Survey - flip through the chapter or book and note the layout, first and last chapters or paragraphs, look at the headings used, familiarise yourself with the reading. 2. Question - Ask questions about the way the reading is structured and think about the questions you will need to keep in mind while reading. Think about whether or not you think the book is relevant or if it's current and if it suits the purpose of your study. 3. Read - read actively but quickly, looking for the main points of the reading - don't take any notes - you might want to read through twice quickly. 4. Recall - Write down the main points of the reading and any really important facts, and opinions that help support the main points. Also record the bibliographic details. 5. Review - repeat the first three steps over and make sure you haven't missed anything. At this point you might like to finalise your notes and re-read your notes or write down how the material you've just covered relates to your question or task.
Notetaking tools
Note taking tools are a specific form of cognitive tool, see also writing tools for an overview on different genres of writing tools. Paper
See paper
Stand-alone programs The Note Taking tool (TNTT): The Note Taking Tool (TNTT), which started life as a University project, has now grown up and become open source! TNTT is a note-taking application tailored for use by students in academic environments. It helps students maximise the potential of their note-taking by guiding them through the Cornell method.
Notalon: An Open-Source Cornell Notes Application Scribe note-taking application The Literary machine is a dynamic archive and an idea management tool aimed at creative thinking - built especially with the writer in mind. It is packed with indexing and display techniques so general and potent that you will use it as an intelligence center. (There is a freeware version) EverNote Text Block Writer is a virtual index card program for writers. It can be used to organize research papers, articles, fiction, non-fiction, books and whatever related to writing. It is intended for people like me who use paper index cards to write all the notes and pieces of an essay, and then arrange the pieces and then use that to type them into the computer. Graphic Organizer: Research Note Taking Made Easy. This is a rtf (word) template. WikiPad. This looks like a wiki for individual use, but there are some extra features (not tested / DKS).
On-line See also the list of web 2.0 applications, there may be other entries. On-line notetaking, note shareing. Autolinks to Wikipedia and Google. Interface with Facebook, etc. It's a social software
Wikis. Most entries in this wiki are just note takings (12:55, 21 September 2006 (MEST)). C3MS (that's not DSchneider's idea, but Jennifer Maddrell's she extends this electronic portfolio-like)
General links
Note taking skills - from lectures and readings, Department of Lifelong Learning: Study Skills Series, University of Exeter Wikipedia: Notetaking Wikipedia: Cornell Notes Wikipedia: SQ3R (webpage describing the method) Explanation of the Cornell note-taking system The SQ3R Method(webpage describing the method) Study Skills Self-help Information (Virginia Tech).
Bauer, A. & Koedinger, K. (2005). Designing an Online Note Taking Tool from the Ground Up. In P. Kommers & G. Richards (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2005 (pp. 4181-4186). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Abstract/HTML/PDF Boch, Franoise and Annie Piolat, Note Taking and Learning, A Summary of Research, The WAC Journal PDF (Recommended overview article). Robinson, Francis Pleasant. (1970) Effective study (4th ed.). New York: Harper & Row.
I must Create a System, or be enslaved by another Man's Wm. Blake 1757 - 1827 English
A good strategy of note taking in class will pay off in terms of effectiveness and time savings. The keys to good note taking are the five "R's" from the Cornell Notetaking System (Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH): Record * Reduce * Recite * Reflect * Review You can develop your own system based on a few elementary strategies: Get a good loose leaf notebook. This will enable you to add, delete, and re-sequence pages and materials. Develop an organizational system; include 1. headings, the date, even the number of the class (e.g. 3/34) 2. any guest speakers' names, including your fellow students' contributions 3. a system of "sections" to organize your notes Leave plenty of white space for additions Think in terms of three main sections: 1. A central space for identifying the main points capturing the main ideas not quoting the lecturer (if you want to quote someone, bring a tape recorder if it is permitted) 2. a marginal space for editing or annotating what you have written, linking information from the text or other sources, adding definitions 3. a "condensing" or summary section
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body Richard Steele, English 1672 1729
Read just enough to keep an understanding of the material. Do not take notes, but rather focus on understanding the material.
It is tempting to take notes as you are reading the first time, but this is not an efficient technique: you are likely to take down too much information and simply copy without understanding Second: Review the material
Locate the main ideas, as well as important sub-points Set the book aside Paraphrase this information: Putting the textbook information in your own words forces you to become actively involved with the material
Do not copy information directly from the textbook Add only enough detail to understand
See Concept mapping for a system of writing and organizing notes. Review, and compare your notes with the text, and ask yourself if you truly understand
Anda dapat membangun sistem sebagai strategi belajar dan mencatat : Merekam* Mengurangi* Menceritakan* Merefleksikan* Meninjau (melihat kembali) Ambil halaman-halaman lepas buku catatan: Ini akan memungkinkan Anda menambah, membatalkan, dan merangkaikan kembali halaman-halaman dan materi-materi. Mulai setiap cacatan pembahasan dengan halaman penutup untuk ringkasan dan persiapan ujian. Halaman catatan khas:
Tanggal & Kepala (bagian atas) Tanggal Klas/subyek atau judul atau nomor (misalnya, 3/34)
Rekam /catat di sini: identifikasi titik penting ide utama yang ditangkap Gunakan garis-garis besar peta konsep p Gunakan kata-kata dan gambar dan alinea sejauh itu menyerap informasi cepat. Hindarkan pengutipan kecuali kalau sangat penting.
Mengurangkan Catatan sesudah Klas: Kata kunci/isyarat frase pertanyaan Jaringan informasi dari teks atau sumber lain Tinjauan: ringkasan halaman, khususnya isi yang menarik. Tinjauan catatan yang Anda buat dan ringkaskan di bawah halaman pada pembahasan studi berikutnya, dan sebelum membaca materi baru atau belajar untuk ujian. Gandakan halaman catatan untuk satu kuliah:
Ringkaskan setiap halaman di bawah halaman, Ringkaskan kuliah apakah di bagian penutup atau di akhir halaman.
Tinjauan berdasarkan ingatan apa yang Anda telah pelajari Gunakan kata-kata kunci dan pertanyaan dari margin sebelah kiri, berbicara melalui, atau ilustrasikan definisi, konsep, dan sebagainya. Ciptakan contoh Anda sendiri
Merefleksikan: Pertimbangkan!
Bagaimana hubungan ini dengan apa yang Anda ketahui sebelumnya? Catat terminologi esei dan temukan salah satu yang terbaik yang merujuk pada studi Anda: terapkan, bandingkan, diagram, evaluasi, dan sebagainya...
Dialihkan dari Walter Pauk (1989) dan Sistem Pencatatan di Cornell(Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH