Acc Analysis
Acc Analysis
Acc Analysis
Accounting analysis helps to evaluate the degree to which a firms accounting captures its underlying business reality. This analysis is also useful to assess the degree of distortion in the firms accounting numbers by evaluating the appropriateness of the firms accounting policies and estimates and undo any distortions to improve the reliability of accounting numbers. Accounting analysis consists of six steps, which are described bellow :
FIFO). Like other firms, Alltex Industries Ltd has flexibility in making estimates about depreciation, amortization, and inventory accounting. All the policies has an important impacts in the financial reporting.
To an analyst it may be more or less complex to understand the business reality of a firm because of level of disclosure. At the same time, there is a minimum required level of accounting disclosure set by the regulatory authority. In this aspect manager has many things to consider. Disclosure quality is an important attribute for the quality of reporting. Our concerned company provides enough foot notes to understand the economic transactions and its consequences. The companys foot notes gives us an over view of their key accounting policies. From the reporting of financial statements we can have a good understanding of their current performance. The concerned company has made a very good investors relationship program. It publishes annual report in due time and calls AGM regularly.
From the reported papers, we have no confusion about the figure of sales and accounts receivables and level of inventories. For several of years, the company has no records of writing off large assets. The company also doesnt maintain the time segment reporting.