4BI0 1B Rms Biology

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Mark Scheme (Results) Summer 2012

International GCSE
Biology (4BI0) Paper 1B Science Double Award (4SC0) Paper 1B

Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 Certificate

Biology (KBI0) Paper 1B Science (Double Award) (KSC0) Paper 1B

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Summer 2012 Publications Code UG031792 All the material in this publication is copyright Pearson Education Ltd 2012

INTERNATIONAL GCSE BIOLOGY PAPER 1B SUMMER 2012 Question number 1 (a) Answer Feature can move from place to place can carry out photosynthesis are multicellular have cells with cell walls store carbohydrate as glycogen (b) Plants Animals Notes 4 marks correct 3 marks 7 2 marks 5 1 marks 3 0 marks 1 all for 6 or for 4 or for 2 or for 0 or Marks 4

(X) X

() X; ; X; ;

blank squares = wrong tick cross combined = wrong allow singular or plural ignore parasites / microorganisms / specific names eg cholera / amoeba Max 2

fungi; bacteria / prokaryotes; protoctists / protozoa; viruses;

Total 6 marks

Question number 2 (a) Name of blood vessel vena cava; capillary; aorta;


Notes 2 for all 3 correct 1 for 1 or 2 correct

Marks 2

Diameter of the lumen in mm 30.0 0.006 25.0

Thickness of the wall in mm 1.5 0.001 2.0


(i) (ii)

aorta; vena cava; ignore 0.001mm thick / small / ref to surface area to volume reject ref to thin cell wall wrong named blood vessel = 0 for whole item

1 1 2

(iii) capillary; one cell thick / thin (wall/membrane) / short diffusion distance / low pressure / slow blood flow / eq;

Total 6 marks

Question number 3 (a)

Answer keep out oxygen; anaerobic / prevent aerobic idea / eq;

Notes respiration alone gets no credit

Marks 2



starts low and rises; peak / level / rise less steep; down; (ii) carbon dioxide / CO2 (production);

inverted = 0

1 1 allow amount / quantity ignore volume of water in bath ignore room temperature ignore ref to oxygen ignore ref to oil 1 1 2

(iii) temperature; (c) volume of glucose; concentration / mass of glucose; mass / volume / number / of yeast; species / type of yeast; pH of solution;

(d) (e)

repeat / eq; volume of gas / measuring cylinder / syringe / eq;

Question number 3 (f)

Answer glucose; ethanol/alcohol; + carbon dioxide;

Notes ignore yeast on left hand side of equation but reject if any other substance used ignore energy / heat allow symbols only if correct eg CO2 = 0 CO2 = 1

Marks 3

Total 14 marks

Question number 4 (a) (i)



Marks 3

Structure Spongy mesophyll Alveolus Nephron Villus

Organ leaf

lung(s); kidney(s); small intestine / duodenum / ileum;



movement of molecules/particles/gases/named molecule; high conc. to low conc. / down concentration gradient / eq; passive / eq;

ignore substances allow along concentration gradient ignore filtered alone

Max 2


ultrafiltration / pressure; glomerulus / Bowmans capsule / renal capsule;

Total 7 marks

Question number 5 (a) (i)

Answer enzymes; kinetic energy / more collisions / molecules move faster / eq; (more) photosynthesis; (more) carbohydrate / glucose / eq; energy / respiration;

Notes ignore reactions alone ignore ref to transpiration / diffusion ignore food

Marks Max 3

(ii) minerals / ions / salts / nutrients / eq; named mineral 1; function of named mineral 1; named mineral 2; function of named mineral 2;

eg. nitrate (ignore nitrogen) /ammonium for; amino acids / protein; if nitrogen ignored still allow function mark magnesium; for chlorophyll/chloroplast; phosphate for; ATP / DNA / eq; ignore NPK

Max 3



ladybird / eq; aphid / eq;

accept any predator prey eg birds eating caterpillars ignore predator eats a pest accept converse answers that refer to chemical pesticide ignore ref to eutrophication ignore pollution / harm to habitat / eq ignore cost ignore ref to not harming crops/safer for humans

(ii) 1. lasts longer / no need to reapply / eq; 2. specific / no harm to other species; 3. no bioaccumulation / no biomagnification / eq; 4. no resistance; ignore immunity 5. no harm/affect to food chain(s) / eq;

Total 11 marks

Question number 6 (a) (i) (ii)

Answer respiration / energy; active transport / active uptake; low to high conc. / against conc. gradient / eq;


Marks 1 2

ignore across concentration gradient 2 Max 4

(iii) chlorophyll / chloroplasts; photosynthesis / absorb light / eq; (b) 1. variation ( in Ash borers) / eq; 2. mutation / mutate(s) / mutated; 3. not eaten / not attacked / avoided / eq; 4. survive(s) / survival /survived; 5. reproduce / breed / mated / multiply / eq; 6. pass on gene(s) / allele(s) / eq; 7. process continues over time / eq;

Total 9 marks

Question number 7 (a) (i)

Answer parents: gametes: a; offspring: aa; Aa A AA a Aa Aa; A Aa

Notes allow parent, gamete and offspring marks in Punnett square if parent genotypes wrong allow ecf to max of 3 for gametes, offspring and phenotypes allow if other symbols used allow other terms for short and average eg achondroplasia and tall only give phenotype mark if it is clear that candidate knows there are three short and one average a statement that the phenotypes are short and average = 0

Marks 4

phenotypes: average;





/ 25% / 0.25 / 1 in 4 / eq;


Question number 7 (c) (i)

Answer always / in heterozygote / in both heterozygote and homozygote / eq; expressed / seen / shown / determines characteristic / develops the trait / (in phenotype) / eq;

Notes ignore stronger / overpowers / masks

Marks Max 2

(ii) 1. those with achondroplasia less likely to have children / reproduce / eq; 2. allele is rare / eq; 3. selective advantage for aa / eq;

allow converse for all points allow health implications for achondroplasia

Max 2

Total 9 marks

Question number 8 (a)

Answer S grid; L A1 A2 scale linear and at least half

Notes annotate using the letters provided extrapolation loses P mark

Marks 6

lines neat and through points; axes correct way round; axes labelled temperature and midpoint/period/year; o C; U P 1795 and 1995 plotted correct; 1695-1720;

(b) (c) (i)

1 allow any oxide of nitrogen ignore contributes to greenhouse effect ignore petrol 1

water vapour / carbon dioxide / nitrous oxide / methane / CFCs / ozone; traps heat / reflects infra red / reflects long wave radiation / contributes to global warming / eq;


(iii) 1. burning / combustion / eq; 2. fossil fuels / coal / oil / gas; 3. cars / planes / factories / trains / power stations / eq; 4. cattle farming / rice farming; 5. deforestation; 6. fridges / aerosols (CFCs);

Total 12 marks

Question number 9 (a)

Answer runners / corms / bulbs / tubers / rhizomes;

Notes ignore cuttings / cloning / vegetative propagation /micropropagation /tissue culture

Marks 1


Feature male gametes

Sexual reproduction in plants (pollen nucleus)

Sexual reproduction in animals sperm; oviduct / fallopian tube / eq;

site of fertilisation ovule;


1. indication of number and size difference; eg .more sperm + smaller / less eggs + larger / more sperm + larger egg / less eggs + smaller sperm 2. sperm: better chance of fertilisation / swim easier / eq egg: more cytoplasm / more nutrition / eq;

Total 6 marks

Question number 10 (a)

Answer stomata / guard cells; spongy (mesophyll) / spongy (layer) / air spaces / eq; moist; thin; large surface area; 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2;;

Notes ignore wide and flat

Marks Max 3


CO2 + H2O C6H12O6 + O2 = 1

allow one mark for correct equation and correct formula and a second mark for correct balance formula wrong = 0 eg. CO2 = wrong but CO2 = correct reject word equation ignore light/chlorophyll/energy


(i) (ii)

dark for 12 hours plus; keep in dark / no light / cover leaf surface / eq; tube of ethanol in water bath = 2 ignore tongs / gloves etc allow black / dark black / dark blue / blue

1 1 3

(iii) boil/heat/warm in ethanol/alcohol; safety: water bath / no flame / eq; iodine; blue black / eq;

Total 10 marks

Question number 11 (a) (i)

Answer (-)10.62 / (-)10.6;; allow one mark for 9.76 or 1.16 in working however used

Notes ignore minus sign ignore additional decimal places ignore idea of high oxygen needed for growth ignore death ignore number

Marks 2

(ii) idea of less oxygen /eq; (less) respiration / energy; low yield / less growth / smaller fish / eq;

Max 2

(b) Method How method increases fish production control disease / kill bacteria / parasites / pathogens / eq; protect fish being eaten by predators / named predator / prevent escape; all eaten / no waste / no decay / less eutrophication / less bacterial growth / eq; ignore competition ignore ref to energy / nutrients ignore overfeeding ignore pollution ignore pepsinogen / trypsinogen accept name of enzyme if in incorrect part of gut

adding antibiotics to the water using nets to cover tanks

feeding small quantities of food frequently


digested / broken down; amino acids / (poly)peptides; stomach; protease / named protease enzyme (ONCE); HCl / acid / low pH / eq; small intestine / duodenum / ileum; bile / neutralise /alkaline / eq; optimum pH (ONCE)

Max 5

Total 12 marks

Question number 12 (a) (i)

Answer hypothalamus / pituitary;


Marks 1

(ii) 1. collecting duct; 2. more permeable / eq; 3. (more) water (re)absorbed (into blood) / blood more dilute / eq; 4. osmosis; 5. urine concentrated / less water in urine / less urine;

1. ignore nephron 2. ignore changes permeability 3. allow water potential concept if used correctly nervous / hormone point alone = accept it is faster assume nerves discussed allow two ways if in same numbered section


1. fast(er) (versus slow(er)); 2. electrical/impulse (versus chemical); 3. neurones (versus blood); 4. short(er) lasting (versus long(er) lasting); 5. target cells (versus all around body);

Max 2


light all around: than start; light from side: darkness: than light all days;

straight and taller grows towards light; straight and taller around after two


down / positively geotropic / toward gravity / eq; anchor / hold plant / stability / eq; (obtain) water / mineral ions / nutrients / eq;

Total 12 marks

Question number 13

Answer C indoors / outdoors / eq;


Marks Max 6

O same species / size / age / breed / gender / eq; R repeats / groups / lots / some chickens / eq; mass / length / eq ; time period stated; one variable controlled; another variable controlled; eg. mass of food / same food / area / water / light / eq ignore temperature ignore environment eg. 2 inside and 2 outside allow if at start or at end at least one day M2 S1 S2


Total 6 marks PAPER TOTAL: 120 MARKS

Further copies of this publication are available from Edexcel Publications, Adamsway, Mansfield, Notts, NG18 4FN Telephone 01623 467467 Fax 01623 450481 Email [email protected] Order Code xxxxxxxx Summer 2012

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