Quebec Twin Sweater
Quebec Twin Sweater
Quebec Twin Sweater
Pat menchini
MATERIALS SKPO, slip 1, K1, pass slipped st Manos del Uruguay Wool over st just knitted; Clasica beg, beginning; Sweater alt, alternate; Main shade (ganges 2106) rep, repeat; 7 7 8 8 8 cont, continue; 8 9 100g Hanks rem, remain(ing); Contrast (mercury 2800) foll, following; 2 2 2 2 2 R(W)S, right (wrong) side facing; 2 2 100g Hanks cm, centimetres; Shoulder Shrug in, inches; Main shade (ganges 2106) M, main shade; 3 3 3 3 3 C, contrast. 4 4 100g Hanks Contrast (mercury 2800) BACK 1 1 1 1 1 Using 5 mm needles and M, cast 1 1 100g Hank on 83 (89: 95: 101: 101: 107: Pair needles each Nos 5 mm, 6 113) sts. mm and 6 mm (UK 6, 4 and 3, 1st Row (WS): K1, (P1, K1) to USA 8, 10 and 10). end. 2nd Row: K2, (P1, K1) to last st, MEASUREMENTS K1. To fit bust 3rd Row: As 1st row but inc 10 81 86 91 97 102 sts evenly across. 107 112 cm 93 (99: 105: 111: 111: 117: 123) 32 34 36 38 40 sts. 42 44 in Length from shoulder Change to 6 mm needles and 68 69 69 70 71 border patt 71 72 cm NB:- Carry colour not in use 26 27 27 27 28 loosely across WS over not more 28 28 in than 2 sts at a time. Sleeve length 1st Row (RS): K, 3M, (3C, 3M) to 47 47 47 47 47 end. 47 47 cm 2nd Row: P, 3M, (3C, 3M) to 18 18 18 18 end. 18 18 18 in 3rd Row: K, 1M, 1C, 1M, (3C, 1M, 1C, 1M) to end. TENSION 4th Row: As 2nd. 16 sts and 20 rows to 10 cm (4 5th and 6th Rows: As 1st and in) over plain stocking stitch us2nd. ing 6 mm needles. 7th Row: K, 3M, (1C, 1M, 1C, Because of the unusual nature of 3M) to end. this hand spun yarn, it is impera8th Row: as 2nd. tive that you check your tension Rep these 8 patt rows twice more, carefully before commencing the then 1st and 2nd rows again. garment. If your tension is too Break C. loose, try a size smaller needle; Change to 6 mm needles and knit if your tension is too tight, try a 1 row size larger needle. Next Row: P7 (6: 5: 4: 2: 0: 10), * P2tog, P2 (2: 2: 2: 3: 3: 2); rep ABBREVIATIONS from * to last 10 (9: 8: 7: 4: 2: K, knit; 13) sts, P2tog, P8 (7: 6: 5: 2: 0: P, purl; 11). st(s), stitch(es); 73 (77: 81: 85: 89: 93: 97) sts. st st, stocking stitch; patt, pattern; i Beg K row cont in st st in M until nc, increase, increasing; work measures 33 cm (13 in) dec, decrease, decreasing; from beg, ending after a P row. yfwd, yarn forward; tog, together; Change to 6 mm needles and
cont in st st with snowflake border 1st Row: 1M, (1C, 1M) to end. 2nd Row: 1C, (1M, 1C) to end. ** 3rd and 4th Rows: In M. NB: Carry colour not in use across WS on next 13 rows over not more than 2 sts at a time. Next Row: K6 (8: 10: 4: 6: 8: 10) M, (work 1st row of chart, K3M) 3 (3: 3: 4: 4: 4: 4) times, work 1st row of chart, K6 (8: 10: 4: 6: 8: 10)M. Next Row: P as last row but working 2nd row of chart. Rep the last 2 rows 5 times more, then first row again but working 3rd to 13th rows of chart. Next 2 Rows: M. Next 2 Rows: As 1st and 2nd. ** Now work from ** to ** once more but reading P for K when working 1st row of chart, and K for P when working 2nd row of chart. Break C. Change to 6 mm needles and cont in M in st st until back measures 68 (69: 69: 70: 71: 71: 72) cm, 26 (27: 27: 27: 28: 28: 28) in from beg, ending after a P row. SHAPE SHOULDERS Cast off 6 (7: 7: 7: 8: 8: 9) sts at beg of next 6 rows, then 8 (6: 8: 9: 8: 9: 8) sts at beg of foll 2 rows. Slip rem 21 (23: 23: 25: 25: 27: 27) sts on a spare needle. FRONT Work as back until front measures 8 (8: 8: 10: 10: 10: 12) rows less than back up to shoulder shaping, ending after a P row. SHAPE NECK Next Row: K29 (30: 32: 33: 35: 36: 38), turn. Cont on these sts for first half of neck. Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 3 rows. 26 (27: 29: 30: 32: 33: 35) sts. Work 4 (4: 4: 6: 6: 6: 8) rows straight. SHAPE SHOULDER
Cast off 6 (7: 7: 7: 8: 8: 9) sts at beg of next and 2 foll alt rows. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 8 (6: 8: 9: 8: 9: 8) sts. With RS facing, slip centre 15 (17: 17: 19: 19: 21: 21) sts on a spare needle. Rejoin M to rem sts and knit 1 row. Complete as first half but working 1 row more before shaping shoulder. SLEEVES Using 5 mm needles and M, cast on 31 (33: 33: 35: 35: 37: 37) sts. Rep 1st and 2nd rows of rib as on back 5 times. Next Row: As 1st row inc 10 sts evenly across. 41 (43: 43: 45: 45: 47: 47) sts. Change to 6 mm needles and beg K row work 8 (8: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2) rows in st st. Cont in st st shaping sleeve by inc 1 st at each end of next row, then on every foll 6th (6th: 6th: 4th: 4th: 4th: 4th) row until there are 57 (59: 57: 53: 59: 67: 73) sts, then on every foll 6th row for all sizes until there are 63 (67: 69: 73: 75: 79: 81) sts. Cont straight until sleeve measures 47 cm (18 in) from beg. Cast off loosely. NECKBAND First join left shoulder. Using 5 mm needles and M, with RS facing, K across sts of back inc 6 sts evenly across, K up 11 (11: 11: 13: 13: 13: 15) sts evenly down left front neck, K across front neck sts inc 4 sts evenly finally K up 12 (12: 12: 14: 14: 14: 16) sts evenly up right front neck. 69 (73: 73: 81: 81: 85: 89) sts. Work 14 rows in rib as on back. Cast off loosely in rib.
SHOULDER SHRUG (2 pieces alike) Using 5 mm needles, cast on 113 (117: 121: 127: 131: 135: 139) sts. Work 5 rows in rib as on back omitting increases. Change to 6 mm needles and st st and beg K row work 2 rows in st st dec 10 (10: 10: 12: 12: 12: 12) sts evenly on last row. 103 (107: 111: 115: 119: 123: 127) sts ** Join in C and work patt band 1st Row: 1M, (1C, 1M) to end. 2nd Row : 1C, (1M, 1C) to end. Break C ***. Work 2 rows straight. Dec Row: (K6, SKPO) 4 times, K to last 32 sts, (K2tog, K6) 4 times. (8 sts decreased) Work 11 rows straight. **** Work from ** to **** once more. 87 (91: 95: 99: 103: 107: 111) sts Now work from ** to *** once more. Work 4 rows in st st. Now work 7 more rows in st st dec 1 st at each end of every K row. 79 (83: 87: 91: 95: 99: 103) sts Next Row: P14 (8: 18: 12: 22:
16: 10), (P2tog, P2) 12 (16: 12: 16: 12: 16: 20) times, P2tog, P to end. 66 (66: 74: 74: 82: 82: 82) sts Change to 5 mm needles and work 2 rows in st st as on back. Next Row (on which holes for cord are made): K2, (yfwd, K2tog, K2) to end. Next Row: P. Next Row: K dec 10 sts evenly across. 56 (56: 64: 64: 72: 72: 72) sts Work 4 more rows in st st beg P row. Cast off. TO MAKE UP Press work on WS. Join right shoulder and neckband. Stitch cast-off edge of sleeves to side edges of back and front. Join side and sleeve seams. Join side edges of shoulder shrug. Using 2 strand of remaining yarn, make a twisted cord approx 182 cm (72 in) long and lace through holes at neck. Using remainder of yarn, make 2 pompoms and attach one to each end of cord. Press seams.
x 12 x x 10 x 8x x 6x x 4 x 2x x 1
x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x 3
x x x
x x x
x x x
x x x x x x x x x x
x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x 13
13 11 9 7 5 3 1 = = M C
x x
x x
x x x
x x x
x x x
x x x
x x x
x x x 5 x x x 7
x x x
x x x
x 9
x x x x x x 11
Important: We recommend buying enough yarn to complete a project. If there is a great difference between skeins, we recommend knitting two rows from one skein and two rows from another skein to give an overall blended effect.
This design must not be knitted for resale. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly forbidden unless prior consent has been given in writing.
credits: Knitwear Design by Pat Menchini for Artesano Ltd. Graphic Design by Fern Spooner Photography by David Hatfull of Diem Photography Artesano Ltd. 2008. These patterns are sold on the understanding that they should not be knitted for re-sale
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