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Tender Category: Public Works National Highway,Percent Rate,B1 Tender,Restricted Currency: Description: Report Title: No. Of Item: Tender Type: Division: Officer: Remark: 1 Restricted Ratnagiri Circle Survasesk_au Locations: Designation: Splitting Rule: NH-17 in Km 292/00 to 300/00 inthe State of Maharashtra.
No Restrictions
Periodical Renewal to Panvel Mahad Panjim Road NH-17 in Km 292/00 to 300/00 inthe State of Maharashtra
Periodical Renewal to Panvel Mahad Panjim Road NH-17 in Km 292/00 to 300/00 inthe State of Maharashtra. Rs. 2,82,32,091.00 1.42 Lakhs 10,000/Class III and above Ten calendar months.
1. All eligible / interested contractors are mandated to get enrolled on the eProcurement portal ( in order to download the tender documents and participate in the subsequent bidding process. For participating in tenders below Rs. 5 crore the registered vendors have to apply for empanelment on the sub portal of PWDNH ( in an appropriate class of registration. The empanelment will have to be approved by the Assistant Chief Engineer, Office of the Chief Engineer, National Highways (P.W.) Maharashtra, Room No. 526, Konkan Bhavan, Navi Mumbai. Only empanelled vendors will be allowed to participate in such tenders. 2. For any other queries regarding on line enrollment on the above mentioned website and digital certificate, please contact to Sify Technoligies Ltd., Nextender (India) Pvt.Ltd on 020-25315555/ 25315556 (Pune) .9167969614, 15 3. All Documents related to Tender are to be submitted by Tenderer online only. In addition, EMD, Tender document fee and Affidavit should be submitted in original before the due date mentioned in tender schedule through speed post/ registered/ in person, failing which online bid of the tenderer shall not be opened. 4. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. Right is reserved to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. 5. The electronic tendering system for national highway works of Govt of Maharashtra will be available on a separate Sub Portal with URL as part of the Electronic Tendering system of Government of Maharashtra which is available on the Portal Sd/Executive Engineer, National Highway Division
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